PAGE TWO, to-night again as person michi boar "a sera and might nevi long as he should he live to ibe a hundred years old. Surely there was need far praver that God might raise up harvesters. : As to' the giving to 'missions it was estimated that seventy-five per cent clad operating room. why did Bro {Black not say so? If it knew we had THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1008. -- > the latest fireprevention devices why Co [THEWHIG'S LETTER BOX = 5 ck. YOUNG PEOPLE'S WORK 13th Mid-Winter Cash ORD [he 5 morress se fs We" bs sed A LAST WORD ON THE|M®s = had two doubie ov a" dmns {SPECIAL SERVICE HELD IN S I Car ts BLJOU INCIDENT. {door ? H it knew our rear exit was | COOKE'S CHURCH. ; a Bue- pe y Furniture, Curtains, I i 1 ! r hear one ved, THE SPORT REVIEW) EE ee -- The 14th Team Preparing For Parkdale--St. Georges Likely to Meet Picton in Semi-Finals. Queen's HI will play their first game of the season at the Kingston Skating rink to-night, whe they meet Cadets Il in the first game to the championship of the distriet in the junior "intermediate series. The "Indians" have had lots of mén out to practice and should be able to give the soldiers a good run The game should be a good exhibition of junior hockey. The Sunrise ALARM CLOCKS Are dependable Timepieces, the alarm is clear and sure, and to the minute, {not reached through a hallwar why . idiai the did § 7 i vas * If it knew that a of the voung people were giving, but A Tarpayss Sails . Board dia aap inti it. Bnew that Young People's Davi} ould a FAR wer iy fire of Works For Useless <x i * yales > wi lid Isspector: | and Anniversary of Founding er "eefit. give As' a church, | héf Word - About derwriters' rules, why did Ipspector | . ¥ ¢ ol ture--Anot. or od {Hanley certify that we had complied" | of Christian Endeavor Society [what should we aim at ? The speaker | County Clerk Edwards : ! ~--Address By Rev. 'Dr. Mae- believed that the same amount should | {with thea ? ! Kingston, Feb. 1.--To the Editor): | It seems to me that Bro. Newton | Tavish. be raised jor missions as was spent . on the church at home. The aim At Cooke's church, on Sunday, Although weary of the musrepresenta- |and Bro. Black have placed themselves | tions or the hingston News, and tir- [between the horns of a dilemma. : . a" 1 BY, should be for the church to have a ed of successfully refuting them # Either their reporter was a capable young Jon rs day, and the anniver-! actor in the foreign field ns well must once more intrude upon your {one and made an adequate investiga- = of the ounding of the Siisistian as at home. Such a thing would be columns for the purposes of exposing tion, in which case the News deliber- | indéavor Sots Ys was observed Y Big great gain it it could he reached. the latest attempt of this advertising (8tély suppressed it in order 10 dis Spema Sy am the pang When! There was also the question of going sheet to throw discredit upon the credit this theatre; or else the report- bt 8 pas oF, ve . MaeTavis . gave as a misdionary. The question 10 be | Bijou theatre, its vager and em: [°F Was incapable and made no investi- {8 brie summary of the work of the considered was this, "How can | be | gation, in whieh case the News' latest | Christian' Endeavor society, and de-| j,vest my life, to do the best good ?" ployees. 1 aliddentg/ the letter pub- |¥ ' 4 [livired 3 mont 3 opal BOL La] n b the fished in - your paper yesterday by |*tatements regarding McTavish are 2 bh P spiring a ON "ls there any good reason why | Reporter MeTavish, of the News, in nierely made to bolster a story which he oung oops, and the ) ission- | should stay at-home? Is there a good reply 10 the affidavits of John Cairns | 188 been shown to I# baseless, as (ar aly ovement. A he Programme. "ar [reason why I should ge abroad? and Edward Pound-athdavits which § [3° The, bios is conoerned. Personally | ried out was, that issued by the gone | Certainty we did not desire did not see until 1 read them in your 1 don't much care which horn the Fa Jha ry comuntiee Sm. FOung our prominent young men, n col but for whith I have Ve¥* chooses. 