' PAGE TWO, ss THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG,. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY Use Shiloh's Cure for the worst cold, theshar pet gough ~~try it on gguar- antee of Your money back if ite doesn't actually CURE gaicker than anything you ever tried. Sale to take, ~ncthing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shilol's Cure-- 25¢.. Hoc. $18 35 February Sale a { a 2) | TG | | THIS Targe, = strong, BEDROOM SUITE, Our well finished, regular $15. Special, $12.50. Some Odd Wood Beds, same as 10 clear atl $3. this, $4.50 'They are worth nnd $5 each. Axminsters, try, yards faid, Repair work promptly done. ' ¥oums, T, F, HARRISON CO great bar in Lace, Tapestry, and Silk Chenille, s Velour : Curtains. Some Odd Pairs, at hall price. CARPETS Brussels, Tapes- 20 to 85 made and Wiltons, A few 51.75 ends, at $1 yard, wie. in each, Our Wire Mat impor- tation from Germany has arrived. The Mats are suitable for inside or outside of your porch - and cannot rust in any B® weather." 'We Have All Sizes from Oc. R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. THE GOGE WGOENT .. = -- AT THE GEAND. Was In Flower." CHIEF COUNCILLOR RICH.| From beginning to end there have ARDSON'S STATEMENT. Audit of the Books Shows That Charges Were Uniounded--No Desire to Retain the Dissatis- fied Members. Kingston, Feb. 19.-(To the Edit or): Several items having appeared in the Whig relating to the C.0.C.F, and the troubles of Council No. 20, it was thought best to give an au- thorized statement of the facts as they occurred, that all might know the exact state of afairs. In a council of about 700 members, having offices of trust, bringing to the occupants certain monetary remuneration, it is not strange that. there should be a certain amount of rivalry in obtain ing them. Our elections are annual, and disappointed aspirants of former years made a supreme effort last De- cember to capture the coveted offices. This, in itself, is perfectly legitimate, but not so the tactics employed. The two oflices carrying salaries, and form- ing the inner-lortress of assault and defence were those of recorder and physician, both of which have been held for some years past by R. C. Bell and Dr. J. H. Bell, respectively, and in the. contest, charges of false hood, dishonesty and breach of trust were freely and openly made against these two officials. The results of the polling found both officials returned to ofice apd their opponents every- where defeated. : At the annual meeting, two audi- tors, Messrs. 0. V. Bartels and A. W. Maclean, were appointed and instruct- ed to make a searching examination of all financial matters in connetjon with the council. Their report pre- sented at the installation of officers for 1908 showed that the recorder, K. €. Bell, had kept his hooks correctly and had paid the funds 10 the trea- surer, U. Gi. Clarke, on an average of every ten days, although the by-laws required this to be done but fort nightly. During the year $10,070.2] had passed through his hands and heen correctly accounted for. The council's assets (furniture, cash on hand), were $1,426.39, and its liabili- ties, $443.63, leaving a balance of $982.76 to the council's credit. The treasurer's (U, (i. Clarke) bank book was found to be correct, the entries corresponding to the vecorder's vouch- ers, and the treasurer's receipts. His cash book was found to have one or two errors, one of which was his fail- ure to enter a cheque for $260, receiv- ed from the recorder, December 11th but as the bank hook showed he had deposited that ameunt on December 12th, he. could not. he charged with personally appropriating that amount and was, therefore, merely an error of omission on his part. The auditors' recommended that certain changes be made in the treasurer's hook and this suggestion is being acted upon this year. 1 was a great relief as we satisfaction to the members or ot to know that the officers to whom they had entrusted their affairs in 1907 had been faithful to their trust and the accusations of "mispsing"' and depositing council funds in their per. sonal accounts" were entirely without foundation in fact. : The members who a No. 20 | have recently with. drawn, thirty-seven in number, were foremost in making the charges re- ferred to and in leading the forces of the "'opposition." It is their privilege to withdraw from No. 20, and they do so without any regrets on the part of the 600 and more who remain and who trust they may never associate them- selves with a council governed by less honest men than those of No..20 . for 1907 have heen shown to be. Some who applied for withdrawal cards have since expressed the desire to remain. No effort "will be made by the pres- ent officers of No. 20 to retain the membership of any who wish to with- draw, as it is our wish that peace and harmony should reign rather than strife and discord. These are, of course, "family" mat- ters, and my only object in asking you ta publish the above is to assure the many members of No. 20 of the solvency and strength of our council, and to do justice to those officers of 1907 whose honesty was questioned and whose characters were assailed. 