Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1908, p. 8

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? AUR we n x Ginkgo gil rr EL Te. THE DAILY, BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 37, 1908. -- rE ---------- Ton recon cove THE DAYS EPISODES Thoma Yellowier, who i ia the |LOCAL' NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL of his oppor ---- the morning | Qceurrences In The City And Raptis eure 1 Vicinity--Other Brief Items of 'and | Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. School savings banks may he intro duced in Belleville schools. wi. pace EIGHY | E---- m-- m------ ESTABLISHED 1859, -- i THE RELIGIOUS (ENSUS. EDITION i i THES PM. 'THE FE O'CLOCK TEA CONDEMNED BY FRANCIS MARR, FOOD EXPERT: He Admits That Tea Arouses In-| telligence and Aids Converss- f { in interests of the relivious | wade the most unities, vesterday. In he spoke at the First lin the afternoon at Sydenham CDOOIs, ferty, in the census, } : jand Queen street Sunday {last evening at the First tional church. During the past three vears, Mr. Yellowlees has directed house-to house | pg, vour eyes need attention ? tion, But Says Stomach and visitations, as the religious census is {consult the optician at Best's. Heart Troubles Follow. oiten ealled, n most ol the larger | The Portland, Ore, police court is . . ~ - = jeities in the province ol ntario, and, |, ve a stov ar re ors New York, Heb. 17.~The Sun has re- {therefore, when speaking on the sub- ji fon (ale from vy oes | ceived the following cable d spateh {ject he speaks with expert knowledge, ire to ell tar orca vi : from Paris ; Alarmed at the' growth {In his address, last evenine he made | og olifate's Pte thy 4s" of tea-drinking in France, the con-{very clear to the congregation, Bot at Gibson's Ked ( rods nom stor. | sumption having increased 150 Pr only the purpose of a religious census, | The collection on Sunday ia St. jofnt. in the last twenty-four vears, |but also its positive value as an aid | Andrew's church amounted to $917. | Francis Marr, whose researches into lin church work. Referring to the cen- | This amount was more than the wan- foods and their valies entitly him to jsus taken in fforonto, in November, {goers asked the congregation for. | respect, warns his compatriots against | 905, be said that one of the most {The brownish spots which appear ia | over-indulgence in 'the five o'dock hab- earnest workers on the executive com- told books are due to the ravages of | it. He admits that tea arouses intel mittee was Father Minneban, of St. {bacterin. The tiny dost is - or i ligenee and aids conversation, 3 he [Peter's Roman Catholic church. Jt is ! cially fond of starch » ye a _l says that stomach and heart troubles | generally conceded that there are no { helped by damp Fomalenal ant. 13 follow, Plants, like men, are obliged | better parish workers than are'in the The gebuine Castor for inlant to get rid of certain injurious products | Roman Catliolic priesthood, and none lik "brg Kingston 2 lor } n | which they cannot assimilate. These [who know their people, individually, {Cross drug Sore pesidues reach extreme parts, like the (better. Yet, after the census in To- | Gn the ag designed for the sub- bark and leaves. | In tea plants they lronto Father Minnehan wrote to Mr. marine branch of "the = tisk a ry are alkaloids and are comparable with | Yellowlees, saying that the census had {mice have for the first Sania Ey uric acid in their effects on the sys. {been the means of placing in his hands | tory been placed on an sible whict tem. Nevertheless, feminine Paris con- [the names of fifty-four persons of fypiios Woon, a fT ea Biri tinues to feed at five o'dlock or any {whom he had had no previous knowl | ness. oo a an : other hour that it féels like it, and to ledge. Gold-filled drimk fea, An Anglican clerovman mo Bests. ford, where the census was taken Barrie's example feats aa RESCUED IN MID-OCEAN. { November last, stated that, though he | sessment pl ol gintins tho Bs | had aly no jularent whatevee the {adjoining municipalities. An' acita- ford a Ra hia ponser (Sp has heen hogan nwo townships {sion from. "the general committe, the $> ire Miequalities have existed for : |years to have the rolls published. {names of many persons, stranwers to |° Gold-filled spectacles and eve glasses thim, who said that their preference {complete, for $1.50, at Best's. * Congrega- If $0 is sold NEW EMBROIDERIES Our spring selling of New EMBROIDERIES has now commenced with the most