The Daily ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. so---- -- a ' HE IS JEALOUS. i {Thaw May Seek Divorce From His ! Wile. : - i 20, ~The YEAR: 75--NO. 43. -- AL PEACE Between United States And Great Britain. ° 50 SNS AMBASSADOR WHO WAS DINED ON EVE OF DEPARTURE. Whitelaw Reid Says Relations Be- tween the Nations is Sub- stantially As the Pilgrims Would Have It--All Questions Are Being Amicably Arranged. 1. 8. AMBASSADOR RFID. New York, Feb, 20. Whitelaw Reid, United States ambassador to Great Britain, was dined, iast night, by the Pilgrims on the eve of his departure for London. In his speech, Mr. Reid declared 'that everything now in the relations between the two countries, waa substantially, as, the Pilgrims would have it, The fisheries question, the oldest outstanding source of ifri- tation between the two countries an a constant danger for a century and a quarter, was in the course of pence- ful adinstment. Both nations had reed] to refer their differences about it to The Hague tribunal. 'We have a little list of other matiers unad- justed between our two countries," he added. They velwte chiefly to Can-. ada. People who have interests along three thousam! wiles of fron: tier, a8 well as around the globe, must constantly have outstanding wuestions, but we rely upon the fair- ness of our Canadian friends, headed hy the accomplished statesman whose services they enjoy as premier, - Sir Wilirid Laurier, to get most of them equitably adjusted between ourselye: and what we cannot settle, The Hague conference surely can. Where mutual good will is, all of them are simple." 'DAILY MEMORANDA. Zion, 14th Bamel to-might, 10c. Y MOA. Men's Banquet, Monday, 6.30 Court Frontenue, LO.F., meet Thurs day evening. 3 Wonderland Theatre--Afternoos and evening . good vaudeville. Excursion te Toronto, 12.80 p.m, Fewlay, Bijou Theatre~--Melodrama Episode of the French = Revolution" Comedy, 'A Kitohent Madd on Strike." John Hobert Davis Sings. Sale end Futertainment, St. Awdrew's Hell, Soenes from "Allies in Wondeér- m. iospitals fond '* Thursday, 8 in Aid of Children's, Ward, in At The Princess--' "The .Jungles of Africa." "Kidnapped by a Glant pi," "On The Seive in France'* a od Pond, "Wileheraft Tndin.' "The Cuphourd "* Song. *T At The End OL The Line." Night, Feb. 21st. WHIG TELEFHONES i er 202--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, ail kinds, at Whig. The I Whig da alea)s om sate at Sh th late each. eveming. by OTR, i Amatleur MODERN Nothing yet DINNER SET on a GREAT AUTOMOBILE RACE, A Ringston Girl Writes About the Start In New York. New York, Feb, 18.--Last Wednes- {day 150,000 people assembled around {the Times building, 42nd street and { Broadway, while the mayor of Great- ler New York gave the signal for the {starting of one of the most remark {able undertakings of modern times. The. men about to leave on their trip from New Xork to Paris must bave enjoyed the enthusiasm they inspired, The torvigners, it is said, looked with amazement at the crowds that every i where assembled to greet them and {cheer them on. | The latest news tells of the arrival of two of the cars--the Thomas 'and De Dion--at Bufialo, the cars having traversed a distance of 471 miles in five days. The difficulties so far met with, in the shape of gigantic drifts of snow, will be but a gentle fore taste of the long, dreary, untravelled | roads of Alaska and Siberia; but that {the cars show, as yet, no signs of damage seems 16 augur well for the endurance of the inanimate part of the Yvoyageurs." They will be followed in spirit by millions of small admirers, for school children in America have been urged to extend their geographical knowi- edge by carcfully studying the route { of the travellers. courteously New York f The railroads have all | offered their aid. The { Central, Luke Shore and Chicago and | Northwestern have placéd their, tele | graph facilities at the disposal of the drivers and have directed their men to give all possible information about roads and weather conditions, The | automobilists, too, from the towns { on the route are turning out to aet as guides and escorts. | i i the Thomas car keep her place at the head of the ligt, but 1 tink the sportsman spirit of all the countries represented will ery "Let the best car win." WRECK ON LAKE MICHIGAN. Two Men Perish in Loss of Fish- ing Boat. Chicago, Feb. 20.