_ PAGE TWO. vo. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1908. * FURNITURE and ~ CARPET SALE } " 1 Get ready for Spring PARLOR SUITES. New designs, new covers, best work- ieuship, two $90 Suites, reduced to $67, over BU styles to chouse from. Immense variety, newest designs and patterns. CURTAINS. Iu Lace, Brusscls Nett, Tapestry, Silk, Nelour, ete, nll reduced, CARPETS, Wilton, Axminster, Hrusscls, ele. Hepuir work promptly done. xouns, T, F, HARRISON CO : W j® ---- Our Wire Mat impor-' tation from Germany has arrived. The Mats are suitable for inside or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any weather. We Have All Sizes - AR. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. BL Se WIT Bs Public Securities. UNDERLYING BONDS OF ESTAB- : LISHED PUBLIC UTHATY CORPORATIONS, pilfered at attractive prices, W. GRAHAM BROWNE & 00., OND DEALERS, MONTREAL. Queen's Play Varsity in To- ronto This Evening--Three Queen's Teams Went to Torom- to. What promises to be one of the best hockey matches ever pulled off here, will be played to-night, when the 14th and St. Georges will meet to decide the champiopship of the eastern dis trict of the senior O.H.A. series. visitors have a lead of three goals, but the locals hope to be able to put it over them as they did before. These two teams have played three games this winter, and have sebred twenty- eight goals each, thus showing how evenly thie two teams are matched. The spectators are sure - of a good clean exhibition of hockey, as "Chap- cer" Eliott will not stand for any- thing else, and the teams are iy nate in "ggouring him. The sale of seats {br tonight's match is very large, aud a big crawd fis expected. Queen's For Toronto. Queen's | left, at noon, to-day, for Toronto, aceompanied by 8 large number of supporters. They will meet Varsity, to-night, in their final game of the semior Ilutercollegiate series. The boys are going to try bard to re- peat the od 4 of last year, and de- feat the Toronto team on its own jee. The teams will" line up ax follows : Bennett, goal; Macdonnell, point; Pen- nock, gover; Campbell, rover; Craw- ford, centre; Dobson and George, i 1 The basketball team also accom- panied 'them. The second team went along and will meet Varsity II on Saturday. It has a lead of two goals to pull down to win the round, and ix going to try hard to do it. The team will line up as follows : Donahue, oal: Hazlett, goin Lockett, cover; Seikie, centre; Roberts and Beaton, wings. The cadets have a fine open air rink constructed on the ice, and the second team is working hard every day in wepardtion for its coming game with Jarsity 11 ---- Final Junior Gam: The final game in the first round of the jumior city league was ho be slaved at Zion rink, this alternoon, Bone o'clock, between Collegiate 1 and Regiopolis 11. The teams are: K.C.1--Workman goal; Ackroyd, point; Cooke, cover; La Rush, rover; Goodearle, centre; Reid and Minnes, wings Regiopolis--Doyle, - goal; Lovett, point; Coyne, cover: Grattan, rover; Manly, centre; Davidson and Sullivan, wings. The winners will play St. the championship. James for K.C.I. Want A Game. The K.C.1 team are hk Wi range a game with # or with the Harmony Club. The K.C.1. boys have a fast team and would give Queen's a good run, -- Harmony Team Won Again. The Harmony Club team again . de- feated Arts on Zion rink, on Thurs day afternoon, the final score being. 8 to 7. The game was fast and strenuous in parts. For the winners, Thompson, at' point, played a - star game. ar- oe -- Operas Beat Druggists. A last game of hockey was played, last evening, by the Grand Opera House and Druggists teams on the Royal rink. The ice was in splendid condition. The score was a tie, 3 to 3. The lineup wax as follows: Opera House--Goal, A. Woodrowe; point, R. Summerville; cover, F. Don- nelly; centre; W. Little; rover, J. Hackett; wings, L. O'Neill and <M. Hyland. : : Druggists--Goal, W. Comper; point, ¢. Smallridge; cover, G. Woodrowe; centre, N. Davy; rover, R. Ohlke; wings, W. Bird and F. Evans, Umpire--Les: Ryan. -- Accident On The Fort Hill. There was another large crowd at the Fort Hill, on Thursday