extensive display of Fine Finbroideries we have ever shown. » Narrow Edges with Insertions to Match. New Shirt Waist Insertions. Corset Cover Embroideries, many novel Designs. is 8C at Gilwon's Red C SPEGIAL SALE TO-MORROW me) Fee THE REAL TEST. or Herpicide Is In Giving It a hi Thorough Trial. here iw otily one test by which to fudge ol the offic iency of any article aad i i by its ability to do that hit ie intended to Many hae Vigors may look nice and smell ee, bit the point is--do they eradi- iste Dandeull and stop falling hair ? Na, they do it, but Herpicide does, eye glasses, £1.30, at Strat- in Fraser Formerly of King- ston, Concerned. The many friends of Capt. Fraser, whose family resided in Kingston for Capt. deo, wi Pimuse it goes to the root of i and kills the germ that attacks "the papilla' from whence the hair gots ity dife Shetters from prominent people every Comhere ure daily proving that Newhro's Herpicide stands the "test of use." St ix a delightful dres pire fd free from oil or grease. ASold by ending. Craggists He. in stamps for sample to The Her pieide Co, Detroit, Miceli. Two sizes, Be and $1. GW, Malood, special agent, or * sie Send the several years recently, will be glad hear of a rescue he and his crew of the stemmship Bermudian effected in mid-geean, 240 miles north-west of Bermuda, on February 10th. The four masted schooner Mary | nth, Me, was sighted by the mudian, on the Mth, and helples Ihe disabled vessel had been days drifting at the merey The Bermudian went rescue, and, under the dieetion of Fraser, its lifeboats were low. ered and the erew of the schooner res. ened after thrilling work. The New York Herald tells the story of the re er wen to be fiv raging sen, 0 the Capt. Wood's BR The Great Tones nud inv Mental und raknens, asd Bffects of Abuse or por box, six for One will pl ore, Sold br all druggists or mal Lon toca iL 01 Pa, New pa Le Frronto, Fon rh acren in Womry, Marriage At Sand Bay. ict and pretty wedding Bhosghtdine ¥ ny winkos viel A a midavions, Sper in Ont wns Part of it is as follows : "A gale was blowing at the time with hurricane force. It was pitch dark, and we could barely distinguish the lights of a great iron that was standing stanchly by from where we lay, rolling helplessly in the trough of the sea, swept by tons of green was ter and nearly deafened hy the thun- derous tumult of the storm. It was our one comfort to eateh from time to time the flash of her signalling rockets as they pierced the murky pall over- head, cued crew vessel Newhall, of | of the {was for his church. | A Methodist minister in Stratford {suid that the census had provided him [with the most complete visiting list he had ever possessed. This experience of the clerevmen {Toronto and Strationd is by junusual. It is the common experiénce jof clergymen in every city in which a in no means ireligious census ig taken | Mr. Yellowlees vell . able awaken the enthusiasm of those to whey is | { | i | i | have promised to give a helping hand | of visitation, and, there or supervisor should in the work Hore, no visitor ail to hear him to-ni~ht {rally to be held in the WI der the presidency of E. . at eight o'clock. Not only ean he awaken enthusiasm in this work, hut he can impart that knowledge as to how the work is to be done, as only the person expert in these matters ean. vig hall un- 1. B. Pense, The Busy Workers. Robert Meek, chairman of the trict committee for the taking of religious census, and his staff, dis- | | i | { l the | where von wel periect satisfactic have ly our {"A Psaln of ) { Mariners of England." at the final Students and graduates of the King ston Business College, who have not received invitations for the annual "at home," to be held on Friday even- ing, Feb. 2ist, may receive the same by making application to the com- mittee or Mr. Metcalfe, the principal, The following are the selections for memorization at the entrance examina tions for 1908 © "Lead Kindly Light" Life'; "Flow Afton"; "The Heritage"; Written in a Country Church "The Barefoot Boy "Ye Gently, Sweet logy vard"; *"The great tonic, Peruna." is sold t Gibson's Red Cross drue store The erossing to Wolle Island very bad on Saturday. After sleighs got by the end of Garden and about fourteen was on top of the ice and the horses had a hard time getting 'through it. It was a little better this morning, but still the horses would break through the crust. Have your was the 1s inches of slash Best's, mn and but eyes tested at alanses complete, cost vou % sewing. 