Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Feb 1908, p. 7

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Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the uvodersigned, war on the en- yelope "Tender iur Comstruction," will be received at the office of the Commis . of the 'J ranscontinentsl Bailway, at tawa, upti) twelve o'clock noon of a , the 10th day of for the work reguired for the tion, in accordance with the plans, files nnd specifications of the © siovers, of the following sections of Tramscontinental Railway, wig = (1) District 'A.~From. a. poist dosig- pated on the plans of the Commmisaiobers, 'about (he 08th mile west of Moncton, to the crossing of the Intercolonial Railway at or shout wile 97:7, & distance of about. 89 :7 miles. (2) District 'A. '~From s point desig vated on the plans of the Commissioners, the of the loter- evlonlal Railway by the Transcontinestal Had! at mile 97 (7 west of Montivo to the gue Ri at or shout mile 165 :7 less gue mile, a distance of alwut 67 miles. - (5) Distrxt 'D.--From a point desig- ) the plans of the Commissioners, the 'Tobique River to a point the said Pans about 24 milcs Town of west of Grad Falls, in the Province of New Brunswick, a distance of about 31 :5 miles. 4) District 'B/~From a point desig OUR 99 Comfortable the Year 2 3oT¥ Te) and weight in Pen-Angle to make you most comfortable. Roh red we ede you wih Brg * OBOrS 4 7 Fated on he, Diane of the Lol ison. Sprauitess of Suse 4 about 0532 :4 miles. RE SE River crossing, in the Province of 0 Rmetly for a distance of sbout 100 ese District 'E.'~From a point desig- -- abe lanes of the Commissioners, sbout 194 wi of the crossing of Mud River, near Nepigon, in the Province of Outdrio, easterly for a dis tance of about 756 miles. Plass, Jrofies be seen the gineer of the issioners also in the offices 3 2 , VIR . ohn a MB. 3 'Acting Diet it Queto ' PQ. ;: John Aylen, Act stric - pine y North, fay: on. § sad T. = rmetrone, gon, ' Persons Lon Te are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless m in duplicate, and on the ted "| by the Commissioners. : separate tender must be submitted for each section. Tenderers shall not be in any way en titled to rely upon the classification, or any other information given by any per- won behalf of the Commissioners ; and lore submitting any tender, Shoe ry hs pecifica~ 3 wings oj tions, and read the forms to be execut ed, and fully judorm themselves 4s to the uantity aml quality of wa i, a : : of workmanship fred ; aad are ubderstood to accel, w agree to be bound by, the terms and conditions in the form of contract, specifications, otc., annexed to jhe lorm of Vemder. fn must signed an the temde and forms yrder of the continental Railway, as follows i= No. District 'A.% $ 75,000 For Section No 3 i" A $8; " 2 'A' oo " mn 100,000 : "D 150,000 " . " 'E' 100,000 Any person whose temtler is accepted | within ten days after the' accept . furnish such sdditional ap- be required 'by sign the contract, goed by the in any case ments re said Commis ox gi it par apd faithtul 'performance according to its terms. Ly parties ten rejected will be returned within After the siguing of the com tion is called to the following in the form of contract = ; or other per , SET Fast "Tals i» subject to the regu. lations now in force, or Which may ai any time hereafter be in force during the construction of the works hereby con- tracted , male under the authority of the Department of Labour, and which are, or be, such works." sobedule ages determined upon Ly said Department will form part of the contract). New Brunswick) | anything better than our 20¢ coflar, The linen in this collar is made specially for us and no better linen has ever been used in any collar. These collars have an) indes- tructible - buttonhole, with a reinforced eyelet st the point where the greatest strain comes on the collar, These buttonnoles will outlast the collar and are an exclusive feature of ; COLLARS * '| The "Achilles," which is illustrated here, isan Iron Frame Brand wing collars stylish collar for business or semi-dress wear. There's no better collar made. Sizes 14 to 18, heights 2, 2X and 24. Price 20¢. each--3 for soe. TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED MONTREAL. 