Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1908, p. 4

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» | and over, Double Saving of Labor and Fuel You will save one t out of every four tons. . a Fivery particle of coal is retain- + in second sifter, no watter 4 how small. Just the right kind o> of Cinders for banking up stoves C and furnaces over inne. PRICE, £ ¥ $2.50. AGENOY, » + Corbett's. - I TITITIIT VII IIIINY 4 sn B oBrrn TENDERS ADDRESSED 0 the uhdersigned, and endorsed tTem- for New Fantrance to Toronto Har- botir, Ont," will be recvived at this office nti Monday, March 2, 1908, inclusively or the construction of a New Western trounce to the Harbour of Toromto, in Ontario, according to be seen Faq., Resi« e County of York, © plans and specifications the office of J. UG. Sing, t Engineer, Confederation Life Build- Toronto, at the Office of H J. > Resident Fugineer, Londoy, oflice of J Michaud, } rsident Engineer, Merchants' nk Building, St, Janes St., Montreal, PQ, and at the Department of Public orks, (Ottawa. Tenders will made on the igned with rers. An accepted cheque on a ohartered mk, payable to the order of the Hone sabio Minister of Public Works for forty-eight thousand dollars ($48 000.00), must accompany each tender. The chequa will be forfeited if the per- som tendering decline the contract pr fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned in case of non-accept- of 'tender He Department does not bind itself to pecept the lowest or any tender; ¥ By order, FED. GELINAS, ow J Works Secretary. tment of Public Works, a Ottawa, January 81, 1908, Newspapers will not be paid for this Mivertisement if they insert.it without authority from the Departinent. F. W. BOSGHEN Member Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York. STOCKS, BONDS and GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash or off Margin. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TO N.Y W. HECTOR H. HUME, Mo=. »Fhone, 888; unless rinted form supplied, and de uctual signatures of ten not be considered SiArance Chambers. MATHIEU'S . SYRUP OF TAR AND COD LIVER OIL Will Cure Any-Cough or Cold It does not matter how bad nls on of coal #. 3 b y published | 8% street, | Kingetom, Edie jtions at 9.80 and 4 © . WEEKLY BRITISH WHIO, 12 A t $18 - morn a - y Attached one of 'the best Job Print ing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co. Lt'd, W. J. B. PENSE, Masaging (and Thu Daily Whig. MISJUDGING THE PEOPLE. The Montreal Gazette has it that no [one at Vietoria or Ottawa--the repre- sentatives of two governments--carps for the British government. This is the conclusion because the federal govern. ment is reported to he indisposed to veto the British Columbia anti-Asiatic immigration bill, - This bill, which passed the house, effect where ' agree- ments exist--as in Canada and Japan and China--and it is concluded that the Hindoos are the only people who can be debarred. They wiil not suffer L very much, They cannot stand the rig- cannot have any ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1908. A PROBING IS NEEDED. | H there is ground for contending | that the people's aflgirs in the could he managed more economically land more successfully there iis the | greater ground for concluding that the peoples affairs in the county could be improved by a change. Things have taken m serious turn, when a man of Mr. Calvin's standing feels compelied to do or say thing which will attract the people's attention. What is the matter ? There must be something amiss, and the sooner the people demand an enquiry the better. , First, "it is alleged that the re venues of the county from taxation are inadequate. Every year there isa forecasting as to the wants of the county. A budget is prepared. Does it show everything ? Is there upon the face of the document the informa- tion to which the people are entitled-- that the business of the county is be- ing carelully and economically admin- istered ? For every legitimate expen- diture, known and anticipated, pro- vision should be made, and in the contemplation of the facts there city some- ors of our climate, and the chances are that the further emigration of thein will be discouraged. The conclusion that the British Col- ambians do not appreciate British in- stitutions The people "at the coast in the past have ben go much British. that they were sometimes supposed to be against Canada, or that part of it lying east of the Rocky Mountains. The idea that they are anti-British becanse they have opinions the immigration question "is certainly erroneous. -------------- DICTATING TO THE PARTY. Mr. Hughes having intimated his willingness to become a candidate for the presidency of the United States was waileomed by the republican club