Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1908, p. 3

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fos Bay Smee Eight Inches 5 , One * Inch * Thick and ' aoe 3 Special Sale of Dainty Whitewear | Especially attractive because of their erispy freshness, the new Undermusling in this Sale are noteworthy for their fine qualities. . '"Sych*savings on Muslin Underwear of this charaeter are unusual--the garments are daintily ® trimmed with pretty tucks, exquisite laces and em- e broideries-- and you will act wisely to buy a year's supply NOW. Undershirts Night Gowns', $1.25 for regular 1.40 75¢ for. regular $1.00 Underskirts 1.89 - for regular 2.00 i Night own. for regular $1.25 Underskirts 2.35 for regular 2.50 Night Gowns, Underskirts 00000000 OOOGROOS ©" 1.256 for regular $1.50 Night Gowns, Drawers Corset Covers 30¢ for regular 49 'The Te ieee 85 Crumley ; 1 | Bros. 000000000000 000000000000kssnssstrsessinnne . o . . . " ° ® » . . ° ° *» eo . ° e . . ° ° ° ® ® ° . * ° * i» ° ° eo. . PRODIBADLLRB0BLRD000000 0000000000000 RRNRROORBLONRRBBORLS M=IRAINING SET T WOMEN WASTE OF MONEY| tobacco, 308 hundred are Made of Finest Tobacco. _ New, York, Feb. Fite King Bs 3 placed with w ws - no Ee 2 po of 00, Ir behind what the roy- to "hake a better profit % ---------------- "i President Roosevelt's Way. " : : is ii to work goes an 6 ik ig aid 3 ¢ 0 was concern ed, it 'Was nit peétter than that smok- od by "many New Yorkers. It was unquestionably the greatest cigar or- der ver -exetutsll in the world. The J K LO to England at Easter; will have: hha bande: of gold on thet, but they will not be wrap ped in silk. The masufacturer expects wi illest the Qider 40¢ the 1.900 tue | mh . er t 3 two RS Eat a good work which the presi- dent has Ss Mo of pains bik Alig with, thy | xcellene. Févged*~ » spirit of ta-| PIED AT NORTH BAY. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 2i, 1908. SAE OF FE BLOCK |THE ALLIANCE BUILDING IN MONTREAL SOLD. i { The Purchasers or the Object to | |" Which the Building is to Be i Put Has Not Been Disclosed. | Montreal, Feb. 21-The most import {ant fransaction in down town real ¢s- | tate since the transfer of the St. { Lawrence hall property, to the C. P. | R., is the anhouncement to-day, of the {ale of the Alliance building, on Place {| D"Armbs Sq east of the Bank of | Montreal bt . THe price is in the | vicinity of Bgli a million dollars, The | building is, 'at présent the head offic) {of the Alliance Insurance company, {and ® goncrihchfios building. It is {not announced # what purpose the building will Be put, by its purchak ers, nor has their identity been re vealed, the deal having been put throuygn the Jan office in England, THE FRENCH TREATY Y pipe Bill Read Segond Time in House Po : ns. Ottawa, Feb. 20.--The house wrang- led over the French treaty all day, the bill of ratification coming up for its second reading. A feature was a number of sf 8 'in the French ton- gue, 'the provintg of Quebec members placing themselves on record "as gene- rally in" favér of the convention en- tered into last summer by Messrs, Fielding' and Brodeur. Br. baniel, of St. John, while favor- ing the encouragement of Canada's shipping, protessed against the one- sided arrangement of the rest of the treaty, while 'E. DD, Smith, Niagara district; entered a strong protest winst the introduction of light wines ata lowsr rate of duty, to the detriment of the native Canadian grape growers. The night proceedings were enliven- ed by a duel hetweéen Messrs. Smith, Cockshutt and the minister of cus- toms. The latter made one of his old- time sonorous speeches, and branded the protest of the fruit growerd as a "picayune fear policy." Mr. Cock- shutt rebelled against Ontario being sacrificed on the trade altar for the reason that she did not send a ma- jority of liberal members to the house. J. OC. Walsh, Montreal, ae cepted the trealy as a marvellous piece of Canadian statesmanship. Mr. Borden sounded a note olwarning to the government. At midnight Mr. Dubeau was speak- ing, wod he was followed by Mr. De mers, of St. Johns-lbervile. The French treaty bill was read a second time, and the' house adjourned at 12:10 a.m. DEBATE ON ADDRESS Labor Man Has a Night to Him- self. 7 Toronto, Feh, 21.