IF PAGE EIGHD I et PEO OTR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. T BE " . -- -- -- " . -- ESTABLISHED 1859. THE 5P M.EDITION| PERSONAL MENTION, THE AGID-THROWE R STILL ANOTHER CHARGE, Movements Of The People--What| | Michael Devine Identified By They Are Saying And Doing. " gf Young Woman, GERMANY IS 10 BUY Mrs. Walter Telfer is visiting friends | BALTIMORE POLICE MAKE A youny English girl, about twenty " in Gananoque. IMPORT. « | vears of age, went to the jail on Wed- ", ANT ARREST. {nesday alternoon, and identified Mi- 1 ------ -------- le | YY John Stansbury, Jr, returned from MCKA' | } Cleveland, to-day. oy A chael 'Devine, ss the young man, who .. ~. ON BASIS OF AMOUNT PAID Stanley Cadenhead, Alfred street, y Believe They Have Man Who Has! some weeks ago, attacked her omithe street, Lg ane. . . seviously ill at his howe. Been For Several Years Fu RS PLUS ALL EXPENDITURE. Henry Watts, of York street, went to on Clothes! At present it is not known whether Cape Vincent on Wednesday. Wing Vitriol she will lodge a complaint against iss Mue Whitcombe, Barrie street, of Women and Girls. Devine, but at any rate, she will be 4 ois returned from Gananoque to-day. Baltimore, Feb. 20.--The police be-| called upon as' a witness when the Precautionary. Measure 'n Case Frederick Van Order, Victoria street, {lieve that in the capture of John | present charge against the yrisoner is Japan Should Be Irritated is visiting friends in Toronto. Krisgendorfer, a German, thirty-two | heard. On the night she was attack: When Deal is Disclosed. James oy Division street, is con-|yvears old, they have the "Jack the|ed, she had been at her home, to see satis, Feb. 20.~TIt is affirmed that fined to his home with a severe cold. |vitriol-thrower, * who for several years her father and mother. About 9.30 EXCLUSIVELY a erating ti between the | Capt. H. Doyle, York street, left on [has heen throwing acid on the cloth- | o'clock, in the evenihg, she left for {Washington administration and the | Wednesday to visit friends in Water- ling of young women and school girls | the home where she was employed, Ge over t Ger- town, N.Y. Ae in the streets of this city. When iden- |and when only a few blocks away HIGH-CLASS may will pirchune. the Phitippines on | Stanley E. Trotter, University ave-ltified by three girls he at first sald be | from her own home, she was attack- a basis of the payment of the amount [DUe, was able 10 be out to-day after {threw the acid and then denied it, His led by a man, who grabled hold of heretofore paid by the United States [his severe illness. - statements were so rambling and con-| her and endeavored td pull her into a as indemnity to Spain, plus all Ame- Sergt. W. McKeown, of the 47th Re- [flicting that the justice committed him laneway, The young woman screamed J ds since [Riment, has been appointed a pro- [for examination as to his sanity. and did her best to get free from the visional lieutenant. There have been thirty-three cases of | ruffian, and the latter them let go, Miss Apna Carey, Bagot street, has acid-throwing reported to the police in fearing no doubt, that some one had returned after three weeks pleasaut {the last three years. In most cases | heard the young woman's cry, and T a Squadron to Go to Manily As a rican expenditure in the i {the United States government took | possession of them. The fleet will go to Manila as a precautionary mea 3 | sure in case Japan should become irri- | Visit with friends in Ottawa. = the victims did not know they had | would come to her assistance, The @ y § tated when the deal is disclosed. The | Captain dnd Mrs. Lafferty, of King- [peen attacked until the acid burned | young woman hurried away, and the | United States will retain a coaling [$ton, are spending a few days in Ot-| through their clothing or ate into the| young man departed, and gave her station in the Philippines. It is ex- [tawa, and are guests at the Russell. | flesh through stockings or shoes. no more trouble. She was too badly i. plained that Germany's latest loan, William Naylon, Bufialo, arrived in © | frightened to continue her journey to, recently 'negotiated, is to provide the city to-day to visit his brother, MYSTERY VEILS DEATH. her employer's home, so returned to . . funds for this purchase, England's |Police Constable John Nayion, York her parents, and the next morning RROHORORCHORONOH be PR attitude is represented as non-conten- |Street, . - Body Found in Sound Bears No/ went to her work, 2 - ! . tious. Bhe would much prefer that Mrs. D'Arcy Scott, Ottawa, enter- Marks of Violence. The young woman mays that when =IN-- " Americe should retain the islands, tained on Tuesday at | bridge 3 for Patchogue, L.1, Feb. 20.