Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1908, p. 6

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LTRS 237 - RAILWAY COSNECTION WITH nadian Pacific Rallway W ONE-WAY fra B. C, 6.00" $= Seattle, : | Portland, eto. rf ¥, J Ticket Oilice, Dutario St, A P. CONWAY, Febrvary 29 to April 29, Vancouver. particulars at K. & P., and C, ---- Gen. Pass. Agent. Tweed, N O, ts, at 7 R. ingetom. > . VR onlalt Topor BE (RAILWAY RANE Horse Breeders Exhibition to, Ont... Feb, 26th, te 28th. will be sold at SINGLE FIRST- FARK: going on "Tw y and wy, Feb. 25th and 26th. Good g on or before Saturday, Feb. peal Branch Time Table. ps will leave and arrive at City Foot of Johnson street, ---- BgEep vueserS Tuves E3EERES 1.2,8 4,5. 6,7 and 8 rund trafts daily éxcept -Sinday. For full partkulars, apply to J. A HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson wad Ontario Sts. TTT NTERCOLONIAL] = SENT Gal Mail Trains From Montreal \ to Halifax CONNECTING WITH yal Mail Steamers § From Halifax tc#Liverpool 's Famous Train HE MARITIME EXPRESS MONTREAL Fridays, at 12.00 ily. 3 =" 3 3 passengers mails, Jreachi the steamer's HALIFAX the following Sater oon. Li TRAINS carrying and meils when inward gteam- pt pounect with the MA RIUIME BS, leave HALIF 'X _oimediate- the arrival of the steaser, mak- ot for « Ottawa, Toronto, points West, ON apply to. nearest GRAND Bp 0 RAILWAY AGENT oF 18° Mantreal Ticket Office "41 St, James St, URBEC 8:8. COMPANY BERMUDA: 45 hours from New York Sorew 8 # Bor West India Cruises from New York Steamer "Guiace,'t 3,700 on ail up-to-date jmprovenients y ass sail from New every 10 beauty Of scenery aid perfection of these trips are a PRI & CO, 29 Ly y p Oos . low York: A. AHERN, Soa y. Gab: Ry adv, b, GrERSLEEYE, i Fri, Fob. 28, Sat. Feb. 39, Sat, Mar. 7. Fri., Mar. 18. Sat., Mar. 14 6a rm IE ATRIDK,: Local Agente: (ONCE MORE WELL Ulverton, Que., known as a man of integrity and good judgment. He writes atives" for a long standing kiduey trouble, " Ulverton, Que. 1 suffered for many years with kidney trouble, with bad pain in the back and all symptoms of disease of the kidneys. 1 took every known kidney remedy and kidney pill but nothing gave me relief and | was getting discouraged. I was advised to try "Fruit-a-tives" and I did so--and this medicine cured me when every other remedy failed. I used alto- gether fifteen boxes of "Fruit-a-tives" and from the outset they give me relief and I am now practically well again, no pain in the back, no distress, and all the s of severe kidney disease have entirely left me. I am very thankful to be once more well and 1 freely make this statement for the sake of others who may suffer as 1 suffered and to them I say 'Try *'Fruitsa-tives." 151 (Sgd) CrLarENcE J. Pracey. * Fruit-a-tives " -- or * Fruit Liver Tablets' are sold by dealersat soc a box --6 for $2.50--or will be sent on receipt of price. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, TON SAIL. BERATUS IS THE BEST. E.W.GILLETT Sours LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. Weak Kidneys Weak K sure! t to weak ne Ar Tie ot Jlenrt, My fad their weakness, in the erves 2 a Se roe To rs rar Ive Th hr ine ot Senecio BE hes try Dr, Shoop's ve & month-- or Liguid=and see what it can for recommend and sell r. Shoop's estorat "ALL DEALERS" To Juow Clarence J. Placey is a farmer of | in no uncertain terms of the. great | benefit he derived from taking 'Fruit. | ve. THOUSAND ISLAND PARK, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS ! | Chicago Firm: Leases a Farm For | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: | ENTS TELL US 3 ------ {The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Could Not Get Around. St. George's Lake, Feb. 15 --Our school has reopened, with Miss N. Mil- jer, Arden, in charge. Rev, Mr, Tre- | dinnick was unable to reach his ap- | pointment on Sunday, owing to an | accident to his cutter. P. Riley has vurchased a new cutter and robe from J. Goodfellow, Parham. B, Quama- Jdowe hay secured a position on 'the section during the absence of D. Bu- chanan. J. Tryon is drawing hay from the foot of Sharbot Lake. Mrs, W. Trvon and grandson are spending a few days at Harrowsmith. Maberly Matters. Maberly, Feb. 17.