THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1908. i ore Synopsis of Canadian North sest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. "even pumbered section of Domine pds fn Manitoba or the North-West | , excepting 8 and 26, not re 5, may be homesteaded by any per- #08 the sole head of a family, or male! '38 years of age. Lo the extent of! seClion, of 160 acres, more for homestead entry must! matle in person by the applicant a i: . Lands Agency or Ro agelly by proxy may. however, he made Bt an Agency om certain conditions by | the father, mother, son, daughter, broth-| #F or sister of an intending homesteader, | AB application for entry or cancelia- made personally at any sub-agent's May be wired to the Agent by the | i ot t expensy of the sppli- | Cant, snd Uf the land applied for is vacant | reteipt of the telegramn such applica 8 to Bave priority and the land wii | bell until the necessary 3 case of "personation" or fraud the Will forfeit all priority of claim | Ti etry bas been granted it will be cancelled. | | for cancellation must be| nm. The applicant must be! homestand entry, and only one for cancellation will be re- an individual until that eap- try is of cancellation proceedings, for cancellation will be en- r of entry. ad opbrior rn iY i state in what | rs the bomesteader is in whose entry is not the Eh? i o a al of Depart- approv ment, ts it in favor of father, : , daughter, brother or sister , but to mo ome else, on fling of abandonment. A settier is required to per- tics under ope of the follow. six months' residence up- tivation of the land in each the term of three years. tender may, il ho so de rfortn the required residence living on farming land owned 'him, not less than eighty a ten in the wicinity of BIN Joint ownership fo land will this requirement. father (or mother, if the ) of a howestender has fesidences on farming land ly by bim, not less than ) acres in extent, in the viciyi- bomestead, or upon a home- for by him in the vicinity, Tt way perform his own "Tewidence 4 by living with the fath- Sher ng term. "vicinity" tu living with ts or ron owned by lmaelt mus Agent for the district of such application for patent give six months' notice t0 the Commissioner of Do- of his futen- OF OCANADIAN NORTH- MINING REGULATIONS, onl mini rights m be - period of twaaty-one years rental of §1 acre. Not 2,500 acres shall be leased to OF Sompany, i: royalty at ents per tom all be the merchantable com nod on iineral ta "locate a claim 1,500x1 500 . Bost square ; entry fee §5; renewable yoar- iy. . om Dileant may bbhtain two leases to for gold of five miles each for a! twenty years, renewable at the pl the Minister of the In- he lessee within shall have s dredge in oper- one season from the date lease for euch five miles. Rental Rosary oc, mile of river of : at the rate of 2} per Seeds $10:000. on the output after it ex- of the r of the Interior. ; : publication of this t will mot be paid for, W. W. Cony, TRENT CANAL /Ontario-Rics Lake Division. "SECTION No. 3. NOTION TO CONTRACTORS. ABI ESS ED Vill be Feces w Thurwiny, 13th works connected of Section No. Division of the and specifications of the work en on and ter the 1st Febru at the of the Uhiel kn- of Hallways at the office of the! : » reat Can Out., and at'the ofice of Mr i 16 ek > 1908, for Lo the construction of M I. B, Brophy, on Chron I. % to8, Outi, wt Which . ; eon Faces orms of ten lowest or any tender not neces "By Order, tI Ki JONES, 5 2 Secretary. H of Rdilvays and Canals, y Ottawa, January doch, 1908. ty from the paid for is. a out authori © will not be i on her fice and hands. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US | Occurrences In The City And Viecinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered Makes An Arvology. Kingston Mills, Feb, 1.