Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1908, p. 2

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2 meso { Hard Times Does. EN --. "13th February Furniture & Car. pet Sale. regitar vie BH router dein fein ? Fed aond Fide rin ®ih, regia to LY regular rodined to #19, oa fvis regular poducnd to regular rivtucusd to #ia, $15.50 Cabinets To match, reduced in sume proportion CAHPETS this fuie Howie Prices "Wa have sold mors Carpet winter than hEse ute fof vou in any one winter be indicainents that make took jndg thewn Sale to ¥ vouns, T, F, HARRISON CO PHONE 90. Our Wire Mat impor- tation from Cérmany has arrived. The Mats are suitable for inside or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather. We Have All Sizes from 60c. R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. The Phoenix Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher Endorsed by the Lemding I Gompanies, wlopted by he U. 8 Gov ernment and fr ineipe" dill' Railromds, flotein, wie, roughout the U, 8, and a realy, sontein 1 ie always sonteine 0 "elsendentn, which rhs a8 much ~~ . fee, will not. frveee oF clog. Price, 80 Agents wanted, DAWSON & STALEY, 017 Princess Ht. Kingston. High Ursde Planos st Hving rrices Ficive Talkitge Machines ou easy pay menia, : Not Effect a Life Insurance y / Becks and Bonds are sub Jeet to a decline. | order, of winning were never better, i i RJ, VAR 1S PRESIDENT AGAIN HEAD AD OF COUNTY! REFORM ASSOCIATION. Officers Belected at Meeting Held on the Annual Saturday jsnather year | Emith, fixe } i Fane me, anc will ih Routh ( ¥ oi the hone beim, in electing THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, Pediord, U A W Kaapp. » wridur, {inchs aoke Hay, Keni toithers Allan der Iarogudon North Fis tshurgh Be Webley fin ¢ thanked the members wr they bad conferred hit president He sol friw ro expres Afternoon--Addresses By. Ex. for the expression of confidence placed Mayor Mowat and Dr ardsoh. In spite of the inclement there wae a good attendance at the anus] meeting of the County ol Frontenac Helovm Association, held m the Whig hall, on Saturday after noon. The roads condition as =» rain, and many ing present, were #1 home. The president, was in the chair, with retary, J, Keennn sent. Addresses' wers given hy provident, Ex-Mavor Mowat and Ur Richardson. The main portion of the business was the election of officers By a unanimous vote, RB. J. Vair was #dgnin elected president, and the meet ing paid a warm (rihute to his good | work ns the hend of he association Altar the meeting had been called to the president called upon Ex Mayor Mowat, who touched upon some political matters and urged organization. He said that be hoped | that the meeting would elect an exe result of the heavy had intended he compelled to stay R. J, Yair, the * sees als pre who cutive of equal strength as the execu] tive which had carried on the work | the past year. He considered that the association was indeed very fortu nate in Me. Vair, for the head of the associa tion, the past three vears. He express od the wish that should it be neces sary to put a new man into the office, that he'be a man of the same calibre | as Mr. Vair, and that he enter into the work with the same enthusinem displayed by that officer Continuing, Mr, Mowat said Rich | were in a terribie | strong | securing such a fine man as | fin him {deny ® to mn or { plared weather, | that weirs would en d the tras nd stated he prove w him, AYEROYD OR HOAG ? Which The ae aki ward, candidate | workers | (il was ex | he pitied i | vassed the ward nearly a wa | opponent over it again on be had a | doctor a fnjorit ¥ he Lod a close far their | supplied | will be kr fing, and | may meeting 1 B. wi sok, { Bre {ton, | ele, | Burrows, |8ille, J. le ole, Ht o.. ANNIVERSARY there was ho question bat that there | would be an eleetion for the provio cial legislature in June next, Now was the time to get everything in readi nesg for the battle, Asito the election? Hee not looked until November at least. look for it hen, but it come off, No one appeared to know just when this election would be held fhe prime minister himself, did not yet know as to when it would be in the best joleresis 81 the people, to oall for an election. One thing was dertain, and that was that it would not be until November, There was no need to select a egndidate right away, and he would suggest