--Alter railing at followers of Premier Whitney for pro- claiming at such length about the haficaty of ips goverment in the ad- regdes ont debate, lan 8. Stud: holme, 'the lahor répréaentative from East Hamilton, occupied time in the legislature, yesterday, for a little over three hours and a half. It was one of the longest speeches on record; and covered an immense variety of topics. When reminded at eleven o'clock last wight, by the proviacial treasurer that he was not even showing respect for his constituents, Mr. Studholme re- torted that other wembers had talk ed about Germany and Switzerland, and any subject they pleased, ore six o'clock adjournment the labor member" Mad Leen speaking for thirty-five minutes, hut be aid he had only got nicely started. At one stage he even threatened hie could go on all night, Once he made a &ight com- plaint about being limited to a "pal- try two or three hours," saying at the same. time that he could continue for fifteen or twenty haurs. Barely a quorum of the people's reprefentatives heard the end of Mr. Studhiolme's speech, bit whenever he appeared to conclude he was faithfully urged to proceed by a small coterie of hats' Hbatale and conservatives, who apparently desired to renin all night. The afternoon discussion was mht. enod by Samuel Clarke (West North- umberland), who attacked the liquor licenge policy "of the ~overnment. He even charged that Premier Whitney had deceived the people with regard to mich legislation, Hon, A. G. Mac: Kay moved the adjournment of the de- bate; last night. and the two leaders will be Deiird on Tuesday. DEATH WAS IMPOSED On, Gen. Hull, For Suirendering Detroit in 1812. Betroit, Mich., Feb. 21.2 Washing- ton despatch, referring to the sen- tence of Gen. Stoessel, says 5 "The American articles of war prescribe death as the penalty for exactly such conduct as that for which Gen. Stoes-d hag been condemned," adding, "Such a sentence, however, has never been carried out inthis commtry, al though ii was imposéd in the case of Gen. William Hull, who Surtmidered Detroit in the war of 1812. Gen. Hull was subsequently cashiered in lieu of the sentence because of his previously e---------------- | © erly of Mattawa, (3 | A Amusements. SATURDAY . Matinee, at 2. . RACE MERRITT int Eig Sts Players, "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER" ERNEST SHIPMAN, Midsger. Massive und Fiaborate Scenic and Electrical Fquipment. Matigee, 25c., 35c., 50c. ; Children, 28e. to seat. wv , 35¢., 86¢c., S0c., T0c., $1 Seats now en sale eres ALL NEXT WEEK. Pvepings, at 8.15. Sat. Matinee, FRED W. HOMAN Presents THE WILBOR STOCK CO. Jn a Repertoire of New Plays, and High Class Vaudeville. Change of Plays and Specialties, Nighe hy. MONDAY--"The Switcliman's Dasgh- er." Prices~10c., 20c., 80c. pow om sale, For Monday wi only, special Ladies' Ticket, 15¢... if gorchased before Spm, Monday. Jickets limited to 300. Be. Be. WONDERLAND THE HOUSE OF HTS, Refined Vaudeville and Life Motion Pyét ures. Programme FRIDAY and SATURDAY. "MONTE CRISTO" , IN FIVE ACTS, Acl 1. The Sailor's Returis--{Dantes), Act If, Twenty Years Later--(The World is Mine). Act 111. Dantes Starts om His Mission of V o. Act + Dantes As the Count of Monte Christo. . Aet V. Dantes Accuses His Fpemes { Vengeance is Complete). This story was writeen hy