Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1908, p. 8

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PAGE EIGH® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1908. ron Sapo le Maarer MCKAY furs dquarters is Men's JFur Coats, $16 Up. He Shoes For Men For Women Reid & Charles Successors to D..J. McDermott, Look Out for Our Big Clearing Sale BEGINNING FEBRUARY 1st. © Rverything marked down. tine. Remember the date~ February 1st. James Reid, "Phone 147: Packing and Freight Free. 111 Princess Street A chance of a life- Get It for To-Morrow's Breakfast "THE BEST OATMEAL MADE." "And Our Custom Clothing Bale will come to an end. Take advantage of it ¥oumk Suits $16, $18, $20 | have been 'THE $P.M.EDITION GRANT HALL CONCERT. EVENING: Toronto Baritome the The Selection By the Various) Musical Clubs » Were Well' Rendered. A fairly large crowd braved last evening's zero temperature to attend! Queen's annval musical eytertainment | in Grant Hall. The afiair was, in! point of musical excellence, probably | the best city concert ever held under | the auspices of the musical conupittee Hartwell De Mille, of Toronto, was the vocal soloist. Me. De Mille poss« esses a voice of splendid baritone quality, whose extraordinary volume was utilized to excellent advantage in his first selection, "Blow, Blow, Thou 'Winter Wind." His voice is also char- acterized by unusual range, which was largely vesponsible for his admirable rendering of "Alone in the! Desert," which was perliaps his best number. "| His encore numbers were appropriately himorous and their pleasing effect was enhanced by the piquant adapta- tion of his manner to the spirit of the selection. Me. De Mille has seeured for himself a lofty place in the esti- mation of Kingston's music-lovers and on the occasion of his next visit will undoubtedly be greeted by a large audience, The male glee club reflected credit upon itself and its competent direc tress, Miss Louise Singleton. Its "Topical Bong," in which . the solo parts were well taken by W. A. Bee- croft, was one of the most popular features of the entire evening, while its rendering of Nevia's beautiful com- position, ~*"The Rosary," loft nothing to be desired. Each number was fol- lowed by an imperative encore, to which the club was compelled to re- spoud. The boys of the mandolin and gui- tar club acquitted shemselves well, their two-step numbers, to which the mandolin is especially suited, being very well rendered. "Amorita Waltz," arranged by Le Barge, the famous mandolinist, was played very efiective- ly, although one's musical ear persist- ed, notwithstanding all efforts to dis pense with its still small veice, in stating that the instruments might in slightly better tune. "Observatory March" and "Astaroth" were rendered with that vivacity which does so much in rendering popular the merry twang of the mandolin. Combined "surprise alti qplesyre was manifest throughout the audience, when the ladies' glee club rendered "March From Tennhauser," by Wag- tier. The sopranos and altos are ex- veptionally well balanced, and the ladies' contributions to the pro- gramme gave evidence of very careful training. Bybenstein's "Voices of the Melody," was stheir gecond number, and like the first, was seartily ea cored. Last evening was the first oc casion on which the young ladies par- ticipated in the annual entertainment and their debut was indeed a creditable one. The Students' orchestra added eon- gilerably to the evening's énjoyinent. Their selections were of the classical orchestral type, and every weaver (is. played a mastery of his intrument. Their Deseriptive "Fantasia' "Dying Poet," was probably their best nip ber, and was deserving of the yro- longed applause through which the audience signified its appreciatiom. The success of the entertainment may be attributed in no small measure | to the efforts of Miss Louise Single ton, divectress of the glee clubs, 'whe also acted as accomphnist, through- out the evening, and Mr. Telgmann, | director of the orchestra and mandolin club, A reception for the members of 'the 'club, was held at the home of Princi- pal and Mrs. Gordon, after the enter- tainment. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. A Reporter's Statement. Kingston, Jan. 31.--<(To thy Edit or) : Is regard to the afidevits made | by John Cairns aud Edward Pound : First, Cairns admits that 1 visited the operating room of the Bijou theatre, in direct contradiction to former sign- ed statements. In the isswe. of Janu- by wy reporter or editor of the News." Aguin; , Annesley Burrowes, over his signature, states that, "No member of the News stall ever made an examina jon: of the building ~ except possibly from his seat among ihe audience.' 