PAGE TWO, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRTARY 6, 1908. Dapin Are You . Up to the Mark? Tp un feeling as well as you uld, do not make the mis- take of letling your health take care of itself. Resort to - Beecham's Pills' Sold Everywhere, In boxes 25 cents, ~ ...31h FebruaryF urni- : ture and Carpet Sale reduced to reduced to reduced to reduced to 20 styles. 15 f B85, reduced to... $26, reduced to "$20, reduced to hon A fine line to choose from - Hueed. CUARPETS--2 Axmmster Rugs, rich color effects, 9x14 feet each, in use on floor only a short time, regular $33, re- wuped to $19 each. 1 BRUSSERS RUG, 8x9 feet, regular $20, Our Sale Price, only $15. L BRUSSELS RUG, 10 feet 6 inchesx 33st. regular $34. Our Sale. Price, 20, : BLANKETS and COMFORTERS, 20 per cent. off All Sale Prices are for cash only: Repair work €one prowptly. Yours, T: F. Harrison Co., Pining Chairs, Leather - Seats, Solid Jake and all re- Our Wire Mat impor- § tatioh from Germany has arrived. The Mats are suitable for inside i or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather. We Have All Sizes "from 60c. R. McFaul + Qarpet Warehouse, oR 32. 27. 23. different verware. TE ---- - | I} to 3. The blue and white have a | load of seventeen goals on the round, The six-day - go-as-you-please walk -- ET a DEFEATED QUEEN'S JUN. 1.0 elton 258 miles; Bar- IORS BY M1 TO 6. jum 3 Fuurs, 01s ier, 200 Will Now Meet : | Fisk, 176. "Varsity Me! 'This year's regatia of the Canadian Queen's II. and Laval IL pgqciation of Amateur Oarsmen will] Play Here on Saturday Morn-' be held at St. Ustharine Hie week | i i yt | previous to the regatta of the Nation-| Sg-Yariom Tama BE of the United States. | Practice, « : | This will probably bring it on for Cadets Il again defeated Queen's 111 July 31st and August lst. at the Kington rink, on Wednesday The Philadeiphia Public Ledger says: evening. Cadets had a lead of four "It has been practipally settled that) goals trom the last match and added | james C. Rice, rowing coach of Col- five more this game. At half time umbia University, is to be the profes-| the score stood § to 4 for the wol- sional mentor of the all-American eight | diers and at full time they had mage | (010d crew that is to go to the Inter- it 11 to 6. The yume was a lm bet national Olympia in kngiona ext ter exhibition than the one on Mon- | ji Bforts have been made to | day night, and despite the large score | 41 ratio secret." oep| the play was fast and open, and ca- Bruno Soderstrom, a prominent | dets did nat have the easy time the | ovodish amateur athlete, has arrived score 'wou c ead one lo bheyeve, . | in New York for the purpose of study-| } Queen's 2rd greatly Silice thels ing amateur athleticsin this country. ast match and put up a good exhibi- | go comes ag the personal representa- Son. Tho Play was Ju Sodets wud tive of Gustav Vs Jing of Swedeo. most Of - Lie >. AN Ba Soderstrom is a pole vaulter and was! their win, in the main, to Nordheimer, | L001 {the international competi- who saved them time and time again. | 0 "0 the Olympic games at Athens. He put up a fine game ia the nits, » Montreal Star : 'The uncompliment- connecting with some ots that ary femarks of the crowd were mainly seemed bound to score. Queen's far. directed at' Taylor, who has not yet ward Jus Dluyed a Bod Same, he fen forgiven for she injury he pet 4 4 : Sherbrooke: But he and as on Monday night some of their rh pidgin ont. the seine. shots went, wild. Gilbert replaced A Ag Next to him and Lesueur, "Marty" Mills in goal and put up a good game, Walsh was the brightest player of the picking out many good ones. oP . evening. Somehow or other he always The. Cadets have a well-balanced managed to 'be in front of the Mon team, and cvery man knows his posi- treal net when his presence there could tion and plays it from start to finish. be of anv use . Spain, Nordheimer and McAverty were |" y. yee. the stars for the soldiers, all three | playing a hard, steady game. Spain CHALMERS CHURCH. is a little too anxious to miix things Eu up sometimes when the referee's back | It Increases Stipend of Dr. Mac- gillivray to $2,250. is turned and was benched a couple J ; of times for slugging. On Queen's de- | Chalmers church annual meeting was fence Grimshaw and Des Rosiers show- [held, last evening, and despite the ed up well. Grimsbaw is a hard work. |severe, stormy weather, the attend- er, and got in a few good rushes. Re- |ance