Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1908, p. 1

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" YEAR 75--NO. 36. = Che Baily KINGSTON, A ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1908. British Whig L LAST EDITION NINE KILLED In a Nitro-Glycerine Ex- plosion. "FIFTY PERSONS ESCAPED BY BEING AWAY AT NOON FOR LUNCH, Works of the Standard Powder Company on Isle Blown Up--~Two Completel' Employees Injured. Montreal, GQue., Feb. 1 Nine men met death in an explosion in the plant of the Standard Explosive company at Isle Perrault, near Vaudreuil, Tuesday afternoon. The explosion curred at the noon when of the men away, a hindred lives would have There were only nine of the in the building when the ¢ xplosion oc eurred, Two big storehouses, containing nitro-glycerine, blew up, and men in the building adjoining blown to atoms The names of the victims Robillard, Joseph Rovon, Urgel geon, P. Menard, M. Rous Trepannier, David Dumber: ant and Arthur Legault, With ception of Rovon, were and father of They all | residents of Fhe wounded | man is Johnny Ahout hundred men are at works, Fhe Standard Explosives company's works on Isle Perrault. are the lar gest of their kind in the doniinion. Three hundred acres of land on the island are used for the purpose, and | on this land there are over forty buildings, the number of hands em- ployed when in full operation beine | ahout one hindred and filty, The ca- pacity of the plant is two earloads | of dynamite and one earload of blast. ing powder 4 day. From eighty to ninety per cent. of these explosives is used on railway construction work, At the present time the company has among its contracts two of the | lareest ever made in Canada. The | first of these contracis runs inte haut hall a million dollars, and the into shout a million dollars, The Company's capacity is suck that it has during rush periods made de- livery at the rate of a hundred cnr- loads of dynamite and 'black powder in two months, DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Works, 4 p.m, Thursday, aa hating at Royal Rink to-night, Buildings ) on n ot mo#t hall hour, were otherwise been lost employees the nine were | R Mon J are { | 1h ! ' | the married | exe all familie were Vaudreuil Leduc employed i one Gq food | Moving Grand House 815 p.m. Hockey this evening 14th Regiment, Wonderland Theatre evening ; good vaudeville. Signaling Class. Cupt. D, lieets wt Armouries, 8 p.m K.& P. Railway Company meeting. 11 a.m., Wednesday, New England Suppe r S Hall, Thursday, Feb. 18th, 6 pom, Limestone Lodge Neo. 91, AO. meets Thursday evening 8B ©'élock Ruimaage Sale Princess St. ne Ntofe Exbivition of rick's, Wednesday, Saturday. Van leaves corn tread stredls, 8 Portsmouth Amnmusal Meoting Women's Victoria: Nurses, - Council Thursday, 8 pm Mrs. Fred: Folger, Johnson hold a recoption this vening the charitable Funds St. thedral, Ancient St. Jobn's Lodge Thursday night for the purpose forring degrees. All Masons are to attend Bijou Theatre ¥ Spanish Plot jn the Pyrenees' Fr "The Nurse's Nephew Davis Sings. Pletures, Opera | | ~SL, Georges vs. | and | | Mundell, | Afternoon | 8 annual Andrew's | Ww al Friday to and Saturduy Medley's Drug xt i Paintings, at Kirkpat- | Thursday, d | Friday an Princess and Mon pan, for dance at Council ane Chamber, St. will | m aid Mary's © meets on} of con invited | 'rama Al nth Drama, i Joh Rotwrt on 202--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. The Daily Whig 8 always on sale at Gibson's Drag Store, Market Square-- Open till late cach eveming. Destroyed--Several | { with a hatchet, j consciousness. | fommunication } James I | when the couple were marricd in that [is contained in the will of a | home | sarian Lege of . agriculture of | Manchuria. | les TO HAVE SPECIAL SCHOOL. § Chinaman Has Family Twenty-Seven, Feb, 12 and seven Central school, + Chun «district, ne B.C., The Ornette ich i iver, tndred It is pro Prose Open may twenty them as { teen to of Canadian Of than years age are children the ° total | fifty Chinese putting study specially to the tax $500, and «¢s- a special privilege as students. in this' connection holds the palm for of a Hamilby attending school, 1 wenty-sev: I | i sit 4TH alongside SIX seven, wot less are in rele head ahlist ancouver, too, evi of \ easily size en of the Chinese bova and girls in| the Central school are sons and daugk Perrault | Yrs of Yip Sang, a prominent ( hinesd | Women hant, who any eral mer lias Living w hose three wives dead, and children are of school age. and others -------- | WOMAN KILLED BY BURGLAR. | |Was Found With Head Split Open. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb, 12 yesterday sealpd the lips that might | have cleared the mystery connect] | with Mrs. Madeline A. Jooth, Toron to, who was found in the howe of f Dr H. H. Hoppe, on Sunday, vith {her head split open in three places which, it was BUppos- ed had Leen used by a burglar The woman died without having regained Death | The authorities failed with Booth, Toronto, to get. into her husband, was a contrac September, 19073, who tor in mn f + their removed but who sin te to Ste, Marie. t "it is separation hove to Sault ---------- WAR SCARE OVER. -- | Turkey Withdraws Her Troops| From Persian Territory. Pete Feb, 12.-1he with- | drawal troops from the { Persian territory to the west of Ta- briz, well as the more spirit shown at ( onstantinople, garded here as obviating the ty for the present of taking | precautionary measures the { inh and Persian and probable that the despatch of {from the interior of Russia Caucasus will be abandoned ne nding |¥ further developements. The statement | that Russia was concentrating a for e | of sixty thousand men for military | feninetintion against Turkey can chemi Nt, bury of Turkish as 18 1e- LITA ie further | Tuark- | it troops } on frontiers, is to ---------------- A Remarkable Will. Berlin, Feh. 12.---A remarkable clause) wealthy | landlord named Boernitz, who diel! | last * The testator bequeaths a | large number of flats to his heirs onl | the condition that they do not let them to persons keeping servants, or} | having children, dogs, cats birds, Tenants may not be engaged in night | work which will cause them to while the other occupants week, or return | are gleeping One musical instrumggnt is permitted : (in each Hat, but mo may { placed on the window-sills, and He nants must sign an slippers in doors flowers he the to f I fe agreement Wear Dread Operation Saves Two. i! New York, Feb. 12.<The Cae operation to be performed at the Flower Hospital saved the lives of third both mother and child yesterday. | The subject of the operation, ! Mary Clark, of No. 40S Fast Fifth street, is already, well road to recovery. The child, ig normal, and weighed eight at hirth, gr on the! a boy, | pounds | Mrs. Clark entered the hospital las tl Tuesday. She only four in| height and is suffering from kyphosis | (hunchback). is feet i { Zen | -------- get Protege Of Empress Selected. Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 12-4 hun Chan, protege of the Fmpress Dowag er of China and graduate of the 4 the University | 1 col jof California, with the class of If 207, | {has been made director of the agrical { tural experiment station at Mukden, Chan is engaged in a ser of experiments to determine the suitability of California frait trees in the orient. } | | Ontario Elections. Toronto, Feb. 12.--It stated in official circles that an effort will be made to end the present session of the | legislature by March 3lst. The re- | ports are being hurried along and the ministers are now working upon the estimates, The work of stumping the | country will be begun at once and the {elections brought on probably the first week in June. is Pe ------------ Teachers' Salaries. MODERN at Butibuily uit up-to-date, Nothing yet | DIN NE ER SET aor offering at present. Look at oe, na, Finest ymality easily Worth $30. ROBERTSON BROS. Properties For Sale , 12 acres beautifully wood: Walks, ete. Conservatory, Coach- . 'ool-house, nm CO 7 spacious yubuar improvemints, out- about A acres choice IPT'S REAL Agency. oh ow ter "fron Gardens, a! t. dor Residence, he Chicago, Feb, 12.