$0000000000000000000su0000sbsssssstsoscRRORS Corsets for Every Figure. Choose Yours Now So That Your New Dress May Fit Perfectly. Our new stock is so compie- hensive that we feel certain of our ability to fit perfectly any figure, You will find here the general favorites and famous makes. We feel sure, too, that you will gp- preciate the advantages of choosing at once while our different lines are unbroken. ! Girdle Corsets, extreme favorites, 35 and 50c. _ D.& A. Corséts, new nio- dels, low busts, extra long Rips, at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, \ i E. T. Corsets, in Gréy or White Coutile, well boned and bias gored, 75¢., $1.00, 1.25 to 2.00, Girls' Hygiene Corsets at 50 and 75c. Children's Corset Waists, all sizes, at 25, 30, 35 to 50c. : 00000000000000000000030005000000080000W00000 Some Cotton and Linen Specials Following you will find some of our mdst reasonable staple offerings listed : Table Napkins, 20 to 27 inclies square, beauti- ful designs, extra good values, for $1.00, 1.25, 1.35 1.60, 1.75 to 5.00 per dozen. Table Cloths, in many different patterns and qualities, at 40, 45, 50, 00, 75, 90¢., $1.00 to 1.25 per ard, ¥ Table Padding, good, strong cotton, filled with finest pure cotton batting, 50 and 60¢ inches wide, at 76c and $1.25 per yard. New Long Cloths, New Cambrics, New Nain- gooks, New Madapolam, New Sheetings and Pillow Cottons, Crumley Bros. 000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/0000000000000000000000000000000 000000000 COOP COORORROSRRO00000000000000000000000000000000000000 Fibreware is the leading material for Pails, Tubs: naudy Dishes, &ec. = + EDDY'S is the best Make of FIBREWAR®N on tne Market. Tt is of Better Quality and Lasts Longer than other makes, and it Costs Less Money. Ask Your Grocer for it, and EDDY'S Matches. » New Spring Shirts. days, all of our New Spring Shirts, New patterns. New cloths. All Styles, including Coat Shirts with Cuffs Attached. | Prices 50c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25 and 2.50. To rhe Ee a . Ask to see our Japanese Crepe Cloth in Plain Colors, Blue, Mauve and Tugs at J 2 "This is entirely new and} Style. Cuffs attached. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, SUED BY Kk HAND { rma MAULED BY LION IN CAGE. | | | i Keep Eye on Animal He is Attacked. London, Feb. 25.--An exciting in- cident occurred during the second per. formance, on Thursday night, at Pur |chase's Menagerie, at present located iat Battersea, a large African lion, i named Wallace, attacked and mauled its trainer, known as Marco. Marco neglected to keep his eye steadily on the animal as he wap lean- ing the cage, and as he was stooping to unfasten the girdle, it sprang after hit, striking him with one of its paws on the back, Marco's clothing was torn, and he fell back bleeding, with his face do the floor of the cage. Wal- lace placed a paw between the man's shoulders, but was driven off hy Mr, Purchase"s son with a long iron fork, Marco immediately jumped to his feet, and under his gaze the lion back. 'led into a corner. The trainer then drove the animal round the cage, made him jump over a board, and left him standing on his hind legs. Immediately Marco had left the cage, however, the lion sprang forward and gave vent to his rage against the iron bars, "It's in them," said Merco, yester- day. " "I'he wild nature is there, and it will break out sometimes. 1 bave had lions which T have petfed from rubs, but itis all the same when they grow up. ' "It will be some dayd hefore I shall be able to resumé my place 'ip the cage: 16 ' wan the worst mauling 1 have ever had, For some ddys past Waliace has heen jn a bad temper, and only last Satorday le'sprang at me and cut' my' head with' his claws; while about a fortnight ago, while we were performang at Acton, he wt for me just ax' 4 was going out of the gate and tope my boot with oné . of his claws. Yes, it's father ad exciting life, tnki C48 altogether." Walled? i Ke loses is j= not a hice Animal 'to meet, attacketl The proprietor's son on seve. ral occasions: and hak genedally sue- ceeded it leaving hif fark' A girl, Mise Laurence, has been in the Habit of giving a skirt dance in the lon's cage while Marco keeps the animal in a corner, but owing to his recent bad temper she has temporarily abandon- ed her performance. i . 3 | i temper, TWENTY YEARS OF PRAYER. Woman Who Was Paralyzed At- tributes Recovery to Faith. Washington, Pa. Feb, Lucy Mackey, who, for twenty } has been confined to ker bed, her right grm and right leg paralyzed, is able to walk about the room, appar- 'tently completely well, Miss Mackey says : "I attribute my healing to praver alone. 