Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1908, p. 3

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Jy AEE that will LALURE CEL BL ni -- We Are Taking Our Spring Tonic Early Now ,we are getting ready for spring--re- ducing stocks, clearing up broken lines and odds and ends--sacrificing practically all our winter goods, In short we are getting in shape for the spring campaign. Price reducing is our tonic and | we are taking it early--and Aranhilly, Our an- nual JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Fashionable Furs At Prices Everybody Can! Afford to Pay. We will put no Furs in storage this spring. | . They are all going to be sold regardless of cost. irene --- C2 a EYER 2 Fur-Lined Jackets, worth $75.00, for 47.50. 1 Fur-Lined Jacket. worth $45, for 30.00. 4 Fur-Lined Jackets, worth $68, for 48.00. ; 1 Rocha Lamb Jackets. 'worth - $65, for 2.50. 2 Bocharan 37.00. 1 Bocharan Lamb Jacket, worth $45, for 25.00 1 Men's Fur Coat, worth $55, for 35.00. 2 Men's Fur Coats, worth $65, for 45.00, 3 Men's Fur Coats, worth $25, for 15.00. Lamb Jackets, worth $55, for CRUMLEY BROS. § i da . : M ; . 3 » FIT 333i Iivevsrsossrassyvitisssssvsvs revs ores January FURNITURE SALE Big Savings for you. Discounts, from 10 to 20 per cent. SIDEBOARDS, regular $23. Sale Price $18.50, SIDEBOARDS, regular $20, Sa'e Price, $16.50, SIDEBOARDS, regular $18. Sale Price, $14. Others, trom $6.75 and up. Lounges in Leather and Velours LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $7.50, reduced to $5.75, LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $6.50, reduced to $5. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $32.50, reduced to $26.50. R. J. REID, Ambulance In Call: 5 + OF . a Fancy Vests. We have to-day received 10 dozen. fancy VES{S, single and double breasted, most- ly light patterns. These vests are worn any season of the vear: These Vests. are worth from $1.50 to 3.50. y Vostaih in antage of this A -- | wardrobe February "Phone, 577. 1 Sovereign Bank, THE LEWP YEAR BALL ALL WAS ACCORDING TO THEKINGS T. : Girls Made it a Success in Every Point--The Cotillion a Beautiful Sight--A Night to Remember Haprily.' ind 1s a Yloid, The leap year ball is past which will long be cherished and call- The memory, aud a memory, led up when those present wish jo let their minds dwell on a bit of byight- ness and pleasure. The girls--the spin- sters does seem such an inapprofriate name for Kingston's - prelly women, young and younger--had arranged everything to the king's taste, pnd the king, Man, said and looked 8 preciation. The patrons, who received with Shir usual. charming manper, and looked well, of course, we all know how thy looked. As to costumes--well, th were no new ones, all those in t being felt to be more - coming than anything new could pog- sibly be, and where all were so pet fect there is no need to particularize, Suffice it to say, that every bouton: piere was pinned in to perfection. The thoughtful chaperons were Colonel W, PD. Gordon and Colonel E. T. Taylor, Professor John Macnaughion and P'ro- fessor Iva Martin, J. M. Campbell and Percy Stevenson. The hall was beautifully decorated, and the platform, where dozens of people looked down on the pretty scene, a dream. It was roofed in with bright-hued tissue paper, and a lattice work ran along the front. Com- fortable chairs and rugs and seats, with ferns and palms, made it a de lightiul spot to enjoy the ball, even il one were not dancing. The orches- tra came from Gananoque, and. the supper was recherche. Salads, of the most toothsomt Kind, were , great feature of this, and if they indicate the cooking capacitics of the spipsters its matrops they il all be before long At supper the guests of honor were waited upon-most assiduously by the hostesses, and their part was, over by' the quarter hour before midnight. Then the cotillion began, and last- ed till nearly two ol this crisp morn- ing. It was beautifully ¢arried out, every figure being prettier, it was thought, than the one that went be- fore. lu the "Driving" figure each girl rose with a pair of reins and col lecting five men, sent them in search of five girls, and all were driven about the hall. with long whips. The "May-pole'" went pff, or wound up, rather, beautifully, and was a pretty sight, ln the "Blindfolding" figure partners were chosen, then the girls and men separated, the former stand. ing in line, after carefully mixing themselves up, as soon as the men were blindfolded. These then dashed across the hall for partners, and laugh- able were the mistakes they made, For the favor figures all sorts of pains had been taken. Roses rare had been provided. for the men, and chrysan- themums for the girls, and butterflies also for the stern guests. The last figure "Confetti," was great fun, the girls throwing confetti at the men, and thus choosing partners. 