! PAGE TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1908. - Last Days Of February Sale of Furniture, Carpets & Curtains Goods held HALL RAC Sn Beaoty, on Writiah T4A24" Mall Racks in needed. FOR until This to #4 Mirror er 5 sles of WALL. ret all $50 TABLES, 35 styles, Some round styles, $6 up to EXTENSION good, each. Carpets, Rugs, Curtains. and the Con- Fngland at re- variety Imported from tinent direct. A great duced prices Repair and Uphoistering work prempt- done. iy Yours, T: F. Harrison PHONE 90. Co. Mats Bi Our Wire Mat impor- tation from Germany has arrived. The Mats are suitablé Tor inside or outside of your porch and cannot rust in any | weather. We Have All Sizes from 60c. R. McFaul Carpet Warehouse. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. J, T. Gallagher, I. Trotter, Cote, J. W, Canvin, Montreal; Henry Kiel, Grace M, Johnson, C. BE, Reed and lady, Cape ¥insent; G. T. Bickle, WB. H. Goebel, W. MeQuinlan, W, G, Blackgruve, F. W. Manton, F. V. Manton, F, V, Clesdelle, J. D. Webb, Toronto ; L, M. Chapin, Brockville ; PD. W. Albright and wife, Preston; Ww. J. Campbell, Ottawa; T. L, Hall, Perth; E. C. Brown, Brighton: J. W. Williamson, Boston, Mass: Fred. J Ward, Halifax, em -------- A: N. Tell the truth or some one will tell it for you. Examples of the Comprehensive Benefits of Our Accident Contracts. The following examples of accident te recently paid demonstrate in a 0 wivid form the comprehensive qualities of of Snr a contracts, including not sly benefits for death and dismember ment, but also the value of the scewmnu- Jative feature, double indemnity feature, beneficiary clause, total disability, sur © pital operations, ete. Henry Lionais, Montreal VQuehee, Man ger 'The Trades Publishing Company. tehing fireworks display was injured hy EE of ® Hhasket of booms. re mitltend in the loss of sight of right eye. Three weeks and four days after accident Me. Liognis received the following bene B policy, one-third ~ $1,668.64 lations ; «168.87 50.60 89as disability' > $10,000" F. policy ane Gobierno $5,505.61. mion, N.Y. Mr. Satie we was itlod while returning from of the Mystic Shrin- ¥ ------ Cal He carried HO each, one of which a. four years ro and Bad r } $2,000 by accumulation ; the other ' been taken out, just prévious to his amount of policies $10,000, for accidents of travel $20,000 on (82,000) | Hobie t+ 4.000 on $2000 sha mati Soe ge EE ------ 15 IN A PRETTY MESS: OVER THE PURCHASE OF A ROAD PLANT. Ignor- For Board of Works Has Been ing the City Engineer Year, a Nice Little Problem. The board of pretty mes erushing pl ing. It is practically aver the raren ofa for the roar! rebmibd The at than it we vo mouths ago whole trouble ha tempt during the «ity in rather an is well-known that there irisen by an engineer, who is now placed | unpleasant position. It vas been frie board For tion all between works and months the eng by those in authority, have known better and harmoniously Late last year decided to submit to expend $12,000 on the and to buy gquatry lots £2 500, and the by-law w people in January the city was decided plant estimated the cost X7,000, which amount debentures issued by the Aeting instruc. called for tenders machinery, changes were made in the specifications, inchidin~s some ad- ditions, and when the tenders were re- ceived in January, they were found to be above the 39.000 mark, much more along the the engineer who tried to work | the board of worl a by roads to the people law valued carried hy the To do work, and it stone needed more to purchase a The city engi: of tins at was crushing neer about he raised by council under the certain on some ety tions, engineer for a amount of Later E. RI. BECKWITH Who has resigned as Uily Eogineery than estimatea, but, through no fault of the city engineer. The latter, ac. customed as he was to following out the orders of (hose in authority, sim- ply did what he was told. A special committee was appointed by the board of works to consider the tenders, and it finally recommended that none be actepted as SHO or $10,000 was too much to spend on a road plant when only a like amount was provided for road rebuilding. A smaller 'plant would do if only-%10,- 000 was to be spent in road rebuild. ing. This, City Engineer Beckwith agreed with, but when the original plans were formulated, the idea of the chairman of the board of works was that this year's expenditure would be only nu beginning, and that the people would vote more money. Hence, the new plant would be crushing stone for perhaps five years. Just at this juncture, Ald. Gaskin's assistance is greatly need by the board of works, as he could do much towards setting matters