THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1908, PAGE THREE, -r i supply NOW, Night Gowns 76c for regular $1.00 Night Gowns. . $1 for 8 onular $1.25 Night Gowns, $1.25 for regular $1.50 Night Gowns, Drawers 36c for regular 45 45¢ "" ." 0 60c 75 1.10 " 1.25 Crumley 0000000000000 00000000000000 " " "" ® * . ® ® * eo * * ° ® * ® ® * Ld » . . - . ® * Ld * ® ® . * . * . * ~ Special Sale of Dainty Whitewear Especially attractive because of their crispy freshness, the new Undermuslins in this Sale are noteworthy for their fine qualities. Such savings on Muslin Underwear of this character are unusual--the garments are daintily trimmed with pretty tucks, exquisite laces and em- broideries--and you will act wisely to buy a year's Underskirts $1.25 for regular 1.890 for regular Underskirts 2.35 Underskirts Corset Covers 35¢ 75¢ 1.10 Bros. Sead - aD CO © Underskirts 0 for regular wo for regular 49 " " 85 1.25 " 4" Women's Vici Kid, Plain and Pat. Toe Bluchers Bals., light and heavy sole, 'dull and plain top. Regular $3.00 for 2.25. Reid & Charles, 111 Princess St. Successors to D. J. McDermott fag of lb. 2 Tea Trays, ese sessessssscssssee Pretty Things We have just SBwmtd up a shipment from Eurape, consist. Waiters, Fancy Coal Vases, Copper Flower Pots, Metal Smoking Sets, etc. 3 you want 4 mies present or relation of friend come in Sah psn b . . - » . Hien Ess uvestusseevacagest TALK ON RALWAYS| 'MACLEAN'S i RECIPROCAL DEMURRAGE BILL. Iwas Not: Advanced, However-- ' Bill to Emlarge Personell and Power of Railway Comuvission to Be Introduced. | Ottawa, Feb. 18.--~The house confin- {ed its undivided attention to raiiways {to-day. W. F. Maclean's reciprocal de- {murrage bill, let loose the flood gates of eriticivn, which ended only at Il {p.m by the debate being a The member for South York brought {bis bill up for second reading; bat it {did not reach the dignity of that es- |tate, as, after hearing arguments on leach side, the minister announced that the would shortly bring in a bill te { enlarge the personuil and power of the railway commission to enable it to deal with such questions as reci- | procal demurrage, which were still in [the theoretical class, Mr. Maclean, in a moderate speech, outlined his measure, and the chair- man of the railway committee, Hugh Guthrie, put the side of the railways convincingly and tersely, pointing out {the efforts they were making to cope with the abnormal business. There was an avalanche of ecom- plaints from the west as to delays in moving freight, and the minister ad- mitted that grievances existed, but the commission was the body to deal with them and not parliament. So there the matter "rests for the time being until the minister makes his announce: ment, A WEDDING GIFT, Woman Whose Husband Deserted Her Fails to Recover. Ottawa, Feb. 19. Judge MacTavish gave: judgment in favor of the delend- ants in the case of Mrs. 8B. Rogers, wife. of R. H. Rogers, against T. Lind- say company. The action was dis- missed without costs. The action was to recover $100, which had been paid over by R. H. Rogers to George Wan- less, representing T. Lindsay, on the S8. Parisian, when Rogers and his wife were leaving for Paris, in pay- mant for a debt Rogers had run at Lindsay's store. Wanless told Rog- ers he would detain or arrest him if he did not pay up. Rogers had some $20 gold coins which had been given him to carry by Mrs. Rogers. These were a wedding gift to Mrs. Rogers. Rogers, however, paid them over to Wanless to satisfy the debt. He later deserted Mrs. Rogers at Paris. Mrs. Rogers took action against T. Lind- say because Rogers did not own these voins, aml it was claimed she should be able to wecover them. The judge held that since these coins were cur- rency, even if Rogers had stolen them they could not be recovered. Adeord- ingly, # would be all the more impos: sible for the coins to be recovered when Rogers had come into possession of them. legally. ANTI-WHISKEY Abolish Bars and Make Treating a Crime, Toronto, Feb. 19.