of New York city on Friday last, and made a speech of gpecial mi rit. In it he practically enunciated his idea of what the party platform ought to be. Is there a parallel for this ? Yes, in the case of Clevéland. At the end of his first term, and when he was found is certainly unique, on to be the only available democrat with a hope of success in the pending election, the partly was practically sidetracked, while the president out. lined the programme of his liking. In other words the president was stronger than the party and knew better what it could carry, He out- lined what he approved, on an appeal to the people, and the committee on resolutions found it easy to act ac- cordingly, The democratic président in the last election, Judge Parker, made it a condition of the campaign, 80 far as he was concgrned that the silver question should be dead. considered The party agreed to its dicta- tion and yet it suffered defeat, In Canada Mr. Borden, in the elec- tion of 1904, wobbled in his attitude on public ownership, He hesitated at what he should do. He finally made lost, He is again playing the doubtful part of advocat- ing a policy which is his own. There does not appear to be any evidence that he is more popular now in bis contentions, and there is no evidence that he represents' now, afiy more than he did some years ago, the minds of the people who call themselves con- servatives, the plunge, and A ------ MR. TARTE LEAVING OFFICE. There is nothing new in the extracts from Mr. Tarte's private papers which are now finding their way into the press.- The essence of what has "been published is that Mr. Tarte did not begin a new political campaign while the premier was out of Canada, that what he said in certain addresses--so should be no doubts and misgivings. A cursory glance at the auditor's report is suggestive of this condusion --that a great saving in county ex- penses might be effected if the public supplies or needs or requirements were covered in every case by @ontracts, Why should hundreds of dollars be spent in repairs to roofs or furnaces year after year ? Cannot a report be procured irom some architect as to what is really wanted, and ean the work not be covered by a specifica tion, a tender and a contract? The roof or the furnace that is forever in the hands of the repairer had better be replaced at once, on the ground that the larger cost will be a saving in the permanence of the service. When the court house, a little while ago, was refitted or how the Was there a plan or specification for all de- tails ? Were tenders invited, and the refurnished were expenses incurred ? work or tract accepted in every case ? Or was lowest for a specific con. there not a distribution of patronage among political friends, and with the result that until the accounts were called in there was very little known as their totals would he ? Of the extraordinary expenditures of last year what How to what has been the experience ? they, involved ? By con- tract, or specification, and according to definite understandings as to what the outcome would he ? The government of Ontario has done some of the municipalities a favour hy having their financial conditions look ed into. The Whig knows of no actual wrong which will not stand un- covering in Frontenac, but it is pressed were im- with the idea that the exact financial position of stand the county will examination, and that the sooner it is made the sooner the pub- lic mind will be eased of the anxiety which now rests upon it. EDITORIAL NOTES. The censor is at work, so that there is no telling what is going on in Portugal. Royalty for the present, however, does not appear to be very popular, -------------- The religious census is expected to give the churches something to do. The Sunday schools are estimated to have only 225 out of every 1,000 chil- dren who should be in them. -- It is rich to hear the premier of a government that paid a million dol- lars too much for its telephone sys- tem talk going He should have given out alann slow ! that ahout sooner, i 0 It Seems. Guelph Mercury. "Our Lady of the Snows" how to provide work: Ber ployed children. know for une Really Think So? Hawilton Herald, Most of the requests made by th labor deputatibn which waited upos Sir Wilfrid Laurier yesterday were re quests which would be heartily dorsed by almost all progressive citi zens, er --- One Of The Effects. Guelph Mercury. The eloven bool of the Boers is al ready show ing-iivelf 'inthe' Transvaal "Africa for the Afrikander," Africa's response to "Asia for th Asiatic," and "British Columbia is white man's country." -~ Meaning Of The Bye-Elections. Halifax Chronicle, It beats all, how all these tory phecies about "reactions," 'turn the tide," "moral weakness," 'losing