--A general in- icrease in the salaries of Chicago ele {mentary school teachers, beginning at an eighteen per cent raise in the pay of the lowest salary group, is an- Boubeed. The increase will affect about G00 teachers, and it is expected to relieve the scarcity of teachers, which | is crippling the work of the schools. | Sentence Commited. Monte Carlo, Fab, 12 The death sentence inst Mrs. Violet Gould, who, 'with husband, Vere 8t, Leg- er Gould, was convicted of the murder of Emma Levin, here, last sammer, has | been commuted' "to Imprisonme Aor life, i Aiter a serics of exciting sessions Senor Gomez was unseated by a vote of forty to live by the Philip' hich class s Red Cross tied eoperty for "Toilet soaps" strictly sold at Gibson' lasses # Ne special room for | \ Wientals of from eigh of | | { i {come for an enquiry into the |subje {with {liberals and laborites {through the discussion that consideration government colonies conciliatory [treatmer jand whether "both conspicuous demonstrations mount the {sufficient proof that the the | fragists, p be [® vieorous assault on the House C {ee rush the doors of the lobby, how- ever, who had a short skirmish with were resolution, taxpayers." [ themse Wes in vicinity lin {mentar: Union inre {000 'TO THE DEVOTEES OF IT IN | Four 3 Ad ¢ : does not show up within a teasonable [ore sxpedenced 00 regard to {the 8500 bail furpished efi" on their INHALED GAS ------r 1And Played His Violin Till Mon 0 -t. Las York Rin mouth ar hb gas while "BRITISH NEWS "| The Nationalization of the et Rallways, DEBATED BY | COMMONS: musician at was kman, buw wns rum committe hoa found voung terday tris m He roe his landlady righ ht han beloved ving firmly Abraham with {and other his violin in his his thing bove all | hi ACTOsS nee and clasped in his lef {THE ROADS RUN TOO MUCH By | SWELLS, Three Towns Quaranfihed. Watertown, N. bh, 12 Eira Bellin cation jars Suffragists Make An At-!leruy. Theresa tack on the House--Many bies. All Arrested--A Labor Newspaper muzzled or ke May Be Established in London, | has orders Feb. 12.---The Commons, last evening, question of the nationalization railways, on the {member, The discussion drew from Llovd George, of the | {board of trade, a statement on behalf | of the government, that the noth EX to lia for towns must The sherifi g running Brushton, Philadelphia, arders i he up. t any do and t carrving oul large. B, M. Orton, R. R. Kirldand, under the sheriff' out this order. The of the re Pamelia, said he on the whole, | ILL od mich by. WORLD'S LARGEST TAKEN FROM SCOTLAND YARD. House of will & debated the of the private London, . in Crows te action motion of a recent in the wn of ¢ presilent time had whole t. Mr. | thought the {bad done but they swells Liovd-George companies their best run rather statement Were Fhis loud erected ihe i lent Nas was cheers and laughter In It was evi there Closely Guarded--Process oi Cutting the Monster Jewcl Will Occupy Two Years. London, Feb. {Cullinan Jiamo [to the king on imajesty's {London for This marvellous nearly {insured {can be King Ed. ward accepted from the {people of the Transvaal, and for near {lv three months it has lain at Scot {land Yard, guarded day and night by { armed men { It is four inches long and about two land one-half wide, und {In its uncut sta is not particular j the Lelief of th the lly beautifel, useful importance of imperial : jornamental + colonies would The question of leaving it in its nre > lition has been discussed from ry point oi but at last the decision has been taken to send it Amsterdam, the headquarters of diamond industry Only specially instructed representa- tives of 'Scotland avd; who watched {from a little distance, were sware that three quietly-dressed men, who entered a reserved first-class compart. ment in the nine o'clock boat express {at Charing*Cross, vesterday morning, were escorting the famous jewel Wrapped in tissue paper, the ficent lay a small bag, carried by one of the this morning the leather its treasure will be handed to great Amster firm, employing point dhamond-cutters, to which [task of dividing and pol {Cullinan has been entrusted At Dover a special eabin had heen reserved on the steamer, but not jsoul on board, except the three lguardians of