Real Estate THE DAILY Sof > | Skate w| EDW. J. B. PENSE, Acknowl- el © Managing Directors } THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 319 F : : . demanded in this respect? How is the want or the demand to be met ? The disappearance of the apprentice system may be lamented, but can the technical school '611 its place ? sducated mechanic is the man who is most sought and rewarded, hut expert must have practical as well as theoretical knowledge. The want the times, edged by vl the most [| prominent » | players as , | Daile Whig. MR. AMES' GREAT FIND, | The bluster in the commons is over. ; » absolutely » [The opposition would not allow any the best P| business to be done because Mr. Ames skate for ¥ |coutd not verily swapicions which he h oc k e y | entertained respecting the contents of ¥ magle. " teortain papers. ¢ He was full of anxiety, but be vould [wot tell why, avd the government ¢ a } Absolutely x [road not see why the records of any + o [department should be. displaced or Cuaran- -¥ {dtinarranged in order to suit the ca- {price of anyone. So the row went on teed. v for several days. Then Sir Wilfrid Laurier laid a fyle SE Nee X.lon the table of parliament, saying Sole Agency br {that Mr. Ames could not demand it | anor the rules of the house, but that Corbett's > [there was nothing to conceal, and he ze {invited the closest scrutiny of the % | papers. Something had to follow as a mat- ter of course, and it is Bnnoundang most solemnly that Mr. Ames found in the budget, and in the form of ten- dets, two or more for different offers, the same ' handwriting. . A mere suspicion ! But enough to jus- and | yattema i tify the demand for the papers, and PER CENT. LESS than anv to give ground for the rumpus which other store ir town. the opposition provoked. sy & ' When the case has been developed, 8, $6, $8.50, $11, $13.50 and Mr. Ames has been allowed, in Give me a trial. Xt is always his most icy way, to state his grie- ot " oodas please be i to [Vance the man : ten- {ders may be produced to give the lie buy. or not. e 4 direct to a statement that blanks were ISAAC ZACKS wun ii by some vue oe 271 Princess street. Now In New Stock all here. latest styles © best quality. # | 5 4 i and in All ww | who wrote the interior department. Hon. Mr. Oliver may not suit some . | members of the opposition, but he is un honest man, and ¢an be depended {upon to defend every transaction with {which his name is connectéd. ---------- A GRANT CUT OFF. A. H. Leake, who is the inepgctor of technical education for Ontario, at a function in Toronto said he had been compelled to 'make the government | | withdraw its grant of over $1,000 from the Toronto school board, because of tithe inadequate equipment of the tech. nical school, This leads to some meditation here. Mr. Leake has been inspecting our domestic science and fechnical clnsses, and has made eertnin- recommenda- tions touching their improvement. The class rooms in the institute are in the basément and they are, in Mr. Leake's opinion, insufficiently lighted and provided with modern appliances. It has been intimated that the teach- r, 8 most capable man, must have more opportunity for the expression of his usefulness and the usefulness of the school. Something must be done to meet his views, They "eannot be ignored. He holds a position, where his ¢riticism counts for much, and if be asks for what is Teasonable he must be respected. Either that or the grant goes, and it is too large' to be forfeited lightly, The domestic science class is Hodisal Dilla a: well, and is very warmly endorsed by only in Kingston, at the imspector. The teacher he com- DRUG STORE, 134 Prins wb mends and her work will be i street. on receipt of Spprecs prico~$1. ated the more under conditiong which he recommends, The domestic science department is but a complemeng; how ever, in Mr. Leake's mind of the mabu- al training which is being morp and mors urged upon the attention of the school teachers and school tgustees. The point of special interest is this: That the government is acting upon the representations of its inspectors, and the local authorities will be the : have an increasing regard A nice wide stock and good lengths. Just the thing for boats and launches. Also | Both Red and White, Plain' and Quartered. 