Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1908, p. 3

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i -- - A ---- -- ce ' {YY Eases Re%c0ssecsssscccrssscsessseresdsppscsessesee FIRST SHOWING OF THE NEW 1908 Wash Fabrics | Fresh as the first blossoms - which mark $ the, advent of warm e weather with all the o beauty of 'the 'natural J flowers so cleverly co- $ pied in their delicately o tinted designs, the new § Wash Fabrics for Wo- men's and Children's Summer Wear are now being given their ini- tial display at Crumley Store, o.. These charming ma- terialy present the lates ideas of color combina- tions and designs, which include an almost endlots pumber of shades and a beautiful profusion of der- ted, flowered, figured and plain eflects--new shese Lawns, 'Organdies, Figured and Plain Muslins, India Linens, Ginghams, English Prints, etc. * ® # . » % ° * * * . . * » * bd ® * » * . . . - " ° . . * ® ® . * o . *» * . . * As usual, our prices are re- markable for their modesty--- a fact emphasized by the ex- clusive character of these beautiful new Wash Goods. Allovers Flouncings 50¢ yd., instead of 65c 75e yd., instead of 85¢ 60c yd., instead of 75e $1 yd, instead of $1.25 75¢ yd., instead of 90c¢ $1.50 yd., ". of $1.75 $1 yd, instead of $1.25 $1.75 yd, * of $1.85 EDGINGS S¢ yd., instead of 8c 15¢ yd., instead of 18c 8c yd., instead of 10¢ 25a yd., instead of 35¢ 10c yd., instead of 12le 45c¢ 'yd., instead of Gic * * * . * ° » . ® Ce . ® > . . * * * . » is SN EeENEseNeIsN INI sesetcserreste set Ibe NEW ALASKA DISH. more lastithy wn hourishing qualities : 2% than anything thit we had." is Fine, Nutritious tide tn Food The nose of u big Alaska bull moose weighs eight pounds, and when boiled twenty-four' hours into gelatine makes the choicest and most nutritious arti Moose Nose, Founding. Of Red Cross. st, who witnessed the battle of Nel ering, , fought in 1859 between the cle of diet to lie had in all Alaska allicd Fremeh afd Sardinians and the At least this is what Webster frown, Austrigns (one: of / the most sanguin- of this city, who has hunted and sur: [9%Y conflivta of modern times), deem- veyed all aver Alaska, says; ad he © that the wounded, and not the ought to know. : [soldiers who met instant death, were "Alaska moose," said Brown, yester. [the real *unfortunates, The military dav. "is the best game food to be had [Dospitels, overburdened, proved ine in Alaska, and those who subsist for | Yequate. Most of the wounded were 8 large part of the time on the game | # in' agony. Thousands who might of the country are careful when they have been saved by timely help died Kill a big moose or uny other wid of [WPOW Shes battlefield. The Swiss phil- game to have means at hand to outhropist and other volunteers. says take care of the carcavs and save ite [8 WHT in the current Harper's Week- "1 remember not muny months ago ly did all they could to relieye the io the White River country when our Suffevidg, but that was comparatively food ran short and we killed a big Jittle: The-Genevaw nsked himself what bull moose and made away in the next Could be done to: mitigate the horrors few days with the most 'of his good [of war. He devoted much thought to points, We were travelling over a [the problem, until, finally, he was able rolling, partly open country in the to suiiest u plan of nction: this plan direction of the Tanana Valley, and be set forth dn pamphlet called A every particle of fresh meat counted. | Souvenir: of .Solierino." When the carcase was all butchered ep | Dunant advecited an international and packed away 1 boiled the dg, | oviety composed of volunteer nurses bristly, fat nose of thix moose about | Who should hold themselves in readi- twenty-four hours, alter spending five | eto follow anmigs 'ahd to aid the hours soratching the hair off the hide j Wounded of any uation, to be pro and picking ic out by the roots. tected hy all nutions as 'heutrals and "Well, : sir, I holed that moose's hon-sombatants engaged in works of nose until it wade the finest sort " gelatine you ever saw, absolutely clear [the sosiety was held in Geneva in Oe and a delicious sweet and nutty [tober, 1863: and by the end of the flavor, It made a meal for the whole following * year thirteen governments outfit for every day, for three davs, thad officially approved the society's and in my judgment the dish contains purpose. i Want It? Ask your doctor all about Ayer's non. alcoholic Sarsaparilla. ' Then you will wo know whether you want itor not. 