ground," "staggering blows" and "de serting the sinking ship" vanish int thin air when the electors get the of portunity to record their opinion ¢* the liberal record and policy. pro ng € Restriction In Manitoba. Toronto News. Prohibitionists are showing renewed activity in Manitoba. The govern ment has been strongly petitioned t introduce a law closing all saloons at six o'clock at might. The administra license bill which will double the pen alties.for infractions of the law. Weight On Teachers, Hamilton Times. ' "| grow will be a "brighter for the Ontari Oh, yes! It educational day" teachers when on them is placed the onus of passing on pupils in profes sional and other courses without ex aminations--that is, of course, if th teachers are infallible, and the parent and pupils are all> models of justic and consideration. But, if not--! A VERY BUSY MAN. Cam- He is in Charge of Tait's paign. ARTHUR I, VORYS, Arthur I. Vorys, of Ohio, is one of the busiest men in the United States, and his responsibilities are likely to instead of lessen as time goes on. Mr. Vorys is the political manager of Secretary Taft in the canvass for the presidential nomination. Mhere wete rumors about the time that Mr Taft returned from his trip around the world that he was dissatisfied had directed his campaign and would depose him, but the secretary prompt- ly denied these stories, and exprissed cian, who has been his right-hand man since the Taft presidential boom was launched. Manager Vorys will give much attention during the next the Taft-Foraker contest is fast devel oping into a very bitten struggle. It is of course, very desirable that Taft should have the indorsement in the nominating convention of his 'home is South tion announces that it is preparing :. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS) | tablished at Driftwood River, "north | cultural { crop | practical | Power under the statute will } { before you. t Noort will be laid be' Ep ------ | ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. i Newey " {Continued from Page 1.) over by the Dominion government. thus making it possible for the pro- Vincial government to devote more at tention to the careful selection of de- sirable settlers. A demonstration farm has heen es of "the height of land, iva Hood agri- Country. By experiwent in raising conducted there, much f information will be 'gained for the use of intending settlers. Important documents and reports re lating to the distribution of electric be laid At the request of my ministers, the Hon. Dy. Willoughby, Dr. Clark, sup erintendent. of the asylum for the ine sane, Toronto, and Dr. Ryan, super- intendent of the asylum for the insane at. Kingston, proceeded, . during the recess, to Great Britain and the con- nent in order to investigate modern methods of caring for and treating he insane. Their VEry interesting ore you. my reference to re. accordance with the jubject. last year, my ministers have {considered the question of pri- son labor, with a view of preventing com etftion with free labor, and the provintial secretary and other gentle. men proceeded to several of the pri. sons in the United States, in order to observe the Systems in operation there. The result of their visit will he laid before you together with inter- esting and valuable information tained hy them, My ministers will r consideration, a form, with peals, th ob ropose for Your scheme of law re a view of decreasing ap- expediting trials and lessening e cost of litigation. A bill to rearrange the constituen cies of the province, in order, as to equalize represen will be laid before you, _The.large increases in the appropria- tions for the teachers: . tional sormal schools, other educational ceided as far possible, tation salaries, addi and varios purposes, have re the commendation of the .pub- and you will be. asked now t increased appropriations for urban schools The policy of throw 0 Con- kchool reading books, and, tlement, to ereate the new dominion government arisen relating to the respective juris dictions of the dominion and the pro- ng open the publication of text hooks to public competition has lead to con siderable reductions in the prices of it is con fidently hoped, that reductions in the prices of other hooks will result from an extension of this policy Bills will laid amendment of various enactments of a public nature, now the statute books, including the mining laws. the liquor license act, the act relating to the railway and municipal board. the public lands act; the free grants act, the supplementary revenue act and the Ontario. shops regulation act. Owing to the steady increase of sot it be before vou in on has been found necessary indicial district of Rainy River. . A conference has been held with the