Synopsis of Canadian North sest a BESTEAD REGULATION . even muishersd section of wn in Maositoba of the North-West ovindes, excepting 8 smd 26, pot Te served, may tH homesteaded by any per son the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of ege, in the extest Oo) section, of 190 acres, more lowe. Application for homestead entry mie} Be made in person LY the applicant 'Powintony. Lands Agency or Sub Pye Fnery By proxy may, however, he made at an Agency om certain conditions by the: father, mother, son, daughter, broth. or of sister of an intending bomesteader. Am application for entry or cancella- tion made personally at aa sub-agent's Meo may be wired to the A by the ot the expense of the appli: cant, sud "4 the land applied for is vacant of the telegram such applica tion ie to have priority and the lacd will "be beid patil the wpecessary papers to loth the transaction are received by in case ot "'personation" or fraud the applicant will forfeit all priority of claim or if entry has been grauted it will be cancel lod. An application for cancellation must be 18 person. The applicant must be dor homestead entry, and only one on for cancellation will be ved trom an individual until thet ap on bas been disposed of. san sry is cancelled He applicant for cancellation Will be en- ean" fea ofesteader whose entry Is mot he of calla on proceedings me to the approvel of Depart edt, selibquion it ia favor of father \ otigiier, brother or sister but to no one else, pu fling sbansionment. Helareclon of Shang fs required ta per: under ous of the follows fit extent, in the wicipit . Joint A - wilt mest this requirement. the father (or mother, {I the detensed) of a homesteader bas on fafming land not less than 80) acres in extent, 8 in the vicini- homestead, or upon a * home for by him in the vicinity, homesteador may perform his own ce duties by living with the fath- The term "vicinity" Ins the 1iwo ing paragraphs is defined as mean- not more then wine miles in a direct exclusive of the width of road al- while living with land o¥ued by Agent for the district of such Belore making application for patent She Sutter must give six months' notice to the Commissioner of Do- ho at Ottawa, of his imten- CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING BEGULATIONS, OA. Juicing rights may be Apt, a) al_of ot 81 gor bo. Not ac mote be leased to one hr or a VL royalty at be the rate of five cents per ton 4all collected on the merchantable com Ps UA RY 2 person eighteen yoa 4 OF over, hv discovered Binaral in "may locates a claim 1,500%1,500 o clofm is $5. must be expended on the er the mining hen $500 has or paid, oo locator may survey made, and upon th other requirements, pure late at $1 per acre. oth per for the payment cent on the sales. ma generally are 100 ry feé §5, renewable year- An Sopites may Obtain two leases ta Bredge d of five miles each for a term tw y years, renewable at the of the Minister In- ne [A shall have & dredge in oper- ope season from the date for each Ove usiles. Rental in for each mile of Ho y ot the rate of 2} SF gman 4 the output after it wn WwW. W. CORY, Base tn N ens will mot, be paid ca -- EDUCATIONAL, ne ene ir oe jE » yim wish to be successful Bt: * tend The : F. rT BE. CUNNINGHAM, Setretarys ¢ MAAASARASSAMNA1 1 OOOO QOO0VO0 1a et Slhawe © 3.614 use includieg aug Ottcwa toy 874. makes combined . Underwood do so popular, Su Empire. Agate, 177] RECIP E : FOR coLDS THE OLD TOLENE AND WHIS- | KEY MIXTURE FOR COUCHS, coLDs, Py; ONCE MORE PULAR. From ap eminent local druggist we learn that the old, reliable mixture | of whiskey and Tolene is as popular | to-day as it was years ago, and that it is better than many of the so- called sure cures advertised exten- | sively. Here is the recipe :-- Fluid extract Licorice Fluid extract Cascara Elixir Tolene Best rye whiskey Take a dessertspoonful every two or three hours. Children in propor. tion. These well-known be bought at any drug store at small expense and mixed at home. srews Imperial Crown Brand ROR0BOR0R0H