whs good. After devotional exer- cises by the pastor, Prof. Matheson feree "Reg" Crawford kept the game |cis J well in check, The teams lined un as and David B. Murray were appointed chairman and secretary of the meet- follows : ' Queen's 1II--Gilbert, goal; Grim- [ing. The reports of session and trus- shaw, point; Des Rosiers, cover; Rob- [t¢es, and the various other societies of the congregation were presented, erts, rover; Gravelle (captain), centre; received, and ordered to be printed. Craig and Goodwin, wings. ved te RM.C. JI--Nordheimer, goal; Read, |All indicated a good deal wf activity for the year, and struck a hopeful point; Green, cover; Spain, rover; Me- J Avery, centre; Wheeler and White (cap- | note. li the increase in the growth of tain), wings. the congregation, and in the general Referee--"" Reg." Crawford; timers, W, end missionary revenues was not in ". Anderson and Cadet Hargraft; |8ny way striking, still there was pro- goal judges, A. T. Hatch and (adet |ET¢%s all along the line. The build- McLennan. ing debt_is being steadily pulled down Cadets have gone through the series [bY the joint activity of the Ladies' without a defeat, winning all their [Aid Society, and the trustees, and four games, and will now meet Var- mission Support is growing year by sity III in the finals. The soldiers de- | Yar, not by leaps and bounds, it is serve great credit for the game- they |49e, but still growing. And for ga p v | number of years now accounts have have put up all through, and if they d . put up as good a game as they have "lose with a balance to credit, more or less, ut 3 ai). 0 Jar, » they should land the sil The following gentlemen were elected to the trustee board : Daniel Couper, T. M. Robertson, David Murray and gad N. C. Polson, Jr. W. R. Dick and alloway Waddell were appointed auditors, ope recommendation of the session, the method of weekly offering for mis- sions and other schemes was adopted. The business part of the evening Teams At Practice. Queen's | had a good practice at noon cn Wednesday, all the players being out. The boys are showing up well and intend to redeem themselves on Friday night by putting it all over Javal. They know why. they were de- eated in Montreal and it was not be- 1 : s cause they were defeated by a better | ¥% closed by speaking kindly and pa yo up Vill Vkly be © Sh [LPSILely of She pastor, and aig: Same us Playad oigaitit Laval on Fri- 13,0 4 now $2,950. In brief reply, the ohn' Hand Lata 11 wil pny a [P2510 1 the pape 1" fa bd at en. ilk on Saturday or them warmly for their gracious words los, tne ee ave a and token, snd reminded them it was Bape of inaiang Dnt oy . I oy not by any means the first substan- ope y ge » sal x Promion > their affectionate in- The Tith gave St. Geor es' another | ct in himself and in his home. The practice ooh rink EW otnentay usinets done; uty wale night after the game. The soldiers sant or Fa i; Jad & very are showing up in fine style. The fact Sur Was enjoyed, that "Parkdale defailted was a sur. prise to the players, as they were counting on a hard ganie in Toronto on Saturday night. They will play St. Georges here on Wednesday night and hope to reverse the score of two weeks ago, All the players are in fine con- dition and emger for the fray. Ber nier, Crawford, Richardson and Ken- nedy are playing a great game and on the defence, Vanhorn, Powell and His- cock cannot be beaten. ¢ St. Georges are makine a good showing and should give Picton quite a tussle in the semi-finals. They made a good showing on Wednesday night with the 14th. They are all young fellows, in the game for the love of it, and they certainly put up a fine exhi. bition of junior hockey. * The first games in ~ the new. King- ston Amateur Hockey Association will be Played at the Royal rink to- night. The Mic-Macs and Black Watch will clash and after them the Royals and R.C.H.A. will battle. Will Have A Tussle. L Quite a number of young men.' from the city went to Belleville, on Wednes- day, to see the Port Hope-Picton game, won by the latter, five goals to one. Those who saw the game say that St. Georges will have to £0 some to beat the Pictonites, as they are a very husky bunch. ser- plea- CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ww. Wright Married Twenty-Five Years. Mr. and Mrs. ( Colborne street, are, to-day, celebrat- ing their silver wedding, receiving the congratulations of their wide circle of