(Me i 3 HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. y even numbered section of Domine Laude in Manitoba of the North-Wes : pees, excepting 8 ahd 26, not re Werved, may be homesteaded by any perl jon the Sols. head of & family, or male | of age, Lo the extemt of section, of 160 acres, more! Application for homestead entry must, ior im person by the applicant ai a! Lands Agency or Sub-agency. | by proxy may, however, he made an Agency om certain conditions by | father, mother, son, daughter, broth or sister of an intending howesteader, | eation for entry or cancelia- | personally st any sub-agent's be wired to the Agent by Lhe, at the expeswe of the appli-| the land applied for is vacant the telegrasn such applica- Ve priority and the land will | thi the necessary papers to the transaction are received - case of reonation" or fraud the w Roriei all priority of claim | mh been graated it. will be) eancel 3 pHicatio Sor cancellation must be | person. The applicant must be| for homestead entry, and only one | atic will pe re! cance ., | c for uncollation will Te en prior right of entry. nd for cancellation wust the homes tion proceedings Bn Vi ito, ayer ot daughter, brother or sister but to no ome else, on Ring | o settigr is required to per- the dutios' * ads 'of the follow-| ) a t least six months' residence up-| pn and cultivation of the land in each| Year during the term of three years. | (2) A bonesteader way, if be so de | by Uf orm the 1 Sequired Jestdency duties by living on farming land own solely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres dn extent, in the wicinity of hi Joint ownership in land wii this requirement. 8) the father (or mother, il the is deceased) of a homestoader Jus permanent residence farming | lan pwned by not less than on him, uty ) acres in extent, inthe vicini- the homestead, or upon & home entered for by him in the vicinity, homesteader may perforin his own sesidence duties by lving with the fath- - motber.) " (4) The term "vicinity" in the two Paugeaine is defined as mean- wot more nine miles in a direct of the width of rosd al the ith| Blucher by M for the district of such application for must give six months' notice to the Uommissioner of Do-| at Ottawa, of his inten: G patent a wnting wri do SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, LOAN Og] ining ts may be - - rental a ners. Not dan 3.500 acres shall be leased to or company. i royalty at of five dents per ton aall he onthe merchantable com "ned parson eighteen years .4 oF over, having discovered mineral in ay locates a claim 1,500x1,500 foe for recording ® claim is $5. 3 must be expended on the At $100 each year or paid to the mining in leu thereof. When $500 has or paid, the 'locator may a survey made, and upon with other requirements, pui« 3 land at $1 per acre. patent provides for the payment Fd of 24 per cent on' the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 hi. Square; entry fue $5, renewable year ny MSplionnt may obtain two leases to gold of five miles cach for a twenty years, renewable at the of the Minister of the In Jessce shall have a dredge In oper within one season from the date lense for each five miles. he um for each mile of river ality at the rate of 24 per| on the output after it ex W. W. CORY, of the Minister of the Interior. mauthorised publication of this at will mot be paid for, Rental EDUCATIONAL. un shocossful at @ $1 you wish to be wo i Kingston: Business Bookkeeping, typowriting, «tele. all commercial and * thor i ta b, oughly ught by and classes. Enter at 'F. METCALFE, President. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Foire PERFECTION Ia RES CCT The perpetual charm of freshness and crispnes --of daintiness and deli- ciousness -- is in every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas § 4 --held captive by the air-tight, moistur proof ackages. "There is t in everything. 1 Biscuits, it's Mooney' » A Ss. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30; 1908. THE SPORT REVIEW MONTREAL HERALD DRESS | |" ES DOWN M'GILL Playing" a Team of Dubs] Against Harvard--An Iceboat | Goes at the Rate of 105 Miles An Hour, | For Arthur Duffy is at work trying to jerecte an athletic body to foster Lath amateur and professional athletics, 1n MADE AFFIDAVITS That a News Reporter Was Incor- rect in Statement. ! Dominion & Canada, Province of Outario, County of Frontenac, to wit: Iu the matter of the Bijou Theatre, Princess street, Kingston ; 1, Johu Cairns, of the City of King- ston, in the County of Fromtenac, | electrician, do solemnly declare that 1 have read the statement of one Wil- fred McTavish, published in the King- on Tuesday, January 25th, sion News : 1905, 2 ! That the visit of the said McTavish to the room of the Bijou! J operating gathered thegither Friends ball! to celebrate { versary. jenthusiastic on the pipes Kenzie; o ter frae rison opposition to the AAU. | 'T. Tchigerin, the noted chess mas- {ter, is dead. He was born in 1830. { Tehigerin took part ia many national | {and internatiopal tournaments and on {a number of occasions was high in the { theatre took place on or about De |< vember. 