Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Feb 1908, p. 3

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ITY | 5 | usements | Pe i" SIRT Zneerie i The People's Forum. | VARIOUS DENIALS. (ARAND OPERA HOUSE ) TE ------ | He Will Only Grant Dispensations . | ' : SATURDAY, FEB. 22nd. ! - When Pope's Regulations Are Matinee, at 2.50. Evening 8.15; | RATES GROCERY CLERK. FOR FULL PAR-|SIX FOOT ras ath of. Jim! GRACE MERRITT -| "Haior, Sore Whig oles, Af Media's D . "9 1 : - 3 - Burbidge. And Splenic Compuny of. 22 Players, | First fnsertion le. a word. Eaél con BUILDING LOTS FROM $35 UP i Coe: RTE ¢ 5 . . od Montreal, Feb, 18 Archbishop Bru. Jin the Everlasting Success. Tn ion. thereatiar, hail cant OS ER IN Gt MAND CARPET! Casts kewi- Ksiate Office, 51 Brock i : o" lar 3 - {chesi denies the report that an order "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD | sertion, 250. rk, 3d] Millard 235 Soy at {is on the way to America from the WAS IN FLOWER" > ONE 1807 EDISON KENETISCOPE, i Vatican withdrawing the power of the ERNEST SHIPMAN, Maneger Fae HELP WANTED-FEMALRE. Baw ; tWo 50Q and one 500 gal, Steel bishops to grant dispensations for Massive amd Blaborate Scemic and | A JOB CLEANING. ASHES OUT OF tanks: Apply = Capt. Hops, gare : i : : a PEt, |A GOOD GENERAL: SERVANT. AP- rarde cel or other ba Steamer A ivthe. mixed marriages. He states that it is | Electrical Sauiprant, 50C. : } ply ta Mrs, R. McFaui, 106 Barrie a a Apply ng Sosa -------------- known to the pape that the bishops |. E " *} street. Lytle, General Uarter, ds ain St. NO. 76 SYDENHAM. sO ID BRICK vndérstand focal conditions best, and A 1 | - With eXtension Kitchen, 6 bed' rooms are best qualified to deal with the Seats pow op sale, {A SERVANT, FOR GENERAL WORK, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEI hot Rater, heating ; | through i f THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1008. PAGE THRER. } i : | ! ELOCUTIONIST, | < + l ph the everling to Miss Pergu- matter, Mgr. Bruchesi also denies that | Apply in ETE 4 Overcoats and bave them pressed and : ' : ' son, 191 Ring street. 1 Apply A. B. Cy [it is his mtention to refuse all pe. H. Ruthven MacDonald 9 . 5 Sham, also eS a ri eva. Jolias ec re A quests for mixed marriage dispensa- BARITONE i LOST. right. Galloway, The Tailor, 181 vALL ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALF--- | tions in future as has been stated, but ; Soe : Brock St., mext to Bibby's livery, Brom. ot ibe iene on Stet; the {where requests are granted, he will de ie Irvin Cs . o "4 TORN #00, now used as dweliin . . SILVER WATCH, WITH INITIALS AGES, WAGGONS, FURNI- . ' as a dwelling snd w mand that the parties agree to the Jessie # {A MJ SY on back, on Sunday, CARRI Pianos, Thge article for stor Rorber * habs Apply twa Messrs, recent regulations relating thereto laid | between St. Grofges Cathedrud and age, by the month, Year, or any way > _ down by the pope. Svdent St. Choir Contiet | a2 jour] St 8 3 inder kindly peturn required. For further snformaticn, -- " . : Sydenham ' St, Choir Concsrty ww 282 Earl street. y to turney's Carriage Works, | Wheelock Burbislge, judge of the | 25% and 892 Princess St. 