121e yard. 980 YARDS FINE WHITE COTTONS Finished soft for the This make is considered extra gool value regularly at Yours To-Morrow as Long as the Lot Lasts Sale 9 O'clock to 6 P.M. needle and an excellent cotton for home \ 10c. Yard. heen able to prepare for the gathering |g) 50. of the census a' most complete system. | "I, his book, "( ircling the World." Besicles a committee of splendid work: | James Walker. of London describos ers for general details he has been {hig trip through Canada, and at one assisted by experts to whom great {point says: "If Toronto's fine King- eredit is due for the admirable plans | son seemed to me still finer. The prepared. Among these were W S. lwhite stone of which a ay of the Gordon, the eity assessor, whose in: [buildings are formed adds to their formation as to residences, properties |heauty." To compliment old King- and didricts was of the Jest valu- [ston will be rank hercsy hi the cyves able character; R.: MeClelland, as- [of Toronto. sistant city engineer, draughted maps | "Keep it in the house," of the city, which have heen placed in {ed horehousd candy. I he the hands of the supervisors, and are / most excellent in their way; E. W Skinner. of the ldcomotive works, pre- | pared diagrams of blocks and districts [ue for the visitors, spending twelve of his evenings at the work. They are | deed works of art that will be "All night she stood by, promising aid the next morning. As the first gray light revealed her to us we saw a boat lowered that made way with the greatest difficulty across the inters vening stretch of tossing billows. It was their second attempt to reach us, and sill, though the force of the wind had somewhat abated, they found it impossible to come under our' lee, Ihe only thing to do was to east off a line from our deck and plunge bodily into the icy water. "This they did, and one by oné the crew amd officers of the illdated schooner were drawn into the Bermu dian's lifeboat and landed, half frozen and completely exhausted, on the steamships deck. "Great cheers went up from the pas- sengers, who watched covery detail of the heroic scene. Resolutions of com- mendation were drawn up for Capt. Fraser apd Mate Welch and $600 was subseribed for the lifeboat crew." nized at the home of Mr. and ik George Slack, Sand Bay, on the Bening of Feb. Bth, when the eldest fer, Sophia, and Ross Lead. ter, of Ellisville, were united in matrimony, The bride was given WWay hy der brother, The wedding mireh was played by her sister. The Bride was unattended and was attired 0 a beautiful costume of white. The alptial knot was tied by the bride's anole, Rev. D. CC. Reed. After the cere mony the assembled guests partook of a delicious weuding repast. The wed ding gilts testified to the high esteem ebich both bride and groom are ) by their numerons friends. They reside at Ellisville, ' John Laidlaw @& Son. ------ old. fashion- strong kind {is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, A new British rapid-fire gun, Qed in Popular Mechanics, econ: jtap} eight barrels, arranged in two in- fters, and will discharge 460 shots a pre- iminate. Its greatest feat i the served, and will be found useful on {cooling chamber, whieh allows it to other occasions. Al these men gave [be fired for an unlimited time with their leisure hours to tue cause. John tout becoming overheated. It is also Macdonald, secretary of the school {possible to fire it down the precipi- hoard, was another competent. assis- [tous side of a mountain, straight in. | Secretary Maclnnes the tant; whose knowledge of the city [to the air, or te any point of . the | Hon of the report, which had was & source 8f great information to |compass, . presented at the previous weekly meet . {the committee. It is understood that:| "Oatmeal soap," 6 cakes 15¢ at |[1ne. In committee of the $ Eastern |p census will be of value to the | Best's. society expressed itself as favorable to WAS | Board of Education as, by it, a com-| "What," says the Wyvomin the abolition of the color become of retaining only the eriginal gold color iplete list of children under eighteen "has old-fashioned y years of age will be available. Seldom | freckle-faced boy who got the water When the committed rose and report na city has a more up-to-date and |chopped the wood, split the kindlin~ | the entire question complete system for the taking of ""n Imilked the cows, fv] the pigs, curried | © the athletic census been arranged. {the horse, and did su h other chores consideration. {as his parents found for him te do *'* a: The final year defeated the freshmes AN EXCITING RUNAWAY. [He's probably kept busy handin~ his ji ner year basket ball on Saturday i erhaps the {lazy son money with which to buy wh score would elicit a of | Had a Miraculous rolled-up trousers and* cigarettes - Wo hanks WwW A Mit 3 hell's ' Fittings you can attach to vour hot Hr bod dot ee 5 | ® . 