1 might also state that we have in the six weeks of 1908 admitted more mem- bers than in six months of 1907. Thankisg you for your courtesy, I re- main, very truly yours, ALEXANDER Ww. RICHARDSON, Chief Councillor, Kingston Council, No. 20, C.0.C.F. Stop that ticking cough! Dr. Shoup's Cough Cure will oh stop it, and with pecfoct safety. It is so thoroughly barmiess that Dr. Shoop: been few plays in the history of the {stage more completely equipped than j "When Khighthood Was in Flower," in lwhich play Miss Grace Merritt and an exceptionally strong supporting | company will be edn at the Grand n Saturday, Feb. 22nd, matinee and The costumes have been pre. best costumers in Rew de | night. pared by the 1 Vork, and are complete jn every tail. 'The old furpiture, the tapestry, the armor, the wall scenes, the books, all have been selefted because of their special fitness, and ome of the hardest things in the rehearsal of the play has been the old-fashioned court dances which are iutroduced in the first act to the rhythm of old-fashioned music. 1a its last act the play is unique,in that the good old atmos- phere is retained to the very last, and there is an epilogue spoken by Miss Merritt, which comes as a sort of personal appeal to the feminine por- tion of the audience, and which proves to be the climax of the good and lasting impression made by "Maty Tudor throughout the performance. FLAG FOR A SCHOOL. Presentation Made at Sydenham School. On Tuesday afternoon, School Trus- tec Daniel Reeves paid a visit to Sydenham school, Wellington street, and presented the school with a hand- some large silk Union Jack. All the pupils assembled in the kindergarten room for the occasion, and in making the presentation Mr. Reeves delivered an appropriate address. After the singing of "The Maple Leaf," the lag was handed over to one of the pupils. It was then hoisted up and given a royal salute by the scholars. The singing of the national anthem, brought the proceedings to a close. The flag will be used at the school for saluting purposes. Inspector Kidd was present when the presentation was made. ATTENDED THE FUNERAL THE SERVICE WAS SIMPLE BUT IMPRESSIVE Gospel Tabernacle Was Crowded By the Helped and the Helpers--A Beatific Vision. Doctors Leonard Jones and George Dalton, Kingstonians, attended the funeral at the Gospel Tabernacle, New York, on Monday. The edifice is in the tenderioin district of "Hell's Kit- chen," a veritable mission. It was crowded to the utmost limit by poor and middle-class people, the helped and the holpers. The service was simple, but impressive beyond description. Several of his fellow-workérs spoke. The eulogy of Rev. A. B. Simpson was an oration as well as a tribute of Tove and reverence for character. All of the t audience were visibly moved. Rarely has a more intense sorrbw been shown. A letter Dr. Wilson bad written to New York during his visit to Kingston last month was read. It spoke -affection- ately of many persons here and of the pleasures of the meeting. He died at the home of wealthy friends and followers in Atlanta, and the end was not alone a perfect peace, but just before the end he became con- scious and spoke of the angelic host waiting and beckoning, The Are To Be Retired. As a result of the going into effet of the new pension systom adopted at the first of the year by the Grand Trunk Railway company, two King- ston men, among the pioneers of rail: way work in Canada 'will "hang ~~ up the pick-axe amd the spade" and re- tire from servis Their names will be struck off the pay sheet, and a new fund opened, the pension fund, to which they are added. Their names are W. Fairbaivn, signal man at the west diamond, and" John Tallon, eignal man at _Carrington's crossing. All em- ployees over sixty-five years are re- tired under the pension rules recently adopted. dettler's Low Rates West. The Chicago & Northwestern rail way will sell one way second-class settlers tickets daily from March Ist to April 30th next to points in Cali fornia, Oregon, Washington and other western states, also to Victoria, Van- sleeping cars' daily from principal Pacific Coast points. For full rticulars as to rates, routes and folders write B. B. Bennett, general agent, 2 East King street, Toronto. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. couver, Nelson, Rossland, ete, Tourist] tol THE SPORT REVIEW R. M. C. JUNIORS ARE TO PLAY VARSITY Ill Not Yet Known Whether Bernier Will Play--A Kingston Kennel Club to Be Formed--May _ old a Show in the Spring. Two teams wo ked out at the Kiong- ston Skating rink on Wedoesday even- ing. The Cadets H team had a prac tice from eight till nine. The boys are showing up well, playing better hockey than they did against Queen's or K.C.l. They will meet Varsity 111 to decide the finals in the junior latercollegiate series. ---- 'Chaucer' Elliott For Referee. Th 14th team worked out from gine to ten o'clock. 