Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1908, p. 4

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PAGE POUR © ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1908. rm ------ FS POPPOUDOOIOOY | seem to out-uumber those who fre GRAND OPERA HOUSE. § 4 RITES, WHIG inst th thi hich the Sun ------ f Hf i SS Lumm's gsi A VY | Marks' 'Company Continues to What is Going on in 'the | Business a $y dt . ; ial Please Its Admirers. ! World--The Marketa, Improved 5 i 8 i i Pras tically what the Whig has said The performance of RB. W. Marks'! United States Steels net earnings for # true. The amendments that | Dramatic company at the Grand Op the year were $160.9%4,477, the larg- Hockey p and Sed % ane (Moved to the budget could ent off era House last evening, drew another ®t in the history of the corporation. > | Ing fa Casada; y very small items, comparatively speak- | large audience. The ularity of the | The Delaware & Hudson company Skate cheap work ; pine improved presses. ot mpany increases nigh The piece | bas borrowed from the First National : i : i ing,. and " ing a few thou- | 0 yn , hv. piece | . 3t_Aaly + | The British Whig Publishing Co., Li"d, a T Eyre | presen was "The Midnight Ex-| Bank and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., $5,000, ¥ | EDW. J. B. PENSE, -". The Sun is the mouthpiece | +» a drama of more than ordi. (000 for six months ai 4§ per cent. } of the farmers of Canada, but they | ory interest, dealing with the life of a | The foreign trade 'of Canads in 1596 damot vase as it talks or there would { humble fisherman's daughter; who was | Was $5230,000,000. In 1907 it was Daily Ubi be an end speedily of the "waste" | wooed and won by a gentleman of |9668,000,000. That is a fair measure . 2 . x : : v a. oh ! irth, M in ment of Canada's growth mn every | , : " po fm Ih Gl which it denounces. hls birth, ay A. Bell Muika, a Oh ~ { e ove CARE OF THE SECURITIES, i APE ABON.. | "s| ¥$100,000,000 has been subscribed for players as ] AN APPEAL TO REASON, made 8 most natural fisherman's | : Bayilioe, The first steps nW ew Y i | ; the H { : x C. W. Johnson, of New York, an in-| p, h he iti {daughbter. Ivy Lyons, in the role of | | 9 t , , r the loyal oppok pe dg, 8 v thet ptely, & |rurance man of high sanding, write te to. asin md" ps whois] FA Holt" shot muh ssi [hve bon ake Urea th. iin jStore o the bas tw | critically of the insurance hill, because | from the Montreal Star, ita ally sid} lie Ball In Sareymg a Jole. | Hudson Bay to the Pacific (Gast. i y : ska or it provides that the securities of a 2 H 1 Amy § . It is 'said that a large syndicate! ec WwW nN '| supporter. Our contemporary does her struggles for the honor of a wo- | mn Neon Yorn on Chisago Lime FOR ' O hockey 5] mala kind Inia oy disposed of with- | not see any sense ip the attack on the Man's Jove, gained much sympathy. | tiating 10 take over the Sturgeon | RP SS made. pie a a, ow Be Span Laurier government because of its con- gave. » good has Richan], Kingeion Falls paper mills with all its posses | ' il by reason of our ume Bj rex should nv acquind 9 ited by, | Glistory disposition towards Japan. |¥ James Meredith oO pr who, Jet (ons. Tho price is in the neighbor- | N S N erwear. Glove trade that we have been 18 in question, or been i i « i : nd in Lt tiood of "the $2 . { NTN Absolutely law i" See thom, or a ani ede Sad th be ho Side th pothing a akon he wv ena is) It Tit T0008 mak Bessemer | termed The Glove Store of ithe so : ruckie to © ' . . > } k s i : shoukl not be sacrificed as they might {thy Giscontent in British Columbia | ell carried out. The work of J. OFS re ot ad al niles ot i Jews. Acknowl- edged by the most prominent Te TITY 3 have to be if disposed of by forced and have it feel that there is not gens; as "Dave Holt," was well [Ste, Marie, will resume business in| Every Suit of Underwear we sell . y sale. "It seems a"harsh requirement, " ; ; a . as all departments on' Jan. 31st. The |is from the best and most reliabjé| Dent's Best - Make English piuch, after all, in the Lemieux mis In the specialties the G sis : : says Mr. Johnson, "that the govern- sion, It certainly brought from the with their singing and Ig ras | Mills have heen closed for a couple j makers, : Sloves, Ladies and Gentleman, ment, which by its laws permitted |" : h RE {of weeks through shortage of pig | See Our Pe 's Fl Silk-Lined, Wool-Lined and »ur- P as .