. SHE BEOPLE ORDERED ish he Daily Bri YEAR 45--N0. 25. a DK TIRMNNGAL DECREE £0 SELL ALL ANIMALS. Their Diet Narrowed Down to Raw Vegetables and Hundreds of People Are Herded To- gether, Winnipeg, Jan. 30.--Some extraor dinary tyrannical decrees are being published by the Doukhobor leaders, that bid fair to drive the whole oi the North-West communities out on a vast pilgriciige next spring, as soon as the weather moderates, The situa tion in the Doukhobor villages here js unparalleled in the world, They have been ordered to sell their cattle by their leaders. They have done so, and now their children dic for want of sus tenance, Last fall they were ordered 10 well their shesp, to the number of | 15,000, 'making a mockery of the be nevolenee™ of the Quakers, who gave them to them. The Doukhobors gave the whole of the products to their lenders, and the people are now pau pers. A special order was also sent obit at the commencement of the Win tor to sell all chickens, and this was aecordingly done, at a tremendous sderifice. Recently agents have gone around to abolish "time," and as much as 26,600 worth of watches and clocks have been taken away from the people, Mirrors have also been forbid. den, and an agent of Poter Veregin, has heen around and collected all look-| ing glasses. Tea, sugar, coffee, also pancakes, have been forbidden, and their food is now narrowed down to raw potatoes, onions, carrots, tur nips, ete. The women have been noted for their skill in embroidery, but this! the leaders have forbidden. All wheat | i= handled by a committee. Some times a thousand men go to work on a railway, but the money they earn is given to the committee, and no re- evipts ave given them. Similarly, so with those young men who work in the community brickvard. All have to; give receipts for what meagre portion of food allowance the Fri they | MO ) fo a abe people' live in two houses. Every man | and woman bas a width of four feet, | and they have to get into beds from | the loot. All eat at big tables in the centre. The younger men of the party - sleep like sardines in the garvét. new rule is that a Doukhobor must' not own more than one shirt. On ac count of the indigestible food they eat many Doukhobors are syfiering from diseases of the skin and stomach. They defy the rogistration laws, and births, marriages and deiths are not| , and instances of bigamy sre] not uacommon. : Next spring to the Doukhobors = in- ured to the hardships of 'home' Jife, | the fatigue of a pilgrimage will come | ad & luxury, and it is anticipated that | 7,000 Doukbhobors will make the long | trek oi the trail on the exasperated | | | i Al ' PAILY MEMORANDA. University Concert, Grant Hall, 8 p.m. Marks' Co., Grand Opera House, 8.1 " Fri- i pom ; Fire amd Light Commitiee, 4 pm. day. Wonderland Theatre, wo even afternoon Ang 4 ®ion, Skate, Lunch. 14th Band to- night. Queen's Hockey Excursion to Montreal pe GAR, 1280 pan. Friday. & i Ch and Missionary Alliance] Meetitnr, Charles Congregational | Church, 8 St. i pm i . Missionary Alliance. The cloging meetings of the Chriss tian Missionary Alliance will be held to-night and to-morrow afternoon and evening, in Charles Street Congrega tional church. Everybody welcome, -- WHIG TELEPHONES. Business Office. Bditorial Rooma. 1992--J obbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. ---- he a -- ~ "Royal Doulton" pew lot of Wa. are opening a ! thess: = a you have Dever Coster belope, da pty, J Tadd" "'oldlashioned," and beat of wil. v | make no direct Tigers, of this town, hibition = game. Five hundred Hor the school, | has secured a situation and will future. reside. {to protest against the action of the opened to give employment to needy i Justices 'which were awakening a high \ KINGSTON, DIDNT GET ' - r - 'A Farmer Burned to Death in His Home. WIFE SHED FAMILY ANT HAD HARD WORK IN SAV-| ING"A BOY. { seventy that fled to Fort William laszt : ACCOMPLISHED HOSTESS vear, and who ofcasionally walk the {streets of the twin cities naked to i show that they are used to hardships {and can bear still more. Their lead {ers are' assured of the hardibhood of the people of the communities, and a ¢ pilgrimage is confidently expected | And Noted For Her Entertain- ments at Washington. Pthis spring. 