Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Mar 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1908. PEOGE THREE. Double Cash | - Coupons All This Week EEEEEEEEEESS | night, { Everyone is thinking or beginning to think of their Spridg and Summer Sewing, and in order to encourage early shop- ping we will offer all next week, DOUBLE CASH COUPONS for all cash sales. This benefits both the cash shopper and us, Riving the former just double the discount for.cash pur- chases and us the use of the ready money, So come along ye wise ones and take advantage of this offer... All Spring Goods in now, s0 you run no risks buying materials. Come early and stay late. New White Waists This is the best time of year to buy White Waists, as all experienced shoppers know, before all the prettiest ones get picked up. Come and see our stock hefore buying and we feel confident you will go ne further than our store. NEW PLAIN TAILORED SHIRT WAISTS, White Lawn, Linen, wide or narrow tucks, long sleeves, $1.75, $2, $2.25. DAINTY LINGERIE WAISTS, fine Pin Tucks, French Val Lace and Insertion, beautiful Embroidered Fronts, Three- Guarter Sleeves, Back Fastening, Very. sheer and fine, for $3, $3.50, $4, $4.25. PLAINER WHITE WAISTS, at $1, $1.25 $1.65, $1.75, 91.85, go. Be Sure to Ask for Cash Coupons. or $1.35, $1.50, Crumley Bros. ForM~TRAINING CORSET For Stour WOMEN You will be Stylish if you wear this Superior Model--"The Corset without a Rival", sold in all good stores through- out Canada. No stout woman has ever yet reduced her sb- domen with comfort and perfect safety, by the use of any corset except the "D & A" Ne. 575. his impossible to accomplish similar results by any other method--there is no substitute for this Renowned D & A Form Training Corset Style $75, Price: $3.50 YOMINION CY CORSET Co., Manulacturers, Quebec, Montreal, Toronto MEN ONLY. Regular $5.00 ow w , Zit - $4.00. The 20th Century Policy issued " the Canada Life jAssurance Company fits into any case requiring life Before placing your insurance correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. "AGENTS WANTED -----Apply--Ofiice, 18 Market Hingeton Ont. ens Foss Packard Patent Colt, " Blucher. cut, natty lasts, Men's Gun Metal, Velour Calf Blucher Cat, all sizes and natty lasts. Reid & d & Charles, 111 Princess St. Succes- sors to D. J. McDermott, Ss. J. O. HUTTON, Manager, HUMAN REMAINS FOUND ON TH THE EXPRESS REACHING TORONTO. Thought to Be Those of Frederick Chinn of Maple--Likely That Grant Will Be Made. Toronto, March 4 ~The human re- mains, sticking between the baggage and wail car of the North Bay ex- which arrived in Toronto, last are believed to be those of Frederick Chinn, a laborer, who lived near Maple. According to informa- | tion received, ghe agent at Maple, last press, | evening, refused Chinn's request for a {ticket to King, arted to walk whereupon © Chins to King along the way tracks, Great banks of snow | arq piled on either side of the track, ay it is thought that Chinn was un- | able to "get out of the way of the | express and consequently was run down and eut to pieces. Chinn was about fifty years old, and without re- latives in Canada. A deputation representing the Cana- dian Olympic committee, 'waited upon Hon. Mr. Matheson, pProvise ial trea- surer, this morning, asking for a grant of 35,000 towards the fund to send amateur athletes to the Olympic games in England this year. It was pointed out that the dominion had already promised $15,900, but sineé the gost competing athletes would come from Ontario, it was advisable for this province to contribute some- thing. The provincial treasurer seem- ed favorably disposed towards the proposition Upon a charge Wilson appeared of bigamy Charles before the police magistrate, this morning, In 1902 un- der the name of Robinson, Wilson married a girl named Minns, who af- terwards left him and went to Cleve land, Wilson in 1906 married -Lena Ashton and the couple have been liv- ing at 141 Dovercourt Road. The se- cond wife, becoming suspicious, went to the police with the result that Wilsdn was arrested, The man has children by both .