~The Maberly Dra- matic company went down to Harper on Friday evening and held a very lenjoyable entertainment, A little {baby boy has arrived at the home of Robert Hughes, Ja. Charlie Thomp- 'son, Burridge, was in Maberly on Tuesday, William Buchanan purchased la colt from Mr. Butler. Joseph Flem- ming went to Perth on Saturday. The {villagers were sorry to learn of the ' sudden -death of Mrs. Preston. Sym- ipathy is extended to Mrs. Larender, her daughter. Mr. and®Mrs, McKeever leave to-day for the west. Insufficient Postage. Lombardy, Feb. 17.--Miss Ida Bates, Schenectady, N.¥., is expected this week on a visit to Miss Sarah Covell. Mes. Manhard, Brockville, is a muest at: Thomas Millar's. Mr. and Mrs. M, |Grvin, Kitley, were guests of the latter's father, F. Haley, last week. {Miss Aunie Dermady, Tamworth, is visiting at the home of her brother, 8. Dermady. Dr. Dounelly, Smith's Falls, visited [riends here last week, 1Some of the practical jokers of the village will, no doubt, be disannoint- | dat the non-success of their efforts. on St. Valentine's day. A great many etters posted at the local post oflice ware sent to the dead letter office on ceount of insufficient postage. Tichborne Tidings. Tichborne, Feb. 18.--~The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris are glad to welcome them back after a prolonged absence in New Ontario. J. Hapna has returned after attend. ing the funeral oi his cousin, Miss G. Steele, of Mississippi. PF. Ritchie call- od on friends at Mountain Grove and Arden, recently, Visitors: Messrs. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis spent Sunday at T. Dully's; Miss Bes- sie Harris, Mr. and Mrs. A. Howes, W. Howes and Mr, Butler, Parham, at P. Ritchie's; R. McGuinnes, Oconto, at J. Allison's; Rev. Mr. Tredinnick at Mrs. Gray's; Irene McKeever and Miss M. Swerbrick at H. Swerbrick's; Pearl Ritchie at D. J. Howes'; C. Clobridge spent, Sunday at Oconto. u------ Allisonville Jottings. Allisonville, Feb. 18.--Miss lda Boyd atténded the oyster supper at Amelias- burg, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David .Calnan and Miss Maud visited their daughter, Mrs. L. Drummond, Saturday last, and, were snew-bound until after Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McFaul visited Robert Huhbs, Sat- 'urday evening. Miss Sadie Forshee, who hes been quite ill, is better now. Bidwell Burgess, of Fenelon Falls, vis- ited his cousin, J. E. Boyd, Thursday Jast: also Mrs. Nelson Parliament. Miss Carrie Isteed visited her cousin, Miss Verna Marvin Mrs. Charles Thomas, who has been very sick with inflammatory rheumatism, is better now. The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs: H. H. Forshee's, Tuesday last. It is re- ported that B. C. Ainsworth is com- ing home, shortly, from Minnesota, where he has been visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs. Matthew Frame. -- News From Wilbur. Wilbur, Feb. 18.~There is still quite a rush of work at the iron ore mine Ihere, Miss Annie Scott has left for {her home at Mississippi. Mrs. B Roger is back to her school at Mua- dell's. Mrs. C. Vroman has returned to Sharpton, after attending her sis- ter's wedding. Mr, Jackson, from the North-West, is returning ; home aiter spending nearly two months with his son, 5. Jackson, Wilbur. Teople around here sympathize with Mr, anc Mrs. Steele over the death of * their daughter, Gertie. The funeral sermon was preached on Sunday at Snow {Road. The burial took place at El- phin on Saturday. A mostcenjoyable evening was spent at Mr. and Mrs. Th Lee's on Monday. A num- Toronto Globe : The upshot of the Pittsburg episode will probably be that Harry Smith will be chased out of Pittsburg and received with open arms by the Montreal AAA, which is a refuge for the rowdy hoekey players. : At New York Yale defeated Harvard fn the deciding game of the 'Tntercolle- pinte hockey championship at the St, Nicholas rink hy. 3 goals to 2. A pew Ameri ski record' wae % BR: AMT Yourre not satisfied with your looks. Wine - can vou be with Rose at Duluth on Saturday, when v y h jumped 117 feet: Cause of Pimples ber of the yvoung' people left here to attend it. Herrick Roche has gone away, giter spending two weeks with his mother here. John Lee spent Sun- day at W. W. Roche's. W. J. Boyd spent Sunday at his home, "Wine of Cod Liver Oil," an ideal winter tonic, regular $1 bottles 50c,, "Thomas Clayborn, -- Williamsiord. Ont., once a slave, is dead, and his age is given from 106 to 117 vears. such as Mandrake Cuarrying. | Thousand Island Park, Feb {The ice bridge to Clayton, which has Inot been very good io date, will be lin fine IE. C. Lewis, who has the contract of {filling the ice houses at this {snow off the ice and drawing it away iso that the ice can be scraped and 