'fwark elsewhere. Henry Dunant, a Géneva philanthrop- | of | merey.: The conference that organized THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, '1908. CZ AGAINST Jews IACCUSED OF COUNTENANC. | ING MASSACRES {Pardons the Offenders--Poqrom Organizers Scoff at Judges, Claiming That the Emperor is Their Protector. ' Berlin, Feb. 1. --Startling allega- tiops of the tzar's complicity m the pogroms, which in' the last two or | three Years have led to the massaering i of hundreds of Jews in various parts of Russia, have reached the German- Jewivh Relief League from sources be- Beved 'to be trustworthy. It is stated 'that at an audience hus granted recently to Count Konow- pitzyne, leader of the Odessa branch of the "Genuine Russians Union," the czar said : "dt is true that the, courts, in ac cordance with the str letter of the law, have had to convict certain Jead- ers of anti-Jewish mobs, but I give you my unperial word that none of the sentences . against these heroes shall be carried out." The czar's policy has accorded pex: fectly with this speech. He has issued pardons by the "Wholesale, within a shart time, to men gonvicted of lend ing anti-Semitic outbgeaks. Men recently on trial for organizing pogroms in Orscha shouted to the judges : "Sentence us to anything vou please, the czar is our protector." i i i } | i i i POULTRY ASSOCIATION. J | {No Thanks to the Council--A Small Balance. | Last night there was a large gather- ling of the members of the Kingston = HAmusements # a To-Night and Saturday Night. GREEN =, PICTURE KING Saturday Matinee, 2.30. 1G. + Adults, 15¢. ved Seals, 1be.; Gallery Matives, Children Evening, Heser De. years, Childress under 12 4 sale Seats). Seats now on BIJO 10 am. 10¢, (Rush Open Saturdays, To-day and Saturday we offer two absolutely new films, never before exhibit- ed, from the studios of Pathe Freres, Paris, France, of Motion Pictures. "The Enchanted Forest' Or "THE FLOWER oF YOUTH." This 1s one of those cxquisite svopolic pantomines for which the Pathe Studios are fuapous. It depicts the search by aged women for the enchaned flowers which will renew. their youth, while at eyery step they gre foiled by the demon who guards the flowers from mortal hands The pantomiue ends with magnificent "transiormation scene, "The Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Asso- ciation, at their vooms, on the corner lof Montreal and Princess streets, the {principal business being to hear the {report of Secretary Lyman in connec {tion with the recent show. The sectetary's report showed that ithe association 'was able to pay all prize money in full, pay all the out- standing bills, as well as paying for |the purchase of much new material for [larger show purposes and then leave a ineat balance in the treasurer's hands to carry on the work of the current {vear, The refusal of the council to help {slong ' this. most worthy movement {simply nerved the members to greater | energy in selling tickets, and it had {an influence on the citizens who felt ithe turn-down was shabby treatment jon the part of the mayor and those {who 'supported him in refusine the {small amount of $25, so that the door receipts were beyond what the most sanguine anticipated. A vote of thanks to all the busi- ness men who so freely ~ave special prizes was unanimously passed, and tall who worked so hard to make the show a success came in for their just amount of praise. All the work of building coops was done by the meni- bers themselves after their hard day's The birds were a cre dit to the ones] and when it is' ve. membered that most of them are own- ed aud bred hv local workinemen, it makes the eredit