<The immediate enactment of a provincial law abol- ishing the bar and making the treat- ing system eriminal, will be demanded by the Ontario branch of the Domin- ion Alliance, which will meet here next week. It expected that at least one thousand delegates will be present from. all parts of the provinee The temperance people have heen en: couraged by the annuling of the three- fifths' clause in Manitoba, and they will put it to the Ontario legislature to go the Manitoba law makers one better and 'make the province a blue ribbon territory entirely. AN INHUMAN ACT. CONFERENCE, 18 Drove Tack Through a Boy's Tongue. Uhvrichsville, Ohio, Feb. 19.--Humane Officer Jackson, vesterday; swore out a warrant in New Philadelphia for Miss Clara Stirling, twenty-four years old, a teacher at the county chil- dren's home. Stirling confessed to him that she drove a tack through the tongue of eight-year-old Simpson Fowler, an in- mate of the home. The aflair was made public by R. W. Chapman, the janitor, who declares he saw the oe- currence, The humane officer investi- gated, and says the boy alleged he was punished with the tack for a tri- vial violation of the rules. CHURCH WON CASE, -- Welland Must Pay For, Edifice De- stroyed By Fire. Toronto, Feb. 19-~Judgment has been handed out by Justice Teetzel in favor of the trustees of the Methodise church at Welland against the town. It appears that on August 6th, 1906, the employees of the corporation, while mending Muir street, on which chtirch stands, broke a natural gar main with a heavy steam roller. burned. The judge finds the corpora tion guilty of neglivence and leaves the amount of the claim to be settled iy She local master at Welland, The laimed was $15,000, . Persian Troops Deserting. Tiflis, Feb. Teacher where Prince Firman Firma, the sian Sitinter of justice; recently ap. governor of the province of ai. has made bis « Jackson declares Misd Forms onente (aRAND)(0P ERA, HOUSE ) SATURDAY, FEB. 22n4. Matinee, at 2.30. Evening, 8.15 GRACE MERRITT And Splendid Company of 22 Players, in the Everlasting Success. "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER" ERNEST SHIPMAN, Manager. Massive wnd Flaborate Scenic and -Jleatrical Equipment 2 Matinee, ~ 25c., 35¢., Ohdidren, $1 500. ; be. to any seat. Ekenting 2%¢., 85¢ Seats now on sale 75ec., the city engi ecr's report sim- --- the News' campaign down to .the fact that the Bijou's a is three in- ches narrower than the width prescrib- ed for full-sized theatres, amd that our big rear exit is "partially concealed" by au factory cotton curtain. lo But Bro. Black certainly made a valiant effort when he tried to cover hall vy acre of malignancy with shiree inches of faci. Amd we didn't have to meke our (m- Provenmnts AFTER the Diunderbuss's attack. We made them before we gpemned the house at all. TO-DAY and Thursday We present fine Eighteenth Century Melodrama, "AN EPISODE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION" The Family of the Margu fidy of the Secretarv--The Arr Royal Spy--The Secretary's Treachery-- Betrayed 'to the Revolutionisie---Before the Tribvunal--In Prison--A Stratagem That Failed--A Happy Pusdiog. We also offer a Lively Comedy, "A KITCHENMAID ON STRIKE" he is--"The Pe r- ul of the When Bro. Black cast eut. his pet, missed The Bijou and caught every Church, School and Public Hall in King- stop. We trust that the jmensity of his catch will wot upset Bro, Black's dory. When Bro. herrings, he didn't carga of whales, But the funniest seraphic smile 'with which clafins the entire report Engiveer as the private Blunderhuss. John Robert Davis sings at every per- formance, Black went fishing for three expect to cateh a part of it is the Bro. Black