the lgmous French Author, Alexander Dumas. This wonderful creation of the French wiz ard's brady Rad been properly presented with elaborate ~ attention to detail, coftume, scepery amd dramatic cast, in five ucts. The skilled artossamt the manufacturers of this film have succeeded in doing this sand more. Remerfier, this film will he shown oply, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, this week, positively SONCG-- OLD LOVER'S LANE" by Kingston's Popular Baritone, VAUDEVILLE Kelly and Malilinan will présent new special Les, TO-DAY amd TO-MORROW The Fife and . Drum Corps, a movelty. Don't fail te. see them, The Pancing ers. ALL NEXT WEEK Mr. Fay, The Musical Tramp, ~ Jim. Hemmessey Tmpersonating (he Trish Biddy Come and sit a9 1, as you like. J. THEO. EK, Mgr. BIJOU offer 2.30. TO-DAY and SATURDAY we two lively Comedies. "THE STATUE THAT CAME TO LIFE" and "THE ELINIR OF LIFE" ---- ILLUSTRATED SONG "THERE'S A GIRL FOR EVERY BOY" 5 CENTS Hockey Match SENIOR @H.A. 0 ' St. George's (Toronto) vs. 14th Batt. FRIDAY, FEB! 2196! Puck Faced, at 8.15, Admission, Gents', SUC, Admission, Lalies', 2356. Doors a TAO pd. #3 Reserved ' Seats, 25c¢.7 and a 4 Plan opens for sale of seals und tickels Fab. 20th. SKATING CLUB MASQUERADE . SATURDAY; FEB. 28nd. ress uns wh 3 Lay Ou} raat i and Chudidn im Faney h a Sot ~ nt i$ me w! wm pe bers if in cy, Doss Cota be Admdsion, Adgits, 25¢. : Admission, ifdrew upder 12 years, 15¢. Prizes wilt Toff the mos eriginel. 'The uost cowpjgte and the best Fancy Cestime. s . Gasoline? Motors The Erd. Motor will be on exibition, at : | 5 a W. J. MOORE & SON'S 'GARAGE. on: Wellingiog St. TO-MORROW, (Set- ur Vie PREPARING FOR VOYAGE * ---- From: Quebec to Seven Islands Through the Ice. Quebec, Feb. 21. Abit fine o'clock, his morning, the government steamer Lady G teed. with guecess, her strength Against thé 0% fn the river, in preparation for hed approaching voyage to Seven Islpnds and the north shore. So far expressed their desire 16 make the voy- age aboard he id-breaker, but, it is more than likely = thay * this number will be eonsiderabily increased hafore the #ailing hour arrives. = i ------------ ; Buried Gold Pieces.' St. Petersburg," Feb. 21.--A private' in Podolia, reports Ja discovery sim an' ancient of uw quantity "of ET CR a esti ta be wo 3 Tt is thoaght the Ferasul wis Hitlden' ter | ' mivipiration, is going to pul" persons have Io RATES ** " b- First insertion lo. a word, 0 secttive insertion thetwafter Ball a word. Minimum charge loge ome in sertion, 350. HELP WANTED-MALE. | A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF OUR retail Hardware Section. Must be thoroughly comversant With general shell and mechanics' tools, and o good salesman. A i d ly own hspdwriting, statiog encs and naming references. Kelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St, Kingston, Out. MEN-DOX'T ACCEPT ANY KIND OF work umtit you hear from us. Make $10 per dey selling the quickest sell et on darth ; 110.000 sold in Minne- apblis. New article; new pian costs 7 cents, sells for 25 cents. Send 5 cents for two sainples. Do- mestic Mig. Co, Desk 13, Minve- apolis, Mian. exper:- HELP WANTED--FEMALE. A DINING ROOM GIRLERT IROQUOTS Hotel, CONDENSED ADVERTISING | ARR re Ww FOR SALE, PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY|SIX "FOOT Stow CASE)" AT isd, Call or write to M. Cayless, Medley's Drug Store, 854 King street, over Armstrong's. BUILDING LOTS FROM $25 UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET Cana's Real. Estate Oidbee, work, by R. W. Uliara 235 Kelling. slreety ton s at rary s Coal office. A JOB CLEANING ASHES QUT OF yards pr celiars, or other baggege carted. Prices right. APP, te 5, Lytle, Gengral Carter, 85 Main St. SMALL WELL in best of condition nad good vegh borhood