Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Feb 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1908. ini a A ---- ESTABLISHED 1859. [------ MCKAY Furs REG TLATD John WsKay Fur House, ; §° Koso. k " ROS CFO OC OF OS CS CS OF OS OF OSE IME HL PAR SS Diamond Facts TO REMEMBER. Diamonds come to us from * terdam, the great centre | the diamond-cutting in- dystry. 'Dian onds frée of duty. Our diamonds -are very earefully selected from the best class of stones. We make pur own mount- ings, e sell at a wery margin. Our diamonds are a secure form of investment. Spangenberg JEWELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses. enter Canada close Marmalads Season ---------- 1} doz. Oranges R32 Lemmons Cost « « 50¢. # Total $1.00. Will make 20 bottles best Mar- malade, 20c. bottle - - + - - -$4.00, Sterling Slicer will do the work of edtting in a few minutes, cut- ting everything tnin and even and costs $1.75. 'Will save the one lot. Guaran price of itsell in teed or money refunded. SOLD AT Mitchell's Hardware. ALWAYS AND COSTS BUT LX Banquet At Belleville. foigh Ostrom, the popular clerk itish-American hotel, was in leville, last night, and attended the dzeny' bangiet, held at the new inte hotel. The banquet was at ' hy four himdesl people, and a fine affair, "One Cup And Saucer Free.' nd of Grand Duchess Wo., Saturday only, at (§ & at THES P.M.EDITION THE VACA GANPHGY HAS BEEN A MOST DECIDED 'HE=E 3. SUCCESS. The Required Amount Has Almost Been Raised--The Citizens Re- sponded Liberally to the Appeal. Enthusiasm was at a high pitch at the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion building last night, when the re ports for the day were turned in, A total of 82,796.50 per year for three years, was subscribed by the citizens of Kingston, 10 maintain a place where the young men and boys of the city can be surrounded by the right kind of influences, It is hoped that those who failed to get their answers in by last night will remember that at least $200 ig needed to cover possible shrinkage and unioreseen expenditure. The directors will continue the can- Vase in order to reach the $3,000 mark by Saturday, Great credit is due overy canvasser for it meant sacrifice of time and money during these three days, De. W, G. Anglin as pregident, and Elmer Davis, as chairmen of the business men's committee, lod the campaign with great enthusiasm, Associated with them were Messrs. Hague, Loe | kett, Sparks, Chown, Gill, Harrison, i Mills, Lake, Jenkins, Laidlaw, Jor dan, and others. The results are in deed gratifying. George Birch led the young men's committee and it can pever again be said that the members take mo inter- est in the association. he $305.50 they raised represents self-denial * and sacrilice, E. M. Thomasson, field se eretary of the provincial committee of Ontario rand Quebec, has been in the city sine' { Saturday, directing the campaign. { Too much cannot be said of his ahil- |1ty mn matters of this kind, and he {has rendered Kingston very valuable | service, He left for Tordhto ast | night feeling grateful to Kingstonlans {for their hearty support during the | past few days, : { A "pathetic incident occurred last { evening, As Mr. Nelles was sitting gt { hin desk, a little English lad of about | mine years came timidly in and said { he had seen the signs in the window, | and wished to give five cents to "help jout." Fhe gift was reevived in the | spirit in which it was given, but it puts to shame meny a young man on our city, Mr. Hamilton, the caretaker, and his wife entered heartily into the spiriv of the campaign and gave their services to the association during the special effort in connection with the noon-day lunch for business men, ---------- NOT TO BE BOUGHT. J. H. Metcalfe Made Himself Poor For His Party. Some of J. H. Metealie's friends in- timate that the reason the Conserva- tive Association turned him down was because he hadn't the funds ne- cessary for a campaign, They point out that he spent everything he had in couseryative interests, when he was in his prime, and did so ungrudging- ly. Like some others, he made him- sell poor. for the benefit of his politi- cal party, and no man