KINGSTON Rr SIATRY) \ A IN COANECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway 8 ' ----_---- TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY RY 1908," NOW | AM WELL STATE DEFINITELY: THANAS TO " FRUIT-A-TIVES * ! 12.10 p.m. S=pixprons--Fur Otiawa, Mon. Joi, * Chicago, Marie, Denver, Duiuth, oston To #row, Hauit Ste, Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, , amd San Frasc 5.00 p.m. --~Loeal for Sharbot Sonmecting with C.P.R., B., Halifax, | Hew | Seatt ie, Lake, | Kast and West. | 745 a.m., Mixed--¥ot Henirew and in- | Sermediate m., arrive in Dtiawa at 4.45 448 Toronto, pm, ; Montreal, 6. 50 pay ; am, ; St. John 11.20 a.m. KINGSTON---OTTAWA. Leave Kingston, 12.10 .p.m., AL ngaton 3 45 fam. vé gonniections ot Henfrew with CP leave Renfrew, Broke. Port Arthun, Winnipeg and ¥, BONNY, Gens NAY, Gea: Pass Agent, p.m. arrive .R. No. Bay of Quinte F Railway New short Jor a a, Napanee, rains Coy "ra potas, R - PICK SON, fi Depot Ba ington DRE Ss AA at Rys @raise will leave andl mrrive at City we « DOpot, Foot of Johnson street, GOING WEST. Lve. City Arr. City Hee Xpress 2.88 . ® -------- a.m "i local Ta ¥.15 a.m. 1341. Inter, Ltd, .. 12.25 moon 12.54 p 'Tol eee 8.19 pom, 8.51 p. 1s 1068) | eee 7.03 p.m, 7.88 p. GOING EAST. 5 mad) ie 12.30 amy 1.02 a.m Lvs, City Arr. Clty 48 amy 2.13 a.m, ' Nor 8 MMI ---- * 8 fast express 2.08 am. 8.02 am. 10cal wi B18 am 8.50 a.m Nos. 1,2,8, 4,50, 7and 8, run daily Bl other trains dally axeept Sunday; For full particulars apply to J, P. BANLEY, Aweu, cornes Jpha INTERCOLONIAL YNZ Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halfax LR Liv erpool | Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME > * EXPRESS Bens mails, 'reachin, dock at x at HALL FAX the day afternoon. SPECIAL TRAINS carrying Fastcogers walls when inward gtea ag niin th the MARITIME ie lanve. ALE AX Sm tnadintos oilowing Satur Ex Than: y Oe, Sten EE nak Pek rote and points West. FOR TICKETS AND FURTHER IN| FORMATION, apply to nearest GRAND | TRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to Montreal Ticket Office 141 St. James St, QUEBEC 8.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the sew Twin Screw Steamship * Ff wudian," 5 500 tons, Sailings every a urday ot 10 a.m. to Nassau, Bahamas B.8. "Trinidad" fortnightly da Februar, and March, » West lndla Cruises from New York New Steamer "Guiana," 5,700 tops, with all up-to-date improvements and ther first-class sicamers sail from New ork every 10 days, For beauty ot scenery ard Puttection uf Himete these trips are unsurpassed. lustrated nphlets giving aT of all information, apply to A TERBRIDGS & cO., A Steamship Sos 290 'Bros a. ow Sore! A. ATEN Sec'y., Quebes, Canada to Ticket Agenta, J, P, BANLEY, and J, P, GIL ERSLEEVE, Kingston, ALLAN 7:5 LINE TO rv From St: John. Halifax, Tunisian, Fri, Keb, 14. Sat., Feb. 15. Corsician, Fri, Feb. 28, Sat., Feb. 29. Grampian, Sat., Mar. 7. Rates of passage and full informa. i may be obtained from J. RB HANLEY, Agent GT. RR, or C. KIRKPATAI CR Local Agents, Ss. Htawa, 10.45 p.m. "Direct 4.15 p.m., for Pem~ Paci- 8.02 a.m. Jeavimg MONTREAL Fridays, at 12.00 gage and the steamer"s petute_ Kingston at 12. 10 | 7 08 | } 'Boston, 7.80] that ever did me any good. | Many women suffer with what | doctors call y ** Diseased Ovaries" plaints" etc. -- when Constipation causing all the pain. "'Fruit-a-tives" and the ** Pruit-a-tives ' Eli, Manitoba. 1 wish to state, for the sake of others who may be sufferers like I was, that I suffered from severe indigestion and constipation for years and that there was also womb trouble with unpleasant pains in my back which made me miser- able, constantly, I tried physicians and took many remedies but I got no relief. I was induced to try "Fruit-a-tives" and ¥ can truly say this was the first medicine **Pruit-a- tives" quickly relieved the constipation and indigestion and completely cured me of all symptoms of womb trouble, I cannot express too strongly my great gratitude to this medicine as I am as well now in every way as ever I was, thanks to "'Pruit-a-tives". I can strongly recom- mend "Fruit-a-tives", it'is easy to take | and the effect is always mild like fruit, " | (Sgd) Mrs, M. PrEAND, 4 he "Womb Trouble "-- -** Female Com- is Cure the liver and make the bowels move regularly with "Womb Trouble' will be cured at the same time. -= or '* Pruit Liver Tablets" are sold by dealers at soc a box =6 for $2.50--or-wiil be sent on receipt of price. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, . . | al es » . Nagic Baking Powder. Qillett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Bakirg Powder, Qillett's Cream Tartar, Royal Yeast Cakes. Qitlett's Mammoth Bive, Nagic Baking Soda. MADE FoR oven 50 veans. lserasuianco 1083) £.W.GILLET TORONTO.ONT. SUDARD TCLS IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USE ™EN Qillett's Washing Crystal. COMPANY LiMiTED ABSOLUTE ~~ SECURITY, | Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of | fea Foot i CURE SICK HEADACHE. [LATE AGAIN iBooth & Co., Phone 133. Foot of West St TES DOLLARS FINE FOR PROV. ING THIS IS A FRAUD. Being late for work often Causes a man or woman to lose their position. | There is no excuse. If your watch does not keep the cor- rect time we will make it. Fossibly there is some little thing out of order that will only take a few minutes to repair, or it may need to be cleaned and regulated. Bring your repairing here. Our having long and A We guarantee every watch we repair Kinnear &d'Esterre 1 entered into wherchy si THEN THE MINISTER " WOULD SPEEDILY ACT. Many Insinuations Nothing on Which Made, to But * Hang o aries of Manitota, From Our Own Correspondent Mtawa, Feb, 5.--Hon. Francis Oliver replied, yosterday, to 'the charges wi brought against the dey terior by the oppo- | have been partiality the granting of tim- ber limits The minister denied this. | He gave figures to show that there | had been absolutely open competition | and that in every case the timber | bis the bad been Jet to the highest bidd In one case, said Mr. Oliver | of a bh so much has been made by! the opposition; the successful Senderes was ex Mayor William Cowari, Prince Albert, not only a a conservative, but-a- man who had been! a candidate for a ot in the con-| sorvative i " In reply to question, Mr. Oliver! said that in cases, there had been ample time in which to look over | limit, but in other cases, as ged by the opposition, there Ibe reason was that it was the! | ich have been artment of that there and corruption in the sition, some object timber into the who would operate it He admitted that from last year the clause enforcing opera- tion of the limits had not been in- sisted upon, but now the department | had issued notices to those holding | timber limits for more than five vears that they must operate them. Incidentally Mr. Olifér explained the | chief reason why he had refused to! allow original documents to be exam- ined These orders-in-council selling | the timber rights were the only titles! which the purchasers had, and the de-| partment was bound to look after the interests of these people Fhere had been a good deal of talk! in the housé as to alley ction with declared Mr. Oliver, eritic of the government he (the minister) such a statément were made, Oliver promised that there would an investigation ordered at once Contrasting the policy of the liberal now with the policy of conservatives when they were in power, Mr. Oliver said that the lib- erals of to-day sold the timber limits to practical lumbermen, while the con- servatives gave away the limits their political friends. "political rascality."' years ago the west was being parcell-| ed out by the conservatives to their friends in the 'way of «timber limits, land grants and railway subsidies Mr. Oliver said that if theroc was a single delinite statement in support of hands of the people | 1581 wl se conn these "timber himits, but, shid that had was responsible. r be government the to appoint a committee the administration, he would agree to it. bot there was none. R, S, Lake