THE pany BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1908. PAGE THREE. -- | Occurrences it Hey, NEWS OF DISTRICT {LOCAL NOTES ES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. In The City and Vicinity-Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered, Local option {roquais next Japuary. The decision in the will case of the {late Charles Cornwall, Rockport, is to { be 8, Spied 4 Gamey, announced to tin Ro aa on Friday night, to put in an appearance. In March Belleville is to be Fisied by three Svongeliate, Kev, H. T. Cross Rev. J. KE. Hunter and S. Pa Rus- will be voted on it speak failed { sell. ! {Gallagher, Steacy, Warburton, Special Sale of Dainty Whitewear .. Especially attractive because of their crispy ness, the new Undermusling in this Sale are oteworthy for their fine qualities. * Buch savings on Muslin Underwear of this character are unusual--the garments are daintily trimmed with pretty tucks, exquisite laces and em- broideries -- and you will act wisely to buy a year's supply NOW. --- Night Gowns 75¢ for regular $1.00 Night Gowns. $1 for regular §1. Night Gowns, $1.25. for regular $1.50 Night Gowns, Drawers 35¢ for regular 45 25 0000000000000 000000000 Undershirts $1.25 for regular 1.40 Underskirts . > Underskirts " Underskirts 25 1.89 2.00 ar) 2.50 Corset Covers 35¢ for regular 49 5c i " 85 " "" TUS ERAO NADER T ON I » # e * * * bd * ® ® * » ® o ° ® . * ® Ld * * . ® * . * *® * * ° . . * . » » ® ° ® . ® e ® . . ® . * » * . o eo *» .® ° * oe a fellow named * Fred' utside the Shanty. Witness said that when she was of fered liquor in the shanty wns afraid that it was drugged. had been drugged 'on one ocedsion . Witness further stafed that the wen kicked and slapped her. Brickwood, Devine 'and Mosier were the men ine side. Crozier was drunk, and stood outside the door. In the struggle wit- ness had with the men her lip "was cut, * The man named *Frea said, "For God's sake, lot het go; she is bleeding." It was then she was al lowed to go. Brickwood, she said, "tagged" after her, and offered her ring. After the evitlonee was concluded no Li k SENT Up HR TRIAL wi wie = (Continked from age 1.) ding out of the shanty, and went to [the police station, She was followed by two men, who tried to coax her v One of these men was called > A "Fred," and was not one of the pri- soners. x To Mr. Mowat, who appeared for Devine, witness said that she way sev. benteen years of age, and had been live ng in Kingston since Christmas. Her 'home way in Elgin, and she had work: ol out since she was eleven years of wh Thais was her Just visit. to Kingston. She came here, and was ovid as a maid with a family. She only remained at "ih house for two weeks, as shi conld nxt do the work, and a man told her employer that she was not fit for the work. Witness suid that dhe dismissed * her solf from his, position. When she left Hin position, she secared a position Bt the lroquois hotel. She stayed pre one week, and then went to toy at "Louis Langbort's, Ontario wireet, and worked al the cotton mill, IBhe stayed ot Langbort's for two imooks, and then seowred employment an vook at Heol Steak Jack's pestaus rant, on Ontario strect, After leaving his plage, she worked a few days at different places, and then secured a Poon oft ven street She stayed pre up to Friday last, + when she pt on the steamer PNEreport. No was on 'the boat, the door was n, and she stayed there plone, until t daylight. Witness said that on Saturday night met Crozier at the post office. He | her fifty cents to buy supper and bought two suppers with this 'Bhe was very hungry, After he was met hy Crozier and it 'then that they walked out to the she She announted that te would eommit all the prisoners "for trial, the evidene already being. taken for the other cases, : > Devige was arrested Ly Constable Mullinger and Hughes, Crozier by Con. stables Bateson and "Mullihger, Brick