Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1908, p. 1

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YEAR 75--NO. 42. DEAD OX BOAT One Man Was Found Lying: gol at Bottom. . WAL EXPERIENCES OF MEMBERS OF THE CREW | OF THE EMILY REED. Adrift in a Small Boat Without | Water or Food--Craft Drifted | Into Neah Bay. Seattle, Wash, Feb. 10.-A to the Post-Intelligencer from Neab Bay, says : The crew of the little six- ton sloop Teckla, lying at anchor here, was startled, last night, by feuble hail from a steel lifeboat a ing up slowly in the light breezes. In the boat were the forms of four men, three living and one dead, survivors of the American ship, Emily Reed, wreck. | ed off the mouth of Nohelm river, the coast of Oregon, twenty miles from Nenh Bay. First Mate Ewald Abildsted, hunke, and the ship's cook, known. cook. The three living survivors were frightful condition. Their tongues were swollen from thirst, so that at first they could scarcely articulate They had had no food since last Sun- day night nor any water since they left | the wreck of the Reed, pt Friday mowing. = Znibe said 3» " Admost the instant | * ht Reed struck' the beach she began Angee up. hi a twinkling one of the lifehoats was smashed by a big 'wave, on | Avthur name Seaman un and the decks wokeso deep in the boil-| ing water that there was no change to get aft, where Capt. Kersel and his wife, with some of the other members of the crew, were stationed. We jump- | od inte the remaining lifeboat and cut the lashings. Before we had completed | the job a big sea broke over the wreck | and carried us clear of the decks. "A strong current swept us toward | the stern of the wreck, where we could sen Capt. Kersel and the rest of ship's company clinging to the roof of . the aft house. Wo yelled to them to throw us a line ag we went under the stern, and someone threw one, hut it fell short of our boat. "My arm hag heen broken when the wre from the galley dropped on us, and there was only one good oar, as the other had been broken and the spare oars 'washed away. We did our heat to get back to the wreck, but the sot of the undertow carried us away. "We tried to head for Tillamook light, but we had no compass ta steer us. When morning broke 1 found we were standing far out to sea. out, hoping to fall into the path of steamships. With this hope, I set the course northward along the coast. "The second night out we saw lights, but it was too dark to venture in. There was neither food nor wa- tor, and we suffered tercibly from DAILY MEMORANDA. Y.M.C.A. Men's Banquet, Monday, 6.30 Zion, skating tonight. Band to-mor- row Wonderland Theatre-~Afterncon hod evening | good yauevilla, Court Frontesac. 1L.OF - day evening. ChiMren's Aft Apnual Council Chamber, 480 pan, jou Theat re--Melodrama A Episode of the French Revolution" : Comedy, Kitchen Makd on Strike.' John ftobett Davis Sings. ------ meet Thurs Mesting, Thursday WHIG TELEPHONES un NEI, 220--Bditorial Meno: 2899---J obbing Department. Legal Forma, all kinds, at Whig. The Daily nig is alsaye on sale at W" . arket Square | Open till late oach, oa "MODERN decidedly uptodate. Nothing yet TRNER SET | despateh | The men in the boat were | Fraderick Zube, Seaman | Ja-| The dead man was the ship's inal the | | § thought it bést to keep the boat well | |" {thirst during Saturday. Toward eyen- {ing the cook declared he could stand! it no longer, amd took a drink of sea | water, He soon became delirious. "At about two o'clock Sunday! | morning we saw a big steamer. Shel | stopped near us and we all believed | we would be saved, Bat the vessel | under way again and left us, The! | cook gave up | down in the water and in a few mo- { ments he was dead. | 'About seven o {ing we made out Tattoosh Island were all too tired to manage the hoat Yory well, hut along toward Sunday] fternoon | got her headed back | ward Neah Jos. "Sunday seemed the worst dav wore out. We kept seeing all sorts passing back and forth, clock Sunday mora- of | | vessels far off to be | We | ma too I guess. were generally le 'out plainly, | Seeking The Control. London, Feb: 19.-The struggle for | the ownership of the Times is still on {It was announced some days ago that | Mr. Pearson had withdrawn a {hey rotiations with the Walter. family, {hut (the former says he is still nego [tating regarding the paper's future, | He does not state the nature of thei inegotiations. It has been stated that Mr. Pearson has been outhiddén by an American syndicate, this, it is as- |serted, being prepared to put LR50, 1000 as compared with £750,000 by Mr. Pearson. Meanwhile {they are aiming to get control of the paper. : | posed The Mystery Solved. Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 19.--The mystery of the death of R. PF. Ander | von, the man who, under ithe name nf | | Fred. Anderson, shot and killed him soll in Cobalt, Ont., on Saturday af. 1 | ternoon, has heen cleared up. Angler gon was the tawns hip treasurer of a { Missaukee county township, who ab- | seonded twenty months ago $1,900 {short in his accounts. He was also | postmaster at Jennings at the {of his flight. time i Action May Never Be Tried. Toronto, Fel. 19.--The Neshitt-Globe libel has been postponed until the next assizes and there are many who think lit will never be heard. | The statement of the defence, taining allegations against Dr. | itt, is in the possession of the cou under a prohibition that it may not {bo published until an answer is filed H no answer is filed the statement re-, mains sealed. A convenient stage has therefore been reached for the drop ping of the case if the plaintiff so de- Sires. CARRIED TT FOR HOURS COMBED $1,000 GEM FROM HER TRESSES, Girl Worker in Lapidary's \Shop Pidn"t Know Diamond Had Lodged in Her Hair. New York, Feb. 19.~Unconscious of the fact that a diamond valued $1,000 was buried in her auburn tress- ies, Lady Ida Rowan, a pretty miss of eighteen, journeyed all the way to her home, Friday night. She was jostled back and forth on the ferry and- the cars, but the gem lodged. 'Unless you help me comb this hair of mine 1 "shall be late for the enter- tainment,' she said to her mother al- ter supper. Mrs. Rowan began drawine the {comb through the mass of hair, which is the envy of all the wirl's friends. % n- at City | Something dropped on the floor and |, lowed fo die, { rolled a short distance. "There goes a button off my aint stooping to pick fup. As she did so a brilliant flash | caught her eye. She took the object lin her hand and it proved to be an {unset diamond. Mother and daughtes | {were too astonished to talk for a few imoments. Then they tried to [said the lady, the fight then He laid] We | but | inone of them would answer our hails. | from the | Nes: b refused to be dis | {enuse her figure | KINGSTON, 0D MONEY - 'Will Be Kept For Those Who Invested. TH FIRST DECISION: { to- | wel mary A MILLION IN CLAIMS WIPED OUT. / | & | Re | | Case Benefits | of Sharehold- County Loan General Body ers. George Kappele, | York Loan and Toronto, Feb, 19. official referee in the avings company judgment in connection with four | am of sharcholders. Claims total- Hing $635,000 were dealt with, and the inet result of the judgment jabout $500,000 of thes: claims is dis- allowed, and that amount applied for the general lLody of { cases, {the bene fit of i shareholders, pro- i | The claim for prelerence on shares which claim to be a first chatge upon t assets of the company, involving ,311.42, was disallowed, and the 1 im of those shareholders wh we shares were in" process. of conyersion {at the time of the liquidation, and {who claimed to runk .as creditors or preference shareholders, involving $8,207.22, was also disallowed. The 'referep allowed the claims of holders lof juvenile shares that they are entitled to for the full amount paid in by them without gard to lapses or arrears. The totalled $52,651.18, With regard to advanced sharehold- ory rank 7 no right to prior to September 10th, vances made on these shares will he deducted * from dividends pavable to he shareholders. 1903, CHOIR GAVE CONCERT. \ Fine Programme Was Rendered at Cooke's Church. There was a good attendance at the concert given under the auspices of the choir, at Cooke's church, on Tuesday night, and the programme was ga most delightful one. The pastor, Rev. Dr. MacTavish, presided. Twenty young people" took part in the dialo- gue given for the first part of ' the programme, entitled "A Trip to Europe," and which proved very in teresting. A musical programe fol lowed, and consisted of the following numbers : Solo by Mrs. Evans; duet, Mrs. Evans and Allan Lemmon; duet by Messrs. H. Newman and Atkins; duet, K. MacTavish and H. Chis holm; duet, Miss IL, Hazlett and Robinson; quartette, Mrs. Evans, Ross and Messrs. Lemmon and ford: quartette, the Misses son and Tolan; violin Miss Bartels. Tel Fil by Ross, selections GIRL DRINKS POISON. Soaks Fly Paper in Water and Swallows Solution. Windsor, Ont., Feb. 19.