--Several deaths, many injuries and much suffering fol- lowed, in the wake of one of the worst Lblizanrids experienced in this section in several years. Trafic on surface and suburban lines is practically tied up to-night and down town hotels are fillet with residents of outlying dis tricts, who found themselves unable to reach their homes, The storm, which broke early in the day, raged with increasing fury until nightiall, sub- siding toward midnight. One of the occurrences in connection storm was the wr Wg io I of the with the the harbor at: W ng boat Anspach, in which two men lost their lives and six others had narrow escapes from death. The boat left the Pp. early in the day to visit nets ten miles out in Lake Michi- gan. Caught in the storm an the re- turn trip, the vessel battiéd with the elements until it regained the harbor at six o'clock in the evening, only to be blown against a protection wall and erushed. Capt. Oliver. Rubier, with five men, composing the crew, were thrown upon an ice pack. Four of the men succeeded in ing to the ice and were rescued. 'Two slid into the water and were drowned. ---- Touched For $100: St. Catharines, Ont., Feb. 20 --Bup- glara touched tne proprietor of the Grand Trunk railway hotel, here, for $100 in cash, effecting an entrance to the har-room by bending the thick iron bars across the window. They left no clue. The money had been placetl in a cupboard and the burg- lars evidently found it while searching for superior liquor. A CORNER IN OYSTER THOUSANDS OF BARRELS THROWN AWAY Greed of Montreal Dealers Results in Financial Loss and De- struction of Vast Quantity of Food-~Held Prices Too High, Montreal, Fab. 20--- Thousands of barrels of oysters will be {hrown into the river by the local dealers at the end of the season or about the mid: dle of April, owing to the dealers be- ing unable to dispose of them. the result of the exceedingly high prices which prevailed throughout the past antumn and the present winter. This statement is confirmed by loeal fish dealers, who say the number of barrels which it will be pecessary to sacrifice will be' greater than at any time in the history of tha trade. The the beginning of season believed the public would pay any price, and consequently just as soon as ordered their agents at the various oyster grounds in the maritime provinces to take all oysters they could lay their hands on and pay the price. A dealer, whose authority is wnques- Americans are naturally anxious that|y . EINGSTON, [BAD HEALTH {Is the Premier Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. FRIENDS ARE ANKIOLS LONDON TIMES MAY GO UP « AT AUCTION. A Denial That Moberly Bell is Acting For An American Syndicate--The Courts May Settle the Question of Future Management. London, Feb. 20.--In regard to the health of Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Thomas Barton, physician to the king's house- hold, has been summoned to confer with Sir Hemry's own doctors. Al- | though the bulletins, which are issued | do not show anythibg alarming, Sir Henry's friends are anxious and refer to his condition as serious. A mem- ber of the cabinets, in conversation, described him as being very ill. The Times may be offered at public auction here. Such is the deduction to he drawn from a letter from the paper's solicitor to the present pro wrietors, 'denying the report that Moberly Pell was acting as the pro- spective purchaser for an American syndicate, with which were associated Messrs. Hooper and Jackson, the gentlemen to whose influence the Book Club and other recent developments in the conduct of the Times . are due. There is good reason to believe, however, that the courts will be called upon to settle the question of the future management, purely on a basis of the interests concdrned. BREAKAGES OF STEEL RAILS. Blames Bessemer Process With Un- suitable Ores. New York, Feb. 20.