1 {ploughed. He has meade several at- tempts to get ready for ploughing, but has been blocked by snow every time. The various parties who at tended the court at Watertown from this place, have returnéd home, During the late cold smap the ther: !mometer registered one morning thir- jtx-five below, and at Fine View forty. between here © and» The til carrier Fisher's Landing experiences difficulty nearly every day in crossing. on. ac- count of ice, some days it being in a very unsafe condition. Charles 1a- fleur is movine from farm, near Grand View, 10 Fine View, the above farm having been récently sold. ¥ A Chicago firm has leased p part of the Lewis farm for five years, situated several milés below here, on which they will open r quarry for cutting granite blocks for street purposes in the Windy City. A foreman and a num- ber: of men have arrived and are on the grounds with tools, etc; also lumber for building purposes. A wharf for shipping purposes will be built im- mediately, DAILY FADING AWAY. Story of a Woman Made Well By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Bad blood means bad health. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mean good health. They actually make new, rich blood which strengthens ev. ery nerve and every organ in the body. That is why people who use Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills feel bright, active and strong. . Mrs. Arthur Hannigan, Marshville, Ont., is a witness to truth of these statements. Mrs. Hap- nigan says: "For nearly three years | suffered from anaemia (bloodlessness) and during that time consulted and took medicine from several doctors, without beveficial results. My com- plexion was of a waxy appearance, my lips and gums seemed' bloodless. I suffered from headaches, dizziness and palpitation of the heart. My appetite was so poor that I did not care whe- ther 1 ate of not and 1 grew so weak, and was so mach reduced in flesh that my friends thought I was in consump- tion. As I have said [ doctored with- out benefit, until the last doctor whom I consulted advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. [| followed his advice, and less than a dozen boxes have made me the well woman 1 am to-day. AH the symptoms of my trou- ble have vanished and I enjoy the very best of health. 1 know there are huu- such I 'would strongly urge the imme¢- diate use of Dr. Williams' Tink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not upon the bowels, they do not tinker with meré to the root of the trouble blood. That is mon ailments in special ailments women and growing girls. Sold all" medicine dealers or by mail The Dr. Williams' ville, Ont, COMMERCIAL MAITERS. World--The Markets. ended February 14th, decrease, $39,000 Following are way traffic earnings the Grand Trunk rail from 1907, $663,908; decrease, $97,580. fields of Kent and of the wholé dominion for 1906 only 560,753 barrels. The London Financial Times, refer- ring to 'the new Canadian loan, says the terms seem sufficiently attractive to ensure the, success of the loan. The bonds are guoted at from par to one- half per cent. premium. ion Coal company. St. Lawrence, and in "that w Crow's Nest Pass Coal company the week ending February 11th 21651 tons, or a daily average 3.608 tons, In the daily average of 3.370 tons. enteen per cent. on capital. dollars.' The Standard ready for the sale of town site Already three of these town sites are ready for sele--Rivers, a divisional int 142 miles west of Winnipeg: No- is, '382 miles west of Winnipeg, and Tofield; on Beaver lake, fifty miles east of ton. Sixty-two "town sites west of Winnipeg bave been surveved fl and will he imultaneous- ly in the wey a} Albert Mianish. a farmer residing on the sixth concession of Elizabeth oes Jug was served with a summons "pr fea to ADAWer a eof ty and ilk-treating a cow. While mov 3st, the animal got caught in a snow beak add romaited there until Febri- 23 Sas diets being discoversd. It condition after a good freeze. | place, | : : | {has had men and teams removiog | the Fredenburg | dreds of women who are drifting into the same condition 1 was, and to all act symptoms; they go right | the | why they cure com- like rheumatism, neu- ralgia, kidney tropble, headaches and backaches, St. Vitus' dance, and the that afflict so many by at 50¢. a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Medicine Co., Brock-{*Y, 3 What {s Going on in the Business C,P.R. trafic earnings for the weck 1908, 8035 06), for the same week last