MAKE YOUR OWN . COUGH CURE © AT HOME q i 04 The following recipe will give a harmless and eRictive mixture, which "has beef knowp fop\years by doctors and chemists to ole coughs. whoop ih, colds and bronchitis -- t Eicorice.. a Fact Cascara oz : O01. ox. oz. Take a dessertspoonful every two or thre€ hours, Children in propor- gion. ' You an buy the items separately and mig at'home at a small expense, =! eo « { TRAVELLING. REET: PTO RAILWAY I coaNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway -- LOW ONE-WAY RATES Daily, February 29 to April 29, $50 10/7" Points, Full PR, a Particulars at K. & P., Tleket Office, Ontario' St. F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway * New short lime for Tweed, N pra i oa To, boa 10 ON Agent DOR om x RAILWAY ILA LL Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition Toronto, 1Ont., Feb. 26th, to 28th. Tickets will be sold at BINULE PIRST- 5 ping on Tv y and Wednesday, . 25th snd 206th. Good peturning on or before Saturday, Feb. soth, ' Local Branch Time Table. DR oer leave and arrive at City . Foot of ohueon 'street, . GOING WEST. ¥ on: 1,2,8,4,5.6,7 w ther trains daily exce 11 teulars, ly to Jy BARLEY, "Agent, Cor," phason Ontario Sti LH INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY - Royal Mai! Trains * - From Montreal ge to Halifax ; CONNECTING WITH ~ Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax 'tc®Liverpool (anada's Famous Train THE MARITIME . EXPRESS MONTREAL Fridays, ut 13.00 | baggage and i To es EOIAL TRAINS carryisg rtm Tih lomo i 388, leave HALIFAX immediate the arrival of the steamer, for Otisws, aad ETS AND FURTHER IORETY Gales CRANE Ticket Office SAL St, James Sy at * | dence. "i Della Murphy NS OF NEGHBORS B ---------- WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US £ o-------- The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Leo Lake Locals. Leo Lake, Feb. 1%. ~John Marphy has purchasal a fine driver. Mrs. W. Bower returned home, last week, af- ter visiting friends in Lansdowne: Vie tor Fisher spent last week at Harrow- smith. Mrs. W. Seabrooke is on the sick list. Miss Evelyn Sutherland has returned, after an extended wisit with friends at Watertown and Adams, N.Y. The G.T.R. survevors have tak- en their departure, - until the spring opens. T. FE. Maxwell made a business trip to Ellisville, yesterday. Seeley"s Bay News. Seelev's Bay, Feb, 19.--0p Tuesday, 15th inst, a game of wckey was played, on the Seeley"s Bay rink, be- tween Lyndhurst and Sceley's Bay teams, aad resulted in favor of Secley"s Bay, bv 9 to 1. E. A. Put- nam is improving and is now able to get down stairs, Myw. J. Biglord is very ill with dropsy, and is in quite a low condition. John Moronghar who cut his foot with an axe, a few davs ago, is improving. B. Dillon, Ellisville, visited friends here the past few days. William Flood and Miss Earl, Oak Leaf, were married on Feb- reary llth, and since have taken up house-keeping at the cheese factory resi- Miss E. Rbodes, who under- went an operation: for appendicitis at the Kingston hospital, last week, is do- ing as well as can be expected. Toledo Presentation. Toledo, Feb. 18.--Miss McCrea, of Merrickville, is the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. James Edgar. O. McDonald spent Sunday in Portiand, William Burne, Smith s Falls, was the guest of James Morency, the past week: J. Speagle, of Westport, was in the vil- lage for a few "days recently. James Seymour, who has been seviously ill with pnewmonia, is now rapidly re covering. Thomas Murphy has sold his residence to James Gray. The members of the Methodist church' plea- santly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Johu- ston at their residence on Thursday evening by presenting Mr. Johnston with a handsome Morris chair and Mrs. Johnston with a rocking chair. The members took this occasion of bidding farewell to them, as they in- tend 16 move soon to Lyn, where Mr, Johnston has purchased a farm. The' evening was spent in games and music. News Frou Long Lake. Long Lake, Feb. 19.