THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1908. ------------ - in [NDI BY TOREES LITTDIAY" CATCHING COLD. Seven Infallible-Rutes For So. Rochester Post Express Pr. Woods Hutchingon has ne ence with the person' who catches cold When the early Aryan fiomads eross- " : ; : and he has nothing but contempt for wl Himalayas and formed their Ed g : 3 ug ) h . the mollycoddle who allows the grip pastoral settlements along the banks | ) g ) = : ; K ! werm to invade his anatomy, Here are of the Indus they were a peaceful peo 5 ae 3 E i the fo ple, yielding easily to the gavernance = of their patriarchal chiefs, Their loose he o. r lilly, " , £ gion of tribes was held to 4 A ZO) ee ps Avoid draits as if thes gether by . considerations of mutual Ee ---------- eet Corr LT D-- Yence. protection, by blood kinship and by a LHL FETT PP LBVLZT LIN LEED AT ZW THA NCE GF THN TLE § Fake no exercise between meals. I , sligion. In the absence of Bathe seldom, and warm water. | are Sauhmon, religio ' ter of the early civilization naturally ranks of the people, When we +... INACTIVE KIDNEYS CAUSE OF THE RHEUMAT- ISM SAYS AUTHORITY. S-------------- Give This Simple Prescription and Says Anyone Can Easily Mix it at Home at Small Cost. that teadi] increa the All known relied beng suggested to save the great this winter, os pal doctor's seven cardingl rules - | } patching cold easily : . Keep your windows shut 2 Re the i hospital reports show rheumatism, throughout means nt were a pest read Ase coun of in consider that' one caste intimate relations with the ramifications forceful as the majority of Hindus are | amount of suffering no writing, certain individuals and fam- rh Warr ra ap wart wale ilies among them, gifted with superior memory, attained a high degree of prostige and influence by reason of their exact knowledge of the holy 3 hymnse and -sacrifical ritex. They be tame the hereditary guardians of the lent itself to a division of the people of caste are beyond the grasp of mind, into three classes or the : Every occupation has its distinct easte i his i 1 ocality, Th priests, or Brahmans: the Kshattriyas, : locality, Then or soldiers, and the Vaisvas, or tillers there are hundreds of castes growing of the soil and these embraced the en. out of mixed marriages for, although for were no Hindu forbids marriages castes : and these are varied by now g of different easte, there tire population, there custom another, that the shadow of one man falling across the fool of another. as it lies upon tha grousl. may ne tate his throwind to the that a Ilindu ¢an no more change his caste than he can his skin, it is difii- 851 dogs, and weak, would sweep the country with little difficulty and we should see the Nizam of Hyde rabad, or wome other follower of Islnm, upon the throne of India. tors, abdominal handages and electric | insoles, I Never windy doors when it s | Wr ramy or wet Rot ar cold or looks as though it was | going of go out of underfoot or these, to be any tally among those who are not in 1 to pack up and visit the alth orts to treated six prove rheumatism not ex in itself, but a severe trouble, a condi 1" be a disease om ol hdney | WEAK, PALE WOMEN | Be just as intimate and affection s | 08° possible you know | the el I Be Saved From Life of [who has a cold. sleet "them i fall the poisonous Misery By Pink: Pills. | on nt. Atter ain' un front the Women are called the "weaker sex," | . but these substances 1a and yet nature calls upon them to cold, but veiris apd decompose, lar more pain men. With at about 'the and many women it is one long mar shiy He nse pala, tyrdom irom th. thee ar: ess of rheumatism Whe nto womanhood, until age be ymerous remedies known set ils park upon them. They hulieva will. re. are no sooner over one period of pain and than another looms up valy a few days ahead of them. No wonder worn Of These between pers clogged up pores of in the kidneys i trades other castes took standing in the ed after them who the natives before nt social opment i g : priest of | modification of this arrangement [he | munities have become Hintiwised From the first old orders lost their integity by inter { admitted into the ranks of e power which | of occupation and of | born." These ascensions in the day. Jt iven over toi #tale have usually heen gradual and al { otherwise, | most imperceptible, bat cas ! they are the soldier wgaingt the arbitrary trace. of the] of