8th. 1607. That that said McTavish asked no questions and made po investigation ® regard to the equipment or exits of the Bijou theatre. list of winners. " That 1 am tweniy-seven vears { Miss Kathleen Pope, of New York, ' i il {the champion child figure-skater, wit |*%8 and have a wife and fami Y leo-1 teompete at the Montreal and Quebec | That I Lave been a practical « ec- | { tosrnaments for the Canmi'an cham. |'I'CiaR lor six jars and understand pionships next week, The little girl! horoughly the operation of a moving {is ten yedrs of age. | picture machine, GE : } |" Francis © Gotch, the _ That during the visit of thie said Me wrestling champion, {Tavish to the operating room of the Busch, of Germany, at Rochester, {Bijou theatre the machine was 3 N winning two. straight falls jcharge of mysell and one Edwar Goteh obtained the first fall in sleve { Pound, as my assistant. : ok minutes and thirty seconds and That the duration of the visit of Hl second fall in tem minutes and | the said Mc Tavish to the operating" 4 seconds, room of the Bijou theatre, -was not At Troppau, Austrian Silesia, the more than fifteen minutes and that coutest for the world's figure skating | during his visit there was no smoking championship was won, on Sunday, | by either Edward Pound or myself. by Salchow, of Stockholm, the holder] That at uo time has smoking been of the title, Herr Fuchs, of Munich, [permitted in the operating room of { {i i 0 heavyweight { defeated Curl h } i {was second, and Herr Burger, of the the Bijou theatre, while the machine | Men's $2.50 Boots for Our 'Men's Box Calf Cut, with good sole. These Boots are hard to beat for the price. RECORD BREAKER $1.90 Boots, heavy | this pretty 'H. JENNINGS, King St. same city, was third. The women's Was in operation or the film exposed; championship was won by Fraulein |and that for the past six weeks ng Zily Krouberger, of Budapest, aud the [smoking at any time has been pey mixed pair event by Herr Burger and | mitted within the operating room. | Fraulein Hubler, of Munich 1 n f | "Bays the Galt Reporter : "The froth- |consientiously believing it to be true, ings of the sporting editor of the To- [and knowing that it is of the same ronto Telegram have helpid to bring [force and effect as if made under oath | professional hockey in our ranks and by virtue of "The Canada Evi | { The Télegram's bitter JOHN CAIRNS, | i denunciations [dence Act.' } : | simply goaded players and mgnagers | Declared befork me at the City of linto showing' John Ross Robertson | Kingston, in the County of Frontenac jand his organ that they couldn't con- | this 20th day 'of January, A.D. 1908. | trol the sport in Canada 'or besmirch |--A. B. CUNNINGHAM, Commission | young athletes without reason The er, Ete. Fy : { answer to the Robertson campaign of | Dominion - of Canada, Province of | villification is a successful profession- Ontario, Comty of Frontenac, to wit al league that is tearing the vitals! In the matter of the Bijou Theatre, out of the O.H.A" Princess street, Kingston ; tioing a distance of seven miles in! *1, Edward Pound, of the City of exactly four miputes with an iceboat | Kingston, in the County of Fronte {is a frat just accomplished by John Rac, propeciv man, do solemnly de- | Beek, of Ashland, Wisconsin, and this|clare, that 1. wis-fermerly assistant record. which is at the rate of 105 operator at the Bijou Theatre, and | miles an hour, will undoubtedly stande{that I have heard read the declara for a long fime as the fastest time tion of Jobn Cairns, dated the twen- the At the time! ty-ninth day of January, 160%, and | record was made the wind was say that the statements therein con- blowing a gale, and Beck says - attained in regard to the visit of ome | times he was going so fast that he |Wilired McTavish to the Bijou theatre had hard work to see, and also toon or about December 9th, 1997, are in | maintain his seat. Any mishap upon all respects true, ithe trip would undoubtedly have re- | And I make this solemn declaration | ice jever made on 5 iii 1 £ 2 is a 8 jit ii of If We Could Look , at the Heart of a Pale-Faced Person | yor 3 for $1.25 ob | di on receipt of sulted in the death of the man. The |consientiously believing it to be true, | boat which made the record run has |and knowing that it is of the same been christened the Red Devil. force and effect as if mude under oath | Montreal Herald : "Harviird, 8: Me- land by virtue of "The Canada Evi- | Gill, 2." "Confident, Canadians sound- | dewee Act." EDWARD POUND, i ly thrashed