friends, Mr. Wright was born and raised in this city. Mrs. Wright was born at Perth, and it was at the lat: ter place that the marriage took place. On this, their silver wedding, their host of friends wish them many more years of good health and the best of wishes, Mr. Wright, who now/fills the posi- tion of license inspector, is one of Kingston's hest known citizens. His father, the late Clark Wright, was born in this city, in the year 1817, and was one of the most prominent business men of the city, in his time In the fur business, he had a most sue. cessful career, Mr. Wright, Jr., was born here in 1859, and at his father's death, car- ried on the latter's business for some years, of recent years being engaged in the insurance business. In May, 1905, he was appointed to the position of license inspector. Mr. Wright served ten years in the city council, and was mayor of the corporation in 1595. ' ------ Why Endure Salt Rheum ? If you have Salt Rheum or any scaly eruption it is certain that vou have not tried Wade's Ointment. This ---- Sporting Notes. Buffalo basketball team was beaten at Hamilton 63 to 12. Stallings, the former mana- ger of the team, has purchas- ed the Newark baseball team and will Cues Sores, Erysipelas, rid Head, , Erysipel iles, ete. In big boxes, 5c., at Wade's Drug Store, I ------ fr ian. Yacht Club wance. % A good many people, who intended Ping to the Yacht Club Sas, an ednesday, were kept away t b, Tadeed many started, but, like the street cars, were stalled in the snowdrifts. However, a many did turn much. {do {a street thoroughfare for years, {the board of works has kept it clear {in perfect } 1 {can be insured by using Wade's Iron lark W. Wright, of 35 ] THE BOARD OF WORKS |CHOOSES ALD. GRAHAM AS ACTING CHAIRMAN. To. Receive Report of Sub-Com- mittee' on Road Machinery To- Morrow--The City Park Walk Won't Be Showvelled. At a special meeting of the board of works, Ald. Graham was chosen to act as chairman, during the illness of Ald. Gaskin, who may not be able to any active work before spring. Ald. Graham has already taken hold of the work, and will push things ahead. : The board decided to hold another meeting on Friday afternoon, when the sub-committee, appointed to eon- isider the road machinery question, | LO receive the will bring in a report. It is under- stood™ that the machinery for road building that it is proposed to pur- chase, will cost considerably over $7,000, the amount estimated. There is a possibility of the board of works not adopting the recommendation of the sub-committee, At Friday's meet- ing, the O'Kill street sewer matter will be discussed, and se also will be the Tait, stone contract. The general road improvement question may also be considered. It was decided that the walk through the City Park, from Wellington to Stuart streets, would no longer be shovelled at the expense of the board of works. This walk has been used as and of snow. Ald, Kent's parks commit- tee can do the shovelling if it pleases. The hoard of works will keep the walk on King street and also the walk on Park avenue shovelled, but it will abandon the walk through the park, The Way To Keep Well. Always have some surplus vitality. Have more energy than you can use, Have that sort ef vigor which enables you to work and still keep your body i repair. Such a condition Tapic Pills (Laxative) to enrich and purify your blood. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfac- tory. Horse With Tired Feeling. A 'small boy, a driver of a garbage sleigh, was in a great fix at the corner of Barrie and Union streets, last ev- ening about eight o'clock. His horse slipped on the street car tracks, fall- ing heavily to the road, and de- spite all the driver could do the ani- mal refused "to rise again." Quitea crowd collected but the horse with the tired feeling was quite contented where he was and would not get up. The youthful teamster said that the animal had fallen often before, and he knew it could ge up if it wanted to. Finally after gbout an hour's work the horse got up and continued slow- ly up the street. Ope shaft and the harness were badly broken in the mix-up, i ------ I wish that 1 might talk with sick ones about the actual cause of stomach, heart and kidney ailments, To explain in person how weak stom- ach nerves leads to stomach weakness I am sure would interest all. And it is the same with weak hearts or weak kidneys. This is why my prescription --Dr. Sthoop's Restorative--so prompt.