right and giving the engineer his just due. The matter was discussed by board of works, yesterday afternoon. Ald. Craig said that the board of works had a very strange way of do ing business by ignoring the city en gineer, and appointing several out- siders to report upon some lenders that the city engineer should advise the committee : upon. That was no way of doing business. Let the board of works use its own engineer, and if it hasn't coniidence in him let it say so plainly. the Ald. Graham said that the engineer pire will had not been ignored, not so far as he koew. The engineef was a member of the sub-committee appointed to donsider the . The vity engineer was intended to spehd only $10,000 on. the streets, the plant for which ten- ders were called was too large and he didn't favor buying it. If much more money was to be spent, it would be needed. and also a new steam roller, Ald. Givens asked the engineer if he had the technical knowledge to give the committee information as to the purchase of a road plant. The engineer replied that he would make a report and stake his reputation upon it. One cause of the trouble is that no one knows just how much money is so be spent upon the roads. As point ed out, if say $H0.000 is to be spent in the next five years, a good-sized plant will be required. I onl £10,000 is to be spent a very small plant will be needed. It will be impossible - to spend thi= year all the money provid. ed by the by-law, because one steam roller is not sufficient to do the work. City Engineer Beckwith has failed to assert his authority as bis prede- cessovs did. The Jate T. 0. Bolger, A. K. Kirkpatrick and 0. B. Crarg would tenders. 'stand no interferends by the board of works, and on more than one orea- sion made it plain to the hoard that it must mind its. own business. Mr. Beckwith has not been treated fairly, find seems to have been made to un- derstand that he was merely to do what he was ordered. Instead of leading he followed. The City Engineer Resigns. Reon his nani to et stated that if it; i | duridy i He aitw and is Now Up Against! conditions and relations, stoned peer-H. BR. { uo further ahead | Losition is the past year to Ignore | cecure him the council may have oi | be twelved rept he will, from. the. start, incer has been belittied | himself as city should { low { Craig will aecept at | i the | machinery | | to | members, of the beard | engineer -has pot Mr. Beckwith | vith onsiders wotrkd even hy som of works, that heen fang * ix a clever man, able engiuecti: ow abibite, have given satisfac sorking in harmon the Propet ix Youn und been tion had he with as lavor board of works as there wes the realizes that able a ear of it is continue in oflice his appointment for him preserit BO se ander | wisely decided to step out The hoard of to the city council that ex-City ommend Eugi- Craig be appointed to at $1,000 a vear. to be tendered Craig, but it is not certhin: that can be secured for this amount. works will re the vaeancy Mr. he To to to pay 21.500, Mr. Craig would be comed back to the position, seeking him, commended. H Mr. Craig does a nssery will al- him in engineer, and no one to interfere with i bis work, Later---It is understood that the offer the hoard of to he dered him hy works GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The Wilbor Stock Productions. The Withor 'Stock company | another very large audience to the { Grand Oper House last evening. The piece presented was "The Fatal Step." drew {It is a French play, one dealing with { | that occasion, i i love and intrigue and a sarcasm ox law and. justice, as administered France. The character of *'Nichette" was taken by 'Alice Clements, a pretty French maid, and was artistically handled. 'Mary Ellen McCann," a trae Irish girl, who would as soon fight as eat, was ably pourtrayed by Jane 'Tarr. Charlotte Bolton, as "Louise Mazilier," around whom the plot centred, gave a realistic con. ception of her pert. Harry Truesdale, as "Gaston Dupree," and Charles Nel- son, as "Gustave Marquette," carried out their villainous schemes to per fection, "Sergeant Ralzea,"' the only Irish policeman in France, well taken by Maurice Jenkins, The specialties were much apprecia- ted, most notably the comic acrobats, Belimar and Pratt, and the artistic dancing of Moran and Moran. Ma- dame Flower, on her appearance, was received with a storm of applause. She sang with all the sweetness and power of her wmagnilicent voice and eaptivated and delighted the audience. She sang four numbers--' 'The Sweetest Dream Of All' "The Palms,' ending with the "Holy City," "Dreaming" by request, and "The Swance River." = \To-night the play