PAGE TWO. SHILOW'S. Puick ease for the warst cosgh---quitk relief to the heaviest cold---and SAFE to take, eves for a child Cures | That is Shiloh's Cure Sold under a guarantee Coughs & Colds to cure colds and coughs 3 years QUICKLY! 13th Mid-Winter Cash » Sale---Garpets, Furniture, Curtains, j &e. Patlor $55 Parlor Cabinets, re- cod C abipets, s | ightly damaged for $27, 25 to choose from. Parlor Suites and Odd Fanfy Parlor Clinirs, all reduce! 10 to 20 per cent. 34 CARPETS, odd lengths. CURTAINS, 1, 2 and 3, pair of a kind, nil reduced one-third, Linoleums, reduced 20 per cent. Youms. T, F. HARRISON CO PHONE 90. {Wire | Mats} Our Wire Mat impor- & tation from Germany [& i has arrived. The Mats are suitable for inside § or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather. We Have All Sizes {R. McFaul 'Carpet Warehouse. : it ever strike you. that if you purchased a ve OUR MISSIONARY WORK FRONTENAC'S FINANCES ADDRESS OF PASTOR/AUDITOR T. D. MINNES STEPHENS, OF TORONTO. | MAKES HIS REPORT. Points Out tae Work Which County Debt is Oly $85,000-- | Should Be Carried Out at Frontenac's" Financial Stand- 'Home--The Many Opportuni-| ing Good--More Flaces For ties For Service. Entrance Examinations. At the closing session of the Chris-| At the Wednesday afternoon session tian and Missionary. Allimnce conven. [of the county council Loumeulor Me- tion, at Hethel church, last night, Allister was appointed to represent the Pastor Stephens, of Toronto, delivered coyncil on the board of suv an address on missionary work, mak-| County Auditor I. 1). Minnes re ing a strong "appeal for the carrying ported that the accounts of the trea- on of the mission work in foreign [surer were co *t. 'Ihe surplus of lislds, The speaker referred particular. @ssets over liabilities on ec. 31st, ly to the work to be accomplished at | 1907, was $40,659.99 as compared with home, in way of giving financial surplus last year of 355,558.52. 'this assistance "and rendering service, and 'locrease may be accounted for by the extraordinary expenditure during the year, which includes ¥20,090.45 his address was a most forceful one. In his opening remarks, the speaker | 881 pointed out, that the success in the on the Perth Koad and Loughboro foreign field, depended very largely | Lake bridge, and ¥5,042.3Y on other upon the work which was accomplish- | bridges. Agamst this there has been ed at home. There must he support | received since the close of the year and prayer on the part of the work- [8 payment Irom the Untario govern- ers at home. A great missionary had ment on road account amounting to been asked, upon one occasion, what |¥7,923.61, which will, appear in the would be the greatest discouragement | 19S accounts. 'The aunaitor stated she could receive concerning her work [that his report was incomplete in one in 'the far-off heathen land, and her |Tespect. 'Lhe pay sheets of the roads reply 'was thus: "The greatest dis- and bridges' committee for meetings couragement would be conveyed to me [ID connection with the Perth Road in the news that jhe church at home and Loughboro bridge were sent to was not intemsted in missionary | Toronto with the other vouchers and work." The speaker looked forward have not yet been returned. He may to a great revival in missionhry ef- be able to complete this item betore fort; the heathen lands were open for |the report is printed. ia the gospel, and it 'was the duty of! Mr Minues, in reply. to questions the Christian church at home, to see of Councillor Drew, stated that the that God's message was delivered {county council could not properly con- there. The oppertunities were many, [duct its business on the present rate and God was challenging us to take | Of taxation, which was too low, in up the ". It was to be deeply re. |View of the increased expenditure year gretted That interest was lacking. 