8. ANCLIN & C0. | Bay & Wellington Sts, "Phone 66. # Dr. Brock's $° glish n . s Fomale Periodical Pills are doing Headquarters you want to buy or sell City ¥: Ro to a man who & specialty of same. ee Sp ---- EDUCATED MECHANICS WANTED. Some time ago it way intimated that the dominion should interest jt- self fin technical education, and now we have a select few coming together at a luncheon, in Toronto, and giving further stimulation to the proposal. The chief address, logating the re- sponsibility upon the dominion in this -fmatier, was that of Dr. Pakenham, who is the dean of the School of Edu. light, and it should be fortheoming | withaut' delay. THE ISSUE IN TORONTO. There is a serious commotion in To- | ronto on the license question, The re- | { places where liquor is sold means | } depreciation of the property. a fess | # business and ite ruin to the men #gaged therein, a loss to the inland r§ente department of between $6,000 al 87,000, and a loss to the provin- cis) government and city council of ove $10,000: } The action of the couhcil has vexed soko people and they promise retalia- ton in the next election. Some one Jas pointed out that in Toledo there vas a similar experience, and that while there was restriction one year there was the next year a wide open city and-all that it implied. fArainst this is the record, in To- roato, wher Mr. Fleming, now man- ager of the street railway, was in municipal politics. In 1886 he was pledged to fewer licenses. He moved for it and failed. In 1857 he made it Juctiom of thirty-four in the number | an jssue in the election, ahd as a result seventyfour saloon and nine- teen shop licenses were cut off. In 1888 he moved for a further reduction of 100. The matter was appealed to the courts and the motion declared legal. Apparently the temperance men have made the license question the promin- ent one, for the present, and for the time being it overshadows the power question which, for 'a while, was the only thing talked about in the Queen City. ---- EDITORIAL NOTES. It's a good thing the Thaw trial is near a close. The wailing of the sob squad -has been simply distressing. Liliian Russell has been very much annoyed because some rash reporter in Toronto surmised or said that she was forty-eight years of age. The very idea ! ------ Hamilton must not let this talk of technical edugation under federal aus. pices déprive it of the technical col lege which the Whitney government promised, -- If the loyal opposition knew in 1905 that the Anglo-Japanese treaty was defective why did it not say so ? The opposition 'has a duty to perform as well a3 the government, The Toronto News is advising Mr. McKay what he should do as the lead- | er of the opposition. Has it no furth- or use for Mr. Whitney ? He was its special delight, the apple of its eye. The Canadian' Pacific Railway com- pany will amend its pension fund sol as to make the retiring allowance in any case not less than 820 per month. It can well afford the generosity which this suggests, The experience of Miss Gould, Miss Thaw, and othérs, has not deterred the American heiress from seeking a title. Miss Vanderbilt's choice cost her about twelve millions, and the money had to pass into the count' hands before he wedded. ------ The Manitoba ministers {members of the Roblin gov: romlent) are goed to receive $6,000 a year, and' his col leagues $5,000 a year.! The/ members' indemnity will be increased from $400 to 81,000 a year: Nothing like being good to oneself, SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Demand For Babies. Toronto Mail. It is gratifying to learh that the supply of babies is not equal to the dewmaud, and that there are hundreds of good homes waiting for children to adopt. In view of this fact it seems strange that institutions like the In- fants' Home should be in need of gov- ernment aid. Not Consistent. Montreal Héfald. TE London's tory county council rebell- against the wanton extravagance