Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1908, p. 4

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i 4 : - pt of price. Il On sale this week at Corbett's Hardware. ORN RAZOR ple device. You cannot cut or mail on recei , $1.00. anoying corn may be removed in most painful and 2 minute with this sim) STAR SAFETY injure the foot. Jour Cutlery Department or by THE } n -- a -- f | | THE WHIG, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306- { 810 King street, Kingston, Outario, st $6 per ear. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock pm. WEEKLY BRITISH WIIG, 18 pages, pub- fished in parts on Mond avd Thursday morn« ing ot $1 a year. To United States, charge for post has to be made $8.08 for Daily; boc. for Weekly. fe Attached is one of the best Job . Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. B. PENSE, EDW. 1. ED Lh Director. Daily Whig. VETERANS ARE POLITICIANS. The New York Commercial Bulletin is appalled at the growth of the Uni- ted States pension expenditure. It is a heavier burden than that of the largest standing army of any Furg- pean . pation and the total disburse- ments on account of it have exceeded £3,500,000,000, Its worst effect bas been to demoralize a large part of the population. It has been prolific of fraudulent claims, perjury, false pre- tense and of corrupt influence in poli tics and legislation, and has, in a large measure cultivated greed and dishonesty. in the guise of rewarding - This woman was ill, blue, and discouraged. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ~ Mrs. R. Gentleman, 1093 St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "1 suffered from a severe female weakness, and extreme nervousness, and was blue and utterly discouraged. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound was recommended, and after taking several bottles, 1 am not only enred, but am an entirely different woman, and on the whole a healthier woman than before taking your valu- able medicine, sews * Every woman who suffers from any wwdorm of nan ills should not fail to try i Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- } pound." . FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. + For thirty years Lydia KE. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbg, has been the standard remedy for female and has positively cured thousands o women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, uleera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, riodic pains, backache, that bear. i Ing-down feeling, flatulency, He tion, dizziness or nervous pros ~~ Why don't you try~it ? rs, Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has ided thousands to health, Address, Lynn, F.W. BOSCHEN Member Consolidated Stocx Exchange of New York. 'STOCKS, BONDS and GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash or DR argin, DIRECT PRIVATE WIRETO N.Y W. HECTOR H. HUME, mar. + Clarence Chawbers. hone, 888, patriotic service to the country. That the pension roll for veterans of the Civil war ghould continue to grow more than forty years alter the (on- flict is a grotesque fact that discre- dits the nation. An analysis of the accounts some day will reveal the fact that the pensioners are us largely political as military veterans. END OF POWER SCHEME. Some large things are transpiring in Toronto, or the papers there are la- bouring under a huge delusion. It is reported that the the street railway company, Mr. Macken- zie, has dequired" the interests of the | Electric Development company, and {that this deal makes him the master on the power question. Moreover, it is alleged that an alli- ance has been fommed botween Mr. Whitney and Mr. Mackenzie, and that, in the words of the Telegram, this ruin of - the cheap power movement, and of Hon. Adam Beck as well. The suggestion follows that Mr. president of means the Beck should get out' of a government which "has not and mever had an atom of real sympathy with the cheap power movement." If he does not pull out it is predicted that he will be buried. It is surprising to have a'conserva- tive paper say that thé Whitney gov- ernment is not progressive, but that outside of it there js an element which has strength and capacity. "This ele- ment," says the Telegram, "had better exert itself if it does not 'want to seo progressives and' reactionaries fly- ing at each other's throats on the eve of a possible triumph," and all for the sake of the new alliance. Verily there will be something doing in Toronto one of these days. GAMEY 1S OFFENDED. Mr. Gamey has again come into the limelight, and in a very unpleasant way, He was not one of those who Ywere invited to dine with the lieuten- ant:governor last week, and some- of his_associates shared his displeasure by absenting themselves = from the function. They may not have the chance to