3% people s societies of the Presbyterian |,onortunities for good work OWR St ums, Now as 10 the smoking, the boy-re- | church ~in Canada, awd 'the pastor's foreign field were many. no apology to make. The Nehakbet, - porter assérts that he saw it dove by |subject was that chosen by this com- | boy . pb seventeen, SEATCE'Y oo an operstor while working the ma- [mittee It is of interest to note school, quotes John Cairns B8 '9 lchine. John Cairns and Edward [that the Christian Endeavor society lows : "No investigation of the Bijou Pound have made a declaration equi- | Was organized twenty-seven years ago, theatre was ever made by any JTeport- i. lent to ah oath that this is un- |Feb. '2nd, in Williston church, Pert er, or editor, of the News staf'; and true. In the light of the News' be- land, Maine, and Rev. Francis E. this boy-reporter, quotes from one of haviour - throughout this affair, I {Clarke, now at the head of the my letters as follows: "No member of | 100 Te oo unnecessurv-to say more.-- | Christian Endeavor movement, 'was, at the News staff ever made an examina- | ANNESIEY BURROWES. that time, pestor of the church. Rev, tion of the building SAAT possibly -- Dr. 'MacTavish veferred to this and from his seat among the audience. | said "That night Christian Endea- Then the reporter quotes, from John { vor was born, and it can be truly Cairn's afthdavit, a so called admis- {said it was horn of God." He knew '| sion that he, the hoy writer, was pre- lof no other movement among the young people that had been so mare ellously blessed. There were 65,000 Kingston, Feb. 1.--(To the Edi- ocieties, with 3,500,000 members. Thera tor) : IL notice that the chairman of [had been marvebous growth. Many the board of works has appointed a {tributes had been paid to the good committee of 'specialists' for the [Work of 'the societies by pastors. Fw purpose ol purchasing a roadmaking | testimony was almost unanimous, that plant, and as "specialists" are usual-| the young people's movement was the ly well paid for their "specialties," ] |most beneficial organization ina eon- desire to register a protest against |ETregation. - 0 such a silly and useless expenditure of | In dealing with the subject, "The municipal money. { Young People and the Missionary The small sum of $12,000 was voted | Movement," Rev. Dr. MacTavish said for the express purpose of building, or | that one must recognize the fact that improving roads, and not to be wast-|the church considered the importance ed in paying "'specialists." . At the | of missionary work, As an evidence most, a roadmaking plant will cost |of this one had only to refer to the about $3,500 or 25000, and if thel| work of the women's foreign mission- | board of works, with the assistance of | 8TY 'society, the women's home mis the city engineer, the "Assistant engi-|Sionary otiety, the Joung people 3 > ------------------------ thockey team, and to-day the neer," and all the mechanics in the | Union, the Sunday school mission Stu- es 1 sent ade "of the line-up city's employment, are incapable of {dents' Volunteer movement, the Lay- | SECURED ENGLISH DEGREES fous en us eo he ay making so small a purchase, involv-| Men's missionary movement, and other | . . sint, EK. Welch: cover point, M.. Sin ing so small an amount, they are cer-|OTganizations, all of which had {A Former Queen's Man Busy pois, oo: *l the | 3 : y ver, . Dickson; right tainly, in my estimation, too small|{One object in view, that of the evan England. pr ehoig Bali Rk. Word to be retained in the city's service. gelization of the whole world. Young tre, J. Welch When Ald. Jghn Carson was chair- |PeoPle should study missions, pray for ho : man of works, he made, with the com- | missions, give to missions, and go as mittee's aid, his own purchases, and missionaries. For intellectual develop. I have vet to be convinced that the |ment there was nothing better than a city suffered from his able and inde-|cOUrse in mission study. By such pendent action. study the sympathies of the young In the name of common sense, what | People would be broadened. Living. does the conservative council mean in ston had said, "Anywhere, provided it thus abusing the privilege conferred was forward," and his words should upon it by the vote of the people, | De remembered. | By this step faith in who in the passage of the $12,000 by- | God would be increased, also faith in law expected the whole of this small the gospel. 'ihe power of the gospel sum to be used in roadmaking alone ?