Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Feb 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, MOTH ERS Nn CHILDREN 2 1 | When * Sickness Comes to the |. 'I | Little Ones {It Is the Mother Who Chiefly | Suffers. PAGE FIVE -- ARE THE LEADERS. Regiopolis Hockey Leads th» Ciubs rink, ox ' 1 i 908. PE-RU-NA FRIENDS ARE THE Team The At Zion i 1 a 71. 3 ©. STERLING EN J 3) Regis point ---- Watertown To Play. basketball with will be play Fru Promises Un ganw lor played James', return Watertown in the Y\M.CA,, veniiy next, and the to interest {sane ning the fin |aty championship will Ix between Waldron's and St. She suffers even more than the child | Who happens to be sick. | Her sympathy is deeper than that of any other member of the family, | The mother looks forward with dresd { to the torrid heat of summer, thinking tof her children and the many liabili- ties to disease that are before them. Spring and summer are sure to bring ailments, especially among the little folks, - : { It does not take a mother very long to | discover that Peruna is the best friend {she has in time of fliness among the children. A Multitude of Mothers Have discovered that Peruna is th stand-by, and that in many of the od | ments of spring and summer to whieh { the children are subjected, Peruna de | (i | the remedy that will generally quickly to | relieve. ' dere Whether it is spring fever or stomach | Ibis | derangement, whether it is indigestion th i or bowel disease, a catarrhsl congestion | of the mucous surfaces is the cause, Peruna quickly relieves this condition of the mucous membranes, Its opera- tion is prompt, the children do nos dis- "My little boy, Meredith, suf- |, =. PN he medicine, it has no dele- fered with indigestion so badly be |, = effects in any part of the body could pot eat anything without jt| simply removes the cause of the making him very sick, so 1 disagreeable symptoms and restores the thought (as many others have) |} calth. that I would try Peruna, and it worked like a charm. "Now he eats anything he . vith | eT, acute or chronie. Wishes, aad] would apt be with-| The mothers allover the United States - little boy, Alfred, | 8re the best friends that Peruna has. My other little ; Mr.C. Hallock, Antwerp, ( hio, writes: "My daughter Allie, after taking three | 3 [ 1 game of Y.M.CA here game Lhe ed on VN the tha oi i ni be an one, eve Kennel Club Meet, A well-attended meeting of the Kus city build The forming: ee | wl to oularge the membership, the of officers be- ing deferred until this has been pleted nell Club was held in on Friday evening mg of a mv matt w clubs was fully rs Worry wlion eX Mi. "Marty" Leads League. a number of local sports went to the Wan- there to-night, game of the vear at leagne Ottawa in condi to put up a greal fight and is kad the the league, Marty Wal the league « to scoring average of a hall goals per game, Mao -Uttawa will Iw bhext lay Son game the is { tion {pi 4 as winners of sh bow leads having aun Mrs. J. ©. Sterling, 188 Brown | Avenue, Norfolk, Va., writes: Kingston Won It championship of the Assoeiation, The and was 1 The { Fastern Ontario Curling to RNingston this year from Belleville Lis afternoon Na ings toy The # COME Napanee, tied and the on Fri as the aft played ten wire here, In Peruna is a household remedy for all catarrhal ailments of winter ands Mra. F. Brockman, 818 Meade street, Appleton, Wis., writes: "I have never had a return of the catarrh, which had made me so mis- erable and unbappy before | began taking Peruna. ""F'would'niot be without it in the house, now, op foo baby boy, two years old, to whom I give Peruna for a cold, and my husband also takes Peruna. "I thank you and wish you well.' ib. Peruna Should Be Kept In| Every Household ' . 