\ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. TEDDY A VESUNILS EX-GOV. BLACK FLOGS THE PRESIDENT, : Sad Day When Americans Dis- card "In God We Trust" and Adopt "Alter Me the Deluge." Boston, Peb, 19 --Ex-Gov, Frank S. Black, of New York, who placed Pre sident Roosevelt in nomination at the Republican National Convention in 194, in an address delivered before the. Home Market Club, here, last. week, called him a despot, charged him with the financial depression and accased the chief executive of a series of autics which bad reached a climax, be said, in an efiort to force Secretary Taft on the country as his successor with hardly the preliminary of a con- véntion or an election. "The country was doing finely," said Mr. Black, "uptil the culmina- tion Jast October, of those dangerous, socialistic un-American doctrines which took away her courage and started her on a course of wandering and hesitation." Mr, Black told his hearers be repu- diated and. condemned these "wild and socialistic incoherences," A crisis, he said, was approaching. "Policies consist 'now of a series of autics. Integrity seems almost a handicap. Public officials are excused from performance if they are gifted in explanation. Crime, always active and persistent, seems even more ag- gressive now because the pew method of punishment is by denunciation iu- stead of by conviction. Nearly every- body is accused, but few are tried. If no crime has been comunitted it is im- moral to charge it. If crime has been committed, why not punish it ? *'Progperity, but yesterday at' the flood, has leaked away, and there along the banks are furnaces with their fires out and idle railroad trains with workmen sleeping in the cars And yet Vesuviug still continues active. The torrent Ef vituperation is still tearing on, and the cry of the stricken is filling the land. Will men build again while these eruptions last? Where is the end and what? k Alluding to the president's propul- sion of the Tait boom, Mr. Black said: "The most tyrannical trust in existence, to-day, is the trust in poli- tics. There never has been, in the history of this country a hossism se despotic and unscrupulous as that which controls you now. It has al ready reached that appalling stage where it is sought to fill the highest elective office in the world by execu- tive appointment without even the safeguard of a confirmation by the sehate." . "We have seemingly entered,' "said the former governor, 'upon a, na- tional deBauch, and whirling the big stick, are running amuck through the institutions 'ef the land." Intimanting that the presidept. was chasing blindly about, mistaking his Hamilton' Spectator, My own fancies for convictions, and, con: Staobny NoBgiim to get a big gov- {fusing rabid sentiment with sane pub, ernment built 'wharf and there has [lie opinion, Mr, Black closed by say- been enough indirect talk to warrant {ing : , the Sty John people spending money "Let no man say what" public opin- in test work in Courtney bay with {ion is till the flood subsides and the the idea that the G.T.P, will some land appear, for the rushing: waters day locate terminals there, Hon. Mr. 'may hot express it as it is. The dis- Pugsley is delivering the goods. criminating sense of this great coun toy can be depended on, and those who shape their eourse according to that truth will win. No matter what Bi ythe test may be the final issue rests i {with him who thinks. On thie ve 2 |linnce I base my confidence, for it will | be a sad day for the Amerigan people {if they discard the words 'Tn God We Trust," and adont the motto, 'After me the deluge." " The speech waz in the interest of Gov. Hughes, New York's candidate for the republican nomination for pre- sident, es anywhere, The courage of the o> Jchiige has come over the spirits o posing party. or the cowardier of i: some people. They have been hypuo was marked under the circumstances. | tirzed--by Mr. Mackenzie. The men who were willing to saggest | -- evil against others had no evidence to Old ERHORIAL Ro ES. ad offer, and the scandals having perish- eb oy Yoga nT bi da the Ala SOON Tart don Suna The details are now being discussed. fully revived. 