--The corre spondent of the Mills apologies for the item published on 21st January, of an engagement between Mr. Levail- lant and Miss Boswell, of Kingston. It was a mistake. There is no founda- | tion to it.. E. Clark has returned from | Sharbot Lake after wisiting {riends. | The sleighing is in BABY GIRL CRED * IND SCAATCHR All 'the Time--Torturing Eczema Covered Her Budy--=Could- Not | Slesp--Doctor Said Sores Would Last for Years--Skin Now Clear, -------- si nt CURED IN THREE MONTHS BY CUTICURA REMEDIES | ------ "1 take great piéasure in telling you what a great help it was for me to use Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment | for my baby niece. She was sufferin j tion. from that terrible Sorbure, eczema, t | was all over her body but the worst was | : Her hands were | r Washburn Waits Perle #0 bad that she could not hold anything. Washburn, Feb. 3.--The Perfect Bhe cried and scratched all the time and | Brick and Tile company is turning out could fot slesy) mighi or day from the | some very fine brick and is rusning seratehing. BE. Der PNOEE (he Goce ull blast. The government has tor's care for a year and a half and he i fine bridge at Washburn aod the seemed to do her no good. 1 took her n a bridge at L - to the best doctor in the city and he said | grist mill is running again. Recent that she wecuid have the sores until she | visitors were: Mrs. Elsa Potter, was six years old. But if 1 had de- Kingston, at Mrs. William Paterson's; W, Bell and sister at B. Ball's; Rev, nded on the doctor my bab would ve fost her mind and. dicd from ¢ Mr. Jenkins held a prayer meeting last Wednesday night at J. Dixon's. want of aid. . "1 used all the remedies that eve bedy told me about and I tortured chiid almost to death. Then I saw § the paper how Cuticura was the thifig for irritating skin. 1 bathed her with warm water and Cutictra Soap and used the Cuticura Ointruent, She was cured in three months. Now her skin is a8 clear and smooth as it could be. 1 shall ems From Tichborne. Tichboxne, Feb: 4--J. Davis has re- turned home after renewing acquain- tances in Toronto. Nr. Uncle Sam's domains, is visiting his recommend the use of Cuticura wherevee | brother, J. Hanna, Visitors : Mr. and 1 see the skin in bad condition. Alice | Mrs. J. Manna at W. Hamna's; Tich- L. Dowell, 4769 Easton Ave., St. Louls, | borne Crossing; Miss Edna and Perna Mo., May 2 and 20, 1507." {Dufly at J. Davis'; F. E. McKiver, np rare spent Sunday at home. Pybus GROWS HAIR has returped home after spending a few days at M. Raymond's. Cuticura Removes Dandroff and " ; arlem Budget. w Suothes Netiing Scalps. Harlem, Feb. 3.--~The Harlem hoe- 'arm sham with Cuticura Soap, "w J fle te and THI 8a vd with Cuticurs, ao: key team played the Frankvi le eam : a pretty tight game. It was 3 to 2 vent dry, thin, and falling hair, remove |! 3 crusts, scales, and dandruff, des Lin favor of Harlem. Mr. Ripley . and hair parasites, soothe irritated, itching | his young bride were the guests of jurtaces stimulate the hair follicles, | Frank Seeds, Chantry, They have gone Joosen § Su) Skin. Supply thi Food {to Montreal. A load of young peo make the hair grow upon a sweet wholesome, healthy scalp when all other treatment fails. plete External and ternal Treatment tor Tey wate of Infants, Spiernal and a consists of Cuticura Soap to C Skin, Cuticura Olntment to Heal the Skin, sad Cutie curs Hesolveut 3 6 the jlorm of Chocolate Custed Fills, In vials of 60) ww Purity the Blood. Sold roughout the world Potter Drug & Chem. , Sole Props. Boston, Mass. 'Matied Free, Cuticurs Book on Skin Diseases. rs. Ziba Guile it's a boy. are visiting evening on the rink here, wears a broad smile; William Smith and wife {friends in Ottawa. At St. George's Lake. Lake, Feb. 4.---There was no service on Sunday. Mr. Tre dinnick being unable to reach his ap- pointment owing to the heavy storm. School is closed at present owing to Are You looking for + scarcity of teachers, G. {lost a valuable dog last week by pois -something that will give i Cigble Jo Jost week by pois both pleasiire and com- &ing a few days with Mrs. J. Green. 3 & Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goudy fort? She will appre- a son, Visitors: Mrs. P. Riley at W. 