'Phone, exchequer court, died this morning | CITY HALL, TUESDAY EVEN-| A MEFHODIST HY uN BOOK. BE 3s {from 'cancer. He had been hopelessly ING, MARCH 3rd tween Y.M.C.A. an Brock stre DWELLINUS is : . Ay ' . Church, cn Sunday even Stor } ia. Hl fof n long time and passed away : ue the 16th Fisder kindly wave at| MONEY AND BUSINESS. lorage. etes jat his residence at six o'clock. The #* . whic office, or 379 Princess St. ee -- Re --- {family kept the news of the real ocom- H k M t h -- |OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF|Tiion TRIE {dition to therfiselves and Tittle leaked oC ey a C WOULD THE GENTLEMAN WHO EX. building and contents that wny other 307, oppesite. Victoria 1 : : . changed hats, by error, at Mm company offers, Examine them at : x 1 May A g Sut since his last judgments which he SENIOR O.H.A. Folger's Johnson St. on Wedis- Godwin s Insurance Emporium, Mark. L As y {delivered from his death bed some two day evening, kipdly return to ra, ot Square. i ; i ' . ce} ' one yok and get his sen. tvtime {or three weeks St. George's (Toronto) Folgera the. ove. ie took wi A FURN Loe Bea, - LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE|X FURNISHED HOUSE, 280 ALFRED vs 14th Batt Sw Fire Insurance Company, Available St. Home of the lute Major Ring . - masets solasrms. n addition Ae hot water he Abt. wan EB. which the policyholé rs ave or Carts may seo house, |r i Ww. : . FRIDAY, F 2st. SITUATIONS VACANT. security the unlimited lability of all ' Apply on premises ® | anted in Pontiac, Mich,, Arrest- Puck Faced, at 8.153, : } TEN TO LEARN the stockholders, a sud city prov re --. 3 jents', Sle | i w » H » 2 i" ¥ SHIP OF I» vr 0 ' ed at Mitchell. Aduianion, pool 3 Noe, (HER ND Sou weeks ; radu. Py. Pore i We "old pero FA Ra. ~ ROW n i Ve ' ol oR 1 gio oh Stratlord, Feb, 18.-0On Saturday a Doors open at 7.80 pm. \ ates earn twelve to eighteen dollars BeW business rates from Strange ington, proper of the late Sathuel man who escaped from a lunatic asy- Reserved Seats, 2%c. and Soc: weekly ; belp secure tions ; cata & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568, Kingston composed of 400 acres {lam in Pontide, Mich two weeks ago hp Flan opens for sale of seats and tickets logue re ier april College, 100 or 1 re of tillable land, halases i 1 » & A " Pedy. 20th. i and ua, pasture land, well walered, 11 co {and who Has been staying with some . . Sunt | MARRIAGE LICENSES. to be leit om promises. Possession. { iv sar Ker o Haha 2rd of April. For terms oid {relatives near dre, went to Mitchell, ARCHITECTS. 0. 8, KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER © | tichinry APY ts Mes. Ak rs s lon Saturday, to look ior a position " Marriage Licenses, 43 Clafence St. | tine, 262 Earl St. Kingston, (mt rinting yl: writer an' one af the ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF perms. | Smena------ : E fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot stréeth. * opp ppg PAPER 18 THE CHEAP. ---- | Special Sale of Dainty Whitewear Especially attractive because of their crispy fréshness, the new Undermuslins in this Sale are noteworthy for their fine qualities, Such savings on Muslin 'Underwear of this e Character are unusual--the garments are daintily : trimmeil with pretty tucks, exquisite laces and em- e broideries--and you will act wisely to.buy a year's supply NOW, , Night Gowns Undershirts 7c for regular $1.00 $1.25 for regular 1.40 Night Gowns. Underskirts $1 for regular $1.25 1.80 fortiégular 2.00 Night Gowns. «.Ungerskirts $1.25 itor regtilar '$1.50 2.35 for regular: 2,60 Night Gowns, ~~ Underskirts Drawers | ESCAPED LUNATIC CAUGHT. o i MOL} use essssssse {printing offices there, Word came to {town to have hime arrested, and he sr ARCHITECT. est for the advertiser. {wy i by . 