--A mystery the man grabbed hold of her, he did but if sovereignty is to change, she girls in honor of Miss Frances Sulli- which may never be solved was dis-| bis best to frighten her, saying, "You 4 does not wish Japan to obtain a |Ven, Kingston. : . a .| don't know wha I 1 bad . foothold further south, which would | Daniel Enright, foréman at James| closed to-day. A body of a young wo | man. 9 am, J ama increase the immigration dangers and |Swift's, went to Watertown yesterday, | man was found floating on Joux = Nothing was said to the police troubles of Australia having received word of the serious |land sound at Mattituck, From the : ie ! Eh fact that the body was clad in gar- | About this cass until yesterday, and illness of his mother. k iT: x k ficer o p i v © & is BV. | ments of light texture, it is believed | then an officer called upon the young ACCUSED OF CHILD MURDER, ole 'o pon 3 of Miss E, i that it had been: 'in; the water for Woman, sug aeked her ¥ she would ' : ------ ' 3 ¢ w I 0 he Ja i "a » Ensign and Mrs Robert Booth spend the next two weeks in MeKin-| *peral {ucutha, that the 'woman com: | Prisoners a eg tu Opportunities to buy Linens and Cottons at who had 'attacked her, When the pris under market price came our way, We seized oner Devine was brought before her, : : : : " = sh Said that me oar ey hat them in a twin ling. Result is 'we have ex was the man, She knew him by. his ceptionally good values to offer you. A Watch that has bheem proper+ non's wholesale, Toronto, 5 Si . : ly repaired and properly cleaned Arrested. John N. Theobald returned from | mitted suicide by jumping {rom one of will certainly show better results ¥ | Rock Island, 11, Feb, 20.--Ensign Watertown, N.JY., vesterday. He had | the passenger steamers which ply the and wear longer jand . Robert Booth, in charge of been attending "the funeral of his | Sound, At first murder was suspected, Our workmen kre especially the Salvation Army post, here, were unt ho died i ni , hut a close examination of the bod 3 > ty veArs. e y in. skillet in this branch and we held by the coroner; accused of mur- " aD rm pat yd disclosed no marks which would indi-| 4 hair. And he had a red scarf on kv . dering their two-weeks-old son, found hed" seventy-five ? OBIE. Mea. Charles | cate that the woman had heen injured that night, too," said the ;jyoung Fine English Watches dead in their bedroom with a fearful : hms . 7. | by violenea, Th 1 ticle 1 woman.' { ! i H gush in hia necks Booth contends orris, Sharbot Lake, and Mrs, T.| Pw Violence, e only article found on Devine. Wore a red scarf at uy tie White Cottons or ome t Fine Swisw Watches. that the child ard 1} Austin Smith, Lyn, are daughters. ha body which may assist in its iden- of "his: 'arrest Saturd ight. th " an 0 child was murdered by an Ow Boxe. ie tificati p 1 silve ich at- rest on Saturday night, the 34 > 3 : Rev. W. A. Guy, formerly of Mac. |Hili%aton was a small silver watch at- 1, . : : i ; 3 Five American Watches p | unknown person, who left the door Honall's Corners, was in the city, to- | tached to a black head chain. The Popping , girl having mentioned it wing Cun Be roade to perform as well hg and i Ji ty Fazor on the table. 15,0 "0" ol to Regina, where he will | clothing bore no marks. The features | When giving description to the police. as when new. { he wile tells of a dream during the were unrecognizable. 8e, 10¢, 12iec, three special makes. night, that she was attacked by a , snake, which she killed with a knife. |*'gien tial a 4 BASKETBALL GAMES, ; The police have ad woo | Mrs. Oster, Colin Orford, of King- GREAT MA . Ma Co 0 man Filled ha th Sry lab Ye wo Stop, ond sud Syduey Huwaon, Si TEINORIAL TRUSY Capt. McCormick's Team Wins Out | dapolam ttons Spangenberg ity: The mother is eighteen years |W. Dawson's guests in Ottawa, for| SOUF-Mate" Bureaus Are in in Series. A very soft fine White Cotton, 12le¢, 15¢, old. Miss Dawson's wedding. : Many States, © | ID a fast game of basketball at the 18¢, 20¢, 25¢ : After fifteen years of successful work| Chicago, Feb. 20.