THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY SAVE THE cpa NEN OUT OF OB Insure Them Good Health, (THEY MARCHED DOWN TO, Ninety per cent. of children, onder ; THE CITY HALL. Alderman John Gaskin continues fimprove and the outlook is hopeful. twelve years of age, are being poiso; £ h as & tat on 8 w f A n gisoned | : H EF { And Claim the Labor Bureau . ( tudent at Queen end parents don't realize it. { Irregular bowels are the chief cause Not Worked Qut Properly--The wynt to Cape Vincent, on Saturday You parents know that your bowels Funeral of a Suicide--~A Meet-! H. 5S. Wallace, M.A, BD, ng Called {College, preached in Beligville on Sun- shduld move every Jag You know | g . 5 i aay, you must be as regular X¥ clock-work, Totonto, Feb. 17.=Three hundred] i. Kate PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The They Are Saying And Doing. Mizs Edna Whitmarsh, Westport, visiting friends in Kingston. is to Salisbury Is Murray, Kingston, the sister, Mrs. 8, T. Chown Miawa, is with her Mrs. William Allen, the ity City parenix , of Svracuse, N.Y., Saturday returned to his home NY . Lamont and little daugh ry, Alta., are with Mrs. Barrie street, for a visit. William Heaney, De vesterday, ill at the labor work Susie sox who is hospi- al, 'Matthew over body, ell, Verona, has heey pense J. county, vice vie FEV 1 funer gras ide superannuated St. dange to control ously ili has to To- is isu son s EDUCATIONAL. Miss Ww. purpose $e0000000000000000000s If you wish to be suéclesful mts tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of QuoelM street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typowriting, tele graphy, amd all commercial subjects thoroughly taught competent experienced Day and hight classes, any Hime, tates yery tar "Phone, 440 HP. WTC ALF, President. i , are 1 HT | prefers removed shares, cumulative dividend at Gene. fellow | time {event on jor fentitled to have shares name ed into trans eo! * went as hoard. Fle Sastessibuisnrsnns of were re j« | Pita) mer 1s in place of Capt. Milo Estes, | not La with the fléet next Hurry To Frontier. Tillis, Feb. 17. --Reports A here, fram" Armenia, declare that all | the Turkish army reserve forees in| VanMush and the other vilayets of Asin Minor hate been called to the colors wml are "proceeding rapidly for the frontier. At the same time a league all the Turkish revolution ary parties is increasing the revolu tionary agitation Appeals and Years in Sing Sing. clamations are being issued exhorting a i papulation fo protest in every way | Tos Fork, Feb, More than one indred and fifty members of the Am- ipesiblg alrainst the warlike plans of | erican Aisociation 'of Mate \ the sultan. The league holds that war | Pi lot mel 4 thi ret re, Mates would be especially disastrous at the |, dig Malm Yas Hy : | widespread Woe > present time, there famine in| sre g appeal Save Ria. Minor { H. VanSchaick from prison or the blood will become tainted. ved men marched on the 'city | yest of her Don't you realize that the children morning, to. ask for work a must be ag orderly In getting rid of from They claimed thew the f assic the waste matter of their system? labour bureau, established by the Mr and Then, it you find that any of the |Pa® not worked out priperly and little ones go two or three days with. 