'ciate a load of McGinnis'; J. Wilson at C. Goudy's: COAL FROM F. Badour at C. Cody's: Mrs. Quama- P. WALSH'S YARD, g | dore, spending a few days at Sharbot Barrack Strict. St. George's Lake with Mrs, H. Clifford, Allisonville Notes. Allisonville, Feb. 3.--No service at Bowertnan's on account of the rough weather. Mr. aud Mrs. Sills ure visit ing Mrs. Sills' cousin, Mrs. Charles Thomas, this week. The men have been busy to-day opening roads. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hicks visited Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd on Sunday. Mrs, H. Maybes, of Stoughton, Sask., visited Mrs. James Boyd on Sunday last. Miss Nina Mavin has been ill for a few days, But is better now. Miss BE. Goodwin is at Wellington this week. The Oddfellows held their annual oys- ter supper, Wednesday night. Miss Sadie Forshee was at Melville one day, recently. Dlosrs are 4 skin dineass, snd are more ot Joon directly socamioned by & bed state of Cloyne Correspondence. Cloyne, Feb. l.<Thermometers re- gistered _ fort; one degrees below zero on Thursday last. The trustees of section No. 2 have bad the school re modelled and repaired and the build- ing is now an imposing edifice with all modern equipment. H. Pettefer and RR. Ferguson are busily engaged getting their sawing apparatus ready, lor operation. C. Osler is 'visiting at Williami Kenncfich's. R. M. Head has returned {rom his trip to the villages northward. 'Mr. Jantieson, manager of the Dipper mines, was in the village; to-day. W. Lacey loft on a business trip to Tweed. Miss Myers, Kingston, is wielding the restricting influences in 8.8. No 2. ---- Wilbur Items. Wilbur, Feb, 4.--A heavy fall of snow, on Sunday, his been keeping the 'men husy keeping the roads open. Mrs. J. Mclntyre and family, Arn- prior, visiting friends here. Mr. ahd Mrs. Rollow, gave the young people a party on Friday evening, where they spent an enjoyable thme. Thomas Me Murty is recovering slowly after his long illness. A number of the farm- ers around here gathered and d him some wood a hay. Robert pt | son spent Sunday at his home at Rob- ertville. W. J. Boyd could not get down to his home, on account of the big storm og Sunday. The camp here has 'broken up, and a number of 'the wood cutters went to their homes, J. Duncan bas returned to his work at the mines, after being a few days absent. Mrs. B. Rogers has gone to Perth to see ber father, who is ill. Miss Lottie Donaldson has been unit- Blood Bitters and it worked like a charm, cleaning owt. all the impurities from my system and improving my appetite. While faking the B.B.B. internally I weed it ex- weraally te cleanse the sere, and it helped alov . k EDUCATIONAL. 8000s sscsses0cnROR® eu wish to be successfwl | it tend The i ed in marriage to Henry Peon. J. Jones went home on Saturday." -- Yonge Mills Notes. Yonge Millj, Feb. 3---Leroy Dickey is attending' thé Kingston iness College. Victor Purvis has left for Nipigon, having "spent his holidays at his home here. » whole commun- ity was shocked to hear of the death of Robert Avery, which occurred so suddenly on Friday afternoon of i Mrs, Joseph Churchill \weturned home on Monday after spend. ng a week with her mother. H, 7T. Gibson has beem nursing a badly in- jured wrist for several weeks. Free man Fyre has boen engaged as cheese maker at the Ferguson factory. Miss Ollie Burnham entertained a number of her young friends on Thursday last. The death occurred, on Tuesdav after. noon, of 8 Seott, ane years. 208050000a0000000000 tecoeseseveesoveonee i y deceased hiz son, Nathaniel, who frum Brockville last fall. Nr. re. William Ferguson, Brockville, Pan very good condi-| put | Hanna, from | { { ple from Portland spent an enjoyable | McKivor | | vicinity A couple of houses here hava been placed under yuarantine | Could Not Get There. i Lake, Feb. 4 Owing to the heavy fall of snow, on Saturday lest, | Rev. Mr. Tredinnick was unable to! | attend the regular servic: on Sunday] last. Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks, j of Thessalon, are spending the winter { with his brother, John Hicks, D. L Loodietlow was inthis place deliver] ing some five fumiture to Mrs. Jo- | soph Cote. Miss Eleanor Bertrim has | retarned home after spendingy some | | time at her grandparents', Mr. Mrs. William Webster. Miss Olive Web-| | ster at George Bertrim's. Miss Hattie] | McGinnis has been visiting at the] | Union Hotel with her sister. A large! number from here attended the dance | {at William Reynolds': music was fur nished by the Messrs. Hartman and Badour. a very enjoyable time was spent. Arthur Harris purposes | back to Huaileybury to join his par | ents, George w lost a valu | able horse last week, } {row News From Morven. Morven, Feb. 3.~There was no ser- | vice at either of the two churches on Sabbath. On Monday mornigg the | roadmasters turned out with thei {men and opemed the roads. DR Hicks, who has been on the sick list, is not able to be out yet. ¥. Smith, who got a fall on the ice and loosened one of his ribs, is able to be up and around the house, and Samuel Wilspni, who fell off a load of hay, is {also able to be around. Mr. Anger's ison, Clayton, and wife and little | daughter, from the west, are making {him a visit; Mr. Valvus' daughter, { Edith, with her husband, Perry Van slyck, and two children, from Winni- peg, are making her parents a visit. Mrs. Charles Chambers, of Little Creek, accompanied by her son, Dra- per, of Seattle, Wash., spent Satur day and Sunday with her niece, Mrs. D, R. Hicks. J. A, Beil and wile were visiting friends at Selby over Sunday €. Smith was home from Queen's on Sunday. The annval meeting of the {patrons of the Union cheese fa tory twas held on Wednesday last. Ar range- {ments were made for another season. | Death Of An Old Resident. | Rockport, Feb. 3.--On { the heavy showstorm of Sa mail did not go \out account of turday, the I We the Escott Centre, from here. {have the sad duty of recording | death of John Fenton, | which , occurred on { Mr. Fenton was seventy-three years okl. He leaves to mourn, two sons, James and William, and three daugh- ters, Mrs, Frederick Phillips, British Columbia, and Misses Jennie snd Mary, at home. Deceased was well known here, He was a staunch lib- eral. Sympathy is extended to the bereft family. ' The funeral sermon wa preached by Rev. Father Crawley, in the Roman Catholic church, at 11 am. Word reached here, this morn- ing, of the death of Mrs. Henry Kirk- er, at Gananoque. Mrs, Morehead, af ter spending the past eight months with her daughter, Mrs. Dewitt Wil. liams, left, Friday morning, for Owen of months with another daughter, and Sask. a couple ' of 'weeks with her brother, George, on Larue Island. The many friends of Mrs. Albert Ferguson are pleased to learn that she is improving daily. i Portland Township Council. Verona, Fely 8. M. and Henderson and Councillor Councillors Walker county treasurer all township moneys now in his hands as county rate; col- taxes forthwith, and return roll with in fifteen days. Moved, that in future no bonus shall he paid for wire fences. Deputy Reeve was instructed to oversee repairs Long bridge and to render bill county council. The clerk was instruc- ted to write for prices for cement tile nfouilds. The following orders given : for poor; 83, to" I. Mills and wife, charity; $2, to M. Revell, charity: %: to 4. M. Mowat, legal advice. Coun- cil adjourned to meet at call of reeve, NEWS FROM NAPANEE, Sheek of the Tweed Explosion > Was Heard There. Napanee, Feb. 5.