of the City property of the 5 CENTS-- WONDERLAND THE HOUSE OF HITS. Refined Vaudeville and Life Motion Pictures. ugramme WEDNESDAY amd THURS- DAY. "A Dog's Music Hall" A very amusibg stunt of what know- ing dogs can do. Clo and Marode, Musical Dancers, Blonde, Traperé Per former. Kvetig aod Gighert, Plain and Vocalist. Blopdine, on the rage irack with his opponeatse "The Pretty Typewriter" A Melo-Drama of every day life--Be convinced now |! They engmge: her--She catises & sensation in the offico--Installa- tion--First! disturbance--She is removed segpuel-- Love is catching--Moving again, All Pathe Freres, SONG--"WITH YOU IN ETERNITY' by Kingston's Favorite Baritone. VAUDEVILLE and Mellman, ull this week, Wonders: J. THEO. EX... Mgr. SKATING CLUB MASQUERADE SATURDAY, FEB, 22nd, 7.30 pom. Kelly Daseing Doors opens at Only members and Childres in -Fauey Dress Costume allowal to SRdte. Membership Tickets will admit bers df in Fancy Dress Costuine, Admission, Adults, 25¢. Admission. Children under 12 years, 15¢ Prises wii bo given for the most original. "The most plete and the best Fancy Costume. Excursion to Toronto Special Train G.T.R, 12.50 Noon Fry? Febe-Zlst/ oxeept¥ any ign e rp bt ing bv. A $5.55 Return. Chester Gillette Must Die. Albany; N.Y.; Feb, 19.~The court of appeals decrees that Chester Ghilétte, of Cortlandt, must dio in the elegtric chair for the murder of Grace, or Bil Brown, of South -Otselie Chango pil at Big Moose Lake, in the Adirondacks. on July Fh, 1906. <The court affirms the judgment of. conviction of murder an the first J degree and the sentence of demth ven: dered gt the extraordinary term of the h {perme court in Herkimer county, eld by the order 'of Governor Hig- Los, ' b La A -------------------- Solated go Leave os, _ eb 1W.-A cable mes mem oF in BLIOU Be. |is no habitant of the tment of soil--of sunshise--and of at take "tation at Madison Darrackn and $ ANY. Tim reghinen who CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First tnsertion lo. a word. Fach com secutive imsertiom thereafter half cont a word. Minimum charge for pome ioe sertion, 250. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AT. ply to Mrs, R. MclFaul, 106 Barrie street. A HOD GENERAL SERVANT, IM. mediately. Apply Mrs, Macgilliveay, 119 Earl street FOR GENERAL WORK. SERVANT, Miss Fergu- Apply in the evening to son, 191 hing straet. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks ; ates earn twelke 3a eighteen Hare help Secu itions ; Gotioge, logue free. Roler: Harber Quesn and Spadine, ater, College, LOST. A MINK MIXED SCARF, TRIMMED with mink tals. Finder will be re warded by returning to Whig office. FOUND. FACE last week by paying property LANES' GOLD OPEN watch, on Montreal street, (Owner can precurs saine for this adv. and proving Apply to Whig office ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345: ARCHITECTS, MER- corner Brook 'Phone, 212, POWER & SONS, chant's Bank Building, and Wellington streets. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess end Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street WANTED-GENERAL, SEWING Call or write reel. over DON} ur ANY to NM. © Armstror PLAIN kind 394 King stree UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET SIiX BUILDING LOTS FROM $35 up. The People's Forum. FOR SALE, FOOT SHOW Medivy's Drug Stare. CASE, AT Mes Cann's Heal Estate Ofige, O81 Broek street, work, by R. W. Miliard 235 Welling- ton St. Orders taken at Drury's Coal office. ONE 1907 KENETISCOPE, tWo 300 and one B00 gal, Steed new ; tanks Apply Uapts Hoys,o pars Steamer Alet EDISON A JOR CLEANING ASHES oOUT OF yards or cellars, or other baggage carted. Fricea right. Aps Lytle, General Carter, Why "st. : GENTLEMEN TO BRING "THHII Overcoats 2nd have them pressed and cleaned, also get & new velvet collar ou, it makes them like mew. Prices right. Galloway, The Tailor, 3 Broek St., mexi ta Bibby's livery. CARRIAGES, WAGCONS, FURNL ture, Pianos, or say article for stor ud, by the month, year, or any way For further information, Pry ta Laturney"s Oarriage Works, 200 and 893 Princess St. 