night; and a fine time was put in by all present. A young lady student was thrown off a toboggan and had her left ankle badly sprained. She was taken over to the RM.C., where her injuries were attended to. Sporting Notes. The United States siating cham- pionships will be held at Verona Lake, N. Y., on Saturday. Picton claim they can score enough in' the return gome on Friday night to win the round, but on their show- ing in Toronto, it lvoks an impossi- bility and @ win for Saint Michaels in Picton would not be sarprisinig sued . | Dumas, Bowie and = Patrick of the Victdkis club to handle the Shamrock-Ottawa game nekt Saturday. Yale s defeas of Harvard in the ln- tercollegiate hockey lPague series gave the Klis the championshyp for the even terms with the Cambridge boys in regard to championships won since the lengue was organized in the win- ter of 1899.19, Yale and Herierd have cach won four championships. The record of previous winners stands: 1900, Yale; 1901, Yale: 1902, Yale: 1903, Harvard : 1994, Harvard; 1900, Harvard 1906, Harvard ; 1907, Princeton; 1908, Yale. Toronto Star: Hiscock is entitled to all the credit that is going. -He made some marvelous stops and clear- ed even with men right on top of him. Once Smith hung him up on the back of the net feet Lrst, but the Saints didn't score. YVanhorne was a tower of strength to the soldiers in more ways than one, though on a rash he usually took the overland route, ahd Sport Smith had an cspe cia] delight in shuntivg him into the corner with a sudden stop and a for. tissimo smash into the boards. George also handed out some of the same medicine to the St. Georges, so it was just a case of tit for tat, though it hurt worse than it sounds. "Jimmy" Richardson helped the Saints g whole lot. He travels on the Hughic rahe airline, with a hop, step, and a jump, and stick-bandling extraordinary, but he gets there, and that's what counts in hockey. His rushes in the conclud- ing passages went a long way "towards making this narrative pleasant 1ead- ing for the Saints, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up 8y Reporters On Their Rounds. Gold-filled eve glasses, complete, for $1.50, at Best's. received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778, Messrs. Claude Scouton and Edward Stokes went to Watertown, vesterday. Ice cutting has been commenced for Rockwood asylum and Fisher's brew ery. Rev. C. versary Sunday. Bibby 's $2 hats are swell. Papering, do it pow and save mon- ey. Fraser's, 78 William street. A. Lasher, visiting friends in this city, returned home to Watertown, on Thursday, E. K. Wood and wiie, of Ardendale, left, on Thursday, on a visit -to Chau- mont, N.Y wy] Bibby's #2 hats are wonders. A Miss Bertha McCabe, Pine street, is visiting Mrs. Collins, - Belleville, for a couple of weeks. Wall paper, the latest and best de sigus, at Fraser's, 78 William street. iss Alice Higgins, Conway, is vis- iting her brother, Charles Higgins, Princess street. See Bibby's swell $1 shirts. The schooner Dupdee is tied up by sheriff at Toronto, and is likely to be sold for $469 of debt. A. Sykes will preach enni- sermons in Smith's Falls, on Chickering's. . Leave orders at, Anley's Book Store: Mrs. Gearge A. MeDonald, Kings- ton, 'is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Allen, Smith's Falls. Charles Andrews and W. F. Winter, former Kingstonians, are in a com: pany owning a large orange grove in Mexico. Sea Bibby's good one dollar shirts. Clarence Emberly arrived home, at Yarker, from Kingston, previous to departure for New York, where he has secured a position. He is-a graduate of the Kingston Business College. WILL STORM THE COUNCIL. If Ald. Carson Doesn't Drop His Chicken By-Law. The housewives are still agitating against Ald. Carson's poultry by-law. They strongly object to having the entrails drawn as well as the feet ve- moved, There is no necessit~ for either, they say. Just cut off the heads and that iz all that is neces: sary. One lady says: "Ald. Carson is not a cook and, therefore, doesn't know the danger the by-law would do. Do tell him to withdraw the measure, or I'll organize a regiment of