--In a paper on "Electric Power In Steel Mills," read by David B. Bushmore, of Schenec- tady, at the ninety-fourth meeting of the American Institute of Mining En- ginoers, the author explained that the Bessemer process for making steel rails should be used only with certain ares, the supply of which was now al- most exhausted, Mr. Rushmore con- tinued : ecordingly, we ean 'lay the hreak-. and failures of steel rails report. ed in recent times to the use of the Bessemer process steel originally taken from other ores than those adapted to its use. The specifications for new steel rails accordingly require as a general rule, that the open hearth process he used." "TELL HIM TO BE HONEST." -- Hyman Released Man Charged With Theft. London, Feb, 20.--A young English- man named J. H. Curtis, who 'had been employed as clerk in the office of C. 8. Hyman & Co, for a consider- able time, took upwards of $600 from the safe, and was about to take a train for St. Louis when he was des tained and searched by Mr. Minhin- nick of the office staff and the money found-on him, Upon Mr, Hyman being asked what was to be done with him, he said : "Give him $20 and tell him to go to St.Louis and try to be honest." Cur- ti. was allowed to go. GET GOOD RETURNS. Chicago Street Railway Profits] able For the City. | Chicago, Feb, 20.--The city of Chi- cago will get $633,831 as its share of the net earnings of the City Railway company for the last eleven months of last year. This is computed by the company to mean ¥675,000 jor a full year, Figured on the accepted basis this will mean a total of $1,687,500 as the city's annual income from the two traction companies under the new or- dinances. President Thomas E. Mitten of the City Railway company in his first re port to his stockholders at their an- nual meeting yesterday, showed the company could pay 55 per cent. of its net earnings to the city and still make plenty of money, | FEERAER TO PAY DIVIDEND. Toronto, Feb. 20.-It is FEEEXEXEREFR RSF EEEEERESF | i ll EF i of 1 I= 000,000 worth {rest in Philadelphia, is held vitish Whig CLEANED UP $126,000. ! i | | New York, {that Charles iBaldwin, bro {made just 8420 | : indications, "Straw" Bid Realised a Hand- some Amount. Feb. 30.-1t is stated here A. Baldwin and W. A FR, Boston, 000, according to all their bid on over $4,- of the recent issue York city bonds at 104 did not save & dollar to buy of ny { New { they them With the bid they sent a cheque for £165,000, gunranteed by the Massa- chusetts Loan and Guarantee com- pany, when, as ome of the brothers says now, 'We didn't know how we coulds raise $10 if 'Worhad to." before the « New York bond. house offered them fo for#r their allotment. With this offer there was no trouble in ar ranging with a bask to take care their W. A. Baldwin they would accept the offer of New York firm, this they just $126,000 ¥ When the Baldwins' hid -was pre sented, Stephen L. Tingley, said to he of Ottawa, (nt., and A, ¥ ad themeelves ds trustees said the made cheque iy Reid sign- PERSONAL ESTEEM. Leopold Gives Decoration. King a Fine 45 CARDINAL GIBBON Baltimore, Feb, 20. King Leopold of Belgium has conferred dpon Car- dinal Gibbons the grand cross of the Royal Order of the (rown as a mark of his personal esteem and also in re- cognition of his great s'rvices to the cause of Uhristiagity and humanity throughout the word. The insignia of the order was pre wonted fo the cardipal at his yesterday hy Baron Moncheur. The car dinal is the first American to receive this decoration. # SCARLATINA IN BILLS, New York, Feb. 20.