'It was decidedly kaleidoscopic for the girls changed partners with bewildering ire- quency, and confetti rained in tor- rents. With world, lowers, of the the best intentions in the there were, at times, wall for there were forty too few fair sex, but by halving dances and other devices, the hostesses did their best to make up for the defi ciency in their numbers. It was ball past two before "God Save the King" sent overy one home much the better and happier for the leap year dance of 1908, Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Jessie Hamilton and Miss E. Casault, of Quebec; Miss Agnes leo- van, Miss Florence Milne and F. 0. Canfield, Woodstock; Miss L. Caver- hill, Ottawa: Miss Elsie and A, D Gillies, Carleton Place; Miss Marion Leonard, Napenee, and Mr. Budden an ex-cadet, here on furlough from his 'Irish regiment. - ESTIMATE VERIFIED: That Canadian Banking Svstem is Superior. Stratford Beacon When Prof, Shortt addressed the Canadian Club he explained very clearly the banking system of Canada, and showed its superiority over the system prevalent in the United States. That hi Was correct in his estimation of the "two systems.' seems to have been verified. by recent events. . The Ontario Bank has disappeared with only a flutter of excitement and now the Sovereign Bank has gone 'auto voluntary liquidation, without the least sign of uneasiness. Its absorp- tion by the leading chartered banks has been accomplished without any disturbance of the business of the country. This is creditable not only to our banks but alse to our banking system. In this voluntary lywidation of the one th has been made very prominent and t is the integrity '6f the directors. For months they have known that the bank mus give up the struggle, and vet they not unload their stock wu upon ighorant. public. Managers in differ ent places may bave made mistakes J and brought about disaster, but the "men on the inside' have shown *endiiy under the saaul scrutiny business men of the other ae Integrity in every walk of Tile is now demanded and when our lic institutions have at their THE phy BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1908. Hmusemendts. a (GRAND OPERL HOUSE Evening, 8.15. Matinee Saturday, £ WW. MARKS Presen MAY A. BELL MARKS Supported By MARKS BROS NO NO. 1 DRAMATIC CO. In a Repertoire of New Plays, High-! Class Vaudeville, Moving Pictures and | THustrated Songs. TO-NIGHT-- 'Midnight Ezpress.' PRIDAY--" Womans Against amen." Prices---16c., 20¢., Seats now on €ale. Grand Concert GRANT HALL THURSDAY EVE. JA. 30 QUEEN'S MUSICAL -- ORGANIZATIONS Ladies Glee Club Men's Glee Club Mandolin and Guitar Club Students' Orchestra With HARTWELL DeMILLE Toronto's Leading Baritone Soloist. Admission, 50 and 356. Plan at Uglow's. Farmers' Institute Meetings. The Froutenac Farmers' Institute will hold meetings at the following places :-- Town Hail, Wolle Island, Feb. Town Hall Joyceville, Fel. Oth, School House, Ulenburmie, Feb. 6th, Town Hall, Sydenhanin, Feb. Tth. Meetings to commente at 1.80 po, ond 7.30 p.m. SPEAKERS AND SUBJECTS : C. Hallman, Hreslan, "How to Lw- ae Our Live Stock, Cultivation of Corn aud the Silo,' t MNoxious Weeds," ete. J. W. Widdifield, ing Soil Fertility," 2.50. | Uxbridge, * Increas- "How to Presofve a Moist: Soil in a Dry Season,' 'The Poetry of Farm Life," etc. B. GORDON, JOSHUA KNIGHT, President. Secretary. Queen's Hockey Excursion ne Cn Montreal BY SPECIAL TRAIN, G.T. RY. 2.30 noon, FRIDAY, Jan. 31st, Tickets Fg returning by any regular train up to Monday, Feb. 3rd. Fare $3.65 Return. HOCKEY MATCH JUNIOR OHA. Frontenacs vs. St. George's FRIDAY, JAN, 31st. Gaihe called at 8 p.m. Admission, 25¢. CHILDREN'S CLASSES In Pencil andCharcoal Sketching The Compton Studiv, 66 Barrie St. 25¢c. Per Lesson. RN. 0, CARRIER, ot ¥. Art School. NOTICE. Sale