'The players do not seem at all used up aiter their hard contest on Tuesday night, They are playing a fast game and should sue- ceed in pwung down The lead of three goals held by St. Georges. It isnot definitely known whether Bernier will play yet or not, but it is thought that he will be out in good form lor the game. "Chaucer" (lliott's name was chosen by the two teams for referee for Friday's game. He was called up over the 'phone on Wed: pesday afternoon, but it is not defin. itely known: yet whether he will act or not, Challe Going To Gananoque. The Mie-Mac hockey. team will play the Tigers in Gananoque, to-night, The locals were defeated there a week ago, but they hope to Le able to pull down the score this tim, The team will line up : Saunders, goel; Cherry, point; Lemmon, cover; Houghton, centre; Metcalfe, rover; Barrie and Dowsley, wings. ---- Kingston Kennel Club. There will' be a kennel club organiz- ed in Kingston inafew days. The first meeting has been called for Mon- day night at J. H. Sutherland's, Prin- cess street, when all dog fanciers are invited to attend and help the club along. * H enough interest is taken in the matter a good show will be held here in the spring, open to dogs in the province, : Queen's And 'Varsity. Queen's 1 had a fine practice from 5:30 to 6:30 én Wednesday afternoon. The team is going to Toronto deter- mined to repeat the trick of last year 'and defeat Varsity on their own ice. 'They have been. working fath- fully since their last game and will be in good. trim for the final battle of the season, Black Watch And R.C.H A. The Black Watch and R.C.H.A, will play at the Royal rink to-night in the Kingston Amateur Hockey associa- tion. series. Neither of these teams has yet won a game and the con- [test to-night will prove interesting on 'that' aecount. Here's A Cocky Challenge. The Grand Opéra House hockey team will play any team in Kingston outside of the 14th 'and Queen's hoe- key teams, so P'. O'Brien, the manager, intimates, > Zion Juniors And Earls. Zion Juniors and Earls played a fast game of hockey at Zion rink last evening. The score was a tie--throe goals each. Going to Brockville. The Kiagston 'elirlers will be in Brockville 'on Friday for championship matehes with the two clubs in the Central Ontario Curling league. In the afternoon they will play at the East- ern Hospital and in the evening ~ at the Brockville club. The seniors will also be accompanied by two jumior rinks, which will play at the local club during the afternoon. MinisterS, lawyers, teachers, and others whose. occupation gives but little exercise, should use Certer's Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and biliousness. Ove is a dose. Try 'them. WINTER CLOTH CAPS Our big Surprise Sale, during Bo includes Winter Caps as well as Furs, and if low prices will clear the balance of our stock, we oy not have a single cap 1 Here's an ¢ xample : Men's Navy and Tweed Golf Caps, same style as above picture, with fur or knitted bad to let down, sold regularly for S0c. and 75ec. Surprise Price ano 2 The goods are all displayed with tickets showing the "pri® 50 that yom cam readily your own Sproul have been charge Y.M.C.A. tonight. of wall paper, liam street, get out of bed in a hurry, a ment with which most of us have ways heen ready to agree. & path through the to Deacon street. travelled, ~Thas been at the work, off a since, whenever he had a little time to disease. of Racine, Wie, to mail trial box of his Dr. Shoop's Catarrh a INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked ; Up dv Reporters On Their Rounds. Cheer up !| Snow will help pext sum. mers crops, you know. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. The annual meeting of the Children's Aid Society was scheduled for this ail- ternoon. The court of revision, which met in the city council chamber yesterdae ai- ternoon, noon. adjourned until this after H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave ordérs at Meo Anley's Book Store, Rev. Dr. MacTavish and Rev. F. H, asked to take of the normal class at the Call and inspect D. E. Fraser's stoek it's the best. 78 Wil Phone 373. A noted physician says we shouldn't state al- The fort hill is still in fine condi: tion and large crowds go over every evening. The shding, this year, is better than it has been in years: Derangement of the liver. with con- | stipation, injures the complexion, in- duce pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Try them. Ald. Graham has not yet shovelled park from Wel- lington street to Park avenue, and on This route is mueh