[Could then be better realized. We If this is a criterion of what we|should not only study missions, * but must expect from the present council, also pray. In the words of the Lord's what will he the condition of our fin- { Prayer, Thy Kingdem come," we ances at the end of the year? had been praying for missions all our His worship, Mavor Ross, should life, but perhaps wo had not reelized look in on the "'camera" proceedings this. In this prayer we asked that of the board of works, and block such | the Words of the missionary to the | a preposterous and unjust proposition | heathen might be very effective, There | as the paying of a board of purchase |should be earnest prayer for the | specialists TAXPAYER. Observance of too? This Clock will outwear all | other styles and makes, and | is fully guaranteed. Ask for | (THE SUNRISE.) i decude | 3 ] { i | i i i | | 1 best $60 Parlor i 'SMITH BROS., ! | | i 14th And Parkdale jose| The l4th Regiment team will prac [tice after the game to night. The boys the | : 3 : {are bound to be in the best of shape {for their game on Saturday night [with Parkdale in Toronto. Tue locals ljeel confident that they ean win sout, HHCIKHCIHACMANAAAAAANONOK | are going up prepared to put up | Hi CITY HAS TO PAY. 1a stiff fight. The men hould all turn wp |Out to practice . at every opportunity | this week, a practice when seven "| men are out in the only proper Kind. Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage . Licenses. to but in the 7 Fx as ---- The city has to pav, for removing the snow off the streets to enaWle the street 4! railway cars to operate. i 25 10 choose from. " St. Georges And Picton. The St.~Georges junior champions of The railway company has the eastern district of the OO H.A. will o | also practice. at the rink to-night. The merely to- ~keep its tracks pn ty has to du {next game lor the Saints will in all is under the new agreement" w | Probability he with Picton, the team made between the city and that put the junior Frontenacs out the company in July 1905, gaff the running last season. With The company has the right «| good practice and a little head work of stopping its service if the Saints should put it over the .the city _does not remeve- # | licton bunch. the snow from the sifles of #¥| the tracks. The snowstorm = Many Hockey Games. will take quite a large sum «| Three games are scheduled for the of money from the coffers of & rink this week Monday, Queen's 11 the Board of Works. The ™|vs. Cadets 11; Wednesday, Cadets iI citizens have thus a 'first #|vs. Queen's 11; Friday, Queel's vs touch of the kind of agree- ¥|McGill. Numerous city league games ment the council made with + | will also be pulled off on the the company. No wonder #¥ [air rinks during the week the council would not let «4 the electors report bv vote ¥ upon the terms arranged. y EERXEE EF REF EF EEF RARER F (With this letter an episode which has done the local press little credit must close as far as the Whig is con- cerned ~ED.) Parlor Suites and Odd Fancy Parlor Chairs, all reduced 10 to 20 per cent. CARPETS, odd CURTAINS, 1, 2 and 8 pair of a kind, all reduced ome-'third. Linoleums, reduced 20 per cent. lengths. sent in the operating room, ete. And the reporter, inspired no doubt, by the editor, deduces from these three facts that the first two are false: Now, I repeat the first two facts, and I admit the third, and | will show that the deduction inspired by the editor is false and insincere, and that the avowals of Mr. Cairns and myself are True. The News accomplish- es its remarkable feat of garbling and misrepresentation, first by suppressing the context of my letter, and second- ly 'by suppressing the tact that its so- called investigation was made on De- cember Oth, 1907. Permit me to quote the context which the News omitted: 'Previous to the publication of these false and lilpllous articles (the fire- trap fabrication), no representative of the News ever called upon me for in- formation. No chance was given me to refute these statements, No memt® ber of the News staff ever made an examination of the, building, except possibly from his seat among the audi- ence. Neither Publisher Newton or Editor Black made the slightest effort to verify their statements." The whole paragraph referred to the News fire-trap canard, and to nothing else, and it clearly meant that no meniber of the News