could da move, they declare. The party took his all, and now throw him out. It is pointed out that Mr. Metcalfe is not a man who can be bought off for a position, ONE-RAIL RAILROAD. Through Air, at Turkey-Red City! of Barmen. A railroad through the air has heen built throughly the German city of Bar- men, which' is famous for its turkey! red dye. * This road has but one rail, and the ears hang down from this rail just as though the Kingston street cars were hanging from the trolley wives insted of running on the ground. The speed is very fast may take a ride on this air-road hy going to the Bijou to-day or Satur: day, and you will see the famous city of Barmen besider. AL tragic drama, "An Assassin Punished," is also shown, Two songs at each show, except on Satyrday, between 7.30 and 9.30 pam. Hockey Returns. Hotel Randolph will have a" direct wire from Steatiord for Monday night's 'game. "Solid" O'Brien will announce from the oflice the move- ments of each player. : How easy itis to tell others. it's no use to worry | Having completed stock-tak- we_ find we have about 75 8 SA. Boys' Suits, in two and 3-piece 3 BS "Odd Lines" to fit Boys from 9 eR centre table. While They Last They Go § for $2.50 Suit. Buy your Overcoat for next winter now and and $5.00 in stock 22.50, | save from § to 10.00. Any Overcoat § priced from $15.00 tog i You TT A CHURCH MEETING. First Congregational Chuteh Had a Good Year. Last evening the members and ad- herents of * the Pirst Congregational church gathered to hear the annual reports of the various departments of the church work, The Ladies' Aid pro vided an excellent tes, after which the R. J. McKelvey was'appointed chair- man, The pastor, Rev. J, Charles Villiers, in presenting his report, showed that the vear had betn one of steady pro- gress with the different organizations of the church, in good working order. The treasurer's report presented by J. A. Hendry, showed that the re- ceipts for '1907, exceeded those for 1906 by nearly $700. The hearing of reports was interspersed by solos by Misses H. Massie and B. Filtz, and by a selection from the choir. A. Steven- son gave a brief address, touching upon the history of Congregational ism. L. L, Henderson who had recent- ly returned from a trip abroad, made a few happy remarks. tan SOMO POULTRY ASSOCIATION. | business meeting was proceeded with. | WAS IGNOMINIOLS DR. THOMPSON'S VIEW OF BRITISH DIPLOMACY. -- seeing, So Far As Events on the Pacific Are Likély to De- velop--Question -o! Protection of Seals Arouses Oratory. Ottawa, Feb. 3X In. Thompson, member for Ywhon, roused the house from its lethargy, last night, with a speech' full of strong comment upon the relations between Canada and the mother country: Un motion to go into supply, Mr. Sloan raised the question of pelagic sealing, and urged that steps should be taken to prevent the destruction of that industry by the operations particularly of the Japanese. Dr. Thompson followed with a survey of the diplomatic ne gotiations which had taken place be- tween Great Britain ands the States in relation to Canada, and de- clared that the record was one of British Diplomacy Has Been Far-| United | wh 1 i MIDGETS VS. HARMONY. ] { A Hot Game is Fixed For Batur-| } day. | What Promises to be one of the fast i jest games of the season will be play- ed on the Roval rink, at ten o'clock | | Saturday morning, when Joseph Reid's | | Midgets will meet the Harmony Club. | "Doctor" Hunter, who has had charge | j of the Midgets for the past few weeks, says they are in fine shape and should | Ha the Harmony septette. ! The Soldiers' Chances. "Eddie" Histock, captain of the | 14th Regiment hockey team, when ask- | ed to-day, what he thought of the sol | diers" chances ' against Stratford on | Monday night, said that his team! hoped to win the championship, If | there was good hard ice in Stratford, | ke didn't see why they shouldn't win | the game up there. On soft ice, the result would be very uncertain "If our players ate in good trim they should win,"' said the crack goal | A r, "but if they are off color, as | is quite liable to happen any team, | Vv we may be trimmed. Stratford | may play in great luck, while