8 Jovalid Ladie§ - This Is For You. There sre thousands of females who suffer untold miseries common to their sex. This is largely due te the peculiar habits of life and fashion, and the improper train. ing of girlhood. Then, too, the physical changes that matk the three eras of woman. hood (the maiden, the wife, and the mother) have much to do with her sufferings, most of which are endured in silence, unknown by even the family physician and most in. timate friends. To all such whose hollow cheeks, pale faces, sunken and feeble footsteps, in- dicate palpitation of the heart, weak, faint and dizy spells, we would recommend & course of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mra. Jos. Sharp, Brighton, Ont, writes: #1 was troubled with palpitation of the heart, weak spells and nervous trouble, and found no relief until advised to try Mil burn's Heart sod Nerve Pills. I got one box and that helped me so much I sent sad got five more. I am now ou eom- pletely." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50s. per box or three boxes for $1.35, as all dealors or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. "I'he contractor shall in tion with the whole of the said work, as far practicable, use only material, machin ory. ui supplies and rolling _steth ured or produced nada, Ae sod be obtained ." n to The ght fs reserved to reject any or ai pd or. E. Ryan, There is no éxcuse. If your watch does not keep the core rect time we will make it. THE DAILY BRITISH BLANED DETECTIVES BERLIN STARTLED BY EPL DEMIC OF MURDER. Many Mysterious Crimes to the Perpetrators of Which There is No Clue. Berlin, Feb. 18.--Police and public are becoming alarmed at the increas ing frequency of murders in Berlin. There have already been four horrible crimes in this city since the beginning of the year. A fifth came to light yesterday, when the battered corpse of a widow named Rosa Wiesner was discovered in* her lodging, where it had lain for eleven days. The auth- ors of the three murders perpetrated this month have not yet been traced and there seems scant prospect of the police being able to lay hands onthe murderer of Fran Wiesner. +' - eight, with. a little money saved, which she lent out at interest, god also took in lodgers. On the worning of January 16th one of these people, on entering at mid-day, found a note stating that Frau Weisner had gone away for a few days to the funeral of ber sister. The lodger was suite upsuspicious that anything wrong had occurred and slept nightly in the room next to the chamber where the land. lady lay murdered in her bed until yes- terday, when he noticed a peculiar odor and notified the police. All the authorities have to go on ix a note, which is evidently the work of the murderer, and a heavy axe wherewith the crime was committed. In the dobate on the estimates for the ministry of justice in the Prussian diet the conservative deputy, Herr Strosser, brought up the increasing frequency of crimes of violence in Ber- lin and other large towns in Prussia. He referred to the number of attacks on women and children and expressed regret that so many misdeeds remain- ed unexplained. He declared that the Prussian detective force had the re. putation, of being the worst organized on the contigent. In the further course of his most sensible remarks the speaker advocated the introduction of corporal punishment for authors of such brutal crimes, and protested against treating criminals a= mental degenerates instead of regarding them simply as criminals. Toronto Street Markef. Toronto, Feb. 17.-~Wheat, white, bush., ¥8¢. to We.; wheat, red, bush. U8e. to We; wheat, spring, bush., 96¢.; wheat bush., Otic. to Dic.; bar- ley," bush., 70c. to Tc; rye, bush. peas, per bush., 85¢.; hay, timothy, ton, #2! to $23; hay, clover, ton, $16; straw; per ton, $15. Seeds, Alsike No. 17 bush., $5.00 gto $8.75; seed, No. 2, bush., $7.75 to $5.25; seeds, red clover, bush., ¥10 to $10.25, Dressed hogs, $7 to $7.25;%gys, new laid, dozen, Ve. to 30¢.; eggs, storage, 22¢, to 2oc.. but- ter, dairy, 25c. to dUc.. butter, cream- ery, Jle. to 3dc.; geese, dressed; Ib., i0e. to 12¢.; chickens, per IR, He. to 5c; ducks, dressed, lo, 12 to 1%. turkeys, per lh, 17¢c. to 20c.; apples, per bbl, BL75 to 83; potatoes, per bag, 81:10 to $1.25; cabbage, per doz en, 40c. to O0e.; onions, per bag, $1 to $1.25; beef, hindquarters, £8.50 to $10; beef, forequarters, $56.50 to $6.50; , choice, carcase, #8 to $9; beef, medium, carcase, $6.25 to $7: mutton, per cwt., $8 to $9; veal, prime, per ewt., $9 to 11; lamb, per ewt,; $10 wo 812. Will Dely His Superiors. Paris, Feb. 18.