ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of SURE CICK HEADACHE. This is the barrel that means baking satisfac- tion. Whether it's Bread, Rolls or Biscuits--Cakes, 'Pies or Fancy Pastry-- you can always depend on Beaver Flour for the © best results every time. Try it. At your Grocer's Dellers -- write for on all kinds of Cotirse Graing and Cereals T MH. Taylor Co. Limited, Chathagg Out. 66 LATE AGAIN] Being late for work often Causes a man or woman to lose their position. There is no excuse. I? your watch does not keep the cor. rect time we will 'make it. Possibly there is some little thing out of order that will only take a few minutes to repair, or it may need to be cleaned and regulated. Bring your repairing here. Our wa ers are experts, having bad long and thorough experience. We guarantees every watch we . Kinnear &d'Esterre Cor. Prinm and Well. > 1 - THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on it apd Farm Pros pertieal Mupdcipal Dasha sures; Mort a ea received and crest allowed, 8. C. McGill, Managing Director, Public Securities. UNDERLYING ESTAULISHED uTiLry BONDS OF PUBLIC CORPORA. : TIONS, offered at attractive prices. | W. 'Graham Brown & Co. " HOND DEALERS, MONTREAL. FIREMEN RESCUED THEM. A Serious Blaze in Pextumeny. Torgato, Feb, 2M. -The futity steel of the Soverign Perfumes, Limited, Queen street and Dunn avenue, was destroyed or damaged hy fire, this a Tosonto morkinge, The fire' originated on the] Ww a floor and it is supposed was wn Jy Bn gas stove that was being used in the manufacture of coll -- Fa. idly «id the fire spread orsan; manager of the i and Miss BE. Ballanives, fo TS caught on the be reseed hy a Fra wirls working on the] > storey got out by the fice escape loss is estimated at 210,000, in sarance, 000, i Homestead Entries. Ottawa, Fob. B.--lluring the caleon: dar your 1907 the total number of nat. entries on Re mision lands lands » ereathy Lore taking #¢ in rolavs. LOVESICK A FRENCH GIRL And Also Wounded Her and Brother--The Dage Was Taken to Sorel. Montreal, Feb Fe arhival of Tialian erime in this worl hax been received of an it Baie Da Ferre which pearl resilt al ih a lying. As Ht was thee Prench-Canndians were injured aud the people of the neighborhood exvited. An Ialian foreman construction work going not far S a girl named Le 25 slowing the Cty were on an at that place wanted to marry Lit ans rejected. In the argument. he shot at the girl times, fracturing ber arm with one shot. He also shot her father, wive rushed to the rescue, and wound ed the girl's brother with a stiletto He wad fisally disarmed and taken to jail at Sorel, hug narrowly escaped being dwmched, ALLOWED TO MARRY. from mir course of his three Caledonia. Fhe Fahleder. Krendh female convicts have privilage that female convicts of other countries do not enjoy they are al- lowed to get married, But the hands ust » also be convicts six months a notice is the female penitentiaries calling upon all women who feel minded 10 go ogr to New Caledonia, in the South Paci- fic, and be married to make applica tion to that effect through the gov- ernor. Elderly women are said to be prompt in making such application, put they age not entertained, as the cafididate must be young and exempt from physical infirmities The welegtéd candidates sign engagements promising marry convicts and settle in Caledonia for the remainder of lives. Un these conditions the erome transports them and gives them an outht and a ticket of-leave | 'when they land at Noumea hefr marriages avd arranged Evéry to] to ' have their gov- for who hus a selection of well-hehaved convicts for them to choose from, and each girl may consult her own fancy within certain limits, for the propo Sometimes war: dens or free settlers have wooed a pretty female convict, but before 'he- ing permitted to marry her must place themselves in the position of a ticket. of-leave man and undertake never to leave the volony. MARS' SEASONS. . Vital in Vegetative Economy Planet's Year. Percival Lowell, in March Century. Were Mats not an old planet, corrae horating by absence o> cloud the geterak course of planetary "develop: ment, our knowledge of it would have been alight. To begin with, it 'enables us to mark the permanency in 'place of the planet's features, and so to time their axial 'rotation; by which we come to knowledge of the planet's day. This day proves to differ little from our own in duration, being 24 hours, 10 minutes long, instead of 24 hours, Next it discloses the tilt of the axis to the planet's orbital plane, a relation which causes the the year, Now tlie martian tilt, well as the martian time of rotation, turns out to be singularly like our own, being in fact 21 degrees as against 23% degrees for the varth, The year of Mars, however, is twice ours in length, which, joined to- great centricity® of orbit, gives, it diversified. Thus in the