'at while the regular. men are given out action of the bowels, don't run to steady employment, the men who re } castor oll, sebna tea, calomel, cascara © ie To the labor bureau ar ignor- | home on or hash "ler Bi" hss sty | 11s rr my, Ete 88 Cr Ht yah ures anting Not vieinit purge the chi id--strain the bowels. promive. of work was given Chammont, "Fruit-a-tives" are the. ideal med. This * morning, enclosed in a plain | rs. O cine for children, They are fruit [eoffin, the' vemains of James J, ier a Juices and tonics in the form of a | Feehiely. who shot himself, on Friday,|S. Turner, pleasant tasting tablet. "Fruita. | ter attempting to take his wife's! Miss and tives" stimulate the liver, causing | Me: were "interred in St Michael's lxmronto, came down, more bile to flow. It is the bile, | "Wmétery. There was wo church { their father, given up by the liver, which moves | Nien ir ihe hut the Canadian |t ay LY 3, e der of Foresters, which hore the ex- | Rev the bowels. Fruit-a-tives" regulate | { . od . i of the funeral, conducted a sor the liver and bowels, and thus com- at the Several rola- jeourt, Frontenac pletely curp constipation, They and parsanal friends attended the | We ils, resigned. sweeten the stomach, and are the fin. E Mrs. Feshely"s condition con-| Thomas = Pavne, a est tonic in the world to build up the | tinues be satisiactory guard and caretiker of system and make children plump and | The rumored sale of the of church, Portsmouth, is rory. B0c a box--six for 32.50. Sent | the Electrical Development company to [with typhoid-ppeumonia. on receipt of price If your dealer does i the Mac kenzio Mana interests, furs Mrs. D. P Young returned not handle them "Pruit-a-tives" i ther conlirmed by the ] to-| Kingston after a flying visit to Limited, Ottawa, Onte day. of a circ tar calling a special | ronte She will return for her general meeting of the sharcholders of |marringe to Miss Aimee NTS PTEs Ra | the cbmpany for February 26th for the on March 3rd. of considering, and, if ap- | Un Wednesday, Molle Dawson, proved, of confirming a by-law, pass- [daughter of Dawson, inspector ted by the board of directors, provid- lof penitentiaries, and Lionel Pang- ing for the conversion of one-half of mau, of Salmon Arm, B.C. to be eapital 'stock of the company imo {married in Ottawa nee bearing a non- James Reid's ambulance the rate of | William Lewers, the voung son of five per cent. per annum, the said pre- jLewers, Chatham street, to the Hergnce shares being redeemable at any [ral Hospital to-day. The little at BHO per share, and in the |is sutfering "from scarlet fever of any distribution of capital] Miss Gertrude Lachance, who | amoung shareholders upon ligiidation | heen the sick hist at her home in otherwise, each shareholder to be |Sansnodque, for the past week, return fiity per cent, of the 'ed to the city yesterday and resumed standing in his convert: | her classis at Queen's to day. : stich preference shares upon \ very enjoyable time was spent, ferring the remaining fifty per! Friday evening, at the home of Miss may - be directed by the! Alice Monerief, Chatham street, where J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary: thirty young people enjoyed themselves -- [at games, music, ete, ss seessesccecsevee| TO EXERT PRESSURE, | The mayor of Deseronto, Dr, New- PARAL 0000D S429 | : ton, and Dr. Mundell operated on (MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION | Russia Will Seek to Bring James Heaney, Deseronto, Thurs- v| Turkey to Time. {day, at the hospital. He is cetting | London, Feb, 17.--Russinn. military jalopg as well as ean be expected. INCREASE YOUR EARNING 3 {forces in the Caucasus are being mob- | Rural Doan Taylor, of Aylmer, POWER filized as rapidly as possible at Pa- | Mrs. ar, hadiy shaken up in § | Loum, according to an Odessa des [® railway collision at Kaktman . Springs Day mad Evening Classes a8 the 4 | patch to the Central News, The re [On Saturday Jigs, and ar in the hos. fported Russian military activity ural Lean laylor a lor Frontenac Business Alin aicy in government circles herve King«tonian, . College, jas meaning that the ezar is preparing | Capt. Charles II. Kendall has been to exgrt pressure on the sultan to au- (engaged hy the Thousand