claimed that he had] mie pine dehnite statements, and, on the invitation of the miidtér of the uterior, ne read them again. Mr. Oliver replied that he had been | earcful to insinuate, but to say noth- ing definite. There were slurs and as- sertions, but no direct statements. It had been a competition on the part of the opposition to see how much | dirt it could throw in the hope some of it would stick. The opposi- tion didnot really want an investiga. tion R. L. Borden to mquire into in answer to the min- ister of the interior, said he know of any other speaker dealt in #0 much insinuntion as Oliver reckless Hon. W Fielding, ves on the table of the house pondence and. papers relating to arrangements which have been ed into with the governments of Al berta and Saskatchewan for the sup ply of seed grain to those farmers | who require it Applications for as- sistance have poured in, particnlarly for but the correspondence | showed that the government would not accept responsibility for home steaders after they had taken up the land However, an arrangement was to Saskatchewan ctively loans of JODO were repaid a interest Mr. | terday, laid | the enter seed oats, and . Alberta R440 .000 These hence, resp £1.55 made year and loans are to be with five per cent the debates in the senate this session and yesterday was no exception to the Senator Bernier asked. when the the extension. of the Manitoba, promised in throne, might be rule. bill for ies of speech from the pected, Hon. Mi said that the would come in due season. Senator Lougheed wanted to know | if, the government of Manitoba had] been consulted ? |B Hon. Mr. Scott said he believed the! province had not been for some time li Senator Lougheed said he asked this because he had seen a statement] eredited to a Manitoba minister that | there had been representations made to the Ottawa government by Mani- toba which had not been considered, Hon. Mr. Scott said he had not seen the statement. The ease of Mani: toba had been heard when the inter. provincial conference was held at Ot- tawa. The bill would come down, and in the meantime the province was not suffering. Senator Lougheed said he doubted whether the dominion possessed the right - to change the boundaries of Manitoba without consulting with that} province. i Hon. Mr. the province had sion and had presented its claims, Senator Lougheed's friends, he said, had not done much in the way of ex- tending Manitoba's boundaries during the bill | Seott Scott was of opinion that applied for exten- > the cighteen years they had authority, The province would not suffer if the bill did not come down for a few weeks. Senator Ferguson asked if the Mani-| toba authorities would be consulted! before the bill was brought down. Hod. Mr. Scott thought the govern. ment had all the wiormation it, re auired to deal with the euse. The Lilt would be brought down and 'the boundaries extonded in due season. | An Investigaticn--The Bound: + [nary was | of the government to get the | up till} 4 andals in | not a single! If It was simply | I'wenty-tive | the resolution moved the 'other dav to | that | } did not | who had | He had shown himself entirely | the corres: |¥ [ Exceptional interest has attached to | N boundar- ! | double show } ex- | | | posed of his store S| made. Sm ---- to amend the rail cregsmg the penalty for wr 15 a raflway man on 500 or a SNEaAr s impris On penalties were now $30 or reading way ach sedi i to Fhe one month. Senator Davis was in favor of rail sober 'but he did not see how ncrea Zz the penalties would stop what the Sent penalties failed to stop. It would be as hard to tefl a railway maa on duly from an ordi: thirsty citizen ast was to Yell a hali-brevd to whom liquor could be way men being i sold from a full-blood Indian to whom liquor could not be sold. McMullen said that railway were' compelled to wear penalty of ine or im- Senator men on a badge duty under | prisonment Senator Davis thought the man who wanted a drink would find a way to cover up wee badge. The bill was read the