presentéd will be "On Russian Seil," and Madame Flower will sing sketches from grand opera. At the matinee on Saturday afternoon "A Boy of the Street' will be the bill of fare, was "The Candy Kid." There are numerous new, sparkling musical gems in the melo-drama with music called "The Candy Kid," and the sceni¢ effects and costumes are delightfully designed and make a deep impression upon the spectator. The heavy scenic mounting given the play by Kilroy-Britton Co, are set off to the greatest advantage by the brilliancy of numerous electri cal effects. Ray Redmond, the come- dian, and a big caste, including the hob-bon girls, are prominent in the production, which will be seen at the Grand on "Thursday, March 5th. "Just Out Of College." The coming engagement of "Jast Out of College," at the Grand on Wednesday, March 4th, will doubtless attract large audiences. It is said to be bubbling over with characteristic Ade fun and the hearers kept in na state of continuous hilarity through- out the periormance. "Just Out of College" will be staged = with the adequate attention to details as well as gencral effect, that marked the ori- ginal production at the Lyceum thea- tre, New York. The music is eatchy ard the stage settings brilliant, The first act is laid in the office of the Pickering Perfect Pickle Co., the se- cond is at the Pure Food Exposition and the last in the waiting room of a sailway station, which gives Mr. Ade ample opportunity to introduce many new and original types. bright new Paardeberg Day. Thursday was the anniversary of | Paardeberg--an anniversary the em- not soon forget. Canada ! shared the glory of Paardeberg, as on her sons stood side by the sons of men who had They were tried, and not found wanting. Their bravery and heroism was beyond reproach. It isa victory Canadians celebrate, but in doing 56 we remember the brave fol- lowers who sacrificed their lives for the safety and good of the empire. side with won the empire. The Funeral At The Cape. Rev. W. Uraig went to Cape Vin cent, N.Y., on Friday, and conducted the funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. W. Fitzgerald, who died, on Wednesday, at the home of her parerite, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinckley, from consumption, Mrs. Fitzgerald was a lady highly esteemed by all who knew her and her doath is a crushing affliction to her immediate velatives" Besides her husband and parents is survived by two small children and one sister. Eat Well And Be Well. Physical well being depends upon proper nutrition of the whole body. This depends entirely on the digestive organs. lion't tolerate indigestion or vspepsia. Make vour per- fect by use of Day's Dvspepsia Cure. This prepaation has digestive, tonic 'and laxative properties. Each bottle 'contains sixteen days' treatment, For sale only at Wade's Drag Store. Had A Merry Time. A very pleasant driving party was given, last evening, by the 'Merry Club." After a _ pleasant. drive round in| and hus very The | wel- | and in| the hoard of works is to | Pack; fer: Reid, Mr. | ten. | | handled | manner, THE SPORT REVIEW THE MIC MACS BEATEN IN ESERONTO { on An 'Open and Poorly Lighted Rink--The 14th Regiment Team Has Its Final Practice To-Night Deseronto, on Thursday night, the Mic-Macs were defeated hy the home team, three goals to nothing. At hall time the score stood twe 10" noth. ing for the Dederonto Hoxs "The game was played on an open rink with a poor ice surface dnd very poor lights Ihe teams lined fp as follows : Mic-Macs--Saunders, goal Cherry, point, Lemmon, eover Metcalfe, rov- er; Houghton, centre; Dowsley and wings Deseronto--Culhane, point; Thomas, cover; | centre: wings, _ » R. B. Moore, a the whistle The game exhibition of hockey In goal; Savers Brant, rov- Jones and B. Brant, Deseronto man, in a satisfactory was a very good The Deseronto team does not play as good combina- Company's | { locals, | | or are they ax good shots as the but the fact that they know the dark rink, won the game for them, for the winners, Calhane and Brant were 'the-stars, and for the Mic-Macs, Saunders, lemmon and Houghton showed up well. A return game will be played here is a few days, when he locals will be able to double the score. The visiting team were rovally en- tertained. They were given a fine time, every one of the Deserontos try- ing his best to make the trip right for them. The boyd cannot sav too much for John Freeman for all he did to make their trip pleasant. tion, The 14th's Final Practice. The 14th will have its final practice at the coverdd rink, to-night, before game with Stratford, on Monday. team is all in good shape after the game, heing any the worse for wear. will leave for Stratford on Sunday noon. It will stay in Toronto over Sunday night and go bn to Stratiord Monday morn. ing. Quite a large number are going ap with the team, to see it do battle or the championship. its I'he nane The team Hockey At Royal Rink. At the Royal rink on Thursday evening, the R.C.H.A. team lost to the Royals by 4 to 2. The soldiers put up the Lest game they have play- ed this year. At times they had the Roxal going very fast) bot they could not take the lead. 