year, $971,000; February 7th to February Hth, 1908, $560 113; The production of oil-in the newer Essex was 405,574 barrels in 1907. The total production was E. Cookson, on _jaccount of ill- health, has resigned from the Domin- Mr. Cookson had charge of the sales department for the position will be succeeded hy Andrew Macken ae. The output of the eollieries of the Vi for was of same week last vear the output was 20.219 tons, or a The Standard bank during the last eight months of 1907 earned over sev-p Deposits showed an increase of over one million has fifty branches, all in the province of On: tario, and it is one of the four twelve per cent. bank stocks in the country. ~The Grand Trunk Pacific is getting its main line during the coming vear. one house to) snot her, on January | | { | PETTY OFFICIALS: AIDED BY PRINCE we priust all use laxatives { . [KAISER GIVES FEAST To| --we who eat rich foods and exercise fre | too little. The best way to take them is a Cascarct Loads Handkerchief | Dessert, But it Bursts, and| Floor is Littered. : | Berlin, Feb 18. --Some musing episodes at thé" banquet which follow ed the great annual investiture inthe | Schloss, last Saturday, are making the | {round of Berlin society. Om such oc | casions a host of petty officials wik have rpeeived minor decorations, but} whose intimacy with the court and its ways is not very extensive, are ente tained as guests of the emperor. Tle custom which} prevails-dn the best society in some parts of Germany is also observed, that those invited shall carry home the remains of the dessert {for their wives and families.' One ol last Sunday's guests, on learning this produced a large red pocket handke chief, iri which, to the amusement his neighbors, he proceeded to envelop | his share of the booty. But hardly had he left the table when one of the corners slipped from his grasp and a shower of fruit, nuts, bonbons and other dainties was scattered over the floor. As luck would have it, the prince was standing by. Seeing the discomfiture of his father's guest, he at once sprang to his assistance, and | with kindly words helped him to we cover his lost treasures. Needless to] say, this action not only stillel the, incipient laughter of those around. | but brought the distressed man a host of other helpers, : Another guest of lowly origin, some | what exhilivated by toe copious liba- | tions of German champagne, went up| to.an astonished member of the im-| perial family, shook him vigorously hy | the hand and declared, in the broadest | Berlin accent : "I had no idea 'how | jolly it was in tho Schloss, but "i I tell all my pald, you may be sure of that." | | 1 One ol erown | THE SPORT REVIEW, Interesting News From the Var ious Sporting Fields. Montreal Star: Walsh, of Ottawa, ean deliver "the goods in neat pack ages, Tom Eck, who saw Longboat's formance at Boston, thinks that Indian can run a mile faster 4:20. Ottawa Citizen : Onee Walsh went down, and, here and there, outplayed the whole Vic toria team, and scoring, he was given | a rousing ovation from the Montreal fans. Montreal Herald : Next to Taylor, Marty Walsh and Tom Phillips showed | up. . Walsh's strong point is his ability to work. into eentre ice on ar attack and to keep uncovered, and his strong point ho exhibited time and again in Saturday's game. Bufiale Express : It is a pity that the American and Canadian bodies in control of amateur athletics cannot be more closely cemented together than they appear to be at present, but thete can scarcely be anything but | improvement in the situation before | ong. Toronto Star: The gny that George Richardson, left wing of the 1ith Regiment team, of King ston, is one of Canada's greatest hoc players. That's eorrect, "Shoot e's' old side partner, Marty Walsh, now with Ottawa, is one of the best | n the east, and Marty couldn't hold la candle to Richardson when {played together. . Portage la Prairie is again at top of the Western Hockey league shi defeating the Winnipeg Maple Leafs Monday night by 6 to B. The gam« was fast and exciting from start to finish, and the result was in doubt up to the lact minute. Portage ha only three games to play, two on home jee, and they look hike sure winners ol thie league championship. Toronto. Star: Now we have the | trath about Tom Longboat's Boston | run, Tom Eck, the weteran trainer and Claude Pearce, the blizzard run ner, accompanied the redsk home, and he says that the Bronze Wonder did exactly what he set out to do, and that was to chop off Ali. 