second time and sent to the railway cominittee. BLOIER Th | TROUBLE READILY RELIEVED BY THIS SIMPLE MIXTURE, There Will Be Much Less Kidney Trouble and Urinary Afflict- tions Here When Recipe is Generally Known. Here can mix at home. tion pharmacy can supply dients named at little cost, being com- i posed of vegetable extracts, it is | harmless and ine xpensive, Best of all it does its work well, relieving even { the worst forms Sef bladder trouble, | frequent urivation, backache, kidney { complaint, and by its direct action upon the climinative issue of the kid- neys, makes these most vital organs | rid the blooil and system of waste mat ter and uric acid which eauses rheu mati=m Here. is a prescription that anyone Any good preserip- the mgre | i Fluid ounce itis; try it Extract Dandelion, one-half {| Compound 'Kargon, one ounce; pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, ounces. | Shake well in a bottle and take teaspooniul dobs after each meal at? bédtnne. A well-known lecal druggist is au- { thority for the statement that weeks' use shows good results | nearly instance, symptoms as lame back, frequent sire to urinate, pain in bladder even chronic rhewmatism are | relieved within a few {and sweliing diminishing if you suffer Com three in and one in such de and generally the pain with each every amd days, dose, "A MESSAGE FROM MARS." | ---- | Comes to The Grand, | Feb. 7th. | The first act portrays a man of ex- {treme selfishuess who never thinks of {the interest of others, he always wants his own way. He is too selfish to perform a service of two minutes, leven for his sweetheart. In the midst of his superabundance of selfishness, while sitting in his study, he ig visit- fed by a messenger from the planet | Mars, While this is done the stage | wrapped in darkness, quick and im- pressive noises Bll the theatre and when the is lighted again, the | back wall of "the study i* gone, and a { man in a strange garb stands forth in the' full light oi the stage. This is the messenger from Mars, who explains the superior virtue of the inhabitants {of that planet. That is, he has been banished from Mare, because of some { breach against the. idea of universal { Kind ness, which 'the author has made; to prevail there and has been tenced to come to the earth for | purpose of ony erting the most un mitigated egotist to be found | upon the earth. This egotist be | the name of Horace Parker, who is entleman of talent, refinement, p wealth, \ i Contest And Comedy. | The Vitagraph company of America hold the exclusive nghts to the ori ginal films of the great world's Lhouvs weight championship "fight be tween Burns and Gunner [ Mo nr, of England, an event that took {place in the National Sporting Club, of London, Eng., December 2nd. 1907. wy will be shown in their entirety The on Saturday, Februar: Sth, matinee and night, { Every and movement made Jiluriug this' great contest is realistical- making the auditor feel as » were at the ringside. Previous 1 event motion pictures of {both men's training quarters, English tscones, comedy acts and illustrated songs will be introduced, making a for one admission. on Friday 18 soene sen. the nrs a and "Tommy" Grand blow hown, Items From Inverary. Inverary, Fob. 3.--J, Sears has dis- to Carman Drader, who will take ' possession March 1st. Stanley Gibson has quit atte nding "school and will remain at home until after the summer holidays. Ow- ing to his recent iliness, Norman Free- man will be uLable to attend until af ter Easter. John Simpson has chased the Ahearn farm of acres. Consequently be will. give up W. J. Arthurs' farm. There is a great deal of sickness in the community. Miss Ethel Simpson is suffering from typhoid fever. She took sick at Col lins Bay and bad to be moved home in an ambulance. Miss Birdie Whelan has a severe attack of pneumonia Miss Maggie B. Arthur is recovering from tomsilitis, J. N. Holmes has gone to the general hospital for treatment. James Goxdon is down with la grippe. J. Arthur has almost completely recovered. EE No Cough Experiments. Don't lese time and invite danger by thinking any cough cure will do. Get the Diamond Cough Remedy aud you can know that you have the best one For coughs, colds, sore throat or hoarseness it gives prompt, tive 'results. 