Island Barrie anid Clergy Ste, tharize the construction of the Slav f$ Steamboat company as master of the i 0 railwlly comnecting the Danube and [Steamer St Pa STOCEDALE, ! | Adriatic as a counter blast to the | season, aly Austrian coup by which Turkey agree of ho will p. vA LPT to the linking of the Austrian rail fe " -- way system dnd the Macedonian line, 'AN IMMENSE PE PETITION FOR SLOCUM'S CAPTAIN. Roosevelt Will Be Asked to RIDEAU) CANAL, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS ADRK HSH 16 the undersigned and endorsod "Ten- Jur for Timber," will be recived up tof 6 o'clock on Friday the 20th March, | 1903, for the sup) und delivery of | AStitien Columbia or Doug ws Fire Timber | royuited for the Rideay Canal, =] } Speciloations end Bills of ® obliined at the otice of the Su intendmg Eogineer of the Ridenu C a §Snattian Building, Slater Street, AHtawn, on avd after » e IT Fano, Bt Monday, the 17th An accept of $400.00, of the Minister of fra Timber can and bank cheque for the sum Capt, W. | mds payable to the ordes of Railways and Canals ina notuiifuny each tender, which sun | wi W- forfeited, if the party render { i fh declines entering inte contract for oe | Died At West Tidsbury. Conn. iE: (at the Fated stated in the ofer| Deep sympathy will be felt with Fhe shore thon sont dr wil Te roti} Mes. Frapk 1 Look, of West etl to the respective comtractucs whose | idsbury, the death of her tenders are uot accepted, husband, Dr. Look, who was superin By Order, tendent of a sanitarium there. Death L. K. was comsed bw hemorrhage of © the brain. Mrs. Look, who was formerly Cant Miss Mamie Smart, Martintown, met } ten "| her husband when a nurse-in-training, | fat Hartford, Conn, where he was | [practising and « here, to Rev. Prof. Fervuson and his The | family, was married the doctor | aoe | After her marriage Look was | © ' { here again for a visit, those whom she won as friends, ting her stave here, will grieve {her in the loss that has come fond her two gmall children na | here, Shot While Hunting. | Winnipeg, Feb. 17. William - K, Me. {Bs sight, of this city, was accidentally shot and Killed Saturday afternoon at burn, while wolf lunting, Me right, with a friend pamed Dyer, were driving alter wolves, when Dyer | thought Be saw one in a Pateh of time ber some distance away. Taking his rifle from the rig, he started after the animal. He had only gone a shor distance when he heard a shot, and as isa will be for signatures will be urged that public demand the captam of the {for clemency sent { the It Fret country senta- not the th | than a thonsand ja ath does ron Lonu,; in ment of | { Sloewn, by JONES, persons. met VanSchaick was sentenced Departinvont of Rallways and ire 'annals, Sing Sing, Ottawa, February 12th, 1908 Newspapers inserting this advertise | ment without suthority from the Je partment will not be paid for it merican * Oils Coal Oil * Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO., Bouth Cor. Ontario and Clarence. but a stay pewding the higher upheld years rm years in secured Yo in appeal to the sentence of week the aptain and has been living Since the Santa Clausing over for the there people wha would live to forget senti ment and swap over again No definite "word has been as yet, to the burial of remains of the late Rev, Henrv D.D. ' ' Job's Tears necklaies for teething sold at Gibson's Red drug store. | I conversation was genuine progress alot of men would be "going some." It i= yet to be recorded that a dude gver died from softening of the brain, Sometimes: the fire is out 'of the conls of kindness before they are used, The one who least deserves it usually the one who demands tribute It's often hard to ascertain which ix the right side of the pohititf¥sence, A good many men are the bravest