- "POTATOES ' SHILOH'S HERES Suick came for the worst cough--quick ! salief to the heaviest cold--and SAFE | to take, even for a child That is Shiloh's Cure Cures Sold under a guarantee Coughs & Colds to cure epldy and coughs HM yean 2c, COLUMBIA CLASH. £ ---- Japanese to Test vince's Natal Act Will the Act--Pro quicker than any other medicine--or your money back of success commend Shilob's Cure "QUICKLY! and Be Disallowed. Vancouver, B.C., Feb panese will hands were arrested Saturday because they insisted on en tering the province, despite the fact that they failed fo pass the educa- tional test, but the validity of the law will be attacked in the courts. The men, who came from Oregon, have been instructed to test the act. { The provincial government instructed counsel to press for a fine-of £500 leach case. The Japanese consul jattending to the interests of the pris- Laners. Six Hindoos, who arriv ed from |Suva, were ordered deported by the dominion authorities on the ground {that their entry was in defiance of the jorder-in-councid declaring that for- leigners must come direct from the country of birth or citizenship. The 'order, however, was not applied 4 to {the case of a Japanese woman 'and |child, arriving from Honolulu by the {sume hoat as the Hindoos. | An indemnity claim is expected to doliow the release of the two Japariesa fae gail oat New Westminster, whose {case comes belore the court to-day, The provincial government has ap- {pointed as counsel Robert (assid- {K.C, of Vancouver, to uphold the {rights of the province, but as the Ml Natal act will reach Ottawa, Tuesday for Wednesday and be promptly dis on mn is f is the cream of the wheat ~the choicest Mamitoba Spring Wheat and Ontario Fall Wheat. It contains the good qualities 4 both, 'makes wholesom. Bourishing Bread and Biscui like Manitoba flour -- and light, tasty Cake and Pastry, like Ontario wheat flour. 1 It also yield® MORE of both to the barrel, than any other, Good cooks say that their reatest help on baking y, is BEAVER FLOUR, Try it. jullowed, all that will likely be left of ithe case will be the indemnity claim, {right to impose against the Japanese ia fine of $500 AY for a violation of Hor imprisonment upon failure to pay {the fine, but if the once, provincial authorities a IS DANGEROUS. could not enforce the penalty clause Ibe sufficient to make a test case for a . ---- {inal decision of the respective powers nw , pass immigration laws varios ways hich they affect different | ---- people. Some eonstitutions will throw off | Causes Stir In Ottawa. tenaciously, There is one kind--the kind | . Vancouver of two newlv-ar accompanied by a cough, the kind that rived Japanese' under the Natal act, {bia legislature, has caused stir' in offi | y 5 eoosumpbions- that should never be neg {cial circles Many a (sul, was early at the departments of state and justice. He said he {tion from Vancouver on the subject, jand was anxious to learn what the {although the province may assert its ithe act. The penalty act is disallowed at the {The indemnity clause would however, are diff kinds of colds, snd of the province, and the dominion to a light cold, while te others # will stick | Ottawa, Feb, (arrest in te hitie, the kind thas ends im (recently passed by the British Colum- | Mr. Sigamura, acting Japanese con- histavy would read different | if, on the first appearance of » sough, {not received any official communica. {government here could tell him Newspaper men also waited on the | [Secretary 'of state and minister "of jus tice, but could learn nothing definite {Hon, Mr. Aylesworth declined to dis- jcuss the matter beyond stating that it' was one lor the courts to deal with. It is understood, however, that in- structions had 'been sent to agents of the justice department in British Columbia to take habeas corpus pro- ceedings in the event of an attempt being made to enforce the act, and these instructions will, doubtless, be followed out, So. far an official copy of the act has not been received here and until {it has arrived, action on the nart of the federal authorities cannot be taken. That the act will be disallow- ed is certain, hut undoubtedly situation in British grave ome, | ; EDUCATIONAL. 080000000000 0000000000 ® u wish to be successful ate e you tend The Kingston Business : College Limited, head of Queel street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Dookkes shorthand . Lypewr 5. graphy, and all commercial Subjects thoroughly taught by teachers. Columbia is a -------------- TO ASSERT RIGHTS. A Family Can Sacrifice a Son If Necessary. Washington, Feb, 18.