wood by Constableg 'Bateson and Hughes, and Mosfer by Constables Mul nger and Arniel. . Made Kindly Relerence. In St. George's cathédral, on Sup- day morning, Dean Farthing referred to the death of Rev. Dr. Wilson. He spoke of how deeply. they all felt at his death, that he was a man who left a lasting jufldentd on St. George's, Dean Farthing stated that no matter how much one: could . disagree with his latter convictions, they vould not deny the simple earnestness of his life and the sincerity of his work. He had been connected with the cathedral for eighteen yusrs, and po man had ever left a doses mipress on the spititual life of the city. 84 Ww. Gordon (Ralph Conno is to leave next month Ross Vv, of Winnjpe to assist A evangelistie Robert Seott, an Ey and highly re: Lspected resident of Perth, patsed away ou Sunday after several months of constant suffering, sane Orange oo nigy will hold the mnual demonstration, 2th July next, aot Roblin. =... ..'% Thomas E. haan Snot 8 admitted being on the gleam at. with Crozier, eatly on evening. She went there ) Sg iat rod he t that Cr T gave Sh hl Cri that. or go to ih Pierrepont if wanted to. Withess said nothing 8 improper nature occurred on the i told Mr. Mowat that two on the shanty when she got She did not know who the inside, but and for - (in a trance, defence was offered, antl the magistrate | the pa Rey. et Chatiian in un Philadelphif. or Ww. com- ue; James Matthew are license | Mrs. Fechley, Toronto, shot by her] | husband, was formerly Miss Burgovne, tof Belleville, Her first husband was Charles Turner, of that city. missioners for Leeds. Mrs. James Prescoit, Montague, died suddenly, on Tharsday, of beart di- | seame, while visiting in Smith's Falls, {She was sixty-one vears of age. | On Friday the death, in Rochester, IN.¥., of William Phillips, a former I well-known resident of Belleville, oe: | curred. Deceased had been ill for {some Lime. Thomas J. Oshorne, late of Belle j ville, died, on Friday, at Kingston | Deceased, a man of middle age, was for vears a resident of Ameliasburg | township. He had been in failing | health for some time. Golden wedding anniversaries have {lately occurred in Lennox and Adding- Mr. and Mr«. J. 8. Lochhead, of Mrs and Mrs 'Shannon,Uen- and Mr. and flenry M. Enterprize. M. Palliser, on Friday John Connor, Ganano Ne whoro; | ton : | Camden; {treville, 1C. Wagar, | Mrs. Annie Palliser, died, Lily residence, Thurlow |tyfour wears of age, was bom in Prince Edward county, being a daugh- ter of the late Benjamin Allison. As the result of a patalvtic stroke, Ivory Temple, proprietor "of the On tario house, Canifton, died, on Satur: day. Deceased had previously suffered three strokes, and had been for some | tive in ill-health Me. Temple sixty-four years of ae. \v Mrs. wife of John at the fam- Deceased, six- was HIS TRIPS TO ) HEAVEN. Man Who Talked With the Dead Goes Insane. New York, Feb, 17.--Edward Shea, of Montclair, N.J., who startled the scientific world a few months ago by telling' of talkg he had with dead per- sons while he was in protracted trances, is insane as a result of his remarkable experience and has been sent to the Overbrook asylum. Shea's case was taken up by, physicians and psychologists, who expressed them- selves as amazed st the peculiar fea tures of his affliction. Shea is twenty-nine years old, aud until the beginning of his experiences had been in good health. On Novem: ber 26th he failed to awake in the morning, and for two days remained On returning to partial consciousness for a few hours he said he had been to heaven and had talk- ed with bis mother, who had been dead for a year. COUSINS AND MARRIAGE. Result of Scientific Investigation in Great Britain. Feb. 17.