when there is no opportanity to fight. It's a ob to knock down the walls of a good and established character: There are a lot of people ua this old world whe work hard to aveid werk. The amen corner of the church - is sometimes the coldest spiritually. It's toe man 'who "makes good' pretentions that « «ut the job. 1t often happens that the small man was . J > | sult iortiy alter a Visit | Last sentence wis is seventy -¥ix to My short onan fe and dur with | to her crate iy season, are son, Cross 15 : his oy POTATOES: IN ANY QUANTITY - on retaining found that McKnight had I Leen shot Hroneh the head. In tak. Jing his rifle from the rig the hammer jeaught in some way, discharging the weapon, W. GRAHAM BROWNE & C0., Reception For Students. BOND DEALERS, The Hucstbers of the Epworth League of Sydenham street Methodist church 222 St. dames 8 Street, Montreal, sondoped an 'at Rome" on Saturday evening to students attending Queen's, Corporation & Mua Municipal BONDS he ad Ee was a most Mmioyatle phe. at attraoti prices. was given, r= » fen Auglin, in proning Rev. C, A. Sykes, T, Harrison at Elmer ry io, = a big funeral. Davis were among the avi guests, =. orign, from Liverpool, reach- : od Matix on February Bh. Almost Ready. Success sometimes is the re- Toronto! Feb. 17. According to a [sult of & desire to sucked. hich has reached this cite, - the work of the appoint- wd to enyuire into the bridye disaster it ahmost completed and that their py will be Tends fin doe presentation to parliament this Wholesale or Retail. A very| © Choice stock grown in sandy soul, Mie: sxnet sont oF mentions the show GL OVE Rr' Raat toe bp yg Thon h it is t Woy ule th ot : of the street Ost wotessary st opened last us they People--~What } of Queen's ! visiting here, returned | Rideau visiting in Kingston and | the at! he ' | Government 10 see | appointed bailiff of the fourth division j Prosecutions A John's | Falconbridge | Ww. | has | and | Jar. Lawrence for the coming |habitant, | dvnamite fidetely prieve Officer Sentenced to Ten! | | to start a | [time nprison- {another General | | nant ig designed » burning of which more | to his acrount of his forty vears their {India tol of | gated by court, | | former of | lodge { a lot of {Teunk. railway reve ived [tion looking to the | form will be introduced in the le Wil | children {will «ut down thigh water, the jemuse BRYCE IN OTTAWA {HE IS NOW WITH THE | GOVERNOR GENERAL. i hd {| He is in the Capital to Talk Over 'the Waterways Along the In- ternational Boundary--Races in Ottawa on Sunday. Ottawa, Feb. 17.--Hon {arrived in Ottawa 'this morning was met at station by Col tury Williams, Lord Lascelles, I government house, and Zpatrick, representing + } government The visitor drove Hail. He will, while here, the question of waterways international point of view, referen The Hague of the fishing He will House James Bryce He Han- repre Six ihe senting Charles the to dis- from and in- New- at to peace | bunal in | foundland rights be a guest during his stay. races the joe track, yester- were attended by the police, who all particulars and names, and vill follow by the Lord's These will be the first mm regard to Sunday though they have gone on Lior some years, Bs part of the track fis in Ontario and part in Quebec, the | division of the Ottawa river being the boundary PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. liberals nominated R, BP, Warren, editor of the Georgetown Her- ald, for the legislature. William Sells, the last Sells Bros'. men, | York, on Sunday night. | The iee bridge is formed Sault and the river front thee is perfectly clear of ice. { Alexander Henry Fuller, a commer- {cial traveller, committed suicide in his room at his hotel in Toronto br. John H Fisher, Toronto died on Saturday, of blood