--The Tribune, to- Y.M.C.A., on Wednesday night, Cap- : . JEWELLER HAITI EXILING SUSPECTS. : bribe : 4 . : #3 : tain McCormick's team defeated Cap v in the interests of Stanstead college, | day, says that a gigantic matrimonial m a a¥ N * ainsook Cottons take charge of 'a Presbyterian. mission : i the Rev. C, R. Flanders, B.A, D.D,, | trust, embracing all "Cupid hunters' | tain McCullough's team, hy a score of R il ad Wat 1 Deporting All Believed to Be in is about to retire from the principal | agency, was unearthed in the federal 17 to 9, and thereby win out in the 4 Aro; atch Revolution. ship and re-enter the regular pastor- |grand jury, yesterday. It was learned | intermediate series. Frederick Saun- 16¢, 20¢, 25¢. Inspector Kingston, Jamaica, Feb, 20.--Presi- [ate of the Methodist church, that evidence had been secured posi-|4€rs, was the referee and he gave en- : dent Nord Alexis, is exiling from Haiti] James Reid's ambulance removed tively proving that hundreds of "soul-| tire satisfaction, A good deal of jn- L C b - everybody who is suspected of having [another child of William Lewers, York | mate" bureaus, operated in every see-| Yerest has been taken in these games, onsdale am rics 0000000000 taken part in the late revolution [street, to the Ceneral hospital on | tion of the country, were controlled | 20d Some fair exhibitions hate Leen 2 Ea. 6 000000000000 there, Thirteen exiles, including three | Wednesday night. The child was sui- | by a Chicago and 8 New York man, |8iven. The standing now is as fol 12%e, 15e¢, 20c. British subjects and a Cuban, have [fering from scarlet fever, and is the [and possibly two other men. The gov-| lows : The Universal arrived here, second to be taken to the hospital | ernment's attorneys expect la brea Tear o los Royal Cambrics Pm Beyond admitting that President [this week, with the same disease. up the trafic and convict Capt. ThOTOPEOD boos wim: Alexis is moving actively against| Mrs. J. Taylor, Latimer, receiv ers, Capt. McCormick's wm... oud | 91 r 2 ely agi s yior, dathmer, ceived Coapte McCullought's cine md a - 10c, 12lc, 15e. F Cho J those who sought to overthrow his [news, on Thursday morning, that her : government they refusé to make any | young daughter, May, who has been 9 ood pper statement, The two British cruisers | attending K.C.1,, had heen removed HABITUAL TREATING. Louise School Beat Argos. Horrockses L | which were despatched to watch the |to the General Hospital, suffering . A very fast game of hotkey was # Works well, wears lly nk ing par ovelits in Haiti, have arrived at King: |feom a sore throat. Mrs, Taylor left {To Be Made a Corrurt Election/played on Royal rink, Wednesday af- Famous English White Cottons in Hhrough "ts Salt, on wat | ston, for her daughter's bedside at once, Practice. ternoon, between Louise school and 4 gH Vegetables, Fruit. GRINDS Cocoanut, Mrs. Archibald P, Christmas, of {c Toronto, Feb, 20.--Under the new |the Argos, and was won by the school different qualities. Horvereddinh, iauita, Buty jut Suge To Recover Bonus:s, Montreal, received Tuesday afternoon, |election bill now, before the legisla- |Po¥%, 1 to 0. The game was fast and Walouts asst hundreds of other thingy. Montreal, Feb. 20.-Longshoremen [for the first time since her marriage at | tue, habitual treating is to be made |Yery strenuous at times. The follow- have taken seventy actions owing to |her residence, 432 Mount Stephen ave- |, corrupt practice. In a cause some |"F Wes the: lineup 3 . : 3 ! 