; | Longley, i Mrs. Charles; Drury, Mri. Worrell gBve a in the visiting bishop's houor, wand al Halifax paper speaks of it as a thor vf Lee 0000004 oughly | delighiel thering of thor. | o Gold i 3 : . oughly conyeaial peo Builight §| =.= =~. _ ... ! lg "Batescourt" was en iete on Thurs-| b : day, when - the danaog class whieh | WEBTV BRENT ERR EYE meets thee, gave with Miss | Ada Bates as guest The re Mrs. J. 8. RB. McUann, Queen street, | ception room, whee found the | bad a perfect day, on Thursday, for | chaperones, Mrs. H. Bates, Mrs. Jo ha | her ten, pnd the periection of the day | Brooke and Mrs. H. A. Bétts, ready | was matched by the purfection of Ve | with a cordial welcome, was done in| tea. The hostess wore a handsome | warm erimson, red shading the elec! gown of black silk grevadine, over | tric lights, and flags draping the win silk trimmed with sequins and pret | Jows. The doueing-room was more ty lace, her daughter, Miss Jessie, | irivolously toned, being decked in| who received with her, wore a white silk frock, which was very pretty and sue, ropes of blue stretching from | the outer edge of the ceiling to the | becoming. The house was a spring | middle, where thee were caught by the | garden, for wherever one went there | chandelier, forming a canopy The | was the subtly sweet smell of Lilips, | supper table; screened away from the of the delicate exquisite pink, with | dancers, by a large flag, till just - the which these flowers of Holland ar right moment, was decked with dafio- tinted. The tea-table was a bed of the same flowers, n white centre holding sprays of asparages f-rn, and a quan fils, arranged in a crystal bowl, and lighted by candles in silver candle tity of tulips. Besides this three cut wlass vases, filled with tulips stood 'sticks. Plocauley's orchestra played Jelightful 'music, and Mr. L. Barnum received heaps of compliments for the between the cofice and the tea. Dis | way he played for an extra. The com: penying this last was Mrs. Neil Pol | mittee in charge of the arrangements won, with her visca-vis, Miss M. Span geuborg, pouring coffee, Mrs. D. E Mundell cut the ices. The girls as were Miss Blanche and Miss Flossie Hudon, Miss Janet Richmond, Mr, Hamuny Jrocke, Mr. A.D. Macleod, sisting with the rele sshments, and in videntally adding pictures of beauty in the garden setting, were Miss Isabel Me. R. Herrington and Mr. Bar- aum, The Darty was made up, besides those mentiowed, of Miss Florence Polson, Miss Leta Carson, Miss Katie | Richmond, Mis< Katie Smellie, Miss Craig, Miss Flora Milne, Miss Mil | Mildred Joni, Miss Milly Ferris, Miss dred Macuorine, Miss Anita Meyer, | Gertrude Power, Miss Sybil Hamilton, Miss Katie Workman, Miss Jessic El | Miss Maysie Dwyer, Miss Susie Anglin, lis, and Miss May Wright. Holding a little court of her own was Mrs, Me Cann's mother, Mrs. A. Smith, a Miss Alice MeC ormack, Miss Lillian Birley, Mr. Francis Smythey Mr. J. charming woman of the old school, aud there was a strugele among the Spiellie, Mr. Keith Sutherland, Mr. Pedro Reves, Mr, J. BH. Arthur, Mr Frans, Mr. Hugh Farthing, Mr. maby guests for the privilege of a few | Ewart, Mr. C. MH. Nelson, and Mr moment's conversation with her. She wore a gown of heavy black and ok point lace, with lovely jewelry, Be Campbell. A few guests were invited by the club, Mr. and Mrs, F. Dobbs, Mrs. A. J. Herbennann, of New York, 'sides the assistants already mention | 'olonel . Hudon and Me. RR. F. ed, Mrs. Heory Wade, Mrs. Clark | Harvey. Wright, Mrs. Francis Phillips an Mrs. 1. Breck, acted as joint hostess es as it were, chatting with peoph who came, and guiding them to th tea room. ? -» a -> Miss Eleanor Macdonell, Sydenham street, was hostess at a"frigdge perty on Thursday, four tables playing, The players were | Mgs. Frederick Brown field, Mrs. Arthur