When buying Underwear you aust not lose sight of the fact that Imperial Crown Brand bas made a world-wide reputation. Every garment guaranteed--Look for the Red Label on every gar- ment with the Crown in the centre, made from the very finest of material, made only by. bd CRORORORO 0 Kingston Hosiery Co. Ltd. Kingston, Ont. ARO Suffered From Heart TOR THE "WE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF RAW FURS. W. F. GOURDIER, Exclusive Furrier 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. Phone 700, Kingston, Ont. ud « Gea'er on 30 days trial, with no obligation te purchase / Firm of A. L. SILEBRSTEIN, 476 Broadway, New York, N.Y Far sale by MoKaivey & Birch, 69- 71 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. ingredients can | and Nerve Troubles | NEWS OF _ NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- | ENTSTELLUS = | S---- | The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What | People Are Doing And What | They Are Saying. | Washburn Notes. Washburn, Feb. 24.--Washburn mill . i is running in full force again and with | the brick and tile company workfiven, { this is quite a busy little yillage. Re- | gent visitors were: Mr. McAlpmn and bMiss May Bell at B. Ball's; J. Wilson Fat T. Fisher's: George "Anderson at Thomas Anderson's; Miss May Kags at her sister's, Mrs. Sneil's, Ida Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woods, of Barriétield, and family and Miss Donaldson, of Kingston, at Wy Woods'. Ardoch Budget. Feb. 23.--In spite of all the snow storms, the roads have not been blocked up. 0. McLellan has had the success of getting his hay all up from Dwyer's meadows. A great number of ties and lumber are being hauled to Clarendon since the lake roads have heen open. The surprise party at Ephraim Babeock's was a great suc- cess. "A number of drawing teams have left the Yankee's camp Ardoeh, Barriefield Briefs. Feb. 24.--~The 'boys have rink at the foot of Barriefield hill. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murray, a daughter. The marriage of a widower twice over, and a young village girl is to come offi shortly. Several teams are draw- ing stone to Navy Bay for the erec- tion of the new military college cot- George Medley is seriously ill hopes are entertained Mrs. Joseph Walker is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nevison. Barrett brothers' dance comes off on Thursday evening Barriefield, a fine skating tages. and but slight for his recovery. Perth Road Pointers. Perth Road, Feb, 24.---The oyster | supper on the 13th, was a grand suc | cess. On Wednesday, 12th, Miss killa | Guthrie and Roland Thowpson, were united in marriage. Miss Blanche Sto- ness is risiting friends in Kingston. On Friday evening, 21st, a surprise party visited the home of 5. Dicken- son, where an enjoyable evening was spent, Visitors: Frederick Knowlton and 'wife, Napanee, at George Alton's; J. Harris, Kingston, at R. Harris'; W. McFadden at M. Simpking: J. Sherr at S. F. Darigng's; Miss Emma Perguson, Leland, at 8, Dickson's ; Ross Keeler, Alta, at A. McFadden's. Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Feb, 24.----Miss Winniired Purvis is guest of Miss Marie Purvis. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bonsteel gathered at their home, on Monday evening last, and enjoyed a fine re- past. Mr. and Mrs. Bonsteel will be much missed when they leave for their new home at Elbe. Before departing they were presented with a fancy par- lor rocker. Alvin Avery is on the sick list. Jerome Herbison has re- turned to his home in New York. Mr. Campo, Portland, is visiting friends here. Miss Beamish, Brockville, is the guest of Miss Edna Summers. Mrs. Benjamin Ferguson, and children, Quabbin, spent a few days, last week, at Herbert Scott's, Vennachar Cattle Dying. Vennachar, Feb, 24. --George ston is back to run the stage, Plevna to Denbigh. There seems be some disease among the cattle. In one herd, three died in one night. E. C. Bebee lost a fine Holstein animal three years old. John Grant lost