1 have prayed constantly for the last twenty years, and 1 have al- ways felt that God would in His own way help we This morning, while lying in bed and praying to God, all at once semething seemed to pass through my body kke an electric "hock. From that moment I felt stronger. 1 knew that strength to my arm and leg had been restored. I immediately leaped out of bed, but while my arm and leg had been made whale, . I could scarcely stand for dizziness. Now. I will get out and tell the people what the Lord has done for me." Needles And Pins. London Lancet. The patient was a healthy Scotch girl, aged twenty years, who had no sign of hysterical tendency, but was in the habit of putting pins in her moth , and some times had been kiiown to fall asleep without removing them. She was admitied to the hos. pital, having swallowed five pins acci- dentally while fixing" clothés, and by the help of emetics she was relieved of them. Returning Kome, she began regularly to vomit pins; and got rid of twenty-three in the comrse of a month. She then began to produce needles, and in a fortnight thirteen came out from the following situa- tions : The left nostril, the origin of the sternmastoid behind the leit ear, and a spot on' the front of the right arm. At the same time she continued vomiting pins until seyenty-five had appeared. The ncedles were blackened and slightly eroded, and. two of them were threaded with about three inches of thread. Union Bank May Purchase. Montreal, Fels. 25.~1t is stated that the Union Bank will acquire the St. James street. property, owned by the Sovereign Hank, utilized as a head office. The premises have been inspect: el by Manager Strathy, of the Union, and Mortimer. B. Davis, Montreal, di. rector of that institution. The Union has at present a branch on Notre Dame street, a little out of the bank- ing centre. Ten Natives Killed. Montreal, Feb, 25.~The oflice of the Mexican t und Power company has received word that the accident reported. in connection with their works in Mexico was more disastrous to BAUS life Shad to the compan direct, Jf tonsisied of a _cayein on Gaeir. wpilivay, dn which te Mexi lost their lives. The company suffers little, if any, monetary loss. $ To 3 Stanight Fi St." John, N.B., Feb 35. This is vo- mination day iu this province and from the presénit indications there will be contests in every county. In ome county, Glousester, there are thred tickets in the ' field, nig ht ment, straight = a and an in dependent. Jn all hy it i ght y Hight the gov ny ae ---------------- While Stooping and Neglecting to He has Hmusements. (@haND OPERA, HOUSE) ALL THIS WEEK, Evenings, st 8.15. Sat,' Matinee, . PRED W. HOMAN. Presents THE WILBOR STOCK CO. In a 3epertoire of New Plays, i High Cluss Vaudeville. Change of Plays and Specialties, Night- 2.30. Driven From The heart. Prices--1v¢., 20¢., 0c, Seats now on sale. HOCKEY MATCH FINAL SENIOR OMA. STRATFORD vs. MTH.BATT, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26th. Doors open at: 7.80. Gawe oplled at 8.15, Admission, Uents', 50c. Admission, Ladies', 25¢c. Ileserved Seats, hc. and G0e, All reserved seats ordered must be paid for when ordered. Plast opens for sade of Seats. Feb. 25th, at 2.30 p.m. th Bagd in attendance. ASSAULT - AT- ARMS 8 pun Friday, Feb. 28th Queen's Gymnasium. INALS Middle, envy FINALS WRESTLING=Light, Middle, Heavy. FINAL FENCING--Gymnastic Display Admission, 25c. Tenders for Coal Will be received upto Feb 29h 1908, for Soft Col for tke Str. Woe Island er, to be delivered as required hoard for the season 1908-9, z Home. Convicts Sweet- ly. TONIGHT WEDNESDAY BOXING Light, free oz Address; JAMES McALLISTER, Reeve, Wolfe Island COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going' on in the Business World--The Markets, J. J, Mitehell, it is reported, now replace Mr. Fish on the Central directorate. C.P.R. earnings for the third week in February show a decrease as ¢om pared with the same week last year, of $148,000, : The output of the collieries of Crow's Nest Pass Coal company for the week ended Februgry 2ist, total led 21,205 tons, a~Haily average of 3,534 tons. ; It is 'estimated that 'the production of iron in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Canada and. other countries in 1907, aggregated, appro- ximately, 61,000,000 tohs, as come pared with 59,000,000 fons in the pre oecling year. The fact that the Pennsylvania rail- road reduced ' the aggfegate amount paid ont in wages ditidg January by 21,500,000 in domparison with the payrolls of previous mouths, verifies the prediction made last summer to the effect that a.sharp decline in gross receipts is to he expected. Consolidation of the large coal min- ing interests' of lllinois and. Indiana for the purpose of regulating the out put and upholding prices is now upder way. - Two Chicago corporations, the Dering Coal company, i which Rock Island and Chicago and Eastern 11 linois raijway officials are said to be the principal stockholders, and the O'Gara Coal company, controlled hy Chicago politicians and New York Central officials, ave leaders in the en- will Hlinois the Hberprise, Stop that ticxiing cough! Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure will surely stop it, and with perfect safety. It is so thoroughly harmiess that Dr." Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even with very young babies. The whole some green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub furnish the curative properties to Dr Shoop's Cough Cure, . It calmg the cough' and hedls the sensitive ' bron- chial membraves. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to in- jure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. All" dealers, The Quebss ter-contenary committee is busy with the details of the event. It is . proposed to have fac-similes of Champlain's ship and of the "Abation de Champlain," the first building erect. ed in that city. Are you lacking in health--the easi- est thing in the world to keep, the hardest to - get? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is health itself. No oth- er remedy so efféetive. Satisly . your self. 33. Tea or Toblefsl Mahogd's Drug Store. nl Re Ruilways of the United States are making a strong effort to pditpone the coming into effect of the nine-hour law, . wp ; Buy Caticira end winfrient at Gibson's Red Sr Stove. Fresh Y ' pes Ropreseptativey of thi bdailng indus. try urge a close 'season of ten years to save the Behring Sea herdyg ie Mr. Monge, Quebec, a gntigs of France, has suddenly left there Grodi- do wal The work ied od for the t b,A ¥ r fn 1908. ' CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First fmeertion lc. a word, Xaok secutive insertion thereafter ball cent a word. Minimum charge for ome in- servion, 250. v HELP WANTED-MALE. IN~DON'T ACCEPT ANY KIND OF work aotil vou hear from us. Makes $10 per day gelling the yuickest seli- er on earth ; 110.000 sold in Minne apolis. New article ; new plan ; costs T cents, sells for 25 cents. Send 5 cents for two samples, Do- mestic Mig. Co. Desk 18, Minne apolis, Minn. HELP WANTED-FEMALE, EXPERIENCED PIANO PLAYER AND ohe that can sell music. Apply 5 K.," 106 Princess street, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT must understand Sooking i reference required Apply Miss ales, corue of Bagot and Earl streets. A ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED Dressinuker to take charge of shop. State experience and salary expected, Mrs. Jobhm Gsrvin, Sydenham, Ont AT PRACTICAL SERVANT, BY MARCH oth, kitchen and assist om first floor. No washing nor Hong. Other ser- vant wmpioyed, A, 1. thagce for right person. Wages, $16. References required. Particuiars, 2083 Wellington St., Kingston. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks ; u- ates jSamm_iweive wo tighten lars week elp secure positions ; cate Touue free. Moler aber College, Queen and Spadina, Torento. LOST. EIGHTEEN MONTHS 11th Will finder COLLIE DOG old, on February Kinglly return to SMALL BROWN " £5 ant i wesslay Folger liberal re 1 $1 bills, or leave [ and receive one $5 Finder kindly Ticket Agency, ward. with pearl Momdny Opera, House on Princess or Barri Reward for its turn to this Office. or Sts HEART PENDANT AND Monday evening on either Barrie, Princess or Diy Finder please return to and receive reward "ARL brooch, Union Nis oflies LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. BLACK AND WHITE PERSIAN CAT. Any person harboring this cat will be prosecuted Reward for return to "Fairview Mack street. * WANTED--GENERAL, TO BUY A LOT, IN CHRIST CHURCH yard, of Cataragui > . Ani dress "X.Y. Z., Cer Whig © SEWING DONE, OF X or write to M. Cayless, reet, over Armstrong's. PLAIN kiod 1 334 King st UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET work, by R. W, Millard 235 Welling- ton St. Orders taken ot Drury's Coal office. A JOR CLEANING ASHES OUT OF ¥ s or cellars, or other be carted. Prices right. Lytle, General Carter, SMALL, WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE in test of condition and good weigh- borhood, for long orf Short term Two adults, nd chiliven particulars. Address * office. JENTLEMEN TO righ t. Galloway Brock St, next to Bibby's livery, CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, FURNI- ture, Pianos, or any article for stor age, by the month, year, or any way required. ial ey apply ta Laturney's Carriage Works, » and 393 Princess Si. "Phobe, 153. MONEY AND BUSINESS. DUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building