the jewel had any [that a treasure wortl, at the loi computation, many titijes the value the great ship itself, lay thandbag in a deck I three guardians « arried, revoly lit 'would have ill {stranger who had behaved lv in their neighborhood But the extreme difficult. mito Is i iy considerable body of 1 fa of nationalization theo} of ( day, Sidpey Buxton, ral, stated that the ren wal for a Himited period under cer- conditions, of t { anadian. Pacific the ance of mails from Canada Har cast, had been raised be idian government, and was ja n vor In opinion Hey ommons, yest postmaster-ge question or formally ember Uth vestera Amsterdam gem, which pound and a half, 82,500,000, and tured as a gilt the presented last, AV, cut weighs of his t antra of leit the ( for conv to 1« ey » the the Cana- ander he been value a has HOW for its Con je it only intends asking the intends invitige the discuss the question of Asiatics in the colonies, the covernment does not recent action of the Cana vaal Lord Ampthill il it to + of the and onsider | lian Tran governme nts, inches deep te it te it » colonies in para and is neither unity welcome such a confers A hand of militant "parliament of now in seskion from suf- made of Their attempt clerates women here, view, the ommons, yesterday, was frustrated by the police, the | whom ! to a "the TOV shrieking women, two of arrested for disorderly The atta party trying leliver to the House of Commons agi soOre condug cking waa magni brown protesting inst of the vote women constitutional . action rnment in refusing a The de furniture buildines 1 pret cle stone in i } la il eather and * [bag and the to legates, tro, in and to 1} discovers ur vans of the thus enabled to of attack before being Sixteen Pritish trades membership of 300006 a movement to ht-pa it of Inbor. Morning Herald committee in gested were m the the ee ishing ith gup- ons, v sorting are establish dail a v ne-cent nevspaner | tha infers 1 title will idea The relia des ven £300, wv of iuy of Congress The in a ach rs, an any suspiciouss w mar cay 1 sng tal abin POKER GOMES HIGH with of dividin enormous a markets mes, "and the utter impossibility Ning it as it would one but a maniac m Ary it Amsterdam, tl of the Diamond Workers' the finest appliances posal of the most the world, the task polishing will Il cost from Fhe 1% among the diamond ton Garden at the sent abroad, but ognize that if {produce cutters it. certainly germ deter ing to stes is fr 1d lquarters nion, where the WATERTOWN, N.Y. b Players Out of Five Fined at Fifty Dollars By Judge Reeves in City Court--Louis Brown, the Fifth, is Missing. N.Y,, Feb. 12 of poker At vi of are dis and 1 d of cutting vears, $50 000 of heart workers Hat ha been some of the Amsterdam of greater has many wo ar w £25,000 to Watertown much renes costly game men arrested, | played. for four ifined $30 each, while | Brow n, the alleged | place, still missing It tl Ww Was a th jo "five of stone ing terdav g the number the fifth, proprietor rorning, wisest cannot general who were | Lou of ti case Brown {skill ree In 5 are is time his bondsman will he Held for stones, and hetter equipped with tools New evening Francis under secretary the sealed' tapes safe in the presence of Sir Melville Ma naghten, Sir Ed {ward Henry, Sir Francis Hopwood, {Sir Richard Solomon, { Froest and ( been deposited in a sealed safe at {Scotland Yard.. On Thursday Clarey, | Lady Hopwood, wife Sir Hopwood, permanent Hor the colonies, surrounding the appearance is a mystery to the lice Ebenezer Williams, William Lee and Frederick Fobert were | the men arrested. When the arraign ment was called in the city court, a arge erowd had gathered in the cor ridors to he ar the outcome, Alter a few moments' conversation with one of the attorneys, Judge. Reeves ad- higladnspector Drew journed the matter until the after-] The stone os n taken to a west poon. All of the men, with the exes jd xtoreroon§§ and yesterday morn- tion of Brown, answered ta their ing detectives--took it in a motor car names. After the fine imposed | direct to Charing Uross station in Williams and Clarey went up to the time to catch the boat express. table and tossed over the hundred in| Of course, the diamond will vellow-backs. The two other men said [weight in the process of cutting | they wanted time. [3032 carats it will be diminished till | [the main result may not exceed half {that weight, though many smalles stones will be included in the "chip pings in Tucson--Ended At} The. 