25¢. at Wahe's store. posi. drug Apdrew Campbell, his daughter-in- law and two graod-children were burn- ed to degth in a fire that destroyed their dwelling at New Richmond, Que il to incorporate the Bank of w nis ni Ottawa 2 : 4 THE DAMAGE AT PICTON' DONE B Y si SATURDAYS FEARFUL SNOW STORM. Rink and Greemhouse Big Price For a Farm--The Death of Mrs, koughnet, » Feb, 4.- Literally | Is en ith Picton, ton virons are aried from the storm cf day, Service day, train train mail trict day the C. OU. was badly ers ppled and cancelled. Sond lay arrived about 'noon service to the surroun was put, out of business Sg and yesterday. The fall of snow brought considerabl property, lhe caving in of Boulter's arena will loss, putting the rink In 1088 for perhaps the rest of an area of 170 fet by 75 Luckily the 0. I. A over. The insurance will no loss R. on great of the root bea great 10 om the ' side sea son, Im ruins. are er the Earl well-known flo ad, 1s I He but recent 'which Spencer; {ue of the Bloowlield re loser Ly the storm. erected a preen result" of on the caved ir weight © house, the great roof, as a sgow 'the nt by Siie time during Friday nicht Main street, w ves, Fi by thi ie a back window, ransacked, but a small amoun of silver obtained. The theft was like ly done by amateurs and a juantity o burnt matches was found strewn around the office floor, This ig th cond petty robtery proprictors oi as broken being d Lr was entrance The only cash re the this place have suffered within a few months, "The Temple local talent in Thersday and br.l isnt of Fame." produced by the parish Friday nights, was success, realizing nearly $200 for the' Anglican church. "About se ven ty-live took part in the performance greeted by crowded houses. Good farme are worth ure in Prince Edward, as the part of the estate of phe ly Werder, made sary by ment of the high court, shows Friday, some 5300 sees, the old home stead, at Cherry. \ Was se complete to George Rose | r 815,00 A member of the cll prominent Canada pes away on the person « Mrs. M. at her room Ferg Thou h rathe delicate constitution she had len i her usual health urtii within a few days of her death, Mrs Vankoughne was well known about town she hav ing. resided 'here for "over-thirty-five Years, coming to Picton from Mont with her ! tif hi was on loca At her Mrs Vankoughnet exceptiona mus. cal practical inter est. Of she leaves t survive her one Percival, in Var couver, a daughter, Mrs. Fitzhubert in Bloomfi€ld, and a grand-child, Mis May Reid, who resided with her. Sh was aged seventy four Mrs. (Dr) M. E. gone to spend a with the Hon. Williawrfund erson. Mrs. MacAlpine of visiting her daughter, Mrs Clellan., Amore the hoste ternoon te last week D. G. Barker, Mrs. J Robert Davison and Mr A. Wilcocks of has returned fre day in Buffalo 1% the Wils at Coulthard Ure house, oi a pretty ol one families of Fhursday, in A. Vankoughnet uson street am 3 on real, w he death bank. husband y vr the «tafi of a husband's death applied hex talents to a a large family son, vears Branscomt ¢ we fas on m on ong of the es running between Pain in the head--pain anywhere. has its cans "Nin is on, pain is blood pressu re--nothing size usually At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and 1% ho has created a little pink tablet. That Tablet~ fin centers Ite efiect is charming, pleasing! [3 della ful. ful Centt3. Though safely, it surely equalizas the "lize havo 8 headache, it's blood pressure. 8 painful periods with women. same cause, i Sony pan pressure. ger, and doesn't it got red, and swell, rol tad ala you? Of course it does. It's con. lood pressure. You'll find it whare pein wa t's simply Common § We sell at 25 cents, aad cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet ts "ALL * DEALERS" i ROW, Collapsed-- M. A Van- | | Saturday and Sun-| i i damage to | | EEE Er err s composiag the best lines for the St. George's Baking Powder Limerick $200.00 will be given to the person Senfing a the best line, 30. ge to' the person sending in the 2 ow le " "ow 8p . 