ren PEMBROKE "RAILWAY ~*~ IN CO4NECTION WITH Cénailan Pacific Raliway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.10 p.m. --~Express--For Ottaws, Mon. Rreal, Quetwe, St. Jobs, N.B., Helifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Hen row, auit Ste, Marie, Duluth, St. Yaul, Winnipeg, Vauticouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Frascisco. 5.00 p.m.~local, for Sharhbot Lake, Connecting with C.P.K., Fast and West. 745 a.m., Mixed--Fpor Henirew and in Rermediate points : % Pesseugers lsaving Kingston "at 12 10 | Pn. arrive In Oftawa at 4.45 p.m. Petertioro, 4.48 p.m. ; Toronto, 7.05] Pita. ; Montreal, 8.50 ; Bpstom, 7.80 | an. ; Bt, John 11.20 a.m. KINGSTON-OTTAWA. leave Kingston, 12.10 Du, | Ottawa, 4.45 p.m. leave Ottawa, 10.45 Rm. arrive newton 8.45 p.m. Direet | connections at Henfrew with CP.R. No. | 1, leave Renfrew, 4.15 p.m., for Pem-| broke, Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Paci | Bs Const points. ¥, CONWAY, Gens Pass Agent, Bay of Quinte Railway New ghort line for Tweed, Napanes. | Descronto, mnd all local points. Trains | leave Cit Hall Depot at <> m. R.| W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry,, Kingston. | TY TRUN RAILWAY BI SYSTEM Hi | Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition | Toronto, Ont., Feb, 12th, to 14th Mickets will be sold at SINGLE FIRS Ir CLASS FARIS going on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 11th and 12th, good re-| Rurning on or before Saturday, Fel. 16th. | | Local Branch Time Table. f (:. Trains will leave pnd arrive at ( Depot, Fool of Johnson street. GOING WEST, arrive ity ¥.15 a.m, 12.206 moon 12.04 8.19 p.m, © 8.51 - 7.08 pm, 7.08 GOING EAST. | Lve. City Arr. City | Nov 8 mall oo. oo 1.43 'a.ty 2.13 n.104| "2 fast express 2.38 a.m. \B.02 a.m: P14 Joel wee A.18 a.m. B.50 a.m 6 mall n =a 1.00 pn, 1.29 pin V4 fast express .. 1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m | 12 1068]! em ww 7.08 Pn. 7.58 p.m N py p.m. | prog p.m. | os. 1,2 and 8 run daily | All other 1 ally except Sunday | For full partru apply to J. i HANLEY. Ag r Johnson i Ontario Sts; | | INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax to Liverpool { | Canada's Famous Train / * THE MARITIME ' EXPRESS | Leavisg MONTREAL Pridays, at 12.00 Gon) carries passenyors baggage and Juropean mails, reaching the steamer's dock at MALIFAX the following Setur gay aliternoon. SPECIAL, TRAINS carrying Daskchgers bagga and mails when inward gtosm- ery he cofinect with the MARI HiME EXPRESS, leave HALIFAX ly after the arrival of the stesmmuer, mak- ing commections for Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit and points West, FOR TICKETS AND FURTHER IN. FORMATION, apply te nearest GRAND | IFRUNK RAILWAY AGENT, or to | Montreal Ticket Office "41 St. James St, QUEBEC S.8. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 45 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship * Ber wudian," 5,600 tons, Sailings every Sut. prday at 10 a wm, Bermuda to Nassau, Bahamas 8.8. ""Trinidad' fortnightly to February and March. West India Cruises from New York New Steamer "Cujana,' 8,700 toms, with all up-to-date improvements and pther first-class steamers enil from New York every 10 days, For beauty of scenery and perfection of mate thess trips are unsurpassed. For lustrated pamphlets giving rates e and ull inlormation, apply to A, UTERBRIDGE & CO. A te, Steamship Co,, 290 Broadway, Now: York: A. AHERN, Sec'y., Quebee; Kanada, or to 'Ticket Agents, J, P, ANLEY, and J, P, CGILDERSLEEVE, ingston, MLW 5 LN From St: Joba. Halifax, Corsigian, Fri, Fob. 28. Sat. Feb..99, Grampian, Sat., Mar. 7. Virginian, Fri., Mar, 13. Set., Mar. 14 Rates of passage and full faforma. tion" may ¥ obi aige from J. PP. HANLEY, "A t QR, or O 8, KIRKPATRIUK, Local Agents. both pleasure and com- fort? She will 'appre- ¥ ciate a load of) "1 i COAL. LE MALS Lin | the Assistant Manager, was appointed to act as Secretary. immediate | -y THE DAILY-BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1908. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation YETERE TY | ; 'Report of Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual General Meeting gry The Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Toronto General Trusts Corporation was held in the Board Room of the Corpora- tion, on the corner of Yonge and Colborne streets, Toronto, on Wednesday, the 5th February, 1908, = There were present :-- John Hoskin, K.C., Hon. 8. C. Wood, W. B. Couch, W. J, Jones, D'Arcy | Martin, John L. Blaikie, G. 8. May, Sir Aemilus Irving, W. D. Matthews, W. R. Brock, J. W. Langmuir, E. T. Malone, James Henderson, Frederick Wyld, Thomas Long, Edward Galley, Hon. Senator Jaffray, A. D. Lang- muir, W Geo. A. Stimson, Edward Greig, )J. G. Scott, K.C., Alexander Nairn, Mr. Fleming, Hon. J. J. Foy, J. Bruce Macdonald, Alexander Smith. The President, Dr. Hoskin, took the ehalr, and Mr. A. D. Langmuir, The various financial statements 'showing the operations of the Cor- poration for the year ended 31st December, 1907, were submitted DY Mariaging Director, Mr. J. W. Langmu!r. and commented upon by him. The Report to the Shareholders was then read, as follows : -- Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Directors of the Toronto General Trusts Corporation for the Year Ended 31st December, 1907 To the Shareholders :-- { Your Directors have pleasure in submitting the Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the Corporation, accompanied by the usual statements, showing its operations for the year 1907, and the financial results of the, same. During the year new business has heen accepted by the Corporation to the amount of $3,952,831.72, as follows : -- : 7? Executorships . .. o Administrations o age cso pws snnee. Trusteeships.. ., bo ed rvevws Guard1anships eo 6's b #Fifee nso» Agencles , . J, Guaranteed Investments . « vos seeves- Ordinary Investmbnt Agencies. cy. aes. Lunatic Estates ss ¥s ¢ mansaneveresrcrosss Smuasssnsdrcsascarns.§ 334.402 352,115 2,060,326 26,536 874,593 264,698 15,828 24,332 a0 40 $3,952,831 72 In addition to this new work, the Corporation has been appointed Trustee for Bond issues for a considerable amount. 2 The gross profits derived from the various branches of the Corpor- atlon's business are glearly 'set out in the Profit and Loss Statement here- with submitted, amounting to $262,726.54 After deducting the entire | cost of management at the Head Office and the Winnipeg and Ottawa Branches, amounting to $137,599.37, the net profits, including the balance brought forward from 1906, are shown to he $135,868.78. Your Directors have declared and paid two semi-annual dividends at the rate of seven and one-half per cent. (7% %) per annum, amounting to $75,000 ; have written off balance of amount paid for the good-will and assets of the Ottawa Trust Company, viz.: $10,000; have carried $25,000 to Rest Account, bringing that fund up to $400,000, and have carried for- ward to the credit of Profit and Loss Account the sum of $26,868.78. 'he by-law fixing the number of Directors of the Corporation at twenty- five, instead of a number varying from fifteen to thirty, was passed by the Board, and will be submitted for your sanction. The Board of Directors have appointed the following gentlemién to make up the number of direc- tors to tweaty-five for the unexpired portion of the year, namely :-- The Hon. J. M. Gibson, K.C., Mr. Hamilton Cassels, K.C., and Mr. J Bruce Macdonald, > All which is respectfully submitted. ,/ J. W. LANGMUIR, " Managing Directorez Toronto, February 6th, 1908. : A PROFIT AND LOSS Year Ended 81st December, 1907. ras) w% | By balance brought A ane 4 forward from 3Sist 1 . December, 1906 $1381 41 Less Amount voted by shareholders to Auditors for the {}' Year ended dist De- cember, 1908 JOHN HOSKIN, President : - ------ » y EAR TR BT CEE TN o To salaries, rents, Provincial tax, and all office expenses at Toronto, Ottawa and Winnipeg .....$106,080 22 0 fees paid Presi- dent, Vice - Presi. dents and Directors, Advisory Boards and . Inspection Committees so To Commission paid for Capital and Guaranteed Loans, and expenses for superintendence of real estate and col- lection of rents ... Net year .. i. .... . To balance at credit of Frgfit and Loss, Jan, Ist, 1907 .... 10741 1 3,100 00 4 - ------§.10,741 61 1. N 12,701 00 By Commilssion earn- ed for management of estates, collec- tion of revenue, 1 BC. we oa eine. JOB0T8 48 By - Interest earned ni on Capital Stock and Reserve, in- cluding arrears of Interest recovered, and profits on Guaranteed and Court Funds . By Net Rents from office bulldings at 135.868 78 Toronto and Otta- mp ------ wa ., $273,468 15 By Net Rents from A Safe Deposit Vaults $ 75,000 00 at Toronto and Ot- awn ... .. 