end gobtents than any other company offers. Examine them t Godwin's Insurance Ewmporivmg ot Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fi Insurance Company, Available ision Whig] IOLD WISH-BONE BROOCH, SET] { evening, at | Bagot, { re- | | } { IDO YOU CARD The People's Forum. FOR SALE, FOOT SHOW dey"s Drag Store. SIX CASE, AT 5 UP: Mee BUILDING LOTS FROM $38 y fice, 81 Brock Camp's Real Eolate O slreety Ol THE ply ta Capty ort, Ont. THIRTY Schooner W.. El Lo 'wo SHAR] Metener . bh, Fort M 1907 EDISON KENETISCOPE, ; two S00 and one 300 gal, Steel Apply Caps Roys, sare r A} avr t for A MOVING PIC wire wo TURE NO. 76 SYDENBAM, SOLID RRC With extension Kitchen, 6 bed r hot Water heating. Recently removate ed throughout. Possession 1st May, Apply A. B. Cunningham, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALF- Doubie house, on Jobson street, the property of the late Joseph Jamies aon, now as « dwelling and = Ruiibera shop. Apply ta Messrs, alkemn & Walkem. PROPERTY ON QORE STREET, Ui longing to estate of the la Add Co Wil lismseon cent Frontage. 66 feet ; dopil Large brick hou garden Mo rear Cays, King steeet TO-LET. STORES, MclUanu's, Apply OFFICES, 51 'Brock DWELLINGS, Storage, ete, street, BEDROOMS, WITH LARGE 7.215. In ition the policyholders have security the unlimited the stockho ®. Farm and city pre perty insured at lowest possible rwten. Before renewing old or giving Rew business & Strange, to for gents, 'Phone, B68, lability of all! rates from Strang | FRONT all maodern conven 100 Kiang St, dor noes Apply Uni S m i { BRICK HOUSE i B07, opposite { session, 1st street, ON ALFRED ST, NO Vietoria Park Fos May, Apply 606° Princess | PERSONAL. HAIR warts, ete, without scar Dr I MOLES, removed pers anently, Twenty years Elmer J. Lake, E roat and Skin Specialist, 8 Bagot street FOR RUNNING? will teach ir 5 ' Jetter © very wh on ranners in » order f n Addr Jue MARRIAGE LICENSES, C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER © Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. BIRTHMARKS, | . » n ¢ BE . ane 'Phone, 345 289 ALFRED M r Kuw gas, etd Appts from 4 to 6, {A FURNISHED HOUSE | St. Home of the wate hot Water he canta way see house Apply on prem ating wes ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot strests. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Builing, Market Square, Pp nchor POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant's Dank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213, WM. REWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. ce, secomd floor aver Mabood's Drug store roer Princess and Bagot sireats. Fintrance om Bagot street Phone; 608. ec LOOKING AT SPORTS. Eminent Physician Says That People Should Join In Games. "We have," said Dr. Davy in a re- markable presidential address to the British Medical Association at Exeter in discussing the effect of habits on the nation's heaith, "'per- haps as great a love of ghmés as ever, but much of the muscular work has béen taken from them. Your rich man sits or stands while his grouse or his pheasants are driven towards him, instead of walking the moors or woods to find them. The poorer man pays hig entrance money to see a few ex perts playing ericket or football, in- stead of playing.the game himself while some of the most manly and best exercises, such as wrestling, box- ing and fencing, have almost become extinct. By physical culture alone can we have a proper remedy for the muscular degeneration so prevalent It ought to be considered by every educational authority. Every school in the country should be under a pro- perly trained. medieal officer." As to food, fads and fancies of vari ous more or less eminent individuals had been allowed far too much prom- inence, sometimes bringing the sub ject into ridicule. The feeding of civi- lized man was not merely a question of "stoking the engines." "No harm is done by cooking the food in a tempting and pleasant way, provided the scientific amounts be not greatly exceeded. "TI expect," said the presi- dent, "that the exquisitely cooked food of a first-class chef is far more digestible and healthy than the same food. unappetizingly cooked by an ig norant general servant.' A great part of the terrible infant mortality, was directly traceable to the absolute ignorance of the great majority of our nation on all ques tions of food, elementary hygiene and science. urge on statesmen the need for mak. ing elementary physiology and hy. née a compulsory part of the edu- eation of all children. Referring to-consmmption, Dr. Davy said that Great Britain contains 600, 000 poor patients with a preventable infectious disease, the large majority of whom are bound