5 THE SOVEREIGN PANK. { { . Ancther Reason For Precipitation of Crisis. Toronto, Jan. 30.--Although the of- of the Sovereign Bank would statement, it is under: {stood that the Sovereign Bank erisis was precipitated fargely on account of the fact that it holds a couple of mil lion dollars' worth of the, at unmarketable bonds of the Chicago & | Milwaukee Electric railway. It is| She said that the late general manager, 0), M. Stewart, made advances to this amount on the strength ol securities of this road, led astray by the ex-| pectation of large and speedy returns Roof Fell In. Mr. Cassels, assistant manager of the! Aubyrn, N.Y., Jan. 30.--Wesley- A Sovereign, said, this morning, that a | Decker, forty-nine years of age, a far receivership had been applied for for 'mer employed by C. C. Weston, 3 the road, but did not say just what|the town of Montezuma, was burned | Darovess = Heagelmuller, the with of consideration prompted the applica-!to death at his home. Decker lived [the ambassador from the empire of tion. : - "lin the house with his wife and three | Austria-Hungary ta the United States, H. UC, Oshorne, a direcior of the children. When the family retired | Baron Hengervar Von Ladislaus Hen- Chicago & Milwaukee road, however, jast night Decker was left sitting by | gelmuller, is a most accomplished hos issued a statement in which he says the kitchen fire. 'This that the action is a result of the hos- Mrs, Decker, who was tile receivership proceedings which Ly of the children, took place on Dee. 31st. These pro-ithe rooms filled with ceedings, while promptly dismissed, {the flames were in the woodwork {muller at Dresden, Germany. She seriously impaired the eredit of thelat the window back of her bed. She splendidly edu oad-and prevented the advantageous | managed to two of the children | French and Fi sale of its securities. No, in the in for the third, | voted to having terests of both shareholders and credi- the father. | thorough musical training in her tors, it was decided that receivers about in the | tive town of Dresden. should be appointed, and the following Mrs. Decker had | ---- were appointed by Judge Groszsup, of him out By | WILL GO OUTSIDE Chicagog to act: : the time that she did this the house | A. C. Frost, president, Chicago: D.| was a mass of Hames and it im- Hanna, Toronto, and Vice President possible * for her to re-enter. The | Oshorne, of the Uentral Trust house was burned to the ground, and | Montreal. Jan pany, of Hlinois. [later . in the day the body of Decker | gat Archbishop Bruchesi "No apprehension, however," con was found in the cellar where he bad | pensation I allow a mixed tinued H. C, Oshorne, Melt {gone when the root fell in. 'The body | riage between a Catholic by anyone interested in the securities {was burned to a eisp. The Protestant of this company. The total amount |,f the fire is unknown. | are pire requived to complete the road will not | tv failed exceed 3250,000, ; and it is confidently heen reached to go out expected that the earnings be such as to amply justify all who have placed confidence in the future of the enterprise.' | ! | | | ficinls { present, i } Could 'Not Go Back to Get |. Her Husband Out--His Re-| mains Found in the Cellar | / Where He Went When the] wy Baroness Hengelmulier ol | morning | tess and noted for her entertainments awakened | in Washington diplematic eireles She found | was the Countess Marie Dunir Bor smoke and | kowska and married Baron Hengel one ¥ 18 get , and is de out,® and then returned music, received a a boy, who slept. with The child was running father's bedroom, and {some trouble in getting na To Marry in Spite of the Arch- bishop. 30.--Al was B. com efforts } to give a dis mar "need be lady and gentleman, both of whom in Montreal! socie and a deeision to i: a origin very nines has the the a have one of that by Blind Woman Burned. Redwood, N.Y., Jur 2%0.