|orient a message of peace, and it |much pleasure. Little Rossie Machen jp i man seced Shirts tompanies to purchase securities in should be § 'whi Time should | *®™2 and danced so well as to win| » jand Drawers, at 38c., 50c., 75c.| Lined, $1.25, $1.50, $2 to $5. good faith for permanent investment, re . the favor of her admirers. Ivy Lyons R ja garmemt. should now wn around and require » givehs Io Semsustinie Whsther the -- with much spirit and sweetness : Af on Costume. | Bese Pemman's Unshrinkable Fowne's English Gloves. them to dispose within a limited --a. oy idan i - -- Aatomaldle. The Hus: d i { Wool Ribbed, at 75¢. and $1 a : i , 8s . songe moving pie xs 4 i . period, pouibly 'u period of soe Ee us Coe ene capa RB, Betien : | mame Perrin's Gloves. business depression, a period diiring # an b hts i i] Tonight the company present "Wo | See St. George's Brand, Heavy : which bids will be low because of the | PP* can ave no grievance, and tan Against Woman" and af the | Rivka, All Wool, $1.25 and $1 a Alexandria French Gloves. known necessity for selling, of invest- . Papin Sr. Dorion 7 Sed, maine on Saturday afterncon. | qurmmnt. p 4 i » » # vote o ure, athleen " ~s y ' i Meats gaily age: Without denying the feeling which he invites. : avourneen. / Z [47s Pemman's Elastic Ribbed, at See Our Knitted Gloves, 25¢., Hie right of parliament to do as it The Star pats the situation clearly THE COUNTY COUNCIL f / | : . 80c., 78c., $1. wills in this matter, many will grave- whe it says that it is nothing more : - : er . See Special Fine Natural eh duestion both its wisdom and is | than fair to accept Taman amor | Has the York Road Question of Vaderwtinz, at 32 4 garment. See Our Special $2 Fur-Lined New Stock-all here. All the fairness if it" compels the companies ane rl oop ape =a r Repair Before It. : . Gloves 3 latest styles and patterns |i. after to dispose, within a limited | JX how Y Work out.! When the county council resumed } { € S cial : best quality. Guaranteed 1F fads" of: sacupicien ; To compare the Japan of to-day | business, on = Thursday afternoon { pe : PER CENT. LESS than any |Peridc, of securities purchased in ac- | ii) the Japan of 1895.7 remarks our | Councillor Drew moved that the law i { See Our Special $1.50 Fine other store in town. cordance with previous legal permis- " bi firm of Kirkpatrick . Ni : | We carry the finest and largest! yoo, Gloves. in : . contemporary is to obliterate from : pa +» Rogers & Nickle i { ccka oves sion." It is a strong point, and one ' be engaged for the. year 1908 as coun- J : | Stock of Wolsey, English Under ) ; } | wear. $5, $6, $8 50, $11, $13.50 which the i our memories the Russian war and all roi \ : : ar $2.50 Buckski : . : J. \ insurandy_companies hav ., | ty solicitors. The motion was carried. ; pal € 8 the results which followed from it. | Councillor Franklin suggested that A | i Wolsey's Guaranteed Unshrink- See Our Great : n trial, It is al tight 30 press the attenti a 20" an 2 x i Sie Te 3 Ha 5 3 a. an pon attention of | hire is little in common between the ( Mr. Nickle be called to the council ' {able Shirts and Drawers, $2 a | Mitts. whether you are prepared to ------------ international position of Japan at] Meeting to give some explanations re- J | Rarment. : . buy or not. oan these 'two dates. The Japan which $2 0in¢ the York Road. The county | Silk and Wool Undershirts,| See Our Swell Fur Mitts, $3.50, WAKING UP TOO LATE, had not aa "#| council is defendant to an action | $2.50 a garment 184 and $4.50. Q : ad not yet beaten Russia might agree | brought by the township of Kingston, ] he ? The presumed censure of the He sd % p g y . " ernment 'hy the opposition i yr to humiliating conditions, which the | and a e show why it should pot i ; 27 5 street. 