north- | spring lasts 199 days, | sumer 183, avtuma HT, and winter 13%; while in its southern hemisphere the ligures stand reversed The numbers have more demic importance, for absolute is us vital a factor fluence as the fact of the season it: whi. Much may be brought to pass iy twice the time velop in the shorter period. Aud it is not a little intecesting that precisely this possibility actmally turns out to be vital in the vegetative economy of | the planet's svar, about three to one. of as La Iv long seasons orn hemisphere IS FIGHTING GAMELY. -- Brodeur Staying By His Estimdtes. Special to the Whig. Ottawe, Bob. 2% Never such a fight has been seen one Parliament Hill as iv taking place today, not even dur inguthie riwdedial bill days. Last night the oppsition refused--to vote supply to the marings department. The com- mood sat all mght and this alternoon they were still sitting. There are not many members in the bouse, but thew Mr. Brodeyr, who has sat in his place throughout, does not' look very tired and is fight: dng gamely. . Hen. Mr. Was-------------- - Latimer Locals. Latimer, Feb. 3N--The roads are io a facial jon. Mrs. J. Taview eo he the y Wednesday, to care , May, who i ill Nee. B. fabghe. is mn the city, owing to the illness of her brother, Ernest, Mes. PK cand little Taylor Ed fards o suffering fiom severe | colds, ~Mescand Mes. Redmond and Mre. Keony, Pittsburg, recently visit. ed at Mrs. FE. Bruees. as Tay- lor. NRVIAE spent the ther, 'here, returns te I: in, this week. was held at young John. Gordon's; Fotis ight gman hy gh ing han a : dinner, may be obviated by wakine 5 ners' § voted by the trol, for addnionan ity TTL LYNCHING "ITALIAN SHOT Father | Reiected By the Girl--He Was| outhreak | onthe srel, | Husband Must Be Convict of New| one | hus | cireulated in| New | them by the governor of the colony, | tion of marriageable men to women is | seasons of | than wen | length | in a season'? in | which could not de | with hig home, at people's Sn ------------------ NW may Mot De 'that vou can reform mew {received in Ottawa from Foglaud that din Thigty-five hundred dollens: has been. Rr of con "work m the | Colbe, and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Yay 1 Latest Culled From All Over The World. It is thought that {may prorogue before Easter tronk A. Munsey anpounces that he} has bought the Baltimore News. Rev. o. G. Inkster, formerly Montreal, was inducted pastor | First Presbyterian church, Loudon Fhomas Edison, the inventor, mgnt, favorable, of of { pass omfortabl and his con | distinctly thus led a dition morning J. Pulling has sold the consort Sligo to Hawes foronto, A street | smashed by train stopping {of the car, Chick MeNeill, a hockey player of North Svdoey, was sentenced to three mouths for assaulting another player. John H. Thomas, a half-witted pri | soner, escped from Woodstock jail, | jand the authorities fear he may have | frozen to death. | The man found on Sen an unconscious condition, |e died jn Detroit, wag identified as { Chilcott, Toronto, Mrs. Sophie B. Johnson is suing the assiguce of the Poole Publishing com- nany, Toronto, for $9,500, loaned the | eobipany and secured by bonds Allan S85. Numidian, from Glas arrived at Halifax at 1513 a.m | to-day, with forty-three second eabin | | ad forty-three steerage passengers The contract for the last forty miles | | of the Temiskaming Northern Ontario | railway is being taken out of the con | tractors' hands by the goverment | commisgion. | Ihe striké at Hormeil, N.Y., which! was started by the Erie machinists, | | is & Co., Windsor, Ont. | steambarge Juno aod| & Miller, of} cer narrowly escaped being | a locomotive at London, within a few fect a Wabash tiain | and who R.| i | gow, last May, and which continued up to! the present time, was settled on | Thursday night, | Following the explosion" of gas in mine No. 3, of the CU. I. A. Carbon | Desibinas mines, at Rosita, Meaioo, | nothing has been heard {rom the 200 | men working therein. A special trom Madrid says there mucn uneasiness at what appears to be | f a renewal of anarchistie activity, Sus- | have arrested | King Alfonso.' i board of control A | recommended the acceptance of the | tender of the John Inglis Engine com { pany for the fifteen milion gallon] | pumping to cost ¥175,500 and | { the six million gallon pumping engine to cost 352,700, wo bombs were | Shah of Persia as he | the streets of Teheran, on Friday. The | ruler escaped unburt, but three of his outriders were killed and twenty-one Persians | injured. The as: sassin escaped | While a Cagadian, Northern switch i man was at work in the Port Arthur | vird, the yard %agine jumped the [ track, pinpiog . him beneath the wheels. He was removed to the hospi tal, where amputation of both less above the knees was found to be ne eessary, He may die. «In a desperate battle 'with four men whe attempted to mob