~ . ger : 5 PAGE TWO. . - "THE DAILY 'BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY; JANUARY 25 1008. \ a ---- Es ® iy minutes. Vaisity, Harold Clarke, al J | Straight-Minded People." Sunday Bassssasbrsasstbstbes : and 2 minutes; Martin, 3 minutes; rr school apd Bible class, 3 pam; "18 - . : 4 B : Davjdson, 4 minutes i 1 h dies in gospel of John; prayer meet- | » t -- rns § ---- irig, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.' Strangers Gold 1 Quick ease for the worst cough----quick | The il. | : cordially invited to all the services. | n rebef to the heaviest cold--and SAFE DEFEATING QUEEN'S BY It was ju hay 1s Deal, Rich THE FULING OFTHE PULPIT "Sydenham Street Methodist hunch : : to take, even for a child GHT % 1 . " So 4 : 3 RR . Rev. Charle Sykes B.D. ste down bott That FA Shiloh's Cure Cures El TO SIX. ardson called the playesd 1 the cen i : 0 ow Min p Bi ii BD as - |» Guwili ht WA on " Sold under a guarantee Coughs tre of the joe for final ietractions i | morning and evening service, Rev. W » g ; of the sea under three 30 sure colds and couhe & Cold The Contest Was Very Fast and Faraity von the tous ang hos to de-| The Themes That Will Be Present: R Young, D.b gos St. James | ® : s ' hundred feet of water is the quick er than any other back 0 5 Exciting--GQueen's Led Till the feud the Lom thern x al. bons. ail ed tp Worshippers--Assemble church, Mont real P Subscriptions nd) WERE REPRE ERE Ee favorite home of the codfish. is OF Your mney Jeary Middle of the Second Half, rushed for a s goal The ush was | in the Houses of Prayer. { collections in behalf of the Missionary | Mrs. Thomas Lambert, ( lergy street The ice-cold water of Norway Society. Bible school at 243 p.m was at home to, a very large num { and the North Atlantic is his of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 25¢ , . . : When They Succumbed. . intercepted, and for a few moments| St. James' church~The Bishop of , the play was general. George broke [Ontario will preach in the morning. Ret. Ur, Ryckman will lead the men's ly. of fronds, on Thursday after joy. He has the power to grow Queen's I went down to defeat be- 3 lass:: Ei i PALE % 2 be | Bible class;: Fpworth League, Monday T, =~ ihe dreadiul weather failing. to fat under severe surroundings. +81. se . x. 3 We yf : ' ; Bethel church--T} ill fore the Varsity seven, at the Kings | his boot and play was delayed for | I r 'he. pastor wi DRY 1 a i 0 U I C K L Y ! ton rink on Friday evening. The game three minutes. Upon play being ré- | the preacher in the morning, and Rev > p-m.; mid-week service, Wednesday, keep people away The rooms, al ll The : the ice. | Henry Wilson, D.D., New York, in the p-m ready lovely with much greenery and | was one of the fastest ever witnessed | sumed, Varsity rushed up . oc pd was actically | Davidson shot and missed, and Pen- evening. : many pink flowery, had additional bi . H 13th Mid-Winter oe Jocal Fak, and * ey a good | nock, securing the puck, started a | St. George's cathedral-S a.m., holy | LETTERS I0 THE EDITOR. beauty given them by the delicately Scott's Emulsion! ' exhibition of hockey from start to fin rush. When at centre, Toms checked | communion; 11 a.m., matins; preacher, | < . colored gowns of those present Ihe } Rests With the County Couneil. rooms were softly lighted, chiefly by 2 { . | of Cod Liver Oil. Nature her- ish. At-half time the score stood 3 to | and Queen's goal being unprotected, he | Dean Farthing; 3 p.m., Bible class and | . : scored on a side shot. After this goal [Sunday school; 4 p.m., baptism;: 7 | Parham, Jan. 24.