to die of a lin- ring illness, It was time some- ing was done officially. He thought that the Government, having obtained the best expert and other opinion, and having considered the precautions' in other countries, should bring forward legislation. to deal with the disease. In conclusion, he showed what Japan had done by introducing phy- sical exercises, gymnastics and games inte all the schools, preserving the health and physique of the nation. England should do the same. or ele must take a back seat in that con- gurse of instiona in which .only the w be supreme... . Waiting For the Man. 3 A good story is told of a recent visit Shela Mow a han 1 » cestershire. Mean Mo atta the bishop at. ibe station and he stepped Dios ing tobe tukeft of ence toh salina tion. " however,' sn sat motionless on the box, the ltast intention. appaseutly ony. ibe ion inquired why he Fy sir," said the coachman, "f yas oid 10 wait for the Bishop of Sodor and Man. i w and no I'm waiting for the man." : hI Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON. Giving Up To Gain. It is necessary we thing in to 'gain another, In nothing is this truer than in the realm of religion. To gain the me must give up the old, sometimes to order new onteptions of Him that up to us from the past, To believe i a salvation that really must ;mve up hope of salvation that is only selfish. To believe really worth while the old idea of right now that the and' the feave many have SAVES, you that kind of superficial and a he that is vou m hell Face mm advancing m n give the toward new better, vou must of the old things behind Address Rev, OC. W Beacon street, Boston, literature the Casson, Mass. at for Auction Sale of House and Lot. I AM INSTRUCTEN for sale by public auction, on SATURDAY, 20th FEBRUARY INSTANT, wk in the afternoon, at the Weigh House, Market Sow in the ( T0 OFFER at 12.15 o'el The association and the press should { You've arrived, sir, [4 of Kingwton, the following desirable (Property ©: Lot number Twa on the South isda of Pine street, comtaiming by ad measurement twenty-one perches of land {more or 1 ad being the house wd | premises nutibered 28 Pine street fon erly owned by Robert F. Bushey Upon this property there is a ¢ able frame cottage {| This property will be offered for jsubject to & reserve bid and fo tions which will be made known at th sale Further particulars on the wndersigmed 14th February, 1908. |" MCINTYRE & McINTYRE, Solicitors. | RW. ALLEN, Auctioneer, | mforg } cone li applicatio Vendors Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness eote., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Lith and Saves Much, Good Variety af STRACHAN'S. The Complont Studio, 66 Barrie SC, 25¢, Per Lesson. R. ©. CA ot "Es RIER, Henonls ---- 331 King Street. "Opes from 10.30 a.m, $0 5 wm, the Pest piace 10 get en all rousd Lovell in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest Chinese dishes » 'Phone, 655. Linseed and Licorice Tablele are sold at lex 0 # yi In Pencil and Charcoal Sketching | New England Chinese Restagrant | (HE PARAGRAPH PULPIT give up | T'o believe | in God, vou must discard most of the com up | fact American Oils | Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline | We make a specialty of handling | Lubricating Qils of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO., | South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. i sale | ? Dept. of Militia and Defence. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. { SEALED TEN 4 NERS i j other barr fond fore | year begs | cetv'™d { 190% abe rw the upper hit Totid velupe Tender Sor bie wap y lar be ctor of Ceomtracts the office of the » { Pastors Ontario, Samples of fhe grocerss the tendered projoses to fm submatted with. each 1 imder Tewdors must ba made on formu fursishesd by the Depart out may Giterabion whatever, jthey wil not be considers der nrust be accom patted J {change on a Capadisn chartered | payable to the order of thw the {the Minister of Militia ated Dedonos an amount equal to ten [er tole! value of the articles which will tw forfeited if the ing the tender decid when called upon to Ite complete the sory; the temder he BOL accept will be retorned The [epuritment does » wetept the lawest or wrt rend teh the chegue t Lind lel ta ier i ARVIS oh 19-5, vary. Npartmant of MIRUA and Tudence, Oithwy, Fabrosry 17, 100% Newspapers will not be paid for this if they insert it without the Ixpariient ny ts Ey ¥, J Mgr f advertisement J authority from THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTNFNT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. Presiden ir Richard Cartwright Money gu City apd Form Pron pertiesi pa!» Coty Dube 4 upchemed, allowed,