1 C ® | C water bottle and fountain ie medical dinner committee was syringe, are sold Gibson's - Red dined by Dean Connell one evening ve Cross drug store. cently, Everyone himself | Hie Brin the arin, hos spent [Barons C7 GRAND UNION HOTEL much time in Canadian villages in rof. H. L. Wilson's lecture on "Re winter, making pictures. He writes [®t Excavations in the Forum of J Grand Central Sontham Trajan at Home," delivered in the] WEW YORK QTY . i Wvory semvenicate ai mwdernte ------ Rooms $1.00 & day and upward = -- on oe Bow Neh ww | © OCOTOVOTOO-00000000000 i X < WATCHES REPAIRED that has been propers properly Cleaned better results THE HALLS OF QUE EN"S. d < The Universal A Budget of News From the University. It was thought by many that Alina Mater society's bete U question, would be final at Saturday ev enigg's moeti fates decree that this OCOD ¥ - City Council This Evening. "AE the city council meeting, this thers will be several import- ters up for discussion, The bol works mipy bave a report on purchase of a road plant. The JMpineor i to report upon the jo: buildings which do and which comply with the egress by-law, Wention the shorteomings of those 0 not. The aldermanseloct of pe ward will -take lis seats Cho Food r PPE ing noir, Lin set Ud but the WAR not tovie moved ad A Watch repaired certainly wear lor ly and w show and Dairy School Election. The weekly meeting of the Dairy Sool Literary Society held, Friday evening, a large number of the members being present. The somi-manthly elections took place; the following heing elected : President, J. A. Fergtson; first viee, J. Hymphries; second vice, G. Williams; secretary, A. L. Andress; treasurer, A. McDonakl; programme committes, George Swurith, H. Holmes; excentive committee, J. A. Wyhe, R. J. McGinnis. A debate then took place, on the] ca ; sabiject, "Resolved, that summer dairy-| In an exciting ranaway, which ing is more profitable to the farmer {curred early- on Monday afternoon, than winter dairying.' The following [many people had a fbiraculod@Eycape took part : Affirmative, H. W. Winter, [from receiving serious "itjure horse R. J. McGinnis, J. A. Ferguson; nega. |attached: to B. MeFaul'® delivery rig Smith, F. Brown, G. Wil {took fright on Upper Brock street, while; the driver was away, and dash- ed flown the street at full speed, causing people to run in all directions for sulety. On reaching the corner of Wellihgton street, the anore animal tarned towards Princess streel taking the sidewalk, aiid people taming along hot, to stand in the doorwavs for oIanlety, and at that it was very dan- garons. On reaching Princess stredt, orse ran into Corbett's store, the rig ran against the : ing and. was smashed info seve ral pieces. The horse got free from rig, and continued along Wellington street, colliding with another rig and then going up Queen street, where it was captured, "Chaucer Astonished Montreal. Montreal anette. . "Ohaucer™ Elliott made his first ap- 3 mee in the Arena as a hockey ve amd set & standard of fashion by appearing in faultless attire Wear ing a spotless black suit, evidently de- I by a Fashionable tailor, high r and white tic with a large dia mond, was a contrast to the clab sweaters worn by the arbiters Mont: frealers are accustomed to. Despite the sartorial handicap, the versatile. man from Kingston, baseball player, foot- ball coach, and hockey expert, proved to bem good referee. Ile had a dil ficult game "to bamdle, snd proved equal to the task het At Toronto, because the magistrate led her daugh- Niddleton , Was whole the ger OOOOH OOO { sk especially and we are branch ir work th is wal en scheme Tribune, ee sfaction ¥ the ine nglish Watches was referred baek | committee for furthe Swiss Wat hes Fie Fine Amer "¥acht Club Association. kpecial meeting of the sharehold- of the Kingston Yacht Club Asso Wii. limited.) was held at noon, when the directors wore au. 4 to bofraw 81.500 dpon pro- notes, to cover the sost 'of i an extefision to the clubhouse hel for new boat houses. The : & are hopine--thas the ice in @ harbor will temain inte April, so the pier may be completed. ! i , Gteat Clearing Sale. t, Brock