-- John McD. Hopkirk is dead as the result of handling poisoned money. rr. Hop- kirk was manager of Mills' Hotel, No. 2, and from the money which he handled he contracted malignant scar- latina. He was cashier of the hotel, in which cheap lodgings are given to the pobr, and in that capacity handled hundreds of dirty, gerin-laden bills. | FFF EXEXERER * * pp ¥ » * * STOLE $1,300 IN AN HOUR. Girl Established New Record For Pocket-Picking. Now York, Feb, 20.--Though only thirteen years old Anna Smith, who lives in Camden, N.J., and is under ar- to have established a new record for « New York's shoplifters, and io have led a life which reflects the epifodes of those days when Oliver Twist was the tool of Fagin afd Bill Sykes. Using her golden-haired little sister as a blind she stole $1,300 from: nine 'women shoppers in New York city's depart mental» stoves last Friday moriing within one hour, actordipg to her con fession to the Philadelphia police. Her thelts, according to stamp her as the clevefest pickpocket in the United States. In this crimi nal record she was unconsciously as- sisted by her half-sister," Mary Ross, who is only five years old. -------- AWFUL TALE OF DISEASE. Disclosed in Report of Health in New York State. Albany, N.Y., Feb. 20.--The suppres- sion of tuberculosis, the protection of the 'public water supplies and the pre- vention of their pollution are the fea- tures of the annual report to Gover. nor Hughes by Health Commissioner Eugene Hi. Porter. The commissioner asserts there are 50.000 new cases of tuberculosis a year in this state, caus- ing 15,000, or from owe-seventh | to one-tenth, of all the deaths anunually-- an economic loss of $70,000 000, Wa- ter pollution yearly produces oN 000 casos of typhoid fever sad 2.000 deaths, a pecuniary loss of ¥7,000 000, Lost Eve At A Game. Pembroke, Ont. Feb. 2. -While playing a sme of hook-star in the school a Carl Cotnam, the four toen-vear-old son of Rolwrt Cotnam, of Government road, received a very inful injury that resulied in his Pi one of his eves. he yauth wan bave | of | when | But 3 {ul reached Boston, a | of | the police, | EE | New York. F&h that i I -- 1 Harry Kh. Thaw, the asvium {for the criminal insane at Matteawan, has been furiously jealous of his { voung wife, Faelvn Nesbit Thaw, for sothe time, is about to bring an action for re fvived, westerday, wi THE WORLD'S TINGS Eri 20 story ROW In | Despatches From Near And Distant Places. and that he divorce, was n a number , on Monday pight, in the Cale Boul saw Evelyn sitting late there with Ea- {ward R. Thomas, the eliminated bank i | er and associate of Charles W, Morse | GIVEN IN THE SRIEFEST POS-| FR. Thomas prompt der SIBLE FORM, | of the. story that the Cafe | { Boulevard with i { Mrs. Thaw {Matters That Interest Everybody)... ii she Notes From All Over--Little ing at her home, of Everything - Easily Read | a little house she | furnishec fo ersell. ~add Remembered, : Hurnished. fr he of Thomas' George Burling shot himself, jroba { BS ROLE : * bly fatally, at Cottam. { Archbishop Bruchesi has { forbidden mixed marriages in his dio- | cose, i Two men caught by the flood in a taken out made wal he was at little Mrs to deny | Thaw hastened the he No tooky recently that spent the 16 Park avenue and sai even and -------------------- | CHIEF OF BUREAU. positively | i | { A Recent Promotion in the U. S. Navy. house at Mittsburg, were dead, ! The question of giving votes to wo- | men is now before the New York state | | assembly. i At Toronto, Alexander Winold, milkman, was fined ¥ pod costs using a dirty can. | Montreal shipping men think the | emigration business this year will be greater than ever, : Diamond rings valued at $15,000, were stolen in broad davhight from a i New Orleans jewelry store. The court which is trying General | Stoessel for surrendering Port Arthur { has retired to reach a decision. | Celia Petewson, a girl of eighteen, | arrested, at Chicago, told the police {she had taken part in fifty burglaries. | M. J. Grace, Dominion Express mes- {senger, was arvested at Vankleek Hill {on a charge of theit from the com- puny, : The threeYifths clause in