repeat the offence. It is presumed that 'the Heutenant- governor, like the governor-peneral, has the right to select the persons he will entertain, and it is a new perience that anyone would undertake to himself into associations where he is not desired. Mr. Gamey, by his new performance, calls atten- tion to an episode in the not so long ago. He was abusing his superiors, when under a great scandal which a royal commission established, and in- ex force cidentally he assailed the lieutenant governor because he invited his minis The Phoenix Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher BEodlossod by the Leading Companies, adopted b: Erament and Be Hotels, ete, oughout the ooo 18 always Foadyy fire, will not. Agents U. - Insurance y the U. 8. Gov neiple Cities, Railroads, vy 8, and containg wo Hqukd mth, darmaps as freeze or clog. Price, $3.50. fers to sit at the same table with him. The lieutenant-governor had his rea- sony for not desiring to hay too closa connection with Mp. Gamey, and one tan recall the ocession when Mr. Gamey's own party desired to sup press him, when st a Toronto con- vention he was - jockeyed aside, and when the attempt wad made to' Keep him in the batkground. The excuse given for Mr. Gamey's partivipation in a { scandal is that he lent himself to a humiliating plot, for the purpose of entrapping the Ross government, Whatever the that Gamey's glorification is con to his party. ° i : iinet A GOOD DAY'S WORK. The religious 'census, which was tak 3 EEE gi; : < ¥ 1 75th YEAR yesterdiy, is now heing tabulated, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1908. school, for church and for civie | pur- It will be accurate, too, as'no known, was registered Every poses. one, so far as tame. down only where he lodged. The churches are to be commended in their desire to come into touch with all who itterest in the mission a second ohe was set express nny Fewer, perhaps, than were expected have no means no inclination towards religion the The younger or religious thingy. These are elder people, generally. ones are susceptible to good impres- siofis, and it these the churches seek and will now locate most 1% which easily. EITORIAL NOFES. make most intelligent That fact they The Consus established yes women enumerators. terday. -- The Telegram demands that il there is to be a killing off by the local gov- ernment of Hon. Mr. Beck, it shall he done in the open. When is this awful sacrifice tg be made ? It is pointed out Wat about 40,000 men will be wanted for railway huild- ing during the summer. But will the idle of the present get the jobs, or will there be an immigration of Italians or Poles for the purpose? Good, The Whitney Foternmenjgie going to send a immigrant commBsioner England. to When the liberals proposed that Mr, Whitney opposed it. His ideas are rapidly changing. As a solitical somersaulter he is an expert. a-- Dr. Beattie Nesbitt has not spondled to the call to produce pleadings in the Globe libel suit and go to trial. It looks as if the thirty- and re- his three members of the legislature government are not to be called as witnesses after all. What has happen- od ? Mr. Harcourt, in an address dn the legislature, a few days ago, said thous sands of children leave the schools at from ten to twelve years of age. Where do' they go?! That's what the trustees of Kingston have been trying to find out for vears. SPT OF THE PRESS Bonds In Demand. Toronta News. The great over-subscription for $50,- 000,000 of New York city four and one- half per cent. bonds indicates that money is available for some purposes. Or, Stomach Trouble. Hamilton Spectator. : : Lieut.-Gov. Clark's absent-minded- ness, in not inviting R. R. Gamey to his little funetion, den't likely to make, Robert a victim of insomnia. Was Merciful, Herald. re twitted Mr. Fielding with his part in the Nova Scotia, secession movement, and Mr. Fielding didn't say a word about the nest of traitors. There's will power for you. What The People Want. Toronto Star. v 3. J. B. Pense has introduced a bill in the legislature looking to a standard loaf. Mr. Pense is of those who Believe that the weight of the loaf should be as sacred as the length of the inch. po News Goes Before. Moutreal Gazette, The Methodist church commiitee has designated ten . men to go out this year for mission work in China. 