1yed off, » & «Where There Are Little Children. < Parana should be kept in the house al! the time, Don't wait until the child Is} Mr, Edward Otto, 927 De Boto street, Rick, then send tp a drug store, But, gt, Pl, Ming. writes: have Peruna ob hand--accept no sub- | stitute, Ohildren are especially liable to seute aatarrh, Indeed, most of the affections of childhood are catarrh, All forms of sore throat, quinsy, eroup, hoarseness, laryngitis, ete., are but different phases of catarrh, o Po-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found per- manent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of zany kind. Peruana, if taken according to printed directions, is perfectly harmless, Itecan be usew any length of time without #oqpiring a drog habit, It does not produce temporary results, but it is per- manént in {ts effect, + © It bas no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates cstarrh by re- Wpoving the cause of catarrh. ii * THE HALLS OF QUEENS RUGBY COACH QUESTION BEFORE ALMA MATER, Address to Engineering Society-- Science Court Session--Drama tic Club Select Play For Next Ou Mendes Wession. Peiving thesis The members of the Engineering D.8e; eigty had another © opportunity hearing one of those Canada' foremost « day afternoon tain, ME Compromise." denlt with the lege student ro the enginecring gro fession, und touched @hon many mat ters of paramount interist to pracy cal science students, h shots J. MeKelvey, weeMrs. F. Brockman. ; W. AL Me- { The Benefit Which the Children | the United States Have Received From Pe-ru-na Can Never Be A Child's Life Saved. | Be of some benefit to others, as 1 feel | are well pleased with it and recommend Put Into Words, [We G. H. Farmer, New Martinsville, as though I cannyt praise it enough. M] tt anybody who has catarzh." . | W. Va, writes: «==Mrs. J. C, Sterling. pecially for my oldest boy. We had The chronic ailments it has prevented, | "Our Tittle sofi, Harry, is well and Mr. Howard Andrew Hterner, "24 | The Mothers Hold Pe-ru-ma in High | doctored with three or four different | thesuffering it has mitigated, will never | healthy now and we think if we do as Canal street, Reading, Pa., writes: em, eer) 14 tBey did not seem to do him | be fully recorded. | you directed us, he will keep his health | "I have Peruna in my house all the | Not only because it has cured them of | In any good. But at least this much can be sald that | and grow strong. | time and won't be without it. Itis good | their various ailments, but because it "We gave up hopes of cure; and 0454 coming generation owes a great| We kaow that our little son's life | ¢,. children when they take a cold or | promptly rescues the children from the did they, but we pulled him through on | debt to Peruna, for it is in the tender | wassavedby your wonderful medicine, [afonp. It cured my baby boy of croup. | throes and grasp of eatarrhal dis- Peruna, : years of youth that slight ailments are | Peruna, wy we shall always prane "1 have introduced Peruna into six | eases, "We had sever! doctors and they | liable to develop into lasting disease, Perund and use i (amour iamily w oe families since I received your last letter,| We have in our files many testimo- sali they Could do no more for him, so | thus blasting the whole career of the | "iighould we have any more catarrhal | aud fenr have seen relief already." nials from mothers whose children have we tried Pecyns as a last resort, and | individual. ! tronble in our family, we shall always | -- Howard Andrew Sterner, | been cured by Perunas. However, the that did the work. Since then we r, mothers who are bringing up | write to you for treatment." | Pe-ru-na Protects the Entire large majority of mothers who use { keep it In the house ail the time, and | their children to-day to believe in Peru- | rp y Household. Peruna, we never hear from, | mo docter is required."--Edward Otto, | : : | Mr. W.