--~A revolution that canvot long be deferred is brew- ing in India, according to Dr. 8, IL Coleman, of Madras, "We, the people of India, are crying against taxation without representation, just as our Ancestors did," said Dr. Coleman. 'We believe we should, at least, have a voice in the way the money we pay in taxes is spent. [| hate to think what nay take place in India in the next few years. Honor is worth more than life, each family can. afford to : {sacrifice a son if necessary to assert our rights." THE BUSY THIEVES, Working the Towns on the West- ern Section. Windsor, Ont., Feb. 18 Thieves have been busy in Essex for the last week, the operations - being confined largely to stores and post offices. The post {olive and general store of Thomas Me. Closkey, at Maidstone, was entered and about $50 worth of small change, stamps and books taken. Another store, kept by Ignatius Halford, was also broken into and some goods were taken. A week ago the post office and general store at Cottam was entered and about $30 in small change taken, The poli have been investigating, but so Tar there is no clue to the rob bers, 3 $2 any time. Phone, 440, | ® HP. METCALFE, President. is J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary: §00000000000000000000¢ WATEN 0M AAO NSAL MBAS JMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING 5 POWER Day pad Evening Classes 58 the Frontenac Business College, Barrie palit Clergy Steg T. N, STOCKDALR, "Phone, 680, Principal, I Se0ccsst inne Sescocctssovococsvenel FS American Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gas . We make a { handling " Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario and Clarence - av Has Accepted Positior. Hamilton, Ont., Feb, to the board of conciliation that i 10 deal with the matter in dispute he tween the Hamilton Street Bailwnr » and its employees. ve Sl HELE of tives and company being unable to agree on a third man. William Belt, B.C, and 4. G. . Toronto, are the other members of the board the former representing the company and the latter the men. : ---------------- i have eatarrh rid yourself of this Tepulsive disease. Ask Dr. Shoop of Racioe, Wis, to mail you free a QUANTITY DOMINION AND BRITISH Petitions for the repeal of the three IA WRECK ON THE C.P. R. Reach [wounding a man and child, { Ottawa To-Day or To-Morrow IS ~Two Ja- { clause provides | 15.~The report of the | had | the | of the} trial box of his Dr. Shoop's Catarrh' rrp JHE PORTER LED | fifths clause were read at the legisla- ture, PE i AL two bombs exploded . On killing a woman and NEAR CHAPLEAU. The Breaking of @ Wheel on the Mail Car Threw the Entire Train Of--List of Those In- jured. North Bay, Ont., Fels, 18. The © P.R. transcontivental train No. 2, due Street Baptist ehureh, Toronto to be- i herg at 6.35 a.m., was wrecked, last come its pastor. jmight, at 9.30 o'dock, teen miles | The Methodist Ministerial Associa- {west of Chapleau, on the Lake Sup- tion of Mtawa has' determined to Pro- terior division The breaking of wheel | secute the holders of the ice race meet on the mail car threw the entire train on the rivéc on Sunday. off killing the Japanese porter and in- | Joseph' H. Choate, former ambassa- juring the followine pamed persons: dor to England, was placed in nomin- A. C, Payne, Bristol, Eng., head cut : jation for the presidency; Tuesday by { Mrs. A.C, Payne, Bristol, Fng., hand | Theodore Sutro, the well-known New | smashed and mternally injured: Mar- | York. attorney. oy garet Campbell, Carletog Junetion, {| The Mutual Reserve Life Insurance | fagq braised: J. R. Richardson, Mark- | company of New York is reported to | ham, head bruised: C.D. Humphreys, have sufficient funds deposited in Cow' Almonte, slightly injured; Ww. J Huu: ada to pay all polievholders = whose ter, Gladstone, Man,, slightly bruised: claims have matured. | John Caynor, address unknown, arms | Charies W. Morse, New York, was jeut; Frederick Orville, Rocanville, {arraigned, Tuesday morning, to an- { Sask.. injured internally: W. Hummel, [swer an indictment, charging perjury. Yorkshire, Fng., face cut: W. Norank {He pleaded not guilty, but.held the Chelsea, 'Mass., nose broken: J Mor {right to withdraw his plea. He was gan, Chaplean, sadly injured bruises theld under ten thousand dollars bail and internal injuries: H. 0 Rudd To- { There is no truth in the report, cur- |ronto slightly bruised, Al} will i ye- fiom in Pari, on Monday night, that cover, : ' King Alfonso had been assassinated. The rumor was probably an out growth of the bomb explosions at | Barcelona, which now appear to have {been the work of anarchists. In addi- - ition to killing one woman and dan- {gerously wounding another, a child, {the explosions caused much damage {lo neighboring buildings Barceloia Monday, A special from New York announces [the suicide of Herman Lauciot, a for- mer well-known Hamilton, Ont., man. It is said that Dr. Witton Jenkins | will not accept the invitation of Bloor ---- Official Statement. Moatreal Feb, I8.