Flower March, Mrs Campbell Strange, Mrs, John Mac uaughton, Mes: Root, Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs. Richard Hooper, Mrs Vere Huvoper, Mys. D. Phelan, Mrs. A i 8, Oliver, Mrs. James Higging, Mrs | tes, on Wednesday, with about twen- H. Tandy, Mis. Bernard Browne, Mrs. | iy guests. Her assistants were Mrs. W, St. Pierre Hughes, Miry Hora anc | James Crgwiord, and her own da th Miss L. Casault, After play a numbe | ter, Miss Doris lea was laid - at of people came in for tes, among [uartette tables and at each guests them Miss Jessie Macpherson, of Ot lace was a beautiful carnation, The tawa, Mrs. Percy Stevenson, Mrs, Fd | rouse was literally filled with flowers, ward L. Fortt, and Miss Lois Saun | laflodils, tulips, carnations, hyacinths ders presided over tea and ices. and the air of the house was like a > - - sreath of spring. The Bishop of Ontario, who was the - - guest of the Bishop of Nova Seti: Mis. RW. and Mrs, Clare Worrell, in Halifax | 'On street, gave a dinner purty, on was entertained at dinner at the | Thursday might, when Hein Juests episcopal residence, in the party being § 7° Major and Mrs Norma Sithart Lieutenant-Governor Fraser, Sir Ro Leslie, Captain and Mrs, A an Fa inet, hart snd Lady Waatherhe. ( Chief Jus Mr. and Mrs, James Cappon, Mrs. H. Townsend, tall, Mr. John Bell Carruthers, pe Lod da, Taw hy Judge ago a re word the danghts of the house, Miss Mamie Garrett - "> - The lady curlers here forward to Tuesday, and the pleasure of entertaining one and perhaps two rinks from Bellevilie's newly-formeil clubs, Two rinks of our own curlers have decided to go io Perth and Smith's Falls, to the bonspiel there. The date is not quite settled yet, -> > "> witernoon, Mrs. Hiram Mrs, also a party, of honor one - > - Craig, West street, gave in honor of Mrs, G. Mrs. Perey Wilgar Among the guests were Mrs. R. J 'raig and Miss Gertrude Craig, Mrs Robert Meikle, Mrs, ( harles Low, Mrs. Hugo Craig, Mrs. Robert Sath wland Mrs. 8. Torrance, Mrs. James fhird, Miss Jean Craig, Miss May smvthe, Miss C. Yeomans and Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick. >. ; Robert ~~ Crawford, Barrie gave a very pleasant little Mrs. W. G a tea, yesterday, Mackenzie and . Mrs. itreet, - Dr. and Garrett, John- KOKOMO WOMAN GIVES FORTUNE To Help Women Who Suffer. In the past few yonrs Mrs. Cora B. Mi. has spent $125,000.00 in giving 1 Hide fo atfijoted women. we anaoupnced in the columns of this & paper that she would send free treatment to every woman who sul- : fered from fomale diseases or piles, Yesterday Mors than a million women - have ae-| Calvin. Kine street, gave a children's opted this generous offer, and as Mrs ' + V 1d 1k Her is still receiviog ° requests from | Party for little Mies Hilda and her he world, a irom 'wil parts of | friends, and there was the usual jolli- oF! Who have not yot used the | fication that comes when a crowd of re she has decided . > remedy, od Lo codtinile the children 'meet at a party. "- - o> are looking offer for awhile longer, at least. This is 'the simple, mild and harmless preparation that has cured RO ay women in the privacy of their own homes after doctors and other rewedics failed. Mrs... E. 1. Taylor's dance on Wed- nesday, at the R. M. C. for the junior cadets and the vounger girls, was just another of the happy little affairs which this Kindest of hostesses delights in giving for the younger people. - - Mr. amd Mrs. Willidm Allan, Clergy street, will be "At Home" on their golden wellding anniversary, to their friends, on Tuesday evening, from 7.30 to 9 o'clock. - oe Norton-Taylor, entertain at party, Monday evening, of Mrs, tushy, who is staying "Annandale." - . Taylor asked a_punmber It i» especially prepared for the speedy aul permanent. cure of leucorrhocs or Whitish dischargbs, ulceration, displace- ments