'Kohinoor originally 799% carats, reduced by la tings to 280, 1% 1-16 and 106 1-16 township, [oarats. 9 John 3, 1 pag Cullinan, who gave his name Grant, to-day, became the bride ofl 10 the stone, made a fortune before James W. Nicholson, well-known as alihe war as a builder and contractor. newspaper man in 3 United States, | After peace was declared he sold every. | the wedding be the sequel to a [thing, and bought old Joachim pretty romance hehich had ite ineep- i Princeloo's farm, near Barberton, in tion in Tucson, Arizona. The cere! [the belief that jt was dismondiferous. mony wae performed hy the Rev. W.! Siones worth millions 'of pounds Hilyard Smith, rector of St. Andrew ave been taken from the shaft he Episcopal church, the bride being at sunk, and he is now a very rich man tended by her cousin, Miss Louisa The great jewel was found by an Flizabeth+ Grant, the best man being [overseer at the Cnllinan mine. who dames George Grant, also a ° cousin i i i in the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Nichoison of the setting sun far Wp the honeymoon of the shaft. Ji proved to po of James cut was lose A ROMANCE ENDED. Began Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, Feb. 11.--Miss Bell Grant, a native of Oso and daughter of Mr. and Mr< It weighed | ~With a gas tube Morns Schwart tz, by Mrs | Sheriff | wes ot] Matters That NOW BE wr: The incomparable { nor | to | of the | anv- | : rol skilful lapidaries in | larg | Jrown's dise}--For-eleven weeks the huge gem had | Superintendent, | } From | Sucoessave cut. | PE-- SPLENDID SHOWING. Made By the Toronto Genera Trusts Corporation. lan another wenty-sixth annupl repo al Trysts mpa TATEST [MEWS Despatches From Near And' first trust o Distant Places. 3 WORLDS TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM, t colum wi four i i many 3 is § under the with with publi gener: interest dire te subnuatt | read the ws port, together dress ii 18 8 t and the statements comprehensive ying 4 nm of ie a with the the ¢ who organizatic Six made may directs tal tion, ere {of mn his ox twe t VEArs. ag to business sting observe how has pvear, indicating indwg in thas very sdlisfactory portant tent trustees, Increase 1h modern 1 Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, The Quelsee, has i : It Ross want Rev Xofuser th Meth has hire solution t question of sele ting and responsible whi at some itself substance, A perusal of the profit count, together with ti habiities statements, clear the wrk of the Hoskin, he said wl 1 The distin! bh, | presents to en of of re-eles ported, rifle factor ol orders. - Ch Dea Lo accept t church el plant closed the Mr acclamation » that losed mavor tinrneau, wen hy LI Quebes the will at y Ix for president, Ih 'Ne do not money-making > . r i aries Brantiord, has : to the Perth on, y w her the call : pret to be great r prohits hrought the to directors NT Rip corporation et Marie to at Sault again owing machinery. witron, including 1906, amount h the nounting ritten off ction w rus the down for small RIAN S6R.TS been a from of whic dividends 5.000 ol-will of the carried in balance , out Tokio Sa ic fle to be flow I of \ York lawyer asked sentence of ni un But have a pat cent another t wat paid to 7 the w A sour 18 w halance He i t purcha pany, X10, 000 ¥25.000, to the RGN. in co Ottawa the 1, man court You t bie con SOrVe [to Impose a in prison i y Fe M: 1 on a man Norikawa, the pew lapanese English slightest fit of profit The creased of ¥25 the % re and loss at Vance speaks ' a : 8 during £1,500 000 at Hist | fluent! assets year aed . a L i over mak the Decomber 000,000, | cent. have Dr. Walter pointed total i= the 17 4 } } ing ase ins been ap Montreal Wes. of Dr, Work pre approximat levan College . ---------------- News Budget From Parham. Feb. 10. Owing