- The case was remanded for a week. The Ontario executive of the Domin- ion Trades Congress waited upon the members of the cabinet, this morning, and asked that the government bring forward legislation to provide for centre in open sireeq cars, and air brakes on all cars. It wag urged also that the government appoint a special officer to that the fair wage clause in public contracts was carried out. The deputation said fur ther that the payment of bonuses to immigration agents should cease. Pre- mier Whitney said the suggestions would receive every consideration. Premier Whitney, this morning, met a deputation, headed by Mayor Cur- ran, Orillia, which asked that the government guarantee the bonds of an extension of the James Bay road from a point on the present line toa point on Georgian Bay, between Cold- water and Midland. The distance of the proposed road is about thirty: five wives aisles see -§ miles, The proceedings taken hefore "the master-in-<chambers to unseat Con- trollers Hocken, Harrison and Spence, have failed. They were taken by George Milligan, a cigar manufactur. er, acting, supposedly, on behalf of the hotel interests of the city. The grotinds for the motion to unseat were that the respondents did not file the statutory declaration required by the municpal act amd that they had not the necessary property qualifica- tions. The master gave jndgment against both contentions and the con- trollers hold their seats. STARTLING CHARGE THIS. Railways Accused -of Robbing People of $70,000,000. Washington, D.C March 4.--The startling charge that the railroads of the country carrying mails had rob- bed the people out of $70,000,000, was made in the louse of Representatives by Mr. Lloyd, of Missouri, to-day. He déclared that the new svetem of weigh- ing mails was an admission of the postmaster-general that the weighing in, the past twenty-seven years had been fraudulent. He called for an in vestigation of the post office depart- ment, and Mr. Wanger, of Pennsyl vania, chairman of the committee to control the expenditures of that de- partment, promised, that an enquiry would be conducted. 75,000 Starved To Death. Berlin, March' 4.--Apart from losses sustained in fighting and disease, the recent German campaign in East Africa caused the deaths of 75,000 natives from starvation. This statement was made by Colonial $ecre- tary Dernburg in the course of the de. bate on the colonial budget in the reichstag. He explained that the troops were compelled to seize all sup- plies, either to feed the soldiers or weaken the enemy, with the result that 75,000 natives starved to Jeatn, the by : Placards Tora Dewn. Barcelona, March 4. --Flacards posi - throughout Barcelona rll it t an attempt would be made upon the life of Kin Alfonso on the - a- sion of the kidg's approaching visit to this city on March 12th were torn down and destroyed, to-day, ny the police, Two Anarchists Arrested, Chicago, March 1.--Charles Yanin« tid, sixty-five years old, and William Stadiweser, forty-five years of age, alleged anarchists, were arrested to duy in comnection with the attempt- od assassination of Chief Shippy. Poisons" By A Pencil. Wilkesbarre, Pa., March 1.--Poison- od by an indelible lend pencil which she place] tween her lips thousands of times duily, Miss Mayme Shales, of Plainsville, is so low that physicians sav sho will not recover. She was wlerk in a laundry, and her duty was 10 mark laundry as it came in with peneill, oc, Miss Moa: Campbell, whe ho ha g go ts Teint 10. Roch we, Hmusements. (aRann)opERA WouSE ) -- TO-NIGHT. Rah-Rah Rah--You Smile--You g n 4 a You Roar. Haugh "JUST ¥ COLLEGE" By GEORGE ADE. Author of * "The Coll py dow': oge Prices--25¢ 8 Beals mow on sale. THURSDAY, MARCH 5th. The New Kilroy-Eritton with a Musical Figvoring. "The Candy Kid" With RAY RAYMOND and 30 others; Big Scenic Show: - Big Musical His. The Bom-Bon Girl's Chorus. Spal 16.25-35.50 "Hn Beats now om sol March $ith-- "Hearictta BIJOU To-day and T hursday we present to our patrons the romantic and tragic melo drama IN 13 ACTS "THE GYPSY'S ~~ BETROTHAL" ACT 1 ne Party ACT @ in the ACT 3 3) t Fis ACT 4. The Hunter's from the Queen ACT 5. The Gypsy ACT