--(To the Editor) : y,chaded candles The hostess Fo . t » 3 2 for Queen's, and at full time B to § | Score x s i 1 \ Furniture & Carpe for Varsity. Varsity forwards engaged in some p.m., evensong; preacher, the Bishop {In your issue of 22nd inst., appears oeived, wearing a handsome gown of self put it there. This . . from Moun- | mbroidered black ninon over black produces new flesh new The battle was witnessed by about | flere rushes, but Pennock and Mac- lof Onjario. {an article: by "Farmer, n : donnell proved a strumbling block/to| St. Andrew's--Services, 11 a.m. and [tain Grove. He attacks Dr. Edwards, (ufleta, with trimmings of sequins | hfe in "he sii : e d at certain fw Sale oh stig) Jocple, snd the crowd | all their efforts. The next goal went |7 p.m. At the time of the evening | of Cataraqui, because, being a medi- | 3nd white lace, and- with her was her wast . The ice was in perfect | to Queen's, Campbell scoring on [service a specia 1 service of praise will {cal practitioner, he also holds the | oldest daughter, Miss Lily, wearing asting diseases. ? George's pass from the side. Queen's, be given, when Maunder's chogal ser- office of county clerk. He says also the daintiest of pale blue silk gowns, All Draggists; 0c. and $1.00. {vice, "'Penitence, Pardon And Peace" | because' the doctor was chosen at a ' ver white taffeta, her fair hair pret was intense. Have sold more this month than | condition for the soiiest, the old Goatge's pas - i i d clear anc iva iy 1. { BB Samm time of 1907. Ou ut snap making it hui a. not have Four minutes after, the Same two vill he BE by the full choir. jracent Convention .. to volitest the i tily arranged, The visitors were ad ° been better for both teams, as the | players repeated the trick, George find- 7 irst Baptist church--Rev. Douglas [oognty seat at Ottawa in the conser | pitted to the presence of the hostess players of both sides can play far bet- | ing the nets on Campbell 8 pass. For | Laing, pastor, at both services. [h- |véftive interest, he should resign the by a charming little maid, all in ter -on hard ice. the next four minutes Varsity tried ip | Vine worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. | clerkship. The shortsightedness of the | whitg, Miss Phyllis Coates, who was vain to score. Their rushes wee like | Sunday school and Bible class, 2:45 writer is apparent in nearly every petted and made much of by every The game was, undoubtedly, one of | ¥ ' : ' ie » the a fastest and cleanest . ever lightning, but Queen's defence was apm; B X PU. meeting, Monday, § | sentence, and 1 might have said, body. At the tea tahle, where an im. » Hall Racks, regular oer hire. From the first toot of the | tower of strépgth which they could | p-m.; mid-week prayer meeting, Wed: | jealousy, is equally apparent. mense crystal bowl held pink carna { $45. Sale Price, 3387. en . not overcome, Campbell and Dobsén nesday, 8 p.m. Strangers ever wel- | In the firdit place the county coun- tions and lacy fern, were Mrs. R. E i | chs, lar j th teams went to work for 3 : 3 ; Racks, regu whistle bo and when | come to all meetings leillors Rave it in their power to dis: | Sparks pouring coffee, and Mrs Kobert Sale Price, $28 s in them, and kept the 4 Eps . : : 3 x . all that was in That all op play- | near Varsity goal, Martin checked! Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock | miss any officer who fails to perform. | Meek making tea, Miss FE Walsh I Racks, i A sace till the finish > a: Tce 1 1 » fini » EY ad ara NA strest--Rov : Mavic : . is dismin ro i 0. ig Wie Ye were in good condition was clear- | Campbell, jabbing him in the face trae} Rey. W. 8 Bi Favish, Ph.D. [his duty. Let his dismissal for failure ent the ices and a bevy of prettily » I shown by 'the fast pace held | with the end of his stick, and for the | pastor am. J, McDonald, divin- |of duty rest with the county council. |frocked girls assisted. = They were { Su og Rar Broich the game. During the first offence was retired for three minutes. [ity student of Queen 8, will preach; 7 {In the second place, while Dr. Ed- I Miss Mabel Meek, Miss Mav Worm | Hull Racks regular | half Queen's set a good pace, and Queen's pulled themselves together | P.M. the pastor. Sunday school, {wards did obtain the highest number | with, Miss Mabel Milo, Miss Edna M7. Sale Price, Varsity eemed to be skating up well, | again, and after a nice piece of com- Bible class and mission study class, 3 [oi votes at the convention, still con- Booth, Miss Lulu Cays and the hos- $14.50. and working like machines: In the sec- | bination