1y. There was nothing to provide for There appeared to be eriminal "ignor- {the extraordinary expenditures, such ance in regard to the needs of mis- | 88 bridge repairs, ete. Outside of the sion work abroad. The question was | debenture debt the county owed also one that called for a broader and 390,000, The total debt of 'the coun- more systematic study. "To know is (ty is $85,000. The county is in good to give and to go," added the speak- (condition financially and a couple of er. Many Christians knew very little | ears hence will be on 'easy street, about Christ's work in heathen lands, | Auditor Minnes advocated the clos- and this was to he regretted. On the | ing of the county treasurer's books on other hand, however, .there was just | November 30th, so that they coud be cause for rejoicing for the good which | audited, and the auditor's report had been accomplished. | could be, printed and in the hands of Reference was made to the good | the people by nomination day. As 1 work along missionary lines, accom- | is now, the people do not get the fin- plished by the volunteer | 8ncial statement till about the first of movement, the arch, ment, and the Councillor students' young people's move- | M : : laymen's missionary | Rankin said he was in movement. The students' movement [favor of the earlier closing of the was organized in 1888, and | books, and suggested that the county, rapid strides had been made. Since | Member, J. 5. Gallagher, be instruct. this movement had heen set on foot, |®d to try and have the municipal act some four thousand students had re- | 8mended to allow of it. ; sponded to the call to foreign lands, | The following letter was received and many others were, to-day, prepar- [trom Dr. Seti ispector of Suanty ing themselves for active work in the | schools : field. The young people's movement, | Hon, convenience and safety of child- organized five years ago, had for its |™®0 I would recommend that you au- ; ini {thorize the holding of the high school object the training of young people to ng ig take an active part in missionary [®Xtrance , examinations at the follow- work. It would be impossible to esti- ing Sdditional places : Battersea, Bar- mate the value of this movement, [riefield, Harrowsmith and Mountain Ministers had testified to the marked [Urove." This communication was re- effect it had upon the prayer meet-| fred to the education committee. ings: Tha ng peopl beonme inter Woy mialion- of. Uouncillors. Drew and ested in the. work, and as a result, god the council decided to pay thousands caught the missiongty spir- 37. » its shave of the damages, to it. The speaker hoped that this spirit|Irvine Card for the Petworth bridge : : Si t 8 to spread, until the [acCident, : : would continue to spread { The council then adjourned' till ten young people the world over had be fo clock Thursday inorcing to alle come interested in the work. Marvel | n lous work had been accomplished as a | he . committees to get ahead with > inal | heir work ® of the Iaymen's missionary | ork, or reply wt organized just # year ago. | Un Wednesday evening Warden Foley, Business men had commenced to take | entertained the county councillors at a an interest in the work, and men were | TOES in the Ottawa hotel. . being dispatched to foreien lands, to e Sone] ust again on Thursday size up the situation. Already sixty- | morning. J by-law was passed ap- five men had been sent out, and each |POInting James Keeley, of Loughboro, Christian [and Joseph Duff, of Storrington, trus- business men had been shown the Wes of the Sydenham high school. glorious opportunities for service, Re. | ¢ Susidios Rayualds pointed wis ference way made to the good work of | a 1H ! nance committee was handi- different religious bodies, along mis- | SaPpo¢ dy accounts straggling in all sionary lines, during the past few puee of the council session. He thought years. The sum of $500,000 had been |that if the clerk advertised that all secured by the laymen's movement, in ASSO must be in by the first day Toronto, for foreign missions. World- oh © coming session ps ould aid wide prayer was needed, with the fin-| IF ponymtce Raterially w n motion ancial help, to accomplish the work. | is ors 'W a cGregor the Mothers should rock their children in | rk was instructed to advertise as a i Councillor Reynolds sw ted. the missionary cradle, and there would | on " > sugges be many reeraits. A great deal of | Msi or Drew said that the coun- money was lost In different speeula- |! was handicapped, hy wot having » tions, which could be put to very a RG toil Op, a s ouly ave a good service in missionary work. jo Seitor es vine t on all lege mat. At the close of Pastor Stephens' ad- | ™ : ouncillor iw moved, socany- dress, Rev. Isaac Hess, returned mis- | 3 by Councillor Miller, that Ee sionary from . China, who delivered | ioe be engaged ae vunty solisitor ch an interesting address on Tues. [ior the year 1908, _Counci ots Thom: -- evening, spoke briefly. There was { (on and Davis moved az Sidious a good attendance at the meeting. It that the motion aid over for fur- was announced that meetings would | ther ponsidutation. Councillor Drew be held in- Calvary Congregational ag 1 bo! w if giv on, ; hurch, Thursday and Friday, after-|mOoUon of Councillors eynolds anc nee, seni fons York the council delegated Councillors noon and evening sessions. Thome oat neti eral lawyers and find out their terms. The council then adjourned till two o'clock in the afternoon. one at his own, expense. To cheek a cold quickly get from -- ist some litle Candy Cold Tallets called Preventics. Druggista ev are now dispensing re ventics, for they are not only sale, but decidedly certain and prompt. Pre- ventics contain no quinine, no laxa- COLDEST IN FIVE YEARS. It Was Twenty-Eight Below Zero This Morning. The cold wave that struck the west a couple of days ago. reached King- ston Tuesday evening, when the mer- cary began to sink slowly but steadi- Iy. In the afternoon the zero point was reached, and early in the evening five below zero was the t A registhation. At midnight, is, La Gi ete. Hence the name, Proventics. Uood for feverish child- ren, 48 l'reventios 25¢, Trial voxes, Sc. Bold by all druggists. ' A pretty wedding took place in St. Michael's church, Belleville, on Tues- day morning; when Miss Mary Cal n was united in marriage to J Alexander; a popular employee of the Grand Trunk. fi Next time you are duwn town drop in and see those guaranteed pure wey and saw t the mercury was close to the thirty below mark. From Dr. Knight, the official observer for the meteors: logical department, the Wiig got the exact temperature, which was twenty- uit below zero. This ingston. has GOES VON JN WILL NOW MEET QUEEN'S JUNIORS. = | i n-- i re 4 i McCammon of the X.C.I. Had His THE AND enacs Hope to Defeat St. Georges To-Morrow. i Cadets 11 defeated the Kingston Col- | legiate Institute team, ten goals to} five, in the final gi of the round to) decide which team uld meet Queen's | LI for thé championship of the dis-! trict." Cadets won the round by twelve | points, the score in Monday night's! game being twelve to' five, in their] flavor. Last night s match was a bet- | ter exhibition than the previous one, + the most improvement being in the Collegiate seven, Their team work was far better than in the last game, but| still they were 100 much for the sol- | diers. The cadets were heavier, and! did not hesitate to use ther body to | advantage, In the firét half the game was clean | and was a good exhibition of junior | hockey. The pace set was fast, the combination good on both teams, avd} the few individual rushes livened up'! game. After about ten minutes of the second hall had elapsed, MeCammon cover-point for the Collegiates, and MecAvety, collided, the soldier fell and McCammon received his skate just above the right ankle. He got a very nasty cut, about and inch and a half long and into the bone. Dr. Mundell dressed the wound at the rink. and he was removed to the General Hospital in a hack, where three stitches were found necessary to close the cut. The teams lined up as follows : K. CC. L-Sliter, goal; point; McCammon, centre; Reid, rover; ton, wings. Cadets 1[--Nordheimer, goal: Read, point; Reiffenstein, cover: Campbell, rover; ~ McAvety, centre; Adams and White, wings. Wheeler, spare, Referee--Warren Lockett. Timers--X, Grimshaw and Grassett. | The name of Mascot Wanklyn of the Cadets was heard to advantage num- erous times during the game. For the winners, MeAvety, Campbell and Read showed up well and Jor the K. C. I, Reid, Acton and McCammon were the stars, Sliter put up a fine game in goal, Mundell, cover; Moran, Freeman and Aec- Cadet 14th And Frontenacs Practiced. The 14th