18 not in| Japan, that had keep t ork Road in repair. Coun- J S---- 1 Princess s good form to say the least of it. As- * crumpled up her cillor Drew said that Mr. Fickle had : oj armies in Manchuria and destroyed her ) BR fenned by He, Borden, it implied 'navy, would not even consider. Nore. Yeup, washia to fad gt hou ul coun- 3 \ : ® ed Ee §ovanment ig Jhot BECP | over, the Japan of 1895 was not the | Edwards stated that the tolls were e 1 the suggestion of the British govern- abolished on the York Road at the ® » 9 oe ally of the Briti i i . ia Sy ment, and to the effect that Canadas, Tahun of oe a Np: hile tha Noveniber session of 1904. ] This exquisite gown was developed | by a special clause in the agreement ome heen twice hound! 'p, motion of Councillor Reynolds, |i mauve color broadcloth in princess | : 1 : Ws lly g '|to that empire with treaties of alli-| he matter was left to the roads and]®t¥1e- The front width and side are Cash and One Price Clothing, House, al os rota tue TOM Any eXCes- lance. Japan wea in no different posi- lbridges committee, to prepare a set | Made veky smooth fitting to the hip : Es desta} gran . a tion toward us. in 1895 than was| of questions and submit them to the Sn pid from thers hahige very full} = - Toa hn , : Si point of importance is this--| A . joit ? t il | to end ol e train. We trimuming that the federal government: laid. all] C7 Vuk to-day she must surely be solicitor far oply. *0 that the council | ound the bottom of the Ln | SeSSeeEELesssetss LELLLLLLLLLLLLLLP0E0N gove 10 eid alll admitted to an entirely different class. | WOU now ° y : : i : in 16 ; formed of gold braid. The guimpe is papers in soppsction with the matter She is a first-class power, the victor stood In egard to the York Bond. of embroidered mousseline; the jacket | OUR SHOE SALE before parliament in 1906, when the in a great war and our single ally. | and found that at the March session |® trimmed with the gold braid. Arla-dapaness treaty a ora Under such conditions, it hardly looks |i 1006, 4 the Sotipell, op Juotion wy Tidings From Eiysesboroush 8 : od, ani of ition eit id not | j : : C i Tappi w, d orough. ppos like serious statesmanship to propose ouncil apping the| Klynesborough, Jan. 30M. J ' CLOSES SATURDAY ; ) A : ti doni notice the British suggestion that that .we shall not trust to her goad father a rurslu ion abandoning 0 Mearas od i aa, J. Baw looms up. ; we laryely before its faith, until at least it is proven to he Adjournment then took place till two | ing his mother-inslaw, E. T. Heflernon. vision, or took precious little stock | reliable.' + o'clock Friday afternoon. of this place. They both paid a fying | NIGHT \ 9 in it, This is sane reasoning, and from a visit to their respective brothers-in } . -Dr. Shoo S The government last year did not|paper which has no object in offering Budget From Denbigh. aw, ¥, B sdy.D eNanue, Lans- 3 i : FP i. az i HJ ! Pb. . A 15 much improv- - see the advantage of a restrictive fea- | its opinion save the patriotic one. In| Denbigh, Jan. 30. Mrs. F. Chatson, ed in health since going west. ohn I t t ity t MC i i iti : who bas been very ill lately, is im- | 3 | : : : ~ Last opportunity to secure 1 ure ture in the agreement. It had an ar-|time the opposition will see the folly [> 0 ine. Her F ick, late of | White, New Boyne, met Jwith a serious I . shook in America. ab . rangement with the Japatiese gov-|of. its course. proving. son, Frederick accident, while cutting fimber in the the best Shoes in America at a \ Sault Ste, Marie, has returned home "ALL DEALERS" ments, through its Canadian agent, ! will bl in until spring. | "95h on his own farm. The axe glanc- | ' {and will prabubly remain PAE: | od, and cut the ball off his | and had realized the value of it since EDITORIAL NOTES. [Alives John, of Utiawa, has alto ro. | we (0, pt Sy Lo of hie big tow. | DISCOUNT OF 23% MRS. MARY GREGOVICH very few immigrants had come to! An old liberal in Quebec thinks the turned and a Ta ii ime. A large bald-hcaded eagle has | i ; 1s | Canada for several years. Ii. 1906 |party is going to smash, simply be- : ) wen seen in this vicinity lately. It| Philipsbur, Montana, Tells ey hd : ' ply the winter in the lumber camps of | ate') | oy Ea Ef Cured of Dan-| 'here was an irritating influx, but