--A very sad accident occurred >atiwday afternoon about four miles from this village, when Mrs. Edward Delair, a blind wo- man, was burned to death. She had been left alone in the Rouse while her husband had gone to the woods for { fuel. 1t is thought her clothing must have caught fire as she was putting Gananoque, Jan. 30.--At the Maple! wood into the stove. She was found Leal rink last evening the Mic-Macs, | in the snow beside the housd. of the Kingston city league, and the met in an ex | , The game was brisk | FROM PICTON TOWN. and exciting and resulted in a. win Tigers by a score of 10 to | Delos Spafford Elected Warden of Prince Edward. raom,{ Picton, Jan. 30.~The county council street lolacted Delos Spafiord as warden for sleighing 1908. The statement presented of last party yesterday afternoon. {year's business showed an expenditure Messrs. C. KE. Britton, reeve, "and [of 845,650.80 during 1907. John B. McMurchy, deputy reeve, are A motion was passed requesting in attendance at the meeting of the |, Alcorn, M.P., to vote against: the county, council this week in Brock: {pmepgure to come before parliament re ville. George Turner, King street, Hooeasing the toll rates over the left, yesterday, for Napanee, where be | Bojloville-Prince Edward bridge: The in following officers were appointed for {the ensuing year: Auditors, W G The many. Iriends of Joseph Row- Striker and J. D. Stinson: high school land, 'an old Gananegue boy, for some | yatee, Rev: W. L. Armitage: board years past located 'in Haeriv; will ve- of management for House of Refuge, gret to learn of the death of his wife, '\H Clemenson and W. B. Leavens. Annie Roland, during the past week, | Kingston General Hospital will re after an illness of several months. ieeive a grant of $25 from the county Philip Shear, of Toronto, for several |fuihere. Ten dollars goes to the yoors a resident of this town, Prisoners' Aid association; 250 to the pehding & short' time with friends pus Blue orphanage, Picton: $25 to | and relatives here. HH. W. Mitchell, of | (1s Rick Children's hospital, Toronto | the staff of the Corner = drug store, 1810 to the Muskoka Institute for Con- who has been spending a week at his | sumptives, and $20 to the Home for home in: Stouffville, has returned to town. ily Monday morning at her home in STOP INJUSTICES £5: nin ince APPEAL MADE TO BRITAIN for some months. Mrs. Richardson IN THE MATTER. {Was well-known in Picton, her home town, better known by her maiden name, Edith Kellar. She was for The Arguments Used Against | many years ladies' maid on the steam Colored Races Will Soon Be - Alexangirip out or Se past igo inti Of years had. mac er home in op Reversed--Asiatics Can Regis: | eal, where she was married last ter By Signatures Hereafter Mav. Mrs. Richardson was aged twenty Bombay, Jan, 30.--Hindoos, Mo- [six years and leaves a widowed moth hammedans and Parsees combined to ler, a brother and sister. hold a large meeting here, yesterday, | The corporation quarry has will peighboring dioceses in order ceremony may be" performed priest, Under a dispensation ed for this, hut i the owner the neighboring diocese and this gives him the right to have the marriage olace Special efforts were made ordipary circumstances would also he the lady's father some property POGUE requir § GANANOQUE TIDINGS. of in The Tigers Defeated the Mic-Macs. of Kingston. to get ception, but ho insisted there should be one law for rich and poor alike. | While no date has been fixed, the mar- | riage will take place during the latter part of February. The girls of Miss Hiscock's MAY INCREASE DUTY. junior fourth-- class, in Stone held their anvual Industry. Montreal, Jan, 30.~Well informed tobacco manufacturers state that islation materially affecting the tobac co husiness will shortly be introduced in Ottawa. The effect will be to in-| 3 and decrease the in goods, leg crease the duty land revenue on all classes of cigars, ¥wmoking and chewing cos. This will he done in order to give further protection to the native to tobag bacco industry, A Violin For The King. Brockton, Mass., Jan. 30.