--Piqued mother upbraided her Mar: {tha Myers, aged twenty; 127 Beals avenue, swallowed hall a tumbler of fly poison, last night, in an attempt | to kill herself. Before Japsing into a jcomatose condition she begged to be but her mother {for De. P. D. Taylor, 808 Mack ave inge, and he saved her from immediate | death. He thinks she will The girl obtained the Huid by soaking | { the flypaper in water, Martha has been working out as |domestic, but left her job. Her mother { admits quarcelling with her. | be i recover a {out how it come there, but all their | | theories went to smash. Mrs. Rowan was inclined to think {that some enemy of her daughter's {had wlaced the stope in her hair with malicious intent, but the girl assured her that she was on the best of terms with everyone in the factory. When the girl went to work in the morning she had the diamond wrap: peed in paper and pinned inside her waist, The first thine that attracted her attention at the office were seve. ral signs, saving that a valaable stone was missing. She went straight to the proprietor and turned over tha diamond. Then she told the remark. able story. Hor employer, who has ever confi- dence in her, out of curiosity. bevan an investigation to find just how the stone had reached the place where it was found. A little later all was matle clear. The afternoon before Miss Rowan was walking throueh the gem setting department, she remem. hered something strikine her on the head, but believed it was a paper pel- Jet, thrown by one of workmen, and maid no attention to it. It developed that one of the din- mond setters had struck the stone a Rlancing blow with his velvet-covered let, ending it throngh the air. Wireless Station Burned, Paris, Feb. 19.~The wireless station on the Eiffel tower, was destroyed by fire, yesterday. Great hopes were en- tertained of the results to be obtained at the Eifel tower station, it being expected that communication with New York would be established. The construction of the station was begun by'the government only last month. BLOT ON - HISTORY CUBAN NEWSPAPER USES THIS LANGUAGE ------ In Relersing to the Loss of the Maine-~Repeats the Allegation That the Maine Was Blown Up By the Americans Themselves. Havana, Feb. 19.~The Piario Es panol, the organ of the ultra Spanish element, in a leading editorial, re ferring to the special celebration by Americans of the tenth anniversary of the blowing up of the battleship Maive says : blackest commemorate the feree's First Judgment in York! hag delivered | is, that | re- | claims | the official referee holds that there | set off on shares issued | Ad- | A. | Miss | sent | ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1908. | SLAYTON IS SENTENCED. $ { Committed to Auburn Prison For Four Year. NY i 19. Fra Leon i the of the rupted honeymoon because he bad cheyue and thn the grouml that he "was in a dream' y has been sent to four years and four {months in Auburn prison. 1 be re was no indeterminate sentence weause he has done time a gery lin the -aond degree. Slay ton that ~ was another dream, | brought on by morphine and® absinthe tand he never woke up until he was in | { prison. Slayton's leaving imarrie ge. of another without the for imality of a divorce and arrest, the | prisoner called another dweam But- Judge Ross has looked up Slay iton's record and doesn't believe in the | { dream theory. Jt woe the court's op ! inion that was a plain de | generate, There was no advice for the prisoner when he was sentenced. FATHER COPIES SUICIDE. eb, hero nk Nel inter- passed a en defended pon Distant Places, or sad of his wife and | HIELE Youu, and Remembered, Prince Edward county deaded to increase then | The business section of Mintonas, Man. was swept by fire on Tuesday. Lhree men were killed mm an explo- | | si @ pwle 1 p | Pittsburg Resident, Puts End to i - in a powder mill at Wharton, His Life. Pittsburg, P"a., Feb. 19, i Sellers, a wealthy lawyer tate dealer, committed home by shootin | the same manner , Henry I) | Sellers, jr., killed himse if A, VeAr ago Young Henry Sellers, a year ago most to a day, complained of feeling | re ill. , The other members of the family | left him alone in the house the {servants When they returned at inoon they found him lyng dead ithe bathroom, he having shot himself No cause for his act was et given. Young Sellers' - father, dizcow- ered the body, never the shoek, Heeently ipoor health and HE IS MAKING READY >1a¥ ton doctors have fees. i Japan will give her reply to the United States on the emigration ques- tion, to-day¥ Guelph's assessment 86,068,700, an increase 000 over 1907 The minister Henry D. and real es at his exactly vear is F600, this of over stcidé m of marine proposes a subsidy of $100,000 per vear for a Ji t line to France, Fhe Montreal Shipping Federation has decided to cut down longshore- men wages this spring. Joshua Johaston, Ottawa, sixty- three years of age, cut his throat with a razor. He widow and six | children. Sterting, arrested in Gleichen, on suspicion of Dublin stock alibi. The commerce of Hieypreat lakes for the year 1907 was 533,357,919 tons, Tor the Republican Convention in |#n increase of 106 per cent. on the jcommerce of 1906. : Chicago. The Missouri senate has passed the statutory prohibition bill by a vote of thirty-six to four. 