women to go down to the city vouncil cham- ber at the next meeting and make a big demonstration. There would eer tainly be wigs on the green that ge fhether Ald. Carson will have the bravery to ask for a second reading of his by-law is to be seen, If he does, he may need police protection. Our adviee to him is to leave the chickens and hens strictly alone, or more than their heads may come off. -------- The Count Of Monte Cristo. Will bo presented at Wonderland Friday and Saturday, this The manager has finally wonderful action, by the famous French author, Alexander in aotmated pictures. This story has probably enjoyed as univer sal popularity, as any subject of pure fiction, written in any language. In the present age of animated picture s, it only remained for this won- | creation of the French wizard year 1908 and also placed them | on} William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | H. Cunningham, piano: tuner from Me THERE 15 40 DEGASION TO WORRY OVER THE GAS hb ---- Until It js Complete--J. M. Camp- bell, it is Said, Had Expert Advice About the Concrete Specifications Criticized, Alderman Toye, ex-chairman of the Light, Heat and Power committee, says there is no occasion for the city eoun- ¢il to worry over the cement founda. tion wall of the new gas tank. The wall is not complete, and when it is there will be time enough for eriti- cism. J. M. Campbeil is responsible for it, and knew what he was doing when he had the specifications pres pared. It is understood that Mr. Campbell consulted with a gas and concrete expert before the specifications were prepared, and that they advised and approved of the present type. of concrete wall for the tank. The city council will, no doubt, hear all about it at its next meeting orn March 2nd, and its "experts," Alder- meri McCartney, Graham and Nickle, will have a chance to measure swords with the more experienced experts who are involved. Perhaps Mr. Campbell has something up his sleeve, and in the meantime is only laughing at those who attacked his specifications. The discussion of the matter should be very interesting, The city looks to Mr. Campbell or a first-class gas holder, and no doubt he'll see that it gets such a holder, He couldn't pos- sibly afiord to saddle an imperfect gas tank upon the city, The ex-chairman of the light plant committee says that Mr. Campbell will see that the eity gets a good tank. The concrete work cannot be completed until the warm weather comes. AT THE POLICE COURT. Contractor Was Summoned Before the Magistrate. Charles Barber, a contractor, was summoned before Magistrate Farrell, this morning, charged with neglecting to secure from the city engineer, the necessary permit for the erection of a house. Barber said that he bad filed his plans with the engineer, but he did pot do this until yesterday, after he bad been served with a summons by Acting Sergeant Arpiel. trate imposed no penalty, on account of his having complied with the by- law. Contractors must comply i this by-law, and all guilty parties will Le summoned: to count. A first-appearance drunk was given a chance. . ee eem-- AT THE JAIL. Eleven Prisoners in Big Stine Building. Ag a result of the recent removals to the Central prison, there ure now only eleven 'prisoners_.in the jail, tem males avd 'one female. All of the Cen- tral prison prisoners have now been removed, It was expeeted that some of "them would be compelled 10 spend the most of = their term in the hil here, but room 'was made for them at the Central, the term of many of the inmates there having expired quite re- cently. oe ) -------- Call and inspect D. E Fraser's stock of wall paper, it's the best. 78 Wwil- linm street. Phone . Wine of cod liver oil (tasteless), re- gular $1 bottle for 50c., at Best's. ya EAE Just 28 Alaska Sable Muffs Left. To Go at . Deep Cut Prices on Saturday. These are all full fuered, well-made, genuine a Sable Muffs, made in the empire (flat) shape. are three lots at three differcat prices--here they are : (Lot of 7 Mulfs.)--These i well furred oud uatups . ly an oe vale at S10 scadll. Surprise Sale price $7.80. (Lot of 9 Muffs.)