by Campbell, Dobson and p.m.; young people's meeting, 8:15 | trary to what Farmer affirms, - he tess' "youngest daughter, Miss Beatrice Holl Racks, Plate { half the pace set hy the visitors | Crawford, the latter scored, making pa. Strangers courteously welcomed. {has not "the nomination, to say noth- | Lambert. Upstairs wraps were taken Mirrors 10 hang, { ON fic. The hes - of Herb, |the score 3 to 1 for Queen's. This Queen Street Methodist church--Rev. |ing of the election. "Farmer" knows, off and put on by Miss Muriel Walsh : : $1.50 to $15 each was terrific. he rus : " o! b H. Sparlin t rach and - evervbody: k be the | : 3 | This Clock! will outwear all | ' : Clarke, Davidson and Toms seemed Yo | BO ] was secured by following the Mond pat ne, To or, ad iy jand everybody nows, to ve the and Miss Mildred Wormwith Mrs other styles and makes, and | : Re, R i > i on' followed orning subject, "A Lesson From The [choice of such a convention is ¢ no | F a SB RE | . bewilder the locals, and for a few mo- | shot in, and if Queen's had followec g cliojee ai. 8 Spy | Fdward Walsh and Miss Margaret is fully guaranteed. Ask for | got away Jor a nice rush the alarm ig clear and sure, { Are dependable Timepieces, | and to the minute. | " : tires h the game Politicians;"" evening, 'Christ The | monetary value to man selected. Then Walsh were evervwhere rawing mts Queen's were outskated from | this practice all throug i a ia CBveringy | ) alsh te everywhere in drawing | mens - After about fifteen min- | the result would have been different. Supre me Lawgiver." Special music. [do not so soon condemn the doctor. room and ylining-room seeing to the | || (THE SUNRISE.) A ea 2 the second half, Queen's for- After the puck was faced off Queen s | Sunday school, 2:45 p.m; mid-week [Once he is elected to parliament, guests" "pleasure Altogether Mrs 5 « ie Sec . I service fe | 2 4 . ! : atk i Hy - ly woemed to get their second wind | defence was called on to break up | oy by due ny, § Lr Prof. Ste- | should he BOL resign the - clerkship, {Lambert is to be congratulated on a 4 HALL SEATS $17 vi | kept the play in Varsity terri- | some strong rushes, The locals were | Venson's lecture to Boys' Club, post- |censure him. He might then deserve | most perfect success | reduced to $13.60 : a bat the visitors had the speed | working well, their forwards checking pofied indefinitely . I At present he does not deserve , . . . HALL SPATS $12, r= C i ' Hai oF and no matter | back in fine - style. Davidson seemed | Brock Street Methodist ¢hurch--Rev. | such, and I am convinced, no sensible | Mrs. R Uglow, Barrie street, gave ! ° MALL 2A - IM ane Tas ' Powe, would go Varsity | to be given a little too much liberty 5 E Burke, BD, pastor. Service at | man, and not even "Farmer" himself, an afternoon euchre, on Thursday { J AT ' OW » The : ; Xba : ' 1 ad reduced to $ f | wi uld appegr to go one better on the ; am, an A m. The pasgor will {would do otherwise than exactly ' as 'which her guests found very pleasant Jewellers, Opticians. rE Wg nice rushes. In breaking up one of the {preach at both services £ lass meet- { Dr. Edwards is doing. To go further, |The first prize was won by Mr ¥ 350 KING ST Th lefense of hoth teams were do-| Varsity rushes Macdonnell forgot him- [Ng Y FY S. 8. and Pible class, 3 |Dr. Edwards does wisely to not ag- |S. Holden, of Lowell. Mass.«ilhe se i aD NG 5 we defense o 8 x ' . i - i p.m. PS oeti 8 y, | . , i | 3 . X y " two minutes for |F : . meeting, p.m; prayer- |gravate, by too energetic treatment, cond prize hy Mr He Ww n 1 | . i i ome close checking all through | self and was given two ! 