od ) FOUND CUTICUM INISPENSIBLE For Her Children--Little Girls Suf- fered with Itching Eczema Which : Shun Covered Back of Heads-- Baby Had a Tender Skin, Too, ALL ALL PROMPTLY CURED BY "WONDERFUL OINTMENT" V ""Bome years ago my three little girls hod & very bad form of eczema, 1th, ing eruptions formed, pn the backs of their heads which were simply covered. Before I heard of Cuti- cura, I used to try almost everything, but they failed, Then my mother recommended the Cutivuras Remedies, I washed my children's heads with Cuti- * cura Soap and then applied the wonder- ful ointment, Cuticura., I did this four or five times and | can say that they have v been entirely cured. have another baby who is so plump that the folds of #kin on his neck were broken and even bled, 1 used Cuticura Soap and Cutl- cura Ointment and the next morning the trouble had disappeared. I am using the Cuticyra Remedies yot when everany of my family have any sores, [ can never recomriend Cuticura suffie ~ ciently; it is indispensable in every home, + ] cannot Andis equal, Mme Napoleon « Duceppe, 41' Duluth 8t., Montreal, ' * May 30, 1007." Yue -------- PAINFUL ULCER |: On Foot for a Year. Healed by Two Sets of Cuticura ¢ "I had an ulcer on my foot for a year or more and it was very painful as it Was a running sore. 1 had a doctor, but his treatment did not heal it, About eight months ago 1 commenced to use Cuticurn Sos ), Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Pills, I used two seta an it is now all healed up. Mrs. E. F. Ryder, est Brewster, Mass., April 29, 1907.' Complete External snd Internal Tr tmen for Every Humor of Infants, Children, ang Adis consists of Cutienry soap 10 Cleanse the skim, Cutiewra Ointment to Heal the Skin, and (tr cura Rexoivent (or i the form of Chocolate Coated Fills, in visis of 60) to Purity the pod. Sold nEhout the Potter -Drug & Chem, D8, Boston, Mass ®, Cutieurs Book oa Skin Diseases. A Ne 7 ' fin. J. PZ II. Y TY) ~-The Company of the 9 Policy-Holders Corp, Sole Pro war Malled Fre in The: Mutual Life; you become one of the owners of the When you take out insuragce | { company. { You have a voice in mappi out the policy of the ay { ~a vote for the directors who { appoint the officers--and you { share equitably in all the profits, | There are no stock-holders-- no enormous salaried positions { ~no expensive branch office buildings. Iisa MUTUAL Compan -- | owned 'and controlled' by he i policy-holders. Write to the Company Head Office, . Waterloo, Ont., for ! report showing the wonderful | * growth of this popular company, 9) or call on "3 i 8. ROUGHTON - District Agent | Kingstow, i " | { [8 STANDARD atten | READY. FOR USER IN ANY QUANTITY, For making » removing old p.ooftening water, § | aint, dis{afecting siaks, closets, drains and for many ether purposes. A can equals 20 pounds SAL SODA. EW.GILLETT tara] TORONTO, ONT. StopsHeadache Your tablets are a safe and effective remedy for headache. E. F. TOMKINS, Mayor of Coaticook. | Every woman who suffers ought to know their worth. MRS. A. ELFORD, North Sidney, C.B. 1 have tried your tablets and wish to give them the highest possible recom- mendation. D. W. NOYES, Of Noyes Bros, Boston, Mass, { Princess Patricia to Wed Count oi | wae arrested, charged with the forgery {ing oceupying several hours and being {ested and the prideipal speaker | stangly Killed {wile ul poly a8 jew weeks | sidens Smyth was. reclected for cond term, ! SOLD EVARYWHERE. afd time te povernment adheres THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRU GE PITH OF THE NEW EE Ss. The Very Latest Culled From All HO NAORIY DEFOR... A STRAIGHT PARTY VOTE Bryan hd Torgute. His Jhorning. He ON SEED GRAIN ACT. [sai he had a delightful visit | ther Lovdon county council will probably Question , of Shipbuilding-- | hours. : Brought Up in Discussion of | Forty English suffragists were grresi Iteeu For New Ice Breaker-- $194,200 oi Estimates Passed Ottawa, Feb. l1l.