the more richly de- served, The association is encour aged to go on to greater things in the future. One brief year ago this association was a struecline concern, with scarcely a dozen members; and not a dollar in its treasury To-day {it has a large membership, ~ood as- sets in the form of property essential to public exhibits, and money in its treasury after conductin~ practically {three shows in one vear, and this {time paving out in prizes over $300 {besides the specials, valued at another $100. All this is due to the enthu- siasm of the men who are in this lo- cal organization, and who love the pets they breed hevand their intrinsic value. The association is ~rateful io the press for its aid in giving publi vity to all its proceedines. HAS A CONFESSION That Pigeon Was the Thief. Moantreal, Feb. 14.-- The peace and erown office, at the court house, was robbed of $1,700 in December, and A. Hobekia, a Syrian iterpreter, ae cused. He appeared before the king's bench on a charge of being the thael. Jo A: St. Julien, his lawyer, an- nounces that he bas recived a econ fession from a-convict mt St. Vincent de Paul, that he committed the rol bery, This man is George Pigeon, wi was recently sentenced to seven years' imprisonment oun various charg- es of robbery and forgery. Pigeon had only completed a five years' sen- tence a short time before, and soon resorted to his old tricks. Mr. St. Julien is going to investigate the con- fession. George Fifty Years In Service. Windsor, Ont., Feb. 14,-- Magistrate Alexander Bartlett, last night, com- pleted his fiftieth year of public ser Vice in this city, having been appoiut- ed clerk on February 13th, 1538. H has werved as police magistrate since 1878, and has also rounded out a hali a century as an elder of St. Andrew's Preshyterian church being the only sur- ¥iving member of the twenty-nine charter members of the church. Mr. Bartlett was horn in A ire, Scotland, and is in his cighty-seventh year, . Record Railway Building. linnipeg, Feb. 11.14 is announced that the Grand Trunk Pacific line will almost certainly be into ing sum- i to surpass the world's record of railway 'building es- tablished by the company last season. New Role For Ralsull. London, Feb. 14.-1t i that there is a Broa end the bandit, who held Kaid dor seven months, Meloan, a variety stage . in appeating on the Triumph of Youth Wo also offer a fanciful and picture, "The Artistic Rag Pickers" John Robert Pavis sings at every per- formance. The Bijou shows only the newest and freshest pic- tures, 5 CENTS-- gmusing THE. HOUSE OF HITS; Vaudeville nd Life Pictures NEW FILMS, 3 Subjects (Pathe), "Earthenware Factory, Brittany" A very realistic soene, showing "the process of its mpufecture from the we- Kimming mcluding drying and, dipping, and favisbing its last touches with beautiful band painted decorations. "Funny Faces' sl competitions of ugly sud grotesque faces tnfore o commission. 'The winner in crowned had receives gold medal, "Bewitched Son-in-Law" This is a side splitter--so heward/ Song-- "SHE'S MY GIRL," subg by Kingston's' Favorite Baritone, VAUDEVILLE Jahn I, Mak, Singing Comin amd Sketch Artist. TO-DAY amd TO-MORROW J. W. C. SPARKS, Mgr. Hockey Match Senior Intercollegiate. McGill vs. Queen's FRIDAY, FEB, 14th. Refined Motion Dasicing, Clrangy Game called ot SED PI, | Hoe: Gents, Ladies, Admission, Admission Reserved Seats, 23c. and G0c. Plan opens for sale of seats, Fel. 14th, iLL TOBE DEPORTED ARRESTED IN DETROIT BY INSPECTORS. A Woman Secured Her Childpen in Chatham Drove Through - the Cold Wegther and Finally Got Into Detfoit, Chathupm, Out. keh. HA despatch from Detroit, Mich, says Mrs. Bessie Rumbell, who kidoapped her two chil- dren Hazel, aged séven, and Winifred. aged five, from the Children's Aid so- ciety, in Chatham, on Friday last, and drove from Chatham to Robert's Len. ding, nearly twenty miles, in an open wagon, with the thermometer hoy ering around the zero mark, and thei drove across the St. Clair, river Ee the Mi- thigag side, was Rerssted, ¢ wight, and locked up at the Central Station by