'Monty' Ainslee, of the Rovals, received 'a bad poke in the forehead,' which required a stitch to close. Om Tuesday ho the Rovals and Mic-Maes 'will play the last scheduled game of the season, after which the postponed games will be pulled off, and then the finals will be Heeided. ------ Finals On Mondav Night, The finals in the junior city leagne will be played off on Monday night. St. James and Regiopolis will play off for the silverware Hiscosk And Richardson Praised. Toronta News. Iime after time the puck up the ice combination, only Hiscock in goal played another games, awl in Stratford worked on a three-man to be balked by The little follow one of his wonderful the first half, when the Kingston . goal was fairly peppered from all sides, he saved time and time again. To Hiscock's work and the wonderful individual efforts of George Our Surprise Fur Sale Ends Saturday. Siace our lle ¢ o mme nced (February 1st) business has been ex- ceedingly brisk. Qar sales book shows a large increase over last February, which only goes to show the real merit of the sale. We plan for a great day on Sapurday--the closing day-- so if low prices will do 1t; we'll be busy all day long. We tention below tive Neck Pieces that are both seasonable and reasonable. {B. 734) White Fox Stole, satia lined, good size, two natural tails or ends. regular er £18, Surprise Price ... $11.98 B. 789) Beautifel Ermine Tie, satin hed trimmed po natural taiis, regular price Surprise Price 3 $18.95. (B. 1,046) Natural Neek: Pieke, satin Lind. a style, regular price $14. prise Price $1 om 1,058; Red! Neck ---- Canadian Mink late Sur 1.89, Japavese Mink Piece soune style as (B. 1.040) regular price $6 Surprise Price 4.90 (B. 1,167) Big Quality Isabella Fox, large lined stole must credit on saved the when he early ouple of seosational and followed individual attack on the Stlratior which for persistance and vim displayed was the best hit of work this season. His work sent a glow through the whole team, with result that it backed him up in style, and pulled a vie tory out of almost certain defeat There can be no doubt but that Rich. ardson is the greatest forward in the OHA. today. All his eforts last night were mostly individual, and the manner in which be wormed' in and out of the Stratford defence on sev- eral occasions was the feature of the evening. Added to this was his abil ity to stand the gafi. A regular horse on punishment he gives as much as he takes, and at that was the only player to efiectually dump huge Ram. Rankin, a trick which he pulled twice, Lichardson, the soldiers k victory Richard the second half away tor 1 i i day in got rushes, per by n goal, the line sav off N A Ridiculous Account. ridicalous ac The following is the count of the Kennedy-Eassen ep sode by the Toronto News "The which was fairly fast under the conditions, and inclined to be clean, was marred by a very dirty piece ol work on the part of hennedy, the 14th right wing. Neer the close of the first haif he put Eesson away in slumberland by a beautiful knociout punch op the chin, using his stick to do the trick. Fasson "was pulling oH a board rush, when Kennedy, from a distance of fully twenty fet skated into him, and deliberately caught him on the chin with one side of his stick. Referee "Sport" Smith, who handled the game in true "'Chanecr' Elliott style, let the ofiender down with a ten-minute rest! when the rest of the game would not have heen too much. All told Kennedy spent about six teen minutes on the fence, which meant that the Kingston seven play- ed half the time six men to seven While on the ice he plaved a real good game, but his disposition to rough it cost his team dear, and it is said that the management have concluded to drop him, and substitute instead their old reliable, Potter. The com- ment of the O. H. A. officials, who were present, on the affair was -any thing but favorable to Kennedy, and it was only by a small margin that he escaped a scfere penalty." The fact of the matter is that the 0.H.A. officers pr sent at the game, were not in a position to clearly the incident, and it in no wise occurs red in the way described, for it Kennedy had the