or falling of the womb, profuse, scanty or painful perils, uterine or ova- rian twnors. or growths ; also pains in the head, back and bowels, bearing down feelings, nervousness, creepiog feeling up the spine, melancholy, esire to ery, hat flashes, Wenrinews and piles from any Ca liwo, of no miter of how Tong "standing Gvery wotnamr sufferer, unable 10 fmt relief, who will write Mra. Miller now, without delay. will receive by mail free . of charge, »n H0-cent box of this simple hone trendy. also a book with explasa- tory illustrations showing why women » wind how they can easily cure themselves at home without the ald of 1x3 Wellington bridge honor at Mrs street, Dp will on n in a physician. Don't suffer another day, Hit write at ones tH Mrs. Cora 8B. Miller, 2.786 Midler Building, Kokomo, Indiana STOCK-TAKING SALE ODD LINES MUST GO & -- . GOOD WARM COATS, $1.00 each. Another lot of SKIRTS, better value than ever, $1.75 each. . Long Black Coats, $4 00, 5.00. 6.63 and-7.67. "Long Fancy Tweed Coats, $1.00, 6.00 and 6.63. Children's Coats about half usual prices. Special value in Warm Underwear and Flan- _nelette Nightgowns for ladies and cl Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc, Raf orveinpee. '$4 ®t WIL METALS tea | friends, { mother; THE DAILY BRITISH litle people. Miss Augrey's to the Koval Military had a delightful party, of the College, and they on Thursday. - ew» On Thursday evening, | Gildersleeve, Gore street, was hostess {at a little bridge party, at which Mrs. jusby was guest of honor, . - Macnee, Union street, t the Country honor of Mrs. Mrs. James > Mrs. Walter {will give a luncheon Clab, on Tuesday, in W. Busby, of St. John o> --> -> Mrs. T. G, Smith, Queen street, gave a little party, last night, for her son, Mr. Willlam Smith, and some of ns friends, a at -> - Mrs. George Clifi, Sydenham street, will entertain, this evening, in honor ot Mrs. J. E. L. Goodwill, Peter- boro. of - Thursday, by the street, tor Mrs. informal. -> s Carmichael, Union tea for her visi- - The tea given, vn Misses Minnes, Gore Percy Wilgar, was very - Mrs. Norman R street, gave a little tor this afternoon > > - The judges at the carnival, to-night, will be Miss Grace Cottle and Colonel Sydenham McGill, - Mex. WW. Bt. street, was this afternoon Mrs, W, 5 at "The Avonmore," Mrs. will give a dinger - a Pierre Hughes, at a girls' King hostess tea, - oo» Sme lie will be at home on Thursdays. by >- 2» Charles McKay, Johnson street, party to-night. - >. Campbell, Sydenham street, has up to Toronto to pay a visit to Miss Helen Campbell, who is at school there. Mrs. David Laidlaw, Toronto. Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, Barrie street, is at home from Montreal Mrs Mackenzie is now ing Charles Low, street Mr. denham day, for will absent for - . - M. gone Mrs. J. Earl street, 5 in stay Union | George with Mrs. "8p. Mon They and Mrs, Place, Ottawa the - Taylor, up John J. Behan, will leave, on and Moutreal. week. - of the R. Toronto, MGC, for the Mis. ET. has gone week-end. Mrs, Valentine guest of Mrs, Thomas street, for a few days, on home from Toronto to New Miss Evelyn Gore will be home row. Mrs. D. E left yesterday, for Hamilton. rs, James Stewart, Wellington , went up jo Toronto, on Thurs- to Schuyler has bem the andy, Clergy her way York, street, to-mor- Rogers, from Lachine Brock Mundell, street, - - - Major and Mrs, H. E. Burstall, Bar- rie stieet, are expected in Ottawa next week, Miss staying of kdward Toronto, oe Curry with Mrs, Pense, King street, Miss Violet Grimshaw, street, left, yesterday, for vigit in Toronto. Mr. Clive Betts is down from Stirl- ing for Sunday, Miss Christine 'Cochrane, Gore street, left, on Wednesday, for a three weeks visit in Montreal, - ad lalmer, who Mrs: --€Charles Ruth 15 1b William a week's - Miss has been visiting Kirkpatrick, Frontenac street, left, to-day, for Toronto and Oakville. She is very attractive and bright, and has made a great many friends here Mrs, R. going for ther west, next Mes. 1. D . Hemming, * Place," is in Toronto, Miss Etta Kirkpatrick, King street, has pon Toronto, jor the end, | > -- o> | Miss Alice Macnee, Barrie street, left | for Toronto, yesterday Murs. 