-The Archbishop of Paris has issudd a decree condemn; ng the last two works of Abbe Loisy, "Synoptic Gospels" and his reply to the papal encyclical against -modern- ism. The decree forbids the clergy and laity, under penalty of special papal excommunication, from reading, keeping; printing, or defending such books. In an interview, Abbe Loisy declared "that he would continue the work. He had no intention, be said, to create a revolution in the church, but merely wished to instruct the eler- gy, swhose education was that of the seventeenth century. Dispel Aches And Pains. There is nothing else to be had that will drive away aches, pains and soreness so quickly and help them away so surely as Smith's White Liniment. It is the only remedy that never fails to cure sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago and all deep-seated aches and pains, Big bottles only 20c., at fade's drug store.} Another U. S. Training Ship. 'Ottawa, Feb. 18. --The United States government has been granted by the Canadian government the privilege of sending another American war vessel through the Cavadian « used on the great lakes. The Nash- ville sis to be used for the training of the Michigan naval ressrve. bettler's Low Rates West. The victim was a woman of thirty: The Donations Received in Recent Mon "*Bteacy & Steacy, $10; Mrs. C. Ber miogham, $10; Mrs. RT. Walken, $5. Mrs. D. Laidlaw, 85; Mrs. A. Kirkpatrick, $2; James Schofield, $2; Mrs. McBride, #1; Mrs. Dalliott, 85; Mrs. R. J. Carson, toys, clothing, bed dothing, box laundry soap; Robert Crawford, three tons coal; Haaz Co., five gallons vinegar; 'Mrs, C. Freden- burg, children's cot and furnishings; Mrs. Clements, children's clothing, white sugar; Mrs. Herbert Spencer, children's clothing; Miss Connell, magazines; Mrs. J. B. Walkem, cakes, clothing, bedding, buns, biscuits, table linen, apron, turkey, dates, oranges; J. M. Parrell, children's clothing; Mrs. T. M. Fenwick, clothing; Smith Elliott, fruit, vegetables; A. Franklin, three bags apples; Mrs, Wade, shoes, clothing, dishes; Mrs. Hugh Mac- pherson, clothing, flannelette. J. Y. Parkhill, surkey, fowl; Mrs. WN. H. Macoee, two pairs bootess; Mrs. 8. M, Watts, soap, town sugar, biscuits; Mrs. Sparling, oranges, sugar, clothing; Mrs. Brown- field, breakfast food, apples; Mrs. Min- nes, Sr., rice, biscuits, corn starch, dothing, toys; Mrs. J. Smith, rolled wheat, sugar, rolled oats; Dr. Phelan, white sugar, biscuits; Mise McDonald, sugar, rice; Mrs. Lalone, sugar; Mrs, Martin, rice; Mrs. Leshie, white sugar; Mrs! Crisp, oranges, corn starch, soap, rice; Mrs. Ca ll, corn starch, rolled oats; Mrs, Herbert Robinson, agate spoons, corn starch; Miss Gil- dersleeve, rolled oats; Mrs. McCor- mack, meat, corn starch; Miss Smith, breakfast food, biscuits, oranges, corn starch, holly. Mrs. Oliver, biscuits; Mrs. Best, children clothing, canned fruit: Miss T. Reid, dolls, toys; J. Y. Parkhill, tur- key, pair fowl; Mrs. Hubbell, rolled oats, rice; Miss Machar, rolled oats; Mrs. Hooper, flannelette, white suger: C. Saunders, oranges, candies; Miss Allen, rice; Mrs. Dunbar, rolled oats, corn meal, potatoes, apples;: Mrs. R. Hendry, breakfast food, jelly powder; canned goods; Mrs. H, Folger, oranges; rolled oats; Miss Doran, white sugar; Mrs. Conway, flour; Mrs. Maypshall, rolled oats: Mrs, McCammon, white sugar; Miss Betts, biscuits; Mrs. Ber- nard Brown, clothing, rolled oats, barley, corn starch; Mrs. Strange, white sugar, corn starch; Mrs, K. Joves, brown sugar; Mrs. W. H. Dyde, oranges, rolled oats; Mrs. Char- les Kirkpatrick, oranges, white sugar; Mrs. Garrett, rolled oats; Mrs. Hoop- er, apples; Mrs. Uglow, oranges; Mrs. C. A. MacPherson, marmalade, child- ren's clothing: Miss Ryckman;" flannel ette; J. G Ibert, breakfast food, soap, furniture polish, baking powder, bor- ax; Mrs. Toye, currant bread; Mrs. R. J, Carter, rice, candies, oranges: Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, flannelette; Mrs. Bibby, uranges, apples; Mrs. A. Glover, corn starch, soap, white sugar; Mrs. Gor. don, goose; Mrs. Sullivan, brown su- gar: Mrs. H. Tandy, white sugar; Mrs, Williamson, rolled oats. Mrs. Birkett, flanneletite, thread, buttons; Mrs, Ryan, turkey; Mrs, W, J. McLeod, tapioea, rice, meat, rolled onts; Mre. D. Smith, oranges, candies, biscuits; Miss Cross, candies, books; Mrs. Hughes, white sugar; Miss Cor- bett, oranges, toilet soap, dolls, child- ren's clothing; Mrs. J. Gildersleevr, oranges, rolled oats, biscuits, white