8hrubb"s vecord over the same course. He cut thirty-three seconds off the little Eng lishman's mark. Toronto Globe: The Varsity hoe key team, twice champions of the In- tercollegiate league, regarded by many hockey followers ae the fastest team | in Canaaa to-day, and capable of de- | feating any of the. eastern professional | teams in a series of games, are. seek. ing furthet honors, and want to meet the winners of the O'H.A. senior cup what would be practically = the amateur senior championship of the world. per the than when Marty dodging St. Georges oy the wits | at a timé--when you need it. You know when you need Cascarets. You feel a certain dullness, a depression--perhaps the ape proach of a headache. You say, 'I must take something tonight.' waste the day? : It is easy to keep at your best at all times, if you'll do it. The way is to carry a box of Cascarcts with you. Take one just as sooa as you need it, ' Then the clouds rise at once. But why do you The need for Cascarets is a natural need, Don't think that you are drugging yourself, > . We must get a laxative somo way. If we con't get it through exercise, and through proper food, we must get it wtherwise. Cascarets are the next best way. Ask your Doctor about it. _ He will tell you that the day of the violent purgative is past. The day of pills, salts, castor oil and cathartics. ' This is the day of the gentle in medicine, the natural, the pleasant Cascarets act just as certain foods act-just as exercise acts--on the bowels, : Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all druggists, but never in bulk. Be sure to get the gennine, with CC Cionevery tablet. The price is 50 cents, 2 cents and 10 Cents per Box. Prizes rsons composing the best ast lines for the St. George's Baking Powder Limerick $200.00 will be given to the person sending in the best line, $0.00 to the person sending in the 2nd. best. 25.00 " Py wow Bed, 8.00 each to the next twenty-five best. 1.00 « * '* * one hundred best, One year ago, St. George's Baking Powder was introduced to the Now, thousands of housewives use it for Cakes, Pies, Rolls and Biscuits, But there are still many more who do not ; we want them to try just one can of St. § because we kno¥ that ope cau will make them firm friends of this absolutely pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder, That is why we are taking this means of getting YOU : to see how it is--by giving you a chance to-share in $500.00 prizes. Everyone may compete~those who are now friends of 8t. George's as well as those who have pever used it. Conditions: 1st. Your lise with your pame and address must be plainly written on the coupon below, 2nd. Carefully remove the trade mark from a tin of 8. Georg"s Baking Powder by wetting the label with a sloth dampened in water {note--be careful not to get the wder in the tin @amp.) Paste or pin the trade mark to the corner of the . Japon in the space provided, Srd. Competitors may #tnd in as mauy lines as they like providing each is accom ied by » trade mark cut from 4 tin of St. George's ing Powder, 4th, The Editor of the Montreal Star has kindly consented to act as judge and all answers most be addressed to the Editor, 5t, George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montresl. Sth. All apewers must be posted not later thas Feb 28th. 1908. The names of the prize winners will be publishéd in this paper aa soon after that date ss possible, Ho trademark col from ser sample pachage wil be sceepted to the 128 Paste or pin the trade mark from the label of & tin of St. George's Baking Powder here, For Cakes, just as light as afeather-- And Biscuits and Pies, the best ever-- You can easily bake them St. George's will make them "---- 1 agree to abide by the decision of the Hditor of Montreal Star as final, and enter the competition wilh that understanding . sig * Address 129 a Address this coupon with our trade mark attached, and your line and signature plainly written, to 52 The Editor, St. George's Baking Powder Limerick, Star Office, Montredl, Que, PE A et STR Jarge nickel eyelets. Clean Sweep Price -----$3.47, 3 } One Tot of Men's $5 Box Calf Bluckers, Mea's $3 Tan Ca¥ Nigclers, heavy soles, New lot just arrived this week. Clean This Week's Attraction Will Be the Following Bargains : S50¢. values, Clean Sw a. One a a Tau, at 83c Sweep Price -----33.97. Clean Sweep Price - -« -~« 07%. 20 Per Cent. Off Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases.

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