<~After © a lengthy discussion on the question of the re- gnlations couserning the distribution sed grain to North-West farmers, for whose benefit the coffers of the ounthy "ve been unlocked, the poy conmehl rejected an amendment subs mitted Mr." Lake, extending * the peniod of payment lor advances re- ceived over three years. The amend- ment was killed by a straight vote of ninety-five Yo fifty-five. The conservi- tives rolled up their largest of the presents parliament the evening scasion Inrgely with a general talk on the hcstion of a utional | policy in re- {ward to fostering §hipbuilding in Can- ada, which was precipitated on the The Commons. Toronto will probably bring an ex ou the | pe rt from Boston to report [parks system. Licut,-Gov, Duusmuir has given the iroyal assent to the British Columbia exclusion act. The Allan Oi line steamer Ontarian { February 1th. The death ocevrred, at Davisville. of | Rev. Newton Hall, pastor of the Me. | thodist church, W. E. Ramo, an fcammitted suicide {shooting himself. All immigranys landing in British | Columbia will havd to submit to an | educational test | It is said by those who ought to { know, that the domigion elections will item for a new ice-breaker for the | be held én October or November next Northumberland Straits. This item 4 A letter found among the effects 'passed "shortly belore midnight with- | Mrs. Booth, the Toronto woman any definite pronouncement of j dered at Cincinnati, indicates that she policy on the part of Mr. Brodeur. When. the housé row at midodght | The redistribution bill, inf the On- Mr. Brodeur had got through 2191200 | tario house, has been submitted in worth of votes, skeleton form and has been sent to go At present there gre twepnts iwo spe- | committee, cial immigration agents in the British Ottawa's temporary loan of $750, Ides, all of whom, except ond 1 000 from Parr's bank, London, is like- S100. o mouth 'and their expenses. ly to be renewed for another three | Fone of these. are from Ontario, three | months from March. frdm Quebec, (hree from Alberta, six | At Chicago, Mrs. Dora McDonald, from Manitoba, three from Saskatche- lon ted January 20th, on the wan, and' three from British Colum- {rharge of murdering Webster Guerin, hin. The eastern delegates are: Res {was acquitted by a jury. (i. Macarthur, Cardinal; G. [, Ste- Earl Grey will be unable to attend watt, Kingston; W. M. Baker, Woad- {Ue aunual banquet, at Windsor, next | nm insurance agent vote at Waterloo by was taken) up | mur- ont - receive LL LE W. Brewster, Compton, [week, but Hon. Adam Beck will ad. Cue Hay. Lachute, and J. [dress the board on Niagara power, Lawson, Cheldon, Que, The provincial detective department received word of the arrest, in { Cuba, ol George Wiifred, who 1 fed in Welland on a charge of for The syiiod of Montreal has de ided to ask a hishop of the mother Church tof Fagland to visit Canada next year | Bishop Gore, 'of Birmingham, will be vaught and the Count of Turin i=, ap [invited toarently, well founded, The delay in| A. B. A. E. Wheeler, {the official announcement is due tg | 19ronto, pleaded guilty | the feestion of the conversion of the | 10 ponspiracy in connection with the {princess to Catholicism not being | roofing of the new St. Lawrence mar- (settled, The constitution does not in. | ket. sist 'that the wife of a royal |, Canon Lyttelton, must be a Catholic, but a mixed would be unprecedented John ROYAL BE {has TROTHAL Turin. 12. ~The Princess Rome, Feb rumor of the hetrothal of Patricia of Con Ormsby and contractors, vet headmaster + of Eton, Eng., states that arrangements | | are made for a subseription | house of Sdvoy. {from the schoolboys for the Quebec | | . | memorial. | The Villain Comes Back, A centenarian in the person of Mrs, | Woodstock, Out. Fel. Be imas Anna Blackwood, aged 104, died, Mon- | | . MIMAS | av. in St. Patrick's Home, Ottawa | | Roselle, Stratford, was sentenced to | She - ¢ t Ottawa | . D keub u [five years in the penitentiary, this [She cule 89 tawa from Paken am | mao, : se ' ho | Suto win Tp 2 Jt Fe Sr affvits in ovtawe tirat | Loney and his two children, and alse |" Jes is attributed to the fact that s anil of Lovey's uri li 8, BAe Lp bus ben ven tha" he {of the present parliament. The supporters of the government in the Ontario legislature held their first | caucus, this morning, with a view to} mapping out the campaign to be car- ried out in the course of the session. | A dozen men were burned, one to | | death, another fatally, in a terrible | Pre {explosion of molten steel at the | tory, west of Tabriz, bas been follow- ( Monongahela blast furnace of the Na- | ed an order, from the war office. | (ional Tube company, McKeesport, | for delay in the transfer SIXLY | pa. on Wednesday. thousand troops' to the vicinity of the | james B. Lehneman Farko-Persian frontier. 