a self-assertion supported hy mater- {sympathy inguished | tel advantages. Thas in Sothern In- {or regard welfare wm the dia the goldsmiths resisted the rade of | Since the of Asoka, Hindustan $0 many women the Brahmans and claimed to be the thas prospered only under the gule of |9ut and old looking before their time. true spiritual lenders. In Reagal and so it must autil{ Jo these times of trial Dr. Williams Dattas or the weitercaste demanded to {caste is abolished and the spirit of Pink Pills are worth their weight in to The | brotherhood made possible, a, condi to women, They actually make degraded spirit-sellers, the | tion that cannot come about short of | Pew, rich blood, and on the richness pressers, of Dacea, the century. There are the country, [8nd regularity of the blood the health growers, in lang { with its 300,000,000 about |9f every girl and woman de have risen | 200,000 000 Brahmanist These | pends, are sharply divided by caste and only Mrs very knit by their common re- | Ont ligion with its many variants. There owe | are 10,000,000 nature worshippers, up- In general, however, caste and oceu- | wards of 8.000000 ° Buddhists, 3,000 - and unchange- {000 Christians, 2,000 000 Sikhs and ix | numerous minor religions. With these [people a difference of veligion is not, as with us, a matter of no political a {or social consequent, hut brotherhood and a trade guild." Tn {constitutes an impassable barrier in the latter capacity it supervises the [every respect. Then there training of its younger members, 60,000,000 Mohammedans, maintains hoards of | tain the for the Hindus in general What would be the character legislative assembly Nturgies and interpreters of the mys OF apations 0 togles. They were honored, respected in 'and feared, the «quality which earned these distinctions for them would seem to prove (hat they the most intelligent of their race As the order the Brahman caste they exercised the sabtle they have maintained to thi cold hardly have been simte the Veda, >or the merchant was known to them | Kshattriva after it had been reduced to writing | was subjoct to their interpolations and wsditions. The Rid-Veda-the enylioat | "efetho Hindu seriptures--betrays the | important place in the community oc wmpied by the priests at that early ¢ : och "That king," says a verse, | of birth. "before whom marches the priest, hel Dr. J. Wilson, of Bombay, attempt- alone dwells = well established in his led tho stupendous task of classilving own house; to him the people bowand dubeyibing the thousands of castes down, The king who gives wealth to linto which the Hindus of the present the priest, he will conquer; the gods day are divided. At the his will proteet him." Again, the same!death his work had Frown to two tells how the prayer of Va f volumes of 678% pages, but he had abhi prévailed "in the battle of the Inot completed his analysis of even ¥ a thn kings," and how that of Vis | single easte--the Brahmans, who, ac eth @ | i string, embrace RNG Wamitra 'preserves thi tribes of the [cording to Sherring, embrace 1,856 an . ' Bhiarats.' cult perceive how anything like self-government such a people. to . with everyone t Don'y order nam- has been e intermingling, and in every » the contracting par country | A[vpmawd ses pow oY 390A I With | ties lost their origindl easte. In tation for instances ndn-Arvan families and com- presentation and | betterment few exor | who form are either standing or It that for he ig the or a the lower ptions the the ranks blinded actuated not they the his the Sudras ch wan possible to can the \rvans complex came n of and were and * 5 aan Nor wesent ul ) E I ay Any feo m acid many univer extensive, re- for the With wus Sarce bload, permitt the Nearly ¢ few p When think that) We were the adve of the bated true. Very On . | catches they ! Sneeze ar rema deve came a ol arose of twice edt bear than how h it. begin wally sett joints and we in a draft and that cold, We only think Hutchinson knows when a person beging to 15 not 1, but that he caught it long wid that it Just beginning to to cold It takes a the nasal mucous or dust Suneze. A De. Woods know for too et the la by | BOC f gitat | marriage, change ocial ol gitators I wale Sudras ume bad by k under- ng a Woods that he was g Vai The longer Agriculture the selfish some of classification or mo ture of + either Pe in many persons savas hecam Raiputs, o and cla are n the ia | a revolt | tives gins to things result a = late of but the most sali soda, these Eto "inspired word," | 3 Sree 0 catehing a col before break will Je «© Me "Ue alone. and ven distress sant hard this fail as often as retain a an that centuries ven Brahmans broken up into { erous sub f varying degree long since ceased to be priests hy right and gearcely hereditary them for : for instinet i impor davs become many posure Never cause gneez a num ing. defin irritatio membrane hy produce nr ? 