our] fellows may be away off. At present | } les | | i} continuous and ignominious surrender Listens to An Address By 'a St. Ca és' Fancier, The Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association, held a meeting Thursday evening in their rooms, at the Bons Lof England Hall. The secretary, PI. D. Lyman presented a satisfactory report showing a balance of fourteen dollars and some odd cents. A motion 'was passed that Mr. Mae Donald be given a vote of thanks for the splendid cup presented to the so- giety by him. After the business of the soviety was gone through with W. Reid, president, introduced, Mr. Robertson ,of $t. Catherines, who spent some time in showing the Kingston fapcicrs the "what and the how," of raising poul- try for market and show. Being an enthusiastic poultry raiser and an extensive fancier, he gave some tricks of the trade, new to most of the Kingstoniung, On motion by F. Shaw & vote of thanks was passed te Mr. Robertson, George LL. L. de St. Remy announe- es that all Belgian hare and rabbit fantiers may obtain membership tic- kets from the secretary, P. D, Lyman, "Calderwood." RECEPTION TO E. J. B. PENSE. Member For Kingston Honored By 0lda Boys' Association. Toromta Mail and Empire. The Kingston Old Boys excelled themselves, lust evening, at their banquet, in the Dominion Business Col- loge, in honor of E. J. B, Pease, M.P.P, In the absence the president, George W. Gaden, through illness, George B, Swestiam, presided. let. ters ol regret were read from H. WM. Mowat, K.C,, and J, S. Willison, The speakers were Justice B. M. Britton, E. J. B. Pense, M.P.P., Can- on George Starr, of St. George's ca- thedral, Kingston, Sir. WH. M. Pellstt and James Gow, of Orillia Old Boys. The addresses were interspersed with songs by 'Rechab Tandy, of which "The Veteran Song" was enthusiasti- cally received. The chairman presented, Bir Henry Pellatt, honorary president of the as- sociation, with a beautifully illuriina- ted address, richly framed. A most successful function was brought to a close with the National Anthem, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Ry Reporters on Their Rounds. John O'Neil, Portsmouth, is serious. ly ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Barton Collings, Latimer, is in the city, her brother, Ernest Hugh- son, being ill. Mrs, John Paylor, Latimer, was eall- ed to the city on Wednesday, Mer daughter, May, who has heen ill, not being so well. The Cape Vincent stage brought a large number over from Cape Vincent to-day, and oh the return trip had all that could be handled. Rev, Neil McPherson, pastor of . the Tabernacle Presbyteridn church, In- dianapolis, who will probably be ecall- ol to Warren Memorial ¢hurch, in Louisville, Ky. He is a Queen's man. Action will be taken against a sto. dent, by a merchant, for sign steal ing, A barber's pole was stolen and the missing property was found by a policeman in the student's room. The "gentleman" was given a chance to settle, but refused, so the case will be taken to the courts: Fe niga CLEVER $100,000 SWINDLE. Letter of Credit Photogrzphed and Cashed Abroad. Paris, Fob. 28. The police here are investigating an jogenious swindle, in- volving $100,000. Six months ago a man a large sum of money in a wellknown bank in New York, asking for a letter of eredit, which was given to him. of He returned the latter ina few days, saying he had no further use for it and withdrew (he \ As yot no clue bas been dis covered t would lead to the iden: ficatign of the swindlers. Had Jolly Party. parly was held List night me of William Morley, York street, when a few pleasant hours were spent in games and other amuse - Refreshments were also served. | of Canadian nights. Canada had look- | od' after het own protection, and had | helped Great Britain. England's friendehip for the United States was such that she was prepared, appar- ently, 10 sacrifice Canadian interest every time to those of that nation. It was a position of subserviency which Canadians could not continue to oceupy. The time had come when Canada should have a navy of her own, and when she should be placed in a position of equality with any other mation. Sir Willrid