downfall of are bad ition it hard for travelling convention of the North Fron Addington Sunda: being held this week in church. Several people are laid up with la | Don. Wagar is still seri and Miss Smith, Visiting at GG, A, Bertram and who 'have been visit Bertram's, Harrow returned an exéspd holiday. Quarterly in the Methodist church | Sunday last, the preacher being man Ihe re resulted [ William candidate At Sydney, of N. K steel me mills, publican almost Taft, for president, N.S, Dan McLeod, was works in Ohio | sweep for | administration primaries the he lo Snow, in clean Parham H a tremendous here the | roads McLeod, son [which Killed at the {The by" becoming entangled in [te nac and while working at the roll- | Association i the Methodist Ship- jaround here approved of [grippe. Mrs arrangements, for Jously ill. Mr business Westhrooke, are Smith's. Miss orders to come out of winter | Miss Carrie Barr quarters and jnake theling at George to the gulf Is smith, | lands and return Hinglv The questi of the renewal { the C.P.R the contract for the ear-|on rving of mw between Canada and the Rev. W. llalpenny, Sharbot the far east is under consideration in jlake, Rev. George 0. Tredennick oc- | the British parliament. cupying the pulpits of Sharbot Lake | | selling foreign lottery tickets. mission. Rev. Mr. Cox and Mrs. Cox Three officials of the Big Six, a New [have returned after visiting friends at | | York branch of the International Tv. Arden. The Epworth League here, | pograp hical union, were fined $230 Ihad a reception Wa ines fav each and sent to jail for twenty days, (night. Miss Edna Bertram is at Sydenham! HR m a cor makes | s¢ belting ing of the company Creditors Canadian have building financial from thé rnment their {continuing | made fhe steamer Lady Grey Gertie | gove | 18 under a trip down 4 have alter pleasant was held | river as far as Seven ser Vice I n with | ils of ROrvice on {for disobeying an injunction. While la burt {Pa | bors ! his son |was being cremated in | the home of ( ung barn at Pleasant | met with a the father and a number fbut she wi Grove, of neigh hives to save | Fanny ild not get port lid not know jOWIng | Howes meeting Farmers' 0.0.F evening now imirovin Goodiellow is + Wark around here to' the deep still the of Central Institute hall on Saturday i is re risking then d | ¢ 1 out of the stable, he was there. In Wa | secretary of { the French tv prov horses ar cows which They wr is or list : th ro States h Fror sserand a trea held was th afternoons state and in ambassador ned the may United te senate ling for x an largely atte that the treaty have the American { French offe arbitration arise betwee States. The! submitted to to the ome slowly James favorably { Miss I'ruclove largely atte |companied { paid a was churc terson farm | The Tidings From Various Points| wher in Eastern Ontario--What | Mis People Are Doing And What nal od They Are Saying. Mr i St. Michael's returned Monday, Robert Miss Mary Hamilton the Rev. F I'womey Per curlers defeated rinks fourteen points, ham pion sk held. {ov several Ar Jones, post office Prescott, had ing { | heart trouble A quiet wedding the home of Mr. Slack, Sand. Bay, {when their eldest {and Ross Leadbeater, | marriage Tweed re officers of pany with { whether they i works, and « The News Of Fermoy. Feb. 11.---Mis. 'W, who is under the doctor's as i | wi y be Fermoy, son ary Mr and also progressing the management of | We William bes week I Barr Smith's held Sunday exprcutive lore an beg recoverin i. tive Labson. School ix NEWS OF _ DISTRICT {LOCAL NOTES A AND THINGS IN GENERAL. under Bilton, tport 8 wood last nded, in ) Falls the tanle st wp } SETVice I last hi 1 has to hi he inter Mag Irie: move brot of 8 I ds remain i gie Y hom Xi her Al after 1 Dern attend } seph Mrs bh Mis Aubrey to i ar TE At i h, Belleville, on Harri and |daught were marr on chur H son ied by [Binge two Arnprior | Via tors land William Steels Botting Misc Ida Bo iat Bo Botting 's Miss: at C, love et th by thus retan- which they venus. Bitevn vears! wmriment, Ottawa, We eh % stport, lotting Ww § ing the « {aye Witham in. the | lied p cup hy Trae. Stinson =, Jurrpde and Miss Emma Crozi Friday last. He !Lake View house, at Mrs. T. Crozier's the year from Burridge; Mr. and Mrs. I 1] Barr's, Burridge: Abraham Bary Jurridge HK. Botti Claude Der byshire J. Barr's, Bay: Mise J. Biltor tM Burridge for d ' at on M 3 tre ! been ai r past bartr at | at at solemnized - at Mrs. George bruary Sth, Sophia, united in was and on Fe daughter, were 1 n fC roner « soft of David badly scaldec . the Xi dinner The two-year-old Ross, Woodstock, was The child was playing while the mother prepared lifted a pot of soup from the iwhen it was upset the fell on the baby. Zywmole Trokevs {throat ior cheering at the hockey match to-night. Sold in Kingston won's Hed Cross' Drug Store, Phere was almost a disaster bon at the funeral of vidents will wait the Ontario the obiect intend to if what | they _intend to. afford against i petition of the late explosion. Ezra Bellevue, an employee of the | Central hotel, Brockville, was found l(; dead ia bed. He was seventy years of | age and was in poor circumstances Some vears ago he 'was a prominent |... prince, caused hy { merchant of Ottawa, carrying on 8 police to control the {large dry goods trade. He met with! iid 1, view of the imisfortane, however, that reduced him | Why pav83 or 84 jor {from opulent circumstances to penury. {oases when. vou sn Thomas B. Muir, Renfrew, is dead. [f $1.30. Have vour He was in his seventy-sixth year. Help and save money conducted "China Hall." Although | Mtawa wants five on the police som- fail ling in health for some considerable i mission board, three of whom will i time, he =til! kept harnessed to busi- ipo (he cotineil. The people foess till within 8 week or so age have a minonty the board, The end came peacefully on Sunday {mayor only. His wife died some years ago, and he 1 you bet an (he hockey match to leaves one son and five daughters. { night, say a box of MConkey's high | | class candy from Gibson's Red Cross | Drag Store. i ber| Harry K. Thaw will not be released her from Matteawan -- the most frontiers, and is said to be especially | vincing evidence of his sanity anxious to reduce to a Sinha Sch been tain's rights in dealing diregtowi "Datmesl Soap," 6 cakes for 15c., Thibetans, : : a Best's, the Powder com- of learning rebuild the] precaution | a re upon in tehen She stove, and contents $0 will help voor at ] in Lis the king the failure of erowh that | re gold filled | the same | tested at | and gt a mar get eves nvw on the China is working hard to get modern drills] troops posted on as | "Phone, 877. Probabilities routs, Ont., Feb. 12,0ttewa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence (10 a.m. )=+East- erly winds, be- coming strong ; fine to-day and to- night. Thurse day, sleet and rain, Ea Sura i SAAT AA ! THOSE BEAUTIFUL § EMBROIDERIES AR HERE. And will be ready for ' choosing TO-MORROW, THE GREATEST » EXHIBITION 8 N Of fine needlework ever seen fe in the city, & "aa i» » by : » » y 3 your | 3 and brought forward a balance | of i school | Women who like good ¢ needlework will now have Ly tastes a chance to gratify their 4 4 in this matter to its utmost, X Coma TO-MORROW and see | these beautiful goods. You'll be delighted. New Edgings Insertions Galooans Beadings Semi-Flouncings > + All-Overs, etc. AT ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 227 Princess street. MacLaren's Imperial Products w be den our store this Week. Feb. Lothy, ine, Jelly Powder Cream Cheese Peanut Butter invited to call pnd sted fn to all omely 10th, You are eordia sample them, das, Redden & Co, Importers of Fine Groderies, y Dr. Godfrey, West York, notices of a motion for a commission {to report on the establishment of a provincial seniarium for tuberculowis, Gold filled for ten years. y charge Seven a street car plunged over a Meen-ioot embankment at West How stead, o subtirh of Pittsburg, Pa, The car was has given wlassen ruarsntesd Only 81.50 at Best's, for texting passengers ye were injured when con demolished, This is grippe and cough syrup weas ther. Buy your grippe cure and cough remedy at Gibsou's Hed Cross Trug Store,

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