'Root of Montreal, is the pu of Mrs, Macnau West street, Mrs. H. Busby, of St with Mrs. John. Bell Carruthers at "Annandale," A number of little { fairs have been given for her, and she is to be the centre of a number of} others, Miss May has goue to II. a Tove, Gore street, is trip to Torogto and fue | week, 'Martello | to Week- | John whton, | John. NB. is al Wormwith, Earl street, Tovonto, for a few days - "> - | Mr. James Richardson, of Toronto, will spend Sunday with his people, on | University avenue, i Mrs. 1. G. Bogart Jeft the hospital, | to-day, and is at her home on Wel | lington street. Many friends will bei glad to hear of her recovery Miss Minnie Gordon, Queen's Col lege, has gone up to Toronto, for the & week-end, Mayor of Daysland, the suest of his | | } | i | { } E. W. Day, in the city, Earl street, - Mes. H. L. Wikon cut short her | visit here, and, on Thursday, went down to New York, There she met her husbasidd, and together they went on to Baltimore, Maryland. Miss Katie Workman, Alired "street, will go to Ottawa, next week, to visit Miss Winnifred Workman. Miss Barnhard of Bradiord, guest of Mrs, Norman K. Union street. Alta, is "- is the Carmichael, - * - Ms. and Mrs. A. J. Herbermann, of New York, are TR with Miss B. F. Doran, Barrie street. " Miss , Jessie Dunnett; Wellington street, is visiting friends in Toronto. Me. =ad Mrs. H. W. Ralston of To- tonto, are guests of Mrs. W. H. Der ry, Barrie street. Mrs, M. Haziew. Brock street, left on Friday, to spend a few days iu Toronto, -> - Mrs. R. 8. Forneri, Alired street, is the guest of Mra. S. Jakes, Merrick- ville. Mabel Miller, Alfred street. is wa, the guess of her aunt, Mrs. Alan Aylesworth, wile of the minister { Troubles in Italy Over | vietion | when ty { tan' s e | made necessary {donment of Marachia by WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1908. PAGE FIVE The ecogagement is announced of Miss Frances Ferguson Wilmot, } daughter of the late Asa B., Wilmot of Newcastle, a Mrs. Wilmot, of College street ronto, Mr. Ro-! bert Mc Heath Young, of Toronto, for- merly of Thar »0, Scotland. The mar riage will take place in March, Bowmanville, Out Miss Elizabeth G Balleftyne day ter of Mr. Willlam Gordon EE ae: of Montreal, to Mr. Anton 8, Winck ler, of Copper Clif, Ont. The weddi will take place the 25th inst. Toronto Migs Muriel Partridee, second davgh- | ter of W. H. Partridge, Brunswick avenue, Toronto, to Mr, Roger Me-| Auslan, of Buffalo, the marriage to! take place the latter part of March i Mrs. Mackinnon, daughter of the late My. Salter Van Koughget, To- ronto, to Mr, sek Crusoe, of C NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES F RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Ratters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Toront for Liber: Masons" L the bosses for to on in 9, hos been ap Stone renewed the three Mackenzie Bowell, came out flatfouted ther concessions to the The Montreal and Le ship company, hmit minion charter has {in Ontario. : Presbyterian I'El, yesterday, Foront has with Sir present ay Unit 0 3 bourg. been incorporated - a. charch at Hgrts- designated B.D as Hope, De ill take place on the | Joseph's church, Ot-} ' tawa, of Miss Maud Brophy, second] *V: / D. McKenzie, M A daughter of Mrs. G. P. Brophy, Cha- | foreign missionary to Beter pel street, to Mr. J. ¥. Murphy, | merara. t ) Noel Wilson the Fisheries' department Mbntreal, was horse killed and GT. R. engine The 'question of tisfactorily adjusted The marriage w 26th inst, at St ! ol of He B ure a farmer, izard, fatally sleigh hus ATE POISONED CANDY. smasy ny o wages lias bee "with the sa New t scale Dead--Candy Intended | For Another. York Central system Kansas City, Mo, Feb, 22.