3 Louise school--Goal, Toland; point, 'All for 1 25 failure to pay them the honus of two | nue. She wore her hridal gown of| years ago, in which ah attempt was 7. Healy ot. W, 11 gra 2 . and a hall cents awarded them last {white embroidered net, over satin, and | made to unseat Dr. Routledge, the [1+ 188%; cover, W. caly; rover, Me- English summer, when rates were raised from [was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Wil- member-elect for Bast Middlesex. the Reusie; centre, Williams; wings, Booth Hundreds of people have enjoyed the twenty-five to twenty-seven cents. As kinson, Kingston, who was gowned in| court held that as Dr. Routledge was and Bird, al Hols : int. H Universal 'Bread Maker. Why spt ge | the steamship lines have only agencies champagne voile, and also by her iy the habit of treating before he be- Wein n er ee man; poin y an one--4 loaf simo, $38 loaf size, $2.50. |here the matter is somewhat compli- (mother-in-law, Mrs. T, H. Christmas, | came a candidate his continuance of | Sods der a igi ® cated, and if the longshoremen win i Wore binck, silk, Mes Hency the habit afterwards did not consti Ea ie older; wings, Oryant and Me- eeting the actions they have expressed a de- | Christmas poured and Mrs. il | tute Sora ctice. T roo = ee " i ; Sold ouly at. termination to libel te roancls of the liam Christmas the cofiee, and Mrs. a in afl $0 The pron ed B. Muckler made an efficient relerce. . ari . ounitg Charles McDunnough, the bride's sis-|ghie 13 : bias 3 WwW A Mit.chell's. ition, panies Bi the opening of an in ot the Jack, They | this hind, Hope To Retain Cup, Twilled or plain, in different widths, ® . -- were assisted in serving hy Mrs. Popular Express A The Regiopolis hockey team had a sw oo nti . y ralue : : E ) gent Dead. OF u at exceptionally good values. Called To Manitoba. Charles Ross, Miss McDunnough and Bor vill Ont. Feb. 20.--Alex-| 800d practice at Rockwood rink on £ ally g » » . oo | Wediiesday might, «The téam is show Bt. Thomas, Feb, 10,--Rev, J, H.|Miss F, Hyman. ander Kenneth McDougall, agent of |. "0 i : -- mn Courtnay, this city, has accepted a the Canadian Express company, is a fine form and will be alert for the call to Knox church, MeGregor, Man, TTT All Next Week. tend, of uetinonia, in his Torys To Ne od ane Sniat City Lengde. 1 . at a salary of $1,200, and will leave! «op ' " eth year. He was agent for 'the cup hn ¢ T b L for there yo Monday. He is president | ¢ "he Swiichuan's Baugh, bus G.T.R. at Newtinville same six years hope 10 do it again this season. a e mens of the Canadian Club here and was ct s presented eo | 880, at the time that a collision oc- it x iotyv formerly pastor at Port Stanley, edi- Has SDT -- curred by which two trainmen - were - Not AbleTo Play. ; . "An great VR¥ic ty. tor of the St. Thomas Journal and night by the Wilbur Stock company. killed through mistaken orders. A It is not at all Jikely that Bernier high chief ranger of the 1, 0. F., in Every ovening a different play will large requisition in his favor was cir- will play against St. Georges on Fri T bl N kin . Central Ontario, be presented {rom the company's ox calated by business men in this town, day night, He was examined on Wed- a c ap 1 S - Guild Denies Candidacy. tensive repertoire, One distinguish asking for his appointment as agent nesday, and it was found that he Ext yd value Washington, Feb. 20--In a state | Engineer At Belleville. ing feature of 'the appearance of this here for the express compuny, His] was suffering from water on the knee. LWXUra good value, ment issued after bis visit to the Belleville, Feb. 20.1. H.Armstrong, company of players in our city is the wife died four years ago. and now five mains White House, Gov. Curtis Guild, of | an engineer of the public works de presence of Madame Flower, known as children are orphans. He was popu- To Curl Here. ' i 'owels tMusgichnsetts, who hans been men partment at Ottawa, is here, having |the "Bronze Melba," who by het may. {lar among business men. He was! Two Belleville teams arrived, to-day, tioned as a candidate for vice-presi- | hoen gent atthe request of the harbor | vellous singin captivates her audience | buried, yesterday, with Masonic hon-{to play curling games. Two rinks . : dent on a ticket with: Secretary Talt, | sommissioners 10 look over matters | wherever she Ee appeared. The plays | o™: played this afternoon and two rinks 30 different makes to choose from. denied that there has been any deal | iy connection with measures for the [to be presented here ars all new and play to-night, of that Kind between him and the war relief of winter floods, include such bills as "A Son of Vie Can Vote On The Stock. "mecrotary. : Bm inia," "The Hour of Eleven," '"The{ Chicago, Feb. 2.