PACE sIX. | mm---- TRAVELLING. sm ¥ FOUNTING OF CANADA. pro ¥ Se. be | that | sites The sale is now going on in full blast. Thousands of smart buyers have visited this store during the past 2 days, and 'went home satisfied with the Bargains. Come To-Morrow and come carly, Get your shaver=Tt won't last long, Only 7 Days More. on, They found everything just as we advertised. - RAILWAY SR ERE TOWELS three-quarter 300 BOXES LINEN THREADX } 240 YARDS Each hox t spools | SHEETING UNBLEACHED Plain weave, all' dressing, "72 Tales and fringe, 15¢. pair On Sale saturday Only, per pais 180 PAIRS LINEN contains 15x28 "Jubilee" or "Roscan' pure By linen thread, colors hlack, white and drab Regular price 20¢. box. 08 . { free from with red horders inches Regular wide, Regulge jmioe,d 19 price, Bik tn S * Unly, ol On Sale Saturday 3 Only, per box 5 mall meme INSTALLED OFFICERS. REMEMBER THE PLACE GOING EAST. ' Lve, City am City 8S md] ee -- 1.48 ay 4.13 amy No express 2.38 a.m. 8.02 am. 8.18 ¢.m. 8.50 a.m #6 moll wn em 200 p.m. jae pan ¥ 4 fast expres 1. pms 1. p.m #12 local pre 7.08 p.m. 7.88 p.m Now. 1,2,8,4,5 6, 7and 8, rum dally All other trains daily except Sundays For full particulars mpply to J, P. BANLEY, Ageut, corne Johw 80m pnd Ontario streets Bay--Open-| as INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY ~ Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halfax to Liverpool (Canada's Famiocs Train THE MARITIME Budget From Xeelerville. Keelerville, Jan. 22.--William Yate- an, a prosperous young farmer, of . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1908. 1 i } : \ 9 of NEIGHBORS | x \ pa | ! | The Tercentenary to Be Celebrat-| ARTES CTR RR LT | A. ed af Ghebec, ; | Cc RAILWAY | Many appropriate plans have . heen 0 ow y r WwW S 0 { ENTS TELL Us {suggested to the Canadian Battle-| 4 f ©. IN COANECTION WITH i ---- : . 8 Canad tan Pacific Rallway | HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. | Oceyrrences In' The City And! ; the Tencenienary of the founding of Tir i these the one un- | oba, rth-West k ign. Lauds aD 8 oF tele pot re- Interest Easily Read And Re- doutitadly, of the, Erpatest ¥alus combs 1 {from rar stey, who 1s a patron "oO membered : > , | son the sole head of o family, or male Ja:10 Biin--IiXpreag--F or Ditaws, Mot | over 18 years of age to the extemt of cola Ras Ztos {bration in charge. Eail Grey appre- | tom, Toronto, Chicago, Do Se. | or less ns ¥ Items. Rar kin | clates the patriotic value of 'a per y Bauit Ste, arie, wiuth, St. y S t ast 3 ina 3 Sea Application fer homestead entry must , : " AR a "Er saemee. te | Ede iu persob by the applicant ap a! delivered two large loads, of flour anc poses that ibe battlefields of g "5.00 pm.~--Local for Sharbot | % connecting with C.P.R., Fast end West. | Entry by proxy may, however, be made] ,, Wednesday. Mrs. O. Buck was re-| dicited . as: a national 'park, % + - the father, mother, son, daughfer, broths] ol > 00 oO 1 e o 1 ® Passenge Kingston Fg 12 10 | or or sister of an intending homesteader. | ston, on Saturday. ape wo 2 be removed, and that a fireproof mu- 10, & awa at 4. pm. | A ow » i s epeche in which shal ' . \ Betirve 3 p.m. ; Toronto, 7.68! tjon made personally at any sub-agent's | | a juqble cow on Wednesday. seum be erected thereon in which shall | a pm. 50 pos , Boston, Loflice may be wired to the Agent of Howie and family, Erhesttown, spent | Hie ot ber ioe "KIN ha icant, und # the land applied for is vacant | Sunday at {vides for a seven-mile driveway which | Lenve K A | on receipt of the telegram such apphica-| Mo oh and daughter, Eva, visited {hall i 1aid out hy a the Plains | 45 p.m. Leave Ottawa, 10.45 | Wo! de y | be 'held until the pecessary papers : Bm. sirive impute iba Bas ym. Dirget | complete the Lranssction