'The bill is ei- fective on Dee. 31st next. Mrs. Isaac Harrington, of York, Pa., was burned to death in her home while making a futile attempt to save her grandehild, sleeping upstedes. Members of the Hydro-Electric Pow- er Commission will confer with the British ambassador at Washineton re- specting the export of Niagara power, Since the appointment of Gen. von | Boeckman as governor of Finland all the terrorists who have lately found a refuge there are reported to be fleeing to Sweden. The French automobile clubs ofthe cities of Vichy and Spa have offered prizes for aeroplane races hy which the with in or Paves a who recovered he had been brooded constantly Man., the defaultine has proved an from in being « broker, a million francs, The shipbuilding strike Tyne, which already has lasted a month, is likely to he gredlly ex tended, first by a lock-out which comes into effect at the end of the present week, and second by a strike of Allied Trade Engineers, who voted by an overwhelming majority against a reduction in wages, along the CAPT, men in the HARRY NEW, United Stats are days a heavier volume! Harry 3. New, of | New is the | Few {receiving these fof mail than Capt tindianapolis. Captain chairman of the republican national frommitiee, and already he is actively (engaged with preparations for the re- | {publican national convention at Chi next Chairwian New has Hot as vet opened headquarters in the him; {metropolis on Lake Michigaw. but he the surrender of Port Arthur, which {is making frequent trips to that city [he declared could have resisted only a to see to it that all preparations are {few hours longer at the cost of 20,000 | progressing as desired, and particular- lives, He pleaded, if the surrender de {ly that several thousand extra seats | manded expiation by blood, are provided as per promise in Chica- | blood his only, Keuss said o's great convention hall. Incidental. 'he had only fulfilled his orders, and ly, Captain New is keeping closely in | he Was willing to take the consequenc- touch with pelitical developments in He dil not ask for mercy It is the Hoosier state. Chairman New is [eXPected that the verdict will be giv- one of the innumerable putlic men | °0 to-day. { who graduated into politics from {rewspaper work, and this fact au gurs | {for satisfactory arrangements for the {press at the big gathering next sum- mer, } | READY FOR SACRIFICE. Ii Blood is Demanded Let it Be His Alone. Petershury, Febe 19. Stoessel, making lus final at the court-martial which took the whole responsibility for ~General speech =t. jeago June, be Gen. Howled Down And Pelted. Johannesburg, Feb. --~Keix Har die, member of the socialist labor par- ty in the British House of Commons, who is touring South Africa, and seek. -<ing.to. spread the gospel of hs party, met with a decidedly. hostide reception { Defrauding here yesterday, when he was howled | Rich Men. {down and pelted. The crowd subse- Pittsburg, Feb. 19--Francis T. F. {quently assembled in front of the hotel Lovejoy is said to have admitted that | Where he is staying, dnd sang, "We'll he had been victimized by Mrs, Mary [Hang Keir Hardie on a Sour Apple E. Cochrane, the "Woman in tack. i i Tree, who obtdined from him a $100¢ mortgage on his $750.000 howe dor oy Mrs. Cochrane has disappeared. Bank- ers believe that her early exposure has saved rich men from swindles greater | than those of Cassie Chadwick. 'CHINA IS "GETTING VERY Se. "ral new cases of the operations | of Mrs. Cochrane came to lights In one! ANXIOUS OVER IT. ease she got possession of a valuable | patent after the inventor had paid her | Issues Protest Against Establish- a fortune, i ment of Municipal Admin- The police, while they have not for! ussia - mally been asked to lgoate Mes. Coch-| tation By 2 at Has rane, have become actively interested | bin. 3 in her case. Pekin, Feb, 19.