--Mrs. {will be continued. Sarah Morasch and her daughter,| Toronto hotel Blanche, seventeen years of age, were! Joned the fight formaliy vestorday, with the | of licenses. They murder of four-year-old Ruth Miller, | the city council who died at Kansas City, a week ago In Montreal a.' man named Miccoli as the result of eating Viti plunged his?stiletto through the candy. is alleged that heart of his friend and compatriot, rasch, is a sister-in-law of the Antonio de Lucca, and escaped dead girl's father, sent the. ennidy| William H. Saldgimon. who attempted with the intention of poisoning Ellen! suicide at his boarding house, (Quebec, Vanmeter, half-sister of the dead| February 14th, dead, child. Miss Vanmeter ate some of the | sult of his injuries, Salomon-was | candy, but recovered, | years of age. A At Victoria, PRECAUTIONARY STEPS, {ese and {the steamer Religious ing passed by tion officials, An exceedingly have the American visit Australia has | Hon. Alfred Deakin, prime 1 Australia. A bill making it a misdem circulate reports affecting tl jot trust state to be 1 York legislature At Lisbon the greatest Child is the presen aban reduction relief from have the k men against will se not charged, itself, poisoned I Mrs. Mo who on 1s as B.C enteen J Chinese Janded all' of th Dominion LL seven from Ningchow, the wim be unmigra Instruction. Rome, Feb. 22.--A lively discussion | which has been going on in the Cham ber of Deputies regarding teaching in primary ginning to the troops are readiness buildings surrounding the Chamber Deputies against a popular Members of the extreme ed to make a demonstration before the chamber, urging the abolition of | A all religious instruction, and this de- [Prevails. 'The palace has cided the government to take precau | round: d by HGOps, lite: pritire tionary steps. lis confined to barracks, ridges have heen Nearly all the {most of whom- to the highest cordia battles been hip 3 whed religious 1 it 1 0s nist the schools is be minister excite held in people an the of uprising in banks and companies mtroduced in the parties degid 8 uneasiness Deen Sur earrson aud ball cart to the Lerrorist prisoners, very issued meh Left Much To Charity. New York, Feb. 2-The city Plattsburg, N.X., is a bepeficiary the extent of $200,000 under the of Loval 1. Smith. Besides this, are young families Finland will | the » icinity of Moscow. Relatives h Ay | Positions to Nicholas himself Smith bequeathed $225,000 to the | Ihe 'Thomson Hite seeking Plattshury city hospital,' $135,000 to | 1avge and powerful steamer oo the Young Men's Christian Associa- | Canadian service to replace the steam tion of Plattsburg, $35000 to the |*™ Kildonan wrecked some time Wosleyvan Methodist church, $50,000 to | on the const of Nova Seotia. : the Samuel F. Vilas Home, and $250, Harry Payne Whitney, Ne we York, co 000 and "the. residence of the estate to M8 the report that lis sister, Miss his brother, Floyd Lig Smith, after his Dorothy Whitney, i= engaged to Count omtiben {Paul Esterhazy, the Hungavian noble payment of the othe Jeggcies. {man, who attended the Vanderbilt { wedding. | Fhe London Daily 5 Tr i Pepper 1 the British parliament to who resides north-eint of this city, the Hsinmintun-Fak ume railway hear Newman, is at work fvith a num- whith was being built in Manchuna ber of hay balers, baling up snow for | by British has next summer's He tried the ex- toed In periment last apd found thant | Bishop Dowlin baled snow made an ice of better | : Pug ' » f hat he quality than ordinary