4 : adnos < Ee? 1 Ie tam Ap 2a wi ¥ Mrs enry Wade, and Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, hii some oy the Dy rds would | boarding Toms. Varsity failed to meeting, Wedne sday; § pm; ladies' | the sore" 'Farmer; says exists. for the consolation prize Mrs. Robert |}! Issuers of Marriage { Oilclot)h, Comforters, Quilts, re En ot lightning speed. In the | score when Macdonnell was off, and weting, Friday, 3 p.m: Strangers {Many such ulcers heal nicely, if left |Fraser, Mrs. Hugh 'Macpherson and Licenses 'hee k > RK . y . : . rele R: Lees a - . ad . a Blankets, all reduced. f " h If Queen's forwards checked | the Varsity goal was charged quite | mad gi ome at all services. {to themselves, and a less unsightly | Miss M. Spangenberg played off, the . Repair work promptly and = ok fo ter but in the last half | frequently, but Keith and Clarke were | i Wolli ongregational church, corner {scar remains. + latter winning. Tea was partaken of cheaper at this season than any Vearsit - t back nearly every time, | always there to connect. Campbell, P oington and Johnson streets-- | Still further; if Dr. Edwards aspires [after play was over, Miss Helen Ug arsity go 8 3 \ astor, Rev. J. Charles Villiers. Di- [to a seat in the commons there is no- |low, Miss Jennie Phillips and Miss other time. 4 i > 'would be so fast | Dobson and Crawford engaged in some | ; pd . : i At times the play ol nice rushes, the first two doing some | YIP€ worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. thing dishonorable in that; if he has | Myra Dyde helping with it. The guests indivi . > ere all that 3 rome » z 3 3 3 > Y thet, Judividusl usher we Sil Uset fine work. Just before half time, onda Whoo! and : pastor 8 Bible | w aited long for his opportunity work- {were Mrs. Francis Phillips, Mrs. Ho ours, t be carried far before the puck Toms and Davidson got away for a God C PB ; orning Sermon, Does | ine tuitidaily the while, for his party, (bart Dyde, Mrs. J. R. Henderson no J Pe 7 rush and the latter scored, making | JOC 'are; evening, a service of song. [well for him and the party, if his past (Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Mrs. James Mas. Te F. Harrison Co. Mould be*lost: to sv Sponat, ie the half time score 3 to 2 for Queen's. Special music, Strangers are invited. | career, well known to many, be Pa { wie, Mrs. James By Jie. any Ta | 2 ' PHONE 90. hen: the: 'play a To hree In the second half Varsity set the | A welcome to alf Seats are free |indication as to his future conduet, (Waldron. Mrs. George Young Mrs more open and two and three man pace from the start and they cer- MLC -A.~Rev. Dr. Wilson, of New!he, a man who has risen, by sheer [David Murray Mrs. Willing "Mitchel ; rushes yere brought into use. Both tainly set a hummer, ane that had York city, will deliver an address to pluck and perseverance from small | Mrs Andrew MeMal : \ 3 ' oll teams showed a good knowledge of al the locals played completsly off their | YOUNE ies. at 4.15, in the parlors of | beginnings on the farm if elected doy {Ry th, Mrs. Chas big oy : . the tricks of the game, and knew when feet. * Their rushes were made up of | the mesa. Dr. Wilson is - 'well- [will not discredit his county, his Cre ET at Wigston, dire Every Article to get away. . . one, two or three players, were ex- known inNKingston as a man of rich, | party or his coflntry. ~MEDICAL son Miss - mma Wilmot Ai Be i : Nearly every time that Varsity for: ceptionally fast and "their combina- | Personal experience. and every young | PRACTITIONER. Kerr. of Brooklyn °N Y and "Mis wards would rush the rubber into tion was good. Just after the half | man needs su help as he is here to) Ae Dl . , and is Queen's territory they would share started Harold Clark and Martin were | ive. Get into line and hear what he | . = 8» Reduced in close on goal before shooting. i given three minutes rest for charging has to say. Boys' meeting, to be ad-| THE FRONTENAC COUNCIL. | 7}. family of Mr. and Mrs. William . seems the only effective.method, and, ly 4 0 on Chen he rushed the puck [dressed by Henry Warwick, at ten | -- [AYn, Clergy street, are arranging ror although it "has been drilled into oo "0 8 "orien \ o'clock. All boys welcome. | Who'll Be Warden P--John Foley the polden wedding anminers Queen's by their coach, they ill "uot The first goal went to Queen's after | Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- Said to Be Chosen. of their parents dur ; the wi . . to . Jie sive time they wu 304 five minutes' play, Campbell