that this mat ter be left with the committes, with instructions for that body, to take into their consideration, the calling of a meeting for the purpose of select ing a eandidate, in due time. The conservatives, the speaker said, were not a happy family, at the pre gent time. They were fighting amon themuelves, He urged that the best candidates be secured, and that there be strong efforts put forth for organs imation. The independent vote, which had turned to the conservative side, flow turned in favor of the liberals, and this would be sulficiont to turn the Whithey government out. Mr. Bor: den had started owt with a great flourish of teumpets, with a platform of some eleven planks, but now all these had been dropped, and the polis ey of scandal and slander had heen taken up. It had been found to work out good with the Ross government, andit 'was considered that it would work the samp way with the Domin- ion government.,!| There had been found no grounds to substantiate the insinuations made. The recent sean duals had been brought on with the idea of an investigation not being held before the elections. Those who had voted for the cleaning of the ship of state, and had voted the Whit. fey govergment to power, were now ready, and very enthusiastic to turn the Whithey government out "There will be two elections to light under the executive you select today." said Mr. Mowat, "and your chances By care , and them on fully regarding the men you select then after yon have them, give your loyal support." Me. Mowat reviewed the political is sues in a very aeltresting manner, and on taking his seat wos loudly ap planded, Pr. Richardson was asked to speak and responded in a most fitting wan. nor, He remarked that the reformers of Frontenac had wen carrying an honoralile banner, and that banner had been oarvied by honorable mea. Tri bute was pakd the retiving president of the assaciation for his good work Now officers were about to be elected and the speaker would urge that the men selected be men of honor and in togrity. 'There was no reason why the reformers should not have repre sentatives in both houses of parlia. ment. Theres were some people who had not yet had their eyes opened, bit they would soon see. The speaker reviewed the political KMatory of the provibes, referring to the conditions at the last election. The eves of the whole world, he de: dared, had been turned on Sie Wilirid Laurier and his work, And why was this ¥ Because everppne loved him for hie honesty and integrity. war a man who lived for his country. Nit Wikirkd had himsel} stated |HELD when take Montreal; ( Mars Robert Will Be the Frontenac Ward Winner, election in outen ¢ Both aumber = of morning, snd wonld We ohn his wen lermanie to-day, # had a was gute {ively large mizy from early ported thal a big vol Pe. Aykroyd had ne well who mayor, "0 that dental ¥. J. Hoag, had OR the present un Advantage nnd peeasion, ovor the Hoag's supporters looked for y of fifty to seventy Avkrovd's workers anticipat wl chance was well The result this even from with a go sith antes election man Fach with conves sown by six o'clock the winner, Hl he his sent the city wo hours later chooaes, at compel A. \. Hotel Arrivals. R. E. Hart, W. Casson, KR. Hilton, N. H, Mue Turner, PP. Marks, B. F. J. B. Mackenzie, Frank F A. Hewitt, Toronto | A. RWWA. A Pod P ) Brien, M, AT "BROCK ! f CHURCH SUNDAY. Domin: | for | We might might not | Rev. Dr. Forn Both Bunday Brock sir the sermo by Rev. | former p to its ut wera mons at filled has and to it in midst. Y a bright Crummy mons, music, At the Crummy | othy, without the flesh, ofl angels, The course temptatio and how t ter, they wou though life. to tellal battle wa was mani Wheat Be. Cracked He 950. | White cornmeal, Be, Th. 8 Ibe. | for "that 2%, Gold Dust cornmeal, for 25¢ 6 Ihe. for uAre. Sa REV. was present congregation morning and service the seating capacity utiable Crummy preached the anniversary ser on that occasion the church was many w chapter controversy tory of godliness; believed on in the world, into glory' speaker of People were but as they they lost everything in Parhaps to do what w Wheat flakes, 5¢. 