by boys in "Crimson." | Declared before me at the City of | These are samples of the head lines | Kingston, in the County of Frontenac that, on Saturday nightior Sunday {this 20th day of Japnary, A.D, 1908 morping. adorned every sporting sheet |--A. B. CUNNINGHAM, Commission: published in the New England states. er, Ete. } To-day everybodv who reads has learn- | ed of the way McGill was shamefully | defeated by Harvard on Saturday. We | have heard much about the lack of | Evening Mantle of Velvet or college spirit at McGill, but this is the | * Cloth. | most flagrant example of its absence. | | I hall a dozen men from the Canadi-| an university wanted a trip to Boston | and had incidentally arranged for a game of hockev all well and good, but | that they should be allowed to unfurl | the McGill banner and march forth as! {the defenders of McGill's athletic hon- | for, when not a man on the {eam| owns a big "M." or has made the Mc- | Gill line, is unpardonable. Would Har | vard allow any eleven mien who hap- | i pened to have a hankering for tavel] ' | i conse to Canada and pose as the great i { Harvard footpall team? Would they allow the ignominy of the defeat of | such a squad to be scored un noainst | the football fame of the college ? Sure | lv not. Nor would McGill were she | | animated bv the slightest degree of | | ' i sporting pride. McGill has a hockey | pi | team that can beat Harvard, Ii it was | . \e { impossible for that team to go to { Cambridge, negotiations FASHION'S FORM. i | should have | = {been "closed by a refusal. instead of al i \ y {lowing men, not one .of whom has A { made the MeGill line, to impose off the | | American college and bring home de-| Made in Canada MARK § 74 & ! : FEE PFEFP IF r 440 2 CTT SOUR durability, teed 4d CO. LTD., KINGSTON, © Ask Your it Dealer For ft. 2 made after years of © jo ence, having ten over ee perimental stage. Comfort and Made only by 4 . THE KINGSTON HOSIERY * [feat as just retribution | The: wrap pictured in the accom. | | " | panging drawing was in the onginal | | Mr. London writes: "ii 1 owned model of violet velvet, but the same | } Tea 1 would guarantee a cure [design would reproduce beautifully in | lor refund their.money. 1 Ray it's Na-lhroadeloth. The froat of the cloak, {ture cure and the only one for the which is not shown in (he cut, falls | Rocky Mountain simply in straight lines, but the back other remedies | has a drapery effect which is extreme- Mahood's drug ily graceful as well as novel. Passe menterie braid in shades of violet and gold was used as trimming on the model and gold passementerie tassel otpaments. The square-cut neck was trimmed with a band of sable, which extended the length of the wrap in jon boxing championships will be de [front and ouilining the peck was "a cided Febramry 19th, 20th and 21st; band of violet satin. The lining was at Massey Hall, Toronto. ° paler violet. In broadcloth, in white or colors, with handsome sitk braid trimming, this design would also 'be excellent. 3 Spree LOCKED THIEF IN CHURCH. He Was Robbing Poor Box When Caught. Montreal, Jan, 29.-Caught in the act of pilfering from poor box. Orelia St, Pierre was locked in a church ill the police arrived, Sie December | your blood." Hollister's {Tea cured him where failed. 'Nuff said store. It is a remarkable coincidence that "Joe Kelley" should finish his major baseball ieague career with the club he began it with away back in 1800. The Canadian Amateur Athletic Un- pe 2 ool this weather, but TYPEWRITING! We have an experienced s | many coldd run inte tatarrh. Ni is the straight ion. w--use "Catar- Catarrfiozone is a killer de: 8 s the microbes t cause ca: Then it heals and soothes. 'This relieves the A 23rd, the offertory box for the poor in St. Vincent do Paul Roman Catholic church, St. Catherine street east, has been broken iute five or six Vimes. Sunday a watch was "kept. Marked coils wera placed in the box, aod two brothers named Rioux hid under the seats. They bad not been long con: vealed when they noticed St. Pierre enter, approach the box, break it ow en and abstract the contents, which 'jamointed to thirty cemis. The watch: ere shi lI out," locking the church door thew, and informed Abbe Geoffvion, who sent for the police. Monday evening death came with he ae od Aer. caed ts a bit and the whales. isemplicity in the interpretation o' the | gospel. lassies gaed Hand," isaid @ the beautiful rendering o' | piece whit in | heart, tfor the {burnie gaed sisting o' {mann. has a braw {tribute. tac Robbie ibatteryman, a dinna ken his name. And 1 make this solemn declaration | {say bas a voice speecially adapted for, 1b {all { Grippe, guarantee A BES THE SONS 0' SCOTLAND. Their Concert Last Night Desc ed By a Scot. Last nicht the Scots o' 'Kingston a i ho } Tib~| in I'he It opened wi Then came the RWC wr Irish gaed 