staff had investi- gated our exits and equipment, Now has the News denied t 7 Does it affirm that its reporter made an in- vestigation of these conditions ? Not at all. 1t picks out one sentence omly, and takes advantage of the word "over," 4» place a false construction on my assertions, "As to the platement of the Bijou man that no one of the News staff was in his place," writes Brother Black, "except one member for a short time as part of the audience (observe the misquotation). The News has to say that the statement is in- correct, for one of our stafl was in the house recently for an hour and the point of oheervation was along- side the operator," ete. Now, what does this mean? If it means anything it is that this report- er. wes in the operating room at the Bijou for the purpose of investigat- ing the exits and equipment. This im- pression which the News seeks to give is strengthened by its crafty use of the word "'recent." John Cairns quite na- turally and properly interpreted = the word "recent " as being in relation to the fire-trap "outburst, and promptly and truly and properly denied the statement, : Then the boy-reporter, inspired by the editor, asserted that he had been in the operating room "at a recent date," otc, and that Mr. Cairns' de- nial was untrue. Now, why all this "recent date" nonsense? The News could easily have specified the date. Why did it not do so ? Simply because the statement of the date would have punctured the bubble of misrepresenta- tion which the"News had blown. As a matter of fact the date as sworn to by Cairns and Pound was December 9th, and as the News confessedly bas- ed its fire-trap story on the St. Cath- arines' disaster, which occurred about Jun, 14th, and published it on Janu- ary 18th, it is evident that the boy, McTavish must have called at the Bi- jou on entirely different business, and that the pretended investigation of the exits and equipment "on a recent date" was purely fictitious. As a matter of fact McTavish's visit -- A Misuse Of City Money. Youss. T. F. HARRISON CO who are im need of Jgh Grade Fyrs We are making big reduce tims on our entire stock and would advise those intending to buy to we What weg are offering in Men's Racoon Coats Ladies' Ladies" For those open Persian Lamb Jackets Bocharan Jackets Ladies' Astrachanr Jackets Rufis, Stolus and Mufly W. F. GQOURDIER, Exclusive Furrier 76, 78 and BO Brock St. 'Thane, 700, #0 wumes MEN AND Ww Still Another Team. A few days ago it was rumored that the clerks in the Kingston & Pem broke railway oflices would organize a first an. ¥ ¥ ¥ ya The + Right Way Goal, Most Cough ' Cures have a depressing effect on vour system hence their failure to cure you. Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod LivergOil is the' only cough and cold cure that acts as a TONIC your To Cure system. LARGE Grippe BOTTLE, 35 CENTS, When combined with Mathieu's Nervine Powters it is the most powerful of all cures for the Grippe and all FEVERISH COLDS. It is the quickest way to get well. Xeep some of both in the house. Large box of Powders 25¢. (18 Powders.) in : wnt 3 wing, MONEY IN CANARIES oo Grable than poultry. Rxperience unnecessary. Ww. EE Er Sporting Notes. Picton and Port Hope are now in their junior hockey district, Arthur A. lewin has signed a con tract to coach the University of Penn sylvania baseball team this year. The Manitoba hocsey league has dropped the charge agamst Yaird of inflicting serious injury on Lannon and Serviss of Portage Hackenschmidt, of Russia, easily de feated Rogers, American, the wrestling match at London, Eng., for the championship of the world, He got falls in 7 min. 35 sec. and 6 min 15 sec. The Montreal baseball club has been practically sold to home men. W Strachan, a soap manufacturer, is the | leading spirit and is forming a $25:000 | 5. | | company { It was Tavior and "Marty" { Walsh who put out Ross of the Mont real Wanderers at Sherbrooke. Walsh "06, me- | was penalized, but he was not the of the | fender. The injury to Ross was pure Our , » With be (Hy we send BIRD BUEAD. Abo, "Send tie to Co Sher MATHIEL PQ. {missionary who would leave home | {and friends to go among strangers in | foreign lands. There should' also | prayer for the young and old verts, and for those who are not converts. There were 14,000 missionaries in | the world, and each one was respon- sible for 65,000 souls. How would the members of this tion hear a service if the responsible for such a brooke, not be Concerning The County Clerk. Mountain Grove, Jan. 31.