team and the Frontenacs worked out together after. the game on Wednesday night. - About fourteen men were on the ice and a good bour's practice was indulged in. The juniors are showing good form for their game on Friday night, when it is thought that they will turn the tables on St. Georges. Queen's 111 had a good practice at five o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. Fourteen new men were out and all are showing fine form. This team will Lhe able 10 give the: cadets a good contest on Monday night, -- Mic-Macs Defeated. The Mic-Macs © were defeated by the Tigers in Gananoque, on Wednesday evening. At half time the score was 3 to 0, and' at full time 9 to 3. The Mic-Macs put up a good game, but they acknowledge that the best team won out. The game was fast from start to finish and was very clean. The following lined up for the King- ston team : Saunders, goal; Seal, point; Dick, cover; Metcalfe, * centre; McCartney, = rover; Houghton and Boyd, wings, ---- When the stomach, heart or kid nerves get 'weak, then these Ra ol ways fail. Don't drug the stomach nor stimulate the heart or kidneys That is simply a makeshift. Get a prescription known to druggists every. where as Dr. Snoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid ~and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request b: Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your healt is surely worth this simple test. Sold by all druggists. Ankle Badly Cut--The Fropt-| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1908. THE HALLS OF QUEEN'SIKEEP THE DLS LIT i - DIVINITY AND SCIENCE TO ALD. TOYE WANTSTHECITY PLAY BASKETBALL. _ ; CLOCK ILLUMINATED Sse . - ~~ : : Permanent Secretary For Y.M.C.!All Night Instead of A. --A Fine Landscape Paint-| He Scores His ing May Be Purchased For! Quarry Lots on the Consulting Library. | Street to Be Sold. Last fall those who made Divinity| The city property Hall their habitation challenged the [Yesterday afternoon. final year science studemts to a game |So0t Alds, Angrove (chairman), Cou- of association football. The science Per» Graham, Toye, McCartuby and '. ; i p Free. « en 8 Oy Lis at. length bel] An offer of $115 was received for lot final year have challenged the divini- {10% on the east side of Nelson street ties" 'to a game of basket-ball {from George Laturney. Un motion of challenge concludes as follows oi { Ald. Graham, the offer was accepted, whole five units of our team The communication of R. Wallace, + : B00 for the city's six quarry harmoajausly togeth ray joflering 8 3 4 phase, Tn er always lots off Patrick streets, or $400 for a negative temperature i 2 > os as sidered, co-efficient and since the two front ones was considers first connected | , y . i | " ne a : never has the circuit-breaker of any Ald. McCartney said he wouldn't fa of them bee oA sell he i Ro. i , n known to go out. Also|'"" selling the front t®o. Ii any sale we have, as yet, no losses to our cre-| {18 to be made let all the lots be sold + ; aiid Ha bulk. : it, ther ok ction, ve . Bi, Shere being wo Irictipn, al el Ald. Graham thought that at least an efficiency of Too or cent. We pro- | 31-000 should be got for the lots. He duce the lightning per if the ie J {moved that Mr. Wallace be offered the tailed hypocrites 'of Divinity. Hall can |™% joe fou that Sgute. k f scrape © up some thunder. there will | kt. oye wanted : 10 know j the verily he a storm." ~ Ph - me | wil] | nary lots kad been properly offered probably prove interesting ge {for sale by being advertised The int--City Patrick committee met There were pre {chairman said that they had not, but Yea the question of selling them had been 20 | jiscussed for some months past. Mr to Arrange | wallace owned lots on each side, and of a permanent { the lots were more valuable to him * [than anyone else. ° : E a | The city engineer st 1 that . the McQuarrie; science, M. Y. Williams, KE. Loi "h ily engin } ate . he : wn : ity had several other better quarry L. Bruce; medicine, T. R. Ross, J. E. | Dut pio Gal ith. Th fical Y.M.C.A. will {lots than those on Patrick street, and ie b BH Tr ea and - wil { that if it hadn't acquired the Alien Je unite with the arts anc SCIENCE lots on