3 P. SMITH, 3 OT, ------------ ------ -- 0 S---- [stable Copp Sharge by County ; - CIRCUS RIDER SPY FOR ne INRY Avhhor Building, Market Square, ONTARIO CHURCHMAN, RINGSTON, | PRO} | ! ae ¥ e- 5 2 , Bd h by far the best circulation in| Phrer fore the' police magistrate for GENERAL DEWET. | 'Phone. 84s ~~ « _{ 'hes by far te best circuletion in| Fh [ngSrancy. The prisoners was remand IR & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER: | fore the best to advertise in for " {ed to the county jail till next Thurs- Woman in Soldier's Garb Sold Powrne Bank puilding Phone Broek TRRUtaUoe ang Suis eh a------ on ; . ime C rn hb » day. In the meantime ( rown Attor- English Military Secrets to and Wellington § KINGSTON, JING . FOUR RAIL-| MAIR {ney | "Pherson, of this city, will com NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- \ commanding the | Warts {municate with the asylum authorities the Enemy. oe second floor over Mahood's Drug , St. lawrence River Rideau with lin Pontiac al Whi e Princess and Bagot System: and Bay of Quinte trade, is] ¥ {in Pontiac, London, Feb. 18.+Lily 'Whiterose, a store, corner plese & choles plate for manufacturers and) { i . . : . streets. Fntrance on Bagot » i : | | SS ------------ circus rider, charged with drunkenness TPhone 7, as a distributing point. 1 | VICTIM DF THE REGICIDES. at Bradford, yestexday, told the bench . . ------ - -- | an extraordinary life story. --- mm di | Mother of Man Killed in Mistake | She was the deughter of hin. army COMMERCIAL MATTERS, 'THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Sees Royaity. plier, she said, Yau ran rid from A | Unitari i y ll me while ir er: 'teens and joiue i : 4 i arian. Ganon: Heb i a Motus vf [Buialo Bill's show in Massachusetts. | What is Going Sain Jha Busing: REV. C. W. CASSON, : d bpolice on February lst, they suppos- | She became a crack shot and an... ex» World The i no iw ay will i hua fread {ing he was one of the assassins of [Pot rider under Col, Codv's tuition. | The Canadian Pacific rai BY The Unitarian Basis Ce Co | King Carlos, - and the erown prince Later she marpied an Austrian army [extend from Russell, Man ; to ah eE i. The Unitarian basis in religion s + : : heer, She i x gk., opening a rich cou *that of life d not. of belief. 1 on was summoned 10 the palace yester. |officer. She followed him vo South |dore, Bask., : at « , and 1 »* : 85a for regular 45 orsel LEH vers days She was received . Kiog Man- |Aftica and managed, during the war, | This will be a link 1 the air line YO | phaizes deed instead of doetrin It " @ % Joye . : . uel, the Queen melie and op | $0 SECUre Some seeret information re- | Edmonton, rightly subordinates the matter of he 45¢ $a 60 a5¢ foy regular 19 Mario Pi A and Dowager specting the movements of the British | At Lodz, Russian Poland, four of lief to the matter of being. It is what - \ hts Maria Pia, who informed her [*Pecting 3cheil 0c " 7 7be 2 ho Lath 85 that henceforth they would take her |2710y. {the largest cotton spinneries, Schel P a man is that counts; it is not what he ] 107% * " 1.25 TRO dw van 1.25 "lunder their, protection, The woman | She went to the Boer generpl.Dewit, ler," Poznanski, Grochman and Heuel | believes. Whatever his belief, it i v" : $ winds vim