--On account of the, bad roads a week ago, the Lad- tes' Aid tea was poned. Hay has been selling in neighborhood at $20 per ton, and is being hauled away very rapidly at the price. There was no service in the Methodist church on Sunday on account of the rain which some of the swamp roads. M. ad Drew is busy drawing hay from here to. Mountain Grove. BE. Keating, on the sick list fof some time, is getting better. J. Cronk lost a valuable horse last week. I. Drew, ex-warden of the county of Frontenac, has gone to Toronto on business, Visitors are: Miss Myrtle Drew at Mrs. D. Good- fellow's, Parham; Master Alfred Charl- ton and Miss Veeley at James Love's; Mr. and Mrs. Byron and Miss Edith Cronls spent a few dais hére last week; Mr, and Mrs. Charlton and Mr and Mrs. R. Wagar at G. Drew's; -S, Thompson spent Sunday at Jacob Cronk's; Miss (. Reid and Miss Lena Drew spent Saturday evening at B. Charlton's; Mrs. Hill at D Cronk's; Mrs. A. Charlton and little daughter, Pear), at H. Drew's. Budget From Marysville. Marysville, Feb, 18. Miss Annis White was "Atv Home" to a mumbes " her friends on Friday night lust. iss Stella Campbell spent part of last week with friends atl Shacaooy ile, Simon Ford arrived here on Thursday of last week, from Toronto, to spend a few days 'with relatives. Miss Frankie Curry attonded the C.M.B.A. ball in Napanee on Wednesday night last. Mr. Barnes, blacksmith, has ve turned after visiting Verona. = Misses | and Maud Uronan left, this week, for Kingston, after spend ing a couple of weeks with Miss Annie ite. Misa Loretta Meagher spent a week with her cousin, b Meagher, Napance, and while there attended the bull on Wed- nesday night. : Belleville, spent a fow days recently with friends here. - Miss Annie Mec Alpine' returned home vn Saturday few days la a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. April lst. A number of the young yen who went to New' Ontario nt fall to spend the winter in the lumber eamps, returned 'home, last Saturday, not very well satisfied with their ven ture, STUBBORN CASE, Obstinate Ringworm Healed By Zam-Buk, The most troublesome and obstin: ate of all scalp trouble is Ringworm. Mrs, H, Girdlestone of 106 Kawdon street, Brantford, Ont, says: 'My daughter had ringworm very bad, so bad that 1 was compelled to have her hair cut off. 1 obtained a preparation from the druggisy to paint the sores, but iostead of curing the Ringworm dercloped into nasty "sores matterat- ing and swelling badly, | saw Zam- Buk advertised in the newspaper and immediately sent for'a box, After sev- eral applications. I could sce a great iunprovement, and us I kept up the Zam-Buk treatment daily the disease was soon checked, The nasty sores were thoroughly cleaned and healed, and all trdce of Ringworm banished from the child's scalp in a few weeks after commenciig with Zam-Buk, 1 canoot recommend Zam-Buk toe hig iy." Zoam-Buk cures cuts, burns, chapped hands«, cold sores, itch, ulcers, eczema, running sores, catarrh, piles, bad legs, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, ab- soesses and all diseases of the skin. Of all druggists and stores; 50c., or post- paid upon receipt of price, from Zam- Buk Co., Toronto. 6 boxes $2.50, FASHION'S FORM, niin Evening Mantle of Chiffon Broad- clothe | The drawing shows a very gracoful evening cloak of cloth the model being in lilac broadcloth, embroidered with blilae soutache intermixed with gold. The =outache was braided on the cloth and had the effect of a deep yoke, with a point on either side in the back, the front braiding extending in stole effect to the bottom of the mantle. Passementerie tassels trim- med the points on the back and fromt of the weap, and. the short Japanese sleeves, with plain revere finish of the cloth, had full under-sleeves of ecru fil- et and cream tulle lace, Dispel Aches And Pains. 'Phere is - nothing else to be had that will drive away aches, pains and soteness so quickly and help them away so surely as Smith's . White Liniment. It is the only remedy that never fails to. cure sprains, swellings, nilammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago and all deep-seated aches and fifa, Big bottles only 25c¢,, at fade's drug stored ) Mr. Carnegie's Wedding Gift. Atlanta, Feb. 20.