- ly reaches ailments of the stomach, heart and Kidneys. It is wrong to drug the stomach or stimulate the heart or kidneys. 'these weak inside nerves simply need more strength. My Restorative-is the only preséription made expressly for these nerves. Next to seeing you personally, will be to mail you free my new hooklet entitled "What To Do." 1 will also send sam- les of my Restorative as well. Write or "the book to-day. It will surely interest vou. Address . Dr. Shoop, Box 8, Racine, Wis. All dealers. all "MEN'S RACCOON | COATS Weather like this makesa Fur Coat almost im= perative, L he best kind of a fur coat for all round purposes is a "Coon" and we have them in great variety, During February while or k Surprise Sale ison you can buy to great advantage. Don't let the opportunity slip through your fingers. First to come are always served best. Prices range [rom $34 to 1 special lot of extra Ehoice $50, $55 and $60. Sale Price - -$41. . + Message from Mars" KINGSTON RELIGIOUS CENSUS! It Will Be Taken on Tuesday. i Februaty 18th. It is well that every resident of the city should beer in mind the dale on which the "Religious Census," is to be taken, Tuesday, February '15th. | The census will be taken in ail parts Pittsburgh Township Farmers in of the city in the afternoon of that Case Before Justice of the jday. It is a great undertaking to be) Peace Hunter on Tuesday j accomplished in so short a time, and [to do it some 350 canvessers and sup- Afternoon. j ervisors will be required. These are to "1 would like to see such a case as be volunteers, and will be drawn from | this settled ia the old orthodox way, { the various churches in the city. Near-| with the use of fists, but the law ly, though not quite, sufficient No steps in and says that this must sot | mises, we understand, have been ten-| be dond," said Justice of Peace {dered, of those who are willing to aid | George Hunter, in disposing of a case {in the work to be done, and Rev, W. Which came before him won Tuesday | H, Sparling, chairman of the worsers' | afternoon at the court house Wil: committee, Robert Meek, chairman of | liam McAdoo, of the township of | the district committee, or Rev, J.| Pittsburgh, was charged by George | Charles Villiers, secretary, will be glad | Eaton, of the same pince, with as- ! names of any person Sault. The case had been adjourned | who will 'volunteer for this service. from Monday, owing to the non-ap- | The visitors go two by two, and | Pearance of McAdoo. The latter ex- and are representatives of different | Plained to the court that the snow churches and reigious societies. Ev-| Storm had been the cause of his ab* erything has been done. to simpl fy | sence. He pleaded not guilty to and make plain the duties they are to | the charge, but after taking evidence perform, They carry with them cards | the court pronounced him guilty, and of introduction. Placing one of these! imposed a fine of ¥2 and costs, cards in the hand of the person, who | amounting to $15.90. W. F. Nickle, receives them at each home they are! N-C-» appeared on behall of thé ac- to visit, the story is at once told as| S"sed: . : to the purpose of their errand, and | U°0rge Eaton claimed that while at all embarrassment which, otherwise {a dance in the Orange Hall at Duffer- might be felt, by both parties, is re-} in he was accosted by McAdoo I'he moved, ' latter questioned him about remarks The card of introduction reads as witness was alleged to have' made follows : {and after this the claimed Kingston, Religious Census. Toe; Hcadue galled him be ihe Duck of ra { the neck and struck him in the churches of Kingston are taking are-le o & ity. Thi i : Pa Sh 0 hn eid ms Gough sid hat eon visitors Will on kindly give such io {| struck the complainant a light blow formation 'as ye deniria Pa e Su {in the face, but W. Cashman, another With this card jn hor band. thei witness called, said that McAdoo did k ok : ry | not strike, but mercly pushed--Eaton lousckeeper is at once assured that |, =~ side. Robert Eaton, father of the purpose of the visit is, indeed, a | the complainant, also gave evidence, friendly one, and, doubtless, prepared | og ocked Cashman if he (Cashman) beforehand, will be ready to give the | had not stated that he sa McAdoo information sought, especially when strike Eaton. . she , knows that the visitors have h 'No, did not," come not in the interests of any par-} a. ticular