3 It is surprising how hypocritical thel Ay fur as possible technical students opposition can be. In Ontdrio, in during their vacations, will he-given Manitoba and in British Columbia, {ployment by the government. It is where there is conservative government], bo commended for this. it is the custom to join in political ------ issdes for the party benefit, but there The old age annuity scheme is all must be no identification of liberal in- [right, but it will not grow in popu- terests ? That is the theory, and a |larity. The old age pension is what theory only. the people are clamouring for. THE MAJORITY SHOULD RULE, The Ottawa Citizen feels cpnstrained to counsel with the local government on the license question, It Hotes that the Manitoba government has surren- dered to the demand of the temper- ance people snd ordered that the adop- tion of option law shall depend upon the majority, Our contemporary regards the issue as contingent upon the financial ef- fects, The revenues from the licenses is divided between the government and the municipality, "If," says the Citi- zen, "a majority of the ratepayers in a district are satisfied to sacrifice that amount of revenue then their will should be la%. It is just the same as if they decidé to vote $1,000 out of their own pockets as a bonus to a railway, an industrial establishment, or to improve the roads instead of the morals of the eommunity. Regard- ing' the question from this standpoint the Citizen believes that the govern- ment of Ontario, would be well advised in adopting the bare majority instead of the three-fifths vote for the estab- lishment of local opiion. Whether the law enforcement would have the moral effect aimediat by the temperance ele- ment is really a matter apart from the question,' 11, on local option be- ing adopted and tried, the majority of the rgtepayers in the district find that they are sacrificing a substantial amount of tax revenue for no sub- stantial result, it will then be option al with them to rescind the measure, and resume the even tenor of their THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 508 810 King street, Kingston, Usntaria, st $4, ger year ition at 2.20 and 4 o'clock pm, WEEKLY BRITISH WIIG, 19 pages, pub: lished in por on Mogday and Thursday on » a year. char for a e has to be mode $3.08 for Daily; for pos HO tvaaned uve of the best Job Printing one o 4 wd, 'stylish, and cheap Offices in Canada; rapid work; mine improved prisses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt"d. B. PENSE, EDW. 1. $ Tal hl hr Director, Daily Whig. ASSAILING MR. ROOSEVELT. The man who boldly asserted that Roosevelt was at the bottom of the recent financial crash in the United States was regarded as very illogical. In Canada there was an occasional one who did this, and he wag in a business which' enabled him to speak with clearness on financial Y On sale this r utlery Department or by mail on receipt o Corbett's Hardwa 1.00. in JERE (E9%) St THE most painful and anno: } a minute with this sim Bibby'sNew Arrival S-- 2 i The pereentage of parsons killed and a eo > maimed in the railway service is ris- [ing 'annually. The railway experts must concentrate their attention up- on the causes, in order to avoid or abolish them, & ) TOU injure the foot. Price, our C g Hang up your Hat and come in and take a look at all the § handsome new things we have collected for your comfort and usually adornment during the comining seasons. matters. It was not always explained bow the president of the United States could, by his attack on the trusts aud cor- porations, be responsible for the de- | pression in Europe as well as Ameri- lca, not as widespread as at sbme for- met periods, but still distressing en~ ough. ---- The Hamilton Times endorses suggestion of the Whig, that a manent board of 'conciliation be ap- pointed. The wisdom of this course becomes more and more apparent with the lapse of time. the per- Try on a few Spring Overcoats, Select your New Sait. | | | 11 711111 Pick out your New Hat and choose your Haberdashery, Suits Range in Price From $10 to $20. Spring Overcoats, $10 to $25. Rain Coats, $10 to $20. Trousers, $2 to $6.00. Pe ol The railway commission is to be enlarged without delay, so as to have it meet every condition or con- the hour? It will bave supervision of the telephone and tele- graph service, and will certainly im- { prove them. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Looks That Way. Monireal Star, Over 40,000 people own stock fin the Grand. Trunk railway. . Isn't this verging on public ownership ? os ld > CSCS OSOSOS But here comes one who is essential HOBOHCECHOHCHCECHCHCEOHOECHOEORCRORCNOIORCE | | Tinerican, a publicist of long standing, ex-Governor Black, of New York, who lays all the industrial and commercial troubles in the land to the president, who regards him as a menace to the nation, who - discribes of most tyrannical tingency of fe Patronize Home Industry mane EF Imperial Grown Brand ay Don't miss seeing Our Great £2 Hats. We can save 50c. at least on your Spring Hat, him as a boss mien." The contribution by Mr. Black to the literature of the times shows that the republican party is disrapted by the Roosevelt policy of publicity respeet- ing the trusts, or demunciation as Mr. Black puts it. The Taft boom, too, is regarded as a Roosevelt boom, in another form, and it is assailed in the bitterest spirit. Most remarkable, also, is the faft 1 that the repudiation of Roosevelt was Ltd. made in the interést of Hughes, one Blof the most independent of men, and at the same time the most respected because of his unquestionable probity. Hughes is the president's second choice in the succession, but it looks as il the party is not going to-let him act the part of a political legator. ------------ See our display of choice Spring Shirts. See our Special $1 Shirly, oe ' When buyhig Underweas must nol lose sight of the fact that Imperial Crown Brand has made a world-wide sbputation. Every garment guaranteed--Look for the Red Label on every gar- ment with the Crown in the centre, made from the very finest of Jnatecial, Juande only bY. you -- The Ice Men, Toronto News. People at a Drantiord banguet formed George E. Foster that be was a Jolly Good Yellow, These folks could be happy at a funeral. Just received to-day, a fine bunch of Handsome New Neck- Special, 50c. ! i A THE H. D. BIBBY CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS. CROLEEEOEEEEACEECRCEEHIECIEEICRIIIBOY@ URE : wear. ne The Game Triumphant. Exchange. g Five o'clock teas having been con- demned as dangerous to human life, the fashionable set will he forced to devote itself exclusively to afternoon bridge. RE Kingston Hosiery Co. * J Kingston, Ont, A Great Army. Guelpi' Mercury. «The greatest army on earth to-day is the once despised, and frequently sneered at Salvation Army. lts forces are quartered in : fifty-two countries, and its commands are given in thirty. ono languages, way. The government is wedded to three-fifths clause. = At least that . the conclusion, since Mr. Clark, M.P. WHERE OUR MONEY GOES. baud Me. Hoyle, MPP. in dis It begine to look os if there is an on the aldtess, have advanced the Puetealte expenditure oh the (itiuis stock arguments in favor of it, oul ol the counity. D0 J » government wil done with the man whose evil influen- Soelaeed a . is. The' op- fon caput he curbed or En rod, anid position has announced itself in favor eri, sahin,, and, confine him is expen: | oa iority rule; so that the line of BE aett tint Ab aiid" spent' FoHtis) clouvage In: leucly' dfified y a on jails and prisons would be smaller lif 'the cost of management could be reduced. Not that any man is getting more than he earns, as an officer or administrator, but in the many county jails there is a collective cost that is out of all proportion to <the number {1 of prisoners that are confined, | Jo 1906, which is the last year in | which the statistics have been publish- ed, the cost of maintenance ran as I follows in Ontario: In the inil, $3 il | per, week; in the Mercer Reformatory, li | $9.30 per week; in the Kingston péni- ll | tentiary, 85.65 per week; in the seve | ral industrial homes, $3 per week: The total outlay on the 1,537 convicts was $374,133.01. Upon the poor of the province, the || helpless and indigent, the expenditure His very much less, and it is less be- ll gradged. The ~éost per week, ii the flcity refuges, was $2.17 per head per ll | week; in the county refuges, $1.88 per ll hénd per week, On the care of 4,102 || persons the * expenditure 'wis $115, 1257.92. There is a vast dillerence between the two kinds of dependents, the crim- Blinal and the indigent. The one class, it is true, has to be guarded, and the service is a great expense. At the same time the criminals are, as a the is SELERSSVBANS FRESE EEN BOOB EREVOTALD | NGES!! Sweet Navels, Seedless Oranges from '15¢ to 60c Per Doz. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street EE EIT IYI IYI IY Sr EI Er vy rrr YI I TO Everything Included in Our Big Clearing Sale Furniture, Carpets, Go Carts and Baby Carriages Our aim is good quality at low prices. 7 JAMES REID, Phone, 147. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Packing and Freight Free. Store Open Nights. » Men's, Ladies' and Child. # ren's Boots and Shoes, at % 10 per cent less than any- 3 where else in the city. + All New Spring Stock Up- to-Date Styles. Big as | sortment. Isaac Zacks, 271 Princess St. Delivering The Goods. spent A CHANGE IN PLANS, Official confirmation is given to" the report that the Niagara Development company has disposed of its interests to William Mackenzie, who is the pre- sident of the Canadian Northern rail- the Toronto Street the Radial | A LAMP EXPLOSION, Smith's Falls, Feb, 20.