1 here will be | {ime bartender an immediate strengthening of the Rus: {1 tel, Montreal, was arrested in Bos- ian foree in the Caucasus. on a charge of manipulating | ---- Shi Trunk railway tickets Warmly Heckled. {extent which entails the loss of Ottawa, Feb. 13-The insurance bill tral thousand dollars to the company wid considerrd, "to-day, hy the | The three trustees appointed by the] ing and cofimgroe committee, the hear-| guarantecing banks to represent the { allied banks in the_afiairs of the Sov inter. | reign bank, have tendered their resig was | pation under an _arrango ment whereby policyholders? ["W. 8. Rtavert, the present cufator Ontario bank, becomes trus upon behalf of the guarantors i The Intereclonial railway, of which | Jd. P. Cleghorn, Montreal, is president, | { ha declared its dividend for the see-| a [ond half of its fiscal year, making an In i prince mar- the being Hinge in of Loney's name to a freight book Loney and wife are reconciled and have returned. home, -- semen To Strengthen Forces. » St. Petersburg, Fely, 124 Notilieation ! that the withdrawal of the British | troops, is in progress in Persian terri by of who for some at the Russell | | was | | {ton | | Grand bank Al untigished companies were Jods Marpell dior the He advorated abolition of rebates and | the wax heeklod considerably. Wider in- | tee vestment powers were urged of | sole | Caught In The Belting. Picton, Fely. 12. Hugh Turner, mawed. man, was almost in- {increase in the common dividend Ley eilerday afternoon, the Hour it at" Glenora Ft weems | he was attempting to readjust a while the machinery wax in youn i . 3 " inipaying arbonus of seven per eent, The | raté has Deen Seven per cent. on pre i belt ferred and common ! action. | The resignation of Heinrich Conried | He was caught and carried along with | ag director of the Conrvied Metropoli the belt, When assistance reached him | tan Opera company, New York, is ac The deceased leaves a fcepted, and the announcement made | that Mr Conried will be spceeeded by sf Julio Gatti-Casazza, director 81° La | No Failures Reported. | Scala, Milan, Italy, and Andreas Dip- | Windsdr, Ont, Feb. 12--At the an- [Pel 8 German.tenor, who has sung nyetyneeting of the Windsor Board of fat the Metropolitan for a number of | Treads, hell' Mbt night, President J, [Years F. Smyth, in his address, referred to Uw absense of any failures®in this city daring Hie date stringency, as an ine dieation of Wihdsor's prosperity. Pre. a he was dead | | | K. & P, RAILWAY, | Meeting of Directors and Annual .- Meeting of Shareholders. The regular meeting of directors and tannual meeting of the sharcholders of the Kingstor & [Pembroke railway, was held in the offices of the company here, on Wednesday morning, at eleven o'clock. The business : for. the vear was 'gone over, and considered most satistactory. The company intepd ~o- ing ahead wilh other BE on the line during thi€ year. W, D. Matthews, Toronto, was reelected | president, and W. R. Daker, Montreal, was reclected vice-president and gene. ral manager. The old board of direc tors was also reelected. The oflicials arrived in Kingston on a speciat-ear, on the early morning train, and in the afternoon left on a tour of in- spection over the road. KING GOING TO CINTRA. Manuel to Go to His Sununer Residence. Lisbon, Feb. 12<The Diare de Noticeas. says that King Manuel will leave Lisbon shortly for Cintra, where he will pase several months. Cintra is fourteen miles from Lishon, and has a roral summer residence. The Champer of Deputies will re-us . = {semble, February 20th, when Ling 8 Twelve Mon ins. | Manuel will take the oath. A lity Ottawa, Feb. W.