1h All fresh and crisp. Collins av buckwheat flour, Se. Th; Paney Wont India molasses, We, a at of Toronto, Preaghes Crummy, ver Pastor, Services, EBER CRUMMY, D.D was anniversary day at oot Methodist church, and ne of the day were preached J. Crummy, of Toronto, a adtoF, Rev. T. E. Burke for both services, Fhe was very large, both evening. At the latter was taxed a number sents Dr and quite soci most, to and al=o this church last, year, overflowing. Pr. Crummy arm friends in Kingston, indeed a great pleasure for him to visit here and preach in thei esterday the services were of and helpful nature h delivered two eloguent ser The choir rendersd appropriate ' evening sery 1a Wev Ir weached from the text 1 Tim 1, 16th verse "And great the my« God wie manifest in seen 1 justified in the pint, preached unto the Gentiles, received up referred, during the his sermon, to the many ne in one's life to do wrong hese temptations were faced often faced with dicas looked toward God, Il promise to be true, even this 1 was the templation "Thove was determination was right, and thes the The religions power we. ® Won, fonted, -------- New Food Arrivals Warley crisps, Be 8 Ihe. for Be Th: 6 Ihe. for 6 lhe. lpr fh: kernels, Je. wheat, Se. Ih; Be. Ih. 8 Tbe 6 he. for Be. er. a At © iors sort, At The Grand Opery Opera The attendance at the' ing pictures nt The Grand House, on Savitday w House. nove Opera t, was the , every seat RB. V. Peters THE SPORT REVIEW QUEEN'S It AND VARSITY II THIS EVENING. The 14th Régiment Team Plays St. Georges in Toronto Morrow--Lalton and Fine Play in New York. Clacen's Hl and Varsity 11 will meet here this evening in the first game of the Gnas for the intercollegiate inter mediate championship. Jucen"s are in good {oem and should be to win ¥ har will line up as fol Gon), Donahue; point, Hazlett; Lockett. rover, Grange: centre, Meikle; wings, Beaton and George The return game willbe played Foronto on Ssturda " Fd Mills' 4 able team cover, « rn s Mills And Daljon In New York. Drs. "Dick" Mills and George Dal ton, of Kingston, are doing most of the work for the New York Athletic Club hockey teum They have only attained real good form, and are vertainly making the Yankees sit up and take wotice, Their team stands second the jeague, and may win ont. Francis Woodworth, formerly of the Toronto Mail-Fapire, who is lo- vated in Brooklyn, writes that if See retary W A Maclnnes, of Queen's Athletic Associatign, cold only see Mills and Dalton now. would surely find some 'way to get them back to Queen's to take a post-graduate or pedagogy Course, so as to have their aid in giving his old énemy, Varsity, a trimming that would reduce its pom pgs airs Acehrding to the New York papers, Mills, when ruled off, not sent to the fence for rough work, but for drop- ping his stick and eatching the puck, Ihe New York Hockey League has adopted a rule whereby a gonl-keeper who drops his stick may be ruled off, This was a bard at the ex Queen's goal keeper, the rule was wholly ount. Richard had a liking for dropping his 'and catching the puck like a He saved many goals there. allowed, in must ime now ' he is slap for made on his no plways stick hasohall Catehing the puck is Canadian bockey, hut it mediately dropped (not thrown), S------------ Eastern Hockey? Ottawa defeated Victorias in Mon. treal, Naturday evening, by 10 to 4, after a hard struggle. Wanderers won in Quebe I'he championship of the Eastern League will rest between Wan devers and Ottawa, the decisive game to be played in Montreal. The league standing is hy be Won OLtawa 6 Waid rors ! Mhamrocks Victorias Quobhee Montreal Lost To Play "4 a The 14th For Toronto. The 14th will leave Tuesday noon fon where: they will meet St. Georges in the first game to decide the winners of the district, The team hae not had a practice since the last game, but is in good shape. The team will likely be the same as played on Wednesduy might last ¢ Goal, His cock: point, Powell; cover, Vanhorn; rover, Crawford; eontre, Pernier, wings, Kennedy and Richardson Taoronta, Mic-Macs va. Royals. The Mic-Maes and Rovals will clash at the Royal rink on Tuesday nivht, in the NA HA, ries, This same will be one of the Best of the vear, an cach team has won nll ite games and the winners this match will likely land the silverware of Sporting Notes. The Royal Toronto, Canadian vacht elub, of has a membership of 1.436, Chaneer" Elliott refereed the Otta wa: Victoria hockey match in Montreal Saturday night, France will send a full team to the Olympic games, haviog settled all friction, England will hold her Olympic elim- on Looks as though