sugar; Mrs, Gildergleeve, biscuits, corn starch, rolled oats, white sugar; Mrs. Turner, apples; B. W. McConville, tur- key, celery; Mrs. George Lee, soap, corn starch, apples, breakfast food; Master Keith Moxley, children's eloth- ing, bedding for cot, pillows, toys; Mrs. McKay, rolled oats; Miss Span- genbery, laundry soap; Mrs. McCann, cocoa, corn starch, tea, beans; Mrs. A. L. Ross, candies, ples, oranges; Mrs, (Capt) Cota biscuits, apples; Mrs. A. Laird, biscuits, candies, nuts, oranges, apples, clothing; Mrs. Dal ton, apples, rolled oats, jelly, soap clothing; Mrs, Jeremy Taylor, bis cuits, breakfast food; Mrs. Strachan, clothes line, serub brushes and stove brushes; J. Steacy, two turkeys; Mrs. Wormwith, corn starch, rice, white sugar; Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, 'white su- gar: Mrs. Newlands, rolled oats: Mrs, Chadwick, white sugar, sago; Mrs. G. Robertson, oranges, candies, toys; Mrs. Grout, flannelette, corn starch, clothing, tapioca. Mre. Filson, apples, dates; Mrs Hendry, goose; Mes. Pearl Bisley, two chickens, oranges, tua; Mrs. Keeley, nuts, candies, oranges; Mrs. Villiers, oranges, apples, buns; Mrs. W. H. Macnee, turkey; 8S. 8 Corbett, oranges, apples; Mrs. Elder, oranges, potatoes, apples; Mrs, Ellie, apples, flannelette; Mire. Fraser, soap, riee. Mrs. R. J. Reid, lowr nursery chairs and nursery table; Mrs. Grimshaw, oranges, apples; Mrs. Macnaughton, biscuits, oranges; Mrs. OO. Livingston, tea, rolled -oats, apples, white sugar; Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, flamnelette: Mrs. Paul, white sugar, coffee, apples; Mra. 8G. GG. Smith, candies, apnles, oranges, biscuits, tove; Mrs. Young, nuts, raising; Mrs. FP. Hill Macnee, riee, rolled oats, laundry soap; Mrs. Van Straubenzie. white sugar: Miss Hickey, currant | . buns, oranges. i Miss Lewin, oranges, apples: rs. John Carson) git Br Hh the {tient inhales the balsamic vapor of , | where mucous drops AT THE GRAND. Knighthood Was In Flower." "Give us a clear stage, we carry everything," is the order given local theatrical managers throughout the country by the stage manager of "When Knighthood Was In Flower." Scenery, costumes, armour, furniture, swords, quaint old chests, candelabra, in fact everything required in the pro- duction has been specially prdvided at a cost of over $20,000. Grace\ Merritt and twenty-two players will present "When Knighthood Was In Flower," at The Grand on Saturday, Fey 22nd, matinee and night. Have The Beauty Of Health. Attractive faces are healthy faces. fou may not care for looks but you do for health. Skin eruptions or dull saliow complexions are a sign of blood disorder. Clear your complex ions by clearing your system of waste matter and by enriching your blood. The remedy to use is Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative), They are a great nerve strengthener and bLiood- maker. In boxes, 20c., at Wade's drug store, Money back if not satis factory. "When Promote A. B. Lowe. Brockville Recorder. Now that the office of president of the International Maintenance of Way Association is vacant by the tragic death of John 7T. Wilson, the order would make no mistake in selecting the first vice-president, A. B. Lowe, Kingston, for the position. Mr. Lowe bas been for some years connected with it in an official capacity and has accomplished a great deal in pro- moting 'its progress and elevating it to its present high status. He is a very capable man and one peculiarly fitted by calm judgment and quiet dignity to fill the position with credit to himself and satisiavtion to the members of the association, He would safeguard the rights of the members and at the same time place the order before the public in its Proper perspec- tive. ' An Economical Remedy Wade's Ointment is put up in large boxes at a small price. It is true in the cheapcst se se lbweavs- you gel for the price a large quantity of a most it remedy. Wade's Oint- ment cures skin affections that many dollars: worth of other remedies would probably not cure. Cures Eczema, Salt Rheum, Scaly Itching Eruptions of th¢ Skin, Pim- ples, Blotches, Dandruff, éte. In big boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug store. From Stage To Garret, Paris, Feb. I8--~A decrepit old wo man who has lived for twenty years in a garret at the top of the opera house was discovered by the new man ager, M. Messager, during a final inspection before the re-opening of the house last night. / On enquiry