Laurier, in replving to the discussion, acknowl- edged that there were anomalies in the position which Canada occupied in relation to Great Britain, but they had no grievance whatever. With regard to the situation on the Pacific coast he believed British diplomacy had been far seeine. and that in the matter of their yvelations with Orien- tal and Caucasian races, a system would be evolved which would he sa- tisfactery to all. The question of pelagic sealing was a complicated one, but the matier was engaging the at- tention of the government, and in the meantime he was not prepared to make any statement. M; Fielding hoped the impression would not go abroad that there was any consider able section in Axpada who did not desire to remain WNghin the empire, The house afterwardy went into sup- ply, and the oppition continued their obstructive {actics At two o'clock the obstruction was still be- ing continued, chiefly hy Mr. Foster and Mr. Bennett, only three or four other apposition members being in their seats. The Money Refunded. Gananoque Journal, Some seventeen vears ago, George E. Nuttall, of this town, who was then residing in Elgin, went ito Kings- ton on business. While there he was approached by a stranger, who stated hé was an, Oddfellow and in weed of money to take him home. Mr. Nut tall, who, by the way, is a member of that most worthy organization, was touched by the stranger's appeal and advanced him $1. which he was assured would he returned him in a few days. Weeks passed, then months, then years. In time Mr. Nuttall had altogether forgotten about the trans action, but the other party had not Me. Nuttall was surprised, last Wed- nesday, to receive the money, the stranger having apparently lost his address, but a few weeks ago met a party from Kingston up west and in course of conversation asked- if he knew Mr. Nuttall, when informed that he was now livink. in Gananoque, the loan was promptly repaid. ------------ Star Edition Of 10c. Music. | We have the exclusive agency or | Kingston for the celebrated Star edition of music, This edition 1 tains song hits, waltzes and two-steps. Two new numbers have just been add. ed. "What Can I Do For You," a funny song success by J. W. Gray. "A Sweet Farewell to Auld Lang Syne," a beautiful ballad by White and Claire. 10c. a copy. MeDexmott Bros, con- Roads In Bad Shape. A farmer living about three miles this side of Sydenham, stated on Fri- day that the roads in that district were in a very bad condition. At a funeral held thers one dav this week, it was a very difficult task for the vehicles to break 5 way through the suow drifts. Some of the roads have been very badly blocked all this week, "Baturday's Cash Bargains." Pure lard, 2 Ibs. 95, 1 Ib. tins choice baking pow der, he. Fresh eggs 250. Fredh crisp sodas, por Lox, 20¢. dbe. Japan or black tea, per Ib., 20e. 40c. pure Java coffee, per Ib, 20. At Mullin's grocery, Phone 537, Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock atreet, has made a Wm in price in the order clothing department, gent's furnishings. The for boiling, per dosen, {#tock is well 'assorted with new goods. ------------------ number of people went from ¥ to Sunbury last evening, where a fine was was put on by city has not vet eon- ion to take in con buildings' exit | tain, who is one of our staff, He looks {get a game on, {finals in Stratford, on Thursday even ito 4. our chances look: promising, as we! have a lead of two goals, and to win| Stratford has to defeat us hy three." | When about his black cat, | Captain Hiscock said it wae in charge | of Joseph Kehoe. who had furnished | a special room for it in the cellar of | the post office, The tabby would be | taken out for a walk twice a day. In Stratford, it would wear bells, and |, #it 'on the bench with Maj. Cunning- am, 3 Potter To Play. . } There will be a change in the 1th | Regiment's forward Line-up for the! game in Stratford on Monday even-1 ing. Potter, last year's crack centre! player, will appear on the ice in his| old position, and Bernier will be shift. | ed to right wing By this change] it is hoped to strengthen the team i The change is not made because of | the Kennedy-Fasson