~-- GREAT OVATION GIVEN, iTo the Victoffous 14th Regiment | Hockey Team, | . | Never belore has a hockey team been | the | 3 the | ation | where | HOA RRA ROR - RAZOR AND AurSuaric | i ---- -- { - i Island. ' ; } CASE WiS DISMISSED The board of health met yesterday | THE SALVATION ARMY AND | -- Offer of a Large Tract of when they arrived home today Over | jbett, through illness, Mr. King pre- | {| Toronto, March 3-The Salvption | sembled to give them welcome, Mavor Enourh Evidence to Convict] ™" occupied so much time and has been | Gananoque landlord be requested toi sche now under consideration. | full force and ns the players stepped Society | Medical Health Officer Bell reported 8 laid . by the Humane Society edic e ¥ porte the 'offer of a large tract of land in |ered to welcome the South Aira | { ots . ni , - | Etherington were authorized to issue | streets, the night of the heavy snow g In 1904 Alexander Sims was' ran]2ets, extended the congratulations | i ; : k we Theri Dr. Evans advised that the city ined by both sides, Wallace Theriault, k courts the company, to-day, agreed |team was because they were a | main witness for the prosecution. She | out. The board didn't like the idea of oh team will have the hearty co-opera- city "a it bated in Quebec province and anecil- hungry as it ate ravenously out of [and the city should have control of a neat little speech, thankiag the peo- courts cansists of stocks valued at ¥ i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1908. or ' - : i THES P.M.EDITION {Asks City Council to Lease Cedar | jafternoos. In attendance were Dr. | " ITS IMMIGRANTS {given such a reception as was tender: | Knight, Dr. Etherington, Dr. Evans. | . po De ern se - | champions of the semior U.H A. series, i An | the absened "of Chairman S. 8. Cor-| | THERIAULT HORSE SUBJECT | absene RIB " Land in Quebec--Agreed to ag 2 hundred people met them at ' TO DEBATE. [ vided). Sl : ; Consent Verdict--Big Estate | Outer G.T.R. station, and when City Commissioner Gordon reported | jover two thousand people were as ' limits ir : MO he same as las i ' ! House Some Time Ago--Not|!!Wils in the harbor the same as la *{ Army is preparing to carry on ani Ross, nearly every member of the city | |" 4. C. Waggoner, tailor, complained |0ctive imunigration campaign with tne | council, and the officers of the 14th | the Owner. about a portion of his store being un- { OPeRIRg of the Soining REnAOn. rolvi lay T The celebrated horse .case that has | savitary. The board ordered that the | tically every province will be involved | players. The lith band was put mn ? 4 a ftend 10. the tter, and also to|Commissioner Coombs is leaving for {off the train the musicians plaved the | Jo was argued at atten C4 EL ToAL(SF, BNC. A180 JO the old country to-night to interview | Regimental march, The cheering and | : > e 2 i int | tario tori . : this morning. The complaint |tario factories act ters. He said the army had received | and reminded one of the crowd gath- | was ; y inst Wallace Theriault, for ill- | that during Febrparv there were twen- oh 4 y ] nating a horse. The animal was at- | ty-onc cases of scarlet fever, two of {Quebec for colonization purposes, but | war horses. The players were taken] g a owing to the extent of the schemes|in tabs to the Ontario hall, I and Barr TH fical health officer and Dr { at the corner of Union ie he medion a ol their 'way 10 it. Mayor Ross, on bebalf of the citi 3 storm. T. J. Rigney, appeared fora circular letter to the people, de " Hh a J ; do ¥ alke: | scribing what the health aet required [over by a Grand Trank train, at the [and good wishes of the city to the | the defendant, and J. B, Walkem, for g wha ¢ a Bloor street crossing, and lost a leg. | Players in their howr of triumph. He | ro witmes v p: - | household, ; A great many witnesses were exam » > case had heen heard jn a couple of took such an "interest in the lith | was the first witness called. He sta- council he asked to get the lease of : Ni team and all 5. 'As Sil i tod that he owned the horse, and that | Cedar Island, which could be used as a 0 Judgment, giving Suns the Profan As long as | shot. Miss Mildred Macmorine was the | cases, in case an opidemic ever broke aD oat valued at $360,566 was said Mayor Ross, "the | . t 2 : : 1 tion. of the people." stated that she the horse fall and | using the island for smallpox, ete. . ) ! i : inp a ay o ad it a but decided to ask the council to se-! January 17th last. The will was pro- After the mayor concluded his reo oor condition and' seemed very [that the present lease had expired. [lary probate for the Ontario portion for "Eddie" Hisegek, "Eddie" made : was applied for in Toronto to-day. le Lor the : > . } r eir enthusiastic - rece tior » garbage barrel the sleigh. | the island. ion. of u oo Ption, Relph Aden, H.C. Nickle, Dr, Nichoi| Dr. Etherington wanted to knowin the jurisdiction of the Oniarig ond for their help all through the ] } . : 4 » : : {and stated that this was the happic Mr. Walke 1 told of seeing the | purposes only was being sold for do- $102,715. The entire estate is left to e happicst Ir. Walkem and told of seeing he | | near relatives, all of whom reside in Moment = a { ed the victorious 14th Regiment team, | { John Lemmon and Francis King. In! i | Goes to Near Relations | suburban arrived at the inner st The Animal Fell Near the Court | that be had laid out the ice-cutting| ' Prac. | Regiment were there to welcome the | e gis- | make the building comply with the On-|t i : soit the police magis- | make the b R compl General Booth on immigration mat- | shouting could be heard for blocks, | ofl | diphtheria. and » of typhoid fever. 4 tached to a garbage waggon and fell | diphtheria. and one of typho! already, in hand they had not seen | Speeches were given. SC when there was scarlet fever in a 4 the Humane Society. e a He sued the company and after the stated that the reason the people | i it w it esort or HK ntagious dis- . kept out of | three days after thy animal fell it was | health resor r. for contag An catale the game," in Tht Lawrie, late of ¢bec, who died on In her opinion the horse was in very | cute a lease of it. Dr. Fyvans said marks the large crowd began ealling The portion of we estate falling with- and Robert Wilson were called by | who could tell if ice out for cooling Seaton. Major Cunningham followed, in of his life. "We . 'showed Stratford last year that we were good losers," said Major Cunningham, "and this year we have shown them that we are good winners, Wo told Strat. ford last year, after we congratulated them on their victory, to look out for us next year, and now we tell them to Jook out for us in 1909. We have the best team in the 0.H.A., and also the cleanest team. We went into this to play good heckey and if the cham pionship came well and good; we were | going to win it by playing a clean | game, | George Richardson, the hero of the game, was forced to say a few {words to the assemblage. He thanked {the people for their kind reception Messrs. Spangenberg and Waldron, | He stated that the boys were confi visiting governors daring the month dent of winning the championship. of February, reported that they had! "We defeated Stratford here and we made an inspection of the in-|{told them before they left that stitution, and found it in a most ' satislactory condition, During the month of February, 114 patients were treated. { wished to inform the people that Messrs. E. T. Steacy and T, F. Har: | black cat had come back with rison were appointed visiting gover- | team nors for the mouth of March. * Such a reception as was given team to-day is a good thing for LIVE STOCK MARKETS. city and a far better thing for the The Prices Paid at the Various team. It shows the players that the i Centres. Montreal, N mestic purposes as well. It was de- cided a De. Etherington to confer with the city solicitor as to the best method to be adopted whereby the people would be assured that the ice they were buving was cut in the proper limits, and was not ice to be used for general cooling purposes only. horse down, aml of getting it on its feet. All stated that the animal's feet were badly balled with the snow, and this would make it very hard for the horse to get on its feet. It was also brought out that the horse was foundered, and this would make it very stiff in front, and hard for the animal to get on its feet, although it would not hurt its working qualities any. Frederick Van Order, motorman on the street railway, was the first wit ness called by the defence. He was driving a car on the night in ques | { tion. When he arrived at the corner {of Union and Barrie streets the horse was lying across the track. He said the horse's feet were badly balled. To Mr. Walkem, witness stated that he put the horse's feet in front of him to aid him in getting up. This helped] any horse to arise, whether he was son, Prof. Ferguson, Keeney, Mitchell, sound or unsound. Witness said he K. Laird Sr., together with Revs, R. did not think the horse was in very ob, Craig, A. Laird, A. McUouald and had shape, aid that 4 iy 2 Sommuwn Dr. Rycsman, corresponding members. ng Ol a Orse oO a no when ., 'S PuNUS. unw e . ay trying to get up, and Sart a : hats iy Hen a Yori; 4 ? was practically sure to do it when his Bp sbrect ot Sener ; p feet ras balled with snow. Prof. Me- wp CIF special Meeiins Jouday, the Phail, E. C. Mitchell, James Mitchell congregation of Macdonald "Corners, fuck James Rn ep called and ete., was accepted with suitable re OK mostly le same story. . No : i, - Witlm."Campl: vhs ch Bac od I Nachvial vas" ar horse to Theriault was the next wit cy. Also attention was called to 1ne dean sulled, ang Stated Shas the horse proposal that Stirling be a distinet . AW One land separate congregation from West foundered worse. He staterl that hel or : i saw the animal three or four days be- Juntingtan, Ju view Do his he ' po fore the necitlent and that it was in radiririlntion of the a sartione good working condition. He had of- f iv Lioining . © ti d ten seen the animal fall back in the eo ng mongTwe Jom, anc stable when trying to get up, and ppt Ie i ne ha gy a is that this was due to its being founder- -- . § me uct * i on ed. . ¥ i pone Bling ae a Wi al apmstor Arnie was suiuanod ond and endeavor to make an arrange ment satisfactory to all parties, New Spring Corsets Our New Corsets for Spring, 1908, are now HOSPITAL GOVERNORS, Regular Meeting Held on Monday Afternoon, The regular monthly meeting _ of | the Loard of governors of the King- ston General Hospital, was held on Monday afternoon, at four o leek. Present : Dr. Duff, chairman: Prof. Marshall, J. A, Miones, Dr, Sparks, T. F. Harrison, Col, Massie, Rev. D. Laing, R. Waldron, F, Spangenberg. The tender of Dr. A. P. Chown, for the supply of drugs for one year, be- ing the lowest, was accepted. KINGSTON PRESBYTERY. The Business at Tuesday Morn- ing's Session. The Kingston presbytery again at ten o clock, on motning, in Chalmers church. Besides the moderator and, clerk, there were present; Kevs. Messrs. Gra- Prof. Jordan, Dr. Mackie, Gan- dier, Binnie, Smith, Drumm, Laid- daw, Shearer, Currie, Maclavish, KR. Laird, ur., McUonnell, Stuart, Robia- convened ff , 'Tuesday ready and women planning for a New Spring 'Suit, and desire the approved poise of figure should see the new designs. "eet, $ we would defeat them on their own ice, $ and we did so." Yr In closing, Mavor Ross said that he | enc oO e the the the the Not unscrewed or tak to itso gf i a pleasure instead an The Complete Outfit, $5 people are with them all through. The arch 2.~About 1,400 14th team has been given excellent support this year, and it is to be! 3 | head of butchers' cattle, 70 calves, 161 | hoped that next year the boys will be! sheep and lambs and 1,862 fat hogs | 18 even better condition. were offered for sale at the Point St. At Stratford, the l4th's share of the Charles stockyards this 'forenoon, The | 8t¢ receipts was $215. oe stormy weather, together with the It is annopnced that the Kingston near approach of Lent, helped to make champions will not diay home apd slow trading and rather lower prices Lhome games with arsity Jor the | prevailed in some cases. 'Prime beeves doniinion amateur championship. Var-| sold. at Ge. to Bie. per lb; pretty com. sity are the challengers, and if they | good cattle, 4¢. to 43c., and the want a game they will have to come | » de. icy mon stock, 2{c. to die. per Ib. Calves to Kingston The 14th team willl vestigate the case by the magistrate. The presbytery spent some time «on sold at from ¥3 10 ¥6 each. Sheep meet them here. but are tired of tra- a sell at about Hic, and lambs at 6c. | p Interviews h velling, and will not go to Toronto He interviewed humerous men who sidering the remit from the general as Besides, the Toronto rink is too small saw the accident and did not think sembly, relating to standing it-| Per Ib, Good lots of fat hogs sold at | RAL that he could secure evidence enough too Attention _ og also iors a is the | about Sic. per Ib, | to conviet hi E i i : : . . Jive 1 him bie rg He jo 3d nav brine Segmentation committee's statement. . ' "| The remit from the assembly on the| ASKS FOR KISS, MUST RESIGN ten report of the facts and handed standing of. assist tor : them in. Mr. Walkem made a few church e % AEgIEtant hy oy mn remarks, becanse he did not see the dren courts, was reported on by a Committee, recommending .the full report, and Mr. Rigney did. These : ' reports are made hy all the policemen standing only to those called and in- . structed as assistants and sgyecessors when they are on such cases and' are kept by the department. Mr. Walkem seemed fo think that the humane of- ficer had no right to make out a re port Without first consultine him. Mer. Rigney stated that in justice to the officer who made the report, he must fay that be saw ike report, not through anyone telling him, but We- cause he knew they were always made and saw them in that way. His worship stated that there was not enough evidence to grant a con- viction, and dismissed the cage. These models produce the long, slender, graceful lines, that by present dress styles. that you must throw for a senior championship game ------ Toronto Comnients. Toronto World: The most wonder- ful player on the ice was Hiscock, in goal. He figuratively had horse shoes strung around his neck, the goal posts and on the nets; he nipped wicked shots with bis hands, feet, and, in fact, anything he coul and even at the vost crucial period, when the Indians swarmed around his citadel like a bunch of hornets after their nest had been "disturbeg, he handled himself "with compady case awi{ easily stopped fifteen or twenty shots to Maglaven's one. (Hiscock js a stag Prices : $1.00, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 FOR SALE BY 'Spangenberg, Jeweller Pastor's Joking Request Makes Him Serious Trouble. Syracuse, N.Y., March 3.--Rev. E. Warren Saphoe, rector of All Saints' Episcopal church, has been forced to resign 'his charge. His offence con- sists of asking Miss Viola Hays, aged sixteen, for a kiss. The girl's parents took up the mat ter, and though the pastor savs he was only joking with the girl, aud simply asked her if she wus in the habit of kissing her escorts, and it is| of stellar magnitude, and it was he expected that the trouble will div ule | who virtually won the cup ior the sol- the church. The resignation is in the |diers. Vanhorn, at point, was a stone | hands of the vestry, and has not been | wall. He broke up all combination | necepted, the Indians attempted, and was prob- | ably the most effective player, out side of Hiscock. Richardson was the best man on the forward line, either | assisting in or scoring almost every | counter. Toronto Globe : The success of the 14th Regiment team, of Kingston, in the senior series of the Outario Hoc- key Association is the reward of | merit, and there will be general con- | 1 use, Crompton Corsets 75¢, $1.00, 50¢, 1.25. D. & A. Corsets 50¢ to $2.00. Comfort Corsets $1.00, Special, FOR THE Y.M.C.A. FUND, The Latest Returns Place Amount at $3,133.84. The board of directors of the Y.M. C.A. met, on Monday night, for the first time since 'the recent election of officers. The president, Pr. W. G. Ang- lin, presided. The encouraging an- nountement was made that the re- turns up to Monday night, in the cam- paign, had reached £3,133.84. This amount will be practically the full re- turns. The directors met at 6.30 o'clock, and enjoved tea together, and nearly all the members were present. It is the intention of the directors to meet in this way at all the regular meetings of the board. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, e Bride Of A Japanese. New York, March 2.--Dcrothy Rus sell has astounded her friends by Le- coming the wile of Acha Mura, a wealthy = Japanese merchant. She is the daughter of Lillian Russell, the singer and actress, Her father was "Teddy" * Solomon, from whom Lil- "The Famous 13-Bladed Ever . Ready Dollar Safety Razor The biggest value the wirld ever saw Loshavy you best of ail Safety Razors A means $3 Kind, and it goes wilh TT prio sorts without saying. ONLY W. A. Mitchell, The Home of Satety Razors. CALLED TO KINGSTON. May Become Pastor Street Church. Rev. 8B. BSellery, pastor of Wall Street church, Brockville, has receiv- ed a cordial and wnanimous invita: of Queen a A Lone Man's Work. I en ¥ Aaverdt has reason to "with pride to J, J, Harpell, : the David who went out to against the life issurance Go- tion to the pastorate of Queen Street Methodist church, to take effect in June, 1909, ------------ A Little Surprise. A jolly time was spent last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Leach, 06 Charles street, where about thirty. of Miss Hilda's young friends dropped in to give her a little sur prise. The programme of the eveni was games, music, elc., many vocal selections being rondered. Refresh ments were served at midnight and the affair came to a close at two o'dlock, all having had a very pleasant time. Ex-Kingstonian Dead. Word wag received in the city, to day, of the death at Caledonia, North Dakota, of Thomas Garry. a former i Myr. Garry passed away on February 20th. He was much ve spected, and his friends will be sorry to learn of his death. One son, Thom- as Garry, lives at Caledonia, The Cup's Giver. item in the sporting column, A MN . The It js mot professor, but hi ih given the trophy, sions in Peterboro mext week. kippered grocery. Chick The adjourned meeti tion of officers the Empire, was held on Monday, and resulted as follows : Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up sv Reporters On Their Rounds. Mothers, see our special $2.30 hoys' suits. Livingston's. Anyone might have known that. sol- diers are good shots. Mr. Pense will speak at Lenten miy- ¥ y ihe Thirty-five boys' suits left, worth $1 to ¥7, for $2.50, Livingston's. iam Swaine, piano tuner, .| received at MeAuley's. "Phone 778. Six tins sardines. 25c.; three tins herrings, We. at Mullins H. Cunningham, piano tuner from 's. Leave orders at Mo tore. ie, visiting her parents, W. Allen, EY street, uley's x r. and' Mrs. left for Ottawa yesterday. Officers Chosen. for the elec- of the Daughters of E. T. t, Mrs, T.0 Taylor; dst 's Whig, showidia, J.B, Carrathers, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mrs James €ap- pon, Mrs. Edward Ryan, Mist Ger trode Strange and Miss Helen Kirk patrick, ¥ : lian Russell obtained a divore: when she learned that he had another wife living in England. Dorothy is twen- tyyfwo years old, $he ran away from a Convent to elope. with Abbot Lewis Finstein, from whom she obtained a divorce in 1905, In, April of last year Mise Dorothy annbunced her engage- ment to Amold Rothstein, a book- maker, whose heart sho won while playing in "A Gentle Jag," at a 'benefit Rockwood Carnival. The carnival "at Rockwood, last night, was a huge success. There were about one hundred skaters and fifty spectators. The Rockwood band was in attendance. 'The prizes were awarded to Mr. Buck, as "Lord. of " and to:Miss Christley, as Gal" ' Ald. Carson i not pleased way the city 'council knocked out his poultry by-law, last evening. He claims that it is in the interests of the people, and should have been adopt od. . Mayor Ross supports the conten tion of Ald. Carson, The house of Danial Burt, NDP. Beant, St. George, (mt. has been lly destroyed by fire with all the contents. The fire. started jn an out: house, and is thought to have Leen : a an at the | térnoon. 1kive, and they bpve the gratulations for the Limestone City] club on the result that takes there! the first senior championship won by a city team, though the hopbrs were frequently enough appropriated by sevelis from Queen's University in past seasons. The 14th were the run ners-up last winter to Stratford, aud ) . Hh. fo plc lost then by two goals. It must be gratifying to their spirit of determin- ation to find such a happy ending to their renewed effort Frey defeated their last year's conquerors both at home and abroad in this year's finals, and," though the majority was not large in either case, it was decisive enough of the superiority of the sol dier team. The Idol Of The Postoffice. | The members of the post office stall gave their comrade, "Eddie" Hiscock, the crack goal keeper of the 0, HA. champions, a great reception this wi- He was carried around the mail room on the shoulders of the stalwarts, beaded by "Joe" Kehoe. His picture pasted on a big piece of eardboard could be seen through the lobby wicket, Above his photograph was hung a silver medal, immediate ly below was a picture of a black cat and the inscription wes "Edward x Death Of Mrs. Joyner | The death occurred, at three o'clock on Teesdax worning, of Mrs Laura yer, widow of > the late Elijah oyner, at the family residency, on Euidn street. Deconsed, who was six ty-nine years of age, had been ill for four weeks. A grown-up family sur sympathy of a wide circle of Ja CLLCLPLERCLL00L 000000800000 00000000000008008 Two Splendid Bargains One Lot, all sizes, Ladies' Dongola Kid Blucher Cut Lace Boots. Very attractive style ; excellent quality of Kid ; would be good value at two-and-a- half ; will sell while they last : AT $2. 00. Another lot just as good quality, but not so well finished nor quite as good style, but splendid leathers and good wearers ONLY $1.50. Che Toockett Shoe Store. Large stock Trunks and Valises, : : ------.,. °