down, given game, Hew was who carried puck Sporting Notes. Toronto profissionals have cn hed the championship of the Untario lro- fessional League, and their challenge for the Stanley cup may now be ex pected. The remaining games of the Eastern Hockey League are: February 2th, Ottawa at Wanderers; February 2¥ih, Victorias at Quebec: - March 4th, Shamrocks at Wanderers; March 7th, Montreal at Ottawa: March 7th, Que bee at Shamrocks. Varsity and >t will fiely play for the Toronto city chamjion ship early next week, The students are very anxious for the game, snd . the Saints think bv making one cr two changes in their 'team they will Le able to give the champions a hard game, In New England the jociey clubs are compelled by law to allow buokmak- ing, and cannot impose a- license fee of over £30, while in Bouth Australia the club oflicers or sérvanis are «m- powered to - expel hookmakers from the club property, with a penalty of £30 or two months for such as return after being once warned in this way In 1886 Chicago won the baseball peanant and repeated twenty years later. In 1887 Detroit won the pen nant' and repeated twenty years lat er. In 1888 >t, Louis won the pen nant. St. Loms scribes are figuring that history will repeat itself, as it did with Chicago and Detroit Montreal Star: An effort is now'te ing made by the universities of Me Gill, Queen's, and Toronto, to form an intercollegiate association football league. Negotiations have been .in pro gress for time, and it is hoped that an agreement will be reached in time to permit of the drawing up of a schedule for next fall It is further hoped and expected that this league will supply a much wanted fillip to association football in the univers: ties, Georges some THE BOARD OF WORKS. The General Business it Transact- ed Yesterday. At the board of words meeting ws terday afternoon, Aldermen Grabam {chanman), Craig, Nickle, Free, Give ens amd McUshn were present, A communication of Joseph T. Eves assing compensation for injuriks to his horse through it being thrown dowa by an obstruction at 'the corner of Market and Ontario striety, ferred to the city solicitor for report. Upon Prof. ID. H. Marshall's com- munication suggesting amendments to snow by-aw, no action was taken The sub committee appointed to re commend the purchuse of a stone crushing plant wrote asking for ca tain information before it" made its recommendation. It wanted to know if the city intended continuing its con- tract for crushing stone with Alexans der Tait, and as to how it was pro- posed to expend the movey on the streets, These questions will be con: sidered gt a special meeting when the whole road question will be gone into. These contracts were awarded : Hardware, Dalton & Sons, $264.57; lumber, 5. Anglin & Co., ¥1,1¢0.55 cement, Frontenac Lupsher and Coal compasy, $151} a barrel, The hardware lender was $3.58 shove the Jowest, but as the city en. giveer reported ithat the local firm that had the contract last year had not giver satisfaction, and as he re commended that its tender Be not considered, the committee awarded the Swaye to the wext lowest ten- NE Mabie. gots. Hie cablinti ob ying rubble stone for the concrete and F. Tracy for supplying, was r THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City Aad Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. ges, 2c. a peck, at Gilbert J. Reid peturped from Helle to-day. Maple syrup, bert s. I he denshurg, MN. There was a clean lice court, this morning The genuine Beoeham s Pills aye sold Je, a. guns a ice has left the harbor of Ug sheet at the po Red Cross drug store. William Swaine, piano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. 1. NX. Folger dnd 'H. B. Millswent to Clayton, N.Y., yesterday. busi hess 'Large powder Gibson s Red Cross drug store 230. A $81 two-quart fountain syringe for B0c. at Wade's drug store. Messrs, Edward Kish Nechborne, left at Gibsoh's on » At Phone puflis,"' new one and John Ben nett, yesterday Cape Vincent Miss Minnie with her Cape Vioeent, Velvet handled 6lec., at Gilbert s. Mrs. William have returned with friends in of Kingston, William Webber Olsen, Mrs. N.Y. brooms for aunt, ed curlers, Rickey Visit and Master after a pleasant the countrws Fresh on Friday," the horehonnd candy, in twisted Gibson's Red Cross drug stordg 230. fhe the Fort tobogganing, "strong sticks, at Phone the. weather placed fine Modition «for and there another large crowd out: last night Carrots, turnips, parships, ory, lettuce, at Gilbert s. A party of King a slewh ride around most enjoyable change in Hill in was cele beets held ity, youny stonman party and had partly the last might, time. The five Northern