--(To the Editor) : "Medical Practitioner," in your issue of January 27th, thinks that I am a little too severe on Dr. Edwards' personality. Evidently he hasn't the welfare of the county at heart. 1, with others, think that =o man can jusily give thought aud nt: tention to our county affairs who holds s6 many offices, as er ated in your issue of the 30th inst., by "Elector." Re the "sore" a word of explana- ! tion. Mr. Avery, M.P., was elected 4 { township councillor, reeve and war- I k \ i den, and thereby fully fitted and Ng i yualified himself for a member of par hament. Now, Dr. Edwards was never elected by the people for any position. He has simply been appointed county clerk, jail surgeon, . ete. Mr. Avery was brought out by the townships that gave' a conservative majority which townships elected him, first, in a bye-election, then in a gene- ral election, in spite of the trick bal- lot brigade. Jealousy was not: my motive, but the safe-guarding of the county councils' deliberations. It is unfortunate that the impres- sion has gone abroad, that the county clerk should have summoned the council, & week earlier than the authorized time.--FARMER. BEST'S SHORT STOP Cures ALL CouGHs ALWAYS, AND costs But I5¢ DR. R. K, PATERSON, Dr. R. K. Patersod, of vear dicine, of Queen's, has completed {examinations of the English {ly accidental anyway | 1oint Medical and Surgical hoard, hy Ottawa Free Press By a fraction often | bassing the final in January, and is| Russell Bowie of Victorias retaine his congrega- l now an L.R.C.P. (London) and apf lead among the goal bombarders of speaker was | \f R.€.8. (Eng.) He well-known | the E.C.H.L, Marty Walsh, the Otta- number ? A {.¢ Queen's, having been captain of the | wa centre, right on his heels. Bo | senior rugby team when it won the | wie is but he comes in on | championship in 1904, Dr. Paterson | the cige from all directions. He led THCHOOROHOND NOT ORO {was a house surgeon both the | the league last vear and looks wood O00; DOT General and Rockwood hospitals. it this Marty Walsh's re | j {cord 18 also a good one. He scores an 'HOUSEKEEPERS' SUPPLIES. taverdge of 3 1.3 goals a game. Our Wire Mat impor- tation from Germany has arrived. The Mats are suitable for inside or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather. We Have All Sizes R. McFaul - Omrpet Warehouse, Con was a rover, mn to repeat Dodds-Lee i house wedding took place | of Mrs. W. J. Dodds, | on" Wednesday, Janu- | {ary 20th, at twelve o'clock sharp, | Had a Lively Time on Saturday | when Ker daughter, Margaret and Sunday. (Eva), was married to Heney C. Lee, Saturday express messenger, son of Mrs, J. Lee, received a of the village. The ceremony was per | formed by ¥ William |, Halpenny, jin the presence of the immediate fam | thes of the and groom bride, given away by her | Mr. England, wore ber travelling ROHCRORO - A pretty {at the home | Sharbot Lake FIREMEN CALLED OUT. stone Gre ATA S-- SURPRISE FUR SALE DURING FEBRUARY. It will pay Whig readers to watch this space every day during our Surprise Sale. We will an- nounceand show in our windows the very low surprise prices on fur garments i -- Evaline | At noon, 5.05 o'clock, after the firemen all to | W. J. Crother's biscuit factory, Wel lington street The men from both stations were quickly the scene Fhe | and the blaze was extinguished before ige was done. The fire was caused by a slight gas explosion. The { tume of navy blu waist and | nen were digging on the street for a | broadelath skirt, panne velvet leak in the main testing {hat to match, and carried a shower | with a ~match and the gas struck thougquet of white carnations and ferns { back along the pipe into the build Both the bride and groom were unat- fing. A couple of bales of 'straw, and tended. The groom's gift to the bride | sawdust in the mixing room was a beautiful pearl erescent brooch, | were burned and. to the bride's sister, pretty | At 10.10 o'clock another call was lace collar pin. There wire no IVIta- | gant in from the same place. The fire tions issued, but as a token of the |}. broken out in the same room and popularity and esteem in which floor