our taste- 40c. Red "Pleasant to the taste," less preparation of cod liver oil, and 75¢. a bottle, at Gibson's Cross drug store. "Phone 2390. The Cape Vincent fire department will enlarge its building for use as station and theatre, the latter on the second storey. The F. L. Burdick pro- perty adjoining the present station will likely be purchased We could send you thousands of testimonials from people restored to health by Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. No other remedy so eliective and sure, 35c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's drug stere, NOT ELASTIC ENOUGH THE EGRESS BY-LAW DOES NOT PROVIDE For Buildings That Have Plenty of Exits, But Not Just As the By-Law. . Specifies--Will Some Places Be Closed Up ? The recent attack by a local paper on the three theatoriums was in no way whatever responsible for the city engineer's report upon the exits of Kingston's public buildings. The new by-law as to exits was passed Just April. Uwnpers and trustees' of build- ings involved were given six months to make necessary changes. City En- gineer Beckwith began early last smn. mer, to examine. the bmildings, end on, ever spare. His report . was oxpected by December 1st long before the attack upon the local theatoriums. Accord- ing to the by-law all parties who have not complied are now liable to the penalty fixed. The police magis- trate will have to impose a fine upon himself, as he is a trustee of Chal- mers church. How does the local jail comply with the by-law ? It has not been reported upon, though it is a public building Do its doors open outward and are the exits free of access at all times to the inmates ? It is said they are not. Do 'the civie authorities intend take action or repeal or modify the by-law ? 1f action js taken the churches; halls, ote. can be closed up until the necessary improvements dre made. It is pointed out that the by-law, while very comprehensive, is not elas- tic enough. There are some places in the city which have lots of exits, and more than enough to suffice, but that they do not conform exactly to the bylaw because peshaps no one of the exits is five feet wide, as required "Bhie engineer hag not yet réported on St. Paul's church, Uneen's University buildings, dairy school, Tafants' Home, Notre Dame convéat and pne or two other places. When he called at some of these he was unable to get in, and will have to re-visit them. Street Railway Handicapped. The street railway service was a little out on Wednesday's running on account of the snow storm, Just enough snow fell to make the rails very slippery, and the gars had a hard time getting up Ugdnoess street and Barrie street. The sweepers were out in the afternoon and had the tracks good and clean all over the line. to No More Cold Feet. Get one of our pew two-quart hot water bottles at J0c. up and sleep in restiul comfort all winter. Invalid cushions, bulb and fountain syringes) and everything else in rubber goods at Wade's drug store. Came From Ottawa. Sheriff Richardson - arrived in the city. last night, from Ottaws, with Orlia Geroux, sentenced to two years in the penitentiary, for theft. The prisoner was kept in the cells at the police station, over night, and taken to the penitentiary this morning. If you have Catarrh, rid yourself of i Ask Dr. Shooy you free a . A simple, single tect, will surely tell you a Catarrh treth well worth your knowing. Write to-day. Don't . All dealers. THE HALLS OF QUEENS BE AP *, Ross Bradley to Go Down to the McGill Medical Dinner--Re- ligiows Persuasions of the Students. Although no official action has vet béen taken, it is understood that there will shortly be introduced a stipulation requiring extra-mural stu- dents to spend the third and fourth years of their course in actual atten- dance at Queen's. This regulation has always been in force as far as high school specialist certificates are con- cerned, and it is felt in many guar- ters that it, would be to the ultimate advantage of the "extra-murals" themselves il 'the regulation were ap- plied to all the courses in arts. --- | At this afternoon's meeting of the Political Science and Debating Club, D. A. McArthur, B.A, will give an ad- dress on "The Diplomacy Of The Alas. kan Boundary Award." Mr. McArthur is admirably qualified to disciiss this interesting subject, having contributed a series of articles on it to the Cana- dian Magazine, within the past two months. r -- rofl. N. R. Carmichael has resumed his duties as associate professor of physics, after spending a few weeks at the home of his parents on his re turn from the Bermudas. - Final year science held a most en- joyable smoker one evening recently in the engineering building. The pro gramme included addresses hy Profs Gill, Nicol, McPhail and Leroy. N. L. Turner, M.A, "07, visited friends, at the college recently The Natural Science Club has changed its place of