the license act js characterized hy the Royal Templars of Temperance as grossly unfair, FT Hamilton license commissioncrs" de- mand a retraction by the Citizens' Leagué of charges made in their re port, Col. Thomas F. Kelly, & noted. Feni- an leader, who escaped from the Brit- ish police, ut Manchester, in 1867, is dead at New York, Halifax is much interested in a re port carreut here that a large British flect will spend some time in this see- tion during the summer, A Toronto Globe rumor says that a for CAPT. JOHN ER PILLSBURY, Capt. John E. Pillsbury, who recently appointed to the position {chief of The bureau of navigatior | post made vacant by resignation of Rear Admiral Brownson --is one of the best-known and most capable officers of Uncle Sam's sea service. 'A native of Massachusetts, he entered the naval academy in 1862 and graduated five years later. Dur ing the Spanish-American war he commanded the dynamite cruiser Ve suvius, which threw the Spaniards into such a pasie when she appeared be Hon. Adam Beck will run for a To- {fore Sautisgo. A few years ago he seat, owing. toa feud between hold. oie position of ehiol Mr. Beck and William Gray, in Lon- hha t arth Atlantic Hebt, don.' and he Ba« also had experience in re Ex-Mayor Contsworth, ex- All. John] ent years ax assistant to the chief Dunn, Commander F. C. Law, are the|©of the bureau of navigation, so that three members of the new board of | he comes well qualified to the task license commissioners appointed by the {of acting as "business manager of government for Toronto. y the navy at a time when the bulk of Senator G. W. Ross, in the senate, |Our ¥ea power 18 engaged in the most moved the adoption of a proposal to remarkable crui¥e in history have under-secretaries, as in England, CEH with the idea of livening up the sen LOSES ALL HIS FINGERS. ate. After discussion, the motion was SS | withdrawn. At Seattle, Wash. threatened to secure a divorce from {him, L. Asbury shot and killed 'her He then turned the gun upon 'himself |and sent, a hullet crashing through his | head, The- Mexican government has'raisd {the ban against the importation of {rifles into that country, providing the Hmporters can show good cause for itaking them in. Heretofore the imn- | portation has been absolutely pro { hibited. Slight earthquake shocks have been {experienced in the Azores for the last three days, but no damage has idone. After one of the strongest the 'quakes, which took plate at inight, some of the inhabitants of {Horta left their dwellings and repair ed to the open 1 Albert and Norman Hopkios and Ceeil R. Elliott, the three young men who were found guilty at the recent | {session of a conspiracy to defraud {the Toronto Railway company, and two insurance companies Ly means of bogus mecidents on the street cars, have heen sent to the Central Prison {for two years. Sad Case of Clarence Mattis at St. Thomas. St. Thomas, Feb. 19.---Clarence Mat tis, the eighteen-year-old lad who had his feet and frozen' week ago alter driving Jobn Ferguson from here to his home, south of Fin gal, was removed: to 'the hospital and will have one foot and four lingers on. both hands amputated. operation - his evidence regarding the because his wife hands severely ties, as the case against Ferguson supplying liquor to the boy on the trip | magistrate, GAVE BABY THE PIL INFANT NEARLY POISON ED; MOTHER INSANE. been of i Sad Misfortune in the Home of George T; Hay--Mistake in the Medicine Administered By Mrs. Hay's Mother. XB Feb that Leorge A i St. John 20 masz painter, ngo Mr. sad home of Hay Carried Loaded Revolver, New York, Feb. 20~Paul Chaute, aged thirty-seven years, who arrived {here from Montreal, three weeks ago. {was sentenced by the court of sessions there to one year in the penitentiary hecause he was discovered by the po- Hee, carrying a loaded revolver in his pocket. Hayv's seven-moonths-old baby Was give a siryvchoine pall mis take, and Mrs. Hay, who had beea in poor health for mentally unbatar what