1 3 the | foreigners, Lie A probab who has ol rheu- who in the 1" - and specialist, na cases and frives from. without to rank next the * Brahmans gold Probably, I me Shahas, or ; Telia, oil Tambulis, or pan par, and other low above their hereditary calling y | come cultivators, traders and bankers, | 1 i draft Hutchinson he wrot, won't it, declare he article, Wasted Affection. Express. st Tasmania that a traveller across l front which SC lalso the wnful should | § 1, : 1 follow i I most sae | & r ane |a in which , and mix it ar o gasimple treatment, RE the | every harm ar tha inexpensive castes us imple anyhiody. can Urbane C, Webber, Welland, » 18 one of the many women who present health and strength to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Mrs, Webber About three ago, while door of living in Hamilton my health began { to decline, The first symptoms were headaches and general weakness. Af- ter u time the trouble increased so rapidly that | was unable to attend to my household duties. | lost tesh, looked bloodless and had frequent fainting fits, 1 was constantly doctor sundowner font that y Ig, but without any benelit, and 1{,.';, But sth Ot 4 ob pes : and Urinal in feel that wy condition was | vine.' . 1 deli hte i ky a ? ery hopeless. One day a friend asked me deat. 11 *riain acids and why 1 did not wy Dr. Williams' Pink matter, decayed tis Pills and mentioned several cases in | #ich the kid which she knew of the great benefit | .qis after a lew that h followed use, After some urging | decided to try the pills, and had only used them a .few weeks wh n benefitted, aud from that time on the improvement an wi and by the time 1 had anta about a dozen boxes of the pills tween ¢ The propositidm ads 11 was ed by the extremists that the British] oo d shou'd be forced from the country, is hardly 'worthy of considers In the first place, it would not | possible of accomplishment. An uprising to-day Williams' would have Tar less prospect even though supported by native army, which shows no signs of disafiection-- than ad that 1857 The ludian princes, the property own ers and the monied men would all op Vitus' dance partial paralvs volution, and with their aid | =, Sold by all medicine dealers or by vould he worse than | mail at 50¢, a box six hoxes for But even if the Hindus could | $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine and Ix he time of London It was came loosely Extract to show that there is a plasti I Compound vity as well as rigidity in going an o of Ww sundowner t the caste, Compound Syrup Go to any nnd get those ¢ lo ingredients and mix a bottle, tak- mg wionful after eneh and ia 3 a ting t & 1 1s i Ove sayy years is cabin, ' GRR 08 very legibly paint pation are inseparable Jaded able. The son of a Bengali bativa born a banker; the penter begets carpenters and the jeweler, jewelers. | Each caste is at religious | 'ei on parle § en is A tattered. de wied-looking man, who happened to be pa the sped th 1 rushiog up to the tically Kissed 'Eve, what'r : separate bodies. They are to he found fn Hinduism the sobinl organization {iy all stations of life, from the pom- and the religions eonfederacy have ab pous bandit of | oona, or the pamper ways been inseparably allied To this {ed priest of Benares, to the potato: day the "twice born Arvan eastes gvowing Brahmans of Orissa, "ha wear the sacred thread and claim i 1naked peasants struggling along under joint, though Mugu], ishoritanes oo | ue Buhote of Jams, with a filthy EE re "eh chilst the non-Aryans {jiiile Bralimanical thread over cir | gla . ; the ty hooks, whi breasts with the | choulder, And to the lowest of these arhitta gon and fosters Food fellow : ificant string and they are denied {=measured by worldly standards--one ship ¥. ok k in rings. The gu jiitintion to the religious literature of py see some wealthy Jat landowner a ahres o oo nen R, the Indo-Aryans. The simple charae-' "come