frozen or manu- j the story that he | marriages unless factured ice. He had trouble in I : : | man Catholic priest disposing of his last output, | ould come with authority and will work on a bigger this | pope ' year, one but the hot weather than ordinary are ot of - mn close a the Is a Chronicle wants Kuire Areola, 11. why contractors been ve nse, Japan Sony Hamiton, has solemiized dene forbidden mixed by a Ro an order from no , Such year's scale The baled swow will 'stand more | i I Stevens of N oe: will, Y Syracuse, { was chosen treasurer of the Nes Ne Jersey Telephone Henry SN. Snow, being sought by the polie of embezzlement. | and | to { | now Sold His Grapes For Wine. Dover, Del, Feb. 22. The. first for violation of the probibi- | charg law, in this country, occurred | Twi freight Cyrus K. Suoyder, Smyrna, al the G. wealthy vineyardist, charged with sel Frida ing grape wine of his own wvint | hour Killian. Weatherly wae sentenced tu pay a line of £200 between¥ the cars and bi and undergo an imprisonment of two jp. . hours. He completed his sentence in| Sopator Davis, time to take supper outside the coun prose nt a resolution jail. {ol a thorough inves tgovernment of the lof Canada, with people, a more dfficient reason} le and equitabl | Charlie Doherty, formaviy succeed con ton cars Jumped the track ampbell's night and Ulock on at of ed Saskatchewan declaring av Object To Occupation: Feb. 22 repres Ur Joe the sul entative for for Fangier, has protested in the name Abdul. Aziz, against] the Spanish apation of Muprachia, which Spain claims is only temporary, | by the insecurity the territory which followed the 3 the Ma Tangier, Tories, former ign affairs, rate twenty Mattaw aged at of Oo i of rheumatism and plearisy where he had truction work on Northern Vers, of Thursday inflammatory at Durham, charge of Canadian For night from an attack of oi cons aban- railwa shines | { g and shattered sulting from a broken le troops. system, re station platfor la | DeRVOUS rom the -- at Montre y Mes. claims { South, in November | Postlewaithe Hartley 815,000 Southern Dynamite In The Coal. Moncton, NB. Fob ~An-LC.R fireman while iris the boiler room, found of dynamite in the coal. He was in the act of throw- ing the explosive into the furnace | 8% with a shovel of coal, when another! I as locomotive engi employee caught sight of it. The mey | Ottawa, has d position as en received a bad scaré when they real-| gineer on one the fast trains ized the close call they had from an the C.P.R., running bétween Montreal explosion, and Ottawa, to live a retired life, hunters of Lincoln county few weeks ago, chased a fox until took refuge farmer's | The farmer refused to let them . thisl oo his property, and they lost spring. which was to be a feature of fox. Now the hunters have taken out the celebrations in hopor of the dia- |, cui¢ agamst the farmer for $2.25, mond jubilee of Emperor Francis Jos-| (he estimated price of the skin eph, have been officially cancelled be cause his physicians do not consider his majesty to be safficiently strong te participate in the festivities. s---------------- x ry demnity 'of from the {Montreal & After forty-eight locomotive up in 4 allway a stick ravway. years service, and forty-two , Uharles Henry fireman of Two it barn. COM their The Pageant Put Of, Vienna, Feb. 22.--The arrangements for the pageant, in Vienna, under a Against Net Fishing. Toronto, Feb. 22.-J. R. Dargavel, IM.P.P, for Leeds, introduced A. Kelly { Evans to the Hou. Dr. Besumel min ister. of public works and fisheries, for the purpose of discussing the fishing on L St. Lawrence river between Brockville and Kingston. Mr. Evans pointed out that the net fishing on the river, especially among the. Thousand Islands, spoiled the angling for tous ists, and ous of the principal attrac tions was thus being done away with, Dr. Reaume promised to do his best to remedy the evil, and it is probable that in two or three years the angling will be restored to its original cond tion, Sister Gets Medal. London, Fels. 22.