meeting to the Engineering building, where its meny bers will assemble on the first and third of the month Tuesday afternoons -- The science students of the junior and final years were favored recently with an address on Mines," hy Gi. Ceril Bateman, B.Sc, '05, who has been engdjged in mining work in Mexico since his graduation. , -- R. M. Broadley has been elected the Aesculapian Society's delegate to the McGill medical dinner. Pedagogy + Students' Literary Society at the recent "At Home" of the To- ronto University faculty of education. Dr. W. W McKinley; "03, hans ®o- cured the postgradugte degrees of L.RCP. and 8. (Edinburgh), and 1 F.P. and 8. (Glasgow.) Upon Dr. M. E. Grimshaw, "9, have also been con- ferred 'the Edinburgh degrees # --- # Journal No. § wag diftgbuted to the subscribers, vesterda¥V. The lead- ing contributions include an article on "Food," by Prof. A. P. Knight, one by Dr. 0. i. Stevenson on the ject, "In the Winter Woods," and an interesting account of the work done in Queen Margaret College, Olsgow, by Prof. J. L. Morrison sab- --- The secretary of the Canadian Fores try Association is endeavoring to se: eure the services of a number of Queen's students for the approaching summer vacation, as the association 18 now organizing several survey par ties Prof. AP. Knight delivered an in teresting lecture at the regular meet ing of the faculty of edutdtion ste dents; yesterday afternoon: T. H Billings, M.A., a Queen's gra- duate of 1902, who is now the general secretary of the Canadian student Y. M.C.A. movement, is spending a few weeks in Kingston in thé interests of the local association. -- Apropos of the invariable references in the sporting columns of Toronto papers to the Qubde's players as "Presbyterians or "Calvinists," the Journal calls attention. to. the fact that the various denominations were represented as follows, in last son's registration : | ceshyterians 522; Methodists, 2M; Anglicans, 151; Roman Catholic, 111; other denomin ations, 10] wos se An Economical Remedy. Wade's Ointment is put up in large bokes at a snl price. It is true in the cheapest se se hecates you. get for the price a large quantity of a most valuable remedy. Wade's Oint ment cures skin affections that many dollars worth of other remedics would probably not cure. Cures Eczemn, Salt Rheum. Sealy or Itching Eruptions of the Skin, Pim ples, Blotches, Dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 26c., at Wade's drug store. Another Old Coin. T. W. Nicholson, of Portsmouth, has in his possession a farthing of the reign of George 111, dated 1709. The coin ix in a good state of preservation in spite of the fact that it = now almost two hundred years old, "Three Swallows." Bir John Power & Soups, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, In Police Circles. There was no session of the police been summoned to appear to-motrow, on a charpe of having crcted a Bouse without securing the peccssary portmit from the city engineer. wise man always pretends to take advice his wile hands him. QUININE." thet is A the A REGULATION T MAY "Mexico And Ite, Miss I. Reid, B.A. represented the, court this morning. A comiracior bas} SRI & Al Druggists ; S0c. and $1.00. SILVER DEPOSIT WARE. Is the applying of 'Pure Silver" in lacy flower-like de- signs, to the surface of specially prepared iridescent glass and China. The novel- ties are all new consisting of Vases, Violet Holders, Flow- er Baskets and Colognes. Nothing is prettier as a gift and the prices are very moderate. SMITH BROS., Jowellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage A A NICE SET OF FURS most desirable possession - these wintry days. We can give you your choice of a' very handsome Muff and Scarf in almost any of the popular shins, to clear out at SUMMER PRICES. WW. F. GOURDIER, Exclusive Furrier 76, 78 and 80 Broek St. Phone, 700, is . We are now ready to show you the swellest $ range of Dress Goods § ever brought into King- ston. All the popular § weaves in the 'wanted § shades are here in ¢ abundance o0c. a yard. CRORO at » We show a big range § of shades in Venetian ¥ Cloth, Poplins, Ar- § mures, Taffeta Cloths, § Panama Cloths, Satin g Cloths and Fancy Mo- § g hair, in the new checks g¢ and stripes, at 75c. g Our range. is. very 8 complete and: includes Chiffon, Venetian, Pan- § amas, Crepe Redona, Chiffon Panama, Bici- § lians, Venetian Broads 2 and the new stripe in gi § Amethyst, alsoShadow § Checks and Crepe Eoliennes, at $1. EA RHR ROR RRO § Special value in Ve- ¢ notians, Drap Chiffon, ¥ Broadcloth, Voiles in § plain and with silk stripes, also Shadow ¢ Checks. { All our Dress Goods § are imported direct and § are new this scason. NEWMAN &] SHAW. te RRR Restagrant serviee in Toronto must be. pretty slow: when a reporter de cides to shoot the waitress, as one Jud this week, , B's a pity. that a lot of people don't have as mifel ambition (0