Montreal street, it would have association under the new system. The following committee has appointed by the Y.M.C.A. for the employment secretary : Theology, R. J. McDonald M.A; arts, P. G. McPherson, J. H {quarried stone for the streets off same -- | ita p i Wheto WAR It has been ascertained that a land. of Jus BHF lots whe fe the stone wa Scape Painting by Yeend King, the The motion &f Ald. Graham to sell eminent English artist, has been | thie six lots for $1,000 was adopted: placed upon the market for a very | Chairman Angrove stated that there reasonable consideration. Many of | way still lots of work to be done to the students are considering the mat {the city buildings to get them [into ter and it is not improbable that the {proper repair. One important place painting will be hung in the consult was around the dome, where repairs ing library of the old arte building | must be done very He suggest before another moon has waned. ed that a sub-committee be appointed --- 3h , [to go aver the city buildings and A few weeks ago the Engineering port upon what' was negsiary: Society decided to have the science [that the finance committee would dinner fee collected by 'the secretary: | know in good time what amount of 'treasurer of the faculty with the regu- { money the buildings required lar tuition fees in October. The mo- | Ald, Free moved that a sub-commit tion carried by an overwhelming ma- tee, consisting of the chairman, Alds jority but apparently there was not an | McCartney and Graham, and the city absolute concensus of opinion concern- {engine er make the necessary ex ing the matter, Anonymous corres. {amination and report upon the same pondents opposed the departure ip | nd give an estimate of the cost the Journal on the ground that | \Ald. Toye shid there were a lot of was fo the detriment of the Schfol [complaints about the poor lightin~ of of Mining to have the fees increa lithe city hall tower clock. The chair beyond the figure at which they were [man said he thought it must be poor previously fixed. Other science stu |Jight supply. Ald. Toye said it dents replied that the pecuniary view |pouldn't be the light supply, because of the matter becomes insignificant | the light in other parts of the build when the advantages of a successful lings was good. dinner, to the individual student as! Ald. Toye.asked how much the city well as the science faculty, are con: [got from the dominion government sidered. Editorially, the Journal is {for lighting the city clock. The clerk inclined to view the compulsory fee replied that the amount weds 8864 » with disfavor. The discussion may re- year. Ald. Toye thought that if that sult in a modification of the arrange. amount was spend; there should be ox. ment, : {cellent lighting. The whole four rides {of the clock should he lighted, Ald {Tove claimed. Some of the lights in this | the «dials were turned off every night {at eleven o'clock, and they shouldn't the when the government was paying been {for the light The city engineer figured that would cost about a dollar a night all SOON. res *O The Political Science club is holding one of its fortnightly debates afternoon. As the year book scheme has dropped, on" account of the uniformly | high tenders, final year arts has de- cided to have a year photograph, and {the vear round to light all four dials in all probability science and medicine | Ald.Graham agreed with Ald. Tove will do likewise. that the four dials should be kept lit {all night Whether or not members of the first | The chairman said he would give in basketball team should be allowed to [ttructions that the dials should '¢ participate in the regular inter-year [kept Jit all night games is the question which is now | engaging the attention of the basket- | ball executive. | While Jack Frost was playing - sorts of tricks last might, and en "A Talk by mn fcampper will bb |deavoring to break all the thermome the feature of thejnext meeting of the | ters in town, two Scotchmen, only out Levena Society. lin- this country but a short time, y {found their way to the police station ago H. Mortimer Lamb, | 8nd asked for shelter. The men ap RO ' [peared very respectablé, but accord secretary of