4'This statement appeared in the Whig on Wednesday, Jausasx 22nd. Both of his assistants now swear that 1 was in the operating room, thus his sthtement is shown to be untrue. In his affidavit Cairss said : "During the past six weeks no smoking at any time has been permitted within = the operating room." The fact that the proprietor of the Bijou found it ne teseqry to probibit smoking implies WAS WELL ATTENDED LAST] Hting-in Brockville, t+ There Feature-- | | {for Febryary tary 25th he said, "No investigation of | Gfernd the Bijou theatre was ever made Ens. INCIDENTS oF 8 OF THE DAT. jSeportast sn Their Rounds. C. Constance, fox "Cape Vineest, pen all day Sanday, Miss May Roberts, King ston, i vis- | was a clean sheet at solice court, this morning. William Swaine, piano Laner. Orelers | received at M-Auley"s. Phone 778. Don't pass Carnovsky's if you want the best celery coming to Kingston. Wall paper. Best assortment iv city at Fraser's, 78 William street. Phooe 373 St. George's parochial reception will {be given upon Tuesday svauiny, Feb ituary ith. A large key street 1s awaiting an owner at | police station. 14th bind at the Royal rink to night. Skating' to-morrow afternoon. Children, 5¢. W, E. Manhard and ston, are visiting thele aunt, Field, Biockyille, . Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. Leave orders at Auley's . Store. Ye old-fashioned horehound candy, the strong kind, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230, Zion, Saturday, school hockey a.m; skating at 10 am. Se ing at 3 and 8 p.m, Glorious - weather, this, even if we cannot sit on the verandah in the evenings, in our shirt sleeves. picked up bn Princess the sister, King: Mrs. from Me- at 9 Skat- price S0c. and 60c, per ib., for 3% per Ib., at Mullin's grocery. Little Kenneth MeSorley, University avenye, who recently in a fall, broke bis shoulder; is improving nicely. The students of the Kinoston Busi ness College, have decided to hold Shes annual "At Home" on February 21st Capt. John Donnelly has ritorned from-Lake Nipissing, where he went to inspect, for the underwriters, a steam- er burned to the water's edge recent- ly Twenty per cent. Saturday, a cial day. The Lockett Shoe Store. In spite of the cold weather last night all the rinks in the city were well patronized, but the weather was altogether too cold for one to enjoy the sport. There will be a meeting to-night of the committee having in charge the arrangemeliis for the basketball match here on Feb, Tth, between Watertogn and Kingston Y.M.C.A. teams. Some interior alterations are being made in the British-American hotel. The parlor on the second floor is be- ing made into four bedrooms, as mote' accommodation js required. The special excursion teain for Mon- treal left at noon, to-day, with about a hundred* Queen's supporters. The cold snap seemed to make a difference in the number that took in the trip. Sergt. Thomas Pugh, of the Perman- ent Army Ordnance Corps, has re ceived his commission for the rauk of lieutenant, in the same corps, Sergt. Alfred Wyndon, and Sergi. William Fellows, also received the same rank. Twenty per cent. Saturday, a spe cial day. The Loekett Shoe Store, The water pipes in the basement of Brock Street Methodist church froze up oo Thursday and burst Hocding the rooms. About three inches of wat- er was on the floor when the accident was discover. It was soon run off. The damage is vers slight. Buy your wall paper mow and save money. 10UB sivles at Fraser's, 78 William street. Pone 373. In the Woman's Home Companion "Why is the Clean Gro-| cer Clean 7" js the most important article in the clean food series, which has done much to "cure the unsani tary grocery stove.. "What Has Done for the Children". shows | markable advanee by many states : the protection of children from evil conditions. The number is rich in fic tion and has 8 valuable treatise on the care of babies. . ! § 'SEA-SCAPE PICTURES. Some Fine Ones Offered at The, Bijou. | Another thrilling meladrama. illus: | trating sea coast life in the Basque | ipro¥iness of "France, 18 presented the Bijou theatre to-day and to-mor- row. gler," and the scomery is particularly fine, showing several sem-sc apes. A comedy, "I'he Boy Wrestlers," is also . Caruso wings ow the gramd-| phone and five jllustrated songs are put on by Vera Holden and John Robert Davis. ~ Had A Good: Show Manager WN. J. Sparks. of Wounder- land, gave a special entertainment for the members of the countv council af- ter the regular show, last evening, and it was greatly enjoyed. The whole was put on, after which were made hy some of the William Craig, the Laird o nie, was there with his fam- ous "Strad"' and dispensed some excel lent music, and George Gillespie ren- dered several