--In view of the pro Mr. Lovejoy is in retirement at his test lodged by CUbina agaiost the es home here and refuses to be seen: but |tablishment of a to' an intimate friend he is said to (tration at Harbin, the rite minis- have admitted that be had been taken ter to" China, M. Pokotiloff, has com- in by He. Siachrant. i will ht Mibiticated } to the wopres-niatives of t is said t sg altempt wil i ywery here-an explanation of the made to have thd 'porigage declard | Resin Ty Aion "He says that the! void and taken off the revords. It is| Russinn cid s in this matter are jus- WOMAN SWINDLER.. | Very Successful in LATEST Ws Despatiiica Frm From Near And TH WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST 20S. | Matters That Tn Everybody | Notes From All Over--Little {his residence to of Everything Easily Read effects. contestants stands to win no less than | i the } have | i is trying | that the | LAST EDITION Probabilities Toronto, Out, fa 19, om ey and per St. Lawrence {10 a. wm) Strong east to north-east winds, with snow, clear= AE CUTS THROAT. | Betrayer Kills Himself While Police Wait ! { Chicago, Feb. 19.--Death rather than | 'a cell was chosen hy Andrew Du | fpaguer, yesterday, when he all hut severed his head with' a razor stroke! j while police men were, waiting to take | {him to the jail. The tragic ending of | {the case, in which Dupaguer was ac j cused, of luring young girls into lives {of Hr came as a dramatic climax to his trial before Judge Torrison at | the police court of the Chicago Ave inue station, { Dupaquer, who was an instructor {languages, was arraigned in the court {on complaint of parents of two litth gitls, The evidence was conclusive { Ddpaquer was granted time to make a defence and was permitted to go to arrange his personal While in his room he seized a {razor and his throat before {the policeman who accompanied him feould interfere. Death was almost in stantaneous, i | slashed PAINED THOUGH SEVERED. Arm Dug Up, Hand Straightened, Pain Departs. ? Port Jervis, N.Y., Feb. Leslie Finkle had his arm =o badly mangled thy the cars at Cadosia, January 1th jas to require amputation. | Mr. Finkle complained last week of pain in the shoulder from which the arm had been severed, as if the fingers | on the band were doubled up and could | not be straightened. 'The at | the hospital wrote to Mr. Finkle's latives, who had buried the severed arm, to disinter the arm and straight en the fingers. This was done, and the pain in Mr. Finkle's shoulder ceas {ed as soon as the fingers of the hand had been straightened. The arm re-buried, 19 doctors re was | Married The Plaintiff, Marinette, Wis, Feb. 19.--Miss Al vina Ladusier was married, to-da in Menominee, Mich., to Julius Beh rondt, whom two months ago sued for £10,000 on a bresch of mise charge when he married Catherine Shannon, of this city. Miss Shannon procured a divorce a week {after her wedding, and thus paved the [way for to-day's marriage Following Canada. Washington, Feb, 19. Representa: tive Sulzer, of New York, has intro duced a bill to establish a department of labor, The bill provides for six assistant sccretaries of labor, who | shall have supervision of questions re lating exclusively to lahos, } op we Verkings be. See veiling on da can be is new, thirty different Umbrella Veils New Silk Nat with De and Border, in vy, Brown, White, with Rlaek and 1B k with White, ild know how heauti- § and eiis netually the great stock in here They flmy as veil tn every shade Veilings, in weet nty n and Here Mesh st) she pro- Miss ork's latest, | | * Motor Veils Of Fine Shier Material, suited to all kinds of weather, in Colors, Navy, Brown, Ubampegne, Grey Sky and Wh with Hemstitch- ed BPxdges Novelty Net Veilings All latest New York nud n Mack, Diack wh iors, 20¢. 10 5c. PINKY PANKY POO the Paris White, very Ldeas als CABLED FOR PILLS TO SAVE HER DOG. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Fearing Pinky Panky Poo Would Die, Got Medicine From Europe. New York, Feb. 19-Fearing that | {Pinky Panky Poo, a griffon dog, |! which she has owned for eighteen | ivears, was about to the, Mrs Pat irick Campbell cabled London and to Cologne for medicines, which ar lrived, Saturday, and which Mrs | Campivel} sal had saved the Life of {her pet, Pinky Panky {some of his teeth, Mourning Veils Chiffon Effects, Veils rnd ished In Nets also the See Our New Chiffon Neck Scarfs Designs, also kinds Hem in {fashlonabhle Scarfs fin Blurred' Floral he. Embroider stitohed to oemires as CALL ANN SEE Steacy"s| Poo, who has Tost a great deal of hair | and most of -his ySuthiul dash and {spirit, had