mg lunches for starving chil- vot. The | the! of | therefore, is light, more] | Holmes | with | soon as he saw the original papers, at {These instructions we were, of course, { a i themselves. The premier will hereafter | | | IT TURNED OUT TO BE A ROORBACK. | The Plot Developed By H. B. Lawyer Who Handled the Documents, . Toromte Gigbe. . Ottawa, Jan. = 28. --The Sherlock of the opposition, to" wit, H. . Ames, says he has found a due that will unearth a deep-dved con- spiracy hatched in the interior depart- ment. Ju reality the said clue is not of the Sherlod Holmes type; it is more characteristic of the Foxy Quiller as the denouement. of this Jatest op- ppsition detective story will show. Hie introduction. was dramatic i enough. The whole legislation of par- liament stood in pause for three days while Mr. Ames and his copfreres ve- hemently Slewanded that thef Jat sas at once the original s connec the Rd rai timber berths by the interior department. "If I once got a chance to examine the bandwriting' on these papers," said Mr. Ames, in effect; "I can a tale us- | fold, etc." Well, the papers have been brought down, he has examined the handwriting, and the horrible tale is duly unfolded under a score of head- lines in the opposition mornin | papers. "Colossal Land Svandal . vealed By Docnments," runs the heading in big letters in The Mail and Empire. Unfortunately for the dra- matic effect of the story, the facts will not carry the heading. The plot, develo by Mr. Ames is, | in briel, 'as' follows: In the fall of | 1903 the department of the interior | advertised for tenders for a western | timber berth of about seventy square | miles area. Three tenders were re- ceived, One was put in by C, W. Fra. ser, K.C., of Ottawa, for $1,000; second was for $6,420, put in by James Curry, of. the Saskatchewan | Lumber company, and a third tender, | in the name of W. H. Nolan, of Mon. } treal, was submitted, offering 27,000, | or $650 more than Mr. "Curry's offer. The timber berth was awarded to the | highest . tenderer = who afterwards | transferred the lease to the Imperial Pulp company, of which Sir Daniel McMillan, lieutenant-governor of Manitoba, is president. Mr. Ames, ng i the fact that the the first and "third tenders was the same, and that Mr. Nolan's signature on the transfer of the lease to Sir Daniel McMillan ®as different from' the signature attached to the tender for 27,000. "Discovered!" cried Mr. Ames, and the coho ran speedily around the opposition _bench- es last night. Here was another--ex- ample of "brazen oraft." Tt requires | a microscope and the shutting of both eves to clearly discern the scandal. but a 'scandal had to be found, and so this comic-opera one was produced, Now for the puncturing of the bub. ble. "Certainly the two tenders were in the same handwritine says. Mr. Fraser, "lor both were mado out in the degal office of my fiem.. Instruc- tions were received from clients to put in a tender at'the lowest amount fr the berths. Subsequently instructions were received to put iv a tender for another client at a higher amount. onecé pounced on handwriting on hound fo carry out; and did so in the usual way. There was nothing irregu. lar about the transaction. I had a power of attorney from Mr. Nolan. and signed his name to his tender." And that is all there is to the "Colossal Lahd Scandal." WARDENS ELECTED. County Councils Choose Presiding 8. The county councils of Ontario met, Tuesday, and elected their wardens : Bruce--M. Hilker, Port Elgin. | Dundas, Stormont and G engarry-- | E. V. Callahan, Stormont. ! Essex--J. O'Neill, Sandwich South. | Frontenae~dJ ohn Foley, Howe land. Grey--R. J. Ball, Hanover. Haldimand--William Bain, South Cayuga. i Halton =F. MoKibboi, Miltoi Farley, Thurlow. | Is! | Hastings--W. ©, Huron--Robert Mcleant: Goderich. | Kent--George Johns, Bothwell. i Lanark--M¢. bbs, Drummond. { leeds and Grenville--J. B. McMur | chy, Gananoque. } Lincoln--Francis Lowry, Niagara township, > Middlesex--D. D. Graham. Norfolk--G. -Walker, Houghton. ! Ontario--W. L. Parrish, Port Perry. | Oxford--J. A. Fielding, North Nor- wich. . Perth--C. Hazanpflug, Milverton. Peterboro--James Thompson, Have- lovk, Prescott and Russell-J., N. La- pointe, Fournier, Privice Edward--D. Spafford. SBimcoe--D. C. Barr, Collingwood. Vietoria--R. M. Mason; Fenelon Falls. 