are received by . . {around the plateau overlooking the | 4.16 °p.m., for Pom: | mail. { "personation" From Bicknell's Corners. | St. Charles Valley, In addition to} Port Arthur, Winnipeg amd Paci | n case © perso OF I i : rieit I priovity of claim | a { applicunt. will. jorfeit all D ve| al from around here atiended the con- statue of the Angel of Welcome erect- Nagumatily cancelled. {'cert at Camden East. Mr. Dunn bas ied on the heights pear the citadel, n application i . $ : in ne, shpus BL aa an Some of the neighbors from here went | sailing up the St. Lawrence, making y 0 uinte al way application for cancellation will ve to to Tamworth on Saturday for hay. for the, Dominion a fitting com- y ceived from an individual Stil that op) for Mr. MacDonell, who is moving here | panion New shart line for Tweed, Napanee. mL 7 now.W. Simmons and family and A. | in New York" harbor- This a scheme try is cancelled subsequent s ) | ry ; ond au local poly. ME 10 thetimubhon of Yineeliation procestings, | Emberley and family spent one even-| worth while. It will become the ee to prior right of entry. | Mr, John has returned from Kaladar, | tional confidence, the emblem of as- te in| Mr. | tiona . | Applicant for cahcellation must sta' ein his son Carl has secured a |piration and hope to the immigrant | default, | school. Arthur Parrott is drawing hay | who approaches the dominion's 1 TRUN \ A homesteader whose dntry is not thel i, (umden East. Mrs, W. Dunn spent | pitable shores. The most valuable as val i Depart-| en +d . S------ Sulijec -- ar of Prd friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parrott vis- | the sacred associations and the shrines in if eligible, but to no one else, on Bling Salisbury is able to be out again, [which successive generations bedeck Depot, Foot of Johnson street. declaration of abandonment. { Peter Stover has been drawing corn | them. Na nation has heii ut oecome WES under of the follow-| stalks and hay this week. . . {great .without patriotic ho days GOING 7. 3 jatw whe. Satie ne : y monuments to the country's heroes cen 12.80 a.104 1.02 8.1m. of the land in each A ind Ce \ X 02 a.m, | On end cultivation She l4n oli R 99. 1 {turies behind her, may Canada now | U8 amy 8 year during the term of three years. Ameliasburg, Jan, 22.---/Tbe swinual {50 for her great posterity a memor- | sires, perform the required residence | 4 ygccess ; proceeds $110. The enter- «| duties by living on faruding land owned... were from Toronto. "The first | acres in extent, in the vicinity of hi | : { a homestead, Joint ownership in land will held and F. File has been appointed | = f i | 4 or, h ol | : : . ian a Tai or ower, lt val (LY Sik: Lurks onerel | i © Poor ~ 180° Princess oo») 3 A : vwned solely by bim, not less than| the township held for him, He bad|ing of Court Arlington, No, 3842, In : eighty (80) acres in extent, in the viclulj he.n for many years township clerk, | depéndent Order of Foresters, Leld . Between Redden's and Crawford's stead entered for by him in the vicinity, | filling the position : « | J such homesteader may perform his own | could. His remains were interred « at lowing officers were installed by Court | ' . +h Deputy W. I*. Bracken, for 1905: © or lor Mother) | nual supper Mond igh The peo- 4 7 oninds oth wo | supper onday night. he peo 4 \ Am ain 1s to the death of the oldest|R.5., E. T. Moore; Fin, Sec., W. Like = ing not more than nine wiles in a direct | daughter of John Kinnear, of Melville, | ly; Treas., A. Neal; orator, W. Brick; | CONDUC I ED BY line, exclusive of the width of 'road al who died in Toronto, and whose re (5) A homesteader intending to perform | ; interred in S.B., George C. Moore; J,B., G. his residence duties in accordance with tery. Farmers are still