'Chey will probeibly not need to take out a record of the debates in the parlia- ment of Canada, and the legislature of British Columbia to' show the Chi- nese heathen that Canadian Christians do not live up to the teachings of their faith. The Chinese are develop- ing a newspaper press and learn for themselves what goes on in civiliza- ed nations. a ------_-- Lp, Evening Dress. preference, which | THE EGRESS BI-LAW ITS CHIEF REQUIREMENTS ENUMERATED. The Engineer's Report Has to Be i Considered By the Board of Works--Will the By-Law Be Carried Out ? The main points in the city's by-law respecting egress frota public build- {ings are as follows : | Doors of all entrances to and from such buildings shall open outward. There shall be at feast two indepen- dent exits from each division or gal- {lery in such buildings. No main exit shall be less than five feet in width. All exits shall open either on or above, but not Lelow the level of the street or passageway. . Every gallery shall have at least two independent stairwavs. A gallery may not discharge by a stairway at right angles. Every theatre shall be illuminated by gas and electri light. There shall be over the stage _of every theatre one or more ventilators, The maximum penalty for any breach of the by-law is fifty dollars, The city engineer's report upon the churches, theatres, halls, schools, hos- pitals, ete., has to be considered by the board of works, one member of which will urge for the repeal of the by-law. H the council decides not to repeal the by-law, the owners of most public buildings here will he put to considerable expense in making their: places conform to the law. The egress by-law was passed in April, 1967, . SAYS TAFT WILL WIN. Roosevelt Believed to Be the Only Obstacle. Chicago, Feb, 19.--~Walter Wellman, who is touring the country for the Chicago Record-Herald, which is strongly supporting Secretary William H. Taft, reports this general summary of his observations : "So great is the probability of Judge Taft's nomination for presi dent by the Chicago convention, that we are almost, if not quite, justified in regarding it as a foregone con- clusion. There is also a great prob- ability that the nomination will be made on the first ballot. The one ele ment of serious doubt as to the out- come lies in the possibility of an up- heaval for President Roosevelt for a second elective term. "We are justified in assuming that. on the first roll call fully 200 of the 266 southern delegates will vote for Taft. If only one-half of them do so a second ballot will not be needed. "With 375 votes fromm the great cen- tral belt and New England combined, Taft needs about 125 more to win. The distinctively southern states have 266. The five states with favorite sons have 206. If Taft could get only one-half of the south added to the foregoing estimate he would have enough without encroaching upon the favorite son states, or, in other words on the first ballot." "The friends of Talt count upon twenty-five to thirtv-five df the eigh- ty-five votes from New England and hope for many more." » Heart Responds To Heart. London Punch, J It was indeed a beautiful night. The gentle zephyrs played musically amid the delicate fronds of the turnip-tops, and waited from far distant fields the subtle perfume of the luscious onion and the fragrance of dezgying cabbag es, "Betsy," he whispered, as they sat together on the fenee surroundiuy Mrs. Filligan's pig styve, 'ow bea- utiful vou De! Jes' think of it, Bet sy !| When us be~married us will have a pig*of "our own! Think of that, Betsy 1 "Jan," she whispered, a wots of re- sentiment in her voice "what do 1 care for pigs ? I shan't want no pig when I've gab you !"' "Then all wes silent once more, save for ihe musical frolics of the zephyrs already mentioned, Sensitive, Cleveland Plain-Dealer. Mr. Suddenrich, travelling abroad : "That guide of ours is a very impis- tinent young feller." Mrs. Suddenrich : done ?"' Mr. Suddenrich : "Why he's got onto i the fact that we came from the coun- Very." : | "How could he know that?' bY] dunno. Bat he pointed out one of them oldest pictures an' said he s'posed Fd be interested in Rubens." "What he has REVISED over half a century. /| Wellington man LIVED CENTURY AND A HALF. Negress Claims She Saw General Washington. Mrs, Abbie Para of Clinton, lows, { believes that she is 150 vears old, and declares that when she was a girl of sixteen she saw General Washington's soldiers pass her father's cabin in the woods of northern Alabama. Mrs. Parm's father was a Creck In dian and bef mother a negress, She believes she was born about 1758. Her husband she declares, died of old age, three-quarters of a century ago, and their children long ago went to their graves as aged men and women. _ Mrs. Parm does not know the local- ity of her birth, Though the scenes of her girlhood remain vividly in her mind, she has no idea of their locali- ty, beyoud the fact that she lived with her parents in a little village in the northern part of Alabama, Efforts, to substantiate her claim of longevity have proved fruitless, but many be- lieve she is the oldest woman in the United States, if not in the world What Happened To Jones. Harper's Weekly. Une day a tall, gaunt woman, with rope-colored hair and an expression of great fierceness, #trode into the office of a county clerk in West Virginia, "You air the person that keeps the marriage books, ain't ye?" she de- manded. "What book do you wish to madam ?"' asked the police clerk "Kin you find out if Jim Jones was married ?"' Search of the records disclosed the name of James Jones, for whose mar- riage a license had been issued two years before. ¥ "Married Elizabeth Mott, didn't he?" asked the woman. "The license was issued for a riage with Miss Elizabeth Mott." "Well, young man, I'm Elizabeth. 