he found that she used to be a ballet dancer, and had been allowed to live in the garret on con- dition that she looked after the cats kept to wage war on the swarms' of rats and mice infesting the place. ---------------- Stop that tickitng cough! Dr. Shoup's Cough Cure will surely stop it, and with perfect safety. It is so thoroughly harmless that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even with 'very young babies. The whole some green leaves and tender stems of a lung bealing mountainous shrub furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough and heals the sensitive bron. chial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to in- jure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. All dealers. Just 'becuse a woman declares has the best husbabd on earth it's sign that she expects to meet him in heaven. A little love, a little wealth, A Little home for you and me; It's all 1 ask, except good health, Which comes with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea Many labor leaders only by mouth ambition. Implicit confidence is never staggered before investigation. . Medicated Air Cures Catarrh For the past ventury physicians have been sending paticite suffering with bronchitis, catarrh and weak throat to Colorado, Australia Souwth- ern France and other regions where pine piny air is abundant. But of the thousands who were sick only a few could undertake such expensive treat- tient 'and many have had. to stay at home and suffer in misery. But as "all the world loves a lover' so all the world sympathizes with 8 sufferer, and science spuired oun WItE 5 desire to stamp out respiratory diseases and thereby conquer consumption, has worked unceasingly to discover the ic potion that would forever cure she no are troubled passages of the nose, throat, bron- chial tubes and lungs. When the pa- Catarrhozone, active curative proper- 3 i and immediate re pecially good in _ those chronic cases s down the throat, sickens and pollutes the ih The Habit of Health Many people have a habit of ailing. How much better it would be to learn to keep well. For health, after all, is largely a matter of habit, which all may acquire with a little practise BEECHAM'S PILLS teach ggod Habits to Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. If you are sulbect to Bilious Attacks, suffer from Constipation or are troubled with Indigestion, Nervousness or Headache, Beecham's Pills will reform all these bad habits and set an example of good health, which the body will-quickly follow. You can break up all sickly habits by occasionally using the health suggestions trans mitted by Beecham's Pills, Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, © Sold by sil Druggists ia Canada and U. S, America. Ia boxes cents. ---- - BESPRLLSECRELLREI ORR AELL EL LLLLLLRCLNLERS Lots of Odds and Ends to clear out during the balance of February. If vou missed the Red Letter Sale come in and let us show you some of our "Odd and End" lots. We can very likely save you a tidy sum on your purchase. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. "The Home of Good Shoes. wy «you strain the Every Time You Cough delicate tissues which lins the threat, bronchial tubes and lungs. Stop this strain, by curing the cough. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum brings ease and comfort to the throat and lungs. It not only cures the cough---bat also heals the membranes and strengthens the respiratory tract. 25c and soc a bottle, Sold everywhare. ; ~ Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum Used over 40 years as a Specific for Coughs, Colds, etc, Be Everything Included in OuzBig Clearing Sale Furniture, Carpets, Go Carts and Baby Carriages | Our aim is good quality st low prices. ; JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. ORANGES! Sweet Navels, Seedless Oranges from 15¢c to 60c Per Doz February FURNITURE SALE a Savings for you. Discounts, from 10 to 20 per cent. y regular $23 . SIDEBOARDS, regular > Price, $16.50, \ SIDEBOARDS, regular $18. Sale Price, $14. / Others, from $8.75 and up. | [I hpi ib EBRD DIED 00 00. + Lounges in Leather and Velours LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $7.50, reduced to $5.75. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $6.50, reduced to $5. LOUNGES, in Velour, regular $32.50, reduced to $26.50. | ; R. J. REID, i Ambolasce fa Call ENE ye . | "Pues, 077.

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