-- According to an official statement of the C.P.R., late last night, the steel tire of one of the wheels under the mail car broke and derailed the coaches on the east-bound, overland express train seventeen miles | west 'of Chapleau, on the north shore ! of Lake Superior. The colonist car, | TWO SHIFTS OF SLEEPERS. tourist car and first class coach turn- ed over on their sides and the follow- Treble ing passengers were injured Wolf Noranki, 215 Walnut street, Chelsea, Mass., broken nose and scalp wound; Elsie Hogg, Schreiber, Ont , two wounds in abdomen; Mrs. A. CO Payne, 10 Newfoundland street. Bris. tol, Eog.. finger amputated and scalp wound Besides thes a number of other passengers were slightly bruised, but all are reported as doing well. In addition to the passengers injured, the Japanese car attendant was killed and Brakeman J, Morgan injured, Rooms in Slums Have { Use. London, Feb, 18. Father Bernard {| Vaughan, & brother of the late Car- 'dinal Vaughan, preaching in the Je- {snt church here, during the course of 'a powerful pleasin behalf of the bill 'which will come before the House of | Commons, this week, against 'sweat. {shops," gave a graphie illustration of [the manner in which the poor workers {in the East Fnd of London are com- Ipelled to live. "In a small ydom," he said, "that {ought to be occupied by no more than {two persons, there are twélve ma {chines workang all day and late in | the evening. Then the machines were {removed and straw mattresses laid on ithe floor, men being admitted to sleep, At 2.20 in the morning these men were turned info the streets and the room re-let to another set of sleepers, {Who were also driven out at 6.30 a.m. lon the return of the machine workers JURY DIDN'T AGREE, Sensational Evidence in Attempt to Break Will, Clinton, Hl., Feb. 18. <The Jury in the Snell £2.000,000 will case was dis charged without agreeing on a dict. The jury stood eight for break- ing the will and four against. The jury was out forty-eight hours. The case cannot be heard again before the May term of the court. The suit to break the will of Col Thomas Snell was brought by the aged and eccentric millionaire's son, Richard Snell, president of the Clinton bank. It has been rile with sensa- tions, chief of which were the *Suell letters," written by women and young girls to the old man, who was willing to pay lavishly for being loved and for being told in affectionately worded "epistles, in which were ap- peals for money, mingled with expres- sions of endearment. Among the let ters were some from the wife of a clergyman, who not only expressed her own love, hut told Snell that her daughter, sixteen vears phd, would love him if he would send her money. Letters from the girl herself, bearing out, the promises of the mother, were introdiced at the trial of the suit to break the will . When Col. Snell died, in June, 1907, he left an estate of $2,000,000. To his son Richard he left only an annuity of, $60 per year. To a grandniece, Mabelle Snell McNamara, he left pro- perty valued at $25.000, and an an- nuity of $1000 per year. The rest of his property he left in trust, interest {to be added each year te the princi- pal, until twenty vears after the death of his voungest grandchild, then but five years old. Richard Snell sought to break his father's will, on the ground that the old man was insane | ~=insane about women THE MASHER MASHED, ver- News From Sydenham. | Sydenham; Feb. 17.--Miss Edith | Truscott entertained a number of her girl friends at a "St, Valentine party" on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wel lington Carscallen were "At Home" to a large number of their Sydenham friends on the gvening' of St. Valen tine. Early on Saturday morning, Mrs. Townsend, an aged resident, passed away aiter a short illness of a jfew days. Miss Lillie Palmer, visiting | friends at Westport, is expected back in a few days. Owing to the bad shape of the roads, quarterly meeting {services were not held until yesterday { morning, in the Methodist church. On Tuesday evening last, F. Lawson 'ad- dressed the members oi the Epworth {League, taking for his subject, "John | Wesley And His Hymns." Georee {Purdy and Barney Grant returned {home on Saturday after attending the {funeral of the late Mrs, MoGuinnes. jnear Sharbot Lake. C. BE, Taylor will {move to the village in a short time {The members of the Sydenham Hinh {School board, meet on Friday after. 