for loug or short term. Two sduits, no children. State full par- ticulars, Address ""H.." Whig ofhice. UP. Mes 51 Brock ONE 1907 EDISON XKENETISOOM Bow | tWo 300 and om 500 gal, Capt. Hoye, pare KQ. 76 SYDENUAM, SOLID BRICK with extension kiichen, § bod rooms, FURNISH) HOUSE bot water heatizg. Recently renovate ed throughout. Fossession 1st Mey, Apply A. B. Cunuingham, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE-- Double house, on Johnson street, the property of the late Joseph Jamies son used pe a dwelling and = Apply ta Messrs, alkem & Walkems. ;ENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR pda pth rw w velvet collar + DOW , a a new velvet ool ; on, ft 'makes them like new. Prices Riniuber's shop. right. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock St., next ta Bibby's livery. WAGGONS, FURNI- , or any article for stor the utoth, Junz, or any way required. Fer T information, pel to Laturmey's Carriage Works, 2nd 893 Princess St. "Phone, 1563: JO-LET, STORES, OFFICES, MoUanm's, 51 Brock DWELLINGS, Storage, ele; street. BRICK HOUSE, GN Al FRED 8T., NO. ) Poss 3 te" Vietoria' Par SITUATIONS VACANT. AND WOMEN TO LEARN A MINK MIXED TRIMMED with mink tals. will be reo warded Ly returning to Whig office. SCARF, Finder RING, ENGRAVED "Father. about two weeks ago. $3 reward for itg return to this Office. JOTD WATCH AND BLACK SILK fob, at Kingston Skating Rivk, or petween Rink and Gore St. Finder kislly return to Whig office and Te cdive reward. GENT'S GOLD with word BOOK, BE- Brock street METHODIST HYMN tween Y.M CA. and Methodist Church, on Sunday even ing the 16th. Pinder kindly leave at Witlg office, or B79 Princess St FROBABLE CANDIDATES, --- Those Who Will Run in Next Presidential Race, No subject is attracting such duscus- sion as the result of this year's na tional election. Your: correspondent, studying the situation from the very nerve centre of the nation, weighing all that has taken place and is likely to occur, unhesitatingly concludes re-! sulte. will be: The republican ticket will be Taft and Woodruff; the demo- cratic, Bryan and Chandler. The tas. gle in New York state will be on vice presiflential candidates. Hughes, Doug las, Johnson, perhaps others, are go- ing to loom up more prominently ere the gonventions are held, but the mas- nd of Roosevelt, with his ad- Walt to sgccess iin the convention. Then Bryen is going to sweep the country ~how---why ? The quent master minds, controlling forces, makers o governments, the captains of finance are going to withhold from Taft Roosevelt, their support--and if not directly, indirectly, permit Bryan' election--n thing they prevented be fore. : : The national administration is ne longer the great hig Thing it was-- the bond. he financial kings have sup planted it; they look down on the president of the United States as » little school boy. These "powers" are of oné mind, whipped into it by Theo dore Roosevelt--that mind is that cap ital, not the people, must have its way. These people care not for par gies: They see in Taft as president a andorsement of Rooseveltian ideas and holder than the president, with the country's first éndorsement. This would mean ruin to them. and the re turn of government control to the peo ple. ; Bryan as presi capped by 'a repubiican bouse--if of a different controlled by the few represented reli ables there. So that the threatens bridling of the trusts would he avert od by having Bryan bridled. The peo ple, being dissatisfied, would vote fae a change in chief execulive, but no ip the congress. bi -- Astonished The Barbar. Quietly entering a barber's shop the ny removed his hat and coat, and taking a card from his pooset wrote on it? . +] want to pe shaved.' A barber stepping forward read the card, and, pointing to a