denomination, but only in the fi-At the 'close of Cashman's evidenes name of Christ and the common and {Me Hanter said that he felt satisfied universal Christianity. It should bo | that Cashman had sworn to a lie, clearly understood 'that the visitors whereupon Mr. Nickle said that in such are not missionaries in the usual ac-| 4 case it would be a matter for the ceptation of that term, but persons | crown attorney to take up who have a simple duty to perform, | McAdoo dented having struck Baton that of taking a census of the city, | add said "The only thing 1 which canvass will omprebend the | sorry for now is that | did not fact of the different churches and reli | him." gious organizations to which our | Before all the citizens belong. The work is a good | cludéd Mr. Hunter one, and all should help in Jt. tween the two parties coneerncd THEIR VALISES MIXED. | men were close neighbors, and if The Sad Plight of a Lawyer and|case went on one would nat know a Hockeyist. | where it would end. If there was any A well-khown lawyer left here on| hope for a settlement he would like Tuesday for Belleville. He just got to] '0 see it brought about. Apparently the outer station in time to catch the | th® complaidint and de fendant - ha noon train, and grabbing his valise | nOt care to let bygones Be by-gones, he jumped aboard. He arrived in Belle- | 2d thus the case was proceeded with ville in good time, Lut was greatly [8 the usual way. . surprised when he opened his grip, to e court remarked that MeAdoo find a pair of hockey skates and boots, had no right to take the law in his a couple of sweaters, a referee's whis- | O%" hands. Jf he objected fo certain tle and a few other things. He could | 1*™arks claimed to have been made not make out how he came to get in- | |, F-aton he could Save found redress te the mixup, unless. he made » mi | through another channel. lake in Kiuguion, and picked up Sue | "Run For The Doctor." But the other side was just as bad. | Some one has fallen or injured him- A well-known defence man on the 14th | self in some way. It may be well to team, also left at noon on $x | 80 for the doctor if the injury seems day for Brockville, to an fhe the | 8€rious, but in any case you can do Lindsay-Brockvilld game. He never | nothing but good by applying Smith's thought of looking at his grip, His | White Liniment. surprise and - something | more. can t+ It Will prevent congestiomrund sore well be imagined when he opened it at | Ness that would result from delay. re the hotel and found a lawyer's gown, lieve the pain promptly, too. Should a lot of papers and a few other arti- be in every home ready for emergen cles necessary to the traveller. He was | €1%¥ Large bottle, 23¢., at Wade's in a great fix over the loss of his | Drug Store. skates and- sweaters, not.having any | idea where they went to, or when he | would get them back. He managed to borrow a pair of skates, a GUILTY OF AN ASSAULT "PAID FINE OF $2 AND COSTS AMOUNTING TO $15.90. ---- Witness twice was Uashman's re am strike evidence was cc saul that his {duty as a justice of the peace to endeavor to bring about peace ne first was be Both the Cheering Optimism. "We aro more spiritually sweater | to-day, than ever before," said a well : { Ow clergy 1 the pok, 'and tha and a whistle to use for the game, known ciergyman this we and thit {1s why are depressed about the from the Brockville bunch. When he | tate of our chur) Meh are uF . state Sur ¢ es. e gro arrived home he found his suit cass | State ol « UTE you Ir ale prow ing tq hate themselves for not living waiting for him at the station, and the dight---that-3s-in then B he quickly exchanged the other for it | 3 gh pam . s. cheery optimism of the night Next time he goes away to referee game he will keep tight hold on His Condition Improving. The many friends of Capt. John luggage, Gaskin will be pleased to hear that le Will Be Quite a Treat on Friday | Passed a very good night, and z slightly improved to-day. He is Night. in a serious condition, but it The world is full of selfish mon and | pected that he will be around again selfish women. The author of "A shortly, i the splendid com : here at the sensitive, we $ up That al sort. hs "A MESSAGE FROM MARS." edy that will be Grand on Friday, February Tth, is evidently a thorough student of hu | Don't lose time and invite danger by man nature He built his plas upon | thinking any cough cure will do humorous lines