3 Waterloo--R. J. Lockhart, Hespeler. Welland---D. Sharp, Thorold town. ge lington--d. M.: Youn." ing MM. Youwni. 3 Wostworth--W. A. Emery, East Flamboro, York--W, Keith, Newmarket. i } i i 4] hil THT LO Schl. = Ames | ' 3 i "Canad jottén to the core in} Was Speadily Exploded By a da is oe ore a | and strangles | jeontrarg t such | church, |Pit is supreme, | sort D FALSEHOOD Eaglishman in Press. | "Beorge . » ex-post-office ser- [ vant, lute of chester," signs the suboined remageble claim of bitter {hess and falselybd, appenring in the | Evening News of Manchester, Eng. : jdividualism § rank. writtem un Y face everything on would allow racy to 1 itself. Were it not few the tew Brish there nothing would be accomplishd at all. Canadians seldom think, andthey never read. They act on preceddt and do everything like wise. It ira question of virsh rather than bras. the method of gevern- ment is similar te ours, only the capigflists bose the show. 'They ds | just as hey please, and they are al- lowed tf do so, and to speak to the is criminal. 1 have just been reading a "synopsis of 'an article by Keir rdie on his visit to Canada, and bn just voices what | have stated, and sg® that the next generation eof Canadian workers will find themselves similafly placed to what they are at home. As he states, there are miles on miles of uncultivated land, but it is wild prairie land and miles from all means of shipment, and even where railrgads are there are continual out- cries of insufficient means of transpor- tation, "1 never did in-all my life meet with , . BYOSs ignorance, combined with stupid bigotry and: cast iron prejudice to all that is English, Were I to enu- merate afew of the Canadian ideas of what England is you would be amused and perhaps amazed. But when I come to the religious aspect of the Canadian it is more in sympathy than nh censure ; I deplore the state of the In a few years the church will find itself effete. ~ And why ? Because RD as ------ as - y PARKLING APENTA (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED) IN SPLITS ONLY. « : A Refreshing and Pleasant Ajerient for Morning Use. - a ------ EE EE-- | ---- or BENGE The Glove TRY BIBBY'S ora of FaR heTown Men's Underwear, 'Tis by reason of our immense Glove . trade that we have been termed The Glove Store of the ---- ) town. Every Suit of Underwear we sell ' a: is from the best and most reliable | Dent's Best a Make English makers, bid Gloves, Ladies "and Gentleman, See Our Penman's Fleeced Shirts | Silk-Lined, Wool-Lined and »ur- and Drawers, at 38c., 50c., 75c. | Lined, $1.25, $1.50, 82 to $5. a garment. 5 See Periman's Unshrinkable there is not an atom of spirituality in the worship, What is the cause of all this ? To would be co rivalry, Union in this instance is a failure, It has been stultifying as it has been Sweeping. Aud another rea- son the laity have no power. The pyl- and this territory is forbidden to the layman. The local preacher is. not required unless he is a mor graduate of some of her petty- fogring seminaries. Well, I may be a little strong and severe i ment, but |. assure you that my Journ here will not he long Fhe concluding sentences seem to let the cat out of the bag. George is evi- dently 'a local preacher, and must be a poor one and of little weight, to be napprecioted and denied an easy liv- ing bya western frontier community where lay workers are in favor and demand, George is a Very angry man thereat, no doubt, but anger is not an excuse for his bitter tirade of des traction, which ig fitted for Jocal wholesome regeneration, Can the Manchester News imagine that there could be an absence of "prejudice" against old country folk w almost daily grossly abusive and false letters appear in. English pa- pers ? If a newcomer from that land fails' to eed, probably from the weaknesses that made him a failure home, he sets in to abuse the Indeed detraction of Canada at first sight is the impulse of far too many immigrants, with everlasting lauda- tion of England as their chief oceupa- tion for months after their arrival, till they settle down to common sense But the Englishman this winter is re- deeming himself well, willing worker and thereford, welcome ay, There may not be in the churches, but there is vastly more to the acre than in England The whole community are church-go ers, among the weak minority, non-attendants, arrived from East years. country, and becoming a as the flowers of an excess of piety Conspicuous late I of religious rise to many in the London of Indeed their nee knowledge has given doubts as to the -eMurches | great. metropolis reaching the masses The religion here, too, is of the right winter church in Kingston is helping seventy-five fam- ilies with direct: aid to subsist. = Be sides this. one of its clergymen is run- ning a stone quarry with fifty E so This one ness 'of the city corporation. The rush of new-comers to the cities is the cause of lack of employment for all in the dull winter season, while the farm. ers are crying out for help and not getting it. j very kindly treated generally, as well of Canada, by, disappointed men, is not a palatable dose. - George's closing words are very cheering, however. He will not so journ herve long. We are rejoiced. Men afflicted with the bad heart are not cherished anywhere. He will go far- ther, Allah be praised, and probably fare worse. Tata, George Hampson, ex-post oflice servant and champion grumbler. { | {lish workers in it, through the kind- | : | | | § | Be Master Of Pain. Any pain, little or big, exhausts vitality. It causes both suffering and permanent injury. Cure aches - and pains promptly any time by using Smith's White Liniment. It finds the deepest ache and cured it. Best remedy | for Neuralgia or Rheumatism, or for any inflammation or congestion. You should wever be without it. 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. my mind the first reason | ufederation. There js no | n my jodg- | 8o- | proof that he is not | praching without | at i fellow -citizen-- | ave families | To the thousands of Eng-1 { ishmen who are doing well and being as to Canadian helpers, the detraction | Fowne's English Gloves. Wool Ribbed, at 75¢c. and $1 a . | garment 3 See St. George's Brand, Heavy | Ribbed, All Wool, $1.25 and $la | garment. | See Penman's Elastic Ribbed, at | $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 a rarment. See Special Fine Natural Wool, Underwear, at $1 a garment, We carry the finest and largest {stock of Wolsey, English Under- | wear. Wolsey's able Shirts and Drawers, garment. ' Silk and Wool $2.50 a garment. Perrin's Gloves. 'Alexandria French Gloves. See Our * Knitted Gloves, 25¢c.. 50¢., T5ec., $1. ! f See Our Special $2 Fur-Lined | Gloves. See Our Special $1.50 Fine | Mocka Gloves. v 1 i Q () . 0 Guaranteed Unshrink- | See Our Great § $2 i Usderahizte. | See Our Swell Fur | $4 and $4.50. 50 Buckskin sp Mitts, '$3.50; x -------- The H. D. Bibby Co., Cash and One Price Clothing House, LLLLLLL0LLALLLLLLLLNDLLLRLELELLL0L0000000000 | : OUR SHOE SALE i | ~ CLOSES SATURDAY MIGHT. Last opportunity to secure the best Shoes in America. at a DISCOUNT OF 25% If we could show the readers of the "Whig," personally, the splendid-bargains-we are offer- ing, our store would be jammeg to the doars. Unfortunately, we can only ask you fo take our bare statement that the bargains are real and genuine, 4 ' If you will "accept these statements as being the true facts, you will profit by the savings we can make for you HR Seat AT RN No Sale Shoes Exchan alter Monday Next, Feb. ged RR CTR Hh TRG a If not, come on Saturday { | Come before Saturday. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. Where the Bargains Come From. SPIFIEIPIIRIII SEPSIS VIR P9008 FOTOTOPOPPPTOOOT OOD IER £90 Per Cent. Discount Off From now until March 1st, we will give 20 per gent. Dis. : count off - AGATE WARE and Elite Ware, which is the best manufactured. We have a large stock of CARPET SWEEPERS { On hand and for one week only will allow a DISCOUNT it. per cent, off. gq *