with a view to adjusting the dillerenices which have vince on the subject of railway and other companies, and it is to he haped that a satisfactory solution will be found, You will be glad to learn that the revenues of the province are largely in excess of the estimates and more than sufficient to meet the public ex- penditure during the vear. The public accounts will be laid, be- fore you for your careful considera tion, at the earliest moment, and the estimates for the coming vear will also be submitted for your approval at an early day. x | | with the manner in which Mr. Vorys | Aurora { | | few ¥ weeks to the situation in Ohio, where | | state, and Vorys and "his. lieutenants | 'clock. { . ' : fequple, who are devoted to fresh his full confidence in the Ohio politi- | I FAD FREEZES BABE, Parents Sleep During [aS] eT RARE IW [wait] (OE Fo kT FEAR 0000044004 +4444 TELE LA HELENE , 2 : FEFH IPP P00 4400 PRE 4 114505049 995954445 [Po SR Our Special $10 Suit Sale Starts To-Day. We have about One Hundred Sample Fall and Winter Suits that were intended to be sold at $12, 12.50, 14, 14.50 and 15, Size 31 to 44, Our Price, $10.9" HE H. D. BIBBY CO. ash and One Price Clothing House. RRR x] oO CE ET TR TT Wi +E # + 20 Per Gent. Discount Off From now until March 1st, we will give 20 per cent. Dis- count off all AGATE WARE Which consists of the best CANADIAN make, also Strousky . and Elite Ware, which is the best manufactured. We have a large stock of CARPET SWEEPERS On hand and for one week only will allow a DISCOUNT of 20 : per cent, off. Elliott Bros., THESIS 77 Princess: Street. + Storm With Open Windows. Aurora, 1ll., Feb ~An Aurora alr, while was 5 slept soundly, Monday night, heir girl babe, four weeks old, chilled to death by the frigid atmos phere which came in by way of an open window. Mr. and Mrs. husband and Broadway, are the parents, . A coroner's jury, found that the cause of the infant's death was exposure Mr. and Mrs. Gross retired at 10:30 after wrapping their sleeping Louis Gross, a young wife living on North THE 20(Q CENTIRY r The Source of ail Power, , cores The Foun(aln of Youth, jus,cour Jules Xohr. 'The result of 50 years of scientific research, manhood brought back efter years of weakness and despair, Nature's Secret restored by combining thre of the rarest cl al reagents in the workl, "nis w no experiment. 'tis proved by its use in the :. sspitaly ? of Europe. Ters of iroved by | weak and hopelen 1% you are--how long; you had the cold, how many other things hake failed, Mathieu's Syrup is - BOUND to cute wou. Not only is it a mixture of nature'; best THROAT and LUNG healer, but it" acts as a STRONG TONIC to your system, Large bottle of Mathieu's Syrup, 35¢c., from all dealers. Ja cases cured by 30 days treatment. 'This is a fact) 7 Doves yourself by atest. ~ A'S days treatment with ~~ lull particulars sent absolutely free : 'All packages are carefully sealed ina ain wrapper with no mark. A full 30 days treatment (180 doses) with guaranteed ow refund of money, for $3.00. Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, m Ne K UD MFrAisisie ma BA Bowes], 2341. MONTREALY Ottawa, Feb. 5. --The immigration | sight of the baby rigid in death department has completed its returns | Herrified, she awakened her hushand RTE oo 3 JUICE HEH TCH [a] go i Ti oe] oo [é 3] ol] TT Te for the past calendar year. The ar- [and sent him racing aiter a physician i) will bend all their energies to SeCUrig infant in warm blankets to protect it the support of a big majority of the | from the cold, as it lay in its cradle delegates from the Buckeye State, de-| They slumbered deeply until early spite the fact that Ohio has a rival | pext morning, when Mrs presidential candidate in Senator For: | roused by a foreboding that all was aker. not well with her hitle girl. She Jumped out of bed and struck {and her first' glance was arrested by a -- Manitoba has a surplus--thanks to the increased subsidy from the Otta- pleasing to the conservatives and high tariff party--was but an elaboration of some assertions which he made at an earlier date. That point wa government. The provincial treas- the to go He had letter give hig col the Gross was urer counsels slow. province tire has been made before, and without effect. Mr. Tarte knew that he was going it pretty strong while Sir Wilfrid Laurier was in Eng- land. He knew that he was compro- mising his colleagues. They could not restrain him. They 'had no right to a light, leagues a heart-to-heart talk on subject, Immigration Returns, The remark of a contemporary--that a cominission might not be as open and as free as a civic committee--is rivals for the year 1907 'are 277,376, | while she worked frantically to bring compared with 215.912 for 1996, or an | ba k a spark