--The shock from the explosion at Tweed was distinctly beard in this town, on Tuesday morn- mg, at 7.30 o'clock, some people think- ing it was an earthquake. Aubrey 'Gibson arrived home Denver, Col., where the his from he has been for past two yesirs, for the benefit of health. He will leave shortly for the north, where he has a position on the G.T.P. railway. W. M. Evans, of Enterprise, leaves, to-day, for Winnipeg. Miss Dolly Gault arrived home, last week. from Winnipeg, to spend the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Gault. Mrs. (Dr.) Stratton is very low and her life is mow despaired of Her brothers, Wesley and Herbert Collier, of Peterboro, are with ber A guiet wedding took place, Thursday, Mill street, was married to John Me Lennan, of Welland, Ont. Rev. .J. R Conn performed the ceremony. ------------ Colds Cause Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes last a cold in one day. E. W, Grove's sig- ---- A secret is something that a woman doesn't know. going | Friday afternoon. | Sound, where she will spend a couple then return to her home at Milestone, Miss Amelia Kahnt is spending 3. Members present : | Reeve Reynolds, Deputy Reeve Yorke, | Irish; absent, | Lewis Clow was appointed assessor at | $65. Treasurer was instructed to pay lector instructed to collect balance of | York-Irish, | Yorke | on | to | were | $4.12; to Quinn & Rider, goods | when Miss Maggie Allen,' the cause. Used the world over to cure] | y : : GRADUATES OF THE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. Winnipeg Writer Refers to the Training to Be Received in Kingston--Halping to Develop | - the Dominion. : a Royal The Winnipeg Free Press contains well-illustrated article upon the Military College, written by R. C.| Bailey, which says 'Despatch after despatch from Kitchener, Roberts and | ani other gewerals have praised officers who had passed through Kingston Kingston buried some of her sous, but | { enhanced her reputation in South Af-| j rica. The sword is, however, not the { only instrument of which these voung | men are apt in the' use. They shine in| i the task of eriss-crossing this conti { | nent with railroads, The college re- | cofds are packed with the names of limen 'who are helping to dévelop the | Dominion by slinging bridges across | cataracts, evolving machinery to dim | inish expenses and enlarge cities and j generally assisting. 3s only trained | men can in the working of placing | Canada at the top of the tree. A his. | tory is in the comrse of compilation ! of the college and the achievements of its sons. It will make amazing read ing. But after all it has long been known that Canada possessed the best kind of brains and muscle and in that cluster of buildings on 'the promon itory at Kingston, the training of them is attended to." GANANOQUE TIDINGS. What is Transpiring in the Little River Town. Gananoque, Feb. 4.-- Gananoque show lovers are im luck this week as a pat ent medicine -company is giving a fre entertainment every evening in the Colonial Theatre, At thie "popular price" it drawing packed houses The funeral of Sarah Booth, relict of the late John Booth, of this town aged - thirty-three who died from the effects of poison on Sunday morning last, took place from her late residence, corner ef ( harles and No th street, yesterday afternoon to Christ church and thos to Gananoque vault, | Miss - Bessie O'Neil, spending a short time with friends in Kingston, return ed home yesterday. William Bdwards, {dr of Waterville, Que., an old Gana | noque hoy, spent a few days this | week in town the guest of his father. | William Edwards, King street Mrs. J. Thomson, First street, left last evening to spend a week with her parents in Oshawa. Mrs, William Don ley, of Minto, Man., who has been spending a few weeks' with relatives in town and vicinity, left for home | yesterday, She was accompanied . hy | her brotherdan-law, William Pratt, King street, who will probably in the near future settle in that locality. is years; Semen Street Costume! Violet satin-face cloth developed the { stylish suit shown The skirt was made of five gores and is trim- | med 'around the bottom with a four { inch fold of velvet three inches above {the hem. The coat is cut-away 'tight fitting in the back aod semi-fitting in { front, The collar of |The sleeve is the »regulation coat { sleeve, with a back-turn cuff. The ves {is of heavy white satin, trimmed with { silver braid, | ----e | Girls Tortured. | "Charles Gordon Golden Reishwortis Lof, Nether Poppleton jelerk to the