Of Unclaimed Garments. After FEBRUARY 11th, 190%, we will sell all artkies not cluindd within thirty days of coanpletion Persons having any puch call for swe, WARWICK BROS. 191 Princess St. will kindly Must Secure Forty Per Cent. A new standard for the junior ma- triculation examigmtion has been adopted by the Umivewsity of Toron- | sor Candidates in 1909 will be re. | quired to. make forty per coil. of the marks on each paper. do the past to pass the examisauion thirty-three and one-third per cent. on each paper was necessary. The-higher standard is to be demanded at Mc Master, Queen's, and the Western universities, Candidates One Cup And Saucer Free. To introduce "wrand Duchess' fee at 35¢. per lb. We will give irre one cup and saucer with every pound sold. Thursday and Friday only, at Mullin's grocery, = cof- New County Wardens. Lambton--James Stith, Moore. a artiumburisud = Prederick Peake, Hiord, rin--br, Campbell, Shelburne, Beant, A. Killman, South Dum- fries. Renfrew--George Briggs, Pembroke. acne § Wa-Hoo, the rheumatism cure, on the bargain counter for 2%. a bot tle, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone A The cold weather of last night, did not prevent a Jarge crowd irom en- toboggan &lide. Ntth 100 too cold for the sport, however {CONDENSED ADVERTISING iA '| we have CHANGE IN MATRICULATION. | The. police of this city fave unearthed joving a few houks on the Fort hill [a band of robbers The weather was All women, and. the Jaders have: hom taken into custody, These female ban- dite are re ible tof highway robberies. They went well armed and usually made their attacks upon. uBAeSOmpanied men or women. R RATES First imsertion lc. a word, *Each cane secutive insertion thereafter ball cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- servion, 25e. HELP WANTED-MALZX. TRAVELLER TO REPRESENT US between Montreal and Toromto. Ap- piy to J. A. Uguid & Co., Mamiiac- turers, King St, near Queen St. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks | ates earn twelve to Te itaoms ; cate weekly ; help secure logue free Moler arbor College, Queen and Spedine. Toronto. ARCHITECTS. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, Cor. Queen and Bagot st HENRY 'P. SMITH, ABCIATECT, fe. A Anchor Building, Market Squa: 4 ART MUR, OF- fice, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant's Bank Building, corner ock Br. and Wellington streets 'Phone, 213. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, secomd floor over Mab 's-Prug store, corner Princess and Baget streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER - MORE OI building and contents than any other com Pan y ers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark et Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE HELP WANTED--FEMALE. A NOMAN TO Do WASHING A Urowiag. Housework the rest of fenek Apply between 2 and 4 po to 278 | Welliogton street. ! { D Labuns TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT pewing at home, Whoie or space Lie; | jgood pay ; work sent any distance charges pasd. Sead stamp for fu particulars. National Manufacturia Company. Montreal. | ! WANTED-GENERAL. i I { i ONE OR TWO PAIRS LADIES] 3 strong snowshoes. Apply Whig office GOOD WAGES KITCHEN GIRL, Ailieans, Royal TT a Apply to L. Military College rt A GOOD SQUARE PIANO. ONE IN use Ly private (awl y preferred. Ap Ly ply Box "C. C.,"* Whig office. BUSI SrENOCRAPHER, FOR CITY and t wuss house State experience salary. Apply 'Box "P, W." y office. dPROLSTERING AND CARPET j work, by R. W. Millard 295 Welling- | ; Orders taken at Drurys ton St. { Coal office PEOPLE WITH FURNITURE b TBA 7 ends iri to bring | 2 Powick 258 King ai, { neatly done; charges moderate. i JOB CLEANING ASHES QUT OF yards or cellars, or other baggage carted, Prices right. APPL ud >, Lytle, General Carter, 85 Main "8. A GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR ire Insuremes Company, Aveilad assets $61,187,215 In addition v which the policyholders have for security the unlimited. liability of al] the stockhoiders. Farm and city pro perty insured at lowest possible | rates. Belote renewing old or giving pew business rate from Strange) & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER O Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. "GOD'S EIGHT HOUR BILL." Will Seek For Unity Among the