--Commenting f the scientific investigations of Miss {Elderton and Prof. l'earson on the lintensity of 'resemblance between first lcousing in respect to health, intelli- gence, ete, the British Medical Jour- inal says the following conclusions ap- a pear to be justified : "A grandpa- rent, uncle, aunt and eousin appear to be practically on the same footing in regard to relationship or intensity f kinship as measured by degrees of keness and character. "It seems prob- lable, thereiore, that any scientific imarriage onactments would equally allow or equally forbid the marriage of a grandparent to a grandchild, an uncle to a niece, an aunt to a nephew, as between first cousins. London, on UNDER WEEKLY RATE, Sunday Papers Not Included in Scale. Montreal, Feb. 17.-AHl the New York Sunday papers, of which there is a considerable batch comes to this city, were held up, to-day, by the post office authorities on the ground hat they had not paid sufficient postage. It is claimed that the new regulations admitting papers on the one-cent a pound rete does not apply to Sunday papers as they are to all intents and pu s special numbers and come un the scale applying to weekly pa- pers, which is four vents a pound. Senne -------- Has Accepted The Call. Belleville, Out., Feb. 17~RBev. J. A. Hilts, Arnprior, bas been called to #lorate of Victoria Avenue Bap- tist church, of this city, nnd has sig pified his acceptance, He is thirty. one years old, married and a graduate of MeMaster university, * Bait And Run Over, irmingham, Ala, Feb. 17. sal Agent J, P. Crawford, oF the Shen raslway, was shot by unknown persons sad the body placed on the tracks, where it'was tan over by an incomiog {passenger {rain last t. Ww, N. Shaw, of Rmianial College, has been appointed to refiresent Cath- {bridge University st the meeting of anfl seuiut meteorologist iy tooth brushes," the kind that wan't wear out, are sold at (iib- son's Red Cross drug stored "Phone 2 TA Lowden doctor in fopant testified = Hmusements. (Ai PERL HOUSE ) TO-NICH LAST TIME HERE GREEN ove. PICTURE KING, 6.000 Feet New Fi fore seen in anda. Songs. Reserved Seats, 135¢. ; Children uader 12 years, Seats). Seats Bow on sale. } SATURDAY, FEB. 22d, | Matinee, at 2.30. © Excning, 818; |A SERVANT, FOR GENERAL WORK GRACE MERRITT Apply iu the evening to Miss Fergu sen, 191 King street. And Splendid Cowpany of 22 Players, | in the Fveriosting Soccrss | WAS IN FLOWER" ERNEST SHIPMAN, Manager, Massive and Elaborate Scenic Electrical Bguipmenst. Matinee, 25¢c., 835¢., 13¢. (0 any scat Evening. 3 5 Beats on sale PRINCESS FIVE CENTS, NO HIGHER, |CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion le. a word, Eack con secutive insertion thereafter half cent . ard. Migsmuin charge lor eme in os, 200, il ever be test Miustrated | HELP WANTED-MALE, LEARN THE Apply Whig oflice & Callery, 10e. 10¢. {Boy TO _ PRINTING (Rush | trade, | HELP WANTED-FEMALE. SITUATIONS VACANT, hy EARN barber trade in eight weeks Ft ates earn twelve to ha Weekly ; help Ahecure yosilions ; cate logue . _ Moler ar ber Queen and Spadine, Toronto. ARCHITECTS, ARTHU R ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P., SMITH, ARCHITECT, ste. Anchor BuiMing, Market Square. "Phone, 345 £ MEN AND WOMEN an al 50. ¢ Children, » $1. be. Ti uesday | oa POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212, { of IWM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. King-| fice, secon floor over Mahbood's Drug store, corner Princess end Bagot sireets, Entrance on Bagot sireely 'Phone, 608, BOARD AND ROOMS. COMFORTABLE FRONT with Mrs. Roche, 80 Arch St conveniences and bowme com The Ackpowledyed Kinoston, Under ston's Most Select Open, 2 till 5.30 pan, wil "STUNG" If you fail to sce the original, "Two Orphans" Drama Family Theatre ratronage of Fam 14 v L330 pool (LARG B room mode forts Dor with m any other t't confuse this great Two Orpha a reproduction from the KATE CLAXTON POMPE AN wredtest emotic ont Pram con stawre Home-Stend "Way Down East" I who wi Coe Bl This fi is INIMIT ABLE und o