the weather man was going to continue to hand out real cold weather. Better prepare yourself and invest in a Fur or Fur-hia- rf Poses in 1908. - ---- March April th at twenty miles, match between Schae nnd for the 15.1 championship, fof Hoppe recently challenged, will off on March iat trinls 21st at tweniy mile The Hoppe which be brought 1th. 11th, Winnipeg bonspicl i238 rinks eastern rink beat Patton 12 to 7 in in LUhicago, Las in atiendanes, The in Fluvelle of Lindsay of the Assinahoines the Dingwall competition Toronto Telegram . Guess Longboat can heat Shrub running all right, but if it ever came to 5 letter-writing contest the Onondaga should be al lowed two iypetsriters and an inter preter, Deutacher Sport, man government vear-old stallion, man Southwest that colony the English-bred of Volosca, laser was racehorse, only He vy Ger fou Ger: The the Vienna is sending Kevelaer, to Africa, for stad pur Kevelaer is by stallion Jovial, out Although a winner, Kove: rather disappointing as a --- Accident To A Cutter, A local hotel-keaper, lover of fast horses, and who owns one or two just for his own amusement, had quite a lively time on Sunday afternoon. He and another young man, ihriving a fast one, were speeding out street, when, near the Athletic the hotelman's cutter eanght in the street ear rails, and the rubner was bent in under the sleigh. Theo cutter tipped over and the man's wife and himself were thrown out the slush and dragged some distance. Pesidesx hav ing their clothes ruined, no Very seri: ous damage was sustained. The horse wns unhitched from the cutter and Jedd home behind another sleigh Union Grows, m Appointed Commissioner. George Hentig has been appointed license commissioner for Kingston, in the place of ¥. J. Hoag ------------ oT. ANDREW'S CHURCH THE 104TH ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED YESTERDAY. Rev. Dr. Smith, of St. Catharines the Preacher--#e Urged the People Not to Sit and Watch, But to Work. The eighteenth anniversary of = the new church, or the one hundred and fourth anniversary of Nt. Andrew's, was celebrated on Sunday. The pul pit was occupied hy Rev. G H Smith, D.D., 8t. Catharines, at both services, The church was filled both 'morning and evening. In the evening Dr. Smith chose his text from Mat thew xxvii, -36 "And sitting down they watched Him there." ! The preacher said that these were used on the day Uhrist was eru ecified, It was a great event to the citizens' when three criminals were to be executed together. 'They saw only three criminals, not the greatest tra gedy of the world, After the prison. ers had been nailed te the cross the Roman soldiers formed a cirvle around them, and sitting down. watched them there, "Thix seems un very cold blooded statement," said Dr. Smith, "Phey sat down thers perfectly indiffer ent as to what happened to thos dying on the cross." "What do you suppose these diers saw ? | can see what they You can see in the representations of the crucifixion that artists have given us; you see in the faces around you, : them in anxious expres These men words ssol saw as vou study ston of their countenance saw more than is pourtrayved in the pie tare. They saw the criminals, and their hearts delighted as they saw the three men dying on the Now what should they have asked Ir. Smith. They could have world's redemption. They may heard of Him hefore, they must hearil of Him raising the dead, ing the sick. They might have their own man who that their's the life lasting." The speaker went they were merely had watched many others, doing thing one way or the other, nothing to rescue or nothing to torture By virtue of Christ's relation to humanity He everything that feel The tonsa of thousands present church members are the as the Roman soldiers of long Ago, merely sitting down to watch Him. Surely He deserves better treatment It not helping the churches, the missions, the Sunday schools or any thing, but mers ly sitting down to watvh" Him En Het in the church of God and do something towards ite building." The church of God would ever stand. © The work of the church of God, going on day by day, rested with the present God was the foundation and the pre. sont members are the workmen, We are adding tier upon ther to His construction. We have just passed a» wonderful year, the church and the mhesions had been greatly helped. In closing the speaker said