unable to get| Moore; physicians Drs. Elliott and 0, ras yJnnd Owned bY. hamusit mus | of frosted wheat came in the village |ist, Mrs. E. M, Bracken. Alter the in- . stallation the members and their Before making application for pat { one hundred sat down and partook of / an excellent oyster supper which had | Jd. H. MAR 4 IN, Mgr. the supper was disposed of a short | . Look for the Red Sig | i : | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- xiv york Colliers | Synopsis of Canadian North sest : the- | | fields Association for the celebration Any even numberod section of Domin-| » yiginity. Other Brief Items of! Canada. Among ; ® . : TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : i served, may be homestended by any per-| ; f { this association, which has the oele-| ® Denver, Hen | Ono-quarter section, of 160° acres, more x Collins Bay, Jan. 23.--A. | | petuating commemoration. He : u San Francisco i . a ortiand, snd Lake, | Dominion Lands Ageney or Sub-agency.| feed to- Newburgh and Camden East { F nd the Plams of Abraham 745 an. Mixed--For Renirew and in- [at an Agency om certain conditions by| oq t the General Hospital, King-| e factories on these historic An application for entry or cancella-|ynaedy recovery. A. : : Montreal, 6. George Ibe 'stored the historical mementoes of | ' p A | Sub . owe of the . . i '8 . mg St, John 11.20 a.m {| Sub-agent, at the expe he rothir's, A. Howie, | Canada's past am. arrive | land will | ; : Ottawa, 4 is to have priority and tie to Ot Bath on Wednesday, down as far as Waolie's Cove- and | Songesth No. } leave Renfrew, : ' : V + or fraud thei . vell's Corners, Jan. 23.--Sever-|qll this, he wishes to have a colossal | », BORWAY. Gen, Puss Agent. |or if entry has been granted it will -------- : | for cancellation must be), J .wing lumber from Yarker. where it can be seen hy all the ships | eligible for homestead entry, " e to the: Statue of Liberty plication bas been disposed AY ICR BON, Ageot BG. RY i: the licant for cancellation will be et ipg last week at Mr. and Mrs. Dunn's [insignia of Canadian pride and na ti what particulars the homesteader is in! where hos- | subject of cancellation proceedings may | last Friday at Newburgh, visiting'sets of any nation are the traditions, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister! jted at J. Simmons' on Monday. Miss | made holy by aecumulatory love with rains will leave and mrrive ad City DUTIES --A settler is required to per-| | and | Lye, City Arr. CIty 170 [At jeast six months' residence wpe ' Doings At Ameliasburg. land achievements. With three mo. | (2) A bumesteader may, il he so de| agricultural society entertainment wa [able and insgiring "thing, k t; 80) | solely by him. uct less thai Sighty (el) meeting of the new council has been | uot meet this requirement. | township clerk, The large funeral An Event at Seeley's permanent residence on farming land] spect and esteern that the people of | Seeley's Bay, Jan. 22.-At the meet Ny he omen A Seo] few others | Friday evening, January 10th, the fol Groceries. residence duties by living With the fath-| Salem. The workmen hold their an R., Hiram, Moore; V.C.R., E. 8S. Ames; preceding paragraphs is defined as mean-| Plo regret S.W., William Dean; J.W., E. Brady; -- lowamce crossed in the measurement. | main were Picton * sie the above while living with parents or out wood from the swamps. A carload | Gardiner; U.D., George Moor, organ: ! he Montreal Brokera ec Co imgention. | to-day, la : : ¢ families and friends numbering nearly 1 been provided for the occasion. After | WOLFE ISLAND COUNCIL. the settler must siye six months' notice | in writing to the Commissioner of Do-| minion Lands at Ottawa. of his inten-| programme was given and short ad- dresses given