-- Mrs. John Friselle, a guest at a party given at' the home of R. McAdam, ac- cidentally knocked a lighted lamp off a dresser. If wd ploded and Mrs. Frigelle in putting out the blaze was severely burned 'about the ® way company, Railway company, and Raiway company. It is announced that the attitude of the Ontario government on the power question made this course neces- sary. The development ~company had origioally power to extend its busi- ness indefinitely, but later it was de- barred from. extensions in the west (the territory commanded sor assumed for service under the Hydro-Electrie commission), and it had not a mono- poly of the territory to Toronto, though it had expended millions in plant and extension lines. In the original franchise from the} Outario government, ratified by act of 1905, it was agri that the gov- ernment would not compete with the company in the gencration or sale of Niagara power. The company was shut off from sell- ing in any other part of Ontario. eX cept Toronto ; was forced to seek a hands, Three children were lyinz ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. on a bed nearby and one of them had his hair singed. The flames were extineuish- ed 'before any further damage was done. FEFETERIEFEEEER Russia Had to Release An Ameri- can Doctor. Odessa, Feb. 20.=Dr. Dubouchet, the American citizen, who was arrested | recently in Odessa ou. the charge of: being connected with the revolutionary; organizations, was released yesterday, but was ordered to leave Russia with in ten days. When Dr. Dubouchet was taken into eustody the police refused him permission to consult the Ameri can consul. The matter was then tak en up by Ambassador Riddle, at St Petersburg, and the foreign offices per. mitted the prisoner to talk with the representative of his country, wha soon secured his release. Dr. Dubouchet probably will join his x¥% o FELECEERRERFERT ¥ | THE VERY BEST. 8. ANGLIN & 00. $'cor. Wellington & Bay Sts. 'Phone 66. An Act 0f-Good-Will, Landing Roosevelt Pekin, Feb, 20, Preparatory to the} Concord, N.H., Feb. 20 Never |x signing of the AngloChinese teoaty fore in the history of the world ha the British troops Chumbi Valley, in Thibet, are being righteousness and peace among the na withdrawn, and {his movement to tions as Theodore Roosevelt," way evacuate Thibet before the signing' of the announcement ofl Secretary Taft the treaty is interpreted. as an act of in a speech 3 esterday. Touching good will, the purposty of which ix to the much talked-of Pacific squadron bi fagilitate an agreement. The Dalai ssid : "It is nobody's business whore CHARGED WITH FORGERY. S-------- : Philadelphia Man 'Accused of $38,000 Fraud. Philadelphia, Feb, 20.-Un™a war rant charging him with the forgery of un £30,000 check on a Quakertown, Pa, Bank. lewis §. Cox, aged sixty- three, an insurance broker, was ar rested after a struggle with two de teotives, : ! stationed in the [president or a hing made so much for on Real Estate Headquarters 5 k you want to buy or sell City / Pro) y to a : ly UR A. + GEO. CLIFF, EE who iy them. Ji | Pugsley -and Mr. Emmerson, of the "levery: sunscrvative: to: out "udrift from rule; better housed and fed, and it is a circumstance that is not at all gratifying. If the jails were Jess com- fortable there would be fewer people t the refuges were more conffortable--ior the infifm and poor, not the loafers and idlers=--they would: be just what théy ought to be, THEORY VS, PRACTICE, Some comuent' has been made - in the Commons upon the fact that Dr. dominion houséd; have gone to New Brunswick to take a hand in the local elections there, Is this a S * What, about that noiey fellow, Mr. Fowler, who has gone to Kings and talk ? What abbut the lean end hun- Jgvy Cassius, as Mr. Foster has been {called * He went to New Brusswick in the last Jocal and called on that noxious thing a coalition gov: ernment 2. ,° ek Croakett incident, in. the Liou '| would be impossible to secure further market in the United States, forced to abandon the right of way it Had purchased to Brantford, forced to give up the idea of establishing factories on the 650 acres it had bought within three miles of the falls, foreed to give up the Iuture business of selling pow- er to electric railways in Western On- tario, and put in a