--The king lms al lowed Margaret-Jane Lamb, of New- castle-on-Tyne, the King Edward medal of the first class, in recognition of the gallantry of her brother, G. H. Lamb, who lost his life in an endeavor to save the lives of men in a ¢oal mine at Strathcona, B.C. ------------ McGill defeated Laval, at Montreal, last night, 11 to 1. The hall time score was 5 to @. The Lishon secret police have seized Tapers disclosing' another regicide plot in process incubation. G.H.H Belleville, has been appointed. an" assistant ivepector of and measures, ons , Thomas' White Liniment" sures heumation sprains, etc. Free sam- Di 0 Be Thon Tragedy Of An Inumigrant. Toronto, Feb, 22. ~The remaine of the Irish immigrant, MeCarton, whoa threw himsell jn front of a train near Sharbat Lake while beng deported, will be buried by the Dominion ime ation. department, of Smith's a ---- "Every One Thought I Had Consumption, Pe-ru-na Saved Me." "I THANK DR. HARTMAN FOR PE-RU-NA™ MOIS PARUEAU, "I hardly knowhow to thank you for the gooddPeruns has done "I suffered five.years with pain in t 50 bad I could hardly bear it. Icoughill day andn weaker. The pain éxtended through fy body and I also had di breathing, which made me cough. Everyone thought I had ¢ me. stomsoh, About a year ago it became ight and grow weaker and fliculty in consumption. "My husband heard of Peruna and bought five bottles. This treatment vir- tually cured me and now I recommend Peruna to every one who is suffering. \ "I thank Dr. Hartman for this excellent remedy." Ste. Julie de Vercheres, P. Q., Canada. NEGLECTED cold is generally | first cause of catarrh, { liabio of Women are especially liable to colds. These eolds occur more frequently dur ing the wet, sloppy weather of winter! and spring than any other time of the . Often they | duet of { ih taut ¢ eon found the una has? y reason of t} ¢ 10 the very cre ken year WOMEN SHOULD | are not emeiies for con «Mrs. Mois Parizeau. the Most roe ghe, colds we fact that seat of the vice, every s and equal- BEWARE OF red CATCHING COLD. } ar run on Way are treated in such a or ™ PE- THE REMEDY FOR CATARRH RU-NA E LUNGS. palliate the symptoms, while becomes more deep-scated patient finally awakens to t! she has a well-developed case of ca- tarrh. b the remotest Mrs. Jas Ohi and th ot fact that | m : 3 matter wi ¢ exposed memtl ad a throat, or wells of the By reason of their delicate structure, the lungs are frequently the seat cold, especially If there is the slightest | weaknessof theseorgans, Th of catarrh of the lungs is also more dif ficult and discouraging than catarrh ot | sny other organ of the body. It would be wise therefore, to guard | against it by every precaution possible. | of a rob, ks s Writ y \ hirot v I d pains in my chest Pert according i it has cured ma." tw COMMERCIAL MATTERS, { 663 What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets. 100,000,000 oi ht fox or in be It is estimated od British capital Lis veer. stated in financier ny ¢ 107, with will souy anada it Foronte Montreal is brddmy ri Bank He that ' 850 a (30,0 0.8 compat 3 ol 46 072 66% 18 one for ie Iron Rail £1.000 v0 andard th wh idend tor the G00, 000 in | R606 000 (0) To Prevent by whether treatment : } i 0 ou fo I mrs, 1 Often T could id a cough. upon the mucous wiher they sranes of the they line iangs. 8St.,, Toledo, r advice, 1 had 1 also 4 directic Makes the most nutri- tious food and the most dainty and delicious. ROYAL BAKING POWDER The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the beast malin Royal is the aid to many a cook's success. NO ALUM--NO LIME PHOSPHATES.