-- EEL Tod Dainty Whitewear : Especially attractive because' of their crispy freshness, the new Undermuslins in this Sale are noteworthy for their fine qualities. Such savings on Muslin Undérwear of this character are unusual--the garments are daintily trimmed with pretty tucks, exquisite laces and em- broideries--and you will act wisely to buy a year's supply NOW. Night Gowns". Underskirts 75¢c for regular $1.00 $1.25 for regular 1.40 Night Gowns. Underskirts $1 for. regular $1.25 1.89 for régular 2,00 Night Gowns. Underskirts $1.26 for regular $1.50 2.35" for regular 2.50 Night Gowns. Underskirts Drawers 35¢ for regular 45 | 60c ¥- 75 oe. 1% 2 Corset Covers 49 35¢ for regular ' 85 8c. 1.10 +4. "w " d 1.3 Crumley Bros. 08000000000000000000000desiossctcctcesente 3 : : : : Fibreware is the leading material for Pails, Tubs bawdy ] Dishes, '&e. i is the best Make of FIBREWARMN on tne Market. It is of Better Quality and Lasts Longer than other makes, and it Costs Less Money. Ask Your Grocer for it, and ~ EDDY'S Matches. Shirts. We: have received, during the last few days, all of our New Spring Shirts, New patterns. New cloths. sor FTE All Styles, including Coat Shirts 200,225 and la ole Blo, Nise od Tose yy NO £ % % A Bagh ke 3 FORT 000000000000 0000000000 00000000000 00000000000000000000000000 | | {Cabhies, a "dan, jmysteries of ! x PATRICK CAMPBELL FOR- MERLY OF BROCKVILLE. Was Shot in His Log Hut in Wisconsin--He Accused a Pole of Shooting Him--The Alleged Murderer Arrested. Brockyille, Ont., Feb. 20News has been received here of the murder, at a little place called Frapce, twenty miles from Florence; Wis, op Febru- acy rd, of Patrick Camphell, a for mer resident of this town, who went to Wisconsin twenty-five vears - ago. tampbell, who was filty-two years old, was unmarried and resided alone on a farm of forty acres, was found dying iu bis log hut with a shotgun wound in his body. He died on being taken to a hospital. From a description given bv Camp- bell, the authorities arrested ' Paul Kan; a Pole, to whom Campbell, earlier in the evening, had refused a night's lodging. Frank Campbell, Toronto, is brother and Michnel Campbell, this town, is another brother, sisters reside in Denver. me -------- ESTERHAZY DYING. -- Traitor Whe Was the Cause Dreyfus' Imprisonment. Paris, Feb. 20.--Maj. Ferdinand Esterhazy, the traitor for whom Drey- fus suffered five years of shame and prison, 1s pot dead, as has been re- wrted. He is dying, however, dying in an attic at No. 116 St. James' terrace, Warwick avenue, London, where he hides under the name of the Comte de Voilemont. The. only evidence against Proyfus was the borderean, a slip of paper upon which had been jotted down the details of the documents, plans apd secrets sold Dy the traitor to Ger maxty, Always Dreyfus denied be had written this compremising paper. But there was the handwriting, and it was extremely like that of Dreyfus. Upon this he. was condemned and sent to Devil's Tsland, One wight. "Mm August, 1598; fster- hady was in an English bar in Paris. That day he had been dismisspd from the army and was in a' rage. He ap- ge Rowland Stroig, an' Eng- ish journalist, whom he knew, and said bluntly : "TH tell all." In order not 'to be overheard by the spies who swarmed over Paris in those days, they walked up and down the middle of the Boulevard, and Es- terhazy confessed that he had written the famous. hordereau. The sensation- al confession gave Dreyfus his new trial at Rendes and resulted in his final acquittal, Esterhazy fled to Fngland, His wife secured a divorce. He lived the life of an outcast. A few years ago he re- married, The woman who was willing to assume hil ngmne was Marie Lovie' ter of Maitre ' Ua- banes, who had been Esterhazy's law- yer inthe Dreyfus days. a of Two of CANRDIAN SLAIN ¥ Hmusements. (Ean opia owe SATURDAY, FEB. 22nd. Matinee, at 2.30. Evening, 8.15, - GRACE MERRITT And