--These are just a grade better and i larger than the first 7 price $12 and 813.50. Surprise Sale price The magis- with EE ---- CHARMING GRACE MERRITT. Matinee and Night Pericrmance, Saturday. If royal "Mary Tudor was a prin cess as charming asx Grave Merniti portrays her in Ernest Shipman's gor- geous production of "When Raight hood Was In Flower," which comes to The Grand ou Saturday, February 22nd, matinee aml night, then small wonder that Charles Brandon should have risked his plebeian head to win her. And by the same token, if Bran- don was a cavalier as courageous aud chivalric as Joseph Selman wakes 6a GRACE MERRITT, him, what excuse has history to offer for overlooking persons so engaging ? Surely, any modern Mary would bar- ter royal power tu wed so brave 4 wooer--surely any twentieth century Brandon would renounce kingly favor "to have and to hold" so sweet a maid. For though customs and cos tumes may change with the centuries, fair women and brave men, even in these prosaic days of King Edward, will, on the altar of love, make the same sacrifice they did in the more romantic times of Henry Sth. All Next Week. - "The Switchman's Daughter," will be the initial bill of the Wilbur Stock company, which will appear ut The Grand for a weck"s engagement next Monday evening. It the aim of Mr. Homan to give a quality of per formances equal to-the high class at tractions. In this he has succéeded, as the press criticisms, which have been received where the company has appeared will attest. All the plays to be presented hewe are new to the theatre-going public, at popular prices. High class vaudeville will be introduced between the acts and dur- ing the action of the play. Mr. Ho- man- has secured the same from the Keith and Proctor theatres, the best possible to be obtained. = An - Ontarid Embalmers' Council. R. J. Reid will go to Toronto next Tuesday to join a depltation of On- tario undertakers and emhalmirs, who will . wait upon . the Outario. gosern- ment to urge the pesaage of & Lill for the formation of #n undertakers' and embalmers' association, with powers similar to those of the Cut rio Medi cal Council. The objet of the move is to put the embalming busmiss on a better basis, and to requir: the regis- tration of evervone in the husincgs In this way ineompeteuts would io the future be kept out, zs hireait r those desiring certificates would . bate to pass the examination of the proposed Ontario council. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. J. J. Bingham, CC. GC, York; C. M. Murray. R. E. Flemming, A. 8. Growit E, F. Bradley, CC, M. Mwray, C. J. Lamount, Toronto, J C. Peirson, Hamilton: Harry H. Con- klin, Thorold: A. M. Cleveland, Sher brooke; Daniel Smith, Maynooth: t P. Webster, Ottawa: James A.-Thomp- son, South Lake; H. I. Coulter, Op: illin; C. H. Hammond, Brantford : H. E. Bloteh, A. W. Morden, Montreal Jd, Porin, I'. Porin, F. Quick. J. A Kerr, 8. W. Vermilvea, F. Fish, A. P Allen, W, J, Gook, Belleville, Eager, New Help Your Digestion. When you do this you are protecting the very Mundation of health. MH you have any symptoms of dyspepsia or indigestion, remove the trouble at once hy using Day's Dyspepsia Cure, Prompt and certain in results This preparation has Digestive, Ton- ic and Laxative propertics. Each bot- tle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store. Made A Good Sum. A pleasant entertainment was held in St. Andrew's church hall, on Thursday evening. The concert and sale was under the auspices of the Juvenile Guild and in aid of their ward in the general hospital. The congregation and friends responded well to this good cause. «ale of camly, cakes, and home-made articles was held in the hull, and afterwards a concert was given, by the children, seenes Troms "A Fee inWonderiand™ be- ing pat on. Quité a neat sum was realized by the venture. Pleasant Cough Curing.) The Diamond Cough Remedy is plea- sant to take and is thus especially de sirable for childrer. Contains so opiates, the dose is small, the effect prompt and sure. You con depend up- on it for the cure of coug! colds, sore throat amd boarseness. Te. at Wade's drug store. Met With Accident. White