Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1908, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1908. 3 for the delence, Diamond Facts TO REMEMBER. Diamonds come to us from Amsterdam, the great centre of the diamond-cutting in- dustry. Diamonds free of duty. Our diamonds are carefully selected from best class of stones. We make our own mount- enter Canada |! very the £8: We sell ut a very close F margin. Our diamonds are a secure . form of investment. j Spangenberg ; JEWELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses. BOOOOO000000O000000000 | Renfrew i the itective Charles { were oo] B00 00000000000000000a | 20d E ment, | | self la diploma from the graduated from VChicago and Philadelphia, JMLEDITION :: TOUGHED IN HERVILY EYE DOCTOR OR MUST PAY A $100 FINE, Magistrate Imposes Severe Sentence on Man| Practising on the Strength of American Diplomas. . 4 Renfrew, Ont., Feb. 22.-W. J. vey was lined $10 and costs or mouth in jail for practicing medicine | without a license. A charge of using title "doctor" with intent to « coive was dismissed, The trial 10 place before Police Magistrate and the charge was preferred by Rose, of the Ontario medical ' council, Barrister J. E { Thompson, Atuprior, earl for the prosecution, and I. W, McGarry, Kd £7 case was heard Har- | one on Tharsday. "The | witnesses for, he prosecution Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Robert Graham, Mrs, John Seeley and Miss Rouselle, Renfrew, and Mrs. John Brown, 'Admaston, all of whom gafe testimony of having bought glasses in addition received eye treat. Mr. McGarry severely eatechised the witness, He called for the defence Mona McHugh and W. J, Harvey him- The latter testified that he held Empire College ol Ophthalmology in Toronto, and pro duced a photograph of it, the origipal having bees framed. He had also optical colleges in He did not The Universal Food Chopper Works well, through eats Vegetables, Fruit Horsereddish, Biscuits, wears well, anything put well. CHOPS Meat GRINDS Cocoanut, Pulverizes Sugar | Walnuts and hundreds of other things. All for $1.25 Hundreds of people lave enjoyed finiversal Bread Maker. Why not ge one--4 loaf sizo, $2--8 loa! size, $2.50. Sold only at. Ww. A. . Mitchell's. pring | Goods New Embroideries, New Veilings, New Hand - Made 'Laces, New Valenciennes Laces, ew Hp» "Doties io A * Eady, | De- | the but when than i a specia charg ge [Pare | | ordinary ewe {The degree of "Doctor of Optics" pistained from the Empire College. In summing up Mr. MeUarry E oted | from similar convictions which were | | quastied by higher courts. His client i had a right to charge for texting - He | was uot charged with fraud and the | Imatter of value could not be gone! into, He had & right to use the | title "doctor" just as veterinary sw Pos. dentists and ministers used it. Mr. Thompson quoted authorities to {how that medicine is any substance, { tieguid or solid, that cures or mitigates disease, and the glasses sold in the [cases cited were medicine. When Har {vey diag weed diseases, and prese ribed land charged for a rewedy he was guil- ty of practising medicine. lasses ler, being i A BISHOP DEAD. | He Had Been III For a Time | With Grippe. | { SATTERLEE. Washington, Feb. 22.--Fhe Right Rev. Henry Y.. Satterlee, Protestant Episcopal bishop of Washington, died, early to-day, after a brief illness from grippe. BISHOP Sunday School Convention. For the twenty-first year many of the Sunday school workers of Lennox and Addington assembled in conven tion, on February 12th and 13th The following officers were "elected for the year : T. Gibbard, dents, North Wilson; South viee-presi- Fredericksburgh, F. 8S, Fredericksburg, W. B. Hough; Richmond, Ira B. Hudgins; Ernesttown, R. Ww. Longmore; Adolphustown, Mrs LL. 'A. Haight; Sheffield, Mrs. D. E. Rose; Newburgh, T. A. Dufiwoody; Camden, Sidney Wagar: Bath, Miss Aylesworth; €. W. DeMille, secretary; C. Neville, treasurer: ,C. 