York educational com mittee, England, and his wife. Sarah Katherine, were found "guilty" at | Yort, on charges of cruelty to two lit- {tle girls they had adopted. Mrs. Rush | worth was sentenosd to pine months imprisonment in the second division | Rushworth was fined £25 in cach cas {£50 in all, besides Two weak { undersized girls had tortured {horribly, branding with red-hot irons, | thrashings with a dog whip, seald ings, and semi-starvation being alley ted. Hostile crowds demonstrated out side the court and cheered the sen {tences. Two witnesses for the defence {had refused to give evidence through Hear of the popular indignation. above 18 made velvet solicitor, and CORLs, wen Is Heresy Hunter, . Rov. Dr. George A. Cook, of Bran- {don, Vt., who has brought charges of | disloyalty and slander agsiret Res Dr. Boekley, evidently considers him {sedi called to this sort of duty Prof | Mitchell, of the Boston Uliiversity, was "treed," as the Hartford Courant fonts it, by Pr. Cook, and Prof | Bowne was charged hy him with some | offense against orthodoxy. Now he has {eaused a commission of clergymen to be appointed to see whether Dy Buck. | ley has written anvibing in the Now | York Christian Advocate wrongful en. ough to bring him to trial before the | [prin court, i i {| A successful man is one who makes | don't eount | his mistakes when they against him. } Our idea of a good wile is one wha | helps Ber husband with the house. | work, 2 about : the troukie-borrowing germ is the worst; DOING SPLENDID WORK A. cheerful disposition for ten cents per week. Sweet breath, no headache, np dullness, no blues. All that -- and more --in a box of Cascarets. Cascarets supply a natural need. They simply do what some foods will do; what fruits will do, if used in abundance; what exercise does. They cause the bowel muscles to act. . Their effect is natural and gentle as the same effect from food. as If we lived out-doors, and ate whole wheat, green vegetables and fruits, we would never need Cascarets, But we don't exercise enough. We eat fine flour, much starch, and too little of Fruit and green things. We live artificially, so we need an artificial lagative, Cascarets give us, ih concentrated form, one vital effect that we lack in rich food, Some people need them more frequently than others. It depends on your food, your drink and your exercise. But we all need them sometimes. The right way to take them is one Cascarst at a time. soon as you need it. You can tell, Don't wait till night. Carry a box always with you, Keep yourself always at your best. Take it just as Ward off the dullness, the headaches. + Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all druggists, but never in bulk. Be sure to get the genuine, with CCC on every tablet. The price is 50 cents, 25 cents and 10 Cents per Box. STOCK: TAKING WEEK -- AT ~-- ~ SUTHERLAND'S sa... a... Lots of Odd and- End Bar- gains Left Over from the Big Re! Letter Shoe Sale. CLLLLLLLLL000 CLLLLLL0LLLELEL 00000000000 000000000e i J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. FERRER ERR { peooetoee VIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIL Vou ; Health in every cup of COWAN"S PERFECTION COCOA Very nutritious and very digestible. Give it to your children and drink it yourself. » Get .It for To-Morrow's Breakfast "THE BEST OATMEAL MADE." AMELIA FIDL 44004 = ORANGES Sweet Navels, Seedless Oranges from 15¢ to 60c Per Doz. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street PITT rr TT TTT UST ET I TTY T PY IVI TT Syl SAFES SNS "4 v 4 "4 " g 4 a " " ; 135 Church Se. Toronto. Eee 1860 can Authors & Cox For 48 years, we have - Bot Bod lp tom do wigplonns styles of Truss. es -- single and double springs, { hard robber, leather cavered, elastic well, laced, waterproof, etc --for every Phiances to exactly suit each kind of Rupture, We slohivospecia) Trusses Individual case. If for Appendicitis, Flowing Kideey, and @ friend--is Abdomi rts -- and Trusses sad Fads accident or . mal for Children infants, . e special sp-