pa) fell to her knees .and weeping grate sold him the information, and was en- Kumitzer, have formed a combine with | spirit," his dominant impulse and ideal k § ' fully kissed the hands of her beeing: gaged as a dispatch rumsnper. a capital of $15,000,000, : o [is helpfulness of life, his strength of ! i iden ii CS a tors, 3 She wore military attire and passed | The farmers of Ontario raise $143,- | character, that are to. be considered as q ¥ y * gt Aa : as a man. ap 000,000 of grain crops and spepd 8. | (hg basis or the test of his religion, as i hot ' : i "® Ho i of © Remorse for her treachery overcame 000,000 * for 'seed, M they had better opi Coot The faet that a man is : : y ! Me. Monk's resolution og for her and she deserted the Boers and |and "cleaner seed they could h the {a Unitarian shows 'that he has frank : : joine Brit at 3 o Br ri ith the ; ip! a Ane S00000000s0nssnnscnstcceriterssetvessenees free mail delivery in the wicinity of iy iitish, ats yt Ser 0 orth mire, Kran! : i er Shit ne a ae} t de 1k wi Ty ! ' ¥ # ' oper, * 3 @ 0 . 1 ing to » + dged hy - Montreal brought forth the : statement She went, through several Battles, The list of cities owning and oper: 1, Lin the ereed is less than the deed Auction Sale of Ho rom the premier that the postmaster- she said, and ewrned speeial 'disting- he w lighting plants, the neral was: intendin bri 1 Y ' ; ¥ ; ating theis own lig 2 ¥ ' and Lot By titan go ow, Capes tion by carping a' wounded soldier total value of which is $1,144.000, is |. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 . . Fe ng resent postal | part of the way aercss the river on low? Bell 58,687: Chatham, { LAM INSTRUCTED 0 WER 7) : , : : a . y dleville, $58,687; ( an, | Bescon street, Boston, Mass., for free } OFFER LEG t facilities, so. that there iv every indi: { 1... ; y as follow id oO : af 3 * » » for saie : " The Clothes You Put ON You Won't Keep You So Warm cation: that the reforms for which the ep hots. ho hecame ill with en | 3i3+200; Guelph, a oink, evens. | SAT RI ' . A Afterward she came il L. O1 Lefd 340; Kingston, $214,630: Niagara S URDAY, 206t} FEBRUARY member for Jacques Cartier has been | 4 fever 1 L ital her . y ' 0. 1 as the Food You Put I You---Breakfast: On ' ? bo. teric fever and in the hospital her sex [jo li. yxg got Ottawa, $200,000; St FEA Rip N y oa po = battling for years are about tor be wan discovered. ' Sho Wren betame a Ton $032,596; Windsor, $27,000, INSTANT, ¢ s AVG; . . i : 4 granted. ; nurse, and later, she concluded. she " 5 pventy tows Excursion to Toronto at 13.15 o " ' t Mr. Wilson, - of Lennox-Addington, | returned home to J Bad rior In nddition there a a wed . | Weigh Hane Marian » : i : ve a Jong disquisition on ti aed chonge Me and villages owing andl operating g ¢ King i vesirvtsfe a a + ¥ 1 , 1 need {sional careér y ro or electric light plants, Berlin' beading Special Train G.T.R., 12.50 re ort a ow the Sou : § of better Inspection and selection of 5 Ks g Lh 3 } h $235,000 plant. The tor pe «240 " ot rv conta r ' 8 8 I$ immigrants, moving an amendment to cAI tw list wilh » re b! Re pwned v nent Len perched * Le that effect, and argued that the Uni I wish that might talk with 'all Rak value i a Juniéipa) yo ad Noon Frida Feb 2st > e wii the ted States did those things much bet- | sick ones about the uwktuel dus of | lig I aa ng " | ' . efiy v J Pi od v p ort is ALi, . Be rote rty {ier