'W. Neville, representa tive to the provincial executive. p------ Don't Endure Neuralgia. Neuralgia is the most excruciating pain that a human being is ealled upon to endure. Those who suffer from it should never resort to optia- tes, that is making a bad matter worse. The ailment should be radie al- Iv cured and it can be with Dr. Hall's Rheumatic cur. Neuralgia is a sense; Its source is in the state of the blood. Dr. Hall's matic Cure removes the cause, and it so regulates the vital organs as to Mako the eure pe rmanent. Ten days' tedatment, Price 50c., at Wade's drug store, president; constitutional ~ di- disordered Rheu- ------------ The Case Dismissed, On Saturday morning Witham Law. son, Elginburg, justice of the pence, tried o charge of illegal liquor selling laid by County Inspector Moreland against Daniel Graves, Harrow- smith, which willage is in a local op- tion township. The case was heard in Kingston. C. R. Webster appeared for the crown and T. J. Rigney lor the defendant, Seven witnesses wore examined, bit the charge was. -not proven, and the case was accordingly dismissed, of Served By Publication. Thomas Masers, of Uswego, NX. now of Kingston, is to be served by publication- In an ection for. absolute divorce by his ; wile, Edith Maeers. The couple were married in Oswego, Apri] Sth, 1002. and have one child, a girl al four*years. Mrs, Maecrs a6 sires to seoure the legal custody © of the child and an alimony allowance from het hushand. -------------- 14th And Stratford. The dates have been finally set for the Ifth Legiment- Siratford games. fibst "game" will be on Menday ht in Stratford; the last game here on Friday. The locals will leave on Sunday might for the west. George Richardson will leave: to- night * to make arrangemeits for the team. ------------------ 'Some Old Coins. Jarvis, And street, has a line cil jon of old £Qiis. fle has tone orie-cont piece, dated 1700, which beats that of one alvéady men- tioned, 1707, He also has a Frénch dollar piece, of the date 1736, and many other old coins of interest, -------------- Want Him To Push It. All. Carson stated, to-day. that one Japutation of ladies had waited upon him, ani 'msked him to press his ry by-law and see that it was fe by the city council. They told bat - H. A. housie University as the Kihodes schio. lar froin Nova Stalls oy 1905. He Basa din d fiaatic and ath- {lotic career. sind THE DAYS EPISODES %LocAL NOTES AND THINGS | Kingston, Feb. GENERAL S0c. at Wade s drug store. { ; B Nk at the appowted liquidator of the market oun Saturday, in several wecks, and the square once more had its old-time appearance, cumstances, was given a pass by the city, Falls, Falls' a short for a long, days of httle boyhood, dies that dies, | with {Canada, William Welch, twenty-eight {years old, is still searching " | mother i py dolug 20 he wand be the | women of of Kington. IN Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered, Eves tested and gold filled glasses| supplied for 31.50, at bests A $l twoquart fountain syringe for Dean Farthing preaches at a mili- tary service in Perth, on Marc -h 1st, Unie bottle ot Listerol tooth . wash and a 25-cent guarautecd tooth brush for 25c., at Best's, Capt. Hicks has sold Varuna, well known on Quinte, to Capts, Cooper bun. | the steamer | the Bay of | and Keth- Man wauts Lut litte ' there below, For woman wants It all you hpow, company that will present Koighthood Was in Flower, Grand, to- night, arrived from the east this mornibg: the Trusts and Goearantee com: pany, limited, of Toronto, has been Provincial Construction company, limited. The attendance of farmers on the was the largest Fhe "When Have your eyes tested at Best's by an expert. Gold-filled glasses, com- plete, $1.50, The snow on Friday afternoon kept theostreet cars busy running on time. 'The sweepers + weve out most of the night and the racks were clear this morning. Just arrived seven cases of latest styles in gents' furnishings be sold at rock bottom prices. Forrest, the Ming street gents' pisher. A middle-aged the to » fur- cir- man, In poor Smith's Smith's to his home in came here from time ago. The street railway sweepers were out this morning, clearing off the belt line tracks. The snow drirted quite a little during the night, and on Princess street the heavy traffic made the rails very slippery. "Wine of cod liver regular $1 bottles, Sbe., A large American flag is floating outside the United tates consulate office, to-day, on the occasion, of the anniversary of the birthday of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Two drafiken men got into an argu- mént on Division street late Friday night, and for a few moments they made things lively, Their yelling and swearing could be heard jor some dis- tance, until one the other was buried in the snow bank, The scrap- pers were parted and taken