street, has made a reduction in price in the order ready-made clothing department, x the gent's furnishings. The woll assorted with new goods. an Watches at Cun Le made to perform as well the omission of as When new vote Many People Escape As Result. use as at oc- MIOOOOOOC00000 enjoved Spangenberg +EWELLER tive, Gi. limes. Instructors Dool, Cameron . and Buro acted as judges, reporting in fa- vor of the affirmative by two points. | Instructor Singleton acted as critic | and J Holmes favorad the meeting | with a fow violigl selectins. ' 3 4 an interesting account- of the habi- physies lecture Saturday | | tant for the March Scribuer, illustea- evening, proved very interesting to ting 'it freely. John Fox. Jr. in his \ those préxent. 'The Alma Mater so serial. "The Trail Of The Lonesome | Pine," describes the wonderful effects | LY was 30. engrossed with the. Q question that many of the students of "5 toom by English capital on ihe Cumberland Gap region. This part of did not arrive in time to hea the ! the novel is founded on fact. is lecture. . also the police guard which appears in General Secretary NM. N. t Y.M.C.A., is preparing for the story. L immediate opening of an office. The annual election of lawn tennis DEATH OF J. A. GOULD. club officers will take place at th {He Pa Away.» tall next Alma Mater meeting. The elec- | i ssed ¥ Peaceiully tion of the association football offi Sunday Morning. cers, enumerated in the Whig a week James A. Gould passed peacefully | 880. wag ratified by the AMS. away at his vesidence, 278 Wellington | Saturday evening. . street, on Sunday morning, after an The "mods." of the final year wrote tlintss of some months During last Lon the annual examination in mental | summer Mr. Gould received a severe 1 § 3 diseases last week. The examination fall at his broom factory, Kin street, ¢ room on Railroad Watch Inspector. PTOVVTCCVOTOVODOOCY 0.0000 5ODOCOO O00 DOVOOIOOOO0 W oO | the dio- | OOO000O0LOOOVOOVOOO0V0K doo tishop T > powders," Red Cress make, as g «Hob 25¢. Safe and reliable. Sold of ", at Gibson's [Red Cross Stove, | | Omond, of the cose Cebu } wine Islands, 15} hu, FFL ein sure ther, the { United States ative re A "naggin wife is often made ap husband 5 actions, SUCCESS, ¢ her ts with Me 4 on OROROAORO DORON AILORING ! The Spring Woollens are now ready and we I take pleasure in showing them to you any day. pe wioleluiu eleleleln ORR on CLE0048400004880A8888000080000000004000000004 New Spring Stock Empress Shoes _ At The Lockett Shoe Store. For comfort, for durability comb ned with at- tractive shapes these Shoes for Ladies easily stand without a rival. Oxford Shoes High Lace Shoes $3t0 85 $2.50 to $4. mmendation, ask anyone who has : a took place at Rockwood asym g from wh he never completely ve. | where the final vear men have received covered. e regained his health suffi | clinical instroction during the entire ciently to be around to business, but | session. Allg went merry as & mar. only for a few days, when he was | riagehell, until a female iamate was forced to again give up active work. | brought in to the. examination foom. The late Mr. Gould was an energetic | Immediately she ospied one of the man, Wellbknown in the city and | "meds." who, she declared, was her vicinity, where he has a host of | half-brother, a cherished re hom friends, who sympathize deeply with | she had Jong sought in vain. "Tis said his sorrowing family in their loss. Mr. | that the discomfitare of this student Gould was forty-eight years old, and | would have evoked a smile from the had posed most of hix fife in this | sternest chief justice of the most sol- v. Besides his wile, three children, | smn supreme court in the united king- James, Mabel and Gertrude, are loft | dom. to mourn. The funeral will be held on Tuesday. at three o'clock. Services il ucted at the house be the . BE. Burke, pastor of Brock Street Methodist Shurch, of which the 0 be surprised to sce how much of quality, b elegance $20.00, 22.00, 25.00 and 28.00 3 you are the least bit in doubt as to the § of material or style of make up, our §ielieved that she had nt is freely at your service. = 2 Bail Not Secured. The men mrrested on Saturday night were still in the toils the afternoon; the necessary bail not being forth The bail asked for was $2. 800 cach for Crozer and Detine, and $1,900 cach for Mosier and Brickwood, For reco worn them. Ghe Toockett Shoe Store. Mes. Alice to ro on sus she has four chil usband is a

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