and Dob ean Bar] Sires Minister, Rev. M. | The Frontenac 'county council will [week of February. Iii comple wor Clearin Prices YY, A), ervices © 0 1 3 & i a § i re > Se paywheve, aud would' lose them son Putting, ab dhe Recomm id ai Rein Wilson, or York, a Somvene nest Taseday for its inaugue. |marticd here i have Constantly Te g » by shooting too far out, giving the [yy¢ failed to find the nets. It was | Preach: 7 pm. minister, "Plain | mistake og comin, fps that day "Ihe same church io iy rig I . ---- goa) or Polat junds a heving bo felieve ere that Varsity started their bom- Things, Scientific' and Religious, For 98th is the kon of meeting not' career and twents ght are it . Ty : 9 the side aller 8 oping ae shat, bardment of Queen's goal and: for m---- | the 21st, as the councillors learned to | 8 pleasing sight to see the longest : eo Re ahutt fully five minutes the rubber did not | their regret when they gathered in |pew in the edifice filled. every Sunda, Ww. F. Gourdier, Brock St in g KE | go_much beyond centre. Queen's were - { "the red parlor" last Tuesday, and With parents and children. The chil it in, bp iforéed to play a defence game, and re {were informed that they could not [en have nearly all left the old home Furs Exclusively. For Queen's, Campbell Dobson * and [they certainly' guarded the nets as 2, / pr | transact business and might as well re- (and are living in various parts of : Masdannetl Wake he stars, and for the |if their life depended ow it. The puck TAL dal {turn home At their: cancus, fst Mon- Canada and the United States The . Our Wire Mat impor- § Shiver © Herb. Jake, Yavidson sud would slip around the ice from* stick A 4 8 | day night; it was "understood that reunion promises to he an affecting BEST'S SHORT STOP tation from Germany J Ohne or wit dor al ah 1a hick nh dhe Speed of ga Seetric a John Foley, reeve of Howe Island, and at the same time .a"pleasurabl : | test rw ar. Ia . es 1 , Spark. ive min es Varsi ¥ se .- fave % 3 Iwas the choice for warden. Robert *vent to the family, " their relatives CURES y\RA COUGHS in province. I cured a goal. Clarke shot on close ~ | Shannon, reeve for Storrington, and 8nd numerous friends BE Tins arrived. The Mats & | (ie i i Were, more of ; i | the last half his rushes were more of irange on Bennett, who connected K . who has been a member of the county > > 2 . ALWAYS. are suitable for inside the sensational class. Many times he | bravely, but fell, and Clarke, follow- \%/ ~LLRs 1 W hb £2 " | council for the past six vears, will be Mrs. Havelock Price," Clergy street. 4 . . rave a joll ttle wogramme dan ® or outside of your porch 5 | nets and. charge through the whole |4, Varsity 3. gave a jolly Litt) program dar AND COSTS BUT would secure the rubber near his own ling up his shot, batted it in. Queen's | wes: ww | his opponent. Both are leading farm Queen's line, until he came to "Hugh-| Only half a minute had elapsed Fine F urs. | The most. important. committee willjof Mise = Alma: Priee's - friends' Yueen's, anda few girls from town. | C00000QOGOONT © NOE 0000 by Dobson and was getting in some « lon Thursday night, for about thirty {ers of Frontenac, and worthy men and cannot rust in any » ie, wd then he generally stopped.!when Pennock stole away down the be the roads and bridg ommittee J r lon 98. d Ope v ) y | be , 8 ridges © ee, | n Davidson was watched pretty closely [side on a still hunt and when near | which will have to spend thousands of | The house"was "preity with palme and B® weather. c ! gk | by Dobson, and in the first half |the Varsit 1 ) : . ~ y op : 4 y goa passed to- Campbell i D . {dollars this vear The chairman of ens, and Mrs. Angus Orr played mu 4 . & | George had Toms stepping for all that | and 'he registered the fifth for This is the / {that = committee will be a busy man. |8i¢ that set fest tripping swiftly. Mrs : # a We Have All Sizes B | was in him, but the pace proved too (Queen's. After the face-off Queen's store for Fine 94 1t if likely that Councillor Franklin {W: H. Graham aleo assisted the = 5 fast for the Queen's