ter than we did, ton ; Pw 7 . i : i we. did stomach, hearts aflid™ kidney 'ailments The: Richelieu and -- Ontario Navigs Alves natural warmth in Pi = To explain in person how weak stom- G i ' statement for the yene | Tickets good returns Amy. tx & Batural way by aiding ', ach nerves le ot nl " o om company & stale » 8 hel ¢ vhurning Ly un ain, | oe : Guelph's Water Works. h neeves leads to stomach weakness is about as forecasted, showing that [S%eept No.4, up to Monday might. Fen | wigestion and supplyin $ A " i y { taGeation with pod Guelph, Feb. 18.--The anaual state. {1 am sure would interest hi. And jt the grows earnings for the year am abd 0 blood, and 3 ment of the water works commission | the samé with' weak heartsqr weak ounted ; to $1,305,000, ay compared | Fare $3.35 Return. in every shred, c oy 1 > Dre: i bent eure for was presented at a meeting of the | Kidneys. This is why my prescription with gross earnings of $1,366,209 for | rength dncigeetion, oasists the y city wouncil and shows that the city [Dr Shoop'y Restorutive--so prompt. : cmt 2 | bowels tor work regularly x cleared in' the neighborhood of #20, 000 ly reaches dilmierity-'oi the gtomach, ig Dpeust ng upton gr + MR. FRANK SPEAIGHT'S . FTN Be Gadi . in this. branch of -eivie 110 ow heart and kikihet: Pole is wron to were, Juwever, 'ess Lian In : atic en cken's 'R A Breakfast of Biscuit and Hot Mk the . best cold day gross earnings were re Haiility. » The drug the ston hr or" SHmulats the |g 78.70 per cent. of the gross earn- cil Rt * and Humorous Dicken's Re | Wii. *Bracer, fos ht was 219,183.18, the wam of 96, (heart or kidneys: "Suese weak inside) IE" Vie os 10 we uy in | DAVID COPPERFIELD All @rocers, 13¢. of carton), tw lor 98e Ne. 763, 07.55 having been expended on capi: |DeTves simply usgdimore strength, My 1906, ; ile gross earnings for last | THE FRONTENAC i - tal 'acdount,.. There are 2 142: consum- | Restorative is, Shaiianly prescription | Year are, therefore, less than in 1906, {CITY HALL, MONDAY, Feb. 24th | b v ers. ¥ made expressty , nerves, Next {the net profits re slightly hg | oor. the bemefit of the Limestone Foot LOAN AND INVESTMERT SOCIETY : a . no to $261,423, as . compared | ball Club, S-------------- to seeipg you. will be to [oF unting ' 2 Fp Jglow's, o 256 35e SH B Defence Of Hargis niail "you thee & w hook let entitled] With net prots of $261,040. for 1900.4 50.57 3e - VIB sy. tickets, 20¢., ; ESTABLISHED, 1843. Lexingt Ky. Feb. 1 Ris, "What To Do?" 1 ['dlso send sam- | After the pavinenis of $156 000 in divi- |. "Mr. Speaight 'kept «his audience | Fresident-.Sir Richard Cartwright 3 of an, Ky. by I8.~In the de- : dends, $36,900 carried to insurance shaking with daughter the whole time Money loaned on Oty and Farm Pros Cunbridge Daily News pertiesi Municipal and County Detwn= haat a B : Yk 5 of r Restor as well, Writ pte h Hargis, who, it is ex- of ok die: dt will surely fund and $53,930 written off steamers, pected will indie ; " f IF will he indicted soon for . the fnthrest you. 'ps Drs. Bhoop, | there was a surplus of $341,396, as | received and Interest allowed. 