that seventy. seven por cent. of the chureh memipers offer no service to God, leaving only twenty three por cont. as workmen, The ker called on his hearefs to rise Cross seen 7 seen the have have heal wen died ever a ht be souls, mig that they no on to say watching as feels we of same i" ed Overcoat. By taking ad- vantage rom 15 to e sell ~ You can save 50 per cent. off ing prices, {ment in realistic illustration up and work, and not to sit down and merely watch Him, Grace Merritt Coming. "When Knighthood Was in Flower," which comes to the Grand on Satur day, Feb. 2nd, is one of thos charming plays which plegses not only by reason of & romantic love story, but also by its picturesque and gor- grous costuming and sownic envirom of the days when all was chivalty, bravery and beauty. Ota Grace Merriet pd starring as © " the wii ful th winsome a rs while Joseph Salman appears ax "Charles Brandon," fover. In Miss Merritt's sup ee, company of over twenty play. ore are found a number i at artists well known here through former appear ENON, I --_------ H. Conningham, piano tuner from ws. Rave Ee ot, Me "CRITICISM DI DEFENDED ITISA COMMUNION WITH THE SAINTS. ---- Rev, Profi. Jordan Applies It Zechariah Concerning Young Man With the Measur ing Rod In the ongregation as hall, vester An unusually laree sembled ln Convocation day afternoon, when Rev. Prag. Jor dan, D.D., delivered the weekly dreds, speaking from the opens ver sew of the second chapter ol Zechariah whith recount the prophet s vimon of a-young man with a measuring line in his hand. The people were wont to ridicule the prophets of 3.000 years sgo--to woll at them as poets who Lhad nothing ia common with men of affairs. Zechariah was m prophet who had been endowed with the git of ex pressing himsel in clear amd simple language and his pictures or illustra the interpretation of which we were clear to the people fo understand these must put them back places and in this consisted criticiam, whith was but an attempt to hrush away the dust and perceive clearly that which we sought to understand. The gnestion quently' asked Why should we ble ourselyves with the past; con ourselves with the utterances of the prophets who had Tivesd © 3,000 years ago ? 'The reply bad been ad vanced by science even more emphati- cally than by theology----the present grows out of the past. And our re version to the writings of the ancient prophets brought us into contact with men of devotion and uprightoess in ahort, . criticism was communion with saints Zecharinh saw a vision of a man with a line hand. This vision was emploved hy the prophet to meet the mathemati cal typ which demands pre else statistics and he man in the vision was a youns man and the young man looked the future he delighted things presented to him in an ate and clear-cut fashion But broad sea of life this minuti would not be of such importance the young mind was -seeustomed attach to it Now, must apply the of the prophecy to modern times, Had the been fulfilled ? A pro phet was not a man enabled. to peer mto the future, he simply the faculty of penetrating to the heart of the present. The Jews would have enjoyed a great measure of prosperity had they paid more attention to God and righteousness and them selves less concerning such matters as city walls. The prophecy, regarding the dispensing with Jerusalem's walls, had been fulfilled, literally an the Jews were shortly alterward scatter ed shroad throurhout foreign lands Hut the prophecy had been fulfilled in an infinitely broader Jerusalem did not now mean the wall ed city in the land of Palestine, but it was rather the idea, the trath apd the life, and about Jertusslem in this sense there were nwsaredly na walls. Modern society had entirely dispen. sed with walls, Fer example, Canada had erected no walls or fortifications on the thousands of miles of American frontier This was due to the fact that, although the nations of the earth had not yet attained - perfect. peate, there now existed amoug. them a greater community of life than had No great thing could be fry wall, and it any sect to attempt to mono new idea of truth, mind's wd ons, find difficult, of his own day illustrations we in their original was fre trou why cern " young Measuring in his of mind, monsurements aver "to in having fn accur in the ACCUracy as to we principle prophecy orsesred worried sense For ns, fedn, now