-As a wedding gift for Miss Anne Wallace, the lbrar- jan of the Carnegie library at Atlun- ta, married to Max Franklyn How: land, of Boston, Andrew Carnegie de- posited $100,000 of bouds with the Home Trust company, of Hoboken, and has ordered that the interest on this sum be sent to Mes. Howland. -- I wish that | might talk with all sick ones about the actual cause of stomach, heart and kidney ailments. To explain in person how weak stom- ach nérves leads to stomach weakness I am sure. would interest all. And it is the same with weak hearts or weak kidneys. This is why my prescription --~Dr, Shoop's Restorative--so- prompt- ly reaches ailments of the stomach, heart and kidneys. It is wrong to drug the stomach or, stimulate the heart or Kidneys. 'ibese weak inside Restorative is the . only prescription made expressly for these nerves. Next to secing you personally, will be to "What To Do." 1 will also send sam- ji of my lestorative as well. Write the book to-day. It will surely interest you. Audress. Dr. Shoop, Box 8, Racine, Wis. All dealers. It's the virtues, pot the faults, of aur ancestors thiat most of us get into the limelight. of his subjects were up at auction, it is higtion if the devil ' make. a bid. wi © Cosmetics, injure _ the complexion. highest. types of lexion comes through the flood. Hol- Rocky Mountain Tea makes - , red blood; gives vou. that clear, nerves simply need mote strength. My} mail you free my new booklet entitled THE SPORT REVIEW. Interesting News From the Var-! fous Sperting Fields. Hackenschmidt and Goteh will wees, tle for the world's honors at Chicago] the first week in April, Boll: 1t all © down, nud the AX.Us! decision is : "This man Longboat reus | too fast for our men to be allowed as | an amateur." Toronto Globe ; St. Georges had the puck most of the time, but Hiscock's] magnificent display, snd the useful] work of the men ih front of him, kept them from scofing time after time when a tally seemed certain. Con, Hellerman, of Tomouoto, met six Brampton 'skaters in the mile raccat! the latter place, and bad no trouble! in winning by more than a lap. track was thirteen laps ito the mile." Toronto Globe : H St. Georges win the senior championship, says Manag- er * Shortt, they will jump at the chance to play Varsity for the Canas dian amateur honors, It is not pros bable that Kingston or Steatford would decline the issue were they dé clared O.H.A. champlons. i The five-mile dash at the Montreal ice races was won by Deveras, a Gane anoque entry, which, after racing un- der restraint in third and fourth posi. tion, came out from behind and won handily in the last half mile. The race had eight starters, among them Wani- ta, winner of the same event at Ot- tawn, and Conduct, holder of the five- "mile record of 12.30, made at Ottawa three years ago. , The time wos fair, 12.58}. : The Ottawa hockey team has 'pre- tested to Secretary Emmett Quinn, of the Eastern Canadian Hockey Lage, against the signing by Wanderers of Barney Holden, of © Wiguipeg Maple Leafs. Ottawa further stated that they will refuse to go on the ice if | Holden plays in Montreal on Wander- ers team on the 20th. The time for signing pew players by E.C.HL.A. clubs expired last Satutday, and on that day a statement was filed that Hol den had signed with. Wanderers. "This seemed all Tight, but it has developed that since signing" {olden has played a game with the Maple Leafs, a fact which Ottawa 'vonsiders has disquali- P fied him in the east. Ottawa Citizen: I Frank Patrick had followed the advice of the root ers behind him in the Ottawa-Victoria game, "Marty" Walsh would have been a candidate for the operating ta- ble, Some of the Victoria supporters kept yelling to Patrick to "chop Walsh's head off." "Marty" has a habit of getting in front of the nets when there is a chance for a goal land in Saturday's game he did this dozens of times. Walsh had Robinson sa wpervous that he couldn't stop a balloon amd Patrick and Kennedy fire also kept busy watching him. Pétrick played & clean game through out, but that he did not cut Walsl was no fault of the "bléacherites." Toronto Mail-Empire ¢ The primary cause of the visitors' failure to go the distance was atiribfitable to the fact that they were w&illiout the ser vices of their cack centre; Dernier who is laid up with an injured knee His absence necessitated the playing of their point, Powell, up an the line, o position in' which he céuld "nots ine and of Steacy, who is subject to heart trouble, at point. . Both gave out early in the game, and