a pair of colts, also one of his work- ing team, John Gilmour has gone to the lumber woods with his team. Rob- ert Gregg is drawing wood for R. W. Conner. Cetawayo, a native of South Africa, is prospecting here, and re- ports some good specimens of various minerals. John Cowan has. finished drawing his marsh hay. A wee boy came to Mr, and Mrs. Anson Thompson's. Visitors : Misses Jennie Card and Rhoda Ball, Verona, at their grandmother's, Mrs, John Ball's; Robert Conner at 'Mrs. E. A. Sweet. nam's; Mrs. J Mace Grant at her sis- ter's, Mas. F. P. Ball's; John Lee, La- vant Station; T, John Ball and Simon Ball made a business trip to Denbigh. John- from to Kaladar Jcttings. Kaladar, Feb. 24.--W. Morton left, yesterday, for Dryden, after spending a couple of months with his mother here. Mr, Pierson is holding gospel meeting here. Mr. Sills, of Tweed, 'is doing some painting for Messrs, C, Robigson. and. OC. Kellar. Mr. and 'Hughes, Marlbank, arrived here, i ay to reside for the future. Mr. hes has opened a general store. a. Svott, night operator, spending a couple of weeks at his home in Nor- wood. Miss Fleming spent Saturday, the guest of Miss Thompkins, teacher, Messrs. Miller and. Pickering made a business trip to Napance last week, Mr. Alex , of Arden, registered at the King Edward on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickering spent Sun- day at the 'home of their daughter, Mrs. James Bathgate. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson spent Sunday in Clove Mrs. Morton and Miss Laura Morton were ¢ sts of Mrs. Kellar on Wednes- day last. Miss Reid, Northbrook, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. J, Norton. ' Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, Feb. 24.--T. and J. Perry, Myer's Cave, visited this week at their sister's, Mrs. E. Wood's; F. Wood Monday at Arden. Rev. Nr. | an and S. Clancy spent Mon day at A. Ol 's, Beaver Creek. Russell Clancy, of that place, is con- valescent, after a severe illpess. N. 'made a trip intention of erecting a $10,000,000 hos- pital in Chicago. + Tron Wile. "Our Own" make, Pint hottles, 0c, at Wade' \ - hy & 8 5 0 Lee Bad ihe vaaad Charles I, Yérkes, hag Ahnounced 'her {son a. Wheeler a and Miss M. Huffman spent | } Sunday at Mrs. A. Palmateer's. i and Mrs. F. Gray recently visited 4, Gray's. Three . farmers bad encounter with a bear the other day. | Mrs. €. Miller and Mrs. H. Rodgers made a trip to Cloyne on Wednesday. News From Wellington. Wellington, Feb. 24. A number of | villagers are getting in their ice. The sale is good, and is about twenty inches thick There is a coal famine | hers these couple oi weeks. Word has | been received here that an old-time | resident of this place in the pérson oi James M. Squire, of Lindsay, stricken with Péralysis, and iy in a very critical condition. Frank Trun- dell is a papa, the owner of a son. J. E. Cronk has been confined to the house for a few davs through sick: ness. Mrs. Amelia Wilson is spending | the balance of the winter with her | sister; Mrs, J. E Cronk. There has been a great deal of sickness and a good many deaths in the village this | winter. A number from here attended | the ball in Picton. The special, on Saturday, met with an accident, io- | juring the engine and snow plough. | Mre. Friday (formerly Laura Cronk), | of Toronto, is visiting friends and re- | latives here. T. M. Nash, aiter a few days' confinement in the house | through sickness, is able to be out again. | -- Hockey Match i Charleston. Charleston, 'eb. "22.~Mr. and Mrs, T. Foster attended the golden wed- ding of Mrs. Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flood, at Trevelyan, on Saturday last. J. Kavanagh, W Morris and Miss B. Slack went 10 Delta on Friday to play for the Delta Amateur Dramatic company at the town hall. Morris Kennedy, June- town, is spending a few days here, John Flood, Trevelyan, called on | friends here last week. Miss M. Mul- venna is visiting friendyg at Lyndhurst | and Long Point. Mr. apd Mrs. S Godkin gave a party to their many friends on Thursday evening." Master Lindsay Slack, very ill for the past week, is some better, Quite a large crowd assembled hore on Friday afte noon-to witness the hockey match be. | tween Charleston and Soperton teams, which resulted in seven to thre in favor of Charleston. The Charleston | boys played well, it being their first game. The players were : Charleston--Goal, B. Slack: S. Howard; cover point, CU. Howard; right wing, 8. Hasking left wing, D Morris; centre, C'. S. Yates; rover, H Webster. Sopertou--Goal, Wilson; point, Mor- ris; covers point, Jarvis; centre, ¥ra ser; right wing, Singleton; leit wing, | Eaton; rover, Neilson. After the game the Charleston boys furnished a sup- per at the Charleston Lake hotel. | point, | | PHILIPSVILLE NEWS. Many Changés Are to Také Place «bn Farms. Phillipsville, Feb. 24.--Some of the farmers are having a serious tim getting out wood the snow being so deep. The reception at the home of Alfred Willows, on Wednesday even- ing last, in honor of their son, How ard, and his bride, was largely at- tended. About sixty guests sat down to the wedding feast. The presents were very numerous, Auction sales are numerous many tenant farmers will move in the spring in order to better their condition. William Dorman wills=move to near Shanes' school, on the Smith's Falls road. John Nolan has pented his farm to a Mr. Hull, Newboro. Mr. Nolan has moved to Athens. A Mr. Jooes has taken the Lockwood farm. J. V. Philips has rented his farm. John Downey has secured a tenant, a Mr. Whitmarsh, to work his farm the coming season. Mr, Schofield is leaving the Harry Coon farm and will work the H. Smith farm in Plum Hoi low. Henry Coon has secured the services of William DeWolf to assist | him on his stock farm. The mail carrier has had a time with the snow banks this ter. E. A. Whitmore has heen con- fined to bed through illness for the past two weeks. He is reported sompwhat better the past two days TI Farmers' Bank of Canada has opened a branch of the bank in this place.. W. B. Phelps has some rare old} coins in his cabinet of coins. Among them is an English. penny bearing date 1707. This penny weighs as much as six Canadian cents. Stevens & Halladay are getting the material on the ground to erect a new and up-to-date cheese factory in the place of the one that was burned and BOT win SMALLPOX IN SYDENHAM. The Disease Spreading-The Resi- dents Much Alarmed. Sydenham, Feb. 24.--The Board of Health meets again to-day to consider what steps should be taken to stamp out the small-pox epidemic. On Sa- turday afternoon several of the "pri vate residences and places of business were placarded to warn the passers-by to keep away. Dr. Tovell vaccinated all .the pupils of the public school, and also the members of forms one and two ol. the high school, on Iri- day last. The public library is closed for the time being, There was no Sunday school yesterday afternoon: At nine o'clock this morning the high whopl was closed. The residents of the village are in an uproar over the disease, which is spreading among them, as they have never been visited by such as this before. As Mrs, John Patterson was driving into the village on Saturday evening her horse became unmanageable and ran away, upsetting the cutter and throwing the occupants out. The horse ran down the sidewalk and when the sleigh struck a aph pole it fread fteelf from the cutter, The horse | and driver recrived wo injuries, but | the cutter was badly broken. I While ice the team owned by | D. Graves, Harr , Tan away | off the lake, one day | it week, They | were taught near Mrs, tman's, on | the Harrowsmith rogd. A large quan. tity of ice being Ysikan. irom the lake bere at the present time. i This evening a farewell party will, be held at the home of Mrs. P. doyle, | Simcoe | office | Peter's { fort was | post office established, {ment, in | Yarker IS { been Was 1 STOP HIM! : cz WwW. WINNIPEG. MAGIC BAKING POWDER GILLETT'S PERFUMED LYE GILLETT'S CREAM TARTAR. mn fill } When your dealer, any of above