in differ. ent directions by students. Violet talcum, regular 25¢., at Best's. 2 The best illustrated issue the Red Book Magazine has put forth is the March number. A better piece of short fiction than "The Land of Her Fath- ers," by William B. MacHarg, has npt appeared in "ady American magazine jme. An echo from the with its come- often come close to trage- Dare Double-Dare,"" by ticotge Allan England, and in staril- ing contrast is Mrz. Hepburn's charmm- ing story, "The Meddlesome Old Gen- tleman." tognve o oil" (tasteless), at Best's, or for 13¢., "Dare, PAYING FOR GAS. | terTERY TO THE EDITOR. | sold in Klagston. Vv |& Defence of Ald. Ald. Carson's Poul, try By-Law. 1 21.--{To the Editor}: It is difficult to believe it is not in jest the threatened 'Storming of the Council," is mentioned in issue of this date, concerning Alderman Cer- son's proposed by-law regarding the condition in which fowl are to be] Is there such utter ignorance of hygienic laws among the housewives of hhogston@@ Sarely it cannot be. They must be jesting when they question the wisdom of Alder man Casson's consideration for the health of the community, Fowl con: taining the entrails are absobutely wun fit for food after being killed longer than two days, This is not a per sonal opinion of this correspondent, but the rigid law of the best culinary authority of the present day. Consider for a moment the condition of some fowl for sale in this "safe" season of freezing, They way be en route to the trade {tied up or other wise delayed), one--even two weeks, still frozen, are, of course, sold and eaten and when sickness comes ww children or elders in some homes, where such food is used drequently, 1 doubt if the "delicious" (7?) dinners are ever blamed for it, Let the housewives of Kingston rise up as one in encouragement of such acts as these on the part of our aldermen in whose hands lie the abol- ishment of many things that are a menace to health, So rarely are such matters introduced that this instance places the people of Kingston deeply indebted to Alderman Cargon for his effort to improve at least one of the bad conditions existing, Unfortunate: ly the voice of the ignorant and un- appreciative seems always to be loud- est while there are many as deeply grateful to Alderman Carson for this Progressive step as this housewife who places health laws first in her domes- tic regime.~PROGR PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Alderman Johan Gaskin covtipues to improve, United States Consul H. D, Van Sant is confined to bed with grippe. Miss Hannah Edwards and Mrs. Grennan, of Deseronto, are visiting wn the city. Mrs. McCammon, Kingston, a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Donnelly, Deseronto. Mrs. Edward Bruyea Bruyea, Deseronto, are the former's daughter, Mrs. Ray Kingsbury, Wellington street, Messrs. George Houle, "Bunt" Stod- dart, Arthur Armitage, Walter Cronk, Gordon Thomas and Alexander Smith came down from Deseronto, last night, to see the hockey match, John Galloway, of Queen's, filling the pulpits at Foxboro and Sidney during the winter, will after taking his examinations in April, leave about April 25th to visit his parents in Scotland. is on Thomas and William the guests of AT THE POLICE COURT, ' Three Cases Before Magistrate on Saturday. Minerva Topping, the voung woman who made the charge against the four young men, in police court, on Mon- day, pleaded guilty, on Saturday, to a charge of vagrancy, and was sent to jail for two months. She was un ruly at the home she was placed in, and the police had to take action. John J. Lawson told the court that his children were attending school, and the charge against him was dropped. Pennies Each Day in| Slot. London, Yeh. 22.