as a result the rest of the team had to do more tha their share of the work, a strain they werp unable to stand. The loss of Bernier was also felt in other ways Kingston says that they will have Bernier in the return game with the Saints, in Kingston, Friday. and that they will more than pull dewn the St. Georges' lead. Three goals, how ever, will take a lot of making up, so as things now-staad the local clib has excellent prospects of meeting Strat ford in the finals, COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in the Busines: World--The Markets. The profits for 1907 gf the Nova Scotia Steel company were $944,790. Toronto railway earnings the week ended February 15th totalled $63, 632.96, or $5,692.06 more than in the corresponding week of last year. The steel department. of the Lake Superior . Corporation during 1907 received in bounties from the domin- jon government $556,268. Of this amount $177,570 was on pig iron and BYTR,698 on steel, A very useful report just issued shows that in 1900 the railway mile age of the world was 367,000. Allow, ing conservatively for subsequent in- crease, it is safe to say, that it is now approximately 600,000, John I. Rockefélléy owas approxim: ately 25 per cent. of the stock of the Standard Oil company, so that his participation in the $15 a share dividend, declared recently, will be approximately ¥3,70m,000, Within the six months' period Mr. Rockefeiler will have received in dividends from the Standard Oil company about $6,250, 006, \ Over 1.000 yeirs ago Switzerland possessed a forest system, and had saveloped a scientific forestre. by the fifteen: century. As early as Louis XIV, France awoke to the fact that her foretts and her life were draining ther. But it was too late. she is spenging $34 an acre to he an The Judge's Turkey. During the Civil war in the United States, especially during the last often in | Quick Hurry- Out 677 Pillow Shams Here's an offer that should make the Ladiés sit up and take notice. Price wouldn't cover | the regulat¥cost, Bit a Swiss Manufacturer's Agent had the lot of Samples to clear. Our tempting offer secured it --incidentally making for you the best buying chance in many months, Dont' miss it. . Loveliest Designs in Sus Cat and Braid Embroidery Each one a different pattern. Some fine and dainty. Others in heavy rich and handsome designs. Regular prices were $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and 2.00 each, ; Owing to slight cuts in centre of each, made by the Customs Inspector, we were able to secure the lot at a remarkably low 35¢ each figure. These cuts can easily be mended so as to be SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW. hardly noticeable. Rush Price for Saturday Odds and Ends From the Great Sale will be cleared Saturday regardless of cost. We have a large number of odd lines in Dry Goods and Clothing, left over from the great sale, and they will be sold Saturday at 25 to 50 per cent. reduction. Come in and see the Price-tickets. The Montreal Stock Co. 180 Princess St. 180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. Phone No. 844 SOLD and USED EVERYWHERE in the Dominion, : Makes Baking Easy, Dependable and Economical, All Canadian Dealers Have It, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, E AW. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED Lo TORONTO, ONT. "Its Only a Cold, | A Trifling Cough." gp A Few More Bargains. Another lot of Men's Girls' $1.50 Viei Kid Tan Call Bluchers, ex- |} and Box Calf Boots, tra heavy sole, regular sizes 11102, On' $5.00. Just arrived | sale... | 1 uis week. On $3 4] About 100 pairs of Bays vires iigiis WU Boys' Every Day Boots, Onelotof Men's $5.00 | par 1 305, reg Gun Metal Bluchers, $i1 lar price $1.50. large nickel ! eyes. On sale §u, About 60 pairs of yes a4] Children's Fine Kid Men's $1.50 Working he ei 8 i § a Laced Boots, sizes 5, 6 Boots, sizes © to | 1] . About Suit Cases. #1 On sale dlc Onaale................ 40 pairs of Trunks, Valises apd | 4 to 7, regular 60ec. N00006L000000000 00000000 RURREs NT UINEtNRRARGCROOASROORDOROD and 7, regular 85c. 11. On sale........ bic 20% discount off all | Baby Boots, sizes - VOUS 0000OOROONNIOOTSE 0009000000000000000808 VEST RAVIRATN INI NINA NW OOVEINPITT CAN Gaouo oo ROO seoPsENGORS