'P bone, 153, MONEY AND BUSINESS. DUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other com pany offers. Examine them 2 Godwin"s Insurance Emporium, Ma ot Square. LONDON AND GLOBE VERPOOLY u Available Fire Insurance Company. masctas $61,187,215 In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders, Farm avd city pro perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving Rew husiness rate from Strahge & Strange, gents. "Phone, 568. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIREPATRICK, ISSUER O Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. C. ONTARIO CHURCHMAN, KINGSTON, ! has by far the best circulati Anglican familjes in Canada There | fore the best to advertise in for! i fPhione, 608 THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT nitarian. REV, z w. CASSON, The God Of The Open. 1 believe in the God of the open. He silence and Lhe is not found only unden the dim ehurch cloisters, or heard only in the awed hush of sacred service Ihe God in whom 1 believe is the God of ghe open sky and the open street and the open mind. Everywhere and in everything. * He may be seen and felt and known. He is in the sunshine more than in the shadow, in the liv- ing present more than in the dead past, in the open field more than in the templed eave. He does not speak rom an ancient Sinai; He walks and talks with every man on the common path of hfe, shadow, He Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacou street, Boston, Mass., [or free litev=iure. SEES LSE AS AMIDE ESSETLLS IF YOUR CAKE DRIES 3 UP QUICKLY Your Baking Powder is adulter- ated with Ammonia or Alum ins a opts 'which are injurious to health and are used by soma manufacturers simply to lessen the cost of the Powder to- crease the profite. Housekeepers wha use Couper's Pure Baking Powder tiet ® Yura Cream of 'Tartar Baking 'owder, one that will keep sweet in apy weather and a.ways be wholesome. iD. Couper; v i PURE FOO GROCE RIES. 841-3 Princess St. SLEIGH ' ' end TES DOLLARS FINE FOR PROV. : ING THIS IS A FRAUD, Cansilieyy and American Shoe Re ing Shop, 201 FPriocess St., will fix ther soles mad rubber Beels on your boots for 75e¢. ns soles and heels, ladies children, Se . & puir. 1 am able to do this, having in stock a large consignment of the best leather and rubber heels. Give h a trial and 1 rantoe satisfaction 1 ow, J. Green. the Most Careful Atten- tion As Well As Good Soil. Did you ever see a rosebush which ite the most beneficent environ- never to achieve a INOS] fA on of manure will not help a t that has o canker eating oul th heart, a bi must destroy the cause before you can remove the You cannot cure dandruff and bald. vess by rubbing on hair lotions, and ig in vaseline, etc. : You wut look to the esuse of the feguble-sit's a germ at the roots of hair which causes it to fall out, EL ws Scio destroys the germ, rm resuit, Beud ie. ie J Th Hcp reputation and results {Department of Railways and Canals, Canada. TRENT CANAL CNTARIO-RICE LAKE DIVISION. | ¢ SECTION NO. 8. -- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED | to the undersigned aud endorsed "Ten- der' for Trot Capal," will be received ttl 16 o'clock on Thursday, 12th! Murch, 1908, for the works - connected with the consiruction of Section No. 3, Optario-Rice Lake Division of the Canal Plans, specilications, and the form of the contract fo be entered into, cam be | seen ont and after the Oth February, | 1908, at the office of the Chief Eogineer of the Iepartment of Rallways aud Canals, Ottawa, at the office of ¥ Superintending Is ngineer, Trent Canal Peterboro, Omt., and at the office of Mr J. B. Brophy, Division