Hunters in Pursuit, ACT Hero Wounded ACT Nurse by the Gypsy Queen. AUT 9. The Growth of Love, ACT 10. The Gypsy Dance, I I 1 Melodrama Crosman,' Wo ous. st Sight. Cammy A gift Horse Thief, ACT 11k The Bethrothal. ACT 12. The Horse-thiel's Revenge, Ad 13. Pupishiment, 2 ILLUSTRATED SONGS--2 win "AS LONG AS THE WORLD ROLLS ON," hy John Kohert Davis, "SHE IS MY GIRL, Vira Holden, ~=5 CENTS--- ONDERLAND THE HOUSE OF HITS: Refined Vaudeville and Life Moving Pictures. The best light and clearest pPestires in the city Programme WE DN ESDAY DAY be presented at esol performance stingy sung by and THURS. Two big reels, the best Money ca a sokid one-half hour performance "A MODERN DON JUAN." Girls, did you ever wake such a take 7? A flirtation that resulied bad way for the heart SHOWMAN'S TREASURE." gredtest flea on earths A doy at ey Asloapd, "PA TAKES UP PHYSICAL CULTURE." With Bad Results «ADVENTURES OF A COUNTRY- MAN." Yosing all hd n buy mis in A good comedy, pogpesnes even to wearing appare 'DISCHARGING THE MAID." Troubles of housekeeping without a servant Th Come troubles one-half whord comedies, Thursday, your enjoy a good » all and and hour laugh Song LIKE THE FAIREST J THE ROSIE, RE FLOWER THEO. EK, YOU Manager. LIBERAL WARD MEETINGS | Subdivisions will meet for the election of Chairmen at the Re- form Rooms, Golden Lion Block, as follows :-- On Wednesday Evening, March 4th, at 8 o Nos. 1 and 2 Sydenhani Ward. Nos. 3 and 4 Oxtarie Ward. Nos. 5 and 6 St. Lawrence Ward. Nos. 7, 8, 8 and 10 Cataragui Ward. Nos, 22, 23, 24 and 25 Victeria Ward. On Friday E March 6th, 3 14 and .15 t8 0 Nos. 11, 18,13, Frontemac Nos. 16, 17, 3s 19, 20 and. 21 Rideau Ward, ALD MOWAT, J. President on Reform. sociation, et ee ee HOCKEY MATCH CITY CHAMPIONSHIP. O.H.A. Champions vs. Queen's FRIDAY, MARCH 6th. Gamve called at 8.15. seats, ae apd S0e, ¥ ih Baud fo = Jor a of seats on March orders : The eopie CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Firet Wmsertion 1c. a word. Eack tos secutive insertion thereafter Ralf cent aw Mision charge for ome ine servion, 356. HELP WANTED--MALE. OR 18, YOR DRY John Laidlaw & OF 16 Business. YOUTH Goods Son. HELP WANTED-FEMALE, A : I K A Goon ofl COMPETENT Apply 207 AFPLY MRS, HIRAM King street KITCHEN WOMAN Willinm streets APPLY AT 44 MAINE 6 and 8 pan TAILORESSES street, between TEACHER, FOR S.S. NO. town. State salary and tions, Sed testimonials CGaitskil Seev., ns fica Wo qual ta Bay Coll SITUATIONS VACANT, TO LEARN AND WOMEN and Spadina, Toronto SITUATIONS WANTED. COOK. OF ON BOAT himselt useful uptil Address Box "A AS TAT! 108 AS willing to make time of sailing Whig oflice. \ ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, etc. Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone, 345s PLAIN A JOB CLBAKING ASHES oie OF] DARRIAGES, 4, ERNEST. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. chanl's Bank Butlving, and Wellington street WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT; OF. ce, second floor over Mahood's Dru store, corser Princess and EN atrance on Bagot street, | street "Phone, BOATS Block boats on Launches, specialty ENS COWARD'S BOAT FACTORY House, Kingston has nine hund for ' Kingstonias Speed Boais and Hacers a Prices right,™ pay- eaky cal} or write. LIKELY TO BE SETTLED. missed. Montreal March 4 that the strike of the ton operatives of the Hochelaga cot Dominion Tex- tile company will be settled this after and that the mills will he morrow morning. The only way this can he by the who noon, in op eration again to T strikers sav the brought Foreman Ve having the operatives change the important consideration and will be insisted upon if the foreman is put out. There was no sympathetic of the St. Henri operatives, to-day, but is is claimed that if the ey is not over to-morrow they will go about is dismissal of nne, accused is himself objectionable t¢ The demand for a of worl made mn WTS is not Thé Dreadful Editors. Hamilton, Ont, March 4.