<Uharles J. Latour, jcian who held a cabinet position un- a young man found guilty on two 'der Former Premier Frineo, and a fount of forging cheques of 815 with [leader in the Franco party, has de the name of A McLaughlin, was [cided to advise his partizans to sup- ad do twelve months n | port the goverument in the coming ol ge 3 elections. Improving Daily. London, Keb. 12.8 The Times, this w ig, piblishes a long. dispatch re- viewRA eves in Portugal, It says that the situation is; improving daily to its policy of conciligting publie opin- ion but that it would be a mistake to | consider all danger over | ? Lerrorised A Town Richhall, Mo,, Feb. 12. Securing af) +n fash ~glter dymamiting "ind totally wrecking the $0.000 building of the Farmers and Merchants bank, in this city, five bandits, heavily arm- od terror this town, to-day, and then dseaped. 'No one was injured. Getting Busy Again. Pittsburg, Feb. I12.----Four thousand men have resumed the work at the Duguesne works of the United States Steel Corporation. Fully three-fourths of the ecotive works are running and all departments will be put in opera- tion mn anoiber month. Wrenn For, , {run cars for women only during rush ed while making a raid on the House of {for Glasgow, sailed from Portland, on | of | ¥ I {was a bigamist. | i | road want | its gery. [be a test run all through and every x: | 3 {countable for a minute's | {with a revolie bagged sisteen, is at ALL FRO i TORONTO MAN SAID TO | PASS FORGED CHECKS. | | Said to Have Got $2,000 From | Various Persons in the United States--The Date of the Trial. 12,--~A Detroit, Mich, {despatch says, William' A Murray, a {elerk, seventeen years old, who lives in | Toronto, is held at the central police [station on the charge of obtaining 1 ¥185 from the Hotel Cadillac by means lof forged checks. Mwmrrav, whe is<aid 0 be a member of a prominent fam Fily, is alleged, by the Detroit police, ts have obtained $2,000 from Wifferent [ persons mm New York, Chicago, Phila: idelnhia, Washiugton, Buf {falo while ged, with a voung come | panion, in the sights. When | Murray returned to his home in To- lronto, a fow days ago, it is added, Detectise - "faker was sent' there and arresting him, smuggled out of Toronto without his arrest becoming known. A Detroit, | Toronto, Fel loston" and eng ceing him Mich., Brown, despatch says the trizl of Percy the eighteen year old Canadian boy, charged with the murder Mrs. Welch, has been set for February 24th, but Mr. Ken- nedy, Bowin's attorney, having stated be cannot le ready before the March térm of the recorder's court, it may be postponed until then, Judge Phe- lan says he will insist upon every op- portunity g the man to prove his innocence, A Detroit, Mich., despatch, says that as soon as the car ferry Manistique arrives at Northport, on the vast shore of Lake Michigan, with thirty cars of flour, from Minneapolis, for England, the consignment will be taken in charge by the Grand Rapids & Indiana railway and transported to Traverse City, where it will be hand- ed to the Pere Marquette road, which will 'rush the consignmént line to the Niagara frontier. It will of being given voung over tram will ac- The | successful handling of this train means the placing of heavy Minneapolis, which does a flour business with England Lawrence Haacke, whose children perished when their keard home burned, morning, larrived in Toronto morning, on the North Bay with him, in three eoflins charred remains of the dead the bereaved. husbagd and father UC. A. McKkane, Helv who formerly a neighbor of Haacke's Foronto. A group of relatives intimate friends awaited the train and when they had. gathered around him Haacke, who had borne up brave - ly all along, broke down completely and seemed to be on the verge of col him be {man on the he held delay. contraets from very large wife "and New Lis Sunday this train, and the With was was on were was in and lapse ag his people almost load to a street car. The funeral will held this afternoon to the Necropelis § SLAYS SWEETHEART. Girl He Followed From Italy--Kills Brother. Philadelphia, Feb. 12.