and so constructed it [the Diamond Cough Remedy and {that it was made to point 8 moral [can know that vou have the best of no uncertain force in opposition to made. For coughs, throat the sin of selfishness thus delivering (or hoarseness it gives prompt; posi a fine sermon, as it were, to selfish | Hive results, 2c at Wail dru men and women exhorting them to get |store. it out of their system. When the! play was presented here on a previ- | ous oceavion all who saw it were ex-| tremely well pleased. The promise is seen ! No Cough Experiments. { one 11 colds, sore ---------- WwW. F. Nickle The Choice | It was stated on the street, t : {by those who claimed to be on the in- given out that this delightinl comedy | ij track, that W. F. Nickle, K.C'._ is will he presented here in the same | Likely to be the of the Kings pleasing manner that characterized its ton conservatives for the Ontario Jeg presentation on the previous islature. The will meet son, { to-night. velay, { side choice ocen conservatives | Colored Pictures And Contest. | Sore Cracked Lips A treat is in store for all Jovers of | Nothing will heal them as fast as the manly art, as the management | br. Hamilton's Ointment. Hub it in has secured, through the Vitagraph | three times a day. Cracks heal, now company, of America, the only, ong. | tissue forms, trouble is' all gone in a inal and genuine motion pictures of (day. You'll find a thousami uses for the Burns-Moir fight, which took place | 8 healing ointment like bi December 2nd, 1907, in the National | Bey a I0c. box. Si i Club, London, Eng., where! ---------------- Sree gladiators fo for su- | Has Some' Old Coins. premacy and the world's heavyweight | A; B. Aylesworth, of this rity, poe championship, and in which Tommy | fesse some old coins, among Burns won,; after ten scientific rounds. | are Canadian one-cent pieces of 1812, The pictures are said to be the most | 1516 and 1520. Me has also a Yankes lifelike and remarkable ever taken, [dime of INJT, Two other treasures showing distinetly every blow from | be bas consist of copies of the W0Id start to finish. The entire contest'will | and New Testament printed in 1812. be presented besides motion pictures | nto of the fighters' training quarters, Faog- | Highest Rubber Values. fish athletic events, and illustrated | When you buy rubber goods bere songs, which will take place previous [you get fresh goods and the very to the main event, actually making best quality that it is possibile to get two shows in one. They will be pre- {for the price. Two-quart hot water sented here at the Grand on Saturday, | bottles or fountain syringes at Ble. up February Sth. matinee and night. {at Wade's drug store. fe . i i Great Clearing Sale. : Brock made Hamilton = sore hack ? Belladonna cure Red which | Te Hollow Bones of the arms and legs are tubes like a piece of gas pipe. The hollow centre is filled with soft red fatty material called marrow. This is the place where new red blood is made. Scott's Emulsion fat and the peculiar power in S$ EMULSION gives new or and new nourishment. That iswhy pale people improve on SCOTT'S EMULSION. It has the power to produce new red + blood. All Druggists; 50c. and $1.00. The Sunrise ALARM CLOCKS Are dependable Timepieces, the alarm is clear and sure, and to the minute. This Clock will outwear all other styles and makes, and is fully guaranteed. Ask for (THE SUNRISE.) SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. CRORE ROO 0 HOHCHCHOHORONO O R00 Grade Furs tions on advise those intending to buy what. We are Coats W. F. GOURDIE 76, 78 and BO Brock St. For who High We entire those are in need of wolf aw ma in Men's Racoog our stock amd offerjog Persian Lamb Jackets. i Ladies' Nocharan Jackets Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Ag I Ruffs, Stolus and Mulls R, Exclusive Furrier "hone, 700. Ladies' . BEST'S SHORT STOP Cures ALL CouGHs ALWAYS, AND COSTS BUT Embroideries | Embroideres | We are prepared to do: the Embroidery trade of this Largest range, choicest patterns and lowest prices combine to give us big all a advantage over other dealers. See our display while the range is complete White last season's prices is the in- New Cottons, at ducement we are offering you to buy now. Excellent value, at 10¢. a yard. A few pairs of Heavy Wool Blankets, White Grey to be cleared at a big and reduction in price. AJjew §15 Coats left, yours for $3.50 each. are making big reds. -