of life, Buf her efforts increase of 61,464. There arrived by | were unavailing. The ysician pro MATHIEU CO. Sherbrooke, P.Qe J, Prop's., J | EFp eign sfganis Seevmiawr | § # -, a A PARALLEL do so. The premier lost no time in calling attention to the case as soon as he arvived from England, and Mr. Tarte realized the situation by under- taking at once to retire from the gov- ernment. The premier suggested that the matter be made the subject of a conference with his colleagues. To this Mr. Tarte at first assented, but next day concluded that his resigna- tion had better go through, and mailed it. Mr. Tarte attributed some ulterior motives to his colleagues, but there is wo evidence of this; and though he went out of office untramelled, and free to speak his mind, be said no more to elucidate the question. That he was impetuous and overestimated his persenal power goes without say. ings As the ally of Sir Wilirid Laurier he was very influential. Alone he was not so influential. He realized this when he went into two Quebec elec: and was defeated. Had he lived to re- peat some of his experiences they tions against the Laurier government | founded on the experience presumably that all the public business is open to the people. Where the star chamber exists the argument not hold good. The Friends, of Toronto, have re- commended that the well to do give up their Tobacco, cigars, and other luxuries for a week, and that the money saved by self-denial be turned over to the poor. A splendid idea. How many will practice it ? does Million For Limericks. Over a million dollars bas now been sent to five English papers Whieh are running Limgtick contests. pur- hm ny postal orders for these competitions stand four to one of the population. The Karl of Limerick has issued an appeal to the winners of Limericks to send part of their earn. ing to charities in the cits which gave the name to the competition, » William Anderson, M.P.P., is very ill, and writes from to say would have been different. Of that there is no doubt. . "Bah" K ,» who from i ockvill or same 1 that he will not be able to attend the ope of the legisiature. A Winnipeg bank sent a registered ocean ports 220.525, as agajnst 152,- 130, or an increase of 65,695. From the United States the arrivals were 56,551, compared with 63,752, a de- crease of 7,21. The increase forty-five from the United States eleven per cent., making a net increase of twen- ty-eight per cent. A -------------- It is expected will introduce a measure of law form this session, ' by ocean ports was 81 bottles for 50c., at Bests', The Russian douma will be asked fo grant $3,563,000 additional for famine relief. Hamilton's Pills, They Ont. "I was em weeks was cured. { i | i i per cent., and the decrease | that the government will be raised re- Hor the various meetings. Tasteless Wine of Cod Liver Oil, the! and best winter fomic and blood producer. | back. Saved From the Surgeon's Knife. When the system becomes so disordered that all fhe wheels of health clog up, the usual result is acute constipation and piles. A good remedy must be used immediately, otherwise an operation may become imperative, Probably no remedy has proved more successful in. curing give instant relief, restore natural conditions, and prevent the hemorrhoids from returning. Nor is proof lacking. "1 suffered ahout the limit of human endurance," writes Miss Liidders, 'employed in a factory here, but had to give up work till got cured. 1 read about Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and after using them I can highly recommend them as a pe | congress, which is to be held the com- nounced the child J€ it had died more he reached the hook most cost the bereft mother her rea son. She is prostrated, and is under the care of her physician, ---- The expenses of the Pan-Anglican ing summer, in London, are estimated at about £30,000, nearly all of which by the sale of tickets ave you a sore back ? Relladonna Capsicum plasters cure Jame Fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230, . I is believed that the Atlantic steamship lines have agreed to re store their old passen piles than Dr. of Cornwall, I two . Hamilton's Pills; they : ' Better try these for $1. At oll dealers in wedicine, --- The St. Lawrence Sugar Refini Sugar, Bes ureyou ask for "St. Lawrence." Ladies' Felt Slippers, at 25c. Ladles' Felt Slippers, 50c. at 35c. Ladies' Felt Slippers, 65c, at 48c. Ladies' Felt Slippers, heavy wool lining $1.00. Clearing out at 75c. TheSawyer Shoe Store 212 Prin "Phone 159. 40c. Clearing out Clearing out Clearing out ng Ltd Co. . MONTREAL, Manufacturers of the choicest? REFINED SUGARS . Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from cane

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