enclosed n fons for pol.7e any an element idea of the was Use which contained for example, the influence the body. The of a would sunly De the and death of everything within it, hence no church should to wevitably fatal practice encircled the kingdom of was to all. Kingston's penitentiary was a walled city in which were coulined had shown by their were unfit to be fellows ish walls it for over ervetion wall followed by stagnation and this wall resort No Gand, whic) free many who that they at large among then I ban sphere heeds wok of in society we activity from our to proclaim actions that there was in life which fits man for wall, Jesus did not visitations to one particular people or loeality, but journeyed among peoples with perfect he was billed God, We 'should never ger for that glorious would be ours only nel of unselfishness and purity and the treading of the narrow path which led to righteousness, God the New Jerusalem city knew no walls. on that beyond was us us service every restrict hi MANY Hnpunity fw the gilt of ase to cause with oe hun hibwrty, throug! which v the chan and a ich rp------ Walks n Bad Condition After three days' thaw, accompan ied by much rain, the weather changed on Saturday evening, when mow be gan to fall. "The walks covered to the depth of a couple of inches. Un Sunday the thermometer registered ton degrees below freeing. A large number of the walky are in terrible condition after the thaw. Two of the worst the city corporation are respon. sible for, those running along the city park on King street and Park avenue Yesterday, people had difficulty, in making thei way over thet, deep pools being in a couple of places, The snow on the ovicket field has over the long walk there. Many citizens failed (0 dig trenches along. side their walks during the thaw As a result the <osh remained and pow is frozen in & nasty way were Corn Cure That Cures. Peck's Corn Salve cures corns, not sometimes, bul always. M back of it doesn't. Cures any kind of corns quickly and thoroughly. In big boxes, , Be, at Wade's drug store, Geo to Cooke's church, Tuesday even Pictures' and "A Trip Le. and 15e, SILVER DEPOSIT | WARE. Is the applying of "Pure Silver' in lacy flower-like de signs, to the surface specially prepared iridescent glass and China. The nove ties are all new consisting of Vases, Violet Holders, Flow- er Baskets and Cologmes. ot Nothing is prettier as a gift and the prices are very moderate. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage For those who are im need of Thigh Grade Furs We are making big redo tions on our entire stock and w advise those Intending to day to what wa are oflering dn Men's Haco Coats Ladies' Ladies' Persian Lamt Jackets: Bocharan Jackets Ladies' Astrachon Jackets Rufls, Stoles and Muffy W, F. GOURDIER, Exolunive Furrier 78 and 80 Brock St 'Phone, TOO, 18, Get rid of |i quickly as X sible. It's expensive dangerous and troublesome heep it Nothing will take it #0 quickly or it 80 and thoroughly Mathieu's Syrup Tar & Cod © liver Qil Large bottle, 35e¢., Don't Waste Time Curing That Cold. away cure completely a of For Fever dg take Mathieu Syrup with Mathieu's Nervine Powders. They reduce the fever and banish all aches and pains ish ©« From all déalers, 85 cents larwe bottle 28¢. large box, 8 powders. Jo L MATHIEN MONEY iN CANARIES Boge profialie than dvi ag ob apr, 8 tox packet Bik Dh J n. 4nd Bid Maghirine pr Katanded i you b any ths Write wi beter COTTAM BIRD "SEED Rathurst '81. wm, Unt wat Needing AnyLaces, Embroideries Or Insertions ? Ii come range as it worth the effort. You'll repaid with new ideas the moderate prices w light you. Big and nes Gur is certainly and range of Valenciennes with Insertions to mateh, at Je, yard, Pretty Torchon Laces Insertions at 3¢ beginning a and a yard and French Valenciennes Laces and Insertioms. A biy sortment, at 8¢. a yard and up. Dainty Embroideries and Insertions, at Sc. a yard. and 10c. a yard - Better lines of Embroider jes and Insertions, at Se. Something Real Swell ia Embroideries and Insertions, at 12)¢c., 15¢. and up. Corset Cover Embroidery, #0¢., 28¢., 30¢. and up Allover Embroidery special at 35¢. and up. Flounding Embroidery, at 35¢. a yard. Extra Wide Flouncing Em Broidery, at 7Se., 81, $1.85. a yard. New White Goods, ready for your inspection. NEWMAN & SHAW. as to!

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