immigration inspectors. With Mes. Rumbell were found her husband, , Al- bert, who arrived in Detroit, Jast night, and Miss Lizzie Siddle; aged twenty-one, who . landed in Detgoit about three months ago. The ingpecs tors say all will be deported, : t oy 5 An Underhand Scheme, A section of the board of works af eredited with having evolved a very clever scheme, 'hat one aot creditable to them. I it sees the limelight, thers may be some cracking of kuhoklbe. Some underhand work is reported, and "also some vere' Gofair tactics. Those who are at the botiom of the matter may be too ashamed to put themselves on record. : The Baker Fund. G. F. Fortt, $3; "B", 5; blank, $2. Mrs. A. Shaw, $2; Freda, $1: Mrs Do SL Mes. Gwillym, S15 Mrs, Mer rett, $i: Javemy Taylor $1: We W., He; Mes, M., She. / N. M. 82; Charles Andre (laborer), the world's greatest makers | " «{HAIR, WONDERLAND The People's Forum. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING t RATES rest insertion lc. ¢ word. Each com i secutive insertion thereafter half cent } a word. Lin charge for ome in i sertion, 25e. ! HELP WANTED-MALE, {Boy 10 PRINTING trade, LEARN THE i Apply Whig office. i [ADDRESS OF A | artesian well driller, i r { i CONPETE ox NT Wing office. : HELP WANTED-FEMALE, APPLY IA GOOD KITCHEN WOMAN, 207 William street. ONCE. COOK, AT Mrs, Mc three Apply Ewily St. {GOOD PLAIN Family of Parland, 2 REFERENCES RE- A PLAIN COOK: Ap quired ; wo washing or ironing piy Mrs. Hewsming, 31 Kang St. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- ce, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. BENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345; : ------------------------------------------ POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corper Be and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 2132, i WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mabood's Dry store, coraer Pri sad Bago streets. Katrance on Bagot street, 'Phone, 608. BOARD AND ROOMS. COMFORTABLE FRONT with Mrs. Roche, 80 Arch St. ; conveniences and howe. come LARGE room, modern forts MARRIAGE LICENSES. | 6. 8. KIREPATRICK, ISSUER 0 Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. PERSONAL, BIRTHMNARKS perio anently years experi MOLES, ete. removed Without sear Twenty ence. Dr. Filmer J. Lake, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. warts, | | [ALL LEADING ADVERTISERS TAKE space in the Whig, and stick te it. HOW DRUGS ARE TESTED, Chickens : 1 Ergotine Tried on Digitalis on Frogs. A lot of sorry-looking chickens, dogs and cats loafed in the black, ill-smell- ing yard of the great chemical plant "We use these animals to test our drugs on," said the chemist. "They come mn very handy. They mare than warn their board. "Ergative is a trug 'we test on olviek- ens. It is a simple test, HH a dose of ergotine fails to turn a chicken's comb black we know that the drug is, for some reasoir or 'other, worthless. "Hasheesh we test. on doge. Has hess is made of female hemp buds; | male hemp buds have no mediciaal | value, yet some dishonest dealers put { male buds om the market, and since | they resemble the femals buds pre save by an actual test. Dogs, given hasheesty, get drunk and happy if the stuff is good "Digitalis, the heart stimulant, is tosted 'on frogs. We inject a 'drop of it into a frog's stomach and in the kymograph, or heart recording (machine, we study the changes * shat [Thus we get a very accurate knowl tedge of what our digitalis ean do. "bo selves ? mists have [have gone we ever test drugs on our Oh, yes, indeed, often. Chie Jost their lives, chemists incurably insane through on their own persons." Learned A Better Lesson. London Express. | led with the Chemical Institute, which jeelebrated its thirtieth anniversary re- |! cently by a banquet, there are some Iwho are gifted with a sense. of humor | , {much appreciated by their pupils. | "Gentlemen," said one old professor {on a certain occasion J you du not ake your faculties of ob [servation."" Tere he pushed forward a Mgalfipot containing a chemical [pound of exceedingly