been ill since his arrival in {this country, When Mrs. Campbell was plaving in Chicago she consulted Pr. A. Krebs, a well-known physician | lof that city. Neither he nor veterin lary surgeons whose serviles were call ed upon could help the dog Mrs {Campbell cabled to one of the veter linaviane employed by the Kin- of {England and to her friend, timid Mattel, of Cologne. In her cable igrams she told of the plicht of Pinky ! Panky She cabled the name in| { full, much to the financial betterment lof the cable company, and asked that pills be sent at onee. They came and Pinky Panky Poo is pronounced to be out of danger. i I'HENM AT ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. JUST RECEIVED A small guantity of PURE MAPLE SYRUP The kind that has that delicious because it is made from ithe sap of the Maple Tree. Jas, Redden & Co, Importers of Fine Grooaries. Poo og Human Barkers In Paris. Paris, Feb. WoeThe revenue authori Hes, with the view of outwitting dog | owners who persistently evade the dog | tax by denying possession of soy of | the animals, bave engaged a number | flavor, of men who are accomplished in imi tating the voice of a dog. These men omenade the streets at night and Bark outside of suspecied houses. Ila dog is within it invariably replies, | thus betraying its owner Fhe pest | day a collector visits the owner and | gathers a tax. The human backers are| paid $30 a mouth | IN TIME TO SAVE CHILD. | Man Raced With Fl Son's Life. Charlotietonn, PEL, Feb 19.0 Last night while Fraser MacDonald, They Beat Hotel Bills. Aina 16 Bave Toronto, Feb. 19. Henry A. Groots of whe has just completed a term in the Neliand il for beating an hotel {ol Hampton, was attendine a temper. hoard bill in that locality, is under ar. lance meeting, he received the start ut by Chit Haiuw, " Pw Jromtier [ling news that bis dwelling was on. pole. and will be sen re. tostandic,. He ran & mile to the burning bis trial for a like offense kB dhe ihuilding, ewtering just in time cx x Ek i" King Si natd hotel rg Kk. B k,l sqve his adopted nine-year-old som, [alias Rear, haw at ke re insleep alone in the house. He had son for a like offense at Welland, is! st snatched him from the bed when {also before the magistrate on com: jy oan buried beneath bricks from the | Tt landed in Miss Rowan's hate Reve. | "They val of the workmen searched all night oach- | for the missing stone. hlot en American history, the world, including honest Americans, believing that the ship was blown up by dieect lorders from the war department for the purpose of justifieation in the plan to despoil Spain of Cuba." adduces as "convincing not claimed that the morlga - wise. The only way fdgmiven ee. Cochrane from realizing upon if, will be to prove that it was secu by false representation. To Float The Mount Temple, officers of the Maine! Halifax, Feb. 19. An 'atiempt wits I of the vietims in 'made, yesterday, io float (he CPR. which showed that {Yimer, Mount Temple, which is ashore [pan have seat Shee ynitorms | at Iron Bound land, Labase. Keven BR Anticipation an ex ha tugs. pulled on t mer without alleges that the remson the pucks. _ Another oflort was to be | plaint of the Queen's hotel, tified conveution with Chine pe oll Toe the right to administer | the railtond lands in Manchuria. Although the Russian municipalitics in Manchuria are being cstablighed A Priest Killed. Niles, Mich., Feb. 19 Rev. Father | Andrew Salmon was instantly killed | Iy jured, yesterdav, at South Bend, | ls "hi iy p- anxiety to China. especially on ac ii tount of the attitude assumed by Ja- They were usahle to is making to the fact that they wern caught he "tensive plans example | Ween a ssow driit and a sand bauk. | t bie Sor alae the torial | Both jwiests have been connected with Phe Tokin government not been raised is that it) ompnetente | that o aa EET ae | Notre Dame College. the inensing Japeuse : wid, m7 Consult the {Com rested falling chimney. [rotalty destroyed. Essex, islowly, as in the cose at Harbin, for { and Father Murphy was perhaps fatal- { if, (instance, the i of walked inte - plocetiyre 12.8 Soutes nd,. when their cutter was struck by | which inte and. volver, turn out of the way of the ear, wing | tain. The dwelling wax ¥ ------------ Tried To End Career. Ont, Feb. 19 Weatied of Grmorge Burling, sixty years old, the one-room shack in tgking up his re- whot himself" through the He sttempied to fire's second | #hot to make sure of the job, but hed not strength to discharge the weapon,

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