the {cause it is not going his way. And it New Ontario, are expected home again | 1* °0 the farm of Mark McNamee, of | : . If we could show the readers leputy minister of labour established |ma#y not be the right way either very soon. Miss Clara Fritsch has JuveEton, Wire Ji Sakis Swine / of the "Whig," personally, the druff. B s i repovi i th a f it. Certain Canadi left for Belleville, where she is a : ; | : al 4 Mes, Mary Gregovich, of Philipsburg, he cause ow : ot ow an fiat One return ashod by the opposition nurse-in-traini in the general hos. {One ever scen around here. Mr Meek, | splendid bargains we are offer- | Montang, under date of Nov. 26th, | corporations had occasio t im OPPO! ital. Reinh F th jonas f the English church pastor of Lom- | ee nin . rould be i " . #" > 1 3 o ¥ es yYpewrity . s . 1% x o] E ' ' RE made 1,000 pa, of t ti nd | Pital. nhar ritsch is leaving for { mg, our store woul Jamine EL ISW, writes: '1 had typhoid fever pression that they wanted. labour 4 , ype ng, ai the North-West. He will try farming sardy, has been visiting' the sick in| U 1 J this summer, (Soumquerly wns lasing badly, and restraint being lifted there mast of a Wau copied from the blue |i," Saskatchewan, and his brother, thin neigibithond lately Mite Mis. | ' to the doors. Unfortunately, we my hair terribly, and ny head . ir] Lo inundation vis Hawaii which |P00ks. Here's a waste of money. Otto, will work the old Denbigh home- | tie Burns, of Leeds, is engaged teach- | can only ask you to take our fectly bald, Newh was an inundation via i wh he Woodk hool Charles J A fatpiide. had Tust. some Tic wee. Ia] wae alarming A Toronto drug clerk had to pay | "3 oR, 3 year or two. EE Datel a a carlos: | bare statement that the bargains i : Ti oronto drug clerk"had to pay | "The village school is in successful ] i this ye iordon Max- 3 $hilipsbury, nd the dos tor strongly The good: understanding has been (895 and costs for prescribing off-hand, {operation again. Mr. Wagar, of Dese wei} nies to fe Halon '| are real and genuine. fotommencied 14 to me. nd westored with the Japanese govern- . ; ronto, has been engaged av principal, | 'chool this seacon ew from Con- | four applications my hair stopped fall- --t however, by the trios mis- wd pean i opent Sesion. foe At the first meeting pom io, tought Hill attended the wedding of | If you will accept these statements as being the true facts, ing out, and is coming in again quite ' , : : i neura gia. He wi he doctors do council for this year, Paul Stein was | Hiss Bid O'Grady, of Warburton, and | you will profit by the savings we can make for you © thick. | used to be troubled greatly with | sion, and the immigration will be re- {4}. prescribing in future. re-appointed washi kM 'apt. Lawrence, of Kingston. "Tis . Sid : 2 iy ppoin township clerk, Messrs A } ! CIES GEE---- dandruff, of whitch 1 am now quite | stricted as heretofore. I it is not the mpi, Charles Both and Albert Lockwood | ¥ith much difficulty the roads are! Ta A SNA f eured." Kill the dandruff germ with treaty agreement can be denounced. | The Telegram looks into a case of ware,.gppointed auditors and Frank | pt open here, the snow has fallen in No Sale Shoes Exchanged Haptic. (oid by leading druggists. If any party meanwhile is deserving | liquidation in which the legal expen- Rodgets, assewson., Dr. R. W. Tennent | tach great qyantities after Monday Next, Feb. 3rd ene hi in stamps.' 'or sample to , i 3 sativa ses were $5,984.64, and the dividend | was re-appointed medical hiklth offi- n ' . § the Hetpicide Co, Detroit, Mich. Two (of confure it is the conservative P1906 [to creditors $512.68. Surely there is | oor, and J. W. Lane a member of the Nota From Wilvur, -- ---- sizes, De. and 81. G. W. Mahood, | which had a chance to talk in I a nat of Ingal telci 3 board of health for the next ensuing | Wilbur, Jan. 30.