ofiensive "When | was a student," he contion- ed, "1 used my sense of taste." At the same time he dipped his fingers inte | the gallipot and put his finger in his mouth. "Taste it, gentlemen, taste it,"" said the professor, "and exbroise your perceptive powers." The gallipot was pushed toward the reluctant class one by one. The stn dents resolutely dipped a finger' into the concoction and with many a wry face sucked the abomination frém the rH. "Gentlemen, gentlemen !" exclaimed the professor, when all the class had gone through the ordeal, "I repeat that yon do not use vour facufties of observation, for, had you looked more closely "at ' what | was doing, you (Would have soen that the finger which bi- put into 'my mouth way not the finger that I dipped isto the galiipot." Up Against It. Eoodon Mall. At an inquest at Ipswich on Beker, aged sixtesis, a carpenter, is was stdted that be had heen in re eeipt of 2a. 6d. (sixty conts) per week John for but Tyohenes offohr cents} of this we Try Bibby's special $2 hats, , Brigadier General Hears Carroll, 17. SA, vetived, a 8 . chiedd Be: Bors. George Kuapp, $1. © bs 3 A. C. 5 : pat is in Colorado 5. Colo. ater a otic linea, Bee Bibby's new works like Eye, Ear, | cisely it is impossible to deteot them | {take place in the frog's heart action. | [too rash a bravery in testing 'drugs | Among the many professors conuect- | to his classy, | com. | smell | nothing else to live! heonuse a r upon, except assistance i a married Ld ean't soften sister, whose husband is ont of work, | He had steadfastly refused to ente the! ili orkhouse i {ince to the razer." WANTED-GENERAL, FOR COLLEGH Appiy AT ONUE, TEACHER ate ork, in private schoul, wt this otfice, CARPET 233 Welting- at Drury's UPHOLSTERING AND work, by R. W. Millard ton St. Orders taken Coal office. wiTHoOuT Ke POBRiQ teas EN nN . Appia corrLe wife 10 ta drive MARRIED cumbrance Cook, mas to 10 18 Rideay gp ------------------------------ Br ------ A JOB CLEANING ASHES QUT OF Yards or cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices right. Ap#i te > Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. IMMEDIATELY, BY YOUNG COUPLE with one child, cogmiort sHYng room ust have modern ¢ piy by letter to \ 169 Union St GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEI Overcoats and have them pressed and , also get a new yeivet collar on, it thew like new. Prices right. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock St, next ta Bibby's livery. WAGGONS, PURNL any article for stor h, year, or any way information, CARRIAGES, ture, Pianos, or age, by the mont! required, For further SPAIY to Laturney"s Carriage Works, gus and 392 Prigcess St. 'Thome, 53. OR BEFORE MAY 1st nice locality, between RBroc Victoria School ing-room, kitchen, remt. Yearly with particulars, Box office, HOUSE ON and suitable. ALS SITUATIONS VACANT. TO LEARN MEN AND WOMEN ad u- barber trade in eight weeks; ates earn twelve to eighteen jollare weekly ; belp secure posiliuns ; cate Jogue free. Moler larber College, Queen and Spadina, Toronto. MONEY AND BUSINESS, PUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Ewporium, Mark- ot Square, | MVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | Fire Insurance Company, Available mesets $61,187,215 In addition to | whic the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- | | perty imsured af lowest possible | rates Before renewing old or giving | | Rew business get rates from Strange | & Strange, Agents, "Phone, 508, | THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT| REV. CW. CASSON. | Faith. be hele The Fuller fie Unitarian services to the City Hall next Sunday [held in any scetarian interest, or fereate debate or disagreement tare held for the purpose of Fthot amid all the surge and chaos of fehanging belief and dying creed there are truths that abide, a faith that grows the more strong, and reli {gon that becomes move real and vi ital. The old dies only to give Ae to the pass' that victions hold sway Doubt, rest, unfaith, are i {hopeful signs of now religious life and | finterest. City