chair, said to his brother artists : "Deaf as a brass knife and dumb as an. oyster." : The men straightened himsell out in the chair when his manipulator begun lathering his face. *This deal cuss has a cheek like & stone wall," he said, when a geperal langh followed, : "stick a pin in him and see if he is entirely dumb," said another. The victim remaining undisturbed, the fol- | ing shots fired at him by the delighted tonsorikl artist : "He need- ed a shampoo. His head is dirtier thax a public house door mat." : Shave him with 3 stool leg. Do Bas spoil your razor on that stab lent would be handi sefate and mind, always "Gracious, what's guy | He'd make a good bird frightencr, : "He ought to rent that nose for a | Jocomotive headlight," ete. . ; While all these complimentary alia 'sions were flying about him, the oper #tioh of shaving was finished, and the arose, put on his cost; and thes wining to thé astonished berber, VIO | centuries ago, at the time of the Tar- |said < tar inyasidn i : Lah i 1 Theis ge ore ; At Mullin's, Fresh eggs for boiling. per doa., Me. "ow much lor the shavi and com ents | plimpn: 1-1-1," gasped the astonished man, "oh, nothing---vothing--call Sr Enh b t May. Apply B06 Pringess MONEY AND BUSINESS. PUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents then any other company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurances Emporium, . ot Square. A FURNISHED HOUSE, 289 ALFRVD St. Home of the late Major King, hot water heating, gus Applis cants nay see house, (rom 4 to 6. Apply on premises ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. ce, Cor. Queen amd Bagot sireets. GLOBE Available AB87 1 Wien ho which tl yholders ve or ty unlimited lability of all the stockholders. m and perty fosured at lowest possible rates. Belore renewing old or giviag HENRY P. SMITH, ARCIITEOT, WeW Lusiness rates from Strange ste. Anchor Building, Market Square. & Stravge, ta. "Phone, 568. Phone, 345, : PER AL. POWER & SONS, ARCHITROTS, MER- ISON chant's Bank Building, corner Brogk MISS BELLA MeGABERY sod Wellington: streets. "Phone; 214, Madam Polson, Bufialo,' Massage, Manicuring pooing. Telephone No eard to Portsmouth. tion given all calls LIVERPOOL, TONDON AND Fire Insuremece Sompany, PUPIL OF specialist in and . Sham 129, or send Prompt otter WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fics, second floor over Mabood's Drug store, corbér Princess and Bagot wirents, Kutrance on Bagot street *Phooe, 0808, MARRIAGE LICENSES. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHVARKS, warts, etc, removed permancntiv, without scar. Twenly years eXperi- ence. Dr. Eimer J. Lake. Ewe. Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 208 Bagot street. 8S. KIRRPATRICK, ISSUER © Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT| REV, €. W. CA The Joy Of Liberty. To know the joy of liberty one must have been once enslaved and must pow be free. This id the joy that the Unitarian faith has brought to thou sapds of miads that were once held in the handage of belief] It has reveal <« both the pogAGility and the privi lege of freedord in religion It has shown' that only the free soul can be truly religions and that only the free mind can really progress. There iv no trace of slavishness. To develop must be free-fred to think and net one Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 [THE FRONTENAC Beacon stroet, Boston, Mass., » for free | (OAN AND I VESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. | President--Sir Richard Cartwright SELLE FEH4E44S | Money loaned on City and Farm Pros 444 | perties] Mundcip ants Deba YOUR CAKE DRIES 4 | Soren an hai Deals UP QUICKLY 3 {received and Intervet allowed, Your Baking Powder is adulter- 18. C. McGill, Managing Director, ated with Ammonis or Alum in i redients © whieh mre injurious to { walth and are used by some | manufacturers. simply to lessen | & the cost of the Powder and - { 3 crease the profits. 