'noon. On Thursday evening. R. Reid {will address the members of the SY {M. brotherhood, in. Wesley hall {"Canada And Its Resources." The ! members of the Epworth League are contemplating a trip to Hartington, lon Friday evening next to visit the league there. Budget Fron. Cataraqui. $ Cataraqui, Feb. 17.--The gardeners | turned out and d the roads to the | The Way a Pretty Woman Did Up jeity, making travelling a great deal | a Youth. |easier, Miss Hattie Fogg, thes | Cleveland Plain-Dealer place, and W. Clement, of Collins' | There are many ways of disposing Bay, were married on Wednesday last [of these would-be mashers who carry by Rev, J. Elliott. - The young couple | canes, who wear gloves in summer as left by the noon train for their wed [well as winter, and have n thought ding trip west. They "will reside at once every seven weeks Collins' Bay. Miss Nellie Guess en. But a pretty little woman living on tertained some of her young friends |the cast side tried an entirely pew on St. Valentine's nibht. Miss Erma {scheme for suppression of masher. Valleaw was the hostess at an €n- 1 She was starting home on a. Euclid joyable gathering a few rights before. car and-on her way to her 'seat drop- {The Epworth ie was in- [ped a small package out of her muti. vited hy the Guild of Brock street The masher happened to be right be- Methodist church, Kingston, to alhind her. He picked up the package social evening in the church puriors, | and handed it to her. That nEgnt About thirty young people responded | have ended the inexdent, but because to the invitation and had a very lshe wmiled a smile of genuine pleasure sleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank | at recovering something whicn might therland are the possessors of a have been lost, the masher took the small baby son. . Mr. and Mrs. Still- | smile to mean that HE had pleased well gave an "at home" to the choir her sight. So, he jost stayed on the and a few other friends recently. ©. lear. Guess and Neil Munsie are attending | When she got off at & corner out in ili i city. F. Leath- {the cast end to go to her home he fol lowed her. . "May 1 not. accompany you home? he asked her, in his pertest manner. of Now this young woman was one the ever icy variety. There fore she odd not say "Sire!" and give him a withering look. oe live only three doors down," che said, It's hardly worth while," Bug of course the ma right along. When she bor Mome she started around the house, instead of to "IH have to go night "| in now," she said. "The folks | work for bers don't allow me 16 faguike any cont vy and anyway I'm going ner ge awful handsome fellow now, and the cook would give me the laugh to wee me with anybody that wasn't very looking. Of course, vou \ your looks--but--then"-- "You 't mean to say you work 80 on President Died Delhi, Ont. Fein. 18.--During "Certainly, told him. "I've THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1608. EE ------ ---- SPORTING NEWS, Bernier Unable to Play With 14th This Evening. Zion rink wax the scene of a lively battle, on Monday evening, when the Kingston Business College. and the Zion seven met for their return game The contest caused econmsiderable inter. est and a large crowd was gut. The former game 'was won by the church- men, and last' evening the pen-pushers succended in turning the tables, win- ning out by 5 goals to 3. The teams lined up as follows : K.B.C (5)~Buell, goal Smith, point; Langdon, cover: Robinson. rov er; Aylesworth, centry; Watson and Chisholm, wings. Zion Seven Woods, point: centre; Kiser, Hicks, wings. Referee-- Jasper" Clow {2)--Playfair, goal; Gates, Hicks, rover; Timwerman and Cover Bernier Not To Play. The 14th team left -at noon, for To- ronto, minus one of their best play- ers, Bernier, who is still laid up from the fierce slap he received on the left knee, from McArthur in the last game, It was hoped that he would be able to accompany the team, but his in- juries proved too much for him. The team will-®Fobably line up as follows Hiscock. goal; Steacy, point: Vanhorn, cover: Crawford, rover; Kennedy, cen tre; Richardson and Powell, wings Thistles And St. James. The Thistles and St James' will play a City League game, at the Royv- al rink this evening The teams will line up as follows : St. James'--Dunlop, ' goal: Pound, point; Nicholson, cover: Brouse. er; Duffy, centre; Davidson and wings. Thistles--A. Murray, goal; W ray; point; V. Murray ton, Knapp, centre Anderson, wings, ron Dick Mur- Stan Lotto and cover rover "BALDERDASH." Warming Whitney For is Use of Expletives, Loodowr Advertiser. Mr. Whitney has a habit of sounding expletives and is verv often a victim of his own vocabulary He doesn't think in continents, was said of Cecil Rhodes, be always speghks in superlatives, His favorite word is "monstrous," which as leader of the opposition he used to apply with joyous abandon 10 evervthing that emanated from the other side of the fence. This infirmity is not the ofispring of a ungenerous disposition, but of a certain irvascibility. and a pe culiar style" of rhetoric. He deals in long, involved sentences and when he plunges into one he is never certain bow he is going to extricate himself, »0 that he often finds it necessary to drag in mouth-filling words to round out his periods. Anyone who has tried to report Mr. Whithey's speeches will understand this. Secarcely a sentence can be reproduced verbatim, and the unlucky scribe who #gies to transcribe bim literally is obliged to straighten out the syntax. Abusiveness in Mr. Whitney's base is quite harmless. The public have learned by this time to discount his language When Mr. Smith, the member for the Soo, last vear introduced a reso lution to give settlers in New Ontario the timber and minerals on their lands, Mr. Whitney; from mere foree of habit, hurled a few objurgatory re marks at it, and summed it up "balderdash.'" 'There need be no sur prise, therefore, because Mr. Whit ney's government mow introduces a bill to do exactly what Mr. Smith's motion proposed to do. There were a good many things at which Mr. Whit- ney ep throw epithets, which he now calmly appropriates, includidg the financial and other lines of policy laid down by his predecessors. using as as NEW YORK STOCKS. Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) February 15th, 3 p.m Opening Close 16 109 6 254 IN =88 672 773 3 104 3 Stocks Amal. Copper . Am. Sugar Retin. Co Am. Smitg. & Refin. Co, Am. Car Foundry Anaconda Min. Co Atches, Top & St. Fe Bal... & Ohio . Brooklyn Rapid T. , Canadian Pacific ,., . Ches, & Ohio ... Chic. &1 NN. B. ... ... C. Mil. & St. Paul ... Colorado Southern Col, Fuel & Iron , . Delaware & Hudson ..... Mistillers: Sees, i Gi. North Ry. pid .. Deo. Pa, pid .. ... . Northern Pacific .. Erie Railroad N.Y. Central... 5... Min. St. P. fo S*%t NM. Missouri, Pacifie ... ,.. .. 1 Kansas & Tex, pid ... Penn. RB. R. ... . . People's Gas | Reading .. Rock Island Southern Ry..com. Southern Pacifie Sloss Sheffield PAGE FIVE. Simin GRACE MERRITT, U. 3. Sieel com. U. 8B. Steel, pref. .. .. U. 8. Rubber com. ... Union Pacific com. ... . CHICAGO PRICES, February Opening Clogea STE 2 oy m2 nn hore F a." the git se been g héve lor morn ia et In "When Knighthood Was In Tlo wer," at The Leb 23nd STOCK-TAKING SALE} 0DD LINES MUST GO Grand, Saturday, GOOD WARM COATS, £1.60 each. Another lot of SKIRTS, better ever, $1.75 each. Long Black Coats, $4:00, 5.00. 6.¢ Long Fancy Tweed Coats, $4.00, 6.00 and 6.03, value than 10 yo and 7.07. Children's Coats about half usual prices. Special value in Warm Underwear and nelette Nightgowns for ladies and children. SPENCE S > Flan- Leading Milline. y 'Store, 119 Princess St. Pretty Things We have just opened up a shij ing of ment from Europe, consist- Tea Trays, Waiters, Fancy Coal Vases, Copper Flower Pots, Metal Smoking Sets, etc. If you want a nice present for relat and see these pretty things. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St 000000000 r0ssecosenee 000008000000 000000000 ion ifriend come fin SAsANessresIscIR Is cRRRRBROOR OY eo J . " S-------- Members of /] 72 rg Street Wes: Toronto T O O NTO Stock Exchange Phones, Main 6733-34 F. H. Deacon & Co. STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on AN Exchanges of the Company the best yet. The Sixtieth year's business Itwuranc $117,500,000.00, ® in force (over) « «+ «. Rg OME) «woo wnas wad de 35,000,000.00, Take the New QUINQUENNIAL POLICY with this Company. oid wenninl Policy of this © y hus plways i poy wily 3 NEW will: be more. oui alway beef sn ¥ PROFITS, DECEMBER 31st, 1909, Apply mew sod Particnie in this oivision, Of siways opened to give tafosmstion and do Lusiness: Agets wanted with a view making a permanent position, apply tg a J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, EE. eRe eeer. PIG METALS some -- in, Zinc. . We ars headquarters. us your inguiries. Canada Metal Co., Ltd, si"