PERSONAL. HALSTEAR, PSYCHOLOGIST mologist amd Palm? cannet fe ner wd of sqnonth. May consulted rooms, 18 5 than be at faan |WATR, warts, without For the chikiron biggest laugh yet. his best Who? Why! ON i o Th Bpecialist, NEWS OF N * NEIGHBORS '| WHAT WHIG IG CORRESPOND: | ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What | They Are Saying. She MOLES, BIRTHMAREKS, ete. pemoved sear Twenly Years experi: ner J. Lake, Eye. Yar, and Skin Blemish COUNTRYMAN Fo8 Bagot street. TH HONE V MOON." Of course it's this subject takes you the once, to the Good OM Sun We Cordially Invite All atheletes love with Y.M.C.A. Classes ~JITSUE as pot far to Spring dis mer 8, Who treat especially in KY ianmstics the Coe pind see the JU ecuted by "A Female Athlete" it on your big in" 20 ufinutes. | | Then go howe and try brother, A great Lu You'll never forge SON "WHE CARE Ths Wolfe Island Worknien's Ball. Wolte Island Webs 13 The Work. men's ball was a grand success. on Wednesday evening, There were 118 couple present, Music by Davis and Kéil's 'orchestra. in style. . The com- mittee in charge consisted of ¥ White, 1, Larush, James Russell, Frederick Whitmarsh, C, Cummins, Hall, Capt. J. Kenny: Thomas White dand bride were present and got the had from their many friends Jerome, Cape Vincent; guests of their ant, Mrs, Miss Fannie Wills is at Leakey fh tSOME PONE REALLY Prettiest story ever Word" in song the finest Illustrated Somg, Geo, Home motkl save, he hes ever sume. N.B.=Patrons purchasing tickets last alterOon or evening, can retin them for any other time. Bring the Babies, plenty of room for their AUTOMOBILES, GEO: HAMMOND, BIJOU hall performance, was served fine MGR. ve Mi were | the thar ne. bert Her- At each orforinGs dur- | Pea. oe esti ing the afternoon we shall] (., scion, Feb. 15~The farmers present busy hauling timber to the rail 9 ILLUSTRATED 0NG8-2 do Brit Hauderoor hos wold his {fine team of horses - Vy rol | are id left for the North-West on "Wednesday Ida Bell Grant, of Tucson Arizona; who spent {months sith friends was u jin matrimony to in St Rarnabasi church ake, by Rev. W. Hilyard Smith ter the erremony, the couple left thei honeymoon far Toronto thence to Tucson. On account bad roads there has been no t Christ Church for two MeVeigh has completed | of hauling Hoats for Miss wind several Solig © we off By Jotni Robert -- Pravis Hoklvn. In the evinimg ene TO-DAY add TUESDAY, Comedies, "A HOT CHASE" | and | Lhete "LOVE AND MUSIC" |: service. a NTS has hex er two | Nicholson, Sharbot Af James W weeks. Henry le con ih act . 'Bourk -3 CEN 8. Old Resident Passed Away. Feb. 12.-An old re James Bell, passed February 4th, at her resi in her cighty-second vear doth ill at the time to attend away, ou Refined Mo then the who has been very Everton Shangraw | Wookside ne |r uesdayv de nee, ~THE HOUSE OF HTS f her daughters were Vaudeville wad Life . i sable Sa fier sient a. : pion tod be her pa y ns PREY EAR , emorial se ce wduetod be be as Progisitmng, . MONDAY. and FUE BAY. tor, Rev. Mr. Farnsworth, at Col "A brook, on Sunday, February 9th The ea lous | a" remains were removed, on Saturday, . by Yanluven Bros., and placed in Mos- 4 $0 gow vault Rie to Commit Fide Mrs. J. Kimmet, ey the Disguise and Goes A i 3 ovina Her Apartnienta-- Ane ther 0 AL il, No tne tempt--But Make Up Hotter ied is il, illiam Wa ace With Better Understanding. This. poison in his hand. 8 real gop Comedy Drang. Pont & faented his farm to J. Kimmet and has moved to Yarker "Foot Ball Craze" maved to. Petworth. C. Clarks » occupy the residence formerly occupied The sparts. a college Football by his son. ere is moch talk of! a hte ohana ol Melr ay s peonstracting a rural telephone line Fsubpect: Come and see it Jom here to Yerker, Visitors: Mr 8. McLean. Kingston, at J. A. Bell's; | Kelly & Mehlman Padward Joiner, Lapum, and Miss C. Wooden SI A Six al Wallace, Harrowsmith., at F. Wal} $ ofits. mging wr + win taedidnn. They ig Rood. face's; Mize Grace Lake, Svidenham, at) Don't fall to see them. M. V. Lake's. DARLING WONDERS, 8% 7.30, 8 BO, 8. 