man, and in the [goal was the 'subject of another fierce F h 1wil vain be. chosen: for the sitio hostess in making the afiair thorough } last hall he lagged i Craw. J E . urs, where will again be chosen for the position, \ ¢ g a all he lagged quite a bit. Craw- | onslaught, and resulted in Clarke v las he attended very closely to the ly pleasant. - from 60c. C ford did not appear to be in his usual { again finding the nets the same .way absolute satis- SSS duties last - vear ; d ® | good form;-and although he played a [as before, Bennett connected. with fact: 1 h . ' 3 : : tA hia . action 18 guar- @ | relve bers o gt vear's © { We good consistent game his old time [his first shot but before he could re- d 8 d | dive members of nt ars oan 5 trick work was missing in the centre lieve Clarke charged the goal and anteedan | men Councillor Reynolds, of Port - of the ice. In goal Bennett put up a [pushed the rubber into the net. Only styles are new A g land. however, is a veteran, having jpaughton,' West street tied the late | Miss Jessie Hamilton, of Qiebe ; star game, connecting with some hot {one minute after 'Clarke » d tt J t ) erved some vears ago with the is X | ones in fine style. Pennock put up a {score, this time after a nice rush h¢ natty. Jus } R. J. Spo d M. Avery, M.P. the guest of Mrs. Alan Palmer, K ; a good game at cover, being effective in {from near his own nets. now we are' J 1% Rpoor am? i street : a i | breaking up many rushes of the hlue| Varsity secured the puck at the clearing out all 4 ih: t --_ Miss Jessie Macpherson, of Ottawa You Gan Buy at . - " : and white-hne. He played the puck a {face-off and for the next two minutes { M A N [i8 the guest of | t \ 0 : 3 i ; 8 the guest of her siste le ' Carpet Warehouse. @ | little more than the man some times, [the fastest pace was set that oocur- odd fur preces Beri atin nd " ight. neth Fenwick, King ar: ] i Jerry From Kerry" which comes Mrs. Edw Adan ; i . a m dams and very seldom used his body to the [red anywhere throughout the game : ' best advantage Varsity were the main offenders and at deep cut prices, so that to the Grand on Saturday, January] co her sister, My y ulin Craiw This Store The teams lines up as follows : for about two minutes Queen's de- any intending purchasers [26th, matinee and night, is a hurrah | 50 ce street, returned to ) } y | farce comedy, up-to-date and clean. |: . a we nia i 3 in Ottawa yesterday . 4 Queen's--Beanett, goal; ' Macdonnell, [fence were subject to a volley of 2 aw { point; Pennock, cover; Crawford, cen- shots and rushes that would do* an will do well to come and See | Clever specialties are the featurcs mm : tre; Cam pbel, rover, Dobson, left srmy. of soldiers credit, and they jost what 13 offered. | The SOmpany soutists of ight lively Miss Muriel Webster. Rockwood hos I'he best line of La- wing; G. George, right wing. handled them all just as they came, eres . {Sun-maners. 100d earnest Work, Bndloit.) whe has been staving with Mr t dies' Black Cashmere Varsity--Keith, goal: Harold Clarke. in a good fast manner. Davidson 1 Lad: Duk examply : an evident desire to please makes for | Walter lowa he eg y ful # Hose ij tl a . le for point; Martin, cover; Herb. Clarke, | tried a long shot from the side and 16s Cur-hoe Coat, | this company a favorable-impression. |} ome on Monday ; dont in 1e trade hd gantes; Evans, rover; Toms, left wing; Shctueled in fooling Bennett, and about black cloth shell, grey and | a. onklua found X 4 29¢. vidson, right wing. . three minutes after Evans made the white airrel lini Al k | men wroughou e performance, | came home, to-day. from Carleton The 1 . . Referee--George Richardson, Kings-|score'7' to 35, on another long shot. squirrel hning, aska fnew songs, pretty music, charming | Place. e est value in ton. ? = : Varsity \began to mix it up a little Sable collar and revers. 