Splendid Company of 22 Players, in the Everiasting SutCess. KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER" ERNEST SHIPMAN, Mavager. Massive and Elaborate Scepic and Electrical Equipmen 80c. ; Caildren, t «Mati , d%c., 85 25¢c. to' any sea + 25¢c., 36c¢., 50¢., The. 1g Seats now en sale. Evening. - sii ALL NEXT WERK Hvenings, at 8.15. Sat. Matinee, FRED W. HOMAN Presents THE WILBOR STOCK CO. In a Hepertoire of New Plays, and High Class Vaudeville Change of Plays and Speciulties, Nighe ly MONDAY~""The 2.30. Switchmai's Daugh- er. Prices--~10c., 20¢., 30¢, Seats on sele Friday Yor might. only, special a' Ticket, 15c., if purchased before Sp.m., Monday, Tickets lmited' to 960. I I CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE -OP OUR retad Hardware Section. ust be thors hiy conversant with general sheli/gbods and mechanics' tools. and a good salesman. Apply immediately in own. hapdwriting. stating exper cucp., aud paging references Me. Kehvey & Birch, 60 and 71 Broek St, Kingston, Unt. . HELP WANTED-FEMALE. COOP GENENAL SERVANT. AP. ply to Mrs, KR. McFaul, 106 Barc street. SITUATIONS VACANT, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN: Se vin i Sight doers | ves es eighteen Holitiy "logue fren. & Rrber allege, Ques and Spadina, Torgotos PRINCESS FIVE CENTS, NO HIGHER. The Acknowledged Family Theatre of Kingston, Upder Patronage of King ston's Most Select Families. Open, 2 till 530 pox 7 till 10.80 pan. The House That Comlerme to The City Bylaw. Grand Amateur Night, Friday, Feb. 21st. BILLIE BEARANCE, (of Locomotive Works), Irish comedian, songs, dances amd funny sayings MASTER . IVOR WALLIS, Bowery boy). MISS BEATRICE BEAUDRY, singing rosebud) CHARLES EWARD, 'comodian). CHARLES PARADIE, aud wing dancer. OUR PICTURES CHANCE TO-DAY, "THE CUPBOARD," (ope of the most laughable subjects. imaginable. All shout w new married couple, imagine married just one week, and have your wife catch vou out dining with another Voung jody, after telling her you were going to the club. Come end see 4 ish. "In the Jungles of Africa™ A beautiful woman is kidnapped, and carried away bys A GIANT BABOON. The hunt, the capture, the death, sad the woman's return heme to husband and family. "The Enchanted Pond" The like has never been seen in Moving Pictures. "On the Seine in France" The abduction of the voung prince, the during rescue, the great race for life. "Witch-Craft in India" The greatest transfolmuation soepe ever exhibited, SONG~--Town At The Fund Of The in {the (the (black face {eccentric buck performance, afternodn or av retain for any other thoe. Rang the Babies, denty of reom for their AUTOMOBILES. . GEO; HAMMOND, MUR. pdf can them Seen. By. Newspap . London, Feb. 20.--Liviag in an attic off the Harrow Road, in the north- west of London, Maj. Esterbhazy now drags out a miserable existence under the aristocratic title of 'the Comte de Voilemont. x Instead of the upright, commanding, well-groomed military figure, with erect. head and well-trimmed mous- taches, one now secs a man broken in years, in health and in bedily vigor. Huddled up in an old armchaic and clad in a well-worn light-brown over- coat in place of a dressing gown, he crouches over the fire, seeking to get warmth to his thin attenuated frame. The gray-bearded old man, with hair rematurely silvered. . and shoulders wed, Jooks' what he is--an outeast from society, whose only desire. is to fe left alone and to eke out his own ife. CUT HER THROAT, Only Way This Woman's a Could Be Saved. . Chicago, Keb, 20.--Mrs. Joseph G, Coleman, whose nervous system vb sed after she had netted $57,000 for charity by working . night and. day ging the famous fete y of the "Streets of Pafis," is . reported to be in "splendid condition' at the Augus- tine Hospital, following" a 'surgical operation involving the cutting of her throat, which was performed as a last resort. Mrs. Coleman suflered from 'Urave's disease," one of the so-called the medical profession: Its symptoms are protruding eyes, tre- mor and an extraordinary rapid pulse and an enlargement of the thyroid] glands. The operation is the removal ol a part of the thyroid gland and is extremely 'dangerous, as the gland lies between the external and internal jug- ular veins, Moors Defeated French. LC 20.