--When J« seph Scanton appeared in the police court, this morning, to answer to the charge of obtaining $30 by false pre tences from his old mother, sides in Guelph, his lawyer protested that on account of the papers presented of the client had not been able to secure bail. He thought that the papers took too many liberties with cases before they were tried, The magis trate and intimated that a couple months on hail would make editors , mor earefal Scanton was remanded, the complain ant being too ill to appear who' re having one side case, his agresd of some A Busy Cheque Forger. Hamilton, Ont., March 4 --A cheque forger tried to defraud the Bank of Hamilton out of $296.70 by presenting for payment a cheque for that amount son & Co, of the Hotel Roval. suspicions of the ledger keeper aroused and while away comparing the signatures man fled. Just about that time were arvived at the bank and announced that the signature was a forgery. The cheque was" made payable to W. Ryan Probate Of A Will, Detroit, Mich., March 4.--The will of Mrs. Delmia Desmarias, written in French and retained in a notary's of. fice, in Montreal, has been admitted to probate hy Judge Murphy, in the bwity circuit court here. Mrs, Ihscparias died in Detroit, in 1907, Her will, which was * made in Montreal, be gueathed the estate to Yor daughter, Mrs. Zoe Larose, who pelitioped for probate under the Quebec law, The will cannot be brought to the United States; but probate was allowed on a translated and certified copy. Killam"s Successor, Ottawa, March 4.--Speculation as to the man to succeed Judge Killam, as ebaieman of the railway commission, heads mostly to G. F. Sheapley. KC; F. H. Chrysler, whe will probably net accept the exchequer ¢ourt® judgeship, and' J. 8. PBwart, KC, Ottawa. 4 courde, the commission will alsa be enlarged and remodelled to seit more dern conditions. The annnul meeting of the Koval Military College club of Canada, will take place March 7th, at the Rusadl House, 'Ottawa. 'ihe annual oinner will be held in the 'eveming.' Lieut. Col. Tayler wil attend. Sewing corner Brock | 'Phone, na, | BUSINESS CHANCES. Will Go Back If Foreman is Dis- | It is wipetton | « 1 4 S Forum. FOR SALE, SEWING DONE ANY kind. Cail or write to pn 834 King street, over Arn oF Cayiess, strong's. or othet carted. PN ricen right. ApP A Aiytle, General Carter, 35 JENTLENEN TO DRING THEIR Overcoats and have them pressed and also get os" Bew yeivet collar po, it makes like new. Prices ght, Galloway, [The Tailor, . 131 Brock St., peat ta Bibby's livery. WAGGONS, FURNI- ture, or any article for stor age, by the month, year, or any way required. For further information, aphly wa og Carriage Works, Princess St. 'I'hone, + You) LOST. WATCH WITH CLOSED inftéals "A JS n 4 t please rm to receive reward. Whig oftice INITIALS 1.7 and Co to wu rm to Whig , WITH between Queen's College Rink, Bagot Sts AinMiy retu elice. or alon Finder -------------------------------- MORNING A inder kiwadiy WEDNESDAY green ledtbher hand hag i > to 195 1 St Finder kindly leave ami receive reward. MONEY AND BUSINESS. DUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF! SIX BUILDING LOTS FROM $25 UP; DWELLINGS BRICK A FURNISHED HOUSE, 20 St. Home th N FOO SHOW AT Mediey's Drug Stor CASE, Mo Cannes Heal Estate O02 Brock wlrenly fice, Bi VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Double house, on Johnson street, the property of the late Joseph Jasmdes 0n, NOW used as a dwel ing snd = umber's sbop Apply 19 Messrs; alkem & Walkem. YDENHAM SOLID BRICK tension Kitchen, 6 bed rooms, hot water heativg Recently renovate ed throughom Fe 1st Wt Also § A We Cunniy TO-LET, STORES, OFFICES, Storage, etcy McCann's, 81 Rr HOUSE 807, opposite, Vig on, Ist May. ON ALFRED rin Fark Apply 50 9 ALFRED w nh to 6 butiding ard contents them any other | COLD Pal. offers. Examine them at) Goodwin's Insurance Buporium, Mark- ot Square. LONDON AND Company, LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance pesets $01,187,215 In addition which the policyholders bave security the unlimited liability of all | the stockholders. Farm and city pro-| perty josured at lowest rates. Before renewing old or giving pew husiness get rates from Strang & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568. Available to | tor | BUSINESS CARDS. J. BIRCH ELECTRICIAN, 179 Wa St