practising basketball, the Y.W.CA rooms, lndt eveping, "WR Jiss Caines, Earl street, the misfortune to break her right collar- botie. Dr. Compbell was called to wt the b As a result of ibe mishap, Miss Caines will not be Ho play in the return game with the Lanano- que girls next Tuesday night. DONG GRAD. WORK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. An Interesting Report Was Pre- sented By the Agent--Th» Officers Elected For the Year. The annual meeting of the Children's Aid society was held Wn the police court room at the city hall hall, dt 4:30 o'clock, on Thursday afternoon. Mayor Ross presided, and others' pre sent were: Mixes A, Chown, Miss E. Muckleston, Miss Machar, Mrs. J. B, Mowat, Miss Beaton, Mrs. Ros<, Miss Cottle, Miss Ronan, Rev. Prof. Laird, Rev. NM. Macgillivray, Rev. D. Laing, Rev. Mr. Boyd, Archdeacon Macvmhor- ine and 'Rev. D. MacCallum. In opening the mecting Mavor Ross took occasion to refer to the good work carried on by the society. | He was very much pleased to have the opportunity of attending the amwal meeting, so as to hecome acquninted with the work whith wax bewmg cas ried on. He promised the: members his earnest support. _.~ The president, Rev. Prof. Land, spoke briefly, paying a warm tribute to the work done by' the society's agent, Rev. D. MaeCalthus © Good work was lwing accomplished, "and he hoped for still further interest in the work. The ladies did noble work as well as the agent. Regarding the finances, there would be ) from the city council. The county council" had aiso been asked for support, but as yet there was no report as to what would be forthcoming. The president referred to a report of the county of Grey and Owen Sdwnd, stating that it received] a grant of #100 from the county council, 0 from the city council and, in addition to this, there was a public subscription list. In Kingston it was not desired {0 make the burden a very heavy one, but with a larger income much more work could be done. An interesting report of the work of the past vear was presented by Rev. D. MacCallum. He referted to. the traancy cases disposed of in the police court, and also spoke of the children under the care of the society. There were twenty-six children béing cared for 'and mostly all of these are in foster homes and doing well. He had visited all of them last summer, and xas vory much pleased with what he saw and heard © about them. . There was a fair prospect of all of them turning out to be good citizens. Seve- ral complaints had been made to the society regarding the treatment of children. All of these bad heen myes- tigated, and disposed of in the best way possible. In SOme cases the res ports were found to, have been ex aggerated, and "in others sufficient ground was not found to take the cases before a police magistrate. Some juvenile cases had been attended to in the police court, and several cases in the country had also received care ful sattention." Much more good could be accomplishéd if arrangements were made for the agent to visit any part of the couhtry' WE If Kas y In Gananoque, where a society was very much needed, the agent had paid a visit and explained. to. the workers how thé society carried on its work in this city. Regarding the different cases a good deal of the trouble had been caused by strong drink; Rev. D. Laing moved fhat' a Vote of thanks bo tendered Rey. Mg. Mae Callum for the valuable servives © he bad rendered. This resolution was seconded by Miss Machar,. and car ried by a unanimous vote. In regard. to the finances, Rev, Macgillivray asked what would weeded, and whether or hol the work was hampered through lack of funds Rev. Prof: Laird explamed that the work was delayed somewhat on this account, for lack of funds to adver tise. He referred to the suse of a boy, for whom a home wae desired. There was much correspopdesce over it, but when an advertiefilent was placed in the newspapers, three applications had been received inside of forty-eight hours Mavor Ross said that the idea had got abroad that a great deal of the charitable worl®these days was being carried on for the immigrants "It is not =o in our