she fatal Hiness, and provincial hospital for PRNOS Mrs Hay 4 vesrs of age, and has already buried two children, Her anid her se was doubly dear Jost her Litsle the care I prescribed for her Lpills. Fler mother | Kay, came 3 by Lime BOM eed through grief at be the child's pow in the belived to she » nervous dis ----- but twenlysix st is a lad ele TREATIES RATIFIED, seven Washington, The United her, as she She Sishop Some Mrs from Otnabog { with the work, and through ful mistake Mere. Machgyv gave the Lhabhy the mother's medigibe, hile Mrs Hay took the pellets feififor fhe baby Soon after dose was adeisistered | the ehild-was sopmd with cogpvhlsons "My baby's poisonnd,' cried the moth or. and Mrs. MacKay says from that | time Mrs. Hav was pot herself. Dr. Bishop was immediately summoned, and Succeeded fife, but the mother niver recove | from the shock, and on Monday taken to the hospital 10 was under Feb. 20. Staves senate, in executive sessiom, yes- terday aftermoon, satified the arbitration convention between the United States and France which was sigh- ed on February 10th. A naturalization treaty be tween the United States and Peru also was ratified. of and he | strychnine | Mae for mesist | some fear EREEER Charles » FEFFR EY Fe mxeeersh ENDED IN DEATH. ' AA Pawnbroker Threw Himsel! in Front of Subway Train. New York, Feb. 20. --The fear that he was v A Grey, who Affinity Broker Guilty. & in | giiity of hav:} ine o of | ard said they | was | of | R aj the' sensational | i i out from the city comes up before the | became | { { of | ven-months-old baby | had | burglary, | has been robbing the fod in sating the Baby's | | was | fwould gloat over the stolen goods far ia day or two, apd would then {thot or throw them away. i . i i place i § Al | LAST EDITION I -------------- Probabilitiés Toronto, Outs, Feb. 20, Ottawa Valley and Up~- per St. Lawrease (10 a.m) -- Fresh north-west to south - west winds, fair and cold. Friday, fair th a little higher temperature, T i iwi tale | she | | | It vou would know how bheauti- ful Veidlings and Veils actually can he. See the great stock in the veiling section here. They mre a8 dainty and filmy as veils ings can be. Here dn every shade that is new. Mesh Veilings, in thirty different styles, Umbrella Veils New York's latest, Silk Net with Chenille Dots and Border, in Colors, Navy, Brown, White, with Black and Black with White, Motor Veils Of Pine Sheer to all Kinds Navy, Brows Sky and White, od Fidges g Novelty Net Veilings EN B ¥5c. yan Material, sufted of weather, in Colors, Champagne, Grey, with Hemstiteh. te Colotw, 20c. to Mourning Veils In Nets and Chiffon Effects, wiso the finished Veils, See Our New Chiffon Neck Scarfs Blurred Fi he Embiroide stitehed Fund contres as Veils « ROCCE tree | r Designs, also kinds Hem- weed in fash lonable Scarfs. al DRO IOROACE { CROROH TALL ANN SEE THEM AT Before the trip was taken by. the crown authori. of | | TISDALE ~ F908 i Feb George 18th, . sila be ROBERT J. REID, J The Leading Undertaker. { "Phone, B77. 227 Princess street. JUST RECEIVED - A small quantity of PURE cet Carmarthen. street, Some days! MAPLE SYRUP The kind that has that delicious flavor, because it is made from the sap of tie Maple Tree. Jas, Redden & Co, Importers of Fine Grooaries, STOLE FOR LOVE OF IT. Gloated Over His Loot and Then Destroyed It, Alton, lil, Feb. 20. Henry Sehuelle, a wealthy and long respected buildiag contractor, in jail bere on a charge of confessed that for years he stores of his neighbors at sight. He kbew he was doing wrong, he said, but was unable to overcame the dgsice to steal The dual life of Schuelle was reveal by Jeremish Keptedy, owner of a rowtore, frend and wighbor of Nehoelle, who caught Schuelle in the store at night. Schuelle sail that le burn ---------- On Tuesday a preity wedding tadk jan St. Denis' church, Athens, when Miss Clara Stevens, daughier of 8. J. Stevens, besame the wile of (harles' Ta vod a, on the Ch ton hs TW rig To Rg Ting omg store, .