poisoning, af- ter an illness of two days Fhe railway companies estimated the cost of the bridges proposed over the railway tracks at over $900,000 A petition for the winding up of the Larder Lake Proprietary Gold Fields was filed at Hall, Toronto Notice of the incorporation of a lim ited company to carry on a svnagogne fat London is given in the Ontario Ga- pzette Ihomas BD. Speight, CE the north country to survev {Ontario government, the islands {Lake bibiti. i At Port Colborne, Ont, Edward { Armstrong, a life-long citizen and tug lowner, died of pneumonia, on Sun- aged sixty-eight vears. Washington, D.C., Dr. William believed" to be the oldest in- died at his home here, on Sunday. He was 101 years old. At Manchester, N.Y., @wo-thirds of the house Broken Windows, ow- was! explosion = of in {he centre of the town. ing to The Allan 'stesmoer Pomeranian, for | Halitas, satled drom Havre on 15th ruary with eighteen second cabin Pe seventy-thred stoernge passengers. A fire in the second story of the Clifiord hotel, Dresden, Ont., com- gutted the building. The oc- cupants had hardly time to escape and i The {day, on | took prosecutions i Day Alliance | races here, Halton three New of the cious died, in the Que- at in of | only | | | Osgoode leaves. for for the ol | Starr, Re- everything was destroyed. pronoufcement is made by of Montreal, forbid to play oreans er in services in Protes- A new the archbishop ding Catholics take any part tant churches. Bishops Seraphim, of Orel, and Her- mogen, of Saratoy, have been remov- jed from the Holy Synod and ordered to return to their diocese, hecanse of > Petivions-- asking President Rodseve It | their connection with a reac tionary in- throughout | trigue Roberts utilizing his spare in the collection of material, for ol autobiographi al io Lord in voliimo companion on he a of Jacob Hop- investi. Detective Greer, of arson Allen, a the farm Gwillimburs Provineial on a charge Mabel A fire at kins, East was and a warrant, was jssned against domestu J. NM Kilwa, denies all knowl of the electrical merger, in {which his name is connected with that tof Charles M Hays, of the Grand William McKenzie and other magnates proposed resolu The government a measure of law re- gisla- ture at once. Law associations are tar inst the proposed reform bill, a= it law costs. A petition is to be presented to Pre- mier Gouin and the members of the provincial government, asking that the number of liquor licenses in (Que- bec be reduced, pablication of temper- ance literature promoted, ete. At Pittsburg, Pa., two brick houses, on Peay avenue, weakened by the collapsed, op Monday, {One man was injured and fifteen others narrowle escaped being crushed io death. The rivers are slowly vocedine A Quebec despatoh «tates. that long. shoremen of that port will demand an increase of five conts an hour at the opeving of navigation. Their * rates are already the lughest of any port in North America. , Archibald Wilson. one of the oldest and best known business men in St Catharines district, is dead. . He con- dicted a grocery business for upwards of twenty-five years, He was about sixty wears of age. In The Hospital Babcock, of Desert Lake, t to the General Hospital on Sa Ly 'morning, and died on Monday morning. He bad been 'suf: as a release. Two sons of the de ceased reside at Desert Luke, and the remains wiki likely be seat there for burial, 'Rix probable that overproduction in resoluti factories will doees » fering for sowe time and death came 17, 1908. A GLIMPSE OF MONTREAL. Some Characteristics of Life Canada's Eastern Metropolis. Hall a million people--soon tc be a round million. The modern and the medieval. The tense struggle and the calmness of those who do not work, but only dream. -Hurrying erestures, eager eyes; the