prosperous Gujerati grain as titi We = Mi be - = - {dealer bow with deference, as to one | hese conc tions. e see in them the Ls & | immeasurably superior to himself results of skill inherited from genera ® {the account of the gods. Caste tions of workers along the same lines, 'weighs wealth and station. The Gaek- | directed and controlled by the guild = In. | The same factors are also responsible are | for the lack of originality, displayed in Indian art. productions. The arti: Zan ol to-day is educated to the same ard methods, and adopts even the same designs, that have been handed down in his. caste-trade through the centuries. French passing Criptiong, in up road one which ont edtime better in the world idney and bladder vmptoms as fre once colonial, #nthusias are some him on both check who enter yor hatred re utmost contempt and 10M, Boreness to ous de of upon a the a population ? by social 3 based Sany excellence representation of such It could not fail te be. dominated prejudice, or rather hy conflicting pre judices. 'Anything like a national spir- it could not possibly prevail amosi its members. Its enactments wolild cessarily be in the nature of class islation and of the 880%, over BAL in ther out man Well the nt mean Well Tasmanian in deep « or and p too stromgly | was sufferers to [home Pink Pills a. fair pointing what do sundowner in French is Fm blowed ? aged eighty, in Lyon pay Wire > wir of Baroda wears the star of * p= { dia, and his comings and goings Coughs or Colds & | niarked by a salute of twenty-one © lguns, but the Brahman who begs better the gates of his palace would be de is death [graded by at his table, and | there is not a beggarly princeling in the | Rajputana would give him a daughter fin marriages These distinctions pre. gives in- [vail among the various Sram hes of | with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, se they hawking | the main caste, n many parts of l cannot remoh the scat of the disease | India, Brahmans may be found earning | Catarrh is a blood or comstitutional dis- : suse, Wod I6 Order to cure ft you must : take internal remedies: Hall's Catarch SATE | Qure is taken internally und acts directly who | on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is 'not a quack medicine, It was prescribed by ome of the best hysicians in is country for years and a regular prescription It is compos. od of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, actin, dircet! | began to feel in admitted would wu result in 18 steady _-- » Vong at y crease present or n used chap cami standard f 1 } G again enjoying the blessihe of health, | other discouraged Williams wtism, aches and paios, il hw Mio Ozonatad Air Cire, biwn ox 'Catarrhorzone, Aoteolds, . pealth-laden fumes contain : balsamis of the pine woods. athing and antiseptic, it t. relief--stops gaguing, ea phlegm are ¢leared [their livelihaod as porters, shepherds, breathing made easy, and cas jpotters and fishermen in the symptoms entirely disappear | community with other Brahtiians iheton atl pleasant is Catarrho | would starve And allow their children , simple Yo because vou {to die"of hungér before they would de he it--sure to cure colds and ca- | mean themsélecs to manual labor because it destroys the touch food that has hx cooked sitting cannot free, + a hightly drink, Mountain Tea. agains beroulosd t vamnan the R100 on t on The has reduced dhisease in 1903 16 9% per rampai the Minneapolis 1,000 nelress, in India by many years CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED. , eat] ana aratn rate fro . Pink Pills will cure all troubles due to poor, watery blood suchas anaemia general weakness, gestion, neuralgia, skin troubles, the effects of ~ in such troubles as Sic the s of who te: Take one Cascaret just as Soon as you know that you need it. ot tism, alter ner and Ppe,. and 18 pi pose re or such a movement n by a Hunter saw a or hopeless and cause, oust ors way nothing is more scientific, fan of inferior cas, i 3 ing possesses such might of merit | Brahman felon try to starve himself to} i bwintor ills. Do try Catarrhozone ! {death and submit to a flogging rather ombination at produces such fect is of the y on the mucous surfaces. The per« two in iente womderfu uring Catarrh. Send for testimonials | ompany, would they gain? In a very short ---------- time their conflicting elements It only a revolutionist resulta would who Then you won't need a purgative. It is an easy and pleasant way to keep well. i should the British i Brockville. Ont strife as of old, and confronted by an internal enemy. The by as be: engaged in fuses to cloak his vices and to parade his virties A for months' toeatment, price 81, than eat the food that had been pre (small) size, 28. ull dealers, or|pared by the prison cook, himself a C Polson & Co., Hartford, Comm. | Brahman of less degree. , and Kingston, Out, When we come down he Ma F.