him as he was about to close his saloon on East Twenty-Fourth street, New York, early on Friday, Thomas Craven shot one of the robbers dead and put the others to flight, They were after wards capturcd Probing of accounts of magistrates and constables at the investigation {into the administration of justice | York county, showed how owners of imposi | plelous been | while trying | The Toronto persons 10 seo engine thrown at the drove through | would-be in | | | automobiles submitted to the tion of costs upon them rather than go to the expense of defending prose- | cutions in which they knew they had! violated the law The recent debate in the House of Commons and the | Sir Edward relative | Cango' situation, have { impression in political circles in Brus The differences Ring | Leopold and. the Belgian parliament J | stall continue over the { the annexation of the Congo Indepen- | dent State. | ODESSA RESIDENT DEAD. { British | speech of | to the caused nu deep Lirey, sels. between fgaestion | The Late W. Riley Lee's End Was| Balti Sudden. Odessa, Feb I'he leath of | IW. Riley Lee, aged forty-four occtirred on Tuesday morning, ! general hospital, Kiogstor | hal suffering tor about F weeks with an abscess in the ear and | | had it treated for such, and las | | Thursday, February 2th, was around | again, and on Friday he was take n | worse and kept ygettuig so and on Monday he was taken to the yeaeral hospital, where an operation was per formed. All that medical aid. could do was done, but he passed away on Tuesday morning. Mr, Lee was a much respected resident of this village and was well-known in the counties east of here as he was for years tra- veller for the Booth Medicine com- pony, . and later after Dr, Booth's death, proprietor. He is survived by a widow, a daughter and son, Miss Lillie Lee, of Toronto, and Clarente, at home. The funeral was held as the | Methodist church on™ Thursday after noon, thence to Wilton vault. Rev. J. H. McCamus officiated. The Indepen- dent Order of Foresters, of which de- coated was a member, look charge. Dovensed was also a member of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, whieh formed a protession. A baby girl at Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Caras'. The C.O.CF. held its. re gular Meeting on Tuesday night, after which oysters were servec W. Dougherty, proprietor of Odessa chedse factory, held his annual cheese meeting in 'the town hall on Thurs day, J. C. Fraser was appointed salesman and secretary -trtasurer, aud John Gardiner, auditor. a. sad « years, | at the been i To "Heap The Poor. Ottawa, Feb. 2M --Word has lecn Peter Rirtwistle Weller, of London, Unt. & native of Colne, Lancashire. has definitely decided on 'contributing one: million' dollars ior the purpose of erecting = large number of dwelling houses for "the working classes in improving the general con- | man | good rate went down | passengt | sidering | stock was much | wrecking tran | imports from the {apples marked first | selling at | during the | Am | Anaconda | Atches | Brooklyn Decors oa olorado two { Col, Foel & ron { Kansas EXPRESS W WRECKED HEAVY DAMAGE. No One Was Killed and Wo 012} Seriously Hurt--They Escaped | Most Miraculously--Ten Hours Delay. Ottawa, 2 Eganville Junction the overland expe C.P.R., this morning, she was runni Supertor ivi ductor Lidkea and Engineer B. Jt was travelling at a and in passing ov er a rail locomotive snapped it The 1 got over the break vent off the track. The ar and express ar the embankment while the placed crosswise of the were derailed, in the upset Cook Unsworth a range, seriously. All the rH shaken up. but, con- how the train was overturn marvellous that no one injured, rolling At the <a curve. A to the scene wii an anxiliary went Line will be block but transfer coaches a for the scene -A Calise broken rail at 06, 8 o¢ 3 k Lake on on at 6: g late from { wn charge of ( prety the heavy engine and on but the others sleeper, dining mail was track. The but did not ting of the, diner, working at car var go over who was burned, but not it 1 serious ed. was was ck there mt point of the wi was | se from Ottawa from Chalk river ten hour left Ottaw wd for have COMMERCIAL 2 MATTERS. What is Going on on = the Business World--The Markets. Shanghai repe financial disturb- failures at Osaka, Ja wis ance and book pan. Sk Gross carmmgs ol fourteen roads the third week of February creased 16.26 per Winnipeg hes a rumor banks hate decided to of §F2.000400 to the city The issue of million G.T.R per cent. stock has bx subscribed in London, dian government In 1907 the states American de cent the a Ie an that advance one four n greatly over: like the % three million loan. wd exports p24, and $13,605,552 Lana- anada's ) were S27 onr states, The Iron Age steel conditions aud tons of rails, mostly ern Liverpool apple dealers are charging that apple years in Canada