by Rev. T. Meredith, Dr. Elliott and others interspersed by fine |] tion to do so. Im SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-|(his place, and Miss Alemeda Uptu- musical selections, vocal and instry- mental, by the orchestra and others. WEST MINING REGULATIONS. |grove, ui California, were united in COAL~Coal Minin rights may bel matrimony at the Methodist parson- leased Jor o period 4 Oe Fon age at Elgin, on Wednesday, Jnnuary mora than 2,560 acres shai! be leased to} Sth. Immediately after the ceremony one individual or company. royalty at| the bridal party left for Brockville, ibe rate of five cents per ton sell bel and other eastern ts, On their | The proceedings were closed by sing- alleen the Serchaiuie con. nag return to the groom's home a recep- [ing the National Anthem: age or over, having discovered an in| tion was held. The farmers are very | An anti-treating league is being or- place, may locate a claim 1,500x1,500| busy drawing firewood. The sleiching | ganized here. Special meetings are be- 1 is excellent for that purpose. A large | ing held in the Methodist church the past week and will be continued this week. The case between Bracken vs Kenny has been settled out of court. --Accounts. Passed Mr. Jenkips, Kingston, is opening up| wie joo 0 13. Newh Yoo a gents' furnishing' store here in Geo. | Qlie (SLANE, x an. a awly e ect Choethem's building lis week. ed council met. Present: Reeve, eat. The fee for recording & claim is $5. At least $160 must he expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may upon having apurvey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 per acre. driving party from the north shore drove to the residence of John Banks last Friday evening, and a jollv time was spent in dancing and other #muse- ments. David Sleeth has done the first threshing for the year 1908. | Appointment of Officers Left Over GRAY'S LJames ~MeAHister, and councillors, ---- ---- - EXPRESS The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 2§ per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 vitig MONTREAL Fridays, st 12.00 Md Passengers baggage and mails, reac ing the steamer's at HALIFAX the following Satur afternoon. id BOL. RAINS car passengers term of twenty years, ht A is ae tonm- | discretion of 'IM § | terior. . The feet square ; legsce shall have a dredge in ation within ope season from the of the leasé for each Hve miles. $10 per annum for each mile of leased. Royalty at the rate of 2} cent collected on the output after it e ceeds $10,000. we W. W. CORY; i a nnect with the MARL - Tira in Bs arrival of the steamer, Jak- commeotions for Ottawa, Toronto, and points West. i TICKETS AND FURTHER IN- TION, apply to nearest GRAND RAILWAY AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office : 141 St, James St. advertisement will pot be paid for, EDUCATIONAL. QUEBEC 5.8. COMPANY BERMUDA nas hours from New York : a x 4 A dina. 5 300 toma: Hailings ry Sat- prday at 10 am. Bermuda to Nassau, Bahamas 8.8, "Trinidad" fortnightly in February and March. West India Cruises from New York Naw Steamer "Oulana,'" 3.700 tons, "wi all up-to-date improvements and other first-class sleamers sail from New York every 10 days. ® 1 you wish to be successful at- « tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, 5 CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE # business school, Bookkeeping, @® shorthand, typowriting, tele @ graphy, and all commercial @ Sub) ts thoroughly taught by competent experienced teachers. : Pay and night classes. Enter - retes time. tes very moderate. to ® "Bhone, 440. phlets giving well) jntormasion aopiy BRIDGE & On ts, | @ i. P. METCALFE, President. eh DHS, fey Ques: | § J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. a 200000000000 