3 + : ke : > ® Te ; s murder of hi ea) o i = BH New S rl n Hargis, the a Slr will pie Semen Bax 8, Racing' +L All dealers. Sempred with a Mihi of $326,503 { MISS ROSA McAHAN OF BUTTE | 8. C, McGill, Managing Director, : 5 of the $50,000, which is the * The will of te George Peters, [00 Decomber 31st, 1006, i ---- a ---------------------- -- Re ra Ra of his fotlier's large satate. > Conan | Loudon, Ontiy fhe sting doe treo Yeats he Found | NewEngland Chinese Restaurant jor young Hargis will claim self-defence ( PrODAle, leaves thi*bulk of the estate, row cro a a Remedy For Dandruff, asserting that his father chided a valued at $26,000, to his son, A. G. MARKETS. Mis Rosa MeAhan, of 211 West | 331 Kirg Street, '® i : and knocked ut several teeth. hefore | + "ters, who Cantucts file Iathl's Dusd lip, pricy Pig 4t Various Hartz street, Butte, Mont, sayp:| Open from 1080 am, to 3 wm, the \ 0 the son fired, neds there, . "The: widow g¢18 an an- Centres {"Herpicide has thoroughly! cleansed my | best place to get an nil round Loneh ia . -- nuity, and on her death A. E. Peters, . {sealp of dandruff, with which it was |the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest ®- | cures, Morigages. purchased Deponite Poronto, and M#§' Ada 'Gould * will] Montreal, Feb. J17.--The recsipts of wel covered; and it has s notice. {ish and Chiness di Coons 16 Ti cr ge hn ts or ty Fd tl and 0 So my 2 A wl v2 : fl Sy Yhr FO We could send vou thou nds of [¥ this morning were 1 800 cattle, p wi Hy i --h---- a ---- -- . is pid tians were stabbed to th, : : ' d . » different preparations in the mst | We thave received, during "the last few persons, including two fhaih, ix other uals thoy Jerhle ey to sleep and lambs, 1,200 hogs, * 64 {twa years, but none took effect xp . 3 i . i ur bag. ister rely dt {Ne " rpicide." ¢ « { days, all of our New. Spririg Shirts, New -- ised and forty-five Others Tea. No other remedy wo wieqtive nd | Cattle sold at 43; 1 Se. per pound | on ini cite. Sudead 1 a | Wm. Murray, Auctioneer patterns. New cloths. ye s » night, a "Wo fsure. 35¢., Tea or Tablets. ahood's {for prime steers, 3} to dle. for medi fallible destroyer of the germ Des | 27 BROCK ST. : result of & riot at Dunbur, which is drug store. um, and 3c. for common. troy the cause yoy, remove the offset." | : | Wew Carriages, Cutters, Harness f "growth of Percy, the fdurteen-yearsold dn of | Sheep brought A je Gi . -- i All Styles, including Coat Shirts with -- 0 onrinuhous |Wiliaw Hansord, of Windermere (lamb 6c. 10 84¢ per pound." {Kil the dasdeall gum. _ Ask" Zour | Mew Carri c A ) & ' antly Swansea, os Sh aud in- | Hogs were quoted at $6 per 100 {lightful dressing: aflays itehing, makes] Sale of Horses every Saturday. A uffs ttache vot g killed 4 "* "axpress. pounds. . ha oft tk. . fmt. eis St bend h 0 d. . hy 3 . Pottavige pmer Killed, i + {The boy was driving with a Calves brought $3 'to 810 each, ac ar Hr Xp onlin druggists. Send i WEATHER S #: A x vg jon of hia ou af cording to gize and condition. : |10c. in "stamps for sample to 'Fhe | TRIP ~] 50 , nara. {¥iihoat wi house. S---- * {Berpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, Two | y : 5 . A a A : : od i I rices 30c., $1.00, 1.25 Chicago Market. sizes, 30¢. and $1. GQ, W. Wakood, | Keeps out the Cold, Costs Liter ! Chicago, Feb. 17--Ohttlo-- Receipts, special agent. | and Baves Much, Good Variety af. Peeves i 2.00; 2.25 and 2.50, [elu SAU pr, EEG BE ami | STRACHAN'S, % to 4 Ask to see our Japanese Orepe Cloth in in rapid law ~~ societies and Brin ar an { DAVID farts have already been start as tebe i et uly irmingham aod other English | is entirely ew and is made Coat cumin i

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