19.718 13 -- $187,500 37 Profits for : 125,127 17 181,174 15,034 T To Dividends Nos. 51 afa 82 To amount written off Good WHI be- ing balance re pur chase of the ®tta- wa Trust & Deposit Company business To amount carried to Reserve Fund. carried Shvarene Ann, X | io sit oo « St, 10,000 00 Gi 25,000 00 eee 110,000 00 0D ssn : tH + ASSETS AND LIABILITIES STATEMENT. As at 31st December, 1007, ASSETS. Capital Account. To balance forward .. - $1385.868 78 A t---------- Voy Mortgages on Real Hstate Honds and Debentures ...... . .ew Loans on Stoeks and Bonds . . 5 an nave Real Estate-Office Premises and Safe Deposit Vaults at Toronto and Ottawa Shrinsas me ae va ox 230.861 50 Sundry Assets .. ., 1 E17 30 Cash on hand and in Banks . 73.828 72 me $1,400,808 18 Trust, Guarantee and Agency Accounts, : Mortgages on Real Estate "ease an se «.$12,205100 47 Debentures ... .. .e . was A . ~§18,654,331 63 Trust Estates and Agencies. Unrealized Original Assets, including Real! Estate, Mort . tures, Stocks and Bonds, etc, at Iaventory Value ag Capital Stock fully paid Reserve Fund ,. ividend No, 82 t and Loss Sundries ...... . Deben- vesaeess 14.785,902 oF ; f $32,900,902 os LIABILITIES. Capital Account. ~ --§ 1,409,588 718 Trust, Guarantee and Agency Funds. For Investment or Distribution a....covve's ae or oe «0. $16,654.231 03 $16,604,221 63 Trust Estates and Agencies. f Unrealized Original A ] Administration by Corporation > oF Betates aud res or ' CO. mame AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE. We. the undersigned, beg to :eport that we have made a full eramin- ation of the books, accounts, and vouchers of the Toronto Lenera! Trust: Corporation to the 31st December, 1907, and ind the e to be correc and p rly set 'orth in the above statement of Profit and Asleu itles. 2 ave cxamined and find in order all 'he > bonds, seri) of the Corporation, as well as those pegctl- Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, and Trusts, Estates $i Jxencles in the Corporation's bands, and have cheqked same with the Ortgage and. Debenture Ledgers and Registers. The r he after outstandiag cheques, agree with the books of the Corpor. examined the Reports of the Auditors of the Winnipe, Inventory \ Val Agencies under G. Watson, Samuel Nordheimer, A. L. Malone, Harry Caldwell, | the | Er -- EE ---- _ PRESIDENTS ADDRESS . ! The President, Dr. Jobn Hoskin. K.C., In moving the adoption of the sald :-- * '1 think you will agree with me that I am warranted in congratulating ' the Shareholders, afd not only the Shareholders. hut the many thousand persons who directly interested in the operations of this Corporation, on the exce showing as exhibited in the statements which have just been read by Managing Director : +We do not pretend to he a great money-making Corporation for our Shareholder ough we have always pald them a good dividend. and have built up, St entirely out of surplus profits, a Reserve of $400,000. We do claim, however, that hy str 2s we have done for the past quarter of a century, to a trust and agency, business, and by avoiding every species of speculation, we have laid the { foundation broad and deep of a great and much needed monetary insti tution that now occupies an important place in the financial community That a corporate efecutor and trustee has distinct and well defined report report, advantages over individuals acting in these capacities does not ja this age - admit of a doubt, and when these advantages can bhe'availed of by persons desiring to make their wills or to create trusts, without increased cost, indeed at considerable less cost than by appointing an individual executor and trustee, it is not to be wondered at that this Corporation should have already assumed enormous pPoportions. That our charges are most rea- sonable is conclusively shown from the fact that out of nearly thirty-three milHons of ness in our hands at the end of the year, our net profits were only $135,000. The Board. of Directors are firmly convinced that the Corporation's business should continue to be strictly confined to the management of | estates and trusts, and that even in the investment of cur own capital we should *entirely avoid speculation, and | am fully convinced that by the | continuance of the principles and methods which we have adopted in the past this Corporation will grow and flourish long after we are ull gone I move the adoption of the Report, seconded by Vice-President Wood. »1 will now call upon the Managing Director to address you. MANAGING DIRECTOR'S ADDRESS. Mr. J. W. Langmuir, the Managing Director, said :-- The Financial Statements which have just been submitted should, 1 | think, be satisfactory