position where it ~Aevording to the authorities. it was not until' the death of Byron Thomas, ident of the Quakertown National nk, that the alleged forgery was disvavared, Other arrests are expect Cox, according to the police autbori- ties, admitted the forgery charged against him, and declared his action was taken with the knowledge of Dr. Joseph Thomas, president = of - the Quakertown National Bank, who died suddenly about two weeks ago. Cox further made the declaration that I'r. Thomas eut his throat, but this state financial aid and compléte the under- taking on. which ' already $5,000,000 had been expended. wife in. Switzerland, She i5 a Russian woman of noble birth, who, it has been declarpd, «penta large. portion of her fortune in aiding the Russian rovolutichary movement. Budget From Parham. Parbam, Feb, 19.-Rev, G, 0, Tee dennick wes unable to fill his appoint ments on Sunday, owing to the econ dition of the rounds. Mrs. A, C. Wag ar, who has been confined to her home since the early pert of Septem ber has fecoversd so she is able to take a short drive. Visiter: Mrs. J. Albert to fll the air with his loud | : Hs financial status being affected, I 4 if 7 ¥ i HH li ment is denied iy Thomas {amily and the family phvei- ein. ; was issued at the members of the § Bertrim, Napanee, at W. D, Bertrim's. Barney Suider at J. Goodiefiow's , Lena Lowry at her home ; W, Hara at William Goodiellow's; L. Killins, Mo Lean, school teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home. Miss Fuda Bertrim has returned home after ber holidays with friends at wasmith and Sydenham, Andrew Howes anders. Don Wagar are still Yery low. C. Godirey 'and W. D. Black have gone on a visit to Toronto. Vis- itor, at R. 0. Clow's, has come to stay; oa son. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Way ar, are at A. C. Waoar's, : A p------------ Sharbot Lake Doings. . Sharbot Leke, Feb. 19.---Mry. Blake: ly i= getting better. Invitations are out wor a ball on Friday evening. Miss Hattie Avery is visiting i a mn Ta ty et The warrant for the arrest of Cox instance of Byron Lama. the. raler of Thibet, who fled; these" battleships are going, provided from Lhassa when the British ander they keep to the oecan and don't in Cobo Nounghusband. entered. that city vade anybody's land. They are only in 1004, is expected soom at Wa Tai jon a practice trip" they are going to where there iv athe Pacific side of the country wher An envoy of the, we have a coast like nearly as long to Pekin amlias that of the Atlantic side, and it the is a proper mgasuré of training for 'our navy." in Shan Si province, Buddhist monastery. Dalai Lama has come has presented the greeting of Thibelan nation tothe representatives of the powers here, I ---- Grippe is sweeplag the ecouplry. Stop . lit with Preveatics before it. gets decpi- Call Rev. J. V. Smith {ly dented. To check early colds with Hamilton, Feb. 20.-Centennry Meth: | these little Candy (old Cure Tablets ix odist church has extended a call to]surely sible and sale. Preventics Rev, J. V. Smith, pester of Central|contain"no quinine, no laxative, no Methodist church, Toronto, to suceesd | nothing harsh or sickening. Poeumin- Rev, Richard Whiting, who goes to}is would never appear if early colds London at the end of his term hers, | were promptly broken. Also. good Rev. Dr. Smith was pastor of Centen-|for feverish children. large box," 43% ary Methodist church hefe twelve years tableta. 25e. Vest boxes © Be. ago Lewix Bryan, alia ilham Van Blaricom, aliss Maurier Long, acrus determined is aléo sometimes] od ~of trying to obtain wrongfully $516 from the Fanmers' bank, Belle ville, was rommitted for trial Beiog being mighty unreasonable and com- trary. : If You Sleep Poorly Read This ? Sleep is the golden thread that binds together the well bring of the whole system. Without sleep there ons be 80 esontinusnce of bodily or mental vigor --=gopd work becomes impossible. A poor sleeper is in great danger--some thing is wrongs perhaps digestion, bat soon enough the blood wil grow wat- ery, and snsemia will step in. Don't resort to narcotics cr slesping pow- derv--they are a curse. Go straight 10 to the cause of the trouble, Haild uo your worn out system, supply it with nourivament that Ferrozone contains in such concentrated form. There neve was a pour sleeper that Ferromome couldn't cure, It's Nature's plan "hatFerrozone wees, and that's why jt suc ceeds. Being en exhi ting, site gibening: tonic it gives eveistancs to thee digestion and. assimilation this means a lorge sepply of nourish- £3