--A i which is 10 be the property of Edward of England just completed by Archibald Melntosh, violin maker in Brockton. The strument is made of curly maple, having taken from ancient table once the property of the Duke of Keat. A DISASTROUS FIRE THE DAMAGE WILL EXCEED $100,000 AT LEAST. The Firemen Suffered Owing to the Intense .Cold--The Con- cerns Burned Out--A, Previous Blaze a Few Weeks Ago. Montreal, Jan. 30. broke out, this morning, among wholesale warehouses on the west s of McGill streei, south of St. Maurie street. 'The damage probably will ex-| ceed - $100,000. The. firemen sufiered se- | verely during their three hours fight] Nv jokin King is x boen has n in the | an wood been Incurables. . The funeral occurred on Wednesday, from the residence of Mr. Kellar. Bow- y street, of the late Mrs. Chfford | shardson, whose death occurred ear w A disastrous fire the i$ been regarding the omigrants. A number of men are be- registration of Asiatics. Many Euro- ing employed and work is being car- peans attended. The speakers in-iried on under the general supervision dignantly protested agaist the treat |of Councillor J. J. Redmond, ment accorded Indians in the Trane ' -- vaal and they were excitédly and pro- longedly applauded. Sir Phirozshah Merwanji Mehta, additional member of the council of the governor of Bom- bay), was tremendotsly applauded when he declared the time would come when the very arguments the white races were now using to support the ex- clusion of the colored races would be used against them similarly by the latter. Resolutions were adopted ap pealing to Britain to stop the ine Transvaal government being fifteen degrees below zero. The firms most seriously afiected were P D. Dods & Co., wholesale paints, and E. FP. Walters & Co., wholesale hard- | ware and felts. To the south, Woods' Agricultural Implements Agéncy and the Hermann H. Woli & Co., dry goods, sustained some damage by smoke and water. The Dods estab: lishment made a fierce blage, on ac count of the large quantity of paints and oils in the building, and the fire men were unable to prevent the fire spreading to the buildings adjoining on the other side. The Walters firm was only recovering from a blaze that damaged their place the first week in January. PEGGING AWAY, Temperance People| Still Showing Much Activity, Toronto, Jan. 30 ~The temperance people, through the Dominion Alliance are endeavoring to armage for a monster deputation to imtervic. the Ontario govefament during the meet- ing of the alliance here in February. They take the, ground that the three fifths clause is not necessary for per- maneticy of local option, and want a simple majority substituted for the iA EN A sixty per cent. vote. They point out Instead Of Finger Prints. that in 1905 onlv eight out of thirty: London, Jan. 306.-The Johannes: lywy municipalities made an effort to burg correspondent of the Standard [have local option repealed, and in sense of wrong throughout India. g ---------- ------------ TL FOR SALE from . 10 says the diflieulty between the 'gov tonly oné of these places was the at nt and the Axiatics has been l{ompt successivl. Last year ' local definitely settled on the basis of the yntion existed in fifty-four municipali- {government accepting + signatures asitice, and seven of them at ed ro- registration instead of fpeal. One was successful. This fact (insisting upon 1 prints. All the fwas noted 'hy the government. 5 No Tndians under the registra: changes of importance will be made to tion hg? he released, i their leader, Grand Hi ------------------ nding [license act this session. The most important legislation of oR the session will likely be that concern: 'Must Serve In Prison. Newark, NoJ., Jan. 30 -R. Walter Morris, a young dentist, whose auto- = ile ran over International Yacht Race. Montrenl: Jan® 30.1 is anounced that at the annual meeting of the Roval St. Lawrence Yacht Club, to be | held on Momiay next, Capt. Piers | Davidson, the well-known lawyer, will! resign af commodore, and R. C. Smith, another well-known lawyer, will be elected to the position. The question of going, inte an internat] hop sence ri) in hiengo for the wi ting pup will also be