9.3 4 . RONG Decause You Are Aw Ow Long Point News. Sweethwart of Mise," by Kigsion's Feb. i5~iss BM. Favorite Baritone, : {5 THES. EK... Mgr O'Connor, of the Ganonogae High | School, and het friend, Miss Senecal, who came to the dormer's home on January 3ist, were unable to my tugp to Gananoque until Mooday this week on sccoust of the smow Mrs. Jdobanns Slack visiting friends at Delta, Toledo and on [other plates. Charles Slack apd Miss Bertha, of Charleston. spent & fou A days this week with friends here. 'len Long Point, Ompah News. ' Ompab, . Feb. 14.+The heave ll of rain has Hid the water in the lakes and taken off a of snow. The party given. bp 3 om VIN ee was well attended Bevins is somewhat hotter. The joend brethren of the Orauge lodge here at- tended Ae county Vlodge held at of last week, tod wd A. Thoreday 'ol Gan davghter, 4 1 perivamentiy, © wag farnished | Supper ; Win- | Campbell Greer | ited | 4 ont and Chi-| of | i is laid up with | Freeman has| William Clarke Fas! Clarke will} of WANTED--GENERAL, LOST. CARPET 235 Welhng- at Drury s UPHOLSTERING AND 3. Wo Millard Orders taken Coal office A JOR CLEANING Ashes ouT OF yards or cellars, or Dh baguege carted. Prices right Apply 3 Lytle, General Carter, 56 Main oy GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEI Overcoats and bave them pressed and . also got a new yeivet collar pn, it makes thew like new. Prices right. Galloway, The Tailor, 181 Brock St., pext to Bibby's livery, RRIAGES, WAGGONS, FURNI- ture, Piahos, or amy article for stor » age, Ly the month, Year, or any way required For further information, AK to Laturney s Carriage Works, 20 and 892 Priocess St. 'Phove, c ON OR BEFORE' MAY 1st. HOUSE, mice locality, between Hrock Si v Victoria School, 4 bedrooms fng-room, separate dining-roow, kitchen ote Modern Moderate rent. Yearly if suitable. Appi with particulars, Bex "A." Whig office. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents tham any other company offers. Expmine them at Goodwin's Insurance Empogium, Mark. et Square. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Ipsurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition te which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest - possible rates. Before fenewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agnts. 'Phone, 568. LIVERPOOL, MARRIAGE LICENSES, C. 8. KIRRPATRICK, ISSUER O Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. THE BEST PAPER IS TUB CHEAP | est for the advertiser. | FOUR RAIL-{ KIN IN, HAVING connections, - commanding the! River, Ride au | Luke St. Lawrence System and Bay of Quinte trade, is| a choice place for manufacturers and as a distributing point. THE PARA PULPIT Unitarian. i C. W. CASSO ! ¥ou Have The Power. { ' You have been tanght that ubable to do anything of yourself, and | that you should be content to a "broken vessel" at feet ior. And so vou grew into the in religion--a sort of parasitic growth on the divine providence. Believe it two longer, You are not a depemdemt yhreligion, relying for saving strength | apon. some exterior power, You have | the power within yours HH! Yours the splendid heritage the child of ] heritage power you are [ be the of a say belief iw of of emptation and at-| unto all go All ul yours _ Address, Rev. C. W. Beacou street, Boston, Mass., literr ure. pasa 4 IF YOUR CAKE DRIES UP QUICKLY -- ¥gur Baking Powder is adulter n with Ammonia or Alum in- gredients which are injurious to health and are used - hy some manufacturers simply to leswen the cost of the Puwder and in- crease the profits Housekeepers who use-- Coyper's. Pure Baking Powder # Pure Crean of Tartar Raking Powder, one that will keep sweet in any wWealhel apd a. Ways be