\J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, 0 \ Sold ty bi ta price 78c. Mohammedan, who dicine Take Liali's Family Pills for tonstips- cine. Salts and castor oil belong This is the day of the gentle in me The cathartic pill is old-fashioned. to grandmother's time. The modern doctor deals mildly, Cascarets are effective, yet gentle. gripe. They don't, like cathartics Cascarets do only what some foods wi what exercise does for the bowels, Their action is natural, not artifi If you live out-doors, exc ercise a great deal A great deal, and avoid rich § ' don't need them. 4 nda; you Otherwise you do. are united steady who are income is often responsible | 1 N 1 - 3 to the lower the strongest ties, and a young man's wobbly gait rder Corpauscle in Men's B in the endeavor to throw upon the appointed courts of law is abnormal, In the animal world, observe this | weapon in order to relieve the y screen of the intelligence a high mag- fslaughter to the blucfish which, sated | prominent autharity, we will note how | ion, His emotion is simply an agent pnd gorged, continues tb rend into fone beast will kill simply in order to |p satisfying the mental need of re (fragments the school that flies before leat, and another will kill for the mers { to his Squilibrium just as the it. - {sake of killing. The blood lust runs feeling of hunger leads to acts for the | A humane and considerate tiger is hdown aad down, from the « i satisfying of the bodily need. the freak, barring only those who, if [dog that revels in the hot Ii 3 {~The so-called criminal or immofal they are not in jail, evght to be. unthinkable. Man is of the nature of Lact, Dr. Shaw . deduces, is often -the : ia wild beast, impulsive and fiable to normal act; and the so called moral explode, hut capable of being edutated { person may be simply one who, feel to an artificial-restraint. jing strongly, 8 led by Bid educatiun But the perfection of the restraint (and his environment into other ways tannot be measured so very much bet | of relieving his brain hunger. ter than we can measurd the perfec-| "We are still very much in the dark tion of the education of the training | as go the way in which" nerve cells #8 give to a wild beast. And the re fact, but this much seems clenr, that! sponsibility which necessarily devolves {they discharge in an explosive man-. upon mun with the measure of his liner," the great London specialist de education or taming, ean with diffiouls | cares. ty be appraised, "Whatever may ultimately prove to | Thus criminal types gre but Stages be true nature of feeling, it seems to in evolution toward a rarely. attain | be associgted. in some wiy with what able perfection, In all actions imvolv- | may bé formed the tensile strain of ing the exercise of volition, the must | the coll, so that a painful or joyous | important 'elembnt is "feeling," which! feeling may mean a condition similar whet mixed with an idea, ie called an to deetric tension. Disc harge through { "emotion." 8 motor tract is equivalent to a loss | froin. Shut of the hormal a go.| There are idéas without feeling, an fof the feeling to seturn to a condition | reflects the graces and charm that give promise of happiness 10 intly wrong, but the mental vi of | Yet those Very ideas in a Bation {of equitibriem. : i ¢ She rests But she is hot. strung. The color in her cheeks, once 20 'the end contemplated and the Way of | ® ond muy have feeling rein arcing | Some individuals, however, strong ; Rag tad avay--her eves are listless-- the buoyancy of spirit. and VIE | arriving at it are just the safe gs in{them.. Fi | their feelings, have only incrensed as- she onion possessed are sadly lacking. Pareits, 'friends, this girl needs 'oper voluntary actions. ~ We may see something and have a8 | sociation motives. or ideos with feel: 4 Perrorone,~needs' it that ber blood may he removed--needs it to restore the | Apeer all, it is not very long since [idea of