goods, for a substitute, STOP HIM. hat is the time to do it. It is too late when you get home, and the package as 48 1g your order for reaciws opened, partially used and found wanting, generally the case with substitutes, There are ask for the above absolutely none why ing dealer palm off something which he claims 10 be "just as good," or "better" or 'the same thing" as the article you ask for. The buying public recognize the superior quality of well advertised and standard articles hke Gillett's 'goods. The substitutor realizes this fact and tries to sell inferior goods on the advertiser's reputation. { many reasons why vou should well advertised but you should let a substitut- articles, GILLETT V. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. MONTREAL. B® PROTECT YOURSELF BY REFUSING SUBSTITUTES. HOW YARKER WAS NAMED. -- | | E. R. Checkley, Writes About the, Little Village. 1859 the village Falls, but there there, all the mail Mills, a mile made that Until was was no post dista year to have but the ted too the name y ground a Sime in Norfolk, A tn store of John Sh of names to be ment objec Falls on { already mex A sent order of Yarker was who had w in his younger YS Ihe by Ma Mr fer Ph rked for name of McVean posed a in Sy then living Yarker I, and Jame merch { ham; his twa King Sons wer George W Mont being a hardy nams Yar ighth on the | rston, 4 in in} the Yi ark ant The ¢énth or i of rea ol Rey the frst have a Mo by$ it would had a strang the names prominent in foreign tries Alphacus Vanluven suggested Rockinmirg from quantity of rock around there But t often happens and the wernment pa aver six names and ted that Yarker. Shortly afterwards a was held the at whi W. and Yarker they promised to present with a bell. Mess: Yarker brought out the hell and were met by the villagers with a brass band: all repaired to the wood by, where held, made l no ing lage inscription : ler, bsg v and the Pe ein Od the a close appear as people ¢ hking td unlikely se le village = mn George Jame present; village school s close was speeches a pice feasting a bell still hangs the vil and bes the folk "Presented to George Mil inhabitants oi Yer- ker, hy W. and N, Yar ker, 1850." George Ww i= man- ager of the Clearing to. James Yarker ago. amid wry-r Fhid hool 0 rs wing James Yarker House in Tor died me George WIV Years A Winter Comfort. cold feet or seasickness a hot water bottle is invaluable. Es pecially neetled in-w inte r. The right kind here at Bc. up for ghe two quer size fountain syriviges, bulb sT and all rubber sick-room supplies Wade's Drug Store, ------------ Alkaline, Copen For pain, in The 'Danish barque left Greenland for Philadelphia, with a early in October la not heard It C4 L that was caught in the ice and will no able to get' free until spring. gen ned ervolite, heer wh bob go of of since EO Catarrh is bound offensive and sickening every day buzz and rigy, the head nehed, | 1 patient to breathe through the forced back into the throat, reg to keep the air passges free. | into. the stomach, By this time the patient has strength, depletes happy result, - way causing < | Bloan to heingr : here, ti this {Liver 1 which } one | An Italian to come Wi month "nally dys; BY the vital energies 1 BLOOMFIELD DEATHS. A ---- -- EE - --_-- GANANOQUE TITINGS. Closing of Rev, Father Kehoe's Big Bazaar. Feb, 25.--The winter far, he past hall, under the an ladies of St Jo brought to a most su Two Old Residents Passed Away | 'The | Last Week, iield, Fe 24.