-A news so Life {H. Ruthven MacDonald BARITONE, Jessie Irving ELOCUTIONIST, Sydenham St. CITY HALL, ING, MARCH 3rd. Choir Concert Hockey Match SENIOR 0.H.A. St. George's (Toronto) "vs. 14th Batt. FRIDAY, FEB. 21st. Tuck Faced, at 813, Admission, Gents'. Aduission, Ladies', Doors open a4 7.30 pao. Rewer ved Seats, 25c. and ase. oO De. Flin opens for sale of sees aad tickets Feb. 20th Canadian | 4 Line, LOM, Bo=Patrons purchasing tickets: lawt ng. TUESDAY EVEN- 10ST. | MINK MIXED SCARF. TRIMMPD with mink tells. Finder will be re warded by reiurping Lo Whig office. BAG OF UNFINISHED LAUNDRY marked I. 91, in vicinity of Union or Clergy Sts. Flhuder please return to Sing Doo, 246 Barrie St, Corner William. FOUND. SILVER WATCH, ON STUART ST. Owner may have same by calling at Whig office and paying for this ad- vertisements ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, Cor. Queen amd Bagot strests. HENRY A P. SMITH, ARCHITEOT, .Aneder Bui Market hug Ming; Market Square, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, chant's Bank Building, cgEner Brock and Wellington streets. Phone, 213, MYER'S CAVE DOINGS. The Mail Carrier Tramped Six Miles on Foot. Myer's Cave, Feb. 18.~Farmers in this Section have been kept busy keep- ing the roads at all passable during the recent storms, the snow in places being level with the fences, However, the mail carrier, W. Thompson, has made his regular trips twice a week to Cloyne, from. Harlowe, a distance of twelve miles. On Saturday last, during. the rain, the roads were in such' a deplorable condition, be left his horse at Myer's Cave and made. the remainder of the trip, six. miles, on toot, The -infant son of Mr. and Ms. J. Curtis passed away, on the 12th ult., aged two days. J, Curtis and J Perry arrived home from Nairn Cen tre, on the 3th iwst., where they have | been employed durin the winter, in the lumber , woods. Shy rnas Dellyea arrived home from Nairn Centre, on Monday [ast, on business 'in connec- tion with municipal affairs. Messrs Johs #ud 'Temple Dellyea made a busi fess trip to Arden, on Wednesday last. The many friends of Mrs. H. Rogers of Harlowe, will be pleased 40 that she has returned from Boston where she has been for the last few yenrs.. Alexander Dellyca, has been faid up for the last two weeks, with a severe attack 'of muscular' rheumatism. Mrs. T. DD. Perey, Myer's Cave; was the guest of Mrs. T. Whittman, Har- lowe: one. day last week. Miss lda Curtis was the guest of Miss Ethel Morgau, Grayville, on Sunday, of last week. Miss Alice Benny and Mis Florence, visited at Lake View on Sunday of last week, the guests of Mrs. J. GC. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs, BD. Spicer. of Cloyne, were the guests of Excursion to Toronto Special Train GT:R, 12.50 Noon: Friday; Feb, Zlst Tickets good returning by amy train, except No. 4, up te Mouglay night, Feb, y rt le 24th. ury department is €0 ibility of a government D8 edu nopoly. No decision has yet their danghter, Mrs. T. Dellyea, on Sanday last. --J. ©. Mitchell spent Sunday, of last week. at Grayville, the guest of his daughter, Mrs, D. Gray. : Grippe is epidemic in our neighbor- hood, almost every family having some of (its members down with it. Little Mary Dellyea is at present suffering from. a. sore throat, 'the effects ol a sovere attack of la grippe. Mr. Mrs.' D. Gray and family were Sunday visitors at Lake View, the guesis of Mrs. Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J ©. Mitchell. Mrs. 1. Neale is confined to the house, suffering from an at tack of grippe. Mrs. W. Benny and son, Henry, have just recovered from a severe attack of grippe. A. Crabtree, carpenter, is finishing the inside work on M.D. Young's pew house. Critchley left, on the 10th inst, on a business trip to New York, hy way of Toronteé tak Bulla, anager « hn i p Belo, where he had : wi and' "Yom it for the Ww. FOR SALE, FLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY kind, Call or wrle to M. Cayiess, 834 King street, over Armstrong's. UPHOLSTERING work, by R. W, ton SA. Coal office. AND CARPET Millard 285 Welling- maken at Drurye A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards gd Hy Aue carted: ricea right. Lae Lytle, General Carter, 4s iain St. SMALL WELL, FURNISHED HOUSE, in best of condition. aud good neigh borbood for long or short term. Two adults, fo children, State fell par ticolars. Address H.," Whig oflice. GENTLEMEN TO BRING HEIR and have them pressed and leaned, also ged a new yelvet collar pn, it makes them like new. Frices right. Gallowsy, The Tailor, 131 Broek St., mext ta Bibby's livery. FURNI- Laturney's Carrie 892 Princess 8S PUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other com pany rs. them at Godwin's Insurance um, ot Square. baggage Six Foor SHow CASE, AT Mediey's Drug Store, 25 UP Canon's F 0 , Bk street, BUILDING LOTS FROM v Moe 's Heal Estate Brock ONE Dew ; tankse Appiy Steamer A loth 1907 EDISON KENETISCOPE, two 300 and oue SOO gal, Steed Capts Royse, ate NO. 76 SYDENHAM, SOLID BRICK with extension kitchen, 6 bed rovas, bot Water heating. Recently -fenovats ed throughout. Possession lst May. Apply A. B., Cunvinglain, TY FOR SALF--- BE PROPER ho . the VALUABL Double house, op TO-LET. eo OFFICES, DWELLINGS, STORES Brock Storage, etey McCann's, O51 street. DRICK HOUSE, ON ALFRED ST. NO. 807, opposite, Vietoria Park . P session, 1st May. Apply 36 1} street. Prinocss A PURNISHED HOUSE, 289 ALFRED ° St. Home of the late Major Kim, hot water heating. gas, eld Appi canis may see house, from 4 to 6, Apply on premises MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fire maseta $61,187,215. which the policyholders socurity the umlimited lability of the stockholders. perty imsured rates. | mew business & Strange, at lowest possi goats. hone, BUSINESS CHANCE. YOUNG MEN OF BACKWARD FEDUCA- tion wre fuvited to call at 112 Clarence St (Evenings) With view to forming improvement class. ast for the advertiser. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian BEV. C. W. CASSON. The Real Saint. The real saint of to-day is the man whose life is full-orbed and well roundéd, and who takes his full share in the duties and responsibilities of daily life. He does not seclude Wimeself in.a e¢ave or a convent, but lives strongly and sanely in the open. He does not spend his time making pray- ers, but rather his energy in working for that for which others are praying. Ho does not talk much shout God, or Lthink much about heaven, hut his whole life evinees the fact that he be- lieves in the one and deserves th other. Yet if vou were to to call him a saint--try it! litere dure. WAS BALD SIX YEARS. Three Months of the New Scien- Hair. 5 Baldness is caused by dandruff which a germ, Kill the germ riain that hair will grow again, if the follicle his not been totally destroyed. Nels Peterson of Lime Spur, Mont, says: ' been bald six years, and had ried all kinds of 'cures,' but-without any bene fit- whatever, until 1 toed Herpicide. November 16th, 1809 | began using is caused hy and 1{ is almost ee growth of hair covered my head com- pletely." Ask your droggist for Herpi cide, glossy hair, if Herpicide iv used thor oughly, Take no substitute, "1 leading druginsts: Send We. for sample to "The Herpicide Co., Ik truit, Mich. Sold in two sires, 0c. and $1. G. W, Mahood, special agent each #12. Council complied with the request' of the Ontario Mwmicipal As sociation, afd passed a resolution