Engineer, Tren ton, Ont, at which places forms of tender may be obtained Parties tendering will bé required accept the fair wages Sehedule pr or to be prepared Ly the Department of Labour, which Schedule wal form part of the contract Contractors are reg mind that tenders will not unless made strictly in accordance {the printed forms, and in the case firms, unless there are artachid th actual signatures, the mature of the oc cupation, and place of residence of each member of the firm, An accepted bank cheque for the of $10,000- must accompany each tender, which sum will be forieijed, if the party tendering declines entering into « tract for the work, at the rales wiated iii The offer submitted The chegues thus sent in will rd to the respective contractors tenders ure not actepted The advertisement dated, [ihe January, 1908, is herchy onncelled The lawest or any tender not sarily accepted. By L. uested to bear in be considered wit of sur he ror rn whose 16th proess Order, K. JONES Secretary Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, February 8rd. 1068 Nawspapers insertin this ment without authority | th ment will not' be paid for ite American Oils | ais vertise- Jepart i Lubricating Oils Gasoline | We make a specialty of handling | Lubricating Oils of all kinds. | Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO,, | South Cor. Ontério and Clarence. | "JUST IT." For the Breakfast on a cold momin Bericliy" Foro ous (Biss cLly Brock = i REFINED Granulated and Yellows. Sugar, Be sure yon ask for The Siatisth year's business of Assets (over) NO VALUABLE DWELLINGS, | KINGSTON 18. C. McGill, {best place . to get an all { notice. Eagiisk 25, Per CAREER rE Aaa... 76 SYDENHAM, with extension Kitchen hot Water heating. Heceatly renc ed throughout Vossession 1st Appriy A. BB. Cu SOLID BRIC K 6 bed rooms PROPERTY FOR SALFE-- Double house, oa Johnson street, the property of the late Joseph Jamie son, now used as & dwelling and = suniber's shop. Apply ta Mossts, alkemn & Walkem, TO-LET. OFFIOES, 51 Brock STORES, Storage, MoUann's, street, elce BRICK HOUSE ON ALFRED 8ST. NO 807, opposite, Vietoria Park, | #0 session pn May. Apply & L rivecs Street. 289 ALFRED Major. King ete. Appl from 4 Lo 6 A FURNISHED HOUSE, St. Home of the late bot water heating. ga cants may seo house, Apply on premises PERSONAL. PROF. HALSTEAD, PSYCHOLO( Phrepologist and Palmist carmot main longer than end of month we consulted at his roows iam street, daily Muy VUAIR MOLLS BIRTHMAR RE 3 HAVING Fol RnR RAHL~ » yi ski 2 the System and Bay a choice pl as a distributir aca for THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm pertiesl Mund and { nty Deten- eures, Mortgages purchss od. Depomiie received and interest allowed, Managing Director. 'POTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY Wholesale or , Retail. A very choice stock grown in sandy sou, at : | A. SLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts | New England Chinese Restaurant 331 Kirg Street, to 8 sm, the round Lunch is Meals of ail kinds on shortest and Chinese dishes = 'Phone, 655. Ope from 10.30 am, the city. specially. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. uo Carriages, Cutters, Harness , for sale. ae of Horses every Saturday. ~ WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costd Lith | and Saves Much, Good Variety af STRACHAN"S. CHILDREN'S CLASSES | In Pencil and Charcoal Sketching The Conipion Studio, 66 Leswon. RC CARRIER, Of B.Y. Art Sehool. Barris Bt, The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest " SUGARS Made entirely from cane "St. Lawrence." the Company the best yet. Irsurance in foros (OVEr) ~«-=sx sve vce cnene §117,500,000.00, 35,000,000.00, i Take the New QUINQUENNIAL POLICY with this Company, ial Policy of this Company 'has Riways been populnr with RE at Seodani no 1908, Apply mow wed