Spy Gilbert's. The in which a accused of ill-treating a bh be heard in police several to give "It's strong. numbered twenty apples at voung man is Ore, will court on Monday having heen Witnesses called evidence old-lashioned"" but I'he horenound at Gibson's Red Cross hone 230. Wolfe Itland clover honey Gilbert's, « ' Four of the eighteen-pound guns de liver from England will be reserved for nstractional purposes. Ung the Royal Military Lallege, and cach for the batteries at Kingsten and Toronto Sor I'he Kingston getting their "sea logs" were, and are now anxiously awaiting the openipg of navigation: She sail: ors intend having an oyster supper be fore they take up their. semmer's work Mooney 's Gilbert's «! Thursday good an candy sold drug store in sections ut one sailors are on, as i soda biscuits on sale at res. night a party of King ston ygung folk drove the home ol"A Wilmot, Pittshurgly, where an enjoyable evening was spent in games and dancing. The Kinoston returned early this out to ans home morn an Hand picked white beans, $2 a bushel, at Gilbert's. J. G. Eiljott ig down heir on "Citizen Making, the Misdon School," the meating of the tees' sect of the Untagio Education al Association Wednesday, April 22nd "Throat son's 230. y he sengers an address of the at tans ion on to X1.50, at sprays, Tix Phone ted Cross drug store among the pas who left, vesterc , lor ( Vincent via the stage A. D Missen, W. A. Archer, Wm chard and wife, John Gallan, } J. Smith, J. 5. Neilson ter, VF. E. Fairbairn Only One "Bromo Quinine." That is Laxative Bromo Quinine Look for the signature of KE. W Grove. Used the world over to cur a cold in one day. 25e. following were ape Clapp, Blan. Jdward daugh Geo mhd Place Of Meeting Changed hall of the Church of England, at Kemptville, will not ix completed hy the end of May, it has been found impossible by board of the Woman's Auxiliary f Ontark Diocese, to hold the annual meeting there, this year, as was intended. The Picton W. A. branch, however, has come forward with a ial myita tion, and the meeting will be held in that town, the third week in May, It will be thus possible to } the honorary president, Mrs lermox Mills, end the president, Miss Macaw lay, both of whom leave for En in June, at the meeting As the new the Or ¥ gland Any fool can make friends, wise man con keep them Therein lies the whole secret of the popularity of the wonderful C. M. C. HOSE SUPPORTER thet stags clasped. The Tie, tB2 tighter t hold, Laugh st the clark whe tries to sell you something " just os good." already 9 SMITH BROS, © JeWéllers & Optician 350 King Street. ISSUERS OF MARRI- AGE LICENSES. TA PRETTY WOMAN' s PRIDE. Is a handsome set of F more that ar l vthing particular warm and value is greatly enhanced These are well sewn and lined, and are well Worth far more we ask for them W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Weak Women ling women, there is a4 Jeast one But with that way, two trestinents, . One is local, one is constitu. bat both are important, both essen . Bhoop's Night Cure is the Local r. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. aS lormar.br. 8hoop's Night Cure~isa topleal Sioous themtie ne suppository remedy, while Dr, pet 'The mative is wholly sn internal treats Restorative reaches throughout the seeking the repalr of all nerve, 0 eee and all blood allments. The "Night Cure", as its name implies, does ita work while yous' 6p. It soothes sore and inflam. 3S Seous surfcoos, heals loon] weaknesses and while the Restorative, sases nervous citement, ives penwed, vi vigor and ambition re waisted tissues, bring! ng a about renewed and onargy. Take Dr. Shoop's Em A a a use ved Dr. Shoop's Night Cure "ALL DEALERS" Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonio, amd only safe -effectusi Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Fold in three Ry of strongth--No, 1, 15 dogfrens | stroviger, Wi] pocial Clues, Hold 74 oll dru pad on than a J TOO pam voox Mepioirg Ba, TraonTa, vd OHO SCORE SATURDAY SAVINGS. lack Sateen Petti- coats, perfectly made, very serviceable, spe- cial 69¢. Corset Cover Em- broideries; big range of patterns, 20c¢. a yard and up. All-over ies, extra value, a yard and up. Victoria Lawn at 8c. yard and up. Narrow Kmbroider- ies and Insertions at de, a vard and up. £5.00 White Net Waists, with silk slip, sizes 32 to 42, Special Embroider- at Soe, White Waists, big range of designs. Reg- ular $1.00 line for 7hc. Regular $1.35 line for $1 00. New Muslins, bons, ete. 500, yards Heavy English Flannelette, wide width, pretty stripes, the 15c. quali- ty, for lic. a yard on Saturday. Goods, Rib- Dress Laces, CA Cm FOC O ORCEORO aA A ii be