--Teams are very special agent. to some purpose, as the Toronto|® ® n i" three years. The. reeve, John 8. busy. drawing wood for the iron ore | Come before Saturday If not, come on Saturday . -------- & " 5 s s o lh 4 . L ' ? News has inted out, and simply . Lane, has sulliciently recovered from [mines here. B. Steele, from. Migsissip- - > a ! po ' HRY | The county council does not surely |" : ni ; "BR failed to take advantage of it. * {his late illness to be able to attend | pi, has come to Wilbur to work in the . ns. seesethtsestn propose to ask tenders for the legal the first meeting of the county coun- | mines here. A very pleasant evening J H SUTHERLAND & BRO advice it thinks it requires. Law, in lcil, held at Napanee this week, was spent at S. Jackson's on Wednes- . . . Roche's. Mrs. W. C. Boyd is visiting re he Bargains Come From, GETTING TO THE DETAILS. job lots, is not likely to be very valu A n, J. Pall, spent Sunday at W. W The Weekly Sun has profited by the | 411. ' ap. Brewer semresiense ut meds signs A Y } : a Won't cost much if you buy it at Mrs. J, Morrow. Mrs. -S. Jackson, is Rooms $1.00 & day and upward || advice of the Whig and has singled Stun + { Caitpbe SET fn Ww. vee sesee FEPIFITEOFIGIFI 2 SRIF IIIROY d Yay Sad Bak ®® |iout the expenditure of the federal and | Whew ! The provincial analyst in Moony i Brom. big clearing sale of at W. W. Roche's, wd FREE al -s | provincial parliaments to which it [Toronto found over thirty per cent. ; | You Will Regret It, Ee Sh Ee ---------------------------------------------- particularly objects. The Whig. bas of alcohol in a patent medicine. Who | For that tickling in the throat,| If you don't attend Campbell Bros.' MEN AND WOME: |.0¢ been unmindful of the fact that | will care about the redaction of licen- | Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne, 15. big clearing sale of fine furs, - Sy SAIN il the patents are only cheap [# 1b. Gibson's Hed rom drug store. | a | Canada Life Assurance Company matic 8 : i i : ] & Boi : | fers A: the u" Probes Spain ep ain op h Miss Marie O'Neil, of Rochester, | "Saline," the morning bracer and | : « membrana: | things, "but if i .Nants thoss who con: (enough, -- N.Y., is the guest of Miss Nellie Han- [blood cooler, an the bargain ecoun- The Sixtieth year's business of the Company the best yet. stitute its particular constituency to Tt was a Montreal: man whom Nr. |lev. Wellington street. iter, 2 for Be. at Gibson's Red Cross [Insurance in force (over) = ---\- « - » . havens $117,500,000.00. be affected or influenced it will revive 4 4 cn oa. oo 1 Wall paper. Best assortment in city drug store. Phone 230. Assets (over) ] 35,000,000.00 its definition of fnancial iniquities Ames, M.-P, collided with in his in- | ,¢ Fraser's, 78. William street. Phone ' In connection with the bombardment Take the New QUI this agtin: and again sinuations about a land deal, and mn FL : of Casablanca, on the west woast of Tie OM Guitmennial Policy of the a} Company, a Mr. Nolan thinks he could be better . F. L. Hassard, K.C., is regard- Moroeco, Germany, has agresd to allow the JA ey, ¢ or pany has always popular wi The expenditure of the federal par employed than in making stat ts jd the new premier of Prince Fd. an .international commission to Gx the | NEXT DIVISION OF PROCS DECEMBER Bet, 1909. Apply now end i . : . & . . 3 % participate this «vision. input this yo will be ahve Woe. he cannot justily. Island damages. rv sep obened to give information amd do business. Agents wanted ( - = [With a view of making a permunent Position, apply to the iron bounties, which last year Mr. Ames, M.P., must be proud of OHOROORO A " CRORE AAT) OR ; J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. amounted to $1,300,000; of the rail- | the alleged scandal which he discover way subsidies, which . last year, led in the original papers of the in amounted to $1,300,000; of the cost [terior department. He will be very of militarism, which is not specified | careful, however, not to_ charge fraud referred to as "millions," | or forgery outside of the house. : : - 4 work on the Trent Valley A 2 : I is said to have cost since : \ READ HIS. Ladies' Felt Slippers, 40c. - Clearing out Ladies' Felt she. a / Slippers, 50¢ Clearing out Ladies' Felt rs, 65c, g ou 5 Slippers, Clearing out Jadics Felt Siipgers; heavy wool lini $1.00. Clearing out at 78¢c. ~ ¢ TheSawyer Shoe Store at

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