Hall, Sunday, are showing a pl new reeds cot may ur to be recoguirnd as 161} Feb Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for free | | liter=iure. A ALAATA A A KS ACA 24420020400 004F04S YOUR CAKE DRIE UP QUICKLY Your Baking Powder aled with Ammonia gredicnts which are J i health and are nw manuiaclurers simply to the cost of the Powder crease the profits Housekeepers who Couper's' Pure Baking Powder Get & Pure Cream. of Tarta Baking Powder, gw that will keep sweet In any weather god a ways te wholesome. % 'D. Couper, PURE FOO OROCERIES 8 841-3 Princess St. I is adulter r Al i { Use "Phone, IS THAT SO? | I dW not know that Teach bed taker Ivor alter's Auctioneerivg aod Furni- | | ture Luwiness, 58 Rrock St I must send him uy things to sell, he is prompt and nttentive Seated Cutter Heaters, Winchestor Rifle, Store - Fittings, | Clothing, etc. on hand. Book exchange. | Upholstering done ? { Why Razors Get Tired. "Do you know why we dip a razor | jin. warm water before we begin sha mg, and do you know why ig: | jaorant men say A PAZOr is "tired" 7 | |asked the barber. "Welt, this is all | {due to the fact that a ragor is a saw, | inot a kale, and it works like a sa, | foot like a knife. Examined un jthe microscope ite edge, that looks %0 smooth to the naked eye, is wen | HOH Candidate PAGE THREE. LOST. er Part of city to Whig ot HANDBAG Ming * Wasi on Thurs SIX Foor SHOW CASE, AT Mediey's Drug Stor BUILDING LOTS FROM $35 UP. Me Canon's Ileal state Oilice, O1 Breck #lreety 1907 EDISON KENETISCOrE, i two 800 and oue S500 gal, Steel Apply Capt, Royw, are Steamer Aloths. ONE THEATRE, reasons apply PICTURE town. GO I particulars, MOVING vod live wont Q SOLID 1 Lit VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Double house, om Jobmson street, the property of the late Joseph Ja or son, now used as 4 dwellihg and a iumtber's shop. . Apply ta Messrs, Walkem & Walkem. TO-LET. OFFICES, 81 Broek STOHES McCanu's, DWELLINGS, Storage, ete; street, FURNISITED RESIDENCH ity Park, 8 rom hot nace; telephone, $85 per Canny 61 Brock St NE, 209 ALFRED occupied by FProl, ming aa fe A FURNISHE} y HHOt nit THE BEST PAPER 1 est for' the advertiser ---------- v-- 1 ELECTORS OF FRONTENAC WARD. LADIES AND GEN "LEMEN 1 ress t AY de rina for A S. A. AYKROYD Frontenac Ward. AND OG enpoct fu LADIES ENTLVEMEN Faithfully ¥ Frank J MONDAY, . Hoag Fet 1 THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Pros pertiost Musdcipal end ares; Mortgages received and interest ali 8B. C. McGill, Managing Director, New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 am, to 8 wm, the best place to get an all round Lunch ig the city. Meals of ail kinds on shortest notice. Fpglish snd Chinese dishes uo specialty. 'Phone, Wm. Murray, Auctioreer New Carriages, Cutters, Harness 655. 27 BROCK ST. [10" have ianimersble--und fine saw ote for sale. lteeth. When these teeth get vlogged | jwith dirt'all the honing and strapping ! in the world will do no. good--the ra- | {ror is dull dnd nothing will sharpes | fit. Then is the time the ignorant | {say it is "tired" and stop using it, | {but the wise know it is anly clogged | i "The wise, though, don't suffer their | jrazors to get clogged. They dip them | i from the guardians, aml had paid all lin warm water before they wie theo, | iand thus the teeth are kept clean. I | aror is a saw that lather | the beard, as so many | le think, "I stiffens 3, <0 that it | present a firm and tesisting surt i itm | Save A Second, Waste A Month. | A Ere Tisoes. ! veteran of the civil | } A wise rule for wveryone is to iske time in alighting ferme a street car. Better be slow about' it than spend a in the 'hospital ---- ---- } meses air Sale o! Horses every Saturday. WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Lit: and Saves Much, Good Variety af STRACHAN'S. "CHILDREN'S CLASSES | In Pancil and Charcoal Sketching The Complon Studio, 66 Bernd St, Lesson, 23, Per R. C. CARIIVE, Of B.Y. Art benool. --. OF Mroas a. wort dooce in way of Hot Heading. oo Fiuming

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