to all concerned. These statements very clearly show the general operations of the Corporation for the past year. It will be seen | that our profits are derived from two chief sources : First, compensation | for the management of estates, trusts, and work of a kindred character, including trusteeships for bond issues, as well as for acting as Registrar and Transfer Agent. This class of work is known as our "Trust and | Agency" business Second, from interest on our invested capital and re- { serve, and surplus Interest over and above the rate we pay to investors | under the Guaranteed Investment System, as well as from rents of our office buildings in Teronto and Ottawa and the Safe Deposit Vaults therein Thig, we designate our "Investment", business. + [The profits of the trust and agency business consist of the compensa- tion gllowed to us by the Courts on passing our accounts for the manage- ment estatesn trusts, ete, as well as compensation arrived at by the mutus ardlogement of the parties interested. The rule of the Corpora- | tion 1s not to take any compensation Into its profits, unless' an agreement exists, until the CoumMs have passed the accounts and awarded the corh- mission, although in many instances a large proportion of the compensa tion for the management of the estate may have been earned. It wilj be obvipus, therefore, that there will always be a very considerable amount ; of earned profits that have not been taken into our statement at the end | of the year, and thgt the income from this Hranch of the business largely depends upon the number of éstates in which the accountghave been passed and thé commission fixed during the year, The revenue arising from our investment business is, of course, -of a more fixed character, but also depends on the rate of interest that obtains during the year and the rents received from our buildings and vaults i Respecting the expense of management there is, perhaps, no branch of fiscal work requiring greater care and experience than the management {of a large mass of estates, trusts and administrations The variety of the { work, as wel as its great importance, demands capable and experienced service which can only be obtained by payment of proper salaries And yet In the matter of economical administration the Corporation compares | favorable with other financial institutions, not excepting loan companies, { where, it will be admitted, the business is far less complex and exacting than is that of a trust company. Our total expenses of administration for the, year amount to {$137,699.37, which sum represents approximately only two-fifths of one per cent of the volume of assets under the Corporation's control, which percentage may be Interesting for comparative purposes. i The Profit and Loss Statement shows that, including the small balance brought forward from the previous year, and after deducting all charges, and expenses for the management of the business both at the Head Office and its Branches, as well as making provision for every ascertained loss, {the net profits for the year amounted to $135,868.78. These profits have { been dealt with by the Board of Directors as follows :-- (First) By pay- | ment of two semi-annual dividends at the rate of seven and one-half per | cont. per annum, amounting to $75,000.00 ; (Second) The writing off of $10,000.00 wi stood at the debit of the purchase of the good-will and {assets of the 'awa business ; (Third) Placing to the Rest Account {$26.000.00, making that fund $400,000.00, and (Fourth) Carrying for- {ward to the eredit of Profit and Loss $25,868.78. ! The Assets and Liabilities Statement for the year shows a very satis- | factofy increase In the net volume of business in the hands of the Corpora- tion, the total assets as at December 31st, 1507, being $32,909,902.68, an increase of over one and one-half million dollars during the vear. While on the subject of assets let me again repeat that the Corporation's system | provides for the keeping of JLrust. inves fnents made hy the Corporation {and aM cther Trust Assets stifetly separate and apart from-its own funds Not only is this the case, but 'every Investment is specifically allocated and jear-marked in the books of the Corporation as the property of the particu- lar estate or trust for which it"is taken. = It may also be of interest to know that our office 1s so départmentalized that whatever the nature of the assets coming into the hands of the Cor- poration, whether