Churches. Lomdou Express, in the course a of an address at meeting held recently in London in tayor of Sunday obtervauce, the bis- agp of London said © "Since 1 have | ween over to the other side of the | Atlantic and seen how very much | more all the churches are united in | Christian progress there, 1 have de: termined to try and unite them on al the points we can in this country. regard to Sunday, we have one of = greatest points on which Christians | can be united. '1'look. on the obser- | vance Of Sunday af one of the finest pieces of Christian evidence we have, and it is a piede of evidence which cannot be refuted. Secondly. we have wn Sunday what I will call the wdrk- er's charter, and as a clever man ob- served to me the other day, 'Sunday Is God's Eight-Hour Bill.' "We mean to safeguard the chance for men for caring for their souls. What | to remember is that this | great boon of Sunday is pot lost yet, and 1 do not agree with those who say that the rest of Sunday has gone, but 1 notice tending to rob ams of it. The first of all is the breaking up of conventional | religion. 1 do not regret that break- ing up. I would rather have five men in church because they wanted to be there than 300 who are there because they are driven in. The first of Sunday is worship. The sleeps till one o'clock is not keeping Sunday any better than fellows go boating. It i a day for home life and reasonalile recreation in the bést wens, / CALLED ON MINISTERS. . one use To Have Them Setile Female Suffrage Issue. London, Jan. 30.--The militant mem bers of the women's suffPagist organi zation formed the mselves mito several | committees at the game hour, and visited the homes of the members of he chbinet for the pur-| of asking them to use their in- to have the question of female settled at As of the the m the women demonstrated by ringing door bells and delivering addresses | from door steps) The police were un- prepared for this course of action and noisy wseenps were witnessed on several of the fashionable thorough- fares oi London. The women were eventually diepersed after seven ar rests were made. to-day various | ™ me Huence suffrage this session. none ministers would see Given An Office. Toronto, Jan M0.--Alred Covell, a contracting carpenter, to-day, i appainted assistant relied officer for Toronto, at a salary of '$1,000 a vear Mr. Covell has been for years a mem- ber of the Makosic hoard of relief. He is vice-president of the 4th 'ward| Conservative Association and is member 'of St, Abdren's lodge of re Masons, was, Women Bandits. Lublin, Russian Poland, Jan, 30.-- for a long series {On a me ental n | {make the faculty thousands of men and wo- | various things which are | man who | who |8 Hod of correction, Overcoats and have them pressed and | { Jeaned, also get a new velvet colar | it makes them like mew. Prices | Galloway, The Tailor, wm | pext to Bibby's livery c i on, | right. Brock St. i cs ! CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, FURNI- ture, Plamog, or any article for stor-) age, by the moath, year, orf any way | required. For further information, aphiy to Laturney's Carriage Works, and 892 Princess St. 'Phone, 159. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. The Safety Of Sanity. a people who believed was particularly | Insanity | and There was once that a crazy person land peculiarly a holy vas the sign of gave to the witless one the reverence and devotion of his saner brethren par witle: savages are present who would man. super-sanctity, hose people of the of reason subser fact of ancient revela {tions Surely it is not sinful to bel teane, and dangerous to he rational. | {Surely God gave to us the reasoning faculty in order that we might use it | in_ the perception and proving of ltrath. This the Unitarian church fully | | declares, holding both the religions {ness of reason and the reasonableness of religion, ivient to the Address, Rev. €. W. Casson, at 2 Beacan street, Boston, Mass., for free | litere jure. SOME REMINISCENCES . ---- | Of the Late James O'Rielly, King- ston's Great Lawyer. Canndian Freeman In speaking to the | Freeman about ment of many bew {legal profession of the week by regresentative of the new appoint K.C's from the province dur the and respected the fac that O'Reilly, Q.U. 15th, 1875, to | the ling the past provincial