solos in fine voice. The kindness of the manager was greatly appreciated by the members of the council, ri 8 councilmen. Cash Bargains Saturdav Only. Fresh soda biscuits, jo be yor, 3 oe Frosh xv. for va. coffee { frp Seenmery tier, po ty 0. « " Labedor Serr. i Newsy Paragraphs P Picked Up By| left, 'on- Thursday, | Gibson's Red | Croha drug store. i i the 1 Ib. pure bees wax candles, regular} spo- I ' GOOD THINGS Will Be Offered To-morrow Thése were secured last week and hauve arrived. The lots are not large and at the extremely low prices should "eet with a quick sale. 47 Yards Good Quality English Broadcloth All wool and with a fine soft finish that does not spot or wrinkle. The width is 52 "inches, and the colors are the New Tan Browns, Myrtles and Black, all good shades. This - material is splendidly adapted for Spring Suits and for new SKIRT. This quality is now sold regularly not less than $1.00 yard and frequently $1.10. » YOURS TO-MORROW, 75¢ YARD. all dainty stripes. These sell at 12}¢ anc 1,250 Yards Good Quality Striped SUITABLE FOR UNDERWEAR AND NIGHTGOWNS, full widths, There are a few pieces of Pink in the Tot. Your Choice To-morrow, 10c Yard. Flannelette 1 13¢ regularly. Girls' (large sizes) We will offer TO-MORROW MORNING a sample lot of Boys' and Fine Natural Fleeced Nightgowns Just 18 in the lot, These were imported to sell at $1.25.each, Yours To-morrow Morning hg i For 50c. a ne CURLING CONTEST. ' The Way the Games Went Last Night. ! Bees Kirkpatrick, J. at 11. "Slater, ~seip--11. It is called "The Hunter Smug- iJ. SnD als { Four curling games were played at | the Kingston rink on Thursday night | two in the president's -and two in the | vice-president's series, resulting | Dr. Campbell, E. R. Beckwith, D.| Smith, W. R. Sills, skip--16. | D. A. Shaw, N. Stockdale; A | Hatch, E. 0. Sliter, skip----T7. 9. White, W. Manhard, B., Walkem, Simpson, J. A. Dalton, Strange, R. J. Hooper, A. Low, W. B. McKay, W.-Lesslie, skip--9 A. Tureotte, J. Hooper, T. E skip--8 Lieut skip--15 HB F Dr. Col. C. DOLE H. Dr iver, | T. M. Asselstine, J w Driver, C. J. 0. Hutton, Williamson, Dr. The following off to-night : Webster vs. Capt. Hamilton; E. alby. Thompson, Lyows, skip--12 eof, Marshall, Ross, skip--11. games will be pulled Montgomery vs Hurns; Sutherland; J. Gibson vs. T. Reid vs-W. H When making out your shopping list don't forge} those bargains at Gib i son's Red Cross drug store. | A 81 two-guart hot water bottle lor B0c., at Wade's drug store. 00CL0000QOC0 OOOO 000000 Siler lad + Teaspoons 'When looking for Silver + Plated Spoois that will give long and satisfactory wear, try our well known make, at $3.50 per dozen. , Time wil prove their O mh ---- i Ixteen Prof £ DOGO OOOO 2000000066000000006000 000000 G00 ------ | Do You Buy * Bakers' Bread? A andl 1815 A Rurrel of Flowr Cou Youst wud No Ground For Objection. Regarding the Perth toll road by law, providing for sixtean miles road; County Councillor Stuness there is no groumwd for old" Perth: Road covered only! wy miles, but in order to secre the TTL grant for good roads, | the Perth had "to be part of a connecting vatom four more miles addin ali vear's passed od by the ublie The is clearly defined in the b -------------- any obwction | Barre A Flour wishes 300 loaves, at the Baker's, 56. « lod, uf t wel he M50 1.50 ws made Shortewing Hence making highwa . 6.00 You save 30.00 guerviime vou use & barrel of Sour & you make fread «1 Hom nt of | nde nats | road with one Universal Bread Makers onlyv82 50. pp only $2 . 'W them all and sundry other - % in the vegelabléd line Total - were East the Ontario up in County your owg ouncil ®ANC Made Bread has we. equal pus fectly in three minwles of ou departme of the law, works extent Nice Weather Fof Green Cucumber Mushrooms, spinach, let: | tuce, parsley, ripe iA moth snow white novsky ha nice thing for & low! sige for & loaf ales A. Mitchell, | Hard ardware, shallot tomatoes, cauliflower { ---- Senestessnetesessertere eetetrssitesttttcte : : To Those That Forgot Our Big : * 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale "were disap- We decided to Closed last Saturday. This week many people pointed they did not know the sale was over. have ONE DAY MORE S80 ON iSaturday, Feb. 1,°08 ALL DAY LONG We will give 20 Per Cont. off every thing in the store, (Rubbers and Slater Shoes ¢ }. All our biz stock of Fins and heaD Shoes, in this , also some Spring Oxfords "20 0 Per Cent. or One-Fifth off Regular prices means a big discount to us. Gold Bond, Empress and Dorothy Dodd Shoes priced and you know what you are buying. Take advantage of this"Bale, on SATURDAY. ~ Also 15 Tables Full of Fresh Barguite, tise, sie oli

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