slow procession of black-robed figures moving en fo church, telling their beads as they go A city of strong banks and big cor- porations and large activities; also, a city which still lives in the past centuries, and which kneels in the mud when the Host goes by Curious and profoundly interesting to the student are the contrasting elements and conditions of the metro politan city. Go to the court house, and the eloquence will be that of a brilliant French-Canadian lawyer; go to the head offices of the Grand Trunk or the C. P. R, and you will find practical men, w ho might not be able on the spur of the moment. to frame a decent sentence, if you gave them a million dollars, directing trmendous operations with the business-like apti- tude of the Anglo-Saxon. Read the French press and you will find the coruscating pasquinade; glance at the English papers and you will have blunt statement. Go to the political caucus and you will be greeted with a magnetic elo- quence from a mercurial people. Pro. ceed to the shipping offices, the offices of the great industrial corporations, and you will find silent men, simply doing business. Drop in at the ety hall and you will hear torrents of eloquence, not about the futare position of the city, not about the bringing in of large bet- terments, but about a broken sewer or water pipe. Forty-two members; ten English speaking, thirty-two born ora- tors; ten silent and ineffectual crea- tures who might as well be at home for all they can do or say. The slight- eat provocation brings out all the re. sources of the tongue of Moliere, The vehemence, the declamation, the mag- netism which mark the rhetoric, might well be applied to a profound question, say, of national policy. It is really all about the town pump. The eloquence does not make clean or wide streets; it does not give us more parks and playgrounds; it does not construct noble bgulevards in the newer portions of the city which will soon embrace the Island of Montreal It does not, in a word, spell salvation, but. it gives color to drabness, and drabness is the general experience A difference of race, of tongue, of creed may have complementary ad- vantages and compensations, but it has been found rather difficult to real- ize | them A homogeneous people Wot elect men to carry out their will. A dual people,. split in two, elects the men who enswer best to sectional appeal. Hence you have two voices, two counsels, and a policy which pulls in opplsite directions. Hence, 100, you are lacking in united public sentiment, which is the only coercive force you can apply to any sort of government The results are seen. An over whelming majority enforces its ideas. A helpless minority looks on, with the privilege of paying taxes. The minority loses heart and interest. [It sees wrong things which it cannot check. It notes extravagances for which it will have to pay. It goes on living: it proceeds to make mone§; it builds itself lordly mansions, it may be; but it holds itself aloof from the current of affairs: .This is not to mend, but to make worse the situa. tion. But this ia an old story Commercially and industrially, Mohtreal is supreme in the Dominion The men who direct the activities which give employment to scores of thousands of people are, by their di. rections, hard-headedness, and mod- ernity, in curious contrast to that other city within a city which refuses to recognize the twentieth century Men like Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Mr. C. M. Hays, Bir Willian Van Horne, Sir George. Drummond, Sir William Macdonald, Mr. R. B. Angus, Sir Robert Reid, give the city its ener. getic, its progressive character, while McGill Utiversity supplies that fear lessness of teaching which is of sueh inestimable value to the minority in this