real estate, mortgages, stocks and bonds, insurance policies, or going concerns, expert administration of such assets is provided in a manner that could not be procured by individual executors except at great cost to the estate { The trust company Is one of the few business institutions whose services may be secured to-day at mo greater cost than obtained ten years ago, when salaries, values of real estate, and all mercantile commodities were at least one-third less than they are mow The. proprietors" of most businesses have very justly advanced the prices of their services or goods, gs the cost of production has increased, but the trust company is being allowed | by the Courts no more compensation to-day, if, indeed, as much, as was allowed 'when the cost of administration was very considerably less. While this Is, perhaps, not an encouraging feature from 'a shareholder's stand- point, it must surely appeal to one seeking the services of a Corporate Ex- {ecutor or Trustee | I avall myself of this meeting with the shareholders to ask them to do a little missionary work for the Corporation. You are not only interested in the Corporation as shareholders, but, may I be permitted to say, that you are also Interested in giving effect to the principles and methods of the Corporation. As a text for basing an argument in favor of using the Corporation as executor and trustee instead of an individual, I submit that if a trust is committed to an individual there 1s no assurance that he will live to execute iit, or that he will keep in such health as will enable him to give the trust | proper attention ; accident or unexpected circumstances may come to him $ he may be absent or other business require his attention at a time when the | Interests of the estate demand his presence. The Court records are replete with instances' where men of the highest standing have gone wrong. A bond may have been given for the faithful execution of the trust, but close | supervigion Is not assumed by the appointing power over the dealings of | either principal or surety. The individual Trustee is usually selected by | reason of his success in his own business--a success achieved by giving | his undivided time to that 'business, and just the man who cannot glve [Tull attention to the execution of an outside trust without néglecting his | own business ; this cannot be expected for the small compensation that | 1s usually allowed in trust matters: Again, while the Individual selected | may be ever :o faithful, he may have never before, or but seldom, dis- | charged such a trust, while the special trust committed to him may require | for its proper execution the m sxperienced ability. | "In closing, 1 have pleasur€ In stating that the staff of the Corporation, | both at Head Office and its Branches, have performed their executive duties {with much zeal and efficiency during the year. | The Report of the Directors was adopted, as well as the Report of the | Inspection Committee, as presented by Sir Aemilius Irving. | Certain by-laws and amendments were confirmed. | The resolution for the election of Directors for the ensuing year was { then moved by Mr. D'Arcy Martin, and seconded by Mr. Alexander Nairn. { Mr. Nairn, in seconding the resolution, said :-- I am sure the reports we have heard read to-day and the statements submitted will be most gratifying to all concerned. The Corporation, with its large experience in the management of estates, and its marked success in this important fleld, has so won its way Into the confidence of the public | that tq-day the name of The Toronto General Trusts Corporation is a { houselfbid word throughout the Province. This is not to be 'wondered at when one thinks of the great benefits of such an institution to the public generally in providing competent and responsible administration of estates i and trusts, both great and small. I very heartily endorse what the Manag- ing Director has stated In his address az to the advantages of the Cor- ! porate Executor and Trustee over the Individual, and feel sure that the Shareholders will follow out his suggestion during the year by recommend- fog to their friends the good services of this Corporation. 