000000000 to Tie Agents, J. ard. P, GIL ERSLERY of A entry fee $5, renewable yecar- Yn applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a renewable at the the Minister of the In- oper- date Rental river per X= Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. NB Unautnorised publication of this i oN Royal j ALLEN 533" LINE ... TO LIVERPOOL: From Se. Jom Halifax. © Edy , T. N. STOCKDALRE, , "Phone, 680. & AMAA LS LASER INNS There are two machines sawing wood in this vicinity. John Robb is making preparations for building a large bank arn in the spring. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taber and som, Robert, of Athens, at J. E. Anglin's: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Loucks, of Saska- toon, on a visit among friends; Mr. and Mrs. James Clark of Cedar Lake, at Robert. Bole's; Mrs. William Me- { Hiroy, of Seeley's Bay, at John Pat- | terson's; Donald Sleeth at - David | Sleeth's; Frank Mecliroy, home from | the west to spend the winter with his | parents, One machine, cmploying but fifty men, dug in November, 1906, nearly one-third the amount of The whole Panama excavation for that month, on the new Frie barge canal. Now we read in the annual message of Gover- | nor Hughes that, of the $141,000,000 {voted by referendum in 1903 for the | improvement of the 442 miles, cam- | prising the Erie, Oswego and Cham- plain canals, $15,000,000 have been al- lotted in eighteen contracts, and all of them are in the full swing of ad vanced execution. The work has been Rushing A Great ng bu | engineer's figures, that despite the in- creased cost of labor and material, 2,000,000 have been saved on the pre liminary estimate. The canal locks, owing to the economy, are to be en- larged. to admit barges of 2,200 tons, instead of the 1,000-ton carriers orig- nally contemplated. Measured by the standard of results, the progress al- ready achieved on the new harge canal, renders it one of the most notable of undertakings. Forget Your Stomach. Have a stomach that promptly snd thoroughly digests your food withous discomfort. Ii your digestion is dis ordered use Day's Dyspspsia Cure and realize how much di oe it makes to have a stomach you are able to forget. ! This preparation has Digestive, To- [nie and tive properties. Each ibottle contains sixteen days' treat. iment. For sale only at Wade's drug store, The G. I', R. surveyors are rveving D.__ Cosgrove { several different lines in this district Hess Hogan let at a price 86 much below the state | E. A. Putnam is again very ill, hav- ing taken a relapse and is in a seri ous condition. A game of hockey was played here on Gilbert's ripk last Saturdav, between Delta and Seeley's Bay and resulted in favor of Delta, the score being 2 to 1. R. Bracken has his new house nearly completa i William Fawcett, Grant Grimshaw and {George Keys. Minutes last meeting confirmed. Moved, Keys Grimshaw {and resolved, that the appointment of tall township officers be laid aver to inext meeting. Accoymgs ordered paid British Whig, printihg, $78.30; Robert Grimshaw, deputy returning officer, $6 85; 'William. Bulls, %6; James O'Brien, $6; Mrs. McCaul, charity to Norris, $36 {James Swift & Co., wharf wait ing roam, $100. | Moved, Keys-Fawcett, and that these steamboat accounts | paid C. E. Cummings, one month, 850: D. Pike, four days, mate, $5.33; iJ. F. Medley, twenty-seven days, mate, i%36; R. Mullin, one month, engineer, | 866466; T. Possie, thirty-one days fire (man, $36.16; T. Possie, care of wait- ling room, 85; H. C. Hogan. thirty one days, deckhand, $20.66; R. Bus- { tard, thirty-one days deckhand, $20.66 tP. McDermott, four dave, deckhand, |85: G. Keegan, thirty-one days, pur ser, 831; Mrs. Hagarty, thirty-one days, cook, £20.66; Mrs. Rawley, wash- ing, £81.70; Thomas