--Rejected by the girl he had followed here from Italy, nineteen-vear-old Pasguale Gras- so probably mortally stabbed" her at her hame, No. 2613 East Somerset street, seriously wounded er father and and killed ber brother. Holding six Italians at bay with his weapon, he -then backed the house made his Stabs shot of and es- Christina Cifello nineteen ve her father, Cifello forty-seven years, are both in a critical condition at the Episcopat hospital, while the of her brother, Alphonso Cifello, the "morgue was the end of a roman attachment between the girl and murderer that had it inception were playmates in their na- The Cifelly, family rival _at this port the liner wordland five Pasquale Grasso appeared at the Cifello home a He did not {ind a there. Giuseppe, the household, reluctantly girl, "Maria urs, aged and Guiseppe 8 body The tragedy tae l the when they tive Cambrosio on months ago Tew weeks ago warm head of welcome the | consented t6 Pasquale boarding under his roof, but only on the condition that he would refrain from reopening his former courtship of Maria Chris- tina Grasso "consented, but secretly declared he could not live without the the fatal climax came girl. Tuesday love and when Pasquale declared kis was spurned by the young woman. Five Have Started. New York, Feb. 12. Five touring cars started from the Times Square, this morning, at Ho o'clock; on the jong endurance contest to, Paris via Behring Straits. Fire departments from Rochester, Pa., Monaca, Bridgewater, New Brigh- ton and Beaver Falls joined in fight- ing a fire at Rochester, Pa., on Mon- day night, which caused over $65,000 damage, and threatened the entire tusiness section for a time, The indictment against Speaker John N. Cole of the Massachusetts House of. Represoxtadives, charging him with violating the statutes hy . soliciting transportation below regular rates, has been. quashed. 'he city property called to meet this afternoon. matter of necessary repairs to eity buildings was to be considered. Charles Cyrane, a journeyman baker, was burned to death at Reading in a fire which destroyed the bakery of William H. Debries George Meredith, London, kept bis cighticth birthday to-day. 7 Committee wag The the he tab | i five are kill-| The printing trade in Canada fds ay TT ch or ani mpl pei printing. tate in » % M DETROIT / { ARY 12,/1908. -- RE PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--Wiatl They Afe Saying And Doiag. W. H. Gddwin is ill with bronchitis. Miss Alberta Elmer, Brock street, 1s visiting friends in Monreal W. H. Taylor and wife, Kingston, are visiting C. J. W, Tavior. Perth W. J. Nobes, wisiting in the city for the past few days, has returned to Montreal Messrs. D of Seeleyv's city to-day, Messrs. George Williams Parks wemt N.Y., on Tuesday Mrs. 1. G. Bogart continues to im- prove from her severe illness, and her speedy recovery is now looked for Ald. L. L. and Mrs. Henderson re- gistered at the high commissioner's office, London, Eng., on January 25th. J. H. Jarvis, Ang street, is able to be out again, after being seriously ill with pneumonia for the past weeks Alderman Gaskin's go good to-day as vesterday a weak turn early this morning, rallied, however. Ald. R. J. Free and wife, left, to- day, to spend a few days in Water tow, where they will be the guests of H. McCaugherty. Dr. Morley Currie, Prince M.I'.P., is seriously ill. He has been confined to his bed since last Thurs- day night, with a pronounced attack of bronchitis Little Miss Dillon the and M Bay, are visitors in Gardiner H. to Lape Cochrane and Vincent, condition is not He had but Edward's street, Tuesday school, Bryant, Pine whose death occurred on morning, attended Frontenac and was an exceptionally bright schol. ar. Her parents have the sympathy of a large cirele of friends. G. N. Thurston, head designer for Johan® McKay's fur department, left, Monday, for New York and Boston, on a three-weeks' trip, in the interests of the firm, during which time he will secure the newest ideas in fur gar- ments and mantels for 1908, NEW POLICE CONSTABLE, Frederick Davies, Barrie Street Receives Appointment, F. davies, Barrie street, the est addition to the Kingston police force. His appointment took place on Wednesday, at a special meeting of the police commissioners. Mr. Davies will don his uniform in the course of a few 'days. The a intment was made necessary, owing to the death of James Megarry, le Constable Mr. Davies, Kingstonian, looked upon as good man for the position, He married, and a painter by trade, As an athlete he has a. fine révord He played with the Limestones and vari- ous other teams, He is also a South African veteran. TQ PLAY AT ROCKWOOD, who is a well-known 1s a 1s Young Lads Will Have a Lively Go. The K.C.L. 11 and Young Rockwoods will play at Rockwood rink to-night. The teams will line up : Rockwood--Davidson, goal; McGuire, point; Holland, cover; nennedy, rov- A. Davidson, centre; F, Dennison and Forsythe, wings. K.C.1. II-Workman, goal: Ackroyd, point; Cooke, cover; La Rush, rover: Reid, centre; Goodearle and Thomp- son, The er; wings. St. Georges Line Up. The Georges teamn was seen at the Randolph this afternoon and the following is the line-up : Ewer, Richardson, poiat?"" McArthur, Smith, rover; Dvke, centre; Cos and Toms, Ewer, in the the gam - St hotel, goal cover wings. new man since grove goal, is last only Black: Watch Defeated. At Royal rink on Tuesday evening the Black Watch were. defeated by the Royal, 9 goals to 0, in the KA HLA series. The game was fast all through but the mechanics were no match for the Royals They've Won. The lady curlers, of Kingston, in the match, this morning, in Montreal, won 2l to 9 by a score of * Under A Commission, The regular meeting of the board oi trade, was held on Tuesday evening, in the board rooms, a large number being present. Dr. baly attended the meeting and outlined to the members his scheme for putting the city parks a permanent commission, as is done in 'other large cities. The mat ter was laid over until the next meet ing, when it will be fully considered. A protest was cutered. against a re: cent article in the Montreal Herald about the proposed | canal from Geor- gan Bay to Ottawa. H. W. Richard- son and F. King are in Ottawa, to- day, in connection with it. While in Ottawa the two members will also see about a new span for the Cataraqui swing bridge. They wdnt a hundred foot swing span in the centre of the bridge other matters of impor- tance were considered. under A Nor Mrs. Baker Subscription List. Mrs. George E. Lee, 831: Thomas Driver. $1. F. Copley, 50¢.;. Miss M M. Reid, $2. Mre (Capt. ) Brooks, $1. FW ames Fegy 91 } B. W. Robertsun, $35: Miss Alice Macnee, 85; James T Sutherland, #5 Dean Farthing, %3; Charles McKay #2; and $1 each from Mre, James 7T. Sutherland, Mrs. D. Norton-Tavior. Miss Grace Hemming. Nirs. Stroud, Joseph T. Eves, and W, Hy Sawyer Celebrated Golden Wedding, Me. and Mrs. R. Gage, St. Cathar ine street, celebrated their golden werd. ding. very quietly, at their home. on Monday. Their host of friends extend congratulations. 4 Six members of thé RCH A have just finished an examisation for the stretcher bearing corps. Col. Duff and Major Kilborn had charge of the ex. amination. ! Spring Must Be Near. fhe would think so to see the green onions, cucumbers, leftues, casliffow. 'ers, spinach and ripe tomatoes at Car. i noveky's. five ! PAGE FIVE PE-RU-NA CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDED + FOR COLDS AND CATARRH.