est mates furmish re ym 2006 Wel te ly attended wo i MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, $2 Clarence St. 2 A ATATATATAT AT ATA TAT ACA SAGARA 4NS Couper's Pure Baking Powder y 4 USED IN FANCY CAKES » nd ® third the eggs @ » Saves No waste of material one not | strike | | effect for purported to be signed by BR. R. Simp- | The | this official was | the! the | bookkeeper for R. R. Simpson & Co. 1 Thi Yarker hockey team played an ex Cross Drag Store, oysters 3c. quart, during wason, at Cammoveky's; | labor. All mistakes are and gives most satis- » results » " Biseuit," makes them -% and when eaten W 4 hot will not ss upon ® 4 a weak stowmach % 'Phone, 76, or send your mext » 4 Baking Fowder order to 4D, Couper, ; : % «4 factory " =) Usexl in ght and sweet produce distr in Pure Food Groceries 841-83 Princegs St If CURED THE DOCTOR. New Scientific Dardruff Treatment Recommended By a Physirian Mrs. Mary ( wid, Onkesd Wash Herpi ide curs of dandruff "aud falling Dh : M.: Yi and falling ha fied with AE. R San Fram growth cide does more Herpicide ki Pestroy the « ~eUres nts Craw d me perfectly Kelly, 2 195 Ik Herpicide § my 1} i than i the ause, dandruli, baldness adero street it a vew hair Herp ol on ruff germ the g hair and preve ki by lead mg druggist in stamps sample tc he Herpicide v., Dh trot, Ww. dar you re fa 1 Hs Go A Late Hockey Match, Yprker, March 3. «(To the Editor) of hock February eultin 4 to 4. There mistake in according to a report Newly But the d was final at Newburgh Mh, re citing on Sntnrday in pears game break ap | the the an even to have been a count, game at of the refores he dispated fet it Yarker had a full lie burgh arena. But appear to have been themselves, and to give fighting chance. they, of course not allowed to plav. Also, that Newburgh team played imparted on the ice at Yarker; and we tv, had the privilege to do likewi the return game. This, however, not granted; rather than return with out a struggle, our team lined ap vith six men. It vet remains to be ve which is the better team " are itobing for the chance (oo play off the | series, which stands a tie HOCKEY IST. and x known at the of our that New me he e-up oie ir a class Newhurgh s were the was At the Methodist on Thursday, Jolin and Mise Lavra Adrain, unites] In marriage Horehound candy; 0c. bali pound, parsonags Chapman, Forfar, strong kind. {he Rel the at Gibson g "Phone 200. The death occurred, Sunday of Mrs: Archibald C. Davidson; Halleck's section. She was ill about on "dus of pawumonia. Peruna, i of Lomi, aluays night | of for the king fresh. at Gihwou's Red Cra, Drug 'ot: Store. crop! ¥ ONTAR has KINGSTON way | Companies, adopted Ly the or srument sod pri neiple C Hotels, ete.) Canada. | chemicale, { fre, wil | Agents wanted, DAWSON & STALEY, Victor Talking Machines gun easy tuen | | ments. "EVER. READY SAFETY RAZOR sol New England Chinese Restaurant | bt 'Plate 10 get an all the city. Meals of all kinds on so } speciality. Wm. Hurray, Auctioneer PERSONAL. Rul HALLS possible | AIR mn Cm Py far Amal fore reputati HAVING Foun Being late for work often CAuUSeS a man or woman to lose their position. There is no excuse. If your watch does not keep the cor- yect time we will n aake it, Possibly there is some little thing out of order that will only take a few minutes to repair, or it may need to be cleaned and regulated. Bring your repairing bere. Our watchmakers are experts, having had long and thorough "Sxperidnce We Enaranted every watch we repair, Kitinaut &d Esterre Cor. Princess and Well. ington. AA The Phoenix Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher. Bodorsed by the Leading Fwswrance 8. Gov ties, ihroughout the U. always ready, conlains po id which do as munch damages as frotmg or clog. Price, $3.50. Railroads, 4 8. snd Is 1 ent R17 Princess St. Kingston. High Grade Pianos wt iv ing prices ny 12 Blades $1 complet quality : | guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. 331 King Street. Open from 10.80 am, 0.7 wm, ths round Loach 8 or ton ant dishes ® 655. > motics. Engiish Chigeosn "Phone. 27 BROCK ST.

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