Phe local board of health for 1968 T. W. Spence, H. C. Milten, James Gordon, in conjunction with the reeve, and the clerk, as sectetary: A. J. R Medley, sanitary iaspector Moved, Gordog- Milton, thatthe local option by-law be read a third time, passed dnd signed, The treasurer was ordered to be, given a chegue for 8800 for cur rent 'expeuses, Moved, Spence-Swith, that L. T. Shortall be appointed ad sesgor for 1908, with a salary of $50. Moved, Smith-Milton, that roed work be computated at seventy-five conis per dav, and that esch councillor look alter his own division. The col lector's time was extended until the first Monday in March. Council ad Mrs. | journed until Monday, March 2nd. rd is si mst-- Pleasant Cough Curing. The Diamond Cough Remedy is plea- sant to take and is thus ssrwcially de- sirable jor children. Contains no opiates; the dose is small, the prompt and sure. You can depend up- cure of coughs, colds, sore throat and hoarseness. Me. at "{Wade's drug store. To Hunt In Canadian Woods. Detecit, Mich, Feb. 20. -A Sault Soe Marie, : Mich., despatch says: President Roosevelt is considering an invitation extended by W. F, Kuox and George P. McCallum, of the Mich. gan Sée, to take a hunting trip is the Canadisn woods north of bere af ter the expiration of his term. He said he would endeavor to arrange for the tip, which will include a long Aranop after moose asd hear. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND 2S08E ¥. Sia] In addition to for F od cit ah farm a y pro- bie Before renewing old or giving rates from Strange Pl 568. THE BEST PAPER 18 THE CHEAP-}- Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., [or free ESTABLISHED, 1863. tific Treatment Restored His Everybody can have luxuriant, oy! in stamps { 0 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER Marriage licenses, 42 Clarence St. PERSONAL. HAIR MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc. removed perm abently, without scar Twenly Years eXperis Vr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye Far, Throat -", and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. HAVING FOUR _RAIL- connections, commanding the Nt Lawrence Hiver, Ridean System: and Bay of Quinte trade a choice place for manufacturers and a8 a distributing poiat KINGSTON, way Lake, ! THE FRONTENAC i 'UOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | President--Sir Richard Cartwright | Money loaned om City and Farm Pros ipertiesl Municipal and County Debens | ouresy Mortgages purchased. Deposits | regeived and interest allowed. POTATOES |" IN ANY QUANTITY | Wholesale or Retail. A very choice stock grown in sandy soil, at | A. GLOVER'S, Herpicide, and in three months a fine | i Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. | New England Chinese Restaurant 331 Kirg Street. Open from 10.30 a.m, to 3 wm, the {best place to get an all round Limch {the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest imotice. Hnglish and Chinese dishes o specialty: "Phone, 8565. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. p-------------- a WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Litt) and Saves Much, Good Variety al STRACHAN"S. CHILDREN'S CLASSES In Pencil and Charcoal Sketching Tee Complod Studio, 66 Barrlg Bi, 20¢, Per Lesson, BR. C. CARRIER, Of N.Y. Art Schopls . ATTENTION, FURNACES 2 EE sail, you will get prompt sttention aad DAVID HALL, por 2 Brock St. The Town Council, Beriic, Ont... Fob. 30 <The new mone cipal cléction Bold here WAS 8 very oxciting contest Hober, defeated for mayor at t tion in Jesusry, by four votes elected mayor by 197 other elections resal Reowe, 1, C. Habe; fret depaty, John Coclienne, sooond deputy, A. RB Camp bell: thind deputy, F, CC. Gardper, Comtitlors, A. B. Myon, Shepherd, Cross, Doghe, Dietrich, Winterhall, Martin, Clement and Lang. A ---- ------------ sre wen whe have muck we was The majority : follows int