-No 155,000,000 pennies of nearly $3,235,000, and tons, were, it came out, the Gas Light and Coke meeting, taken from their peany-in: the-slot meters during 1907. This means over 400,000 pencies a dgy. What becomesy of all the peanies 7 To get an answer a reporter chatted | the secrefary after the meeting. "Wi have eighty collectors in Lon-] don, who aré always at work," he said. "They cover practi ally the whole Grea 'worth of the Thames, and a small portion south---from White: chap] in the east, to Willesden in the west. They have taken from slot machines for 1907 the sum in pennies mentioned, These pennies are then taken to four banks, which appto- wiate a certain amount of = them What they don't want is pos ssed to a man employed in 'the wes company as a 'eapper- exchanger,' "This man goes cia to 'tradesmen and exchanges the coppers for silver money. In this. waytall the pennies are got rid of. They are indeed 'cir- culating penmics," and the man we employ calls himself "The Copper Ring.. Me yocoives..no salary, but gets a commission, and, in turn, em ploys several men to help in his work 400,000 fewer than | a valve of | weighing 1,336 | i i } Looking For Relatives. Syracuse Pos! agian Given away by bis immigrant moth. er when he was a baby in Gananoque, for sad family, if any still re Welch was if in Dublin, Ice land, February 25th, 1850, and when he was still young his mother eame 10 this side of the ocean. Whether or not his father came too he does Bot Where his mother settled he at Gananoque where he was told that! had placed him for sdope yesterday at called at the company's law, Mrs. and smashed several of exchange. J James Benson Mallon, arvested as a drunk by Constables Davies and Fil- aon, was remanded until Monday, be will likely have to face a more serious charge. While under the in- fluepce of liquor he is alleged to bave home of his mother-in- James PBelwa, Rideau street, windows in the to be of wun examined by as house. He is believed sound mind and will be physicians, The Greatest Is Love. Fidetiv, Kingston, Fein 1008 'I'he snow whirls wildly about (he shack, Ard the frost bites sharp and sore Who simi] drive ths gaunt "woll-- Hunger ~howk, As be howls at the poor man's door ? are children pining in cold ead Want the hourths so hare and chill o'ef There Ry There are others Who moan food so scant. Aud the cries tiiey caunot still, the Buf w voice through the storm speaks soft and clear, From 'Christ's own chgrity-- Always My poor are % ith You hers, (6, cherish thew for Me! And Ths people cannot choose hut hear, Ad, denring, they anust Must feed the Hungry, the oP ani gheer, Til the hopeless hope anew. Oh, Love thrice blest that Shifies through wvel a har or ben pai Wikth yw Gipdiing the earth with the golden chain That binds us, men to man To seek. to find, to help, to cheer, To raise to the heaven above, Til the pain, the sorrow, the darkness here "Are lost in the tight of Love. As ----_------ The Late William A. Lapointe Boston, Mass. Feb. 22. ---William w Lapointe, a well-known hotelman, died at his home on Massachusetts avenbe, aged sixty-eight years. Until his re tirement as manager Of the Revere House, a few months ago; he had been in the hotel busisess for forty wight years, He was a native of Kingston, Ont. o HEARNS BROWN: --At Napanee; tn Fete 19th, William 5S. Hearse. 10 ldg Irene 1. Brown, all of Napanee BRUMMEL~HUPY At Picton, Samuel Brummel, Demorestville, to Nellie Tull, Salmon Point, Jan. 1548. CHAMBERS-FIELDS --At Gretna. ull parts of the other countries. ------------ in Kew York, Mes William + globe. through this country, the Orient, Australin and Bur- Miss Kan Jlves, Wis "ilomin Feb. 19th, Ming Lens Vior mee Fein. "2 Chambers, of € PSOLY MARTIN 0s Feb. 12th, "ot Tam George Na Sdith Hart, both ef -- hain. SED. PORERD. fn Picton. on Veh, 10th EB. _ Powers, aged sixLy-throe -- Price Benefit Linens and Cottons Opportunities to buy Linens and Cottons at under market price came our way. We seized them in a twinkling. Result is we have ex- ceptionally good values to offer you White Cottons for Home Sewing 8c, 10¢, 121q, three special makes. Madapolam Cottons A very soft fine White Cotton, 12le, 152, 18¢, 20c, 25¢. Nainsook Cottons 15¢, 20¢, 25c. Lonsdale Cambrics 12ie, 15¢, 20c. Royal Cambrics 10e, 12ic, Horrockses' Famous English White Cottons in different qualities. English Sheeting Twilled or plain, in different widths, at. exceptionally good values. 15¢c, Table Linens In great variety. Table Napkins Extra good value. Towels 30 different makes to choose from. . Seslusstsstespaattastantetetrpnentin fen i Two Splendid Bargains One Lot, all sizes, Ladie ngola Kid Blucher Cut Lace Boots. Very attractive style ; excellent quality of Kid; would be good value at two-and-a- TR will sell-while. they last - AT $2.00. Another lot just as good quality, but not 50 well finished nor quite as ood style, but splendid leathers and good wearers ONLY $1.50. Ble Toockett Shoe Store. hangs stock Trunks and Valises.

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