1 have much pleasure in seconding the motion that the following Shareholders be el Directors for the ensuing year : John Hoskin, K.C.. LLD., Hon. 8. C. Wood, W. H. Beatty, John L. Blaikie, W. R. Brock, Hamilton Cassels, K.C., Hon. W. 0. Edwards, Hon. J. J. Foy, KC, M.P.P, A BE Gooderham, Hon. J. M. Gibson, K.C., A. C. Hardy, Bir Aemilius Irving, R.C., Hon. Robert Jaffray, J W. Langmair, Thomas Long, W. D. Matthews, J. Bruce Macdonald, Hon. Peter McLaren, Hon. Sir Daniel H. McMillan, K.C.M.G., Samuel Nordheimer, E. B. Osler, M.P., J. G. Scott, K.C, B. E. Walker, D. R. Wilkie, and Frederick Wyld. Carried. At a subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors Dr. Hoskin was re elected President. snd Hon. 8. C. Wood and W. H. Beatty Vice-Presidents, om § I you spend your time in growling hoi imaginary : ictly and exclusively confining ourselves, * # * e ° ® s ° eo * 4 ® * ® * . * * * . ° i * . . ® * * e * ° * ° * * . ° * * * . Ld e " ® ® * * ® ® * ° eo » » ® » ® ° * ® S00000000000000000000800000000000000000000 » CLEAN SWEEP b Boys' School Boots, sizes 1 to 5, regular price $1.50. Clean Sweep Sale Girls' Fine Kid and Box Calf Laced Boots, to 2, regular price $1.50. Clean Sweep Sale ' - Little Boys' Strong Boots, size 8, 9 and 10, regular 85c. Clean Sweep Sale Babies' Fine Button Boots, sizes 4 to 7, regular 60c. Clean Sweep Sale Babies' Button Boots, sizes 3 to 7, regular 30e. Clean Sweep Sale Men's $5.00 Tan Calf Bluchers Only $3.97 Daring Our Clean Sweep Sale. Abernethy"s In par wit Sk An of $1 for 1 offer ed 1c tende ™ Jat ment Is January Ambulance In Call. Assets (over) the insuring public--the NEW wi NE Department of Railways and CNTARIO-RICE LAKE DIVISION. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS to the cupat member of the firm, which sum 1 tendering declinés entering into cor The cheque thus sent in w The lowest sarily accepted. Department of Railways and Canals, Newspapers ! ment without authority from 'the Departs | "he Phoenix Dry Powder cE lareed by the ompaness, adopted ernnwnt and principle Cities, Railromds, | Hotels, ete., throughout the U.S. end | Ca chemicals, which do as much as Sre, will not. freeze or clog. Price, 3.50. Agents wanted. DAWSON & STALEY, 217 Princess 8t., Kingston. High Crade Pianos at living prices | ctor arhines on sassy pay - . edi -- |} Kinnear & d'Esterre I -------- ; February FURNITURE SALE Bix Savings for you. Discounts, from 10 to 20 per cent SIDEBOARDS, regular $23. Sale Price $18.50, SIDEBOARDS, regular $20. 'Sa'e Price, $16.50. SIDEBOARDS, regular $18. Sale Price, $14. Others, from $6.75 and up. | Lounges in Leather and Velours LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $7 50, reduced to $5.75. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $6.50, reduced to $5. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $32.50, reduced to $26.50. R. J. REID, | Phone, 577. Canada Life Assurance Company suran Sixtieth year's business of the Company the best yet. ce in farce (over) $117,500,000.00, 35,000,000.00. Take the New QUI Company, The old Quinquénnial Policy of this Company has always been popular 1 be more popular PROFITS, DECEMBER Slat, 1909, with XT DIVISION OF ticipate in this division. Olice always opened to give information and do bus ness. h a view of making a permanent position, apply to J. 0. HUTTON, 'Manager, 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. | Application to Parliament. Apply now end Agents wanted NO 1S "et s applicat be Mumiciy THAT Omario | rich HEREBY GIVEN jt opr session of the | Laowishuture Canals, Canada. TRENT CANAL insta arly at 44 apply the PE ment SECTION NO. 3. . ALED TENIERS ADDRESSED he undersigoed and endorsed ' "Ten | te receiv irsday, yanected | | The s. | Corporatic 2th] ql fart puired because be required Schedu the Bepartment wal form Ppa we | tom, and place of of sack | cheque Accompany 1 acorptod bank 0,000 must will he ROGERS. & NICKLE, he work the rates stated in submit ted at 11 be return- y the respective contractors whose are not acoepted sdvertisement dated 1908, is hereby or any tem rs the 16th | od arv By Order, i L. K. JONES § wy Secret ary, : Being late for work often Causes a man or-woman to lose their position. February 8rd. 190% Ottawa, : : inserting this advertise | will not' be paid for ity { There is no excuse. If your Watch does not keep the cor- rect time we will make it. Possibly there is some little thing out of order that will only take a few minutes to repair, or it may peed to be cleaned and regulated. Bring your repairing here. Our waterharakers are experts, having bad long and thorough experience. wa guarantees every watch we repair. Fire Extinguisher leading Insurance by the U. 8S. Gow aiwais ready, contains no liquid Cor. Princess and Well-