wholesome, iD, Couper, ruRp ¥oomn G not ¥ RIES 841-3 Princess St. | tain nee, {utrength is Casson, at 25 for free ACh A A ATA AL A444 e44de4eod 4 " 4 AAAS EE 31 : Get & ident | tung from Lo Tose inflamma tion. {and Thomas iand OC. J. 0 » McArdie's, Sweet's: Corners the 6th. Dar lohn Cross, a daughter mtiended the sale vd on i. i 4 | ASKED TO VISIT KING. | { ign new ee | A Republican Called at Palioe-- | = Heartily Received. i Lisbon, Feb. 17 King Manuel ed a decroe dissolving the coommssions | lappointed Ly Senor Framco while he | (was acting as dictator to replace | Jo wnicipal administentions: The papers print stories of his majesty's | liberal tendencibs. For example, Prof } | Pedroso, president of the Academy | | Sciences, who ia prominent republy jean, made an official visit of condo! i ence to the palace. King Manuel, al | iter thanking him, asked him 10 come | : jofteser. Prof. Pedrose remaining i { lent, the king said: "I know you ar | la republican, and, therefore, do net! {want to come, / but you are a friend | fof the country and so am I. Let ws | {meet with that common bond and | we will soon understand one another." | It is stated that the weapon with | which Buica shot King Carlos was presented to the assassin by the king at a shooting competition at which Buics won the"firdt prive and at which King Carlos presided. ~The re publican newspapers print daily ap peals to the public to place flowers on the graves of the repcides. Many al {ready have complied. Thousands of jpost cards beating portraits of the murderer are being wold ia Lisbon and the provieoes, Reniwmlwe Cooke's iy shoir's | FARM You | cured, Pe) best place to Mr, and | WATCH, ached, i i -- MAN who hy wre ¥ He si veaio rs the obo Sook wud we his FOR SALE, SIX FQoT SHOW Meodiey's Prug Store BUILDING LOTS FROM $33 UP. Me Canon's Real Estate Office, 51 Breck | street, ONE 1907 EDISON KENETISCOPE, Dew ; two 300 and one SU0 gal, Steel tanks: Apply Uapty Rojas, ale > be. hot water ed through A YALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALVE Double house, on Johnsom stfeet, tha property of the late Joseph Jaimie on, now Ww a8 & dwelling and a Fuiiber's shop. Apply ta Messrs. alkemn & Walkem. TO-LET. STORES, McCann &, / DWELLINGS, Storage, et street, OFFICES, ca 61 Brock ALFRED 51 ON Noy BRIC K HOUSE 307, apposite session, 1 May street, \ IN TOWNSHIP OF PORT A Ni ) situated between Verona inglon, prop t Kingston 100 or mo pasture land a leit on Ulinbie land, ha well alered, 11 Prentises Fane & } For terms apd | ars, apply to Mrs Ale Vata 262 Fart St, Kingston; Out x THE FRONTENAC | LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY "ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on Uily and rm Pros pertiesl Mumdcipal end County Deben- Mortgages purchasd Teposiie received and interest allowed 8. C. McGill, Mahaging Director, | New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 am. to to get an all round Lunch is Meals of all kinds on shortest Faoglish and dishes n°' "Phone, 655. 3 am, the the city notice specialty. "Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness Chinese vote. for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. ~ WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Litt: ~|and Saves Much, Good Variety af STRACHAN'S. Furnaces! # your furnace needs repairing, (f fs sant any work done in the way of Ho | Water Heating. or Plumbing, 2 ma - call, you wili get frompt attention po (good sathsfaction. Phone 3356 'DAVID HALL, 220% * CHILDREN'S CLASSES | In Pencil and Charcoal Sketching The Complom Studio, 66 Barrie 8¢€, 25¢, Per Lesson. R. OC CAHRIER, Of N.Y. Art School. Hockey Match ! Final "Varsity IL vs. Queen's II. MONDAY, FEB. 17th, Puck Faced at 8.15 p.m, Adiniission, 25¢, Excursion to Toronto Special Train G.T.R., 12.50 Noon Friday, Feb. 21st Tickets xo ig hy wmv i Mo. 4, up to Maing a Tetetmediate Intercollegi~