was slightly burned, but the > Rev, on We are prepared to supply your wants at prices much below present market prices, bride b grandfather ' much da © co sitk * with Unbleached Table Linen, 25¢. a yard and up. They were SOOO OOO ONND DOH ™ Bleached Table Linen, 35¢. some a yard and up. Canght In The torm. A van load of Jung people left the city Friday night for Westbrooke to attend a dance. The drife out was 5 Bleached Damask, 50ec. yard and up. both | je related purely to the attack on the Bijou during the Freshmen's rush, and fine and the dance was better, but at four o'clock Saturday morning, when and fur articles the bride and groom were held. they! flames were put out before they got Table Napkins, 75¢. a were given a shower of china and oth- | er useful presents by the young people | 4 TL.20 o'clock Sunday night of the place, on Saturday evening, at! ' ) ' | | telephone call was in irom the home of the groom's mother, and |, iio of R. J. Hooper, lower '| on Monday evening thes were invited [port oereet 7] he firemen responded to the home of Jerome here gi : Thomo "nd | promptly, but were not required, the were there given a shower of tin. {fire being put out by a Baboock ex- sideg, these the bride was the recipient | of a large number of other beautifal | tinguisher. The teams from both sta & tions had hard time getting d and useful presents from friends far! a arc, Lime getting Cow and near. The voung couple left, on | {Albert street, the horses being prac the afternoon train, for Ottawa and | tenlly buried in the deep snow. other points, amidst showers of rics | x = and confetti. For the present they will | At St. Mary's Catlelral. take up their residence ai North Bay, On Sunday the festival of the Puri- Ont. ; 3 in no way concerned the exits and any headway dozen and up. : they started for h the i: 1 equipment. He made a feeble attempt | star i ome ron in commenced. They got about thre miles. out and were forced to return as the horses could not pull the heavy sleigh throu the snow. They re turned to Westbrooke and had "to stay there until Saturday morning, arriving back in the city on Sunday |. afternoon at four o'clock, of every de- scription -- our sent Bleached Sheetings, Plain or Twill, in 3 widths, at Mill Prices. OOOO OO CROTON . collection comprises almost every conceivable kind of fur. To+day we mention 18 NEAR SEAL JACKETS Trimmed and plain, sizes 34 to 42. Among the various styles are : : 3 Near Seal, Blouse style as $50 -- Riera and $45. $ Sale Price -----$32.85. 3 Near Seal, Double Breasted ~ straight front, regular $35 and $40. Surprise Price is n wamms agemees SETS. 1 Near Seal Auto Coat, 38 inches long, regularly sold for $55. Surprise a Prices on all Furs first best esessescscsey Unbleached 'Sneetings. Plain or Twill, in 2 widths, at low prices. Distress After Eating. Hf your food sours, ferments, or di- | nnd slowly, causing pain, or fate , take Day's Dyspepsia Cure and Pillow Cottons, Plain or Circular, all widths, from n 15¢, and up, {fication of the Virgin Mary was ob ; served in St. Mary's cathedral. The | ceremonies in connection with Candle th Of A aq {mas were carried out. The I pr 3 3 out. wsunl pro- The sad death occ at the Gen around the cathedral took eral Hospital, on Saturday, of Cod- Hich : stance, infant dagghter of Rev, Mr. Zh mass was alterwardy onl and Mrs. MacQuarrie, of Pittsburgh, - The singing of the choir was and the latter have the sympathy of acceptable, a large circle of friends in their be renvement. To Take Courses. A special conrse for stretvher bear ers was commenced at Tete de Pont barracks to-day. and the 'course will be taken by eight members. The spe- | cial course in signalling will com | menace about Febiraary 10th. v See the Wonderful value in Fine White Cotton at 10s. and 12j¢c. a Yard, ir! 5 sf Our Embroidery Stock is now complete and 18 a sight worth seeing. The beauty of design together with the low prices make the showing an extra good one. (contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's dru store. WOOO Many At The Rink. The Kingston skating rink drew' a {larze rrowd on Saturday afternoon, | despite the fierce storm raging out side. The 14th band was present and rendered excellent music for the skat- ers 3 --the to come are al- served. £ £ | 1 S0000sueVIssescItIsITIINIPOEIS Back To Duty. '