episode, because | the 14th players do not attach any blame to Kennedy for that unfortu | nate afiair, claiming that it was whol-! ly accidental. Potter ix being utilized because he is willing to play again, and also because with him on the 14th will not be penalized so often. Ken nedy will accompany the team to! Stratford, and, in case of emergency, | be ready to take his position. Potter | is a good seorer and a hard checker. | Hiscock's Black Cat. "It's all up with the Stratford hoe- key team now," said Postmaster James Stewart, this morning. *'Al black eat came to the post office, and it has been corralled by 'Eddie' His- cock, the 14th Regiment team's cap upon it as a sure sign of victory and §~ REMNANT SALE TO-MORROW. ann ------------ Goods Ranging from 1 yard u to 6 or 7 yards, all wi be sold To-morrow at Half Price Quite a large lot are in lengths suitable for Skirts and Children's Dresses, Sale from 9 to-12 o'clock, ~ is taking great care of the little ani- mal, which is to be taken to Strat- ford in a cage." A black cat is a sign of luck, and it is hoped it will bring victory to the 14th. Capt. Hiscock at once called Bernier and Vanhoen into consulta- tion, and it was agreed that the pussy should take the trip to Strat- ford with the team S-- Want To Play Game. The members of the Y.M.C.A. basket ball team have received a challenge from St Mary's Academy, Ogdens burg, NY., asking for a game some night in March, when the team is making a tour of some of the Cana dian towns. No date was mentioned in the letter which was recwived. Mr, Burton will communicate with the | team, and see if it will be possible to] Likely To Win Out. Stratiord I will, in all probability, | | | again land the junior O.H.A cham- | pionship. In the first game of the | ing, it defeated St. Michael's 2i goals | And The Drummer Set 'Em Up. Last week a group of commercial travellers were' lounging around the office counter of an hotel in London: The Less, discussing local pption with | the proprietor. Ose of them, who had mst come in. from doing a local op- tion town, aired his grievance vehem- | ently, and copeluded by saving : } "It jsn't ted A farmer comes into & city and gets a meal in a first-class { Special To-Morrow 300 Sample BATH TOWELS 15¢, 20c, 26¢, 35¢, 49¢, 6G5c, 70c. Some pure white, others in shades, This lot will be sold at O PerCent. O Sale at 9 o'clock And lasts all day, the linen p I hotel for a guarter. 1 go out to the] country, have to eat in a second-class joint and they soak me forty cents.' "Well," rejoined the proprietor, "it's worth fifteen cents extra to feed a drummer, compared with a farmer. You drummers come into a dining- room as though vou owned the honse You want a clean place; yon want a clean knife, clean fork and a clean napkin. You order everything on the bill-of-fare, you grumble about the A fot quality of the food, joke about the butter, jolly the waitresses and sit around the table for half ap hour And when you go out you put a dozen tooth-picks in your pocket. "Now, a farmer comes in looking meek and humble, is willing to sit anywhere, says 'ma'am' to the wait- yess, will eat quietly whatever is set before 'him, and often doesn't even un- fold the napkin. He only takes ome 'order in cach course, be minds his own business, never starts an argument, hurries through his meal and ix done in ten minntes. And if he should hap pen to use a tooth-pick be puts it ok." hn. on me, boys," said the drom- mer. And he stood. ------ Lady Doctor's Hat. he itting pear the solicitor's ta at we Steatiord ice court last week was a lady doctor attired in & straw snilor bat amd a tailor-made cloth costume. She wore her hair cut short, appearance, entered the her besdgear warrant oficers smilingly LL 0e | Two Splendid Bargains One Lot, all sizes, Ladies' Dongola Kid Blucher Cut Lace Boots. : quality of Kid; would be good value at two-and-a- half; will sell while they last AT $2.00. Another lot just.as good quality, but not so well finished nor quite as good style, but splendid leathers and good wearers ONLY $1.50. Gbe Toockett Shoe Store. Very attractive style ; excellent | 5

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