government, an Kingstonian -reealled whi "the late James {passed away on May | moet his eternal reward; perbaps the {quickest wit and richest brogue that {were ever heard before the Canadian bar was stilled. Scores of old time friends rose up to speak well of him as a brilliant lawyer, an earnest stu {dent, a sturfly comrade, twho was a credit. tor jereed-- but, there is not one {living to-day who knew this great | Kingston lawyer, would say ~""he [had the wittiest tongue I ever knew {Is was when he stood in court room with a good witness (the more {stubborn the better), under the dart jing fire of his cross examination, that | { James O'Reilly knew how to sting He would keep well away from his | desk stand erect to get the best ad {vantage of his stature, his fine head with its great almost uncouth shoek of black hair thrown far back, round old and Irishman his» race and who x but the AND | BUIL DING lone 1907 DOUBLE Whig lsnaP FOR PAGE THREE. a TET. FOR SALE. FROM $25 UP. Me Ofte, §1 Brock LOTS Cann's Heal Estate streal TWO apply TER RIER PUPS, Partadu 0GS. rox months old at Wide Moe. 1 BOATS AND BOAT F RAMES READY for plankt a finished boats, cheap. Old Block House, XK ingatom ED ISON KENE TISCQPE, Dew ; two S00 and oue SU0 gal, Apply Capt, Roys, Bteamer Alothu : HOSPITAL TENTS, swalipox and other con ous eases ; the best in the wor factured by J. J. Tuner & Peterboro, Oat., Canada. FOR dis Mane VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALF--- Double se, on Johnson st the property of the late Joseph Jamie son, now used as & dwelling and plumber's shop. Apply to Moses: Walkem & Walkem MOTOR BOAT OWNE: Dynamo, No. SO.v, with 8J, Apple 12-8 switchboard and Apple 6 volt 30 amp-hour St battery, new, mever used | will be sold cheap for cash. Apply 'Box 333, Whig office. Apple governoe TO-LET. STORES, McCann's, DWELLINGS, Storage, street, A FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN City Storage, 39% ote. STORAGE dry rooms, Frost's Queen St. 'Phone, PERSONAL. PROF MALSTE AD, PALMIST, Psychologist and Teacher. Owing many appointments Will remain & ~ days longer in Kingston. Unsur: passed consultation daily; 78 Wiliam street. TO LET ON SHARES. HORACE will Te Terms COLLINS BAY, farn ou shares. pgdication, | DON' T WAIT mt YoU ARE RICH TO BUY A Victor Talking Machine Drop in and enquire or write. us about our Easy Payment Plan. DAWSON & STALEY, 217 Princess Bt., Kingston. High Grade Pianos, at Liviag Prices. . THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City 4d Farm Pros pertiesl Mundcipal asd 'ounty Deben- cures, Mortgages pugchased, Deposits received and interest allowed. 8. C. MoGill, Managing Director. 'The great Uterine Tope, only sa's effectual Heglalor on which sad. Fold Sopend. Soi ja in : 10 degrees BS ; ESS pe Ad woox Memes Ba, Traowre. WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Litt» and Saves Much, Good Variety al STRACHAN'S. ed chin well up and his eyes closed We give -a few of the many good stor jos as told by our friend to'illustrate this great lawyer, which will prove | more than interesting to our readers | "The fact is, you were drunk on | that night, weren't you 7" he said in i sinuatingly to a witness "That 8 my business." "l know _ it's your business, - wers you attending to it 7" "Another ' witness whom ke il eross-esamining gave evidence am | Mr. O'Reilly wished to invalidate, and said : "You have been in the haven't you ¥' | The crown-attorney, who was the op | Posing counsel, seeing that {best place to get an ail the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English specielty. New England Chinese Restaurant ~ 331 King Street. Open. from 10.30 am, to 3 am. the round Lusch fs and Chiness dishes » 'Phobe, 605. a 'Wm, Murray, Auctionee 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness Mr. jo for sale. Bale of Horses every Saturday. O'Reilly had no document in sappori of His question. leaped fo = hin feet, erying, "'one minute 1" "Neo." ,, Teplied Mr. OReilly six Bi ORs and ashed-- en: 3 To sed rd prompt "What yo think of that? i " "Sound," said O'Reilly." otro wrelist't at. hint. Roll Beason, onr nn J + Beck In Dagger. i Th" tong endl So 4 the Toronto News | on, Adam Beck a * foot "that dida't vidp ble. and Same paper ix _ yelfsn "an Perhaps that 5. i

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