0 meeting There is help for every woman wha ers Mom he ness, depression, Backache other afiments during those times when Nature makes a heavy demand ont her streagth and vitality. Every woman should take Mike trying periods and , they gwe prompt 1 Hen omen with every box. fa boxes 28 cents. an then fhe laird w Me. Routley on the us "The Hraes o" Mac,' er o' Drone." Bruther David Hd a recitation on "Tom o * J. G. Waterston, speech on "Chone He wis pleading f gallant +} Loch and us Glenburnie, o PILLS 0 el A y keep tire Cystem in t entering womans ned from Beecham's to help her thro a normal hood, "ills 2 and th ; Taken a Read the He said he didna hl 'honah swallowed the whale. t wis an awful blasphemy. Maister Tolgmann an' his three wee' | us the "Bluebells oo" Scot i "Bedteh Lassie Jean, canna believe | Maun ! | assistance. J] an' variations. Too muckle In appeals tae Seoteh was seemply magneefic nt | occasion. The laird us a violin a strathpey an' reel wis accompanied. by Maister Mr. Reynolds sang a solo, "Stormy the Nicht." Maun, but he bass voice ! Ingersoll's Burns wis gaed us in an effeecient manfier by Brither Smeaton. Then Corporal Newwan, of "A" battery, gaed us Harry Sander's great hit, "Stop Yer Ticklin', He was accompanied by a every it o' Glen- solo con He Telg LIPTON'S LIMERICKS | Cofiee have in Several friends who do not drink very muck' Tea or asked us to intlude our Table Jelly Tablets: They are included this competition. $800.00 TO 128 WINNERS. FIRST PRIZE, $250 CASH 2nd " 50 3rd 25 Joek." brither o' She Miss Harold gaed us a series cotch selections on the piano. was muckle appreciated npdeed. "I Love a Hielan" Lassie," anither o Harry Sander's great hits, was did by Brither Ramsay. Maister Ram a" "" " $5, $s -------- ¢ CONDITIONS The conditions of this Limerick are have is to GH in the last line of below, and then send it, accompanied b tached) of a package of LIPTON'S TEA label, or LIPTON'S COFFEE (embossed lid pers of LIPTON'S TABLE JELLY TABLETS fa titled the reader to send in one Limericl Ye as many Limericks as you like, wo lqug as a tin lid or Tablet wrappers accompany each Limerick. LIPTON'S NO PACKAGE GENUINE WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE Each Kach 50 Prizes of rendering sie Tike The 75 Prizes of laird oo' Glenburpnie gaed us some mair strammin on his auld fiddle Maun, but he has sae muckle [life him. Ye wid think he was bit 4 vounker instead an auld man Maister Stuart gaed "Lock Lomond," which we a' enjoyed fu' weel." After_the programme we a' had a drap coffee and cake and then Scoteh reels were endulged in tae the skirl of the pipes. We mauna forget, ever, the sword dance.by Sergeant Tammas McKenzie, - A doot if there's a young féllow ean. equal Tammas at ooping amang the swordg without enttin' his feet, Tae tak the dan cin" a' through a dinna ken when there was livelier dancing in auld Kingston. The Hielan Fling was done tae peerfection. After the dan cing we a' went hame, however, singing "God King" and "Seotland for Ever." pieces weel in & o' perfectly the a simipte which is {with 1 at- pink, red or gold . or three pint wrap- or, which en- nu may send in three Jelly All you to do Limerick, shown tin Id abel ora on how before, the not Save The Blood Is The Life. We are as strong and vigorous our blood is pure and rich. All power and vitality come from the blood Many people always, have impoverigh: ed hlood. All' may have pure, rich. vitalizing blood by using Wade's Iron Tonic Piils (Laxative). The benefit prompt. and decided. They are a great | nerve strengthener' and. blood In boxes, at Wade's Drug Money back if not satisfactory as PACKED ONLY IN AIRTIGHT TINS maker 23¢., Store Paying For Boxer Outbreak. New York, Jan fhe on reference and counsel, representing | the Protestant missionary boards and | societies in the United States and Car ada, made public a statement cerning the indemnity of sionaries and hoards losses during the Boxer outbreak China. The efitive amount paid the United States government claims that were £2 000 000 In this « despatches state arms onan LIMERICK who's til have the 3 committee lv claims mis- § missionary for | ir out | for} was onnection Wash tha w | tho preven ted ington press most the exo tant »f miss were wive The Eanpire opes must Ean pir Feb ry Neon A Cold Proposition. Wade's Cold Cure Tablets tive), are guaranteed to cure « twelve days to twenty-four ho is { onsti effective y and Head they dead CAL Ti0 over, remedy equally pation Hestrossing ills this fails ther Sold Money Colds are more SEALY Ton Fast Fo known distressing Try if it Lie © ren WUEEY In boxes only at Drug Store. factory. back Hf not satis} SOLD and USED EVERYWHERE in the Dominion, : 3 Makes Baking Easy, Dependable and Economical, v * All Canadian Dealers Have It. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED