Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Feb 1908, p. 7

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SECOND SECTION. PAGES TO 19, | The Daily British Whig S---- bn-------- m---- " YEAR 75. KINGSTON, "ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY y_ 29, 1908. ---- RUSSIA- TURKISH 'WAR MAY MARK THE SPRING hn NEW YORK LETTER ar sheng hore "ral | TT CATANA KING." lL HARDLY gottiog sy up in. the sky-scrape: Sir Alfred Jones Placed Fruit in ART ADDITIONS TO THE Jagers.. : e' . _ é ed wen ; Eaglisa Hatiels, NATIONAL MUSEUM. | some took offices up in the sky sera | as the "Bananas Ning, ' becauss ho TOP SCRATCHING pers y would ; made p frud \ specialty, md i an of paving 1 political Some of Rembrandt's Paintings Shine . Jor into as unigquenih- | : : Secured--New York Nesds Ap-[ able fire EE latly. appt to lin a imams | Sey Itching ne Humor on Joints varatus to Fight Fires in Shy- - Make . ath gs ade - scrapers. Saved A Little Life. is prim snl an ie partner Xd or ul Now York Fob oR eof : Mes. I. Osborn, Netfton Mlis, Vt. : known W . . . chin I a na ork, Feb. 3.--Some of the | writes: "1 do aot think enough can | ping firm of Elder, Dempster & Co 1 Many Treatments Failed to Cure. Si ---- most typical, aid, therefore, the most ~ : . x ' , ' be ssid mm praise Muy 5 Uw y re g # . muportant expressions olf the work of Bh p . a of Hab tun Tal and also thy wy S:that presites vves th reat t f the Netherland lets } au sutialied ; shat ;otr-buby} the: dost] Ro MFI WhO i USED CUTICU e great painter ol 16 ¥ % A . hh ie great pau etheriand would not have been alive to-day i it! Jess I past two decades hax RA AND Rembrands Harmenszoon van Ryn Nad not been for the Tublets, as he} neadire the Br fo Ent me ih ECZEMA DI APP MA DISAPPEARED have, this week, come into the posses . . azk} that don of Sire, Collis 2: Huntington, ae. was $0 rend sul Sigh that he took no | fo n steamship companies, tradi quired by her from the Rpon vollec- Stung. a; this eomdition | a Ein pari. wit! he : in tion, and thus will become permanent placed notice of a "I was i i yave him the Tablets and th ¢ | di 0 he wi 2 { I suffering with eczema for a ¢ . i ahi ; aud tl ey hav , 1 v Cor ' Africa, | year and a half and had tried all kinds ly located in the United States. Rem- ong pt - d or our hor i ba | opening up Cs centres of industry | of ite. Al the. Joi of ho any 3 Yue ww, the pride of our home, He 8 one ache eis' also chatrm. results, t ints of my bed brandt was a dreamer from his child 5 charman of ny were suc] BE A Howe wind wer affec ted in h a way that | had i as well as any baby can be He sits jmerous Chamber f { > difficulty in walking and moving about, mill in his beloved Holland, and, like L vias . il L Teche pi 8X Lommerce, | It itohed so at times hat 1 could hardly the mill, just as often idle as at work. } an } avegearly all the time and lets 1Schools of Mdlicine, par latnentagy ' keep from soratching it all the time... He was not understood cither at home me ia. my work without worry, I {advisory committees in faet. there 1 hid suffered f about i @ year and four : . ww i . aan NO months before trying Cuticura Soap, or at school, and came to be consid sick Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Ro: solvent, After Using Cutioura for two, months regularly, not missing a day, vear old, has nine teeth, avd is now the Bank vitish West Africa, nu say to all mothers who have [no limit to tie deparfuents od 8 ahies ' A ! ¥ | } } ¥ in ¥ } Falways of Phe (ucdsis i ered hopeless both hy parents and | Io : Hive them Baby's Own i ping in which' Sir Alfred Jones schoolmasters, because he would not ablets , as did mine, and you will | « ytereste He Mad had no small study, but when the inclination came | have healthy, happy hahies I'he {share in developing the commerce of | all signs of eczema disappeared anc to do anything, drew' pictures or any- Fablets will cure all the minor ail- | th est ludies, which he appears to | Ow you Tn not Jil that 1 ever hed s Or CCPOMA. cannot find words sufficient thing that was at hand. His father Iv sale. Sold } 1 icine dealers | ble: protection He hast sha to «no the Cuticura Remedies justice, was a miller in the city of Leyden, in £3 ON. NY Al a me dealers | Protect in. ¢ bus had steaniers | Daniel Fisher, Jdr., 1040 Lansdown St, Holland, with a brood of six children or by mail at 25¢. a box, Yrom The {specially designed for i eighting busta, Md. ii doy 5 1907." § to feed, and she. mill working only | Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, of fruit constructed to carry 'on the Oautanio service The balance of opinion considers oH 4 {the recent speech of The" Austrian for h A rk x o Fpring cmmpaign wgong the contingén : 3. 4 leign minister when the wind blew. This unstudious § . . cits to be reckoned With, and numer Pn ae ne 4 hers "is no doubt: whatever that a} son was taken from school and placed - ! a well and healthy as . ee everson Pr as------ -- ous facts and fancies are. being strung : : \ smplete aceord on this question pre- | 10 the mill, but, : nits: Digs 4 | be was, he, like the wind, only work a unanimous pre and od when he chose, preferring to gaze Torturing, Disfiguring out of the door, at nothing, when he Humors Speedily was not placing. the faces of his com Yield to Cuticura . ing preparations on its frontier { cordial support of parliament and the panions on the walls of She milk His i h i) The suffering which Cuticura Roap of ger re Phe § yg . 1 mje } i elsewhere country mother, . sneducatel' 'anc simpe in 4 and Cuticurs Ointment have alleviated The Novoye Viemya affirms categor 3 = 7 4 thought and feeling, at last, intuitive . 4 A emcng skin-tortured, diss So -- boy might / | Bgured infants and chil. enlly that the inhabitants of the Ca ly, felt that perhaps the the sultan "paint pictures' that would sell, as 1 dren, and the comfort they I I \ ; / have | tranquil, that of Kars is in a ferment The donma may shortly afford the 8t. . Petersburg, Feb, 26. The possi : "4 foreign secretary an opportunity to hility; of a Russo- Turkish war is being i 3 ' - {announce the official views on the new cagerly: discussed in the daily press. : | situgtion greated.in the near east by Ee ments of little ones and are absolute | have taken under his special "and capa together and presented to the public 7 ra ails between as Proofs that the Ottoman govern HW 3 G he Russian govermment Consequent- ment also foresees the Tike Niboosl of : 3 if energetic action were undertaken hostilities, and is making correspond ry by the ter, it would meet with the afforded worn-out casur, many of whom are ' t | " RULERS WHO MAY BE AT WAR How Rich Is Your Blood ? she had learned that some men in i ) . » - and worried parents, have allies, have been aware of | key 1 t i Ltd The bl | . i all . pT n ' the event of hostilities e- we blood is the source of all men nother eo doing. She wisely gatl prepatptory mensure Leyden were doing ne gal! . | | TA «2 led to their adoption in The same journal declares at in tl tween Russia and Turkey, the tal, muscular and nervous power, I ered all her savings of ten years, and : . countless hemes as a probability 'of which' seems ap-| blood is weak you are weak, Havel ioqk the bag of gold and her boy to priceless treatment for the 3 skin and biced, Infantile parent in St. Petersburg, the rich red blood and vou will not only | a. pheor Jacob von Swanenburch, a \ opening scene of the conflict has eater ¢'rength, but will he able | 4b oter of reputation in the city, and TL \ IL and birth humors, milk would be along the railway lines | to resist disease. The best remedy 10] (hue started her boy on the way to p " \ crust, scalled head, ec that traverse 'ae Caucasus and tone up health and enrich the blood is id's atest . 4 Ld A, rashes gag every fe Sf inching, o » Cane 1 r ip health and enrich the od i$ | hecome one of the world's greates f scaly, pimply skin and scalp hufnors, mark the frontier lines of Turkey, | Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative) painters. No artist ins ever produced , with loss of hair, of infancy and child- Tosh, pre speedily, permanently, and Russia and Persia. ' It are a great nerve stréngthener the same effects of light and shade, : ! r-- - - nd blood maker. In boxes, 25e., at + been able to handle a subject so as : , economically cured, in the majority of a 4} Vati k if ; § \ cases, when all ether re perso While the population | Wad' 8 Brug Store, Money back if not | to produce in the mind of the obse = . 1 for children fail, Earn ver the impression of seeing so much J \ are ffuarantend shor Tutely puts ubider . Hel 8. Food end Drugs Avt Caucasian military district tion is characterized as gra tilitios are anticipated at the month of March The movements of Turkish troop the Russian frontier are continuou and responsible Russian military men in Tiflis and Batoum have not only forwarded circumstantial reports to the war minister, but have come hither in | Dagestan and Batowm districts is atisfactopry. cen that really is not_on the canvas as Not an educated man or siete. Puternal and Fovnbam > ry - - = * : A dt THE OPEN AIR IS HIS STUDIO. Rembrandt, Not an whicated man or : ne TRE Tiga pdt, a A : had ough Dutch grit to scorn the ] i Po - SH Buon ' Sh 0 i i then accepted laws of art and go on AIR pi Ye F ha a bat vith his own personal methods of ex- ¥ ! : TR be ry , i ad A Portuguese Misstre pression, though he had to trample } : : 1 a Kn oostan, ua U8 on all precedents. : A y Pusey. Who can day which is the greater the unlearned mother whose intuition led her to start him towards great- ness; or the unlottered son whose in- herited (7) intnition led him to break away from laws and methods and fol- low his own individuality to unparal Jelled success ? Two of Mrs. Hunting- ton's pictures were painted at this time of his life, which just receded ' EY : the painting of the "Night Watch, : : 3 Uas five Lowest Expense which took him & year to complete, | 2 3 ae 1 dnd resulted in so offending the rich FA e k Rate of aay Cs aay Can i patrons, who gate him the conunis x A 3 sion, that they not onlv refused to £3 ¥ Life Company take the picture hut forbade the y % hanging of any of his pictures in Dut'ng 1906, tee bl cxvenves municipal buildings After this his ! in of this company fcr 'salaries. \ downfall was so complete that his CURIOUS RESULT OF RAILROAD CRA g adows eer sold Sly by himself On December 27 last, a collision occurred near| Ludhiana, on taxes, cote, wer= $10,224.36 rom house to house for a mere pit th - l ba. - oe, / : . jute fo house Tor. 0 ed. a e North-western Railway of India. The engines 'on colliding LESS than 1 905~and were ance," an nen ! 1 er thie reared upright, and remained so with their foreparts torether in LV Ax 1 pauper's grave. 'Truly, 1 be only thing the air, forming an arch: The debris of . the 'trains was heaped { LY 10.2% /° of Jhe mcome, in this world Shag is tutisin 10 lant around on all sides. In the accident twefity people were killed is the fame that comes alter death. This is probably the strangest photograph of'a railway accident | || h this SaVIRg 1 expenses l'o-dav anything from the hand of ever taken 2% i i 4 Rembrandt has enormous value and is : + new business for the year certain to increase in valué as time - -- - i & counted to $5.555,547.00 goes on, . ' , : 3 . 4 Art has government patronage in She Was Particularly Out. [ cards particularly shed "th 8 "a gam in insurance in force France and other foreign countries and | An acquaintance called a} or : i AH f $2,712,450, I hope that in time the generous in vies in an Alabama town ' o nin am, thank vo , ma am . 10 . ch ¢ ny C/N 4 Agustus | hey se i ox T. s the time heen much we : \ugust I'he all out [uke ol your irsurcnze ia the apparently endless succes on { il AA 1. Af Fesnie « partiralarly terest shown by our moneyed classes will lead our government to do some thing to encourage their growing in- | °T8 ; terest. 1 note that a national school The door wa pened by gustus ----i-------- come UP is being talked of. All great move Butts, the faithful old fer i DOWN ments are begun by a few zealots Are the ladies in? i the call-4 hv don't vOu try arter's Little * Let up hope the number will soon in 8? They are a positive eure } | oF ma ay culti jently to claim attentior "No, ma am; whev'se all out or. disk headache. ani : all 'the ils 1 | Write Head Office, Waterloo, at Washington. We already have the "1 am =o sorry that | missed them produce: ®in disordered liver. Only 0 Ont, or call ea J continued the visitor, handi eve of the world upon our noble me \ mg bm ker "one pil a dose tropolitan fouseum. It is time we Bilt dos Ss. ROUGHTON . District Agent Lisbon, Feb, = 98.--Now that , Dom The murdered King of Portus al ex- : v paid more consideration to art, that gi - Carlay, the murdered. King of Portu- [hibited every year in the Academy of f gh we may protect, develop and appre gal, is placed in the tombs of his an: | Fine Arts at Lisbon. He preferred the A 3 gy ciate our own talent instead of send- cestors, his good' qualities, of -which | spen air fo the studio, and was often ing it abroad to receive its stamp of iE ' . ey oY ------ hie had many, are being discussed with | to be seen painting on the be h at a merit. : 5} 3 ¢ WSK oe admiration and regret. Casenes, lis iavorite seaside resort. | were published in the Diario de No- Within the last week, Greater New Rar - " & Ire Despite his terrible taking all, and | He also worked in. the woods and | ticias of this cily some months ago, York has had a fire which is said to the part of autocrat which he had highlands of his country, and his fare' now' being reproduced by a firm have heen the "highest" in the history played for the last year or so, the | scenes of peasant ile were the best Lin this city, and Kave had quite an | of the department. It was in the king was immensely popitaz, parti sample . ol his talent ; oxtemsive sale. "Fiey are' regarded fartieth storey of the Singer building enlatly as a sportsman. He was also wo of the mogl d works {| somewhat in. the light of souvenirs of | It could only be fought by the fire EE a liberal patron, ol he fine arts, ad King Carlos--a TTimit study of the murdered Ning. aiid as such ap- | men by the use of ordinary hand fire i Lohan . TO MS MAJESTY THE XING . the academy here owed a great deal woman and a water color sketch ol wal to the detotion' and pattiotize | extinguishers, such as are now always g 4d : to both his generosity and that ' of | Portuguese mins wl, dressed in of those of his adlijects not tainted by | found in. every office, for it hore i "3 ; SirJohn Power: Power & Son Ltd. hig brave and devoted gucen, picturesque gob of his elags--which | the doctrines of anatchism, the reach of any of the many and ex- rE "& (WW ] i 3 ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. a , peusive fire apparatus of. the world- 8 4 ' ! . > , amed Greater New York fire deépart- oN E : HELIGOLAND. ment. Is "graft" accountable or the (a ' fact that our facilities for fichting 5 ; ! y fire have not kept pace with the hy rd i : Ww IRISH WHISKEY heights of our sky-se rapers ? A fifty: six storey skyscraper is in process of . 4 J amou construction, It shows that some , A 3 i. o Fal a 3 TE : 1 & ; ; ; vy i % ; As i of favor. * Shacktown . ~ Sufferers. J : 1 : i) : Purity. Py Byrn Bit en ® . 3 dest mute 1it f #0 } ko especi colony of ipsmigrants, wwddied od b. ; : 3 3 Eo Ra ay gether in Bast Toronto has met Ki E EN J recommended by the in tec unl and feterous Jpport Ey ba : fri 3 3 ; Medical Profession or thee. "Th, thouhtiol redder Ce . ; a 00u pecu pr ol Todt at SR lt | NES0uRt 41 13 BSS isar v ey on : 3 ¢ wy " ing og his and ilar ot ¥ yo ¥ ; a a DRYN ESS - when compared with out ra to bpatuge's pleas for relief from tha effects of constipation in atl its forms. a sk suapany that is keeping its 1d its 'expenses

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