¥. Doring, Mt. Vernon, Mo., ouse. . | ba are speaking from their experience. writes: As soon as the value of Peruna is ap-| But we do hear from a great number Therearg s miititade of homes where { These children brought up to believe | "I have used Peruna to my entire sat- preciated by every household, both as a | of mothers who are #0 overjoyed at some Perutn has bedniused off and on for | in Peruna from the start, will, when |isfaction snd am exceedingly well | preventive and'remedy, many lives may | special good they have received from twenty years. { they bocome leads of families them- | pleased with the results, having suf-| be saved and thousands of chronic lin-| Peruna that they cannot restrain their Such a thing could not be possible if | selves, use Peruna with unquestioning | fered greatly with catarrh of the |gering cases of catarrh may be pre-| enthusiasm, They are anxious to share Peruna contained any narcotics. faith, stomach," vented, | these beefiis with other mothers, Kingston, No Angrove, H. Lean, skip--25 Napanee, No Bottle, H. Tavio King No | Dvde, Prof. Gi { skip--11 Napanee, No Wilson; M kip=--19, the en two and a half years old, has| aken i nd received as much | taken ini Prune as his | bottles of your Peruna is entirely cured of catarrh of the head of two years standing, We have used Peruns as a | general tonic as well as for catarrh and of benefit brother, "| hope my testimonial may Pratt, A. E. Daley, skip--10, E. J, Reid, Prof, br, Etherington, «No Doctor Required. i ) ston, "I cannot say enough for Ieruna, Tt! Ii | has dole grea work in my family, es- " Cros V I (i A war Bennett RK. b P ville was defeat the locdl juniors, © Belle by ening eight shots team Were No. 1-D. C. Ramsay, KE, Wallace; Prof, "Gill, I Fempleton, J, an; Judge Foran, ton, No dl 0 ' 2 Hanson, R. J, v, A. W, McLear ny; E. 0. Sliter, § A. Cooke, : t | Rings { Mehelve kigp--10 Belleville Burros in A P ea. E Allan: Carman, A ¥. J kip Napanee wor the senior series of the ? HATS aRsOC) 0 CANNOT EACH i \ TERMS. IN I'IME TO SAVE BABY, } i o At On | LOT rvard his career has been of of | The Very Latest Culled From All cond vear | Over The World. Lee e-4 Ted new caies of pox have de ( v1, i" OTe of the evening 18 ¢ ntinsatio i his discourse Tokio fenture i Car Dent of tha by oft dufendas char evening," Th the trial was kidnapped tie Won appou PITH OF THE NEWS. = Asked Half Sum Beamsville Mother Badly Burned! Offered in Rescuing Child. v wk. Feb Ont., bel Park a r 1x be had | | That Million wa prisouer, arts men oo 2.1 Newhitt ' Phin on sma stharing on the am tional of pPrisongtls" pl ence from the session, orginal fine Wai which wa OS i « room upsta Ist Deeg img Inight i rin Hamme Grramping Beams it Halifax ats Award, Toromie p mie rely but lustil the and i» RG00 000 prifes, NEW YORK SiuCKS, Fhe velding worsmen the, Dash y titer ofthe new med Build imp Weel Prices Furnished By F. W. Boschen (Per W. Hector H. Hume, Manager.) Se ---------- } Waits. F when HH delivervd an Under this relations of address theme the brag SUth. Upening Giose 52 rig the Waga ¥ Stocks or rville : 3 garvithe, Fab; 2x 313 11 , com Relin, Bedi, Con "o nh nary af the FeAsOn been basket -bal 8. So Cormack, \ pointed captain teat for next thom, © to. qe Cot Sarkis Manougin A second session of the selence the wv dents' held: on Thursday * Qon's peeling his mornin glus| speaker Bat sstonar court wa if exe com if shivi de Ler School Doi "yy Lock Railroad Y. Ontario i Northern Pacific K Rr es Lins Confidence when eating, that your food is of | der highest wholesomeness-- that it has nothing in it that can injure or distress you -- makes the repast doubly comfortable and satisfactory, supreme confidence you At a -* s+have when the food is raised with FAs mont { cided to present La fi 3 & > J { beatlemen of Verona next | Arfaugemionts are he mye made for | the commencement of rehe i imi} i medhately after colinge opens next Oy | heat { tober, 3 : | = { The io TE | suciation has et { decision concerting, thy three-ec rawred i tie between Toronto acen's and MAGEE The « aggestion of the Mont- ng 1 Fob, 2 r We or th | i gheton | fan Queen Sem ochre rch, to ct . los 3 ne fo p in challe ¢ h for | Prat : t Pe of thi v busy eal 1 Pool A voung se ae come to brighten the of Wellington Kerr A number iitepded. the hv Reading Re Southern ning n ck leland Hy Facifis Steel com phd Rubber tom Pacific Union | morro ym here Ritledu Dramatic wt Elgiiv, lisst apd My Fle their f hos ] fre play given - he { tl Club Iniguitat I tograph take; Hi wird of tk tride ie ratrst the et Yirtutis had. thet phe ox of in boiler. Bop roth al bio