--E. H. Harriman, Elliott To Referee. : Messrs. W. J. McGuire & Co., secur- | Fatal Step," "On Russian Soil," "A | to-day. gained a complete victory in| "Chaucer" Elliott, athletic manager 3 This Lot For $1.50. ed a verdict for 8600 against the [Boy of the Streets," and "The Pris- the Illinois Central litigation, which lof the M.A.A.A., arrived at noon and 22 Tbs: best granulated sugar, $1. Cobban Manufacturing company, To- |oner's Sweetheart." has been in the superior courts since | will referco the I4th-St. Georges game 1 Ih. #0¢. Japan or black tea, 40c. |ronto. last October, Judge Ball dissolvingion Friday night. "Chaucer" is ack- 1 Ih. 40e. pure Java coffee, 0c. 4 "Ye old-fashioned" horehound candy, | Marine Tidings. the temporary injunction granted te}nowledged to be the best referee in the Total $1.80, : the strong kind, at Gibson's Red Cross | 1vis & Sons ave building a steam- | Stuyvesant Fish by - which 286.23 ljusiness, and the spectators will he 'For only $1.50, at Mullin's grocery. |drug store. 'Phone 230. vacht for Stanton Bros, Hamlet, shares of stocks were enjoined from | gure of good hockey. It is not known Th CL -------- P. H. Jenkins, founder of the firm Patton Lake, 'Muskoka, and a . tug | being voted at the annual meeting of fwhether "Chaucer" will he attired in i For husky throats Linseed, Licorice fof B. & T. Jenkins, of Toronto, died [for Millet & Co., Magog, Que. the Illinois Central railway company. {the same attire that the Montreal pa- Hons Tl 5c, per § Ib. 'at lat Montreal, Next week, the work of makina aaddi- | This stock, which was hold by the Un-lpers have advertised so extensively or 24 v's Red Croas drag store. Phone | Bitter oranges, second lot received [tions to the steamer Mississquoi will jion Pacific railway company, and the [whether 'he brought up one of Marty at Carnovsky's, c,, 30c,, 40c_ dozen. (begin. The hull is to be widened. Railroad Securities company of New |Walsh's sweaters, meer. | Capt. Noonan has the contract of | Jersey City, can now he voted at the placing about thirty-six additional | avnual meeting which will be beld in Leit For I Fang Sights slong the stump Dowtions this city, £8 I sland, tou go . ighlts w t- . 2 d den, 3 " i i . Shum - N of the dean. Thee lights will great sen haria. lice Tomes, leit, to-day, at noon, on a I. Hidden Wealth Of 8 . trip to Freland, his old land, and will ", , 20.--A Siberianibe absent six weeks, He left vi . { The Late Mrs. Herbison. St. Petersburg, Feb, 20.-A_ he an h ia |, St h E Sh Rev. Robert Herbison, pastor of St. | PAPE states that the iidhivante of the C.P.R., and will make the trip. oC mpress 0es Giles" Prest Udsky district at the extreme north of [across the ocean on the steamer Ban > church, Toronto < . . . | Primorya accidentally discovered re- lpress of Ireland. At the recent meet. ; Bath af bl mts re Heicgn | Zot the mountaes of he ele go ho pois commisiners Se. The Lockett Shoe St had been ill for some time, but of Shantar. very. vich veins. of iran |Sn was granted leave of abmence, t e ore. y h quartz, and copper, aod. in Bome| His many s express -the wish : places. sulphur, In the eastern pert of | that his trip may be a most pleasant : oe. ae land ote lo She f no a the fore: ol the ol. 0 FINES © " . A . > * Anal mitictol water. The Siberian pac [absence Seryt. Nesbitt will. do night] | For comfort, for durability combined with at- per in question laments that theses the oldest member on duty tractive shapes these Shoes for Ladies casily stand ; finds gount for mothing, as" Russia | y time each week, will act without a rival i us 4 : put | B88 no capital wherewith to work|ds sergeant. Constable Arnel will he * iw that this atiembon ho aus much het ther. - ; Oxford Shoes High Lace Shoes ter. He is at the B Dieu. Trying To Save Ano os - Re Montres!, Feh. 20.--A desire Wigs On The Green. - ' to save an prompied is rumored that action is to be $2.50 to $4. $3 to $5 : - + | George : taken against a'citizon on a charge ; ' of personation in Monday's election in Frontepae ward. Those named as For recommendation, ask anyone who has house | "prosecutors" say they have not de-] | worn them. cided on any action as yet. MH © one Obe Joockett . 8 is promised, J