the Canadian Mining In- aE stitute, cordially invited the mining {}"€ © their story, their life had not students of Queen's to compete for the | been one of coutinned sunshine wince prizes offered by the Institute for the [landing in thie covntry. They had best papers on subjects pertaining to | been unable to secure "steady employ mining engineering. As there 'are ten { ment mining engineering students in the final | . year 'Queen's science faculty will pro-| " " Vegetable Cough Specifics. bably be represented in the competi The Diamond Cough Remedy o ba {made of Wild Cherry, Hoarhound, Elo tion. campane and like remedies. No opia- | tes. Pleasant, prompt * and -eectnin cure for Coughs, Colds, Sare Throat land Hoarseness. Equally good for it 1 -- Were Given Shelter all A few weeks GRAND OPERA HOUSE, suother advance shipment oF SPRING HATS in time ; rest of the bockey matches. If you are going on the : > You will certainly want Marks' Company. oem hat well-known melo-drama, "East | Lynne," which will carry the me: | mory of elderly Kingstonians back to | more than a generation ago when it was produced here by Ada Grey, was Shared Jn eine on nei | expected that the supply will tf as company, and ' judging from cordiakity |€00d as last winter. One dealer" stat With which it was greeted by the large | ®1. to-day, that he had still on hand audience, it has lost none of its old- (& 800d supply of last Years ioe time popularity. The dual character There was no chance whatever of there of "Lady lsabel," and "Madame Vine' | being an ico famine in the city was takén by May A. Bell Marks, who { i AE amply demo onstrated her versatility | To-Night. dl and adaptivenels, Her force increased | Do not fail to atiend the Glee as the play progressed and in the [Club coneert in Grant Hall. With the closing scenes when she is paying the assistance of Hartwell De Mille, hari penalty. for the mad folly of her elope: (tone, the college musical clubs are ment, and living as a governess under |presenting an exceedingly strong pro- the roof of her former husband, sees | gramme. He Speaks At Queen's. M. E. Rundle, manager of the bead office, National Trust company, To- ronto, will address the Political Icemen Getting Busy. The icemen are now very busy mak- ing all the necessary preparations for gathering in the harvest. lee cutting will soon be ig full swings and it is , May p a high degree of artistic excellence. E. Hid: as the husband of "Lady » Isabel," displayed powers of expres- |Beiencs club on "Business Responsi- sion of a high order. A. C. Baldwin, bility," Friday, January 3iet, 'at J "Si i "dh pa. in the English classroom. ' Any i citizens interested are invited. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, as. # Lucas County. y Part-- | : fy 25 de' drug § "East Lynne" Well Played By the Young or old, ic. at Wade's drug | tore. N winter no amount of warm clothing will make you safe if your vi- ity is low. Warmth inside Seqtt's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil i carbon tothe and tissues and makes you warm and comfortable all over. [tis a safeguard against colds and all the ills that follow them. ; Small, easily taken doses will do it. Al Druggists; 50c. and $1.00. ALARM CLOCKS Are dependable Timepieces, the alarm is clear and sure, and to the minute. y This Clock will outwear all other styles and makes, and is fully guaranteed. Ask for (THE SUNRISE.) SMITH BROS., | Jewellers, Opticians. | 350 KING ST. The Sunrise: | Issuers of Marriage Licenses. € tions on W. F. GOURDIER, 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. ps ans nbd tt iin ORO For those wh irade Furs our wdvise those what wa are Coats Liantios Ladies' 'Bocharan Ladies' Astrachan We are big entire stock onl intending to buy to offeving an Men's Raco Persion Lamb Jackets Jackets Juekers, Stoles and Mufls, s Exclusive Purrier 0 are dm oneed of Fgh relyc. wonkd we n "Phone, 700, LIER RY 0] Cures ALL CouGHs ALWAYS, AND costs sur [5¢ Whitewear Whitewear We have our White- wear display ready for your inspection and to make it even more in- teresting, we will on Friday Morning 5 sell 500 quality yards of nice A limit of 10 each buyer. DOOR CAG CY + OORT OREO OOO GR