artbora i : + 3 i sib sir 3 uh hid > i Lap a number of ti last evening strumental music, 3 Mr. apd Mre. W, 154 OPEraliv 5, hs nt | turned from Kingston " 'hes EMG on ford has left for Smith's CHICAGO PRICES, employed |) . : ¥Fébraar, , Wheat Opening Closes Y73 oy Mi Jou thetn Tawday nig 1 ¥ tertained |, avd rela . i and mn games and dancing H.. Fleming hav Frederick mi Do. fri 244 with this mon atientic : Sion] w eh wml 16 pr S., e felt, hands tor inde o 3 management ad eye almost bursty os sockets, the now thoroughly n erawlhed back and forth n, fant K e ues host briar Lo and bis head swam--with the i The landing. In {Grand Haven of the Grand way i Ferry company; at ew € {terminals of the Grand Trunk tat Milwaukee, WALI and dealt it {The new terminals blows. chisel hroke through {and one-half eres. letting the water follow. The | . : heard the water when it struck | an average | road Star merits consideration. that | Te Maras awd, pelieviog that the hoil i Great Clearing Sale, pupils, {lots be drawn for a bye and that}. NL Joaiee, Spey the witer plug | Prevost, Broak strect, has wade a both games be plaved at Queen's oni oo raked out the find great reduction in price in the order and readv-made clothing department, 4 R { McDosal had a faint recnlieet ls | acount of the intermediate loention | oo of davheht when the oo 3 + ah of Kingston, and the superiority of |! br more | Bo in the gept"s funishings.. The meeting of it 113% i} . 163 Clady | de {hair "Two! rom | aut trom | gut raz in his anny . who 1 all of his for the Warged thes Wis to oF wa . Shakespegin's seasion, | praying pe ne heeanie & Tuesday ih 8 first the Ar i Mas July warn, i | Mas July : Pork May ) eighteen | Trunk Car edson, by and wiationed the Our im pron ming She Rip sumber of Tights 924 different point the benefit of pilots progressing favorably Mics M. FE attendance being syvRiem, Friday, tweniy-three he placed it against on made along . aes 61% WW] was on GL Buskethall As ar , of the YEE as arcvivad at nol . bl y flerrifie - a tthe flue ; agement of ar Jes of PLO: d 4 Death Mrs. McCrae. J. M. Smith, ini Windeor, Opt, Feb. 2, Mee Spector, Tamworth, has purchased the (beth McCrae, a resident of Windsor ¥ rowidence, store and. stock in trade of {for half a century is dead aged vigh- § the Inte George B. Vandusen, Main | tydour Yenrs Mes. McCrae was a i -------------- formerly license Flizs . ; ; | was opened, Hut knew sothids ore { Queen's gymaasium floor over those of thor Pi data i CE {Toronto and MoUill } i A A il ---- : Tr a Effects Of A Fire. Pittsburg, Pa.. Feb 2. One woman {and two - children wer. burned | to wits | death, the husband and father is miss. ing. two howess were desiroved mod i third, dcily damsiged. as the result of td I. The Plilosaphisal. Society will hold | {ne more meetings this scssion, : i -- Yesterday the announcement made that W. W, MacLaren, formerly of Renfrew, Ont. and a Queen's wens: | dunte of 'W, had heen ited. pro- Jaime, is well assorted 'with 'Dew goods. i "One Cup And Saucer Free With each. pound of Grand -"Pachess jcofles, price 3g, Saturday osly, at Mulfin's, An 'hotel prGjeet, twiore the people of Winchester, it menting with sucess. It ie. the. Winchester Hotel conapany, incorporated 'with a capital of $46, 000, divided into 1.900 shares, ® i: i» Sause the pest and the future age sot, eutivy bist of fo Street west, the business, who have an * Bympathy way, but it doesn't weigh much Picton, and is contmuing {daughter of Jacob Latham. a Foronts = jmrchiteet. Her husband, John Me ¢ 1 Crae, who died about sight vemrs ago, | was formerly clerk of the nioth divi i with $ j sion court in Essex cosnty. Mes. Me | Crae was prominently identified various philanthropic movements in e Keep both ev 3 AN SDemY ee ---- i anxjous to do you u favor. The man who is punctual and popes herr is no ime Tike the present, be. | vefing stauds to. make good for he f The reason some of us have to work » bard is because there are others immense capacity for aking troull may lw sll right is x ithe city. i who | %

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