-Vi who has i ailing months the son, A , on the annual Heh has tory Sykes Ganano for several fidence of his | 18th My was in his cightvfourth year | adent of Kings} for For many yedrs he has | ces +d a tannery here, fune i he on Thursday, from hi dence od cemeter under order, +h jue, bazaar and mi wh been held farner 's pi } ehurch, ful eh died at V. Svkes during week in assem the was Sykes ol Ra's was a In on grand concert in at church years, issue with which the and abo then oruses. The and Ralp I'he guished direction n which decea members. Another | died on fof Mr fifth year. name large family, old reswdent the 17th inst. vart Brow Deceased Noxon, band was in of the thu trip tendance 1e Close part of the programme, with many around here. 13 1 was held husband ther Mrs. W i w Star-Bachelor hockey ns, of Chisholm, Miss Hertha, { Lansdowne on Saturday New York state, and Dr. Willet Brown, the return match with the of Flushing, NY., who were all in at who gave the Stars an « | tendance at her funeral on We gum Carr, Dr. Sangor Brown and wile, At hali-time cago, we also present, favor of wan Noxon, ak New York siete » Ramuoiers twas here at the funeral of his § { Mrs. Brown. The balance of Samuel] account ol sor of v referve Neshitt's apples, in the cold stormige } ue reteree th rave the gi being repacked and shipped Rachel he wee Charles Christy is sick, with little of his recovery {Another outbreak al drawing was and mus was closed are team went evening Roam) Lpse In of Ganan the & the refus wo all decis for leérs, their Hue dnesday former of Chu redere ore tool 3 to Star 14d re } Jonatl ister the onl on me han and half ol 6 lo are ny k. very un hopes ore of small-pox has ame of the local man appeared Ralph Leavens is the vie Ptablishmen v hid tim He progressing favorably. | Past have « ily ( Inyton | Burr has leased his farm gud average in evangelistic 'work | Have Rev. D. S. in Torauto aye k, to « siderably few days last Mortimer Smith, : stafi of as been in Manitoba, } Ma { is home. Mr of Le Foronto, was he week, acturivg en h for some time been asnnieg. on thirty been compelled, an week, past their In about hows a Q tury the Houck week. , intends S was {who has and slode; past {ef m days last during the D. B. Bow re a lew) terday | former ' Misa ( year, Lae 1 an, of River | slreet, | May Wear Foreign Decorations. { { wil Navy british | Grippe 1s sweeping the country it with Preventic it ly seated. To check carly « these little sid Clare surely sensible and safe | contain no quinine, " Inothing harsh or si king {ia would never appear "N° were promptly broken. for feverish childrer tablets. 205¢;~ Vest Thomas i Stop deep with Tablets is Preventics no laxative, Kening Commander bh, 25, Macdonald, Macde Ottawa, Fe t lam Balfour on of Ser j olumbia, has i mission to wear al % before get ; Ids wor ni Candy ( ratior no "neumao d upo Prneumaon if early colds Also ~ good Large hox, 48 pocket boxes Be, from the tre stows one of peror n mm Li of Germany. a--------. Sweden, from dttle cure Why don't you try They are headache, Carter's 1 'ls ? a positive for .. sick and all the ill produced hy disordered liver, Only » pill 'a dose. music st recked by morning. This is the the same kind suffered | Locato, the proprietor, a patent a and 1a went him of Ex-May harged ore in Br kv a bomb, on Monday | third outrage by sce Was wm will escape, SB ¢ hoe to the head plug th this weather. Scarcély The inflammation he eves pain dreddiully, the mose gets Vile, filthy secretions are a great deal of coughing this foul matter finds its and genbral il-bealth. CUATARRH, which saps onfumption x the un anyone extends furtherin ome more soon the 10 th furs begin reed up and this forces wring "a STEMIC th © BREATHE CATARRHOZONE There isn't the slightest use with tablets, snuffs. or sprays. adequate, You must employ possesses power to kill of Catarrhosone is carried minute cells of the nose, by throat, antiseptic medication gots everywhere no person too old-evervbody is too chronic, of anv kind can be permanently which is endorsed by erica, who say : The only way i# 0 use Catarrbozone to Such Catarrhosone, the germs of Catarrh the tho neands of plivaicians throaghout Sill this conditior are wholly i odly remedy that The healing vapor to the most lungs, Is in trving to cure treatments the air you breathe hronehial tubes and that air can No cam that Catarrh this grand treatpen Am tarrh go has cared by permanently t rid of { a" Two months' treatment guaranteed to cure, price, $1.00; trial size, 25c --all dealers or N. C. POLSON & CO., Kingston, Ont.