00 each to the next twenty-five best, 1.00 ** one hundred best. One year ao, St. George's Baking Powder was introduced to the Canadian people. Now, thousands of honsewives use it for Cakes, Pies, Rolls: and Biscuits. But there are still many more who do not; we want them to try just one can of St. George's -- because we know that one can will make them firm friends of this absolutely pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder, That is why we are taking this means of getting YOU to see how good it is--by giving you a chance to share in the $5Q1.00 prizes. Everyone may \compete---those who are now friends of St. George's as well as those who have never used it. Conditions: Ist. Your lim® with your name: and address must be plainly written on Lhe coupon below. 2nd. Carefully remove the trade mark from a tin of St. George*s Baking Powder the label with a ¢ioth dampened in (note--be careful mt to get the tin damp.) Paste of pin the tra corner of the coupon in t provided 3rd. Competitors may mend in as many lines as they like providing each Is accompanied dy a ly mark cut from a tin of St. George's Baking Powder. 4th. The Bitor of the Montreal Star has consented to act as judge and all answers must be addressed to the Rditor, St. George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montreal, Sth. All answers must be posted not later hem Mth, 1908. The names of the prize winners will be P shed ia this paper as soon after that date as 3 ssible, No trademark cut from sur sample pactage wi! be sccepted. Limerick For Cakes, just as light as a feather-- And Biscuits and Pies, the best ever-- You can easily bake them St. George's will make them to the 128 Pet, Paste or pin the trade mark from the label of a tin.of St. George's Baking Powder here, "1 % agree To abide by the decision of the Rditor of Montreal Star as final, and enter the competition with that understanding Signature Address 1293 8 ---------------- ---------------- Address this coupon with our trade mark attached, and your line and signature p™inly written, to 82 The Rditor, St. George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montreal, Que. Look Out for Our Big Clearing Sale BEGINNING FEBRUARY Ist. Everything marked down. time. Remember the date--February 1st. James Reid, Pac ching and F Freight Free. A chance of a life- "Phone 117. Canada Life Assurance Combuiy The Sixtieth year's business of the Company the best yet. Insurance in force (over) $117,500,000.00, ./ 35,000,000.0Q, Take the New QU INQUENNIAL POLICY with this Company, a . Quis Penn 8 Company b v9 always been popular with 1 Vw mors p > or DECEMBER Apply now end wanted - d1st, 3000; a do bHuwinesa.. A gents to al ion osition, J. O, HUTTON, Manarer, i8 Market st. Kingston, Ont. --_---- -- We Do Galvanizing aud Tining Prompt and Good Work, _|Canada Metal Co.. Ltd., Let us do your work, 31 WILLIAM BT Toronto. Oc Our Clean Sweep Sale is a great money-saver, oH there is anything needed in Footwear, don't fail to visit our CLEAN SWEEP SALE, About 45 Pairs Men's, Women's Boys' and Girls' | Moccasins. Just the thing snow shoeing, etc. 'CLEAN SWEEP PRICE -- -68¢.| Men's 1a Calf Bluchers Goodyear Soles, regular $5 Extra as Ine. CLEAN SWEEP PRICE -$3.97 for | and Leather Soles, { | i } i i 77c. Children's Black Jersey Legrins, regular $1. : CLEAN SWEEP PRICE ...77¢. 47c. ] Warm Slippers, Felt ol only few pair left. regular 65¢.. 75¢c. and 90¢. CLEAN SWEEP PRICE ---47c. Women's Women's Felt Boots lai Men's 82 Hockey Boots - -$1.67. lain, regular $1.25. : . Man's $2.50 Hockey Boots $2.17. CLEAN SWEER PRICE ---89c.| aen's $3 Hockey Boots - 32.47, Regular $1.50 owuality, fixed Boys' Hockey Boots, reduced with leather » »- S117. tc ««+«<81.17 and $1.27. | Hockey Boots ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE,