Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1908, p. 7

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3a -- 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY,- JANUARY 24, 1908 ES hte I ---- ---- rms HUNTING. GRA "= - To-Morrow's Big Shoe Sale PLLL000044004040006 b+ > 3 i . | ious Sporting Fields. i {BRITISH COLUMBIA INDIAN Sutton and Slosson are now: tied in! 1 WANTED FOR SHOOTING. { their billiard match, Sutton winning -------- \ {the sixth game at New York py 500) i : a ; oto 41, The Pursuit Has Cost the Province | The, Vancouver Rowing Club ex " Thirty. Thousand Dollars--! oi to engage Uharks Stephenson | Fourteen Men Now Scouring ihe ex New Zealander, now with Har the North Country For the|vard to coach for the coming sum-| mer. ve. * » = " Fugitive Ottawa Free Press. "Marty" Walsh {| Vancouver, Jan. 23.-One of the] pas probably solved the hoodoo Wire most costly and laborious man-hunts | plem. He has put his hand on every | | that ever took place in Northern Brit. | bump, in town and Saturday will wear | {ish Columbia is that after the Indian, | jis sweater inside out. and «ross his } {Simon Gun-a-Noot, who a year aio | invers. | {last July shot Alexander Melntosh Utiawa will probably accept the Big Inducements to buy your ® land Max Leclaire and fled to the hills terms offered them and the Montreal . Shoés here To-morrow. Kvery- body who has attended our siutasied bs tie provincial govern: ary J0th. The clubs have been offex. | RED LET EH SHOE 8A LE Hugitive in vain, and the expenditure wo Fh ning Sky pe Sen. do winners | . ~ BE has gone away convinced of one [in money hus 'been over $30,000. Aq | Be rie' ob Caltie Po ire | ; thing in particular ond that is 2 present. the Sxpeditionary Joie. wou on New Years Day, on the oocasion| § . "This is a genuine Price Reduc- the interior. During the summer and |" the votha match tween (eltic] % : : - ing Sale." Eve art i {fall months the provincial police at and Glasgow Rangers, afounted to » £ Dale. = nvery carton in our | Hazelton prepared for the hunt, which £1,244, and stands £400 axtra, which | i hil store has the price marked in i a record for Scotland in a clab | fii {hs been prosecuted vigorously during witch" and resrisent : i | is . £ . - ye / i NITES $ i plain figures, consequently {the winter months. They had a pack n 0 I § an attendance | : jteam of fourteen hor ses steadily en Th ' En Bucbal ! j or 5 fgaged conveying provisions, ammuni- 1.0 astern ane wall League Sensun | ; tion, etc., to the numerous caches | "ill open this year on Phuesday, Ap } d , » 4; fthey established. So far the only, re- | Fil 23rd, or Friday, April 24h. This) : [sult of the hunt has been the capture | 5 a couple of days eaclier Than usual, | of the Indian who has been trading | 80d just a week after' Good Friday. . i¥ é the furs which Gun-a-Noot and. his | foronto, will his year open in the party bave taken during their ab- | Past, a deparflive from jast IE, when they began at Rochester, . > The Pittsburg hockey eague, a four ' L : : THE WHIG'S JUMBLE 3 cua combination, ad hy ME of the greatest things Mr. Edison has | Ton About £Lot of Tnings da (PLATS not Suancelly' tice | dont is to produce in his Phon ograph an Short Metrs 15 understood that one team, the P | es FO,000 tons of sugar|{A. C., will be dropped. Grindy Fox : : : ' - ---- te is ken ey tees. | il €ntertainer which is as much at home in the CLLLLLL 0040000008080 We are going to offer you in the Sea Lake ower bs is said Wanglerers for a match in Sherbrooke | that the" Thage #8 the ngest every open' the new rink there on Janu- | CIPI IIIII III PIII I III IIe when we offer you | 25 PerCent Discount Or in other words one-fourth off of original price, it's a very dull person indeed who cannot 4 ; ; out the pi offered. * | sence jam-making ! | The first photographs were taken in| and gone to Winnipeg. Edgar Dey, of | . . + . | England in 1802. the Pirates is the latest play ) be | h 1 ha h 3 d | In oe tralia there are nearly 247,000 oh iodo : a player Wo in { cottage as in t Cc pa ace, Ww C 1S just as £00 . m than ronan, Toronto Globe : The Ottawa Club . - . | Gilbert's well-dressed windows are] lft the C.A.A.L . rather ti xidod d h | ] ] v ] {attracting attention. See them this [jg disqualified members, bat it did | at ren cring t c atest popu ar song or a Ive Y | week, not join the Federation though it in-! It requires fifty pounds of enndle to} lades a number of professionals in ite | waltz as it 1 in giving grand opcra. It is the | produce as' much light as 1,000 cubic membership. Nobody ever joins the | {feet of was ~ Federation, and it is not likely that | 1 4 f h { Saturday last day of our twenty I'reasurer Spriggings ever recived popular entertainer in cvery sS€nse O t c word, [het i Hiseoun sale, at the Loe one cent of income in the way of fees = dis ett Shoe Store. unless from the Montreal A. A, fo 1 1 h 51 d h kl " | Legal forms are procurable at thefwhich the Federation oa seit" and its price, €ither cash down or on the wee 5 y {Whig office. You can save money by | horse. : > buying these at home. Toronto Werld : If yo e spe | b 1 1 1 | i . f c 1 | A snail stident has ascertained that Bt spin for you have go pe ! payment pP an, rings it wit in reach O a » ! Lit takes the little creature fourteen lernoon, let me tip you to an attrac {days to travel a mile. tion" which at first thought may not | i Tg leretlo, or Shipwosm wseiich, 1 appeal, says one who likes hockey andy » Hear it at your nearest dealer's or write to jthe days when vessels were made of | helieves there is only one place 1 rr . : { timber, was responsible for more dis Canada. He says : foe mock mie : us today for illustrated booklet about it. | asters than any other CAuSC----18 NOW | amateurs, not to mention collegians, threatening the Canadian timber | 'sn rarity in this vicinity Saturday 3 . Si 2 trade fternoon Harvard tea hi Y S i 1 ( ) | i | {i IY ( YW ( , : : sam, which looks t | ot Harlnlt De Bille; whe Eponks good as a championship pos sibility e X u eCo {at the gle ub. concert, ursday | on account of its regent + ictorjes, will meet the crack Canadian team from ; FVIII IPIIIIIIIISIIIIII III IIe The Sale Will Close In a Very Few Days And you will regret the last opportunity un [ess you come now and select your purchases. re, - Every pair of Shoes in this stock, including the newest and snappiest lines of Queen Quality and best Men's American Shoes at 25 Per Cent Off | You save One-Fourth., Be Wise. Buy Now. {evening, the North Bay Bespatch says "He possesses a fine address, a voier Cm i 4 | MeGill University, of Montreal Las > 3 . | icasing pusity und colle, and o { eu' the Canam Ten, Last HE way to get pleasure out of an Edison Phonograph is to po ! on Ot . oF -. * Hook foolish, but you will see me at . . rs . : * { Every number drew forth all rounds of : : a et ne a 4d: ; - . Pp > tr i applause that could, aly be repli to 0 Fink in the Siadiam rooting. lox keep on using it. The Phonograph is new every time you put ---- a new Record in it. New Records are issued every month. All by repeated encores." COMMERCIAL MATTERS. APTER FORTY YEARS, the great popular hits, vocal and. instrumental, and a --€ertain | What is Going on in the Business) G: F. Deane Has Resigned From Cp aly 1 "gre a RQ > FS Woke Marvets. His Ofiey | amount of classical music that never grows old, are issued every The carnings of the Montreal Street | Lansdowne, Jan. 28.--~The {wre of month in Edison Gold Moulded Records. Here is the { Railway company for the week ending | the late Mabel Heasly was held iu the [lanuary ISth, cached $62,257.90, an | Methodist church, Saturday, and was | B list for Februaty. Read it over, check off what you jisremas of $4,171.35. largely tidaded: Deceased © way just | | he--Premier Diamond Mining com. | out of her teens and was of a quiet *1 aa " "i > le { pany, of London, BhGUnces Fur the, retiring disposition, but the it | like, and 48 soon as you can get to his store ask youg treduction fn the output of dimmonds | white plague claimed her, At the rink. | {anti the prevailing depression in the | Saturday night, the St. Lawrence hoe | gem market is over key team, Gananoque, defeated the During last year shipments from the } Ramblers by six to two. It was muck + | Cobalt camp were 14,813.13 tons, a} the result of hard luek, as Turner, oi | on "Where the Bargains Come From." ere tne pargains vome rrom, very considerabl: increase over those | the Ramblers, was injured in the las : Love Yen Sa . v Tine Hinkl d . ' Like the Roses Miss the Rain , . \, Reed Miller * VOIPIPII III III III II PIPPI IIIS IPI fol the previous year. Some of the | hali and had. to retire, His loss was oy ag nent Peal, 5 ¢ Brockman | 3763 The Little Old LogCatin in the Lane i } } dealer to let you hear them, < ® inthe Avg Edison Concert Band rea Stella Tobin Around Here Since ['ve igen Gone 975 ¢ Anthony and Harrison Billy Murray 976 Edward M. Paver i} 3 r 4 'olka ( Accordion) . + + Jolin Kimmbie FIVIFIIIIIIINNNIINIINIIIIIN III IRI IIe FER | smaller mines started to send out ory keenly fill. However, the fame was Edison Male Quartette 2 | , Everything now points to the Drum | very good and fairly clean. The mans | Po sion of An tour Night At the Yaudey ay Ora | 5 niler { Ranje we L. Onan T'wo Little Raby Shoes Ryron G. Harlan August and Katrina , . . , o and Len Spencer Much Obliged to You + « Arthur Collins ?» King of Rags + « + « Edison Military Band ---- rt ---- A ------a---- et en = [mond Mines company establishing | patrons of our fair will regret to learn | 5754 Take Me Wi Prize Competition No. 2--------Closes Saturday, eltitip works in the vicinity of Bath-| that G. F. Deane, the well-known see | WV | > l urst, in congection with ity re | retary treasurer, Las vesigned after February 29, 1908. j Grand Falls, on the Nipisiguit river. | humide beginning he has seen the fair Go to your dealer or write today and get these Wg DEsirg Goop, Live Deavrers To srt Epison - "3 r 3 i Rod Ww Liste aman Wanamaker carries more | grow till now it is the best townshiy. | three booklets: CoMPLETE CATALOGUE, SUPPLE. PHONOGRAPHS in every town where we are not Life } * [Lik insurance than any other person ir | fair in Eastern Ontario, He resigms « Pr Th il ted Dealers havi estat >. 14 erie is icies rorrooa te the de : oh m . MENTAL ATALOGUE and he IONGORAM icy NOW weil represen . ca 8 ng 8 J Ta AN opportunity is. again afforded 10 all who uso ORANGE MEAT to Janjurica ih poli ie aggregate 34, tha work with much regret, but the i abost oe Rc id abd Bi y : A a 2 MK wilie at ore © 8 'participate in another contest in furnishing the last fine of a Limerick Lor: 1 usatid Be aun Tromak increasing work iv proving too severe tell about ali th ¢ 3, ! and new ished stores should write at on ) - j¥7. 1% Insure yo e po a stra, amd he hopes to see a young . 1 . CONDITIONS [icies of President Roosevelt aggregate [er man 'in his place. His place will be | National Phonograph Company, 100 Lakeside Ave. Orange, N. J, U. S. A. Buy a package of Orange Meat. Cut off the bottom of the box (on | 353.000 : ea hard to fill as he was always courte | . ee eins ain---- which there is stamped a nhimber). Cut out the whole of this advertise: | Estimated loss to Sovereign bank | ous, efficiont and at his post of duty Pr ~ Rp Ee ------ iyi ment. Fill in the last line in the Limerick and sead the Carton bottom [ shareholders Highest capital, $4000 . Misson Viva awd Florence Dixon, of - -- -- -- tt aac EE ET ------ with the Limerick and Ten Cents in silver (STAMPS NOT ACCEPTED) to | 909; written off for losses, 81,000,000] Mallorytown, spent Sunday with theiy | Ne ORANGE MEAT LIMERICKS, Kingston, Ont. {reserve wiped out, $1,255.000; capital | uncle, 8. C. E. Dixon. Mis: W. McCaw ~~) You are at liberty to send as many finished Limericks ax vou please, | at time of liquidation, $3,000,000 e8 | andMiss Moore, Carleton Place, * are * 9 but each must be accompanied by a carton bottom and Ten Cents in sil | imated loss on this at 350 a share | (he guests of Mrs. (Rev.) Thomas cli al cS ver. A A---------- including premiums, %1.500,000. total Leach J. Gare is "suffering with : ia The slecision of the Judges appointed by! the * Orange Meat Company | 105% to yt ureholgary in two year's! grippe. Mrs: Nelson ~ Gilbert, Prock™] : . must be final in every respect : time, $3,775,000. ville, is guest of Mrs. W. P. Moore Te Ea The whole of the money received will form the prize money and will be " x Gordon Peck has. moved into his new . divided among the first thirty senders of the best last lines Fb When a pessimist expects to be dis | Posidence, HAVE appointed he is dismppointed if he! On the 17th inst. at Athens, Miss | YOU No dedueti or will be > for expense RANGE AT is 3 | a ET TE WEE WE rr rs, ORANGE WAT isn, Hattio M. Bullis and Gordon Landon | ach, i adn a ----nll anc ' were united in the bonds of ~ matri kh f {) a 7 0eSsS » i is | ' mony. The groom is one of our su i | Don't Condemn Yourselt : | |» n . > cessful young men, highly esteemed by LIMERICK 24-1-L t B icht' Di ities. The chy ¢ bride is als Ht i = 1 The man who would always succeed Ey 0 right Ss isease a ™ es ang Sis "i . snd dullness t : . F WwW. iit : y wok ; For Men omen RANGE Fr comed. They will reside on the old 'senstipated i = th HA IeaYS WoW Te TAKE GIN PILLS NOW homestead, while Ar, and Mrs. J.B. 3 i or it gives ® clear brain { J . Landon will shortly move. into their ~ - Without which it is vain - |. Bright's Disease claims its thousands | new residence here. The Church of i : re ETT er ie------ yearly solely because people won't heed England concert on Tuesday evening i = . salure's warnings. 5 2a lin the town hall, was u success. fin. i - . # : = .. I agree to abide by the decision of the Judges ripointed by the ( Pain in the Lack and constant head. |, el PRS a Meas yo eg Ww dex ! udges zipoia by 'the Orange sihes wean Kidney Trouble Swollen ancially and amusingly. . . diet, el ar es » Y k 3 Signature (Me, Mrs, or Miss). ; ni hands 2s Roba fn 2 n pn Haitian Bevoletion Sweadice. '| {cently acquired rich iron deposits at | over forty years. of service, From a i ---- irate a host of friends for his sterling qual © Steeet "and Number 1... " i re 10 urimate--urine "hot and scald! Washington Jan. 24.--Dis h lg fis : | 0 shington, Jan. 24.~Dispatohes re {CCSSOrS , J. MeDerme 11 Pritierss Stree Town or City ... . hg-Sticen Kidney Trouble. Neglecting] ceived at the stat department indi | Buccessors to D. J feDermott, 1 mm « oy rect . IN ADDITION to the prises given for the Limerick there will be din. |4 a Lixhi's Disease. | cate that the Haitisn revolution is Sihatid THIRTY-THREL CASH PRIZES, amounting to Seventy Dollars. 2 35 know Your kidneys re aleced A sling from the Vitetn tn, the | to the part sending int large num carton bottoms, whether or them the belp they need--GIN F Nac 2 Ge ; Bot th tmrtiipate n the Limerick comes. : Bra" Taking OI PILLS wopmang]| oo" i rom Comal Livingston i Canada Life Assurance Compan i The! Soaoipl, Pride. a Li + Ca Soothes the irritated, inlammed volationary forces 'were in possession . ! SIXTY YEARS OLD The Third Prite -. . : ~ B90 Cash of the "neighboring villages~ apd that "8 | ASSOLE (OVEL) =cvvemsccromavat ose vases §115,000,000.00. . Thirty Prizes of $1.00 cach sevens 3000 Cash bladder trouble : Cape Haitien was threatened. , | Insurance in force (Over) ----~« *%= "sscccs-a- § 32,000,000.00. NI A dispatelr was also recsived at the | gob i Bolders (overs ** - § 8,000,000.00. £70.00 ple navy department from Commander Prdfite Fail valley 'your A why not have the best." £0 ks . a - Marvell of the gunboat Fagle saying " , If you would like to represent 7% Company as Agent call in the The party sending in the largest number of carton bottoms will receive thet he bad arrived at St. Marc and 5 ; I offic Ys Market street, Kingston and satisfactory arrangements the First Price. The Second Prize will be awarded to the next in order, | ; bad found the situation thers quiet be made, : ; ee ete. ; Fo oR ' and satisfactory and had proceeded to an . J. 0. HUTTON, : Jumbo, or 1 of ORANGE MEAT will count equal to -; Gonaives. . Wanager. Kingston District. Thee * the : Jona or Si . i : : St. Marc, according to dispatches re o : weenie Yeats will 'close on Mth, and only those will be count: the government forces. and tha ' wae. o prive Sintiure will be published later. These two com. ceived yesterday, had been i = _ that re mailed on or before that date. punhing morthward slong Pig Copper, Lead; Tin, Antimony oO id : : const' of Haiti toward Gonaives. Tt is i an . ; nd .- ny expeoted that 4 conics may tad] | ard Zinc. Wey Aside Toronto, Ont

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