it, and yet have no feeiog ing. For same matures. it is the right | 9 force that growth, study and the development of her fresh YOulh 'men were in a savage state. In the ! whatever essotiated with the idea. thing to ill, for sthers it is the Fight | sted, This girl will beeame a queen 'with Ferrovone--which will 'sradual change through evaluation to Stddenly the feeling of wanting it | thing to steal. No other result is posi her color--bring back her old-time energy --give brightness 3 het 5 hizher ordor of human afiairs there arises, and the tatiscles Het to seine sible. ex and vivdcug ta her spirits. daFerrotone every girl finds she cal do things. Tn They don't. irritate or » Waste the digestive fluids. emo } W what . nified portrayal of a human nerve cell 4 Go, wial some fruits will do, when its owner is impelled to commit murder, Only when the nerve cells has given up its explosive power, only when the abnormal electrical tension has wey relieved hy some discherge of physical violence, is the criminal relieved of his discomlort, nm 4 cial is ---------------- Dr. 'Thomas Claye Shaw =aid it he. fore an assemblage no less distinguish- The gratification of the impulse to | 2d than the International Congresy of slay, to relieve any passion or instant { Payehology at Jmeterdan. oh a indulgence, in the Jatest dictum of { Fellow of the Royal College of Phy si science, is not abnormal-not in itself fram in London,* and lecture on psy# {eriminal. It is simply natural. {chological . medicine &% 2t. Barthuloe- A murderer who strikes down his pind S Huupital Sere. Eng Fi br. A i 3 & WO! of sawend 'steam boiler expledding with terele is regarded, in this light, as the nor Smee vary gttentivels, an ic dynamo discharg- imal man. The virtuous and law. He prefaced his remarkable study Af : sting fish of concentrated | qhiding citizen who 1s able to bottle hime in ith last. most profound aeal- are the pictures which thejup his generated lightnings and let eis with Retirtion to a yokt recent theories of science present them onze owt peaceably 'in the duly minal "act Is a perfectly normal one - - os regards the mental prosess invol- ved. It i= generally normal, even when it is due to disease. The men- tal process thea differs in no way | The most helpful laxative ever devised is Cascarets, Then, they are candy tablets, pleasant to take Then, they are convenient The ten-cent bo » . 3 - x fits the vest ale te e pocket or the That is a vital potat, The time to take a laxative is the mioute y , me ute you suspect that oeed it, Don't wait till you get home; don you One Cascaret, taken promptly, t wait till night wards off trouble, Cascarets are candy tablets. In bulk. Be sure to get the gen price is 50 cents, 25 cents and 10 Cents per Box. They are sold by all druggists, but never dine, with CCC on every tablet. The Perhaps she is sixteenrgotd to look at, and pretiy--quite interest'ng be- Authors & Cox Our Artificial Limbs are i and made with 135 Church St. Toronto. Est 1860 Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Artificial i Limbs five essentials constantly in Mind---lightness, strength, durability, comfort and ease. We give every atten. | J tion to those parts which are liable to homer or b and make Shen of the maximom strength consistent with light. iy ~~ if 1 you have any Sesnie of wesk spline ~ lost ome or both legs--are ruptured--or wre oltherwise afflicted ~ write us for help. Our &# years experience is the best guarantee of » happy sole tion of your trouble. Write for free advice, strength mist bea throwbacks and reversions.) The hd at is absolately aril | on soriy gets hold f peop Ferromohe there is © endurance--that failures and impossibilitis. And all {[Hormal. An fBtense emotional , (whi act in this way it suppresses ; tiredness and Targuor, For the pe or woman thatthe time the machinery which is de- | aftihy through the muscular and vis- | them for the time being or else it oli \ , winning, ~who values rosy su, Inughing ivised for accomplishing the evolution joeral systems, sels up jdeas to realize Iminates them. There are too many pirits, nothing can compare with « Sold jis itself an artificial one and imper- [ifhelf. jweeds to have sll exoties. but the box, or six for $200, Get ib today, Aly applied, SY ia 4 A man furious at an insult boys o weed is still @ natars] product." ness. Our is not sur equalled -- any other makers in world, hy sey : il'