1 thought I oughter come in an' tell ye that Jim has escaped !"' sce, mar- g No Flattery Necessary. Success Magazine. "You needn't begin jollying me," said the gruff man to the man who had land to selb= "I'm not a man that can be affected by flattery. When " "That's just what I said to my boss," interrupted the agent." 1 told him, when he suggested your name to me, that it was a relief to call on a man who did not expect to be praised and flattered to his face all the time tell you, Mr. Grump, this city has mighty few men such as vou. I's helpful to me to meet a man who rises superior to the tactics of the average soliviter, It's a real and lasting bene- fit and an instructive experience," Ten minutes later, after a few more such comments on the part of the agent, the man who could not be flattered into siening the contract was askine which line his name should be written on. It Runs All Times. The minister was addressing Sunday school. "Children, 1 want to talk to you for a few moments about one of the most vital, one of the most wonder ful, one of the most important or- gans in the whole world," he said. "What is it that throbs away, beats awav, never stopping, never ceasing whether you wake or sleep, night or day, week in and week out, month in and month out, year in and year outs without any volition 'on vour part, hidden away in the depths, as it were, unseen by you, throbbing, throbbing, throbbing, rhythmically all your life long ¥ During this pause for oratorical fect a small voice was heard™ "I know; it's the gas meter!" the ci- Wellington A Windy Town. Londom Chronicle. Wellington, the political capital New Zealand, is one of the cities in the world, and once ing' there gets "well alight," little chance of saving it. first time that the parliament build ings 'have been destroyed, but St Mary's Roman Catholic cathedral, close by, has been twice burned down Everybody in Wellington clutches his hat on rounding a street corner to prevent its being blown into space, A is always known in Sydney, Melbourne and other eities by half on tp his hat through foree of habit, of windiest build: there i This is the 0 Classical Grounding, Chvago Hecord-Herald, | "Is my son getting well grounded in {the classics ¥' asked the anxious mil- lionaire. "I would put it even stronger than "that," replied the private tutor. may say that he is actually stranded on them." For Coughs Never hesilate fo ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Itis a regular medi- cine, a strong medicine, a docior's medicine. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FORMULA Ie wali yd. vay rca = uw: how many years your family physician has prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, and all forms him. We know physicians who have used it for DR ILEEEOIERNIET ASREEEER 8 (o { Hang up your Hat and come in and take a look at all the handsome new things we have collected for your comfort and adornment during the comining seasons, : Try on a few Spring Overcoats, re Select your New Suit. { } H i Pick out your New Hat and choose your Haberdashery. Suits Range in Price From $10 to $20. Spring Overcoats, $10 to $25. " Rain Coats, $10 to $20. Trousers, $2 to $6.00. Don't miss seeing Our Great $2 Hats. We can save 50c. at least on your Spring Hat, you See our display of choice Spring Shirts, See our Special $1 Shirtg, J { Just received to-day, a fine bunch of Handsome New Neck. wear. Special, 50c. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS. Ri. "Just As Good" Sounds very plausible, but it is only a subter- fuge in which many hide. There is nothing in Rubbers that is "just as good" as Canadians They are perfect-fitting, stylish looking and give the greatest satisfaction in wear. Canadians fill the bill for a first ¢lass Rubber at a moderate price. The Sawyer Shoe Store AGENT. Health in every cup of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Very nutritious and very digestible. Give it to your children and drink it yourself. THE COWAN CO. Limited, TORONTO 7 Everything Included in OurBig Cloaring Sale Furniture, Carpets, Go Carts and Baby Carriages 'Phone, 147. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Packing and Freight Free. Store Open Nights. 5 ORANGES! 15c to 60c Per Doz. J. REES, 166 Princess Street A. es Py

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