} A Prominent Canadian Gives His Expe= rience With the, World-Famous Remedy For Catarrh. ----- C. H. I'arker, Ex-Warden of Compton 0., Quebec, has been mayor of Scot town for a number of years. He is gn influential resident in Scotstown and widely known. y He writes concerning Peruna, Chronic Catarrh Always "Begins | _ With An Ordinary Cold. So Says Dr. Hartman, the Greatest Living Authority On Ca tarrhal iste. T= first effect of a cold is a thick- ening of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, This gives rise to a discharge, or at least a stuffin as of the Masal passages, Sometimes fover accompanies the first attack, also a feeling of languor, dull- ness and sching of the bones, If no attention is paid to it, the mucous congestion is liable to spread down into the larynx, producing hoarseness and in4o the bronchial tubes, producing a cough. Even when this occurs, many people Pay no attention to it. Under such circumstances, the con- gestion is liable to become chronie, pro- ducing a condition of the mucous mem-. branes known as catarrh. Catarrh lasts an indefinite CURE COLDS time. Catarrh PREVENT CATARRMN. is essentially a chronie condi- tion and Joes not leave except some- thing is dene to relieve it. What should be done when » person esiches cold is to take a few doses of Peruna. Taken at the onset, Pornns would break up the cold sad preveas all the tratwof symptoms which usually follow. Bat, even in cases where the cold has been neglected and hoarseness or a cough has devélopéd, Peruna can bé relied upon to give promps and per- manent relief, The frequency of coughs and colds in the winter makes Peruna a popular rem- edy for these ailments, A pumber of the best people of varions countries have given testimonials as to the valne of Peruna in such cases. Followed Dr. Hartman's Advice-- Restored to Health, { Mrs. Samuclle Vigneau, Avre au Berd, Isle de La Magdaline, Canada, writes: "I write to tell you that I am perfectly well. 1 took only three bottles of your Peruna secording to your advice and the directions in your book and it re-| stored my health." | . PARKE! Beale ai ie dl i "I had sevoral attacks of colds from time to time and finally a severe attack developed iiito ca- tarrh. "I was advised to use your cele- brated eatarrh remedy, and after taking three bottles I find mywelf Eo cured, and I no longer | suffer from catarrh or colds. "I can cheerfully recommend Peruna for colds and catarrh." AAA A A Atl ltr) If Peruna had no other medicinal value than the promptnéss with which | it relieves common colds, it wonld be well worth while for any family to keep it in the house constantly, 135 Church St. Toronto, Eet. 1860, Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Authors & Cox Knee a illustration shows our improved Suppor is Thomas ey Sup- port. In this, we replace the anti- Sunted sin with a short thigh-lacer, thereby allowing wearer to take the weight with a greater degree of comfort. We realize that no one shape will suit all cases--so make all styles to order to suit each individval case. Our achievements in Orthopedic work have won the admiration of the medical profession. Our Arti- ficial Limbs, Appliances for the Spine, Hip Knee and Ankle Joints, Paralysis, Knock Knees, Club Feet ete, If afflicted, write us for help. 10 We Do Galvanizing and Tining Let us do your work 31 WILLIAM ST «9 Toronto Ont are equally reputable. Prompt and Good Work. Canada Metal Co., Ltd COMMERCIAL MATTERS, _ cul -------- ' i What is Going on in the Business pans Las place ' World--The Markets, fof steel rails C. P. R, traffic {the Roo week of February decreased $20,000, | 1 It is reported that Charles / has sold his seat ¢ the New Stock. Exchange, This season x catch smallest on record, The skins obtain [ me ed amounted to 5,397, as agan st | 10,570 last year f A seat on the New York change was sold last week for 859.000, The previous sale made al $60. | ONiput 000. The highest for is | Week last $95,000, | 613 Ihe Amalgamated Copper mines are | At expletod to start up agajh Before May | ¥ nrmdinn Ist. The estimated copper output for taken January, 2000000 Is {The u than in December, of on the i | rileys | 10 000 1 3 * oMpPpan of 25.0060 earnings for the first Pa yminion Stee N« Gates | } adore 1 mi rk reductjo thirty-five of seals | hel I } ' a a daily Stock Fx- | y : lof 3.405 HOPI i in the was : and an output price un seat wes pour mon Vere Montreal Stock Fyx®| change was purchased bv J. Woo | representing" the HWalifsx' frm M: Intosh company. The price paid is in| the neichborhood of $20,000 i The Montreal Cotton company increased its dividend from eight per cent. per annum. All the lo- | market seat on of has | FE grudge er tl seven tola