4 Houmkacpurs wha uae IN ANY QUANTITY Wholesgle or Retail. A very Couper's Pure Baking Powder # Shoes stock grown in sandy soil, % | A. GLOVER'S, Get ® Pure Cream of Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. and. decide. And with this freedom somes joy unspeakable, | A i Tartar § | Raking Powder, ome that will keep % ¢ sweet in any weather and a.ways \f be wholesome. | em cin KC -- ------------------------ 4 * | New England Chinese Restanrant D. Couper, 331 King Street. FURE FOON GROCERIES. | 841-3 "Phone, 70 i Opéa from 10.30 a'm., to 3 wm, the a ie SRL a . [best place to get an all roupd Lunch is FELL ELS SALAS EETELLLD LEE | (he city. Mealy of all kinds on shortest ? motics. Fuglish and Chinese dishes THE WIFE'S SAVINGS. | spectaity. 'Phone, 685. Princess: St, ---- | Court Decides They Are Hus-| band's Property. ! { Loin YS | Wm, Murray, Auctioneer ondon, Feb. 31.~According to : the decision was CARRIER, of RY. Art Schopls Joel situs of Justices Phillimore and | 27 BROCK ST. alton, a husband ix entitled to his | § wife's" savings." This A i oj an Casing, Cutters, Harness made inl favor of Joseph William Bir- | . ¢ kett, who sued his wife for the sav | Sale of Horses every Saturday. ings she had wirusted to the Post OF. | Ey Sa fice Savings bank, amounting to £135 Te. 30 «wt WEATHER STRIP In October, 1993, Birkett left Fog | land for South Africa, anil his wife! Xeeps out the Cold, Costs Lit( and "hildton went to the country to] and Saves Much, Good Variety af ive, ; fore departing Birkett gave | STRACH N' his wife permiSsionh to draw upon mon | ey he had invested in a co-operative | A 5 society. While in Bouth Africa he carncd £1 a day, and sent his wile CHILDREN'S CLASSES an average of £2 15s. a weok. Out oi | In Pencil and Charcoal Sketching these remittances Mrs. Birkett was | able to save a small amount. | The © i When he returned to England, Bir | age, et Syma, 9 Barrie ay kett declared that his wile had been | v aufaithiol to him, and separated from | RS her. He applied to the London county judge, untley the married woman's pro perty act, for an onder declaring that TT tie mosey in the Post Office Savings A ENTION, FURNACES bank was his property. The judge, | your fursase seeds repairmg. if you however, uid that the money was «| ater Nog OF Titmbing" ete we & it to the wife, und gave jodgment in | eall, you will get nept sttection vor. {wood atisetia: To - The husband's counsel, Barrington | 1) AYTD Phone 3356 Ward, then . declared that the remit-|% Brock St. tapos wese sent for household pus | Any rtion saved therefrom: was, ea be returned to the| - The Soldier And The Cat. husband, © i 8 i [+ Asoldier in the Preach army had a Justice" Phillimore said that he be [cat of which he was very fond Sh lieved thing the ' money inved hy the | would sit on his shoulder when wile out of ber' housskesping affow marched in hiv company. They wer ance was the property of.herihushand. {together in Bn great battle The sis Tt was true that in thie case the hus [bad obe of bis loge shot off. Non band went some distance sway from after pussy had a log shot away, 3s ie a be uly did wo Senpot- {Tog i y They went 10 the bos ary, ot any Savings t stayec ve until they wen hy the wife were to. be used au il the {Some time after this the soldi had only Jet his home for the ia wooden log made so that be would or for a week be able t6 walt. Then be thought wy would like a wooden leg, too, Bad one aude for bee. Then Bis the "oldlier and his ont took walks tos « A again just aa They wind to do, BL, PUREE IMENT RE REE Be hai na Sp apie

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