Possie, loading hav, 50c.; J. B. McDonald, two and a thall days, . carpenter, $5; G. Keegan, | 754 meals, $9168: D1. Bustard, nine - imonths eighteen days, %5 per month for full season, $48; H. €. Hogan, three months sixteen days, 85 for {full season; $17.67; James McGrath ifwo months nineteen days, 85 per Simple shaping characterizes this month for full season, $13.30: Calvin blouse, which has a broad tock on ('o., amount of account. $56.90 Queen each 'shoulder, so ns to afford a slight | City 0il Co., amount of ateount, $9. fullness both in front and ats each side (20; Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co, in the back. It is drawn down closely [lumber $3.41: W. A. Mitchell, shovel at the waist by gathers caught to the and broom, $1.25. J. Swift & Co. foundation. The closing is made at %0al to Dee. 30th, $238.05: Jackson the back, so the plain space in front Press, printing, $10: Canadian Free decorated with hand embroid- | man, $10; Whig Pablishing Co., $31, ery. The sheet. slesves were finished io MeRelvey & Birch, amount of ac with a band of hand embroidery. The 00mnt, $41.56. material vised for this waist wis pale] Moved; Keys-Gimshaw, and' rosol blue liberty satin, ved, that E. Briceland's account for | (8100 and expenses to Ottawa, be laid | You Ca : jover to next meeting. Moved, Grigm- Fine furs at _--e Dor manufactur {shaw Fawcett, and resolved, that the aii ay y : oy © illor Keys be empow- * ol jreeve and ouncillo ys be empow ony at Campbell Bros.' clearing ered to deal with the suit pending | ATA with the Cataraqui Bridge Co. Coun 15e. (61 adjourned to the lst Monday in "February, at 10 a.m. Ladies' Overblouse. and resolved, be Morton's 25¢. English pickles, t Gilbert's, Germany sends 29,000,000 feathers; per year to England for millinery pur-| Closing Of Baltic Denied. poses, statement has been jssued denying the reported existence of © an agreement, | between Russia, Sweden and Germany | {making the Baltic a closed sea. The! ' agreement signed by these three pow- | j ors it described 2x "'mutnal recogni {tion of that principle laid down by! { Bpain in nobis exchanged by her in 11007 with Prance and Great Britain." | Denmark it is said, is taking no part { in the negotiations, which are tilly proceeding. i Tend at Gilbert's in 1908, with om. | {phase on the 8, and you'll find every. | A Russian does hacome Syrup of w-- } ¢ St Petersburg, Jan. 24.---An official Red Spruce Gum A safe, sure and prompt cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Throat Affections. 25¢. and soc. a bottle. At all drug stores. Bronchial 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000VE0R0000000000000.0000000, AT ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE SATURDAY You should make it an appoint to call at our store and see the wonderful Bar- gains we have. Below we can only men- tion a few of them, MEN'S "BERESFORD" 85 PATENT COLT BLUCHERS Only MEN'S Sale MEN'S Sale £3 98 BOX © Price BOX Price Remember, Every Shee in Our Store is Reduced WOMEN'S 8 BATENT COLT BLUCHERS : Sale Price aie aoe . $1.98 WOMEN'S 81 PATENT COLT, AND VICI KID SHOES: - Sale Priee ALE AND GUN MIGPAL BIA CH BRS 84 . . " 3.00 CALF BLUCHERS-83 value 82149 WOMEN'S 8.568 PATENT COLT, AND VICI KID SHOES Sale Price cosiimion a WOMEN'S $3 VICI Kib, FINE HIGH Sale Price . is 'ie . * WOMEN'S 8250 FINE KID BLUCHERS Patent Toes, Good Sole Sale Price kc ava, $5 LEATHER SUIT CASES Z CVI es iii im Srnsurris renee $5 LEATHER 1FAND BAGS Real Leather Lined Price - ' wa . $5 CANVAS, Bale Price LACED BHOES- Sule TRUNKS Real Goud Values Many Other Bargains. See Our Windows for Bargains. Abernethy's ENE 00000000N0000 NITRA N000000000000000R00000000000000000000 of ss] he is Gia Lg : % SABC 00000000RL0RENNRETI000000900000000000