grade tun out mn the Euglish market cond 5 The Bell Telephone company gotiating with Alberta and Saskatche- wan for the of their plant to those governments, as was done with Manitoba Me, Thompson, kon, deglares that the gold reports improving orders for 56,000 by Great North in poor 1 to be only se IS ne. sale MP for the within five vears Klondy ke ouput will reach $20 000.000 a year as the result of the operations of the big dredging com- panics. The Flow to rebuild stroved by Unt., but Colborne, Ont "We understand," save the Boston News Bureau, "that several New York tock Exchangoggeats have been sold R51.000. uite a number of wanted at 850,000 the panic.' Yu of the Maple Leaf Mills company have decided not the mills which were de- fire recently, at Kenora, to erect new mills at Port diregtors at seats Seats are now point reached are lowest NEW YORK 'S1uCKS. Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector Manager.) Fobiruary 28th, Opening Close 51 L133 0 263 1 Stocks al. Copper Sug, Rehin, Lo Smitg. & Rehin, Car Foundry National Lead Min, Lop. & & Ohio Rap anadian Pacific & Ohio & St Am (oo Paul Southern. * & Hudson hastillers secs G. N, Ry pid Kansas & Texas com & Texas, phd Louisville & Nashvilly Missouri Pacific Min. I & N.Y. Central Erie - Railroad N.Y. Ontario & West Northern Pacific People's Gas Penn. R. R Reading. tock, Tslund Rock Island, pid. Southern Ry. Southexn Pacific UU. BR. Steel. com U. 8. Steel, pit! 3 U.P. vom. exhv, 2} West, Union Tel CHICAGO PRICES, February 25th. Opening Close ol 73 wi3 Delaware St S. SM, com wre vs alg oY Jd a wreck jo} Chap { was | H. Hume, 1908. BRITISH NAVY MYSTERY. a Traditions Regarding the Death of Sie Cloudesiey' Shovel. the legislature BROKEN RAIL IL CAUSED THE! Of the almost complete wreck of a | squadron under Sir: Cloudesiey Shovel 'on the yocks of the Scilly isles, togeth- | er with the death of its gallant com- mpander, the greatest seaman of the age," a number of curious traditions | axe associated both with the events | leading up to the catastrophe and the fate of the celebrated admiral. The outstanding feature of the catas- trophe is the mystery of Shovels | Sophie which will probably never be | solved, and the latter turns upon the | admiral's emerald zing. One story goes that the body was picked up on the | shore by a soldier: and his wife and buried by them on Porth Hellick sands. A spot is still shown at Porth Helllckc as being the burial place of the admiral, and, according to tradition, grass has never grown upon it. Subse- quently the identity of the corpse was discovered. The remains were exhum- ed and conveyed to London via Plym- outh, where they were embalmed. La- dy Shovel rewarded the soldier with a pension for life and received from him the ring found on her lmusband's finger, Another story is timt Paxten, the purser of the Arpndel, discovered two St. Mary unen quarreling over the pos- session .of .a ring. He at once recog- pized it as'Shovel's ring and inquired from whichi body it had been taken, and when that was found he knew and claimedsthe body. Lastly, there is the startling narrafive' of foul play-- viz, that many years after the wreck an aged woman confessed to the par- ish minister on her desmthbed that, ex- hausted with fatigue, one man who had been washed ashore on 'a hatch reached her hut and that she had mur- dered him to secure the valuable prop- erty on his person. She then produced a splendid emerald ring taken from the finger of her victim and identified as the gift of Lord Berkeley to Shovel, The responsibility for this story rests upon the adwpiral's goandson, the Earl of B Whe sairale research reports rather in favor of the murder theory. The ring was eventually recovered, and altered into the form of a locket and pet with diamonds it is a precious relic of the Berkeley family. The theory as to how it passed into the possession of the family of the original donor is that Lady Shovel re- ceived it from the murderess, as stated, ! and bequeathed it at her death to Lord Berkeley. Several old works of refer- ence contain the baseless story that Lady Shovel was aboard the Assocla- tion and was drowned along with her husband. By the way, her ladyskip's ghost is supposed to walk at midnight in the avenue of May place, Dartford, Kent, once the home of the Shovels. -- London Globe. \ ---- The Sergeant's Tribute. After the battles of Weissenburg and Worth, which he had won, the crown prince, afterward Emperor Frederick, was sauntering alone one evening past a barn occupied by a party of Wurttemberg troops. Hear ing something like a stump oratory going on, the prince opened the door and looked in. Every one rose. #0Oh, sit down! I'm sorry to disturb. T dare say there's room for me to do the same," said the prince. "Pray, who was making a speech?" All eyes were turned on a sergeant, whose very Intelligent countenance looked, however, sorely puzzled when the commander in chief asked: "And what were you talking about? Quickly recovering his presence of mind, the sergeant confessed: "Well, of course we were talking of { our victories, and I was just explain- ing to these young men how, four years ago, if we had bad you to lead us, we would have made short work of those confounded Prussians! 