talked about. To-Night, {Do not fal to attend the Ulee. 5 concert in of ' The body of James Todd, a elerk fi a night Hoch apy ighted by eles. Farieity was found the waggon ina street of Watervliet, N.Y., om Wednes- | mormidy, fo denth by n ing the jurisdiction and control of {mobile r und killed Marcus J, theatrical the license act this session. a y Nesters | o manthe it the Bo son chub | es Maude; & " {Bt Catio have ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY saking German, the west a rate of interest, and that to Would have such duct take Any rate with been under direct government there place, aged one year and eight months, when jcandy, and as two hours afterward {person in view, he asserted that i 1 Grant Hall. With the as | 30, 1908. RATETOO HIG Interest Charged by Banks in the West. CHARGES OF PRINGLE REMARKS INTERESTING, BUT NOT UP TO SNUFF. He Declared That the Government! Should Have Control of the Banking System and Protect the People From Disastrous In- vestments, From Correspondent. Ottawa, 30.--T'he feature of the sitting of the commons, was an attack which R. A. Pringle, the conservative member for Corn wall, made upon the government in connection with banking in the west, specially, but he also made some gen eral charges which were hardly capable of being laid at door oA the government. his rembirks were interesting. He pointed out that the banks were charging far too high in many cases the exhorbitant rates were leath blow of farmers He claimed that the government ought to put a stop to this and that a certain limit interest applicable to certain obli- gations ought to be iinposed. He further stated that there should be an ipdependent commission, which a knowledge Our Owy Jan. the However, in ol power over of obligations would for instance, that be able to carry months after it the present me people, over in a hable to be robbed of their that amd banks a their business be vailable a bank on business ii m would § order, not SIX dy nw was solvent, thod i ts moeent the were whose teres people should exercise care, hard-earned savings. He argued that there were banks in the country and that, haps, a dozen were suflicient to the business of the people per At fewer the interests of the public wonld be in sater hands. In short his whole argument tended Archbishop Bruchesi to make an ex-| to show that chartered Canadian banks |dend at the age of 120 years { should be A really government or national banks. As an example, if the Sovereign Bank now defunct, had oc would hnve : bees no waedy and waiting to pick up but with less, possibly, CHOKED BY CANDY. M.¢ Death tressing Manner. Beauscjour, Man., Jan. 30.-The lit-| tle daughter of A. E. Dugard, of this swallowed al died ty As she was evi- choking to déath an operation performed and an attempt 'made it, but without success, about, a result playing abou dently was to locate | Army Depot Site Selected. San Francisco, J 30 land, owned in part by Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs and ber sister, Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., of New York, and | the Dore family of this city, will be the of the new United States army depot, which is to be the largest in thi country Congress has app 000 for the purpose condemnation proceedings started at existing army reservation at Mason also will be used for the wharves, which are to! Submerged | site ropriated 81,500,- | of the site, and will he once Fort buildings and ost £2 000,000 "Smobbery And Vice." 30. --In the house Representative McGavin, of Hiinois, Washington, Jan tacked the custom of American heir European noblemen. | marrying Declaring that had no particalar "wo he 2 men are sacrificing their ysouls and their honor on the altar Wobbery and vice." He asserted thai almost to subdue the flames, the temperature! coy dav there is a bargain day increasing the uneasinesc. k, vou can buy of ribbon New You "where thing from a vard pound of flesh. |" any to {the steps of Thermometers Frozen" Up. Omemee, Ont., Jan: 30.--Last night. was the coldest in the history of Omemee, thirty-six degrees below zero being registered. Most of the ther- mometers iw the place were frozen up. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows' Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, OF highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Purchased A Schooner. Capt. Chavocey Darvaw, of King- ston, was in Picton on Wednesday, and purchased the schooner Wiliam Jamieson, from James Savage. { The watchman in the CPR. yards) iat St. Henri, Montréal, was attacked thy four men. He shot Allert Gosge- ng, & well-known bepglar, dead. { Mobert Bailey was burned to death schooner that went dows in a Carib shirt factory, at dothing catching the Standard ontrenl, by his re... The Roval Securities corporation of Halifax and Monireal has been chased by Toronto tapitalists and will moved to Toronto. The Grand Tronk in avowed 5 LE yesterday, | obviously | the | the | too many | con banks, | ju mtrol | At Galgar "hing diferent petitions Were presented adk~ | as Hg other Canadian banks standing ling for investigation, the city counal aside depositors from that bank with benefit {vote of Aim at Protection of the Native to themselves, to the depositors and shareholders the | in Sudden and Dis-! | present, teold A portion of the | new | ai b 1 par. TT ---- v LAST EDITION -- "I PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World, The ne Waldori fwas opened Ly Lord ratheona Uver one 'hundred babies starved to death in Toronto since New, | {Years day. ; { | France nas told Mulai Halig that |sbe is willing to arbitrate between him i land hs brother, the sullan. the New Amsterdam National Bank {and the Mechanics' and Traders' Bauk, | iboth of New York, have closed down. | | New York state physicians are plan- | {ning to start 'a state institution for ithe care of nebriates and drug fiends. | Jd, lH. Gallagher, deufrgist, and bu- |g {stace Key, a druggist's cleak, in To ronto were each tined for slegal hi quor selling. | Feeling in Liverpool among busisess | men is sail. WW Ont. Jan. 30, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence (10. am.)--Fine and very cold. Friday. moderat+ ing somewhat, snow by night. Cl oDDS ENDS MUST Go. hotel Si Ww in London | | have | RAERIRpNREERN Slroager iu | the embargo growing favor of the removal of on Canadian cattic J | Maj. Pym, inspector of small arms, | stated before the public accounts vin mittee that no part of the Ross ritle was entirely maoulactured mm Canada George Ellis, book-keeper of the New canadian company, New Carlisle, N.B., has been ariested on a chargé of | stealing $1,200, which was missed from | the sale. Joseph E. Leslie, an alleged hypno | tist, and bigamist, was convicted in Chicago' of pigamy and was sentenced term in Johet penitentiary {from to five years At Lisbon, tol political rioting in | Wednesday, in which { persons wounded. at Odds and ends in every de- partment of this store must go. We want every inch o room available for the New Spring Goods which wi'l shortly be to hand. TO- MORROW you'll find some interesting bargains in the Ready-to-Wear Jac 112. Read this list down and see if Rire is anyth ng vou need. Ladies' Corset Covers Slightly soiled with hand- ling, sizes 32 to 34. Prices were from 50¢. to 90e¢. Sale Price, 25c. Ladies' Of Print and colors only. from 75ec. Price, 25¢c. lo a ol one there was an, outbreak the shots streets on fived | & dis were and Ihe orders, however, were. biel. It the young man killed {by a Urand Trunk train near Mimico,{ { Unt, a week ago, is Washington Rit { ter, aged twenty-three, formerly cadet in the Detroit fire department Gen. Smuts, colosial of | the Transvaal, says if Natal continues to admit/ Indians the rest of South | | Africa will have to take firm | and the | terms At St. Tite des Caps, near la mother caused the death of her son, | {whom nursing through [typhoid fever him mi {take for car {bolic acid At Halifax, ison of the late land brother of Stairs, M.P., died reading a newspaper fifty-six years ald At Bristol, Va Wood, a native of some 15 believed al i | secretary action proffer advice in strongest | { Quebec, she was Shirtwalsts by giving in his