province. in Why Smoke Was White. A good story book, something after the style of Josh Billings, could le written about the questions that are] asked the captain of a pasgduger boat and the humorous replies generally given by him. One time a large passenger boat on kake Ontario, the Juniata, was steaming out of port, and guite natur- ally the firemen were hard at work "firing up," and so the smoke-stack was pouring forth immense clouds of thick, black smoke. The sister ship, The Tionesta. was just entering the port we had left and was smoking very little, since it had almost "docked." A woman who had been standing near the bridge, noticed these facts, and seemitd to be at a loss for a solu- tion of them ; so she turned to the cap- tain and asked -the reason why the smoke of our boat was black and that of the sister ship was white. The cap- tain, after a moment's hesitation, re- plied in his usual obliging manner: "Madam, the reason for that par- ticular phenomenon is that the coal on the Tionesta is all ina large tank and washed before it is used for firing purposes." Which Would You Rather Be? If an editor makes a mistake he has to apologize for i but if a doctor makes a mistake he buries it. editor makes one there is f PAGE FIVE. nin -- Lipton's Limerick Results THE LIMERICK Said a lady who's quite up-to-date "You will have the best mineteen naught oight, For if you drink Liptoys Tea You will wow a 5 Al THE WINNERS: Prize--Mrs, A. Spicer Simson, 1903 Maple St. V ctor a, B.C Though "tis leay Second Prise--P. H St. West Toronto Third Prise--Mrs. A. H. Rendlp, Compe bellford, Out ----paboark ------------ CONSOLATION WINNERS: Paris, Ontario -- readily First $250.00 wate." 1 50.00 $25.00 IT wan Ne find = 146 King year Duggan, Miss Phoebe Baker ab A. Harold #rows, 111 Howland 'A venae, Toroot Jas: Roland, 568 Brock Avenue, Toronto Mrs, J. FB. Chalkley, 68 Helloview Avenue. Mrs. Albert ¥ lark, 77 Helmuth Avenue, Mrs. Henry Clarke, Flora, Ont James A, Carmichael, 108 King » | Roud, C. HH. Chworth, 210 Onta¥iewtireft, St A. Downing, Box 1205, Hrandon, Men. Miss Fvelyn Durkin 281 ®oorge striet Torbut Miss Winifred °F. Egan, 32 Buckingham A venue, Montreal =: Miss E. Fox, 318 Piccadilly London, "Dal Walter § Fowler, care of 'Transcontipsmtal Railway, R. M. Fotheringham, 81 Duroche Street, Montreal Miss Edith Giles, Brockville, Ont - - Miss Evelyn Gray, P.O. Bex 88 Longueuil, PQ. Miss A. J. Gilmarten, care of J. S° Hamltoo and ( Miss M. Gordon, 18 Ross Street, Toronto - H. Harcison, 80 Mansfield Street, Montreal... Peter Hintz, Gravemhurst, Oot - Mrs. George B. Hall, Yarmouth, Mrs. H. Hyson, 21 Walerworks Miss F. M. Jones, Box 147 Lindsay, Ont. Miss Hilda M. Longley, P.O. Box 88 Paradise, "Amun pals Co Edward U. Lockhart. 744 Queen Street east, Toronto - W. B. Longhurst, Granby, P'.Q. Fred Lyon, 80 Beech Avenue, Balny Heath, Mrs. Rill McCaul, Deer Park, Ontario Geo. Maxwell, 863 College Street, Toronto Mrs. 8S. V. Mack, Hox 538 Truse. N.S Dr. D. Macklin, 19 Ontario Street, Stitiord A. J. MacAdam, Box 117, Halifax, N.S Miss A. M. Montgomery, 22 Chatham Street, Adolphus Lot 42 PE McAdam, Selkirk Mrs. Duncan J. McEwan, St. Louis Station, Roy Martin, 729 King Street west, Torotlo Mrs. George Nursey, Ont Lindsay, F. Powell, 4638 St. Catharine Street, Miss Caroline Peck Mark Street Miss Amy "A. Pierce, ace Street Mrs, W. R. Pri 2 King Street F. J. Reynolds, fox 958, Brandon, Man Miss Edith tuart, 97 Van Horne Ave James Smyth, Princeton, On Miss H. Steele, 99 Crescent Mrs. (Rev., W. A M Torouto Lond St. John's, Cntharines, Ont. Nid - Ont Ottawa, Ont, <>. Ont, Brantford, N.S . Guelph, Ont. . » « Unt. ¥ Ont Heaation, "Ont PQ Montreal peterborough, Toroato west, Toronio - Oat Outremont Mout real Road, Toronto dalp, Ont. rge's Rettory shawa, Ont