3 The Alps and Baby Coaches. "What strikes 'me most in Switzer land is the baby coach," said a trav- eler. "Other people are struck there by the huge cow bells, by the wood- { carvings, by the stupendous white { | Alps, hut it is the baby coach that ; | takes my eye. On every road, on every | path, you see baby coaches. They con- | tain not babies, - but bags of flour or fagots or lunches or a young live pig or a goat. The baby coach,is univer- sally used In Switzerland as a push- cart, a wise thing. We Americans don't get the worth of our baby coaches. With us-as soon 4s the babe is old emough fp walk up goes the coach into the attic. It is done for. But at this stage the career of the Swiss: coach may be said only to be- gin. A long life of usefulness lies be- fore ft. In rain and shine, In snow and hall, it 'will glide by many years sturdily up and down the steep Swiss roads, carrying anything from a young colt to a squashed mountaineer" . a Liquid Sulphur. At Lake Charles, near the gulf of {| Mexico, 230 miles from New Orleans, sulphur is obtained from deep deposits ia the form of liquid. Wells driven to a depth of G00 feet in search of petro- lenm revealed Instead a rich deposit of sulphur. To obtain the mineral bollow tubes were driven into the earth. Each sulphur well consists of three tubes, one within another. Through the outer tube hot water is forced down, and It | issues through perforstions, near the bottom. Through the central fube hot the poorer Ha os To Aeserion. hes air is driven a little lower than the points where the hot water escapes, Through the third tube, luciosed be- tween the other two, the liguid sul phur, dissolved by the water, rises to the surface under the combined inflo- ence of the pressure of the column' of water and the impulsion of the rising alr. The lyuid sulphur is led into | wooden reservoirs, where it cools and hardens. -- Exchange. David G. Roy, formerly of Toronto, £ pe Killed by falling from a rool is Dio will seek permissive legisla: commis. tion to appiint or sleet park won. J : i PAGE FIVE mass. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1887 8. B. WALKER, Presidest Paid-ap Capital, $10,000,000 ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager - 5, 000, 000 A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Rest Total Adsets, - 113 1000,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES : $S and under... .. . Over $5 and not exceeding '$10. . "Nm $30...... 10 cents $30 $50 + 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United Statés. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. J They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained withiout delay at any office of the Bank KINGSTON BRANCH CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS, P. C. STEVEN SON, Manager. 3 cents 6 cents sims Marmalade Slicers The kind that does it in the quickest, easi- est way--we have it. Price $1.50. A good lady told us that with one of our Slicers she did as much in one half hour as she and a helper had done, in the old way, in four hours. The New Slicer will do all kinds of fruits and vegetables, thin or thick, as may be desired. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St MEN ONLY. Regular $5.00 Now Vecsssssen: 90000000000 00Q0RTORNODIOROENIONOY 0000000000000 000T RICE Men's Foss Packard Patent Colt, Blucher cut, natty lasts, Men's Gun Metal, Velour Calf Blucher Cat, all sizes and natty lasts. Reid & Charles, 111 Princess St. Succes- sors to D. J. McDermott. Coughing is the worst t! Colds are inflammations of the mucous membranes nose, throat, and lungs. Coughs can do to your throat, It the tonsils and aggravates the air passages. a cough at once i throat and lungs. 25¢ and soc a bottle Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum: Relieves Colds-- Hoarseness--Cold in the Head -Coughs-- Bronchitis Asthma Paiu in the Chest. Dry Night Coughs..and permi's Restiul Sleep, " ng you inflam ally of Neglected colds cause Pneumonia tion. Gray's Syrup eak up the most severe cold na day or two, It takes away the inflammation and relieves the nose and throat usu Gray's Syrup stops It soothes the wil br tated parts and strengthens the At all dealers The health of the Nation will be improved by the use of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA (Maple Leaf Label) Pure, nutritious and easily digested. THE COWAN CO.. Limited, TORONTO Marmalade! Bitter Oranges, extra fine, 25¢c per doz. Seedless Lemons, 25¢ per doz. Bahama Grape Fruit, 50c per doz.