case," remark- ed Rev. Prof. Laird On motion of Rev. Mr. Macgillivray, Archdeacon Macmorine the following officers wern plected President-- Rev. rol. A. Laird Vice - presidents -- Rev. "A¥ehuléacon Macmorine, Rev, Douglas Laing, Rev, Canon Cook Treasurer-- Dr Solicitor; Nedretan Callum Committee--Mre., Mowat, Ross, Mrs. Aird. Mrs. Gill, Misses Machar, Offord, Muckleston, Ronan, Cottle, H Chown, Beaton, Connor, Allen, Davidson. Rev. J. Charles Vil liers, Rev. W. H. Sparling, Rev. H. PD. Whitmore, Rev Black and B. W Before adgournment, which was reached shortls before six o'dock, Rev. Prof. Laird thanked Mayor Ross for presiding atthe meeting. He said that he had extended an invitation to all the members of the council to be present. : A Coin Of 1707. Mrs. John H. Mills, Princoss street, has in her possession sowe rare old coins collected Ly bar late husband, Une of them i» a large English penoy, bearing date 1707, and with dhe one Me be seconded by 8S. WW. Dyede M. Macdonnell and agent--[Rev, h.C D. Me Mes, BD Robertson the reverse is a bust of King George, with the wording, "George 111. D. 6, Res." This coin, now over 200 vesrs old, is the most ancient hesrd from to date Mrs Mills hae snothir Eng lish coin, sbout the size of a Cong: dan cent, bearing date 1723. The dates in the above cass sre very divtinet. G.T.R. Chénge Of Time. Commencing. Sundyy, February 23rd. Train. Ni #i¥ leave King- ston city, at 12:35 noon, instead of 1 dpm. This trgin'will make connections wi A CR. at Brockville, ar- riviee at Ottaws, £30 pm, daily, cept Sunday. ee -------- , 2 dozen for 25¢. Edwards Suilry = Canon Starr, J. RF word "Britannia." on the margin: On] SILVER DEPOSIT WARE. Is the applying of "Pure Silver' in lacy flower-like de- signs, to the surface of specially prepared iridescent glass and China. The novel. ties are all new consisting of Vases, Violet Holders, Flow er Baskets and Colognes. Nothing is prettier as a | filt and the prices are very moderate. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Cape Ban = A NICE SET OF FURS is a most desirable possession these wintry days. We can give you your choice of a very handsome Muff and Scarf in almost any of the popular shins, to clear out at SUMMER PRICES, WwW, F. GOURDIER, Exclusive Furrier 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone, 700, WASHING WITHOUT WATER Like Trying to Get Rid Dandruff Without Herpicide. Did you ever see anvone trying wash "themselves without soap water ? , If vou did what would say of him? It is every bit as foolish to try to get rid of dandruff and prevent baldness by feeding the germs which cause it, with Canthrarides, vaseline, glycerine, and similar substances which form the principal ingredients of most so-called hair growers Newbro's Herpicide is successful he eatise it attacks and kills the paras tio ' germ whieh feds on the hair roots, 1t:in the original amd only sealp: germicide manufactured Sold leading druggists 10¢. in for sample to The Herpicide + Co," Detroit, Mich Twty sizes, B0c. and RI. G. W, Mahood, Wood's special agent Great Tones and invigorates tho w nervous oa makes new ino elo, Cures Nero. ue Davitny, Mental and Brain Worry, Des , 4 ! Weakness, Emiswions, Sper ani Fffects of Abuse or Frcesses. Price §1 per box, six for One will please, six will cure. Sold b alg rugiists of mailed in . on Yoor ON AVC an free The rood Med sine Co. Windsor vrronto, Ont. Is of to or to genuane bry Sei" stamps Will find a wonderful range 3 of New Goods on display at this store, and all marked at quick selling prices. WHITE WAISTS The range is most complete while the prices are reason able. See the Specials for BATURDAY, at 78¢., B81, $1.75. Corset Cover Embroidery All new patterns, at 20c, } a yard and up. TOWELS A big bargain Towels is here for DAY, large size, 18x37 inches, plain or colored borders, only 12jc. each. DRESS GOODS Now is the time to buy your New Dress as the range is much larger now than it § will be later. See onr dis. play, on SATURDAY. Huck: § SATUR- in RRR RO COR ER HOR HH CH HOE HORROR OOD Swell range of Laces, Em- broideries and Insertions. | NEWMAN &| Valin 274 Princess street. "Phone i