medicine, a dose of Muslin, in Prices were to $1.50. Sale NS, James W Hon. W. J. the late John suddenly Stairs, Stars ¥ while Deceased WAS Children's Pinafores White Muslin, Embroidery Trimaned, 50c. and T8c¢c. qualities. Sale Price, 308e. and 40e. Children's Dresses Of White Muslin, neatly trimmed with Tucks and Embroidery, regular price, $1.50. Sale Price, 75e. Children's Coats Of Red Pique, trimmed with White, regular price $1.75. Sale Price, $1. Mrs East Mary Ramsey Lennessee, In her youth Mrs. Wood saw George Washing ton, Thonlas dgfierson and others of he early statesmen. Alta, though seven has dismissed the city engineer on Fhe Ald. a engineer Watson, to four. will enter against on grounds of sland seven sit Senate reform was again debated in the - Canadian senate on Wednesday, Senator. David offered an amendinent, stating that it was not desirable that the senate should pronounce on it at but that more legislation should be mitiated in the senate, that of the crown in the senate, and any minister may introduce and fend government chambers The largest sten in the more ministers shoul i that cher both have seals measures in herd of caribou ey wilds of Alaska the Yukon river, southward to e of the Arctic re Ihe has been movine for one hundred days now, and there seems to be no end t¢ the string. [It estimated that more than 100.000 caribou have i i stream UAW LEAVE GERMANY," BRITAIN CAN ECLIPSE 1 Eon IN ARMAMENT. No Desire - to Come in Conflict With - Any: Other Sea Yower-- No Interests That Warrant Appeal to Arms. Berlin, Jan. 30. ed the navy bil providing for increases, the sotialists and Poles posing it. Admiral Von Tiptz { cretary of the mmperial admiralty, in! wifiding up the debate, repudiated the | socialist contention that the was auned at Great Britain He ef now | CALL AND SEE THEM AT Steacy's crossing working its way cape the frigid | gion herd A i rossed the KAY 1908 Jan. BOK, John McKay K ingelBil, on Mel and Mrs nm daugltir In to _ A 4 A de Jdaroy Kingston, on relict of spol! Pixt yvonne, ved rs from he redid co of hep Charles Whitaouih, 294 oe ¢ Friday o Jan 20th the late N Y. and Chatbem pape & please Ont copy ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. the reichslag pass Inry op "we ST. GEORGE'S BAKING POWDER Qugrter 1b. Tins, 15 Cents. Hall 1b. Tins, 25 Cents. 1 1b. Tins, 45 Cents. Guaranteed Pure Get a tin and try gheir Linterick, Jas, Redden & Co, {Importers of Fine Groesries. increase | and | said that they were not siming al any particu lar eouniry, certainly at Great Britain, 'We are following the other sea powers: far as England ix «neerned therg absolutely tio conthet of jatersvis any where in the world betwoen her and ourselves which would he mm the least | remedied by an appeal to arms. {Lowd | cheers), The idea that we wish to] compete with England, that we wish to mild up a sea power making ber command of the sea doubtful, merely an effort of the imagination England, if she wishes, can leave well behind in naval armaments not only in No uw To-Night. ! | Do not fail to attend the Glee club Teonorrt in Grant Hall, Wb the as 1 B. A. Hotel Arrivals. sistance of Hartwell De Mille, hari- | J. B. Kimerly, A. C. Wilson, Joba 'tone, the college musical clubs are McDonald, Montreal HE presenting ah excoctingly strong pro-ibec. J. B. Willer, W gramme, ihorne. E. F. Bradley, A { wie, E. WB v i F. Bureh, Joseph White, To- ronto; A. T. Urtop, Guelph, W. E Motstskev, Himilton: Howerd Van Dusen, ¥. Bb. Lace, Picton: J. E. Hyde land wile, Maryland The Norwegian steamer Molina, ar iriving at Texas City, Janded Thomas i Neilson, the only 'survivor of a [oean storks a month Br . ts ---- vedo! ratepayers ve petition A Led the council to allow them to vote | Aid Is Needsd, jon a bedaw fo raise the hotel lieonsy! The Salvation Anfiy officers to $730 or ever, or $30 more than | dive peed of 8 number of families last year. {they have discovered. 1 Some extensive improvements have was given, but food, fdel snd : heen. made to the Hotel Ban ing sre required. Telephons 798 snd ing porthers vil- | the officers will relate the sore eondi- 4 i