43 { girls, funny comedians, and all the! Ny George Jackson, of the RM.C.. Corsets at 50c, a pair. Timers--Dr. Clarke, Toronto, and W. | but their attempt was nipped in) the inches long 38 bust R 3 pleasing features. one expects to see {wha took the Christmas holidavs jf "wt : $ ust, egu {in a show -of this kind: The company wiiich to indulee in an attack of - The best value in La- H. Melnnes, Queen's. - Goal judges, J {bud when Davidson was sent to the . Ross, Toronto; "Jim" Byers, Queen's. boards for four minutes for slashing lar price $60 for $37.50. | includes, many well-known and clever typhoid, . is back in wniform again dies' Underwear at 250, While in town, from Toronto Miss Winlow, the charming voung celligf. was the guest of Mrs John Mai | Ther conti "1 Fhere is a continual round of merri-| Mis. Jessie Mot ann. Queen street, . George. © The next goal went to . | artists. : and is well on the mend Scoring Summary. Queen's and was registered by George i - SN IS------ (Contipued on page 3 a garment, : ow - a hice side shot. Varsity 7, Fine Hats. t Had A Jolly Time. Px yee ey The best value in en's 6. ; : : _ || About. twenty-five young people | : 2 by ye : : It was plain now that Queen's were In our enthu { gathered, last night, at the home oot | The Fireproof Bijou. Men's Underwear at beginning to show the effects of the siasm over the Mr. and Mrs, William Burteh, Quebec | Phe Bijou is the only theatorium 50c. a garment pace they had been travelling, as they Furs we some- street, where a very jolly time - was | that had an ironclad operating room > * Es : seemed pretty weak; their rushes did A TA i spent in games, etc. The aflair prov- ] and was able to successfully repel the | © The best value in La- 9 Varsity .... not have the same amount of finger XY times neglect Jed very successful. Refreshments were |News attack. Rin" I y | 10-- Varsity in them and their shots were weaker. the hat end of [J served at 'midnight. The party broke | . dies' Flannelette Gowns hat your seoparty for te sora | -VIRY © ies Bor are, ans Tasos 3 ami] the busaess {|B poe, Cotok, rong Wo. and | at 30c. each. § . 11 : J ami caei ~perssane o p y . g te ; in- | - by . clients and numerous enquiries for yp % setting, and the former Beechgrove boy We have just Thay vary, §esaant snleeinia- | No Bachelor's The best value in a pr. a alia Queen' well, 2 minutes. Var- ee. "k pg 4 received an ad- The Board Of Health | ttons stylish Coat for $5.00. ne. Prompt, _Istiable and | uty, Martin, 3 minutes; Toms, Jin: hy ) as cn vance ship: bl The inaugural meeting of the board sre required for Pen-Angle Underwear. The best value in : rvice guaranteed. ral ter Paupek, 2 ment of Black and Brown | [of health will be heli on Mondg af- Buttons are sewed on to stay, which will Ls Laces, Embroideries Second --Queen annock, ; dnd noon. e members are: Mayor, . . aboon tothe" single" . rtd tiv ee = ¥ ; > Suff Hats for spring. The Rass, S: S. Corbett, John Lemmon, | Beat o man.-.-and the and Insertions, | OOLDS, HEADACHE. CATARRE styles are different from all |r. Evans. Dr. Etherington, br. (58 ; housewife 10. In fact the best va- | Relicved in 10 Minutes by Dr. Agnew's . : former ones. Come in and Pn gn cE dy Hy Wa Sus : A v Ives to be fond any ! where are. at this a 5 see them. Catarrbal Powder. A Cu : Sol B. A. Hotel Arrivals. i { J store. ] for 'Hawes ; Rev. W. H. Main, of the : . rd E_ Burnham, W. G. Stevens, J, J. | hn PY tist- man! Church, Butula i % Waverly and Piccadilly {Haysell, J. KE. Henderson, Chas. T.| A © \ i Rong nls for and is a firm be- 5 Hats. ! { Kiss, Toronto; W. M. Sandiord, Chi- ~ ar Eo Sabwa Cutareial Powe g ig leago:: W. 8. R. Murch, Dr. J. J. NUNSHRINKABLE "7 remedies without avail. "After using as { Kenny, Montreal; N. 8. Knox, Orillia; | 7 A Or. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I . ; Wm. Webster, Belleville. benefited at once" are his words, : 8 's a wonderful remedy and i relieve - Che als. De A PIS TIN 4 : The Bijou Triumphs. { wy form of hand pain in ten ad of Furs. a gj is the only theatorium | Sy ; Ee} kin Fine , ; + an onclad operating room | Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure Beips the Importers Of Fills Hats. Bee bo nul pu she " 3) h : FOR SALE BY HENRY WADE, News attack. RRL NAD A etn ue : ga So : a 5 ; = : Y