Brunswick Avenue, 'Ts south, Hamilton Sinclair Mrs. Jane Turnbull, St Heury Walker, Mary Street Miss Frances Kennedy Ward, Miss Mable Youme, 158 J fa Mrs, OC. V. Allison, 102 Cp Toronto Mrs. Frank Bailey, 171 Sorauren Avenue Tormputo N. Brown, 5 Victor Avenue, Toromto . Albert Bradshaw, 84 Dunn' Avenue, ¥oreoto J. W. Beckett, 42 Stradbrooke Place Winnipeg, Walter Bennett, Cunard Street, Halifax, NM C. W. Balfour, Huntsville, Ont . Maud FE peley, 777 CUharlevonx Street J ames thousie, Ont Mrs. V Nora Cayley Mrs. J. WH. Helen Coleridge Mrs. A M. Carter, Jas. GG. Collinson Thomas A. UC. Carew, Vernon, B.A Mrs. DD. Cumming, 32 Spruceside Collamer CO. Calvin, 181 King Street, Miss M. Dewan, 48 Wolfrey Avenue, Toronto . .e Miss Nellie Davidson, 1018 Frances Street" London, Mrs. Patience Draper, 59 Arthur Street, Brantfosd, Thos. W. Fitagerald, Dundas, Ont, Malcolm Goudie, 20 Hbrslield, St George Gour, Port Elgin, Ont Mrs. Gorty, 563 Barnard Street Bertha Harmer, 155 Winchester Street, Toronto Miss Helena Henry, 8 Breecher Street, St. Cdtharioes Colin Hitz, Lawrencetown, Hulifax County, N.S Harry Hickson, Lindsay Sadie Harmer, 156 Winchester Street, Robt. Hisson, 66 Mulock Avenue, Mabel L. Jamieson, Sigmeoe, Ont Mise CO. Kenmingbam, 181 Board of Trade, Montreal D. A. Kearns; 5% Fsplanda Avenue, Montr Thomas Lindsay, Whitewood, Sask Haughton Lennox, Barrie sha Lynn, 16 Farley Avenue . 8, Minty, 81 Kendal Avenue J. Boyd McMano, Union Street, x Elizabeth Murrey, Lundy's Lave, Niagara Falls South B. B. Malcolm, ® Neilson Street, Brantford, Ont Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, 4838 Si. Catherine St, Westmount Estelle McCauley, Markham, Ont, ¢ Kobert T. Mawdesiey, Morrisburg, Unt Miss Mary M. MacKuracher, Box 280 New Mra. Nora McDomnell, 529 Seymour Street, Vern Mclean, Port Elgin, Ont Miss Mary MatKemzic, Petrolea 15 t , 414 Magdalen Mrs Amherst LG Louis Square Miss Faith Treoton, Ont H, Chas. #Froc ; Ya Lincoln L. Potter, 168 St. James Strest, T. Parker, 43 St. James Avenue, Toronto Miss F. M. Port, 19 Lowther Avenue, Torouto t. Robinson, Fdgetts and Ug Vancouver Miss Sarah Ric hmond 159 Westmoreland Avenues, Te BR. J. Rodger Havelork Street, Toronto Frank Stollery Yonge Street "Toronto CU, HH. Simfpsong\2 5 Taton Street, Vapecouver P. Stromt, 205 Boyd Avenue. Winnipeg Nan. . 3.00 Mrs. Alex, Stewart, Ivan Unt --vn « B00 John Swift - Springhitt, N . BOO Gu C. Stevenson, 169 . 8.00 8. Thorson Bartimouth, 3.00 HR. ( Smith Jox 234 Moosomin, hon Lillian E. Thomson, Nichol i Obty eee Mrs Turner, GAbert Plains, . > - Thos, 8S. Usher, 78 Dufferin Avenue, Brantlerd, Ont . Jos. Wilkinson. 880 Masning Aveswe. Toronto Mra, G. E. Willett, Box 213, St. Catharines Mrs. W. Watkins, 19 Macpherso Mrs. Margaret Wheeler, 76 Glo Mrs. HF. B. Zavitz Forks Rond Chegues Have Been Mailed to Winoers As rick Goderich, Ont rome Out Man. Montreal Eamilton BA 205 Hunter Street west 1124 Burclay Street, Vancouver arruth, Ocillia, Ont . Ingersoll, Om - 19 Roxborough Street, west, Dundas, Ont - Carroll Toronte Avenue. Hamilion Kingston, Ont. Ont Ont. Jobn, N.B Vancouver, B.( Ont Foronto Toronto Jun tion Toronto . Toronto St. John, N.B Ont Que N.S Glasgow BA Vancouver Ont Street, Montreal Montreal Avenue Momtreal Montreal B.C Main east, Hamilton Bask fw 1.00 B00 8 0h 3.00 